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Class 360 edition
cor could go for some of that right about now
*informs the apus that shifty shellshock has died*
>Six ways to keep your home cool
>1. Let in cool air
thanks BBC really getting my money's worth
what are the other 5 ways?
i stopped reading right there. in fact #1 had more words, probably something like "1. Let in cool air and exhaust hot air". followed by paragraphs. perhaps it was incredibly useful guidance on air flow and the other five were helpful hints i never would have thought of. i could be in a comfy cool home right now.

but will i read more? no. you can do that yourself.
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I did it brit bro. I deleted my emma watson folder
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in fact this diagram is interesting. why two nearly identical living rooms? where do they sleep? how do they leave?
What the fuck Iad... l know this is 4chan but get ahold of yourself
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I did it for emma watson brit bro.
It's time for me to delete my emma watson folder.
Time for job and the chad life.
>get ahold of yourself
looks like he's already got that covered LOL
>you can do that yourself
too lazy desu
Brother had his drive scanned.
Lollers needs his drive scanned.
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Are you the wee lad from int and tv that keeps getting global bans on my 4g range, if so kys yourself
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Finally got around to getting Helldivers 2. Better be good de lids.
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based brit. timeto give up porn
what's the thought process 10 seconda fter you're done? Now you have to deal with a spunky laptop screen
Nice cock though ngl
classic that one lad. Brings me back
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Proud of you lad, small steps towards recovery
Look at how the demons try to pull you back in, that's how you know you are doing a good thing
Regret, shame, disgust. They are not fully in control when they do the act, they are consumed by their addiction
"have you taken something?"
"yeah i took a taxi to get here."

always cracks up the bizzies this one, gets you off.
Im so bored, nothinh going on in my life
imagine being a computer trying to draw

>computer mouses go on books/notepads
>computers have cords, i'll put a cord on the desk
i have just done a tarot reading and absolutely nothing will happen in your life.

in a way this makes you pretty unique. i hope there's solace in that. x
A cheeky joke always helps lighten the mood. When they ask me why I'm carrying a pocket knife I always say "For nosy police officers" and they kek and send me on my way
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doing a tesco delivery, trying to think of a bottle I can empty out and use to spray water for the summer
I want one with the two firing modes, so it comes out as a mist, can't think of any that have that feature
any ideas? normally I'd go to Wilko for this shit but they shut down here
Picking up my sprog from day care soon
sure start? more like poo-er fart.
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>I did it brit bro. I deleted my emma watson folder
>I did it for emma watson brit bro.
>Nice cock though ngl
how is jeremy kyle not in prison for murdering that bloke
i can buy 'golden jolt room odouriser' from the newsagents and that's part of gay culture (and the woman smirked at me but yes that's right it means i'm sexually active just not with you)
and yet we can't just walk into Boots and get a bottle of laudanum

the fuck is that about?
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Onto chapter 2 of how to win friends and influence people. This better get me a gf.
The book must be shit mate because i like you even less ever since you started talking about it
he's influencing you then, got to give him that
I'll post some SSM videos too lad.
Just ate some smoked salmon, love that stuff
If that were useful the book would've been called 'how to win friends OR influence people'.
nonce dogwhistle meal that
which would you choose?
Moved the fan from the bedroom to the living room, suns come around to the front now (west facing), got the oven on for fish and chips, i should do some peas, but can't be arsed (mental elf)
fannies famously smell of fish, it's a hetero meal for men into appropriately aged women.
if you can stick summat in the oven you can throw some peas in boiling water for a few minutes.

not accepting the mental health card on this one i will only accept physical disabilities.
Probably influence people. I don't have any friends and I'm happy that way.
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Yesterday was just right but now its too hot
where is ssm today? thought he would be in swanage
how can you be happy with no friends?
He's going Swanage tomorrow. Meeting up with one his fanboys apparently
hate getting called a nonce on britfeel
I have a wife and children that take up most of my spare time. Can't imagine wanting to spend the rest of it with others when that's my much needed 'me time'.
i met a youtuber in real life and he asked which of his videos i like and i said i didn't really like them

pure spaghetti spilling moment but in retrospect i think i won
dont be one then
you know they have a higher-than-average level of detecting noncery so it stings even more
can you control who you're attracted to?
incels get told to stop being bitter that they can't get laid: there's no entitlement to sex and all that.

so what was stopping gays back in the day from simply not acting on their urges? murder is taboo, people who want to murder probably shouldn't do it.
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>I have a wife and children
Cannot believe there are people who unironically like this weather. Complete shite, bring on autumn
oh he has children all right.
Can't wait for autumn, gonna go mushroom picking aren't I
pots got last weeks beans in it, they are rock hard and me mental elf is so in tatters i dont care. I just do what needed so i dont die.
i'm sat in the garden eating smoked salmon and drinking mimosas with my wife and kids.
Finally got around to watching Gattaca on DVD last night. Cracking film. Weird the only Blu-ray release it got in the UK was some gay HMV Premium edition and then the 4K. Not sure some of it would look as womfy not on DVD.
Also sick of eBay sellers selling me their Music Magpie refurbished bargain bin finds for 3x profit, I'd give the cunts bad feedback but not worth the hassle as long as they play and the discs are resurfaced anyway.
place some washing up liquid and water in the pot RIGHT NOW

then continue to leave it, but at least let it soak. look after your cookware, anon.
You need a drive scanning asap, nonce.
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why do incels hate the summer?
no i dont think he does
their boxrooms get too hot innit
Just put beans in a measuring jug, microwave the fuckers, pour the beans and rinse out the jug then it's easy to wash. Simple as. Haven't cooked beans in a pot in years, don't see the point.
Microsoft does this automatically now, COFFEE or whatever it's called

i think most nonces know they're nonces though, i don't get why chemical castration isn't available on the NHS (for adults with capacity)
24 Celsius in me bedroom rn and approaching 70 percent humidity. It's not very womfy. I do enjoy it when I'm outside however. Blackout curtains help a lot when relaxing inside.
they go out and see all the sexy ladys in more revealing clothing
this serves as a reminder that the sexy ladys will never be theirs
That hasn't been proven to work anyway. Can still abuse kids even if you're dickless.
microwave them in the tin. i don't believe all this malarkey about microwaving metal. the inside of my microwave is metal. it doesn't explode.
yeah but then you're doing it because you're evil rather than out of any biological drive. this is true of anything: people set stuff on fire even if there isn't a guy paying them to burn something.
You're implying child abusers aren't inherently evil and they are. If they weren't doing it for sex they'd be doing it for a laugh.
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Its not comfy
Its too hot
Its too loud
Its too bright
Normies everywhere going mental
I did it.

My cousellor txtd me that she hadn't heard from me, so i told her im on a downward cycle, have been for a while, it's how it is with the mental elf, i'm up for a few months then down for a few months or longer. Can't take anti depressants, i'll literally kill myself or other people so i just have to ride the down phase out as best i can
if they have those feelings but don't act on them i think that's noble
i've wanted to harm someone when i was angry but i didn't do it and that makes me both a coward and a good person
well done anon it's the little things

except now you've done a little thing so we expect more of you. clean that pot, cook some peas, and go to counselling. you're not just letting yourself down, you're letting everyone else down too.
>nonces are noble
gotta scan this lad's PC
over and out
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Because they look like this.
i'm referring to them in the third person that means i'm not one of them.

i have listened to three podcasts on true crime i think it's safe to say i know a fair bit about criminology.
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Really need to change the underwear. Getting a bit smelly in this weather.
i think it's a bit racist to describe a fruit drink as 'exotic'.

there are tons of people in Britain to whom mangoes are a fact of life. probably grew up with them.
I've watched three episodes of Grey's Anatomy doesn't mean I'm an expert in Sandra Oh's meat curtains.
this lad needs a hard drive scan
what is the point of those curtains
why does she look air bushed?
i have scanned everyone's hard drives

you all thought you were safe for not having illegal porn, but you know what else is illegal? downloading copyrighted films.
They're called "foils," and women love them even though they are useless. Mostly for decoration as they're fucking useless as curtains.
DVDlad has the upper hand again. Just when I thought he couldn't get more based.
maaate imagine curtains made of actual foil. they'd reflect light AND basically act as blackout curtains.

might conduct heat but i think it would be localised to the curtains themselves. i think. never listened to any podcasts on thermodynamics ;_;
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>i'm referring to them in the third person that means i'm not one of them.
I heard he just buys the empty cases cheap and burns the films himself
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23 years old is a brutal age to be balding.
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It's not illegal to download a film off the internet but it is a violation of copyright law without the copyright holder's permission.
if you purchase them from CeX none of the money goes to the original copyright holders. might as well just pirate and then throw a few quid down the drain.
If anything CEX are making money off stolen goods. At least internet piracy websites give you the copy for free.
sorry i meant i'm not one of us.

what is the correct age to begin balding?
Lovely day, went back to the elderly guy I do gardening work for every two weeks. Deadheaded the roses, weeded the front and picked all the blackcurrants off the bush. Just under 2 hours work, 25 quid. Get in.
No you utter mongs. They're see through curtains so you can see out but people outside can't see in (unless they're pressed right up against the window).
what if you meet the copyright holder in a pub and they said it was OK but they were drunk so they don't remember?
...and the Marigolds I put in a month ago are coming on strong.
keep seeing local pawn shop type places with posters 'WE DON'T BUY STOLEN GOODS'
how are you going to know if a necklace is stolen? some fuckin Elder Scrolls bullshite that
Aw mate I absolutely hate it when I'm half way through a film and the copyright holder changes her mind about giving me consent to watch the film.
Most men start balding in their early 30s.
windows should be made out of those two-way mirrors. blind all the fuckers trying to spy on you, while you spy on them.
I know what you mean mate. When you're really deep into that film. And I mean proper pounding that film with all your strength. Making that film beg for it. And the copyright holder says 'stop'. Fuming me. Every time.
Good luck trying that line in court de lad.
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Off to play the footie with welper.
DVDlad only buys sealed DVDs. He has stated before he goes up and down the aisles looking for DVDs with the wrapper still on them. He doesn't buy mucky second hand gear.
That's slander, lad. Careful. I hear he has the same legal team as OJ Simpson (he's a necromancer as well).
you can shrink wrap DVDs in cling film with a hair dryer. oldest trick in the book.
spat me horlicks out at this
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Titlad Predicts part 3 for de lads.

Netherlands Austria 2-2
France Poland 2-0
England Slovenia 3-0
Denmark Serbia 0-1
do octopuses live for ages like turtles?

is that octopus who predicted the football still making predictions, or did he retire/die?
You can always tell by the condition of the discs. Besides, it ain't worth it in this day and age for people to bother doing that excuse as a commodity they have zero value unless you're an autistic mentalist like DVDlad.
Selling Top Gear season 5 DVDs that aren't actually new, heist of the century that.
That octopus died years ago lad.

I don't know lad, I reckon if you're that far into the film you've got a right to finish deep inside that film as well. Consent given is consent lost if you ask me. Sadly I never watch films.
you can fix scratches in discs with olive oil. oldest trick in the book.
Good post, hope he's living okay.

That's a shame, was a good thing to see on the news that wasn't miserable.
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Hactually blding is related to karma not age or genes, bad actions = lose hair, most balds are thugs, nonces etc if you're just a normal sound type of guy that doesn't harm ppl you dont "lose your hair"(idiom meaning 2 GET ANGRY). Take few seconds think of all the slapheads you know irl and the ones same age with full hair still, it's always true.
haha guess he didn't see that one coming!
Ebin started balding in his early 20s
Bit of toothpaste fixes a disc right up
i like when balds go through an arc of getting super healthy, often some kind of gym -> martial arts -> self-discipline route.
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>he doesn't use a stable operating system named after toy story characters

I laugh every time someone complains about some terrible microsoft feature like copilot or the removal of local user accounts. There is no reason to use it.
good for spots too. oldest trick in the book.
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He's doing great, nothing like a bit of footie with the lads to cheer you up
every man with male pattern baldness starts balding at 0.
Ebin has full head of hair. Here is a picture he posted of himself on discord. He went full looksmaxxing at gym and has seen results.
Plus the inevitable cope beard kek
Windows-only software + a religious/medical reason for not using Wine
Real chads use debian.
Lmao these crack me up
This lad for sure needs a drive scanning.
Most software has good alternatives on Linux. Just use LibreOffice or Google Docs.
At what age did shippy starting balding?
Only party I will vote for is one that will deal with the old people leeching problem.
>AI teeth
Did ebin finally get a gf?
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Are my ears burning? Time for a classic update! Had a few more eBay arrivals since the last time. Don't worry, lads. I know all the tricks in the book. If somebody is resealing I only care if the disc is still scratched too fuck and the case is fucked. If they've gone to the effort of resurfacing and resealing a disc (which isn't likely but probably happens) then I sort of respect it.
Anyway, glad to have a copy of Run Lola Run and the disc is perfect too.
Still waiting on Rawhide: The Complete Series and the I Spit on Your Grave remake trilogy (uncut unlike the uk versions) coming from America.
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>DVDlad has the upper hand again. Just when I thought he couldn't get more based.
>Off to play the footie with welper.
>DVDlad only buys sealed DVDs. He has stated before he goes up and down the aisles looking for DVDs with the wrapper still on them. He doesn't buy mucky second hand gear.
>Ebin started balding in his early 20s
>He's doing great, nothing like a bit of footie with the lads to cheer you up
>Ebin has full head of hair. Here is a picture he posted of himself on discord. He went full looksmaxxing at gym and has seen results.
>At what age did shippy starting balding?
>Did ebin finally get a gf?
she died tragically
They turn the office air conditioning off at 5pm sharp but we've got to work later today to finish off a project. It's almost 30 outside and going to gradually get hotter in here now. Just want to go home.
I imagine this is what Lollers looks like
there is no good image editor. imagine THIS appearing in a work/school environment.
>Decide to switch to Linux
>Check out Linux mint as it's supposedly the simplest
>This fella pops up
Why are all Linux users disgusting? You really aren't helping convert people to Linux looking like this. To top it off he now looks like this
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Nasty tyrant this one. Chucks DJ's bike into a bush and breaks his camera.

amazed dj hasnt been filled in yet
>he doesnt enjoy personality drivel
90% of Linux users are hoarding CP
>90% of Linux users are hoarding CP
Sweeping statment with no proof whatsoever
How's the boxroom Ruthmong? Hope you got a fan in there to keep cool
wonder what ssm is up to on this fine tuesday
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Honestly he has a decent head of hair for a 40 year old, balding sure but it's not too bad
Normal lads dont act autistic about operating system ""privacy". We all know what you're up to.
>he's fine with the government spying on him
i don't want my data being collected so companies know what to work on.

when i go to the supermarket i throw in a few decoy items i don't actually want. UHT milk sales up by 1%? they're in demand and NOT being poured down the sink the moment i get home.
good film that
the government is the only group i'm happy with spying on me. we all have National Insurance numbers, NHS records, etc. i'm ruffled when there's a big data leak--not that some public sector org had the data in the first place. i'm glad they do.
I'm not Ruthmong. I imagine he's playing vidya or still in bed.
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I beat the game last night
might install DS3 again and give that another run now
souls games are lush
Linux Mint is a bit too bloat for me. Ubuntu is getting worse with their forced snap package manager and paid security updates. There's some nice real women using it on YouTube.
i'd rather play with a vulva than a vidya
Ruthmong's tuppence
That's the DJ poster. He doesn't post other audits. Not sure what you're getting at.
How's the DLC? I started playing the Tomb Raider games so not going to get to it for a while. I knew it was going to be accessed after Mohg.
just do a minimal install of Debian then install the packages you want. install a window manager and it'll bring in dependencies, X and all that.

i know this is Arch Linux's whole thing but Debian is nicer. it just is.
Why would you use linux if you didnt have something to hide
Got a fucking verbal warning at work for wearing sandals, started blabbing on about how they know its hot blablabla. I tried to explain it was the cobblers fault and showed them I had socks in my pocket but they just said whatever the reason I can't be wearing sandals. I'm fucking fuming. Can I sue the cobbler? He gave me a refund and said they will find my shoes by tommorow but that wasn't the fucking deal. Don't advertise a quick resole if you can't do it. Piss take.
do you like auditing?
The only thing Linux users hoard is calories.
linux is gay tbqh
its too much of a learning curve desu

all i do on my laptop is shitpost in britfeel play video games and watch porn
Why are you blaming your lack of shoes on a dessert? They probably think you're mental.
the shoeless incel
They're taking their time with Stardew 1.6 for consoles. I don't really understand it because it's a very console friendly game. Not like they're porting Stellaris or some shit.
I use the net install iso, which gives you the option to choose a desktop once you've selected your mirror. Then you just let it download and install. The live and full isos are good to use if you plan on installing to multiple systems.
Isn't it just one man?
Could do with a seasideSIM update
why would you use windows when linux is faster?
It a lot of work for are ape
Car chase is kino. Shame it's all cgi now.
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Code brown? Bit racist innit?
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the DLC is fantastic. i enjoyed it more than the base game
1 boss was kind of lame to fight but other than that the boss lime up was good fun
some of the areas are a little empty but they make up for that with how beautiful they look
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thanks for the prompt bro
He has a whole team now it's disingenuous to say it's just him to be honest.
How many hours did it take you? Any new big unga bunga hammers worth using?
>learning curve

you just download the iso file, put it on a usb with an image writer, then reboot and boot into the usb. a child could do it.
you lost me at 'iso file'
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>a child could do it.
A child could operate a 4x4 if given enough time (about 16 years).
proper let down with that last boss me. DLC went from an 8/10 to a 7/10.
They need to re-work the boss
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another great prompt thanks lads
My dad used to drive a BMW
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around 40 hours i wanna say, but i was doing invasions and helping others with bosses too
there are a handful of few new unga bungas, including a big sunflower that hammers the ground repeatedly
It's like a zip file but for discs and usbs.
>10 year old lapop with broken hinge
literally me
Terminal is life mfs going years before learning that they can set up alias instead of writing the commands out every single time
made a brew here and don't even want it. Just wanted something to do for a few minutes. Life's mad innit?
Why is using Windows and Chrome considered uncool? They just werk
Couldn't be as bad as the final boss from the main game. Worst boss in the entire series.
Sounds good. I'll get to it eventually. Looking forward to it but will have to relearn as haven't touched it since I beat it shortly after release.
I regularly put thr kettle on just bc I like the noise desu
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play with this it's fun

>be me
>make a cuppa
>dip 10 digestives in like a fat cunt
>don't drink the tea
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okay i think i'm done now.
Had a wank with a shower head up my arse once, pleasuring the prostate and all that, didn't realise I was giving myself an enema. Must have been on the toilet for about 15 minutes pissing litres of water out my arse.
you took the showerhead off and stuck the pipe up your arse you mean? No way a showerhead is fitting up your hole
i can relate but with a different orifice.
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Le kettle loli
>Sign in with Google
>Sign in with Discord
No, I don't think I will
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>Had a wank with a shower head up my arse once
Trip on Footrat yeah
Yeah that's what I meant
Not a larp, I was thinking about stuff that lad could do with his unwanted tea and they do coffee enemas don't they, and then I remembered my own enema experience back in high-school
it doesn't ask me to sign in at all

maybe certain people get so many free gos
The best part of my daily shower is at the end when I switch my shower head to jet mode and give my cock head and arsehole a thoroughly good clean.
What happened to Footlad? I haven't seen him posting in weeks.
>I remembered my own enema experience back in high-school
you fucking what
who goes to 'high-school'
A shower head is huge. There is no way you got that up your arse
his fat sister ate him
it's such a horrible feeling but it's nice seeing the smegma get power-washed off. i wish i could peel it but it's too delicate ;_;
sad news, mine loved wazy town especially wevolving door

>you took the showerhead off and stuck the pipe up your arse you mean?
>Yeah that's what I meant
how the hell are you failing to follow this conversation anon
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>all the comments are 'RIP Shifty'
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Just the bit on the left there, not the full showerhead my bad
Ok that makes more sense. Sorry I'm look at porn in another tab
DVDlad is a coomer he's talked about buying Tinto Brass films on Blu-ray.
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Demonic entities
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any Mira Sport fans on /britfeel/ today?
I have my butler shoot my arsehole with a super soaker after every poo, do I not?
DVDlad is also Titlod and B00tylad anon
You post some quality thots lad but your predictions have been diabolical tbqh
What happened to Poley? I haven't seen him posting in weeks.
What happened to Smirnoffbro? I haven't seen him posting in years.
he might be dead
Smirnoffbro died
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i really enjoyed the fights first phase. however during the second phase i swear there are 1 or 2 attacks that cant be dodged which made the fight feel luck based. though maybe im just shit since i used perfume bottles to kill him/them kek
but i dont disagree with you
its better than elden beast, way better. also you can use torrent in elden beast now. yay
also good luck on your future adventures!
Football punditry is pure brain rot. They spout some serious drivel. Oh he has a chance there. Oh he'll be kicking himself he missed that. Oh he had an opportunity there.
he's alive.
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>he's alive.
Is he? How do you know? I hope he's ok
>you can use the horse on Elden Beast
Not sure if that's good or bad. Closing the distance was one of the big issues for sure but dodging on the horse could be worse.
i work for the Registry of Births, Marriages and Deaths
Football pundits talking about tactics like it's a game of fucking Warhammer.
DJ visited a prison near seasidemark

Yeah? What's his real name then? (I happen to know it) You can just type his first name if you're worried about doxxing
maybe Warhammer tactic discussion comes from football punditry ever thought about that
Im so tired de lads if i could i would sleep all the time desu
I'd watch women's football if all they wore were football boots and nothing else.
i lied i don't actually work
I tried to get into sounding last night and my cock has been bleeding ever since. Very painful. Too embarassed to ring an ambulance.
even if you had a catheter or some kind of nappy system what would you do for food? feeding tube?
>i don't actually work
Always some stupid hyper specific stat gets brought up as well. Like a player is 6 goals away from tieing 7th place in England's all time top goalscorers not including players over 32 years old
im not going to dox him you tard
i'd say they've seen worse and they probably have, but you WILL be the subject of gossip and ridicule among the doctors and nurses. possibly for years to come.
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baka theres a cafe at the top of that hill with a wonderful view. ofc he can film there
fucking wagie mong tyrant
risk/reward, being stunlocked on torrent is quite punishing
DJE, or fake DJ.
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Necking that ristorante wizza and watching the wooty me
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Another based silent audit just in. This is how you deal with wagies and immigrants. They fucking attacking him for not saying anything. Not right at all.

Which game? There's two on rn
which pizza? i think this is the more important question.
Bloodborne on sale for eight quid. Think it's finally time to give it a go. Does it follow the same loop as Dark Souls and Elden Ring?
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>Another based silent audit just in.
Silent auditing is stupid and boring.
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Yes lad get it the DLC is great too
It's a similar kind of game, but faster paced combat. No shields either. Great setting too. Imo I still consider it Froms best work. Make sure to get Old Hunters DLC too, amazing.

Would love a PS5 or PC re-release but probably won't happen anytime soon. Think Sony are saving it for a Demon Souls style remake for the PS6.
why is it always skilled foreign labour that kick off in these videos?
Do you ever cook anything or is it just frozen pizzas, microwave meals and takeaway?

Woland vs Wrance


>Do you ever cook anything
>or is it just
>[two forms of cooking]
i once told someone i saw Gary Numan buying crisps.

just needed to get this off my chest.
which brand? which flavour??
switching on a micowave isn't cooking lad.
You have confused cooking with heating.
its so warm i cant even be arsed wanking
my fanny is proper knackered and sweaty like its been cooking in a proper british oven #TooHotToHandle
fucking hell tilde have a word with yourself lad
worried about anons shoes
i hope the cobbler found them
which anon doesnt have shoes?
ruthmong is shoeless
why is ruthmong shoeless? is he poor?
it was fiction. i could invent the details but i suspect that might encourage it as a habit.

but i can tell you it was in a Waitrose.
Says who? The soys over at reddit who want you to eat bugs?
i think its in protest. he refuses to wear shoes until he gets a gf
all right, where's the line?

if i constructed a pizza myself by combining the ingredients, then underwent the exact same heating process, would that be cooking? what if the base, sauce, etc were ready-made, i just put them together?
Getting shoes won't get him a gf.
its like going on hunger strike but gayer
my granddad used to say you can tell a lot about a man by his shoes.

fucking alky weirdo no clue what he was on about.
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this anon. all he had to wear were his sandals and he had to go back to work soon
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Saying nothing is the wise thing to do.

It's the best kind. Puts a lot of pressure on the NPC as they generally expect some kind of verbal interaction. When they don't get it they attack or call the police to sort the "problem" out.

Because they have no respect for this country and our freedom to film in public.
watching it now
she looks like human slop
She's saying it's not right. She wants it deleted. Got all the boys out. Pathetic really. All she gotta do is walk back in. He's not breaking the law by filming people and not saying anything.

We need more silent audits. I love seeing wagies try to comprehend what's going on with him.
Fucking state of this towelhead
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this is hilarious. they get all worked up over literally nothing
thanks for sharing
Damn... Poley looks like THAT?
Did you see we had a tyrant in this general bragging about giving parking tickets.
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Sad to see how we've been invaded so quickly. At least we had decent, non violent European immigrants before brexit. Boils my blood people coming here and breaking the law by attacking an Englishman.
Is pepperoni a sausage or a vegtebale?
I'm an auditor now. That's why I don't post here too much.
>I'm an auditor now
I'm glad you made it Footlad mate.
it's obviously a sausage you fucking shoe
Thanks. 'tis fun pissing off warehouse wagies and seeing the rozzers turn up.
are those the wizard coppers from Harry Potter?
No wonder you can't even spell vegetable you fat git
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dont worry. labour wont do a full term. the system will collapse before then and we'll get barry the bame impaler running things
>caring about grammar in 2024
I'm an auditor but I walk into women's changing rooms with my cock out and record their titties and arses. Nothing they can do, not against the law, is it?
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Feel bad for all the hygienic women with their skincare routines that somehow have worse skin than me who doesn't even shower.
you should care around grammar we'll never make it as a nation without standards.
I've got a fetish for lasses with greasy acne. I'd love to lick their face up and down and then jerk off my cum on their greasy foreheads.
Actually that's against the law. We auditors are law abiding and do not harass women.
i'd check with a solicitor just to be safe.
I'd love bite onto a girl's big pussy pimple and feel it explode in my mouth.
I am the law, lad. I walk directly into changing rooms with my erect cock out and on display. I then go up to women and shove my erect cock (which has a go pro) close to their pussies so I can really make out the details on their labias.
No need. I'm a free coomer.
you can over clean your skin with soaps which most westeners don't understand
One of the reasons I hate going out is people capturing me on their phones. Really have entered a fucked up dystopian era. We'll never go back to the good days.
Had a one night stand after a Kataklysm concert with this anorexic pale lass who had severe acne and issues with drugs. Best sex of my life but I ducked out quickly the next morning when she started snorting meth off of a breadknife.
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awrite Erric lad
Yeah she probably dries it out and blocks up the pores. Just a bit of cold water every now and then and not eating unhealthy food is key to healthy skin. Drink plenty of water and eat fruit a lot too.
Why should I slave away at work when women only want the top 5% of men? No fuck working and fuck women. Cunts.
You obviously don't know about UKMTT. He has history.
You forget that a lot of women have bad skin because they cake themselves in makeup everyday too.
soap is how you get clean, fuck off with your 'modern western' nonsense natural oils are called 'being a sweaty mess'.

i bought into that 'no poo' bullshite for years, ended up with an itchy scalp, greasy hair, and lots of dandruff. the second i went back to using shampoo it sorted it all out immediately.

if you aren't showering twice a day in this heat with 2-3 passes of soap or shower gel over your entire body, you're doing it wrong.
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Our country is not what it used to be.
because AI is improving very quickly and you want to be at the front of the queue for a robot waifu.

(as a feminist this goes both ways i'm happy for men to be obsolete to women.)
i shower once a month because my skin had learnt naturally cleans it itself after not using soap for 10 years
Sounds a bit extensive. I shower once a day with shower gel. I don't use soap on my face, however, and only shampoo my hair every two or three days. Had no issues.
>3.39 for a few rolls of thin paper
wouldn't have put up with this in the old days
Who do you think funds dogshit like soaps you retard? The cosmetic industry are not your friends.
Based af
Just scruffy cunts looking for excuses out of bath time
>30p for a bar of soap
>big pharma at it again
Are you fucking retarded or just baiting? Do you just how much money goes into soap industry?
It's sad. Most women look worse with more makeup. Couldn't imagine spending 2 hours every morning putting my face on.
of course i don't, why would i know that?
Fishtank 2.5 starts in 2 minutes, I'm gonna have friends again for a couple weeks
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>oy vey use soap!, dont forget to shower every single day and use all these cleaning products. soap is good for you goy buy it!
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>who doesn't even shower.
Wish I could somehow filter ppl that don't shower every day
Ruthmong should be filtered x1000
>Southgate picking 10 of 11 of the same mongs who were shite last time out

Why, WHY are we stuck with that fucking nerd in charge of a group of outrageously good players.
Someone came into my sisters workplace and would not stop filming when asked not to..
some shite about already being qualified or something i bet
>someone came into my sister
Corr naughty
Someone should audit the cobblers and find out what's going on in there
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Yeah she smug. She got the easy difficulty setting enabled (rich dad, female, gets to live in a different country).
What's the issue exactly? Other than civil trespass.
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How can I get a PROPER IQ test done??
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Wonder why she hasn't posted in three weeks. She had so many plans too. Lazy cow probably enjoying the weather. Hate being hot.
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*batters fuck out the missus*
What part of don't film do you not understand?
>outrageously good players.

u wot m8
How can you call anyone lazy?
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She is going on about face lifts at 24. A real, feminist woman would accept her natural beauty. Very insecure. Sad she feels that way.
I can do a very good Cardiff accent, btu I will not be showing it off to you lads. I'm gatekeeping my skills
All that electricity wasted on those lights just for her childish video. Bet she takes lots of fuel burning flights home and back too. She needs to grow up and think about the planet.
i got mine done as part of an autism diagnosis.

even if you're not autistic, fake it. if you can't fake it that means you have autism, so that's a bonus.
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Well she is. It's not hard to make videos.
Uber Eats and them need some pedantic flowchart option for replacements instead of just 'remove' or 'cancel order'.

bread's out of stock so there goes my plan for sandwiches, and the things i bought to go in them. milk's out of stock so what's the point in just giving me tea and coffee i am NOT drinking them black.

let me do if-then statements they have to follow.
>Very insecure.

Like you are?
this bird on itv sounds so common lol
Very true lad. She must create a bigger carbon footprint in one month than I do in a year. They always travelling.
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Why haven't you started your auditing channel yet?
I'm not. I just know the life game is rigged against men like me thanks to feminism and lgbt discrimination against white, heterosexual men.
you have nothing going on in your life
It's not hard to take a shower.
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What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You mean someone else?
>well-paid job in advertising
>long-term relationship
>sprog on the way
>about to buy a house

you lad?
Have to wait for water to fill and then dry, then change into clothes again. I think it is and a waste of time, energy. I save a lot of water.
Why do you pretend when both you and auditmong show up at the exact same time?
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Nope I mean you Ruthmong
nice one mong
Save a lot of water yet cost your parents how much in caring for you?
his mum is washing his balaclava hes just plain old ruthmong until its been dried and ironed
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Might be bored enough 2 watch England slurp across the pitch for 90 mins
>Wait for Ruthmong to show up
>Start posting about audits
Pretty funny gimmick desu
Ruthlad HATES auditing.
Imagine ruthmong getting a job, shoes, a gf, condeming auditors and taking a shower. Ultimate redemption arc.
SSM nutting in Laura's throat
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They can claim carer's allowance or something surely. They don't bother. What if I were too retarded to function?
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He wouldn't do that to his own daughter.
>be wagie
>get mangled into ground beef
Not 2 mention dealing with the public means u get stabbed with hiv needles
Staying at home is the safest way through life
forgot just how many ads itv have
Right, lads. That's Bloodborne installed. I didn't get the DLC as it wasn't on sale so just the base game but I'll get it when it's on sale. Better be good, lads. I've heard it's better than the Dark Souls games. Never had a PS4 so had to miss out on the last generation.
I uninstalled it after some dog things kept killing me early on. Regret purchasing it.
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Or you could do the mentally ill act
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DLC don't matter really til you finish base game anyhow
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did coffee shop lad ever find a gf? will be going to a coffee shop tomorow with my laptop in the hope a female will ramdomly talk to me
>reposting your own post as a screenshot
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>best chance of the game so far for Slovenia
>Grim effort at deflecting from your LARP mental illness
U can easily cheese them lid if its the ones on the bridge
Did you play the other Souls game, lad? I know I'll like it because I've finished Dark Souls and Elden Ring.
Yeah I figured as much. Any tips? Never used a shield on Elden Ring so that shouldn't be an issue.
remember to bring headphones so you can click your fingers along to it, that way the girls will know you have good taste in music
kek that was me, i get so fucking sick of personalities sometimes
Remember when you walked round school during break pretending to be going somewhere because you had no friends?
i dont want to be wearing headphones or ill be completely unapproachable
I know a lad who locked himself in a toilet cubicle every lunch break so the other kids wouldnt beat him up. How do I know? It was me.
>locking yourself in a toilet cubicle to avoid bullies
wish id thought of this desu, i went and sat on the wall at the far end of the teachers carpark
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Make a new brit bros
I'm here lad. And no I didn't. I'm playing the long game, or at least that's what I tell myself. I'll be going coffee shop tomorrow so I'll post a picture for you.
I knew a lad who locked himself in a toilet cubicle every lunch break wanking, we beat him up for being a pervert
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Wakfu edition please brit bros
Lil peep edition is the real thread
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Jav is the real thread! Deal with it.
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Since youve played ER the combat probly won't feel that different, faster paced than ds1 but the more recent games are pretty similar
Dont bother levelling Arcane (basically magic) or Bloodtinge(firearms) they can be cool bt not 1st time
"Skill" stat = DEX
Str is still str
IIRC I think I just levelled one of those + vit and end most times.
You can finish the game without parrying but useful as fudge some parts
All weapons are viable to end game pretty much theres a lot less in quantity than DS but they're all viable
Guns aren't kmportant for combat just parrying(it's basically a shield)
Be nice 2 the doll
Id just play it blind unless you're really stuck.
Have fun
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Playing a blinder again lads corrrr
Glad my Scottish lass is back. Lovely lass.
walked past my apu apustaja's bedroom and he was listening to this loudly
Boring slurpfest
Going 2 play my switch instead
The scotland game was boring until the last 10 minutes
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>Mexicana Cheese reduced to 31p

Appy Days. Love me Mexicana Cheese me.
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True. Fav so far belgium romania. Missed a bunch tho
get yourself in B&M and get some of that Peaky Blinder cheese lad. summat like 1.50, real ale mixed with chillies. good stuff.
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Spot on this analysis
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he's pondered the orb and its told him that shifty shellshock was killed as he was close to finding r Jay
These are all solid desu
I do recommend parries a lot. Makes a lot of the random mobs much easier.
Dex has more fun weapons that strength but that's just my opinion.
Windows dropping cursor shadows as a default was a mistake. Yes I can re-enable it in settings, but any time I use another computer chances are it'll be off.
Footy on and britfeel is dead. Bunch of normies the lot of you.
What do you want? I'm not watching the football. Is there a particular topic you would like to discuss?
SSM please lad
I am not interested in him. I shan't be contributing to any discussion regarding him. I would rather watch the football, quite frankly.
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ssm hasn't uploafed at all today. do you think he finally died?
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Time for a lickle bit of evening SeasideSIM if thats alright with you?
He not feeling too well, he get bad cold and he trying to rest it away. He want it to be Spring so he can enjoy the beaches and the benches.
Hopefully not lad. Looking forward to some more 3 hour videos to fill the emptiness of my mornings
He uploads a tsunami of shite every morning at 6AM then deletes 5 minutes later.
always enjoy his extra long uploafs.
If I had known it would finish 0 - 0 I would have done something else.
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He finally make it... he finally make it to Networking Skill level 10. He master of his youtube channel now. He get access to that best A Grade Music Phone. With this power at his hands he able to turn any sim he meet into potential partner... he has unlimited social power at his fingertips now despite being detestable and unwelcome around most Sims... he a double edged sword. Any false relationship he forges with the power of his A Grade Music Phone will quickly degrade as the fishy/shitty reality sets in.
He truly alone.
He finally approaching that Seaside Dream. He off to get a trekkie brekkie he so chuffed and it's a WOW.
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Corr imagine finding some B Curtis Steaks lost in the freezer.
He use his powers for evil. SeasideSIM got no qualms about wielding his Seaside clout to get new ladies into his life. He going for Creampie King Champion.
Gonna find some Purbeck ciders stuffed behind his bed now
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His dream coming true. It New Years Eve, he got fit fairy cake wearing lass coming to his place for some bokkles. He got lovely Benji 02 who grown up well and fits in with the Seaside Life. He got that motobility Car. Year 2 for SeasideSIM ending on a good one compared to Year 1. That was a dark time for our SeasideSIM.
"They have a cave troll."

I don't live in your fairytale fantasy universe, I have no context for what that means. The dialogue sounds exasperated, like it's just a nuisance. They've brought Derek to the party. the trains are on strike. It doesn't come off like a deadly threat. Maybe trolls are a good thing? Dwarves and elves are just people, what if trolls are too?
It'd be easier to accommodate trolls if they weren't so prone to anger. They're sexually attracted to the shade cast by bridges over water and turn to stone on the sunlight. They live a short and crude life prone to idiocy and persecution.
Swanny used to molest children
Swanny was a paedophile, a nonce as they say in the vernacular
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He drink that plum infused cider with his new lass and he got his Benji 02. There so many experiences to be had in Dorset but none better than sipping a bit of booze at 10am in the morning with the lass you love.
He don't want to be alone on new years eve.
Swanny had a sexual attraction to children, he acted on those urges
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90 minutes i wont get back
If you cross a bridge at night or go under a bridge (you're supposed to go over them) then you're asking for it tbqh.
Swanny did desire the female gender, but only under a certain age
Swanny suffered from fertility issues, infertility, to be precise
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He go drunk drive to pub on other side of SeasideSWANAGE. He show his date a good time and it lush.
When swanny ejaculated, no sperm came out of his penis

This must be what happens when most of the pubs shut or became too expensive. Men just hang around outside of industrial estates filming things instead
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Corr the pub if filled with people today. Everyone want visit pub on New Years. There dozens of Sims here. It going be be a bash and it's a wow! He never visited place that has this status before, he hit the jackpot.
Thought he had social anxiety?
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WOWW it lush here. This nicest pub he been in.

Some can sense it, some cannot sense it. He can stink out medium venue in under ten seconds. He diagnosed a Simfield University in year 1 by the Five Great Sims +1.
new thread has just arrived on time

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I'm always dex in these games desu, or int, or dex/pyro, if I try to make a str build it inevitably turns into hybrid dex anyway. Bt yeah i think I finished it first just w threaded cane, saw spear is solid too.

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