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/int/ - International

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Sir David Attenborough edition
Cracking set if norks in the other thread but unfortunately it would never last
Bazza's on a fucking MAD one
Night lads
now fellas, stay with me here. i think that i would have SEX with THAT WOMAN!
post the obligatory frog
Post non-short URLs so they can be embedded on here
the holocaust was unreal
This'll be it then. Don't think the other one will make it.
Yes, Adam.
Please come up to the front and tell the class your height and weight
how fat is spaino? 20 stone? 30 stone? dare i suggest he's 40 stone? hes only 5'7 iirc
why make a boobies edition it just be deleted
thug's joy
In what sense
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i don't want to go to toil tomorrow
Spacker New Guinea
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>she will give me strong sons...
14.5 stone
sabrina carpenter looks like she's from Leeds
because there's a lot of very low IQ people that post here
nice pair of bosoms in the other thread lads
The new 'eitch

>i smoke marlboro, you smoke cocks
I need a shy gf badly
On a 14:00 pm to 22:00 pm shift tomorrow and it's going to be HOT.
If were you I wouldn't bother
has spaino been posting tonight?
got him filtered you see
it's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve
Don't know why you thought this was relevant here
Better to stand free and die than to kneel and live through slavery
based based based based baseddddd japaneseu
Why do these Canuck sluts live in a grim porno set?
Might have to have a wank now
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not a fan of this bloke personally, but some of his videos are funny
just unreal
can’t believe it happened
i'll pop into battlefield road to see you
dunno why this is making me laugh so hard
England have totally wasted this tournament by keeping Southgate as coach
Love her BBC jokes, makes me and the missus crack up every time lol
as opposed to being relevant to what exactly?
/brit/ is literally just an anonymous group chat with the fellas
Duality of Man
aldi northway scarborough
the autist on the Belgian flag was posting earlier, highly likely to be Spaingimp but I guess we'll never know for sure
filtered that incel freak but he still posts on a spanish vpn without a trip, doing that whole pretending to be on holiday whilst he posts from his smelly bedroom in birmingham
man aint been masjid in tokyo
fake news
Common Japanese W
Ah I thought you meant like when people say "corr, them tits are unreal"
No you don’t lol x
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how many youtube views do you need to get to make a living

How can you say you like anime

There’s loads of different types

You can’t just say you like anime
konichiwa rasheed-san me no see you at mosquh
spainlard going to gaza because he heard they were giving out free food
she looks like a pornstar
i make ~2000 quid a month on mine
>You can’t just say you like anime
i like anime
Dunno er maybe a million a month, sounds about right
blud thinks we're willing to believe he takes impromptu trips to Spain and back every fortnight
how many views and how
england are playing tournament football as it should be played. boring efficient conserving energy and taking the relatively few important chances and doing enough to get through.

the more games you can play the less luck plays a role. the fewer games there are to make your mark, the more luck has an influence. knock out tournaments are few games; high luck. he's doing what needs to be done
make me m8
the gf
send me your favorite british team jerseys and i will strip

How can you say you like music

There's loads of different types

You can't just say you like music
forgot to mention its in my head
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>someone at work makes fun of my laugh
>it makes everyone laugh
>i get uncomfortable
>i get told to stop being so sensitive
>didn't even say anything, just sat there not knowing how to react

why are normies so evil
lmao cope on diego
watching the gayn aor
its not about the number of videos or even views
some niches worth more than others
some viewers worth more than others
some videos worth more than others
could be 1, could be 100, could be 1000
stop talking unfunny "blud" patter zoomer freak
would love for a /brit/ poster to turn me into his personal sissy and feed me HRT but feel that i may end up on a lolcow site
was really embarrassing when spainnonce larped as a black british person and a norwegian rorke for a while simultaneously
>You can't just say you like music
i like music
some npcs cant even enjoy it
like they just cant
the gyaldem ever do nudie pics or what?
How do you get rid of a dead body without getting caught?
All porn is gay if you think abou it

Looking at any pictures of women online is gay

Ooh she’s got nice hair hasn’t she and I like that little outfit she’s got on

Fuck off bender
That's completely correct
time for a chat with HR I reckon
you like breaking all the rules you, don't you?
you probably looked distraught, just smile next time
I like music
I hate music
is it gay to jerk off for money because i do
if you want to be passive aggressive and wind up religious people you can say 'im not religious, ive never been superstitious' then say some stuff like 'well when i was a kid i would throw a penny in a wishing well and thats a bit like praying innit?'

t.worked with paki cunts and could rattle them
Gay porn

How can you say you like gay porn

There's loads of different types

You can't just say you like gay porn
One of the best things I've learnt since being in employment is how to laugh at myself.
mate we're fucking dire and can't even beat Slovenia
it was weird, never thought my laugh was weird my entire life
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yea... feeling evil tonight
i just listen to the hits playlist on spotify
Like food and places, me
>HITMAN: World of Assassination - inc. HITMAN 1, 2 & 3

This game any good?
music is fucking stupid. don’t get me wrong if you’re at the club it’s fun to dance with slags, and music can help set the mood in a pub or bar or restaurant. but just sitting there like a spacked out mong listening to music? for no reason at all? gives me the fear that freaks actually do that. serious serial killer “hobby”
yeah at least a few million if you are counting just views ad rev
Yes but what type?
I've noticed that literally everyone says they like music, but they don't really
the number of people I've dealt with who've said they "love music" to then turn around and not know anything about music is ridiculous
I'm not pretentious about it though, I just go along with it, but it does disappoint me sometimes
Didnt even know they made a 2 or 3
>we meant to draw with slovenia bro
>more than one jf flag in the thread
this town ain't big enough ...
Bloody love food
Lisa Nandy
>chop it into lots of small pieces
>put a few pieces into the bin just before collection each week, hidden deep amongst normal household waste
>keep the rest on ice so it doesn't start to stink up the place
Yeah I can tell *jiggles your pot belly*
Not going to say
I like anime and music and gay porn
Me? Blue da ba de da ba di
muslim cunts take superstition to an extreme level
they're the type to scream at a child because they ate a bacon sandwich. disgusting backwards retards.
cant wank anymore
because of woke
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Alright mousey? Into geology now? First it was law, then chemistry and now geology.

You have a really wide range of interests.
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she cute
Insane how the Tories could have cemented their rule for decades and effectively end the Labour Party as a political force but instead they decided to betray their own voters
all musicians go to hell
I'd say my top 3 genres are doom metal, gangsta rap and disco
Yea you think you're a real funny guy huh? *shoves you*
I've been eating food my entire life
I should start a food channel on YouTube
28 years of experience in the eating business
Who WOULDN'T want to hear what I have to say?
snow patrol are my life
if you go on a train ride or plane and don't listen to music or look at your phone the whole journey people think you're insane
everyone has a weird laugh in some way
i know black people love making jokes about how peoples laughs sound lol
love food
love music
love travel
love rest
love entertainment

hate toil
hate not having food
ah zwitta postu bery interasting
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Meanwhile, the actual women from Leeds
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dont post about it online
Je suis un Rorque
is there a way to filter people on the catalog of certain boards?
would like to do it for /pol/ with just british and irish posts showing
free palestine basically means kill jews
i too can't play anything for shit
don't hate that they can do what you can't, be glad they can
anhedonia'd out me arse
Je suis Rorquois
disgusting these people
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why are our public such animals?
you would never see this in continental europe
ive heard christian missionaries also say japan is the hardest country to preach in
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slags pon de train
how do you determine if someone is a sex expert or not
Free Palestine
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I don't even know what this webm is
Sometimes punch myself in the head and smell blood for a few seconds then it goes away
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The gf
Based jjapan

I am one with the universe
capitalism developed in britain so anglos are totally spiritually buck broken
gay people are so vile
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an epidemic of bad parenting
Good post really
She's female
>capitalism makes you eat on the floor while drunk
and it didn't even. it developed in hanseatic league and italian city states
Leeds is a well known portal to hell it says so in that doc about jimmy savil being a wizard
but i can’t be bothered to argue semantics
family guy >.<
mad how if they just nuked the middle east and africa then 90% of the worlds problems would be solved
Remember when people talked to their phones and were like "Hey Siri" or whatever, what were all that about
law books have no reason to be so big
>Based jjapan
>I am one with the universe
*starts masturbating furiously while sniffing used panties*
I watched this a while ago. Thought it would be nonsense but there's actually some interesting points raised during it.

Best niche; Stock Exchange, Law.
Bradford goons violently bashing their grand shafts into petite shy blondes.
can't decide whether to pay some important bills or jelq
You’re an idiot
in terms of craic, /tv/ is probably one of the best boards
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This actually triggered his DID lol
His face looks ai
How much is acid? Like acid that can quickly and easily dissolve human flesh?
got dry scalp and dandruff from excessive drinking
hello sir
Got the same from some unknown cause
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Got this at the one near my cottage lol
excessive drinking
NOT gay but if I'm watching porn the fella might as well have a big chopper
small cocks and small balls - unimpressive
japan is the best island nation
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got the tunes on
>NOT gay but
yea you're gay
nothing wrong with it
Black bulls bashing raw meat into pale slits
Yeah, I watch porn to see the woman have a good time, and she can't have a good time with a shrimp noodle
might just sod it all off and order a bab
What’s your height and weight?
that's a good one
catberg on a fascist one
cos we're a nation of braindead domesticated runts and we deserve everything that's happening to us
rorke in his smelly childhood bedroom
leftypol in the smelly ethnicity flat with rasheed and ngubu
Great pub
Biker gangs meet there and they serve draught in ice cold mugs
Good food too
just for a laugh innit
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Girl I had a huge crush on in high school that turned me down just died of pancreatic cancer
>you would never see this in continental europe
You do, although the women tend to be thinner and better dressed, drunken slags on a friday night are a common sight in any major euro city
I have seen it in Sweden and Belgium
common incel w
Wanking my anus with a 7' dildo
buzzing for the debate its going to be bare hilare
spiderberg just crawled into me bed :3
Fascinating. Off to start a norwegian affiliate marketing channel
continental europe expert are you?
should have been you instead
kill yourself incel
Phwoar just know there’s a pooey man asshole lurking under there
dunno how i'll ever turn my life around. brain won't let me do anything i havent done before.
drunk yeah
but they are no where near as uncouth and retarded
like when you see euro hen parties it’s just completely different vibes
Sure, I went over for a blowjob. Your mother was working the bonbon concession at the Eiffel Tower.
NOT gay but if I'm watching gay porn the fellas might as well have big john thomases
I'm a Cuckold OK
Stop making fun of my wife's black children
speak metric ffs
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Yeah I agree she should have married me instead
had this reaction when my bully's dad killed himself lmao
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>NOT gay but
come on...
my christian eyes have been tainted by looking at the catalog filtered by the term brit
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recently found out my exgf is still as hot as she was 10 years ago and is now VP at some big consulting firm
Crack addicts condomlessly splattering spunk into emma’s fanny
Not gay but the guy has to be fit in proper shape. I only want to see Hot Guys Fuck, hopefully there's a website for that.
So many people in this world and none of them want to touch my john thomas
I really doubt that, 10 years is a long time in woman aging
NOT gay but I love big floppy jizzzy willies
belgium tier gimmick
Dont say /brit/ doesnt spoil you, /int/
I have a theory that Southgate
actually insane that trannies have the confidence to work whilst literally being a bloke in a dress pretending to be a woman, and demanding their coworkers also pretend they're a woman
don't know where they get that self-assurance from
i prefer the tanned white skin to the milky white skin
i dont watch porn, personally.
Looks like Barry chuckle
I do enjoy it whwn the guy is hot but you're better off with amateur porn imo, although yes Hot Guys Fuck sometimes has hot guys
it's a fetish for them
they get aroused when putting on women's clothing and having others pretend they are a woman. they call this "gender euphoria"
that's that man confidence women wouldn't understand it in a billion years
I know but she looks as good, still very thin and has clear skin
Think she got braces
Also she was Spanish so her skin doesn’t wrinkle as quickly
She wants dat rudeboy meat shlapping in that fanny
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She was 29 lol didn’t even make it to 30

Fucks sake if she actually married me I’d be a widower now
the only thing not wnaking for a week has done is make me incredibly lonely
that our society tolerates perverted men basically hands-free wanking in public shows how low we have sunk
then imperial is confirmed gay
metric is the man's unit
fat ginger girl liked me on tinder
Maybe she wouldn't have developed cancer if she'd married you
lol so true
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french rorke on a mad one
it’s narcissism. trannyism and narcissism are both dissociative disorders (and the former also porn related etc) so there’s high comorbidity
nice fat or bad fat?
Not gay but hot men’s bodies are hotter than hot women’s bodys women just not fat men hot body is like functional and beautiful
Dunno what you're on about
it's actually quite mental
shows how sheepish the general public are they go along with this charade
no wonder the elite call us cattle
french people are largely swarthoids like Italians and Spanish don’t know why 4chan hasn’t realised that yet
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I'm doing loads better than all the cunts I hated in school
Just wish I wasn't such a neurotic autistic freakazoid so I could act like it
feeding to an animal is probably best
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Used to love pulling up to one of these at 3AM, buying a bunch of sugary and meaty shite and drink and then getting back and stuffing my face until i pass out
this place has gone to the dogs. and by the dogs, i mean a load of simps, gays, trannies and bores. so - i shan't be coming back. i assure you i was a great poster.
youse a all a bunch o poofters
just can't be arsed inches and stuff
metric makes sense
Straight me but love watching a cock twitch like mad when it's cumming, half-tempted to know what that feels like in my mouth or bum but I'm straight
see you in five minutes
Don't really care what makes sense to you
Probably not actually

Her loss
Blue eyes aren't common in France.
great reply, ahhahahaha. you truly won't for a minimum of 5 years. i'm once again done with this actual cancer general.
Would be cool if Asia had its own equivalent to the Euros.
pissing out me arse
>love watching a cock twitch like mad when it's cumming
>half-tempted to know what that feels like in my mouth or bum
>I'm straight
one day, you lot will drive on the right side
that's maryhill
they do it's just no one watches it
I don't know how tiktok DMs work
We already do drive on the right side
Rorke's daaaa
Ohh Rorke's daaaa
Hahah am just back for the first time in two years hope i didn’t offend you sweaty x
what happened to the commiefus? would like to see an update
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had a wank earlier thinking about olga gurlukovich wanking off raiden when he's naked in the torture thing
How do I stop giving all my money to women online
aisha became nazbol
the bogged one became a hippy
sara darwin awarded by sticking a knife into a toaster
>We already do drive on the right side

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