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Marshal of the Soviet Union K.Y. Voroshilov edition
just permanently WET from the SWEAT
anyone else eating yogurt, perhaps of the greek 'style' variety?
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>3-year-old girl dies after drowning in Cottage Grove pool
best argument against a wealth tax is that they'll just move somewhere else without one, taking all their money and assets with them
just like communism but on a lesser scale
if you have millions of billions of dollars why would you stay somewhere they'll tax you just for being rich. seriously. leftypol brainrot
emma eating the jamaican yogurt
Got a GF this year. That is all.
>29C in flatberg currently
>fan is just blowing hot air about
>protective poo towel is soaked in sweat and musk
>too warm to cook the pizza i bought for dinner

life is pain
might do a cheeky 'cide
celebrity skin by hole
absolute banger desu
mental how i never need to see a spaino post again cause of this nifty wee 4chanx tool
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yeah true
might listen to that now
unironically have about 50% of any given /brit/ thread completely hidden from me. it's so nice.
gagging for some drugules
same here, quality ramps up unbelievably
truly missing out on nothing
good thing you can hide the stubs too. not even as if they're hidden they're completely invisible. mugs.
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So we will press on with developing clear, compelling and consistent UK offers, tailored to their needs and our strengths, spanning trade, development, defence, cyber security, technology, climate change and environmental protection. Because we know that in the coming decades there will be economic shocks, and climate change will have its baleful effects, and countries will want technology, finance and access to markets to support their development.
got called a goyslop spainnonce troon mong on /brit/ again
24c in my room
absolutely baltic
The dissociative ones are where it feels like reality is broken and the sight of your own hands terrifies you, just absolute existential terror
The Tony Soprano-esque ones are like bodily-related anxiety. Just thought my entire life was fucked, from 0 to 100 anxiety instantly and nearly fainted
How they feel is kind of tailored to each person though I think because we all have different worries and fears. One person might worry they're dying, another worries they're going insane, I worry that reality is broken
took dog out and saw cute girls in shorts lads
>willingly installing spyware just to block out a few posts
not convinced that foot and bum belongs to a female
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bet if you took T you'd stop getting them
spainnonce seething
Anyone ever noticed how mustard and mayo is great, mustard with ketchup is great, but mayo with ketchup is vile and disgusting?
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dont like ketchup me
that's literally what burger sauce is you tit (big mac sauce)
Nope, mayo ketchup god tier orangey goodness
nah it lovely
that's an arse
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had one of the Tony ones once. was fucking shite. huffing and puffing slumped against my door thinking i might die haha was out the pub about 20 minutes later though
isn't mayo and ketchup the base of a cheeky big mac sauce recipie?
got to leave the house next thursday
not pleased
they’re proper fucking fit these days
been thinking about TRT desu
how do I get it? Do it just order pills from the internet? I know they sell hormone pills for teenage trannies on the Internet
mustard with ketchup is vile
never post again
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same filtercel replyign to his own posts begging people to install weird software LOL
don't diss the fancy sauce
fuck off
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Liked this pic
mutt boy seething
had exactly one of these once after a 7pm-7am vodka and cocaine booze at my mates house
woke up the next day, went for a shower and in the shower had a panic attack. thought reality wasn't real, or that it was about to "end", like the entire world was my imagination and I was waking up, and would soon blip out of reality. it's the best way I can explain it. terrifying, just pure primal fear and horror. it also felt like if this wasn't the case, then i was at least doomed to go completely insane due to how horrible my current mental state was. i would never recover.

eventually got out of the shower and into my room where i lay in darkness for half an hour trying to recollect myself. finally got the computer on, watched breaking bad but I was still a nervous wreck and in pieces. the following morning I felt better but it took me a good week to return to my old self. have had brief "mini" panic attacks since then, that normally only last a minute or so then i'm fine, but nothing like that since (thank God)
big macs are dogshit. never @ me again tastelets
his brain is so big his head is outgrowing his body
just found out they made a second sin city film, shall be watching that tonight
How do I become a giant walking talking dildo
BREAKING: Sir David Attenborough, at the age of 98, has passed into the medium of a portrait

no they aren't
be quiet
I just phonepost
is that photoshopped? find it hard to believe any human could look like that creature, even smelly little indians.
he looks like a literal bobblehead lol
wish he'd pass into Hades already
i'm only 32
32 is young
breaking news: its too hot and i'm not enjoying it
Rorke haiku

Two years and a month
Since my last free shag, I think
It's thanks to the jews
so do you with that literal poo sponge growing out of yours
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lets fuckin go
why would you even use /brit/ if 50% of it is filtered with no stubs
yeah i get a lot of posts display horrible mental illness but half of the thread is crazy
When my dad was stage 4 he kept getting well pissed at everyone trying to give him positive encouragement. Turns out he was right.
sweating like jimmy saville getting close to jay slaters corpse
na mate 32 isnt young. i say that as a 32 year old. were middle aged.
Jesus wept that's fucking bogging
Dirty cunt
Wow you described it way better than i could
It's pretty rare to come across someone who knows how these feel like
I get them literally every time I smoke weed.
I think you may have derealization/depersonalization disorder like me if you get mini-freak dissociative freak outs
i don't like using filters in general but i don't understand why you wouldn't filter some posters like belgium and the tranny for example
big Dave was a bigger draw than Cena in 2005-2006
hate wall-mounted tvs
Feel like it cant possibly be as engaging as the world wars
poor attempt at patter
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rightly said
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Your age is however old you look.
This is why it's a dangerous day to be a peroni
sweating profusely
ah yes, medicine just didn't exist prior to the NHS
I wonder how how other countries without the NHS?
only ~10% of posts on here have any impact on the rest of the thread. you won't notice 99% of filtering until you disable it.
thinken bout gfberg
better actor too
desu I don't think it has to do with T
I've been working out for several years and have put on a fair bit of a muscle but I only started getting panic attacks in the past couple of years, didn't get them when I was a twig-wristed alchie that ate nothing everyday for some reason. But weightlifting and getting protein in can't hurt
give spainnonce's carer footballer wages
as soon as the cancer hits im demanding huge doses of powerful opiates. none of that tramadol shite. no chemo, no treatment. just pure opiate bliss as i die.
yeah i filtered belgium and clogwog a long time ago, necessary at this point
wish the fed was this good nowadays
such a good time
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welsh gyals
rorke's got a weird case, why's he around?
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on a subreddit where all they do is talk about how much they hate elon musk tesla cyber truck

it's one of most active subreddits on the whole site
why did his friend shoot him?
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found this low res one, idk
havent had a gf since 2016 myself
wouldnt mind a gf again
Shan't be posting in /sp/
Shall be using this thread to commentate on the footy
That's not normal Ava
He asked him to
the entire budget of the nhs and the manchester city squad salaries to be spainnonces carer for a 3 months

would you do it?
only had them once when smoking weed. can get anxious on weed but only one time got full on panic attack territory. I was sitting in my summer house one afternoon and smoked myself silly, completely hotboxed the room. Got so stoned I began to believe my summer house (which is out my back garden) was actually located along the street and there were cars driving in front of it.

this caused me to stand up and re-asses my surroundings, which made me confused and dazed. the realisation that I didn't know if I was at the front or back of my house made me think "i've went off my fucking head. I've went insane and there's no coming back", This thought started a spiral of fear and regret which lasted for a minute or two before I forced myself to sit down and close my eyes for 5 minutes while putting a snus in (apparently nicotine can be an anti-psychotic). Within 5 minutes I was right as rain and returned to just being stoned on the couch watching youtube.
I don't think I have dp-dr disorder, these bouts of anxiety normally come after ingesting alot of caffeine and have the central theme of me being scared i've went "mental" or lost control of my thoughts and myself, then it goes away. think that weed moment and the incident in the bathroom left a subconscious mark on me.
Korean War was crazy, though I suppose it might be harder to care if you’re not Korean/chinese/american
It’s up now
Does mn still post?
how old were you when you started taking T and lifting?
I'm 26 and it feels like I'm too late
I'm a twig-wristed former opiate addicted
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i don't own many of these things
Chest day?
Best day.
only just got one again after 3 years
shes young though
yeah was on about orange peel and flouride earlier
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such an ugly pos
ugly-ass vehicle
>shes young though
yeah? haha...
*makes a note of your face and clothing and goes to talk to someone else*
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I hear some men are going to be kicking a ball around soon, riveting stuff I'm sure.
latest episode of aew dynamite looks riveting
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leftypol wants you to die in ukraine for this
no milly?
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didn't expect to be getting dr disrespect updates on Bloomberg of all places
you don't iron your clothes?
scruffy cunt
i see some smelly bedroom dwellers gonna make the same posts over and over, riveting stuff
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No 600k
ketamine on the other hand, that seems nice. the headspace of weed with the body feeling of benzos. just sit there spazzed out
gwen what
short for gwendolyn i think
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>lee dixon
say what you want about this fella but hes living his best life
could say the same for matterface desu
NEED clive and ally on
yanks think electric kettles are voodoo magic and start a fire when they want tea. like their african ancestors
no he isn't that's grim
have some self control
how can you honestly respect yourself after doing that
our sam

better than matterface's forced theatrics
I can't even tell if this is real or a parody, it's just so many different fetishes happening at once
>random new eastern european flag moaning about rorke

spainy vpn meltdown
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Communism frees workers from the slavery and power of capitalists. There's no need for strikes in socialist states because workers are already in control and strikes developed as a method of workers fighting against capitalists. Strikes in socialist states are always organised by capitalists and nationalists with the goal of overthrowing socialism
is ally liked in england?
even celtic fans like me are taking a liking to him since he's been on commentary
him and collymore on talksport were proper car-crash radio doing the matches
Matterface always sounds like he's impersonating a commentator.
it's Twain from /sp/
Ronaldo fanboy from Romania
Clive is iconic
Should be on all big games
mental how badly I mindraped him lmao
going on the filter anyway
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lovely george
he'd be sickened by the state of the labour party
Tried the new lemon coke
I don't take T I'm just saying that my T without a doubt increased due to weightlifting, anyone's would, but that despite that I've been getting panic attacks

I started working out at 24, 26 is still a good age. Get a pull up bar and some rings and you can get a good workout at home for free
yeah he's class. probably the most popular commentator when the PL games are on
makes darren fletcher seem tolerable
Didn’t know we had a mongologist with us tonight
Mental how easy life is in this country if you're not a lazy retard like commiemong
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fletcher isn't that bad
much better than matterface anyway, can't stand the cunt
don't mind mowbray either
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hello mates
I see Southgayte is changing his tactics based on what pundits said after the Denmark game. Fucking clueless wanker
England will draw 1-1 and Kane will shout at the camera "NOITHE TO THEE YOUR OWN FANTH BOOING YER"
wouldn't say its easy
medium difficulty
where's the change in tactics? just the same plodding nothingness from what i can see
Commiemong has a job unlike most here
top lad proper clobber
business idea: moyes for england
Mental how easy life is in this country if you're born into a wealthy family
Rorke exposed
for me? neil warnock
utterly ludicrous claim
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So jarring watching England play after seeing serious teams like Spain and Portugal play
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im a lazy retard and life is easy
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heh its funny you say that, I literally bought a pull up bar 2 days ago, haven't set it up yet though because I'm a retard and I thought it'd just hold on with friction, didn't know I had to drill holders into the door frame lol
But alright, nice one lad. I needed that motivation. I always feel like I'm too old and that there's no point even trying lately.
What are rings?
I'm gonna get some weights too
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Having a piss in the sink
Love lifting weights desu
bored of football. off to play some pokemon instead
Nell Tiger Free poster didnt last long
>translation: going to keep spamming 4chan until the sun comes up
what is the pokemon version of the england mens football team?
hope england win
(the t20 world cup)
New York and California produce the best Republicans. The Deep South produces the best Democrats.
He doesn't even know why he did it either.

There's nothing wrong with Trent in the midfield as long as you have a pacey Ngubu on the left like Gordon to play those cross field passes to.
But he just saw pundits complain about Trent and obliged just because
>Love lifting weights
I don't
not fun
takes ages
have to make sure you do it properly to avoid injuries
watching gay porn
nowhere near enough variety and posted far too often
just didn't have enough content
i can post LIV ERP OOL photos every week for years and it's a breeze because you simply never run out of nice pictures of liverpool
Do you piss in the shower?
I don't know why it's so controversial to do so. The piss is flushed away down the pipes with gallons of water.
Sink is a bit weird, yeah, because you wash your hands and brush your teeth etc there. But shower is completely logical
Gymnastic rings. They can last you a while before you need to add weight, just look up pull up / push up / dips progression exercises. If you want to work out legs get a bike or some kettlebells
More like Neil Tiger Freak
on the fruit and nuts
remember lord swastika
i typically piss in the toilet like my mum taught me when i was like 1 year old
It's incomprehensible grim, innit?
I bet you didn't know that level of fear was even possible, did you?
love it when they kiss desu
get the gay fascist porn posted
fuck me how is it getting even HOTTER?
>sit back
>low block
>double up out wide
yep, i'll check back in at 70 minutes
Had one of these when I smoked 100x salvia near the airport and a plane flew right overtop of me and landed about 100m away
commiemong definitely wanks to nazi femdom porn
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based micah
even richfags aren't safe from humilation rituals
mad how immigrants come here and just continue living the same exact life they were living in the thirdie shithole but with even more kids
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just watched some absolute filth
this weather has brought something out of me
how is that a humiliation ritual, cheer up rorke
Bursting onto the scene
Piss in the shower everyday. Student halls at uni had a shared bathroom but every bedroom had its own sink and mirror. Be mental if you didn’t piss in those sinks I reckon
sweating like spainnonce at the baby animal shop
wish I could have a large estate far from everyone else and be the reclusive genius I was meant to be
not been clubbing in like 15 years
why is Google so unbelievably SHITE now?
It's amazing that in current year it's only about 5% as functional as it was 10 years ago
what's a good western kino that isn't some clint eastwood slop
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On the mad dog
3:10 to Yuma
that art is completely demonic
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sounds like user error
they intentionally crippled the algorithm after 2016 so that it could never lead people towards wrongthink content
Bifocals look shit
who cares
Big JC
mobile internet filter all sorts of no no words by default
bellingshite playing like he's never seen a football before
at first
i was like
muscle growth hypnosis
as a joke
but bro
i don't think it's a joke anymore...
Why aren't England FACKIN moving?
They're all just standing there in their shapes doing nothing
One of these days Corbyn will realise the youth vote is worthless
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The absolute BEST "Western" is the Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.
Genuinley one of the best films of the 2000s and one of the most beautiful films ever made, not just one of the best "Western"
(I put Western in quotations because it's more of a biographical character study of Greek tragedy proportions that's set in the West)
It's one of them films that's so full of SOVL that it makes you want to cry
>he had a condition known as granulated eye lids and it caused him to blink more than usual, as if he found creation slightly more than he could accept
Also RDR2 referenced this scene
can't wait for potter to get hold of these jabronis and turn them into a competent team
thought I saw Jen from IT crowd for a second
this nigga cumming for cowboys
Is England playing shite again?
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it's decent but it's not that good. 3:10 to yuma is better
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
mad how the dailymail and other major news outlets ran a story about putin falling down the stairs and shitting himself and their claimed source was a telegram channel where someone claimed to know one of his body guards. some people read that and think its true, that is the level of sapience some people operate on
why can't southgate just admit he gorrit wrong
No Country for Old Men is kind of a western too
Go back >>>/sp/142045956
england playing big on pashun and little on tekkers
fucking hell kane you bloody pensioner
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At pub
gareth southgate
get ready to learn arabic buddy
it's definitely a western
pretty much all russia news comes from telegram channels now
>And for this sin there is no remedy, for it is so grounded inward in my heart
I genuinley need to read Shakespeare. He did write absolute fire ngl
not many set in the 20th century
feels weird to recommend it as one despite me agreeing with you
refusing to watch this match cos the last two were so boring
from the sounds of it I'm vindicated
i've never seen kane play well
reminds me of how everyone was psyopped into thinking rooney was good when he had a few good years at the start of his career and that was it
to be or not to be :skull:

It's because it's a proper Western, not a spaghetti Western
yeah but it's just some random pro-ukraine channel that provided zero evidence of having connection to putin's guards and also claims shit like putin is dead and the current one is a body double and shit like that
>charge portable vacuum for 10 hours
>lasts about 2 minutes full power before shitting out again
hate this useless thing so much
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hell or high water's another good modern western in a similar vein
I don't even think this is an urgency thing. The issue seems to be that NO ONE IS MOVING. Like, at all. Just stand in position, receive the ball and pass it on. It's real life table football.
Thanks lad
>few days to 1 week
aight not bad, reckon I'll be fine in 3 days
Bad Day at Black Rock is a great early neo-Western.
soufgate out

rppmey in
here's what the media won't dare to say: bellingham is a luxury player and when he's playing bad it's like playing with 10 men
I reckon I could kick the ball in the net
Tonight, I am Slovenian
someone report that; i can't because my IP has a ban on it
my tyres are gone
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he's half caste
how am i supposed to believe memes like britain is safer than it used to be when i hear police sirens outside 24/7. don't even live in a rough area
Ask him yourself jobless bum
Older. Fatter. Balder.
What do you want me to do about it lad? I'm a singer, not a fucking mechanic.
Butch Cassidy

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