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"keep it cool" edition

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those old captchas were more meme-worthy
>no verification required
i want some baklava
Fucking hated the image captchas.
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You look like THIS?
based edition
sup cumbums
For example, I will be grateful if a doctor has saved my life. But how can I be grateful to God for simply existing?

>Doesn't that make you happy?
The problem is that it does not because most other people have the same.
Realize that ordinary everyday experience is in itself miraculous. Why does God need to descend from the heavens and slap you in the face for you to realize him? God is present everywhere. A lighting flash in a summer cloud, a stream, a rock.
All morning, I wanted potato salad. I compromised. I got 2 hot dogs instead.
some people CANNOT appreciate the Divine
You say a lot of lies
All morning, I wanted 2 hot dogs. I compromised. I got potato salad instead.
>Realize that ordinary everyday experience is in itself miraculous
But how do I be more appreciate? Everyday life seems mundane.
Billy's mom lets him have two weiners!
>he problem is that it does not because most other people have the same.

>In the Bible, John 21:21 says, "When Peter saw him [John], he asked, 'Lord, what about him?'". Peter is asking Jesus what will happen to John, and Jesus' response is to tell Peter to focus on his own commission and not worry about things that are not his business. Jesus says, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me".
Dont look at other people. They should be grateful too but it doesn't matter.
God saw it fit to bless you with these blessings and he saw it fit to put some people through very difficult challenges.
Yeah you not having cancer doesn't seem like it matters because you've never had cancer. But the second you're diagnosed, THEN IT REALLY FUCKING matters
I suggest you really ponder this, because if you are truly God's child then he will put this in perspective one way or another in order to help you be grateful and give you perspective. No I'm not saying he will give you cancer but who knows what could happen
I'd say you're getting caught up in trying to be appreciative. You either are or you aren't. Spiritual practices like prayer, meditation, silent contemplation, music—these can bring you closer to it. But ultimately, I'd say go on living your life as it is. Everyone gets what they need when they need it, spiritually speaking. I'd say it's by the grace of God that you think of God at all.
Not to go all fedora, but gods were created in an age before science to explain the natural processes that baffled man.

Now that the curtain has been pulled back and man has traded wonder for reason, there is no need for God's, except maybe to more easily control stupid people.

Really think. Does the whole concept of God make sense? You're following a religion that A. It's foundational myths and beginnings were just borrowed from the Babylonians. In some cases word for word.
B. Is a centuries old Semitic tradition that makes 0 sense in a modern western context. Why would you need circumcision in the modern day? Male genital mutilation?

C.Falls apart under the slightest scrutiny. The Bible contains so many contributions and retcons that it's not even funny.
what was on the dogs
are you confusing me with that other leaf who claims to be making +$150k?
Yeah I'm reading all that
probably gonna get laid off soon.
>A. It's foundational myths and beginnings were just borrowed from the Babylonians. In some cases word for word.
Totally false
Don't link me to your blog please
Just mustard
HR related?
LOL you haven't even studied your own religion. Damn. But I guess you prove my point, it is effective in controlling stupid people.
You the guy who said he got into a fight with corporate hr?
do you have a backup plan
i like mustard and sour kraut . i also prefer beef hot dogs
How come when you're a loser you can't do anything without fucking it up even when moving on and attempting something else you mess up even more badly and it feels like you're getting punished for refusing to stay in your place as a loser
You are holding me to religious standards that I don't adhere to. I can have faith in God and also realize the utility of science and reason for their own purposes. I'm not pushing literalism.
Typing dumb shit that isn't true isn't making a point
>You're gay
Ok everyone believe this instantly now please
Hey grateful anon you know what you should do? Go volunteer for the needy. For one it's just a nice thing to do and for two it'll help put in perspective just have bad life can get
With that mentality, you'll never get out. Change it.
But it is true. Have you looked it up?

When the Jews were in exile in Babylonia that is when they started writing the books that would become the Torah. The Enuma Elish from the 2nd millenium bc is where they essentially copy pasted everything and made the Torah.

You can be so stupid as to not have known this.
>Yeah you not having cancer doesn't seem like it matters because you've never had cancer. But the second you're diagnosed, THEN IT REALLY FUCKING matters
I understand and appreciate that very fact. It is similar to preparing for imminent disaster/destruction. Those who took precaution were saved but those chose to ignore the warnings perished.

>because if you are truly God's child then he will put this in perspective one way or another in order to help you be grateful and give you perspective. No I'm not saying he will give you cancer but who knows what could happen
Maybe I am going through it. I am unsure.
I second this. Go volunteer at a food bank.
you have to make mistakes to learn and grow as a person. you're not a loser and you're not getting punished for "stepping out of line" that's stupid. just keep trying new things and dont get disheartened
Can somebody help me with this:
Fuck naw nigga
It's also possible they're referencing the same stories and events but with separate interpretations
Obviously I'm taking a pro Jew view and you're taking a pro secular one, that the older one is more reliable by default
Thankfully Christianity hinges on the Jesus documents more than the Jewish ones
nah it's something else entirely. not my fault or the company's fault.
>do you have a backup plan
lmao no.
Well good luck anon
It can get hairy out there
>I understand and appreciate that very fact.
Then that's what you should pray
Noah wouldn't have known to take precaution if God did not reveal it to him. All good things are of God and worth being thankful for
Speaking of hairy, I am attracted to hairy girls
I did this (involuntary for legal reasons) and all I got was ungrateful niggers
Hohols bomb ethnic Russian children playing on the beach while the collective West says nothing.
how hairy are we talking here?
>Christianity hinges on the Jesus documents more than the Jewish ones

Have you read the Bible? That is utterly false.

Matthew 5:17: Do not think that I have come to do away with the Law of Moses or the writings of the early preachers. I have not come to do away with them but to complete them

Jesus whole point was reinforcing the power of the Jewish writings
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Took this pic of the river on the way back. There was actually some ducks but they took off.
Now Im eating 7 eleven pidzer and will probably funpost all day
The Jewish text is still the word of God
But I'm saying your secular interpretation doesn't disprove my faith, as I interpret them through a Christian lens that is validated by the historicity of the Jesus documents, especially Luke and Paul's writings
All I'm saying is that Christ would feed people who were ungrateful. He asked for forgiveness for those who were crucifying him. Take that for what you will.
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The ugly ones
I mean I guess there are some gels or whatever that look natural and cute but those super long ugly nails are just yuck and worst are those ghetto nigger nails that are like a triangle shape
They honestly make me cringe in disgust
Hairy eyebrows, armpits, arms, legs, and especially va jay jay.
which kind of girls wear these in Tyskland?
Israelis are using synagogues in Canada for real estate events selling property in the West Bank. None of the articles I read are mentioning this fact, and the ones that do mention it towards the bottom of the article.
Russians are bombing civilians daily while chuds say nothing

Beach was just an accident (Russian air defense misguided the warhead)
Getting real tired of the dutch poster T B H
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Cavemanmaxxing, high test
and even tough it was clearly an accident, it's deserved
Never seen this kind of nail design here
Just on instagram United Statian Negro women…..
you're not alone in hating obnoxiously long square acrylics thats fair
I don't particularly care about Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, or Russia.
>Never seen this kind of nail design here
thank God, I've seen a lot of trashy Balkan women start to get into this ghetto look, it's very weird
Liberal secularists cannot grasp this concept
Based and the TRVE American position should be non-interventionism
Whats the best way to find a full time that can at least support yourself? I just want to get out of my parents house and I really don't want to become a construction worker
Cumbros, did you know that you can just email North Koreans? Im not kidding. Find some North Korean websites and look for an email in the contact section of the site. Sometimes there is a working email.
How can it be the word of God if it was copied (in some cases word for word) from the Enuma Elish, a Babylonian document about a polytheistic religion.

You're probably young and haven't read much about it, but I've studied this shit so much over so many years I might as well have a Associates in judeo Christian theology. I'll leave you too it, but I will say the more you know about how things came to be how they are in Christianity, the less sense it makes. I grew up super religious too.
The New Testament is a pseudo historical book as well. Pilate was previously thought of as a character invented by the New Testament authors but later on they found the Pilate stone and coins he had minted during his time as the governor.
>only religious people can have good morals
That has to be one of the most retarded takes from religious people.
>How can it be the word of God if it was copied (in some cases word for word) from the Enuma Elish, a Babylonian document about a polytheistic religion.
I just told you
>It's also possible they're referencing the same stories and events but with separate interpretations
You are clinging desperately to the idea that it was certainly, doubtlessly, "copied"
The fact is neither of us truly know and are interpreting this through the lens of our worldview and presuppositions
idk how anyone, even an atheist, in the [current year] could argue against this. The whole "we can invent our own morality" experiment hasn't worked at all
*not pesudo history haha
Why would I want to talk to one?
Secularists have the privilege of redefining "good morals" however they want

Let me ask you this, my totally intellectually honest friend: if you lost your wallet, would you rather a devout Christian find it or a hardcore fedora atheist?
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drinking covfefe
>schizoboomer is back
"devout christians" can be some of the biggest pieces of shit around
Let me guess your gonna bring up muh gays and lgbt
im going tea have some after i eat
having a tomato sandwich with mayo and black pepper
How do I get good morals from a God who orders the extermination of entire groups of people? Even Jesus would say the annihilation of the Amalekites and all their animals was justified.
>"devout christians" can be some of the biggest pieces of shit around

Now answer the question my intellectually honest compadre
Atheists in the rational materialist sense, those folks who believe we are accidental instances of biology that are meaningless, always devolve into hyperindividualistic hedonists
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Newports still banned?
File deleted.
>37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself
Why does it shock you that the creator of the universe has the authority to choose who lives and dies for his purposes
I am. Christians can do whatever they want, god will forgive them.
'twas the demiurge, you halfwit!
What does that have to do with what I said? He's not retroactively saying "Ummmm well actually that was a bad thing."
stop falling for the I need to take every word of the Bible literally meme.
>Christians can do whatever they want, god will forgive them.
That would be bad theology that a devout Christian is unlikely to adhere to
>Romans: shall we live in sin so that grace may increase? Absolutely not!

So whomst do you choose to find your wallet? I await your answer in the next reply
>devolve into hyperindividualistic hedonists
because it's the natural endpoint of their worldview. If existence is just some accident of nature then there is no logical reason not to surrender to every pleasurable impulse when possible
>Christians can do whatever they want, god will forgive them
Incorrect. These kind of christians are similar to the pharisees.
You know God *LITERALLY* ordered genocides right? That's not disputed by Christian theologians.
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>Christianity is le bad
>exclusively brings up the old testament
a tale as old as time
There really are not many good reasons. I have a personal autistic life quest that compels me to do this. I am trying to get a pack of the same cigarettes that Kim Jong Un smokes for my collection. I have been working at this for a year now. I am very close now I can feel it.
That's one thing that doesn't shock me from such a being, but what shocks me is needing to believe this creature is the pinnacle of standing moral character. I feel bad when I accidentally step on a worm so really in a sense I have more love for his creatures than even he.
I said it before and I'll say it again.

Secularists have the privilege of creating morality in their image

What you want praise for feeling bad for a worm? I hope you're pro life at least, if you're gonna go the whole "I'm the greater morality" route but I doubt it.
I am not a Christian theologian, nor am I trying to convert you. I look at the sayings of Jesus as essentially a separate religion from the Hebraic barbarism you're talking about.
Should she have answered the last question?
Jesus himself is a fulfillment of OT prophesies. What makes you think the OT is irrelevant?
Clearly no one in this theological argument is on the same page. Hilarious
>Hebraic barbarism
My friend, don't reply if you acknowledge that you aren't familiar with the scriptures or theology

You are digging yourself into a hole that you won't get out of
>when the post nut disgust hits
I'm definitely 100% more morally sound than God. No contest, he's not only a scumbag but also a pussy.
Jesus came to fulfill the old testament commandment and prophesies. Which is why we no longer sacrifice animals for Passover since Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice himself.
Anon what are some things you consider sacred?
Friendly reminder that much of the Old Testament was written pre-Judaism during the Polytheistic Yahwist period
Also friendly reminder that the Hebrew Egyptian "Exile" is a memory of the Hyksos conquest of Egypt and the Hebrew's ancestors were the ruling class
That's an interesting opinion from John Adams but it's not in law. The Constitution of the US does not favour any religion as far as I can tell. And of course the First Amendment says that Congress can't make any law that would establish an official religion of the US.

>brings up gays and lgbt unprompted
Oh, you're an aggrieved alphabet person, that explains it
Why is yall nighas so active rn
>The fact is neither of us truly know and are interpreting this through the lens of our worldview and presuppositions

Okaaaay, this is a little bit disingenuous. I mean, I was gonna leave it alone but ..

Okay. So the Jews went into exile in Babylonia 597 BC. The Enuma Elish was written in the 13th century bc. It was well known in the area and was the basis for a lot of cultural references. it was a well known near eastern work, just like the Iliad was to the Greeks.

So 1500 or so years later the Jews arrive in captivity and start writing the Torah. It JUST SO HAPPENS that all the shit in the Torah is conveniently present in the Enuma Elish. Ok.

So what's more FEASIBLE, from a completely rational point of view. That these were "referencing the same events" when the Jews heretofore had no writings about these things, and just HAPPENED to include them after arriving in Babylon and having their scribes pore over Babylonian works, or that they just copied it.

I mean come on dude. Like the saying goes, it's POSSIBLE that somewhere in the universe there's a flying spaghetti monster. But I'm not prone to believe there is, and no rational person would either. Like, be for fucking real.
>incorrect on both counts
Oh fuck off. You want to have a highly specific debate about the scriptures. I'm telling you I don't care about the scriptures. That your parents were shitty people who used religion to abuse you has nothing to do with the teachings of Christ.
That quote does not favor any particular religious either

He's simply acknowledging that people need an adherence to the transcendental for accountabilities sake, otherwise the constitution could be interpreted so loosely as to render it worthless
Yahweh's Chosen Peoples of course
>the creator of the universe
There is no evidence to suggest that there was a creator of the universe. There could have been a creator, or there could have been several, or there could have been none. We have no idea so far.

I think we should do more science, which is surely the only way that we will find any answers regarding the origin of the universe.
Of course it's not in law. It was the status quo for generations however, and our decline can be traced to an abandonment of religion and morals in favor of the consumerist cynicism we have now
Science is your God, nonce. Kys
there's a debate tonight with Biden and Trump?
Wrong bucko
The most likely explanation for any Hebrew exile from Egypt is the Hyksos expulsion by Seqenenre Tao and the Old Testament refers to the Yahweh punishing the gods of Egypt, refers to Yahweh being assigned Israel by the High God Elyon, and refers to the other Canaanite gods frequently
Take a theology class at your local free university
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>accidentally started a religious war in /cum/
I'm sorry /cum/. This was not intended as I only wanted to understand gratitude. I am sorry once again.
>He's simply acknowledging that people need an adherence to the transcendental for accountabilities sake
Interesting opinion, but it's not law.

>our decline can be traced to an abandonment of religion and morals in favor of the consumerist cynicism we have now
Consumerism allowed the US to grow into the world's biggest superpower.

Perhaps the US hasn't even declined in recent decades, it's just that other world powers have grown (China being the most significant example). If the US wants to stay on top then I guess it will need to figure out smart strategies to stay ahead of China and China's allies.
The post you're responding to isn't an argument for a creator
Cucknadian presupposed that this creator exists and then decided that this creator was immortal for "ordering genocide"
If we presuppose this creator exists, then genocide (and anything else) shouldn't be a problem. He is the infinite one, we are finite.

Now you are right, that the REAL question should be whether this creator exists. I was just getting out of the way the juvenile idea that we can presuppose a creator and then decide that we are more moral
>That quote does not favor any particular religious either
they really couldn't grasp it lol >>199003016
Got a cunning plan ladsvim planning on selling a packet of cigarettes for an exorbitant price to this autistic south african who thinks im from North Korea
We have grown decadent and the economy is in shambles. I don't know why I'm even replying to a furry nonce seriously. Kys
>but it's not law.
Yeah you can't legislate people into being religious and moral
That doesn't render it unnecessary for people to be so
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Did your high school have a GSA?
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Excellent. But tell me Nige, how did you get your hands on them to begin with? Is Kim your mate?
Also I will not be BUYING anything (that is to say an exchange of a product for a currency). I will only request that they be sent to me if and when possible 'for fun'. If I buy them, technically I violated UN sanctions and if the yanks ever find out they can send me to the poor house. No thank you
I haven't seen females respond negatively too that THO
If I killed myself then I wouldn't get to enjoy the stupidity of people like you. Not worth it.

Online religious discussions are funny

What if there turns out to be a creator but we decide that he only cares about himself and not us. In that situation it would be fine to judge the creator as immoral and selfish.

Religion clearly isn't necessary because irreligious people have been successful over the last century or so as irreligion has become more common.

Just as one example, Chairman Mao was an atheist and that guy was hugely successful. He became the leader of a massive country and he had 10 kids.
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185 people have my game on their steam wishlists. if 10% of them buy a copy during the summer sale, i'll earn about $60. and if 10000% of them buy a copy, i will make almost 60 grand.
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going to have a manic clean the whole house day today i think
>Mao under whose rule millions perished was good
Ngl, after such a heated argument I need to jerk off
They see me rolling they hating
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Channel your anger and craziness into a Luchador wrestling character that captures the hearts and minds of millions of Mexican fans.
Harness this energy into exercises or weight lifting
stupid americans are the only thing that is the most likely one of those people in their country to be able to get the money from their parents to be able to get the same thing as an example they don't want it for a while or alcohol is not the most important thing
Truer words have never been spoken
I understand why you drew this conclusion about the Jewish scripture

I believe it is you who doesn't understand why I interpret it differently via the lens of Paul and Luke's writings (well obviously the whole NT but I assumed you'd find Paul and Luke's writing more historically viable)
Donald Trump is on the line. He said "So True!"
bro is not ok
janny will ban me for advertising if i post the name, but if you give me your steam ID or a burner email or something, i can send you a key for a free copy.
Anyone want to buy my Labrador Retriever/Bernese Mountain Dog/French Bulldog/German Shepherd/Shih Tzu mix dog for $2000? I promise it's not a pitbull and it's a great nanny dog
I’m very confused by this trend on X since Elon took over…I’ve never seen this on old twitter.
People are posting the same few broken glitchy video files nonstop.
Engagement farming I guess but still strange
Should I talk to him?
>Middle aged mutt for 2k
Give it away for free anon
If you want to gatekeep irresponsible poorfags from taking it then charge like 300-500 bucks
how do i get my orgasms to feel better ive been fapping once a day and it doesn't feel as satisfying anymore
Please do momma elon
I believe you answered your own question
Living in an unincorporated area sucks. Last year I tried to call the cops in this street full of beaners popping off loud fireworks (they're illegal, the fireworks and the beaners) but we don't have a police department so I called the Sheriff and they're not gonna come out to stop some fucking fireworks
Either take a good long break or start performing increasingly degenerate acts to get your rocks off.
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i dont want to stop masturbating though im always horny
The eye is never satisfied with seeing
Nor the ear with hearing

Discipline and self control, leaf friend
The degenerate thing is a bad idea. I burned out my dopamine recepteors from gooning too long, now I'm basically impotent. I can't get it up and haven't fapped in a month
I am on the secret Elon Musk hotline (every South African is given this number when they turn 18). I am waiting for the line to open. This is the waiting music
"janny will ban me for advertising if i post the name, but if you give me your steam ID or a burner email or something, i can send you a key for a free copy.
You have my curiosity, try this: tw9stz+e3hq2fwttebdc@sharklasers.com
>religious anon asks for advice on being more grateful
>Atheists seethe
Why do they do this
i will not put things up my ass. thats gay
Everyone pour out some liquor for this newfag who doesn't know how to greentext and is about to be scammed
No I know what I have I know what it's worth $2000 all cash you come to pick it up and no you can't see proof that it's not a pitbull I don't care that it looks like one it's a rare Franco-Labernese Shephih tzu
An atheist is not merely indifferent to God and religion. He cringes at the notion of a spiritual dimension of life because he has divorced himself from it. That a person could derive meaning from something the atheist, in his arrogance, has denounced as fairy tales is deeply offensive. They are spiritually sick.
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is that the original pic? damn
Thought it was this

forgot that I'm on a FRCAN keyboard where > is "
It isnt a Francophone country but that really would make a good hold song
In the past 5 minutes alone I've called several people
Told the to kys
Told the to kys because they're faggots
Called one a Zionist stooge
Another a leftist cuck
And altered images to prove points that I know are incorrect
>typed "told the to" twice
Yet you still have no bitches
I dunno your mom's kind of a bitch and I had her
okay i just sent it.
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Thanks anon, I look forward to playing your game
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i think i left work too early. we had to fill out a presentation survey at the end and i thought we could leave after that but no one else left.
it's a really niche genre. definitely not for everyone, so if you don't like it, i totally get it.
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You’re lying if you say you wouldn’t
Work presentations are a waste of time
Some Negro tried blowing up a bar in Germany with a homemade grenade and just ended up grilling himself in the process…saw a pic of him on X….he was well done…
Almost but there's a thimble sized tattoo
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i wish i did not have to go through them
traffic killed me today
wanna die
Get a motorcycle
Hoisted by his own petard
Can this flu fuck off from my lungs and nose already
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Excited for Thursday?
Why did you preemptively post the entire debate?
Are you a time traveler?
no spoiler option on /int/, unfortunately
Pepsi or Coke
Xbox or Playstation
Books or Movies
Israel or Palestine
Music or Podcasts
Early Bird or Night Owl
Breakfast or Dinner
Beach or Mountains
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me? im in pain
early bird
>vidya is gay these days
>fuck 'em both
>night owl
Hello this is Chef John from food wishes dot com
>he hasnt taken the retropill
baba g
xD this was the first thing that I had to think of as well
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i am hungry
eat your cum?
What's the point of living if you dont make at least a 150k a year?
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im out of cum because i masturbated a lot and haven't eaten enough food!
Babaji or Balasteyşen Fai?
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Good night!
Dont (you) me shit eater
fucking retards
chickem nugget
I'm not watching two senile dinosaurs struggle to put coherent sentences together.
>elect Trump
>America gets destroyed from within

>elect Biden
>he starts WW3 and America gets destroyed by the Russians and Chinese

Born to be a night owl, forced to be an early bird
why not? itll be funny
I don’t get the appeal of hwak tuah girl.
I mean everyone has done that to a woman at least once if she isn’t wet enough and you don’t feel like putting effort into it.
I'm currently at work watching a mandatory workplace violence training video on my phone in Microsoft Meetings
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>hwak tuah girl.
wot now?
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Smoking kush
normies like trends. in a month nobody will care
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>Smoking kush
He hwaks and then tuahs when she’s sucking dick.
But I mean a good dick sucker doesn’t need to do that because her throat will basically tuah all over it naturally.
But we all hwak tuah on dry pussy anyway. I thought it was a normal sex thing.
gotta go to the grocery store i am STARVING.
oh dear
I ate a bit too much
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This post gave me aids
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nigga that's nuts!
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Here's a cum fun fact for you all, pre-cum has an official designation named after the guy who studied it. So the next time you leak a bead of Cowper's fluid remember William Cowper.
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shoes are falling apart
Sex scientists are so interesting to me
get some new shoes anon
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can you buy new shoes?
Is the foid the "oh dear" poster
oh me oh my
Do you prefer smoothies or milkshakes?
smoothies are lighter, drinking a big milkshake tears up my stomach so probably smoothies
Oh dear, oh jeez, oh man
I like a bunch of different smoothies but I only like strawberry milkshakes.
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i prefer smoothies made with prostate milk
He gave a temporary email address so he'll be fine
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>That little half-jog
Every time
I can't afford new shoes.
Hopefully I die in my sleep
I think smoothies are probably healthier, sure fruit juices have sugar, but they have vitamins. Either of them should probably only be had occasionally.
It's so weird to see a British flag making coherent posts in this general
You ever hit a car and drive away?
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buy some aubercy shoes
I puree fresh kale, add a spoon full of apple juice, and use it as a dipping sauce for my steamed brussel sprouts.

But you have to put black pepper on the brussel sprouts before you steam them.

I fucking love brussel sprouts
You ever commit a crime?
Imagine how healthy this anons poops are
Vegetables are usually half my plate
I recently found a connect for ultra cheap vegetables and have been enjoying heretofore unexplored vegetablaic options such as red chard
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you ever been in a turkish prison?
I said PUSSY
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do you like gladiator movies?
One time in a parking lot I opened my car door in the when it was really windy and it flew open and left a giant dent in their door so I moved the car and parked it somewhere else. Thanks blog
say it again
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I backed into a Mercedes that was parked somewhere it shouldn't have been and fucked up his door but my car was fine so I just left
so united statians think summer starts on July?
me on the right
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summer starts when the swamp ass hits and i can feel liquid poo dribbling down my leg after being outside for 2 minutes.
For the love of JESUS, Mohammed, and EVERYTHING
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>lied on my resume by extending my employment at a previous job like a retard
>actually got a job offer from it and have been waiting on my background check fully expecting them to find out and rescind my offer
>it was completed at the end of last week and they've been sending me all my onboarding documents
Did they just not check it or something? Am I actually in the clear?
why care, you’re clear
pinch some hot girl butts at the office for me
They probably didn't check. They usually don't, and if they did the requirements aren't usually hard and fast rules so they probably just said fuck it good enough
What am I supposed to make of an otherwise beautiful white woman who has covered her body in tattoos? Mentally ill beyond repair?
Move on, don't put your dick is crazy. Not worth it. Looks wear off, crazy doesn't. Don't be some bitch's therapist.
...and after having said that
Think of the mindset it takes to say "I'm gonna cover my body in tattoos".

Not necessarily mentally unstable but not great with the decision making
If you have sex you have betrayed me. Do not betray me.
LOL you sound like a fucking date merchant
im a khhv retard
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literally me
do you have a cute bussy?

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does your mother's coochie stink?
idk. I'm interested in your bussy and cum.
only gurls will have the honor of being bred by a superhuman Übermensch like me.
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What if I got on hrt?
all they checked was that you were employed there. even if they called to get a solid date, most employers refuse to give out more in formation than
>yes, anon was employed here
my old company wouldn't do anything beyond confirming employment if someone called too.

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