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dog river edish

prev >>199001670
>get curious and record myself speaking
>don't like how it sounds
>put on one of my alternate voices
>recording sounds 100% the same
>put on another voice
>100% the same
what the fuck
i have a tummy ache. dunno why
drinking milk
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the actual oldfags from way back are now 40-50 yo and the newfags from way back are now 20-30 yo
Yeah. I came here in 2008 and I'm 45
ouch. how you holding up?
you failed to buy bitcoin
I'm fine. I've risen to the top of my field and have everything I want. I don't actually want to be married, I have intimacy issues
try therapy?
For many years. There's no cure for what I got
sorry for your problems. i guess some of us are not cut for relationships.
If my entire life has taught me one things, it is precisely that.
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reached out to the german man to order some expensive custom boots. he might not do it though, because i want him to make a new pattern for me.
you should hire a prostitute or visit an asian massage parlor to release steam. but i guess at 45 you t levels are on the decline anyways.
You're a fancy boy
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i'm just a poser but thanks bby
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hashing is not used to mask any content that's encryption, hashing is used to make sure what you're getting is legit
tfw no big titties filipina wife

>he thinks that not being married past 40 is an "ouch"
everybody get a load of this normie extrovert non-schizoid over here
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get a korean wife from the local samsung factory
just because you're an autistic incel it doesnt change the meaning of the word normal
That's a Taiwanese lady
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look, i don't have many options to choose from.
Here's the power rankings of girls looks in east Asia
2. Japanese
3. Korean
Hope you're doing well Brazil bro
How come women don't let their guy friends grab their tits? I mean, it's just tits, not like it's sex.
chinese women can be schizophrenic. it's japs for me.
>You can grab my cock if you want bro, it's not sex
cant decide which color sandals i should buy anyone want to help?
because it's sexually charged, you might as well be asking for a handjob
If my lady friends wanted to touch my cock then sure why not?
post em
Well if it leads to sex then that's their fault, and that's why I said "guy friends" so it's someone they trust
Like if a female friend wanted to touch my dick while she fingered herself then why not
I should visit Osaka some day, I hear nothing but good things about it.
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left or right

Fair, but loads of normie divorced men learn the hard way that marriage is unwise, given the current legal landscape. It is possible to live more-or-less happily with a woman and have children with her without ever marrying. For men who want children, this is, broadly speaking, the wisest course.
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This show fucking wrecked me
my car is from 2005 and has less than 100k miles on it.
gonna be real wit u chief
those are ugly as sin
I read osaka and oksana and thought you were talking about a hooker
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right because a splash of color is always nice
what should i get instead
Bruh if a girl has "guy friends" that's a obvious red flag. Also no such thing as being friends with women unless you are gay.
you might feel good regardless of whoever is sexually attracted to you because you're a man and would have sex with almost anything, you're not the sexual selector so your sex is meaningless, women on the other hand like to pretend all their male friends aren't sexually attracted to her
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taking your opinion into consideration
having female friends signals you're not a incel sociopath
what do you intend to use the sandals for? just casual wear around the house? active wear while on the river? at the beach?
beach and house wear
I am an incel sociopath and I have level headed female friends
They just accept me for who I am
Well just imagine it's a guy who she's worked with for several years. They know each other pretty well and trust each other. They're both single. If he asks "can I touch your tits for 5 mins and nut real quick" why shouldn't she help her homie out? I'm not saying women have to, but what's wrong with it, like why dont they
Well even if they "pretend" their guy friends arent attracted to them, wouldn't it be a nice boost to their ego if one of them asked if he could feel her up? Like I said, assuming they're good friends and relatively attractive
maybe it would but there's only 2 ways this can go, they either end up having sex or she distances herself from him so you might as well be asking for sex
/cum/ is a Nickmercs general
Check out Teva. They're one of the big brands and come in a variety of colors while being well-made and durable. They'd last you at least a decade.
>They just accept me for who I am
Which is gay. Also women love to hang out around guys that they will never let smash just so they can either learn more about guys or just use you boost their own ego.

Female friends don't have any value in themselves though, except as potential means to have sex with other women. True friendship between men is an end in itself, because they can have meaningful and honest discussions in a more-or-less rational manner, without the sex thing clouding the interaction.
left for me cause im a plain ass
Well yeah I wouldn't think someone should legit ask something like that since I know society isn't set up in such a way
But idk, if I were a woman I'd be like "some dudes just wanna touch tits so bad, I'll let my friends touch my tits if they want and if I know they're cool"
Im just curious why more women don't think this way
This reminds me, I knew a really cool girl in high school. Me and my friends would make bets on random shit and say "the loser has to slap her ass" and she let us do it a couple of times but then she asked us to stop because I guess it bothered her or whatever.
It took me years before I thought of it as messed up. I just saw it as slapping her ass jokingly like how you'd slap a guy friends ass or whatever
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I just found my new sandals thank you
Haven't gotten up to 1000 calories yet today
because they're not men, it just means you would be a massive whore that would have sex with anyone if you were a woman but you wouldn't unless your brain gets transplanted to the body of a woman which still wouldn't make you be the same as you are now because the hormones being release by your body would immediately make you think different even if your brain is originally male
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too big?
>it just means you would be a massive whore that would have sex with anyone if you were a woman
Well no, promiscuous sex is bad and I don't need to be a man or woman to know that. But touching tits is just touching tits, like if someone asks for my body count, I don't add everyone woman who's tits I touched
I'm willing to bet money that Canadians are secretly more racist than Americans.
if you're agree to something so sexually charged you're giving the green light to someone who's obviously sexually attracted to you, you either end up having sex with him or he ends up very upset, besides that fact that's something that would obviously lead to a bad outcome unless you want to have sex with him too it would make you feel like a whore which most women would feel bad about, if you cant understand how women think you need to at least accept the fact that they think differently from you
Hamas always attacking humanitarian aid crossings and convoys and they wonder why not enough aid is getting in
>if you cant understand how women think you need to at least accept the fact that they think differently from you
I do accept that, I'm just posing the question so I can understand. I guess a general chat filled with dudes probably isn't the right place, but women would probably find the question itself creepy. They don't even think about things like this
think of it like this, imagine if one of your male friends came up to you and asked to feel up your asshole, that's how a woman would think of that
mass shooting in vegas
Well I've had sex, I just don't do relationships.

And yeah my levels are way down from my 20s. Like the song says, "Dot get around much anymore"
>shooter was black
nothing to see here folks
I don't think that's the same though
I think there's clear biological reasons why I'd be averse to a homosexual practice like that.
But if it's a man and a woman, and it isn't even sex, then idk what the issue is
why am i getting ads in vietnamese
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just bought linen jeans. going to be cool as a cucumber this summer.
her body is more sacred to her than yours is to yourself just like your asshole is sacred to yourself against other male, it is not the same thing as a women asking to feel your balls, not at all
My sister told me to buy these sandals instead
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if you are gay/trans watching this video will convince you to stop being gay/trans
But why should it be sacred against a friend whom she knows well? I'm not saying as a male friend I should be entitled to it, but why is it totally inconceivable? I could see if I wanted to touch her pussy. But why is touching her tits any different than a male friend putting his arm over her shoulder or something
New father figure for brownoids after andrew tate got arrested
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I guess most Brits stick to /brit/ but I just get pissed off with that thread these days because people spam it with terrible posts
just leave it alone buddy
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Ask them out. Post the results here.
because its sexually charged, we've been over this, you're completely ignoring the context of male and female dynamics, role and the way we evolved to be
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Got kicked around by the universe too many times this week and resorted to a nefarious deed.
Lmao you sound like one of those white knights who say "she isn't interested, pal"
None of that *necessarily* means that a woman shouldn't consider it. You're explaining to me why women are basically wired to not consider it. But why shouldn't a woman, with a friend whom she's attracted to and trust, consider it? It's not like she's gonna be say "ehm I've evolved to not let you touch my tits"
Like I said, when pussy is involved there are tangible risks, but not just tits.
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I'm not secure with decision to order them and this comment almost pushed me over the edge to cancel the order
Order what YOU like, man. Fuck the haters.
no. my opinion is important. anon must by the portlandia sandals and grow a goatee.
Ran a mile. Similar time as yesterday.
>It's not like she's gonna be say "ehm I've evolved to not let you touch my tits"
Nigga we men have testosterone, it makes us horny, women can get horny too just not to the extend that men do. Men want to have sex for fun. Women only wanna do it with someone they respect. That's why your weird view of reality just doesn't work, like go outside and befriend some girls and ask them to grope their tits and see what happens
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you don't like portlandcore?
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I order something i like my siblings laugh at me and call them ugly
I order something i dont like no one says anything and i never wear them ever again
if she is attracted to him then yea she may consider it but just like asking for sex it's not something you would do or ask casually without any context, you're thinking tits is a standalone thing it is not, pussy and tits are both sexual things and not much different, you could be asking why are tits sexualized which i think it's more interested because they weren't always sexualized to the degree they are today
Did you go on a bender and shoplift again, anon?
I dont know what that is
Who gives le fuck
When is this edition happening? Been waiting for two-and-a-half years.
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it's things people in portland like to wear. terrex, flannels, an arc'teryx jacket when it rains for 5 minutes, keens, columbia, etc.
The conversation isn't about sex, and the context is an act of kindness towards a friend that she presumably "respects" not giving up the whole goods to him
And I dont have any weird view of reality, I'm not saying this is how the world works or should work. I'm just trying to understand
>you're thinking tits is a standalone thing it is not, pussy and tits are both sexual things
I separated them because pussy involves risks like pregnancy, UTI, broken hymen, and whatever else. Tits are just tits though, there is no risk to touching them at all.
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When zoomers read stuff online they don't even worry about what happened -- they look for the opinion that keeps them out of trouble.
If you're younger than 30 you're going to work with people who operate like this for the rest of your life
You're describing Vancouver, man, with the exception of flannel. Flannel is the rest of the country, but not here.
I hate how female posters write like this and think they come off as a man who has the influence to socially pressure "other" men. Just show us your tits already.
Danganronpa 3 > 2 > 1
heard this song when watching banshee the other day and i can not get it out of my head
>He said 3 when he meant v3
you know what i meant
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I know and agree
I hate everything about myself
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Lol libshits
What is your plan to change that
uhmmmm HELLO SOVL ?
Phone game about wave defense called -- wait for it -- CHUDS VS. TRANNIES
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>tfw no larry gf
This sounds like something Jeffrey Dahmer would write
becoming a tiger
My name is Anonymous, and I'm an alcoholic.
My brother…
Albanian women are the hottest white women no cap
Anon, this isn't Alcoholics Anonymous.
this is incel anonymous
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These are actually very nice
my pockets are deep
deep and empty
Whatever I do from now on is contingent on burying and hiding things I said and did as a 4chan-poisoned high schooler and college student. But we all have our crosses to bear.
porta potties are fucking disgusting we need to put our top scientists to work on something better
That’s rough. Many men have been destroyed by the drug that is alcohol. It’s crazy how laissez faire we are with alcoholism as a society.
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fill them with love and egg
what are they doing with the 4chan archives? they only show the first page
my two cents? air filters, air conditioning, and a bucket of good ol' sawdust to pour on top after each movement.
Our top scientists are probably pajeets so nothing is gonna be done about the potties
None of those things will save you when this happens
>Our top scientists are probably pajeets
You have to be a street shitter to actually believe this
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Go back to New Jersey!
Nigga do you have any idea how many pajeets are rich in usa? Visit Dallas where I live and find out, they are all doctors and tech bros, but I would imagine they science stuff too
your bussy pics are out there
Just had a long back and forth with a scammer. This is the second or third one who has been super creepy and refused to hang up no matter how racist I was or how much vitriol I gave him. You can easily tell if these are real phone companies or not and whenever I get one of these calls I call them out right away and they always throw the insults first. It's so funny actually but it's disturbing when (as this guy just did) they whisper hoarsely into the phone stuff about raping and killing my mom and sister and uttering other threats which is a crime in Canada. And then he just kept whispering blasphemies into the phone and I just hung up. He had called me back twice by the way, and most of this was in the third call.
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have been in manic cleaning mode for the last 3 hours i have gotten a lot done though, and stuff ive been putting off for months
basic slut slips
it's an asian world
these I like, I'm gaudy like that
everyone thought i would be a giga chad pussy slayer when i was a kid and in fact i was one prior to puberty, it just makes me wonder what if, wasted potential
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I might get something like these soon, I really need some new shoes
>the average american
Extract Jews from that white category and lets see the chart again.
Entered the Casa Bonita waitlist but I'm told the food actually sucks? Anyone ever been?
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These are more my style actually, they match my sun glasses
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get some tevas like me, adidas and nikes are sooo played out
4chan niggas be like "immigrants are leeching off welfare/benefits" when immigrants are often bigger contributors to the country's taxes than "native" people
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i let my dog sleep on the bed with me, but she usually overheats and leaves after 30 minutes
matt stone and trey parker own casa bonita now cause of that one south park episode, they saved it from going out of business lol . funny how that works out
I'm aware, that's partly why I was excited to see if I could get a reservation but the reviews seem kinda mixed, one says:

>Some of the worst Mexican food I’ve ever had, completely tasteless, they steam their corn tortillas and flour tortillas and soggy with no charr. Everyone has been telling me the food here is not good and unfortunately they are correct. Sad, I was really looking forward to the potential of them having amazing food.
deep lore on this channel is that they're faking being homeless for views or something, they had a setup in a storage unit too, which is kind of impossible in most storage facilities.
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This...is me
damn thats sad, i mean theres a lot to do there other than the food for sure, but it should be inexcusable for them to have bad food. what a shame. i'd still have fun though
you on the left

We tried it. Doesn't work. People will get their booze no matter what.

Every human culture developed rotting drink of some form or other which gets you fucked up and helps you to forget shitty life for a time. Over thousands of years, they more-or-less learned how to hold their liquor, and how to behave socially with it. Every culture, that is, except the Native Americans, which is why they can't handle it. They were so backward as human beings that they never spontaneously came up with it as an escape. This suggests that, even taking tribal warfare into account, they were very well-at-ease with their culture and their nature, and didn't feel a strong need to escape from the world which most other humans do.
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what a bitch
blue footed booby hi :>
the reason why every culture has alcohol is because water was unsafe to drink, it was a lot more watered down beer that they drank for hydration more than for getting drunk but of course they could also get drunk if they wanted to
Henlo I am in wisconsin. What is there to do here. I'm staying in onalaska tonight and might go to madison and mikwaukee tomorrow unless I find something else in the meantime.

Minnesota bluff country was awesome. Man they really fuckin hate the amish there.
I go from trying not to think about anything and focus on what I'm immediately doing to intense self-loathing and despair. I am the most pathetic and worthless human that could possibly exist. It would actually be morally virtuous to remove myself from existence.
well boys its come to down to talking to fat girls on fetlife
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They look... interesting
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more like wakanda
i am literally stepping out the door to get dinner so i can’t talk but you are not worthless and the world would not be better off without you anon i promise . i have these thoughts too sometimes and they are not true . you are a good person who deserves to be happy .
they're probably max comfy
ate a fuckload of food and now i'm sleepy
Would anybody in the wisconsin/illinoise area like to hang out with Mr? :3
Why is a house talking to me?
I don't know how to not hate myself. I've seen various psychiatrists and therapists throughout my life. From childhood to present day. Nothing has helped.
who is this mysterious Mr. ? person?
Comfort is important but I think looks are also important
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so honry
Gomen, I am phoneposting. That's supposed to be "me".
Um, fucking based?
this is a 10/10 in Turkey
forgot the pic retard
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thoughts on a ugly comfy gamer gf?
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forgot file
Is she autistic?
I wonder what workout I should do to be able to have jackhammer sex
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she's fucking cute wtf
I could go for a 10/10 turkey right about now
squat pushups
I've come to the conclusion that American women are NOT attractive. Its so rare to see a hot girl here compared to home.
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thoughts on a gf that mogs you?
don't make me tap the sign
>being sexually attracted to women is gay
yea ok buddy
I ass mog my gf, she's a flat pancake her titties look nice with a bra on, if you haven't guessed by now she's asian, japanese korean mix yes you heard me correctly I am wiinning in life

I bet you went through my hometown, which is nearby. Yes, the bluffs are beautiful. I went hiking in some bluffs in the region like two years ago and around the back side in the shade chipmunks were frolicking everywhere around me like a fucking Disney movie. A lady pointed out a snake to me that I completely didn't see, and she insisted that I throw a rock at it so she and her kids could get to the top and I was like lol nope and then just dipped around the back way where I saw the chipmunks.

I was in downtown La Crosse just a year ago and just walked down to the shore by the river. Green trees everywhere, people on boats and in bars and restaurants. It hit me just how beautiful this part of the world is.


Solitude is vastly preferable to a fatty and it isn't close. I don't understand how T compels men to rut with that. There's a meme about how men who won't even consider fat women at all are low T like it's some sort of failing, but honestly that's a knock against testosterone itself, against nature itself.
My wife mogs me but that's the way I like it plus she basically treats me like a helpless shota and that feels nice.
It's a part of Nissan's triple safety philosophy
It depends where you are and the occasion. I get the feeling it's considered poor taste to drink at work for instance but at parties people go nuts
unless you're the littlest pipsqueak possible i dont see how that's possible unless she's a 6'3 roided out bodybuilder
tfw no Catalina from San Andreas gf
Why did the blind man fall into the well?

Because he couldn't see that well
Oh really, what's your hometown? I stopped in Preston and the lady I spoke to in the information office fucking despised amish and basically said they do not integrate and have caused so much trouble since they arrived in the 80's including stealing and annoying farmers by using their barns at night. They bought up a lot of land and caused school districts to be consolidated, then she was ranting about how their stupid buggies keep getting mowed down by semis at night because they refuse to put warning stickers on the back because it's against their religion. There was more but essentially they're not liked by the locals but the supreme court defended them.

Anyways I went off the scenic byway a bit and drove these crappy gravel roads along the root river, that was awesome then I hiked to Peterson overlook.

Very cool place, glad /cum/ recommended it to me.

Thank you for the WI recommendations.
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can you be fat and healthy? like being fat from eating a lot of balanced healthy meals as opposed to being fat from a lot of cake
I think yes, in theory. In practice, virtually all overweight people would be better off losing weight.
If you're fat from a simple excess of calories coming from healthy food you'll probably have less issues with your teeth, GI tract, etc than if you were fat from eating lots of sweets and processed stuff, but your joints and heart won't be any happier. FYI it's much harder to get fat on vegetables and healthy stuff. Fiber, protein, and water fills you up.
Freedom of religion m8 HAVE YOU HEARD OF IT, naw but I'm from the best coast (california) we don't have anything like amish or mennonites around here for the most part. I heard they're insanely strong from a life of manual labor and they smell insanely bad, at least the men. I wonder how strong the women are and how they smell.
The timeskip from 21-25 was so aggressive I feel like 25-30 has already occurred
Who here wants to be beaten up by me
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I'm W sigma L skibidi with max aura
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I'm Doomguy
>27 in two months
Huh? How did that happen?
if the professionals can’t help i don’t know what i can really say that you havent heard from them already, im sorry anon. i know it can feel super real, but you aren’t as bad of a person or as worthless as you think. and im sure your loved ones would be very sad if you were gone .
hows masa ? tell her she’s a good girl for me
If I can be completely honest with you guys, I have developed a bit of crush on some of the personalities here (not any of the named ones, but people I recognize from their style of writing). It's gotten to the point that I fantasize about meeting up with them, sucking their giant cocks, and swallowing their cum. I masturbate to the thought almost every night now. However, I consider myself a completely straight male, and I'm engaged to a beautiful woman, but it is what it is. If I can't be real on an anonymous image board, then where can I be? Anyways, take care fellas
I mean yeah they're not exactly the worst guys in my books. I'd rather that than a bunch of Muslims moving in and destroying the place.

I bet they are insanely strong. They're like how men used to be before modern technology and shit took hold.
Their women are probably faulty strong too, more than the average 4channer male.

I was advised not to speak to the amish women and only address the men.
Still though the thoughts of fucking an amish woman gets my jimmies rustling. I bet they'd bite back too.
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Tuesday night, buds.

Time to get drunk all by myself while posting on the 'chon.
watch vinesauce with me ;3
if you’re completely straight, you wouldn’t be fantasizing about doing sexual stuff with other men. there’s nothing wrong with that of course you’re probably just bi. but that’s the whole point of being anonymous is that you can be real and say your real opinions on stuff so im glad you’re keeping it real with us anon
not his head resting on the grapes too
i want to feel like he does i want to be pampered
I grew up near amish people, and I dated a girl with amish family for about 3 years. They're usually in pretty good shape, lean, but not extremely big. They can also be huge assholes, and if you do business with them they will try to fuck you over. They just look after their own kind and look down on outsiders, like hasids.
you believed that?
day 3 of my skin care routine no improvements so far
are you just exfoliating and moisturizing ? make sure you’re drinking plenty of water too
I've been listening to vinesauce vods while driving. Proud watcher since 2012
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Fur? :3
all i do is drink water
dont forget to slap your face before and after applying
same i've been watching since i was an actual baby
i havent watched vinesauce since i got banned from chat for making a joke years ago
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i cleaned all day so i was feeling lazy and got fast food for dinner, and there was this handsome gentleman in the parking lot meowing and hollering a bunch, so i gave him a chicken tender and scrubbed on him for a minute. i wanted to take him but i have accepted i cant adopt every stray i see
just keep at it anon, maybe get some gatorades or pedialyte to get your salts and electrolytes back in order too
adopt every stray you see and become a crazy cat woman with dozens of cats
I spent an hour building up lore and a story with Chat-GPT just for my own entertainment, then it got bitchy and whiny when I wanted an arc of sexual violence/rape (not promoted in any way by the story) and refused to continue. But the slavery thing and all that was cool, I guess.
I've gotta quit drinking these shit zero-sugar carbonated drinks. I'm hooked on monster ultra and coke zero. I used to drink literally nothing but water and whey protein shakes
No one told me how addicting caffeine can be
im back
im leaving (forever)
see you tomorrow
this is exactly what i am trying to avoid >>199013731
coke zero is my weakness. i also get caffeine headaches if i don’t have any in the morning. really sucks but it goes away after a few days if you really need to quit
just write it yourself
welcome back anon what were you watching
dont leave we have fun here
watched ender's game
what did you think
Drank some citrus vodka in water. Next time I'll probably use seltzer.
You don't understand. A human writing something takes ages. Can't fap to that.
Oh well back to imagining it
7/10. i liked the cgi but wished they showed more of the creatures.
how about next time you use your brain and abstain
well im glad you liked it anon the last few things you watched you didn’t seem to enjoy so much
>>don't like how it sounds
That's because the voice you hear in your head when you speak is changed from what other people hear, a whole bunch of acoustic stuff to do with the ear canal and bones and yadda yadda.

so it always sounds weird when you listen to yourself
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just find somebody to erp with
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i spent so much time making stupid stuff on flipnote on my ds when i was younger
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I have a couple of those 50ml bottles to use up before Friday. I usually am sober on weekdays.
>I NEED to drink this alcohol before friday
>im totally not an alcoholic!!
I'm in my 30s now but I remember the chatango days and when all the streamers shared the same channel. Vins second life streams was what got me into him.
Also tfw I played legacy rust with vin himself and all his faggot fanbois.
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memes were so simple back then
I rarely drink alone, am usually sober during the week, have never gotten withdrawals, and never drink much in one sitting unless I'm planning to stay a while.
who remembers battlecam
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nope. I only watched streams on youtube
Don't even play with that shit man I'll fucking beat the shit out of your ass if you attempted some dumbass shit like this irl
I've never listened to Canadian Idiot because I assume I would find it offensive, it it worth it or have I not been missing much?
how do you distinguish chinese immigrants from chinese spies?
how do we stop the mexican menace
It's funny how absolutely mindblown a lot of American businesses are by G-pay. A lot of places don't do it but the ones that do are like WOOOWWWW
Dont listen to it if you are suicidal it might push you over the edge
wtf was it?
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>downloading L-theanine
what’s their favorite activity to do together do you think
I “quit” 4chan but I still think about this place a lot and miss it. All I really want is for mods to clear the shit from the catalogue and I’ll come back
gay pay?
Thank you for looking out homie
can someone else make the new im on my phone right now please and thank you
don't be a pussy, just use 4chanx and filter
Don't worry about it
Tapping with your phone to pay for things. Google pay, apple pay, whatever.
I use revolut bank for it.
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haha trump was elected almost 10 years ago

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