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Ivan Konev edition
will be going to bed at 8pm
cant be arsed with the foot ball shite so fuck off
poo smells lmao
got my arse out
add voodoo decal I go oddly
and buy food for doctor god let's fly yeah
dunno does dole bowl soggy curry despite ideas of
k-on is the perfect anime
>this comedian is funny
>no he isn’t
>yes he is
must be among the most braindead “discussions” you can have
rorke come downstairs and watch the football with your stepdad
no it's not
ignore non whites in every capacity
do not acknowledge their existence
no, that would be Azusa

because social anxiety is a cute
/brit/ is much funnier than any left-wing comedian even in it's current shit state
yes it is
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>Mother, 66, left 'absolutely shattered' after her daughter and son kill themselves within five years of each other
leftypol SEETHING that all funny comedians are right wing
leftypol fucking loves his fucking Russell Howard
these bradleys are not good
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piss off

oh yeah rorke?
How do you pronounce Decade?
is it de-CAYDE
or is it the other way I don't know how to write it but it definitely sounds different
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>will be going to bed at 8pm
>cant be arsed with the foot ball shite so fuck off

>ignore non whites in every capacity
>do not acknowledge their existence

>/brit/ is much funnier than any left-wing comedian even in it's current shit state
Don't care. Still voting Reform.
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paid leftwing comedians: embarrassingly unfunny
your dad's racist drunk mate down the pub: funniest bloke in Britain
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John Oliver is funny
Spaino popping on George Carlin and Stewart Lee and cackling when the man with the microphone says something he agrees with
he loves john oliver aswell and watching every episode.
wow spainnonce
leftwing sure are funny
I day de ka day
>/brit/ being funnier than anything
not with you cunts having imaginary Personality arguments all day
millennials uniting to stop zoomers cancelling eminem for being a homophobe
realistically who is a bf to this kind of woman
I feel like it's a fairly average looking bearded man with tattoos
imagine basing your so-called humour around left-right politics
England playing so thread is deserted

fine i'll take my shitposts to the zoomers on /sp/
erm... sex
Why are niggas so good at singing?
any nora nudie pics
isn't eminem woke
Sam Hyde never drew a dime
>Shane Gillis and Norm MacDonald aren't right wing!
>the left just hates them ironically!
I thought I was on a VPN? Now I’ve been upgraded to being on holiday with my parents?
they're not
beyonce and that is warbling overwrought shite
sexo with nora
Not playing for another hour yet mate
vocal chords are different which is why you can identify them from voice alone 9 times out of 10
you're thinking of filipinos
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>Manatee County man kills 3, including his mom and cousin, before dying in shootout: MCSO
Big toeberg is on a mad one. Thought I had some sort of fungal nail infection so I got some anti fungal stuff. Now it’s grown out but it’s like I’ve got an extra layer of nail on top of the nail underneath.
Doesn’t really seem like it’s worth the hassle to see my GP so I guess I’ll just wear socks all summer
she likes stinky stupid goblin men that are shorter than her like ME
literally no zoomer gives a shit about eminem
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what about those soul singers though and old r'n'b music
not saying they are superior singers, but compared to races like the pakis, chinese or slavs they are a very musical people
Rorke's comedy
im an hour ahead so its already started for me
same reason asians are so terrible at it
Ive seen documentary about him. Was a nice dude
Imagine being this retarded and /Pol/brained and seeing everything so black and white lol

Bless you haha
injured both my big toenails playing football two fucking years ago and both of them are still fucked with dried blood under the nail and fungal infections caused by the blood under the nail separating the nail from the bed.
it's finally happened. I've caved and bought YouTube premium.
having to watch 2 (TWO) 15-second ads every time I wanted to listen to a song was getting too much
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niggers don't sing
they mumble barely intelligible words over shitty sound effects
the only time you hear a nigger really sing is when they get shot
they really belt it out then
>Personal experience - coming out as gay is way easier than coming out as right wing.
couldnt have happened to a more deserving prick
crippling toenail injury
It sounds like you have gout.
How many units of alcohol do you consume each week?
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>niggers don't sing
>they mumble barely intelligible words over shitty sound effects
>the only time you hear a nigger really sing is when they get shot
>they really belt it out then
he mad!
what about the tories, ey? bloody daily mail! bloody racists! "Islamic Ray guns" remember that? oh ho ho ho, what a laugh riot
Zero, I don’t drink
just use an adblocker
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need a fuckin maths degree to understand this crap

just want to see same fackin goals
Rorke...you cockwombling spunktrumpet!
>I detest modern black music. I detest Stevie Wonder. I think Diana Ross is awful. I hate all those records in the Top 40 - Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston. I think they're vile in the extreme. In essence this music doesn't say anything whatsoever.
damn thats how bob marley died
its free
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Enjoying a last cheeky tinnie on the terrace before the match x
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anti-woke (ben shapiro type shite) and woke "comedy" are both absolute slop cooked up by corporate think tanks sitting around a table in suits
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leftypol is upset
his only recourse is to post the same images he's been posting for almost a decade
niggas don't dance either, they boogie
stupid bugger
don't talk shit
get in lad
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need xG freaks out of football
that's not a symptom of gout you retard
hope you fall off the terrace and break your neck x
look out boys we got an enlightened centrist over here
does it work on mobile?
that's where this ad problem is most obvious and tedious
Predatory dyke

genuinely disrespectful
leftists do a pretty good job of being a joke themselves
no need to do stand up about them
based poof
linear brained mong
bit strong, that
>my interest, tastes, hobbies, and, politics
>your interest, taste, hobbies, and, politics
i know, i was just trying to shit him up assuming he was a prolific canslad
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cam on inglund
score some goals for the lezzers
gays usually love diana ross
Hope England loses, the seethe would be delicious
lot of overanalysed shite by some nerd on twitter
everyone understands the rules
6 points and you're guaranteed through
1st and 2nd places go through automatically
out of all the 3rd placed teams, the top 4 performers go through. in this case, 4 points should be enough.
should teams be tied on points, goals for and goal difference, amount of yellow cards will be used

basic stuff. every fan knows this.
was great seeing the yanks lose in the last world cup and olympics
the documentary is quite something. really arrogant bunch
he loves gay black girl groups from the 60s though
Greens are the only party offering a wealth tax so I reckon I'll vote for them
she needs some bbc to balance her out
nowt wrong with a bit of wealth
Might go ask /sp/ what’s wrong with my toe
why is a wealth tax good then
looks like she reads mundial magazine
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There were black lezzers groups in the 60s?
she's better at keepy-ups than me
really tempted to throw some money on a slovenia win. 11/1 and england are playing that shit I can see it happening
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laura woods sex arse
what upset you today
you do know that 4chan humor is just far-right humour, right?
all of 4chan's humour is derived from being contrarian and dissident
this is why the left literally cannot meme - the left cannot be dissident or contrarian because the powers that be are far leftist
Got Spain, Belgium, Yanks, Aussies and Canadians filtered
Mental how comfy and usable the thread is now
Thank you lad who recommended 4chanX
To take back the wealth capitalists steal from the workers
I hope England loses because I put a bet on and will win a tidy sum.
Wealth tax will make fuck-all difference, the rich will simply work around it as they do with all such taxes
Taxation is theft.
the 18 year old first time VOOTER mindset
uppity foreign bastard nhs nurses microwaving their smelly ethnic ‘food’ stinking out the entrie hospital and reporting you for racism if you complain
Thank you for opening this stub! ;)
a non-answer that appeals to nutters, right
spiffing post Horatio, better crank up VAT
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>you do know that 4chan humor is just far-right humour, right?
>all of 4chan's humour is derived from being contrarian and dissident
>this is why the left literally cannot meme - the left cannot be dissident or contrarian because the powers that be are far leftist
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what times football on
A mixed-race Irish man received €5,000 in compensation after he claimed that a colleague had made a “hateful” remark against immigrants, causing him to feel ashamed and hurt, reports Breaking News.
We must be free to live. Free to choose.
Simple as.
kicks off at 8
It's perfectly sane to support grinding the rich into dust.
What is insane is letting them earn 150x times what workers do.
you're welcome.
make sure to hide stubs
google broken?
rorke demanding his medical team only eat beige food
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haha yes!
the right PWNED again with another epic meme
time to walk dogberg for 20 minutes before the big soccer match y'all
see y'all in 20 minutes y'all
Not an argument, typical of Green voters, tend to be retarded students
absolute beast of a player he was
how'd i do that
spag bol for tea
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in the settings. little spanner in the top right
spack bog for tea
nigerian dessert
right wing goon squads
*spag bog
they attack 'incels' all the time. what are they on about.
I heard Coldplay are huge fans of his
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wealth inequality is creeping back up. make the hoarders at the top pay their fair share
what channel
quite the rump on her
Excellent post.
this isn't an obese tattooed sow what's it doing in /brit/?
again, a non-answer that really doesn’t explain why a wealth tax would be good — or work
just buzz appealing to nutters
found it but cheers anyway
three of the top ten are FRENCH


zero if the top 100 are BRITISH


Why is the British film industry such a fucking joke?
how would you even tax wealth anyway
may watch the footie
Still howling at that retard who thought because Reform UK have a listing on company house it makes them a business

Didn't hear back from him after I pointed out every party does
If your argument is "tee hee lol the rich will just avoid it" then it just reeks of not wanting them to be taxed.
In leftist speak, making fun of severely down trodden and alienated white men is called "punching up", which is okay. Because white men have all the power on society, you see.
well yeah, when most of your bottom 50% are imported from illiterate tribes of course this will happen
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itv lad
percentages for such a thing is dumb. if poor have 1% of 100 billion that's more than 50% of 100 million. So it doesn't take into account the amount of wealth of the country.
bale or neymar in their prime?
The Partridge Family
Looks quite stable to me, although I'm mildly intelligent so I have a bit of an advantage over you haha
arrest all landlords
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leftypol be like
>ayo gibs me dat
serial winner
no soul to these new watermarked memes
did the crime rate actually soar?
good one
You've already been told, pipe down
santi cazorla
there was a good player
service is sell
>film about slavery
>slave beats the white slave owner with his own whip
>normies cheer
why are they like this?
Modern British shopping experience
>Off to the supermarket
>Bring my six cloth bags
>Immediately go to the rotting food section like a seagull so I can pay 50p less for fruit
>Hunt around the supermarket for the cheapest own brand products on offer
>Swipe my datamining card at the checkout to get access to discounts
>At least £15 spent always
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No it doesn't
>tee hee lol
Can tell you were seething before you opened /brit/ today
Did you have a political argument with your dad over dinner?
wageslave power fantasy
still playing in the spanish second division
you now remember jesus navas
have england knelt yet?
clapmeat for migrant 'conda
Hoarding all my wealth under my pillow like a big sleepy dragon
Bill Burr and his BLACK wife
Bill Burr and his BLACK daughter
Taxing the total value of their cash holdings, stocks, land ownership, owned assets etc.
they are brainwashed to think slavery is inherently evil, and also brainwashed to think violence against evil is good.
you know when your cock is leaking precum when just sitting really doing nothing that you're horny and need fap
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Some mod is compiling all your posts to your IP lol
no thanks.
>his BLACK daughter
*his wifes black daughter
Yeah it does.
Any tax can be avoided, that's not a good argument against it.
Anyone with £10m in assets can afford to pay 1% of it.
seethe on lad
During the Islamic slabe trade, 1 white female slave was worth 4 times as much as a black female slave
just something to keep in mind and factor into your life
can we get a translation?
carried sevilla for years
pedro that played for barca as well, another baller
they will just hide it
and the richer they are the more they will hide
you the type of nigga to thinks forbes worlds wealthiest lists are accurate
please post some smexy webms for my fap
pretty sure the woman on the right is a psychopath. are women psychopaths frequent in women's soccer?
that pink haired women is also considered some kind of sports saint in America, which makes it even funnier
Ok buttercup lmao
lets go england score some fucking goals
go to /gif/ porn addict
that's why it's called sportsMANship
Unironically based
would love to just brain scan everyone and then see if they have any mental problems.
>Any tax can be avoided, that's not a good argument against it.
Not true actually
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So hunt them down and make them squeal
my kimchi fried rice was lengers
End taxation.
brutal knottenings made her tweak
not a word talk like an adult freak
Here's a bright idea: stop being a lazy mong and get a better job
It's easy if you try :)
Imagine actually arguing against a wealth tax if you're not a multimillionaire lol
Temporarily embarrassed millionaires
dont see the need to filter aussies tbqh
just blasting my cock with forbidden open palm techniques perfected by the monks of 36 chambers of shaolin
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I'm severely limited due to blueboard gayness
why's it always a fucking pole?
oy vey goyim tax millionaires!
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he must've been wondering why dinner was so late
i'm in it
Simply not an envious spack
cope on boomer
looking forward to footyposting drowning out all the /pol/posting
theres some rum folk about
I'm not lazy, I work, unlike capitalists and therefore I support their swift, chekist termination.
Runtasaurus rex
Ah yes, the mythical Rosey Palm
Careful you don't piss, lad
imagine how obese Lions would get if we trained them to use machine guns
was gonna vote labour until i saw a headline talking about how they were going to renationalise railways
turns out the contract expires in a year and the conservative government already planned to not renew them
>I'm not lazy, I work
You work a shit job, get a better one and stop seething retard
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being watching a lot of King cobra JFS recently
he proper reminds me of some of the lads I went to school with
It's a very interesting phenomenon, this 21st century-induced autism
look at all the fat stupid yanks crowding round
circumcised ghouls
shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed LOL
>swift, chekist termination.
What do you mean by that?
Enjoy being anally raped while millionaires live in luxury I guess
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this was exposed as a joke
Canada's standard of living plummets and assisted suicide rates skyrocket. A scenario coming to a UK near you?
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Thought it was r jay at first
Is that what you get up to in the electroplating factory? Yeah you need to get out of there mate, have you told the union about this?
Doesn't matter what job I work, fashy vermin like you would still come up with some sneering answer since we can't all be coke snorting fashy pornpilled bankers like you
who's going to anally rape me
Toil pon the morrow
93 'til infinity
you vill eat the rapeseed oil goyim
>live in luxury
Eh? We all live in luxury lad, only genuine fuckwits struggle in this country
Just a toenail separation. The new one will grow under the old one and push it off.
why is the baby black
RIP Shifty Shellshock
if they came over on the mayflower theyre a tarq wasp and more british than us tbf
Cope, stay poor, die poor
pigeonberg peeking at my window
gonna give the little fella some seeds
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need to get some scrambled eggs and jalapenos down me
lmao you keep yourself in a retarded factory job because you've convinced yourself that your life would be just the dame in any other configuration
what an utter, utter mong
only ever had dissociative panic attacks in the past, but I had a Tony soprano-esque panic attack yesterday
was grim desu, not as bad as the dissociative ones though
little gay pigeon fella
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>‘Senseless tragedy': Boy, 6, drowns at NJ summer camp
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>b-b-b-but you can't tax the rich! They'll leave!
Good, take every last penny they have, strip them naked and kick them into the Atlantic.

That's another reason world Bolshevism is needed, so the bourgeoisie have nowhere to run.
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got the israeli girl to post feet on /sp/
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This is the life
>BBC news is doing a migrant propaganda piece
>ask Sudanese lads why they picked England
>"Because the government help us"
kek even the propaganda can't hide it
cant tell you have a cute little willy
/brit/ only exists when I'm here
when I'm not here, you're all simply in stasis waiting for my return
they’re just like us
speak for yourself, Abdul
nah you should log on one time beteween 2-7am it's real schizo hours
NEED a bf
piss off you’ve cheekily squeezed a nip before
All proletarian jobs are exploited by capitalists and petit bourgeois jobs are full of unbearable arselickers
yeah panic attacks are vile
yeah, but I did it like a white man
commiemong no one believes you have a job mate pack it in you melon
eating some greek 'style' yogurt
In a Tom Cruise phase
explain the difference?
i was thinking about the panic attacks ive had over the years earlier but i still dont really understand them
best Cruise film
to do this you just need a massive dick. he's basically her living talking dildo sitting on her bedside table waiting her return
why are all /brit/ OPis related to communism

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