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Charles Laughton edition
remember when AI image generation was still a novelty and everyone was posting loads of them? good times ahah
I enjoy the company of men
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whats aisha's new twitter handle
No I need help how do I stop giving all my money to women online
Yeah we know
first time I watched porn was with my friends at 14 and I remember saying "wow it's so big" and "fuck that's a lot of cum" and my friends were freaked out and stopped watching the porn
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Develop a deriving of pleasure from losing it in the stock market
gave a camwhore 20 squid once just to wink her arsehole at me
only good one so far
love irony me
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So do you
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and leftypol will still say that true evil doesn't exist and that it's all nurture and not nature
good edition
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You reckon finding humor in my high school crush dying of cancer is gonna come back to me in some sort of cosmic manner?
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Rate the scran
Time do you get up for work in the morning lads.
7:35 me.
not leaping to any conclusions but not not leaping to any conclusions too
I'm so sick of Youtube 1080p looking like total shit
They need to ban all uploads below 4K and 25MB/s bitrate minimum
Mental how charles got away with this
i went genuinely mental with it and was having dreams about making AI images when you could still generate celebrity stuff. kinda glad it got nerfed
the stats, over about 2 and a bit months i think:
>10,218 total
>Ariana Grande: 3,035
>Daisy Ridley: 268
>Iggy Azalea: 1,467
>Katy Perry: 2,884
>Lupita Nyong'o: 133
>Miley Cyrus: 150
>Misc: 805
>Scarlett Johansson: 1,183
>Scully from X-Files: 293
Who cares bro nothing really exists, mind, matter it’s a load of codswallop
youtube tried to give me an unskippable minute ad today the bastards
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David Tennant's wife is batshit insane and currently trooning out their 10-year old son for Instagram likes.
The amount of money women can make on onlyfans is completely crazy. I really cannot believe every woman on earth isn't doing it.
could use an entrée
Some woman have this thing called "self-respect"
Thats spain freak
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whatever you're imagining, the reality is even worse
I believe those women are not aware of how much money they can make.
there's a reason every fit bird you find on there has something like "top 1% on OF!" in their bio. the overwhelming majority are making fuck-all and throwing away their dignity for it because it seems easy, it's like youtube or twitch
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AI is actually good
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think i remember this freak’s picture being posted before. like a long time ago. probably won’t watch the vid but would appreciate a qrd
good AI videos are just around the corner
and you know what that means
cracking game that half-life was
Night night loves
>obsessed with arse holes and poo
>molested his little sister since she was 5
>poo was involved
>bragged about it on the internet for years before finally getting arrested
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theres another one too
forgot what it was called
feeling tense
wish i had some weed
spainnonce tier freak
played Portal?
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actually mental how good this album is
Spainnonce wishes he could look this cute
Why bother
Will never be better than their old stuff
everybody knows you could fix the nhs with throughput
Just added up all the money in my different accounts and it's more than I thought, £219,264.62. Every penny of it saved from my work over the last decade. Wonder what the point of it all is
+ synergy
Do you own a house?
I hate it when I can remember having long good conversations with people I met but I can't remember their names at all and only vaguely remember their faces.
donate it all to reform uk and become 'the power behind the throne' so to speak
That does not seem like a lot of money for 10 years of work
just googled a bit about him and he apparently was an athiest, a cross-dresser and wanted to kill his parents for being conservatives. reminds me of a certain poster here. literal picture of him wearing a fedora
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mumberg just saw my bwc
It's more than 99% of people will ever save over an entire lifetime of work
pension and mortgage don't count
can't believe based biden freed assange(who did nothing wrong)
drumpf would never
a weirdo leftist being a degenerate child molester? huh, imagine that. I just can't believe it.
age are you
are don will have him in his cabinet
No, my saving went into overdrive because I wanted to buy one as a single person and knew the odds were already against me, and then the inflation went crazy during the pandemic because the stamp duty freeze etc. I guess I'll probably buy one soon

Well I've had to pay rent and bills during all that time too. And it's actually only been 7 years of full-time work, I just said a decade to round up
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leftypol on a normal one
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thoughts on English Qabala?
sure he won't have some bloodthirsty backstabbing neocons instead?
yes, it's salary posting time
much do you lads earn?
on 16k a year just now cause i'm in training, will likely go up to 23 next year
within 5 years i'm probably on 35k could push up to 50
IT/cyber security, btw. In Scotland so salaries are lower.
What sort of accounts/investments have you been putting it in?
Anyone here who has deleted their entire porn collections? How did it feel? Did you regret it? If not have you have are you planning on doing it soon or ever?

Life without porn seems impossible to me
scratch a ukraine supporter and you will find a paedophile underneath
he will put one of those in charge of the genocide department
how did you get started doing that?
Could probably be on £70k by now if I had switched employers a couple of times

favorite plier brand?
drumpf is an embarrassment
Do it every few months when I think I'm going to quit porn and turn my life around
How to meet people at festivals/gigs?
America is just a different world.
An electrician running his own successful firm would be lucky to be pulling in £60k a year
after uni or instead of?
is it possible to have a pron collection when you have a gf?

dont think so
Yes. Two or three times.
I always feel motivated and good for the first few weeks/month, but I always end up regretting it, especially when I'm horny.
It's especially annoying when you permanently lose really good stuff.
The whole "once its on the Internet, it's on there forever" thing is utter bullshit. Porn just vanishes.
earn nothing doing fuck all me
eye contact, state your name with a firm handshake
im married and i have a 1TB drive full of porn
2 rules innit
rip to a real one
>oh. my. starry eyed surprise
>sundown to sunrise
Any born after 2000 man in
'03 me
my salary is in the negatives
it's just a matter of casting a large enough net. go to enough festivals or gigs or whatever and eventually somebody will strike up a conversation with you, maybe even a girl.
An electrician with their own firm here would be doing like 300k, I also live in one of the worst states for it, if I go high voltage up in the PNW it’s 62/hr
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02, you peasant freak
why though? what do you get out of it if you have access to the real thing
instead of
uni didn't work out for me, covid fucked up my exam results then I had to pick a course I had no interest in just for the sake of going. went, hated the course, professors were useless, made no mates then dropped out.
expected answer but it makes you a boomer
for me its knipex
All fairly sensible/conservative stuff really. Used to have it all in global index trackers, and then got a bit twitchy when the markets dipped and moved it all into savings accounts, seeing as you can get 5% from those now. I've got like £7k in crypto and £12k in index trackers, but the rest in savings accounts
just cos im married doesnt mean i have oneitis
i'm 1998
I relate to zoomers more than millenials but I'm also old
late 90s are awkward years to have been born in
hate brown bastards me
We have to use Klein at work so it’s just what I’m used to, can’t bring my own tools
he’s a map, but also child free (doesn’t want to bring in anymore whites to the world)
oh so you're union
makes sense
>but also child free
only because the wife is barren
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>he's a map
only the grimmest addicts bother to download porn
I'm waiting to find out my results to know if I've failed (doing resit) I hate it but I'm terrified if I have failed then I've just wasted 3 years of my life with nothing to show for it
I might have a look at apprenticeships, I've discovered I don't want to do software dev but the only thing I know is computers
No I’m federal
delete all my porn bookmarks every few weeks when it starts feeling grim
i've gotten so deep into it that i can still remember the names of channels though so it'll be hard to give it up for good. such a bizarre addiction tbqh.
stop posting my face here
mercator projection is so shit
you got a woman?
take out 10k. if you do, take her on a nice romantic holiday. flaunt the cash a bit.
if you don't, spend it on a holiday for yourself, and some on drugs and hookers.
currently doing accounting exams as a neet
pretty hopeless desu but at least it feels like i'm doing something
not defending downloading porn because it's troglodyte behavior but who wants to sit there waiting for it to buffer
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we out here in the trenches fr nigga
doin' a viewin'
sexo lesbico!
do you live in the middle of the nevada desert or something
lol wat just upgrade ur internets breh
feel sorry for zoomers born after 2000 or so
they've hardly experienced anything worthwhile. almost all the wonder and enchantment is gone from the world now. just soulless homogenous slop.
sitting hunched over at my computer like a little gremlin at 4 minutes to midnight
The covid uni zoomers really got robbed.
what about zoomers born 97 - 2000?
Remember when the internet was new and uncharted and we never knew what we’d find and then RuneScape came along and ruined our lives
I don't see how you're supposed to work hard and care about the future when it's gonna be an absolute miserable hell
Nah don't have one, not really anyway. Don't like people knowing how much I've got saved because then they start to expect you to pay for everything for them. I dress like shit and barely spend money on myself, just don't care about how I appear to others really
i mean yeah.. but still
unless you're watching some 2000s youtube quality tier video it still sometimes has to load right? RIGHT? fuck off
you'd love it if they socalised and killed grandma, wouldn't you
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*enters the thread*
yeah i feel proper sorry for anyone who started uni in 2020, if i were them i'd go and do a masters and phd lol fuck that
occasionally i might have to refresh a video or wait half a second but it’s much more effort to find a torrent and download it
he died, right?
Will we see >>200000000 tomorrow?
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Is this a good portable speaker

The JBL ones sound like fucking garbage
Sad that my therapist is a man now, I liked when the therapist was a cute German woman
common zoomer L
Nah, it's still 999,000 posts away
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Fucked it didn’t I
missed my last two years of secondary, 2020 was meant to be the year i finally got into drinking and shagging and most of it was spent in my house under government house arrest
the last year (2020-2021) was brutal as well. masks for half the thing, no proper sending off cause you couldn't have big gatherings.
then we went in the THIRD lockdown when I started uni and they shut any pubs and social clubs, literally no way to interact or socialise with people and all the lessons moved online. all this while those in charge were flaunting the rules and it was encouraged to go out to protest for a criminal od'ing dying in police custody in minneapolis while off his nut on fentanyl.

the years 2020 and 2021 were genuinely mental I can't believe I experienced something like it. It made me lose all trust I had in the system previously. It's kind of weird we just carried on like nothing happened. Do people not remember what happened? I tried to ask my mates this when pissed once, how are they not annoyed, infuriated, curious? Do they realise the scale of what happened. They just shrug and don't care. Everyone is dead inside.
uhh you could just use an extension to download it from the webpage source
big time. but don't worry it, daddy still loves you x
why would i do that
i can just stream it
Actually it's both nature and nuture
you cant post this
do one mousey
>. Do people not remember what happened?
A lot of people internally memoryholed the entire thing. Because so much of that time just blurred together to it was actually easier to do. Most couldn't even tell you how many lockdowns there were.
runescape is the best thing that's ever happened in my life

still got to experience the tail end of the afterglow. it was a faint glow but still something. for example an early childhood before smartphones, decent music was mainstream, good video games, clubs and bars were packed, people were more social, etc.
got the sickboyrari on the hifi
wish I was 20 years old wasting time on /brit/ again
miss getting stoned and listening to burial while shitposting
Have become very muscular of late
Was always lifting the weights just started eating a lot more protein you know those 25g protein yog ouches from aldi and loads of steak and eggs
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Looks like this in the thumbnail
Also go ask cum
im still seething the man who made runescape music was recently arrested for being a nonce
flouride orange peel nettles magpie walt disney chicoom the fentanyl dragon sim cards jacob rees mogg income tax pilled
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>loads of steak and eggs
well i'm living your dream
20, got an alright job, i am partial to the occasional joint. shitpost during the week then get steaming with my mates and monged on cocaine/ket
don't have a gf or car though. if I had both of those things my life would be perfect right now.

I know the good days won't last. Got to enjoy it while I still can.
Got an erection from the blonde doggirl Pic
I love the hot weather >w<
there’s no method in mousenonce’s madness
a mind lost to the void
Put a knife through your stomach
You will continue to be ignored until you stop pretending to think that I'm the Peter Griffin and or dragon poster. I hope that person dies of a fentanyl OD so he can be fucked off and I can talk about fentanyl without him latching on
I'm also not the Rees mogg poster and you know all of this. So day 610 of telling you that I'm not them posters and then ignoring you for another couple of months until you stop, because I don't even want to think about that Peter poster fentanyl joking cancer
sounds like me, except I was mentally ill
don't stress it too much, I'm 26 and I still do that stuff on occasion. you just get more mature about life in general so you just choose not to do it as much.
I will say to enjoy being a twat though. you can get away with it until you're about 23. dress like a dick head and experiment with shit. shag a tranny. it's all excusable if you're under 23.
Anybody else get REALLY into Wikipedia, I mean REALLY INTO IT, as in you start literally shagging the computer when you open up Wikipedia
Oo you're hard

Guarantee you watch anime too. Always a coincidence how YOU every time always perfectly dis/agree
Covid years were kino cos I was NEET anyway so it gave me an excuse not to work and to continue living under Mummy and Daddy's roof
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shelley don't like it
rock the casbah
rock the casbah
Labour wins 400+ seats.
I was trapped in a commieblock with no AC writing my dissertation smoking an insane amount of weed
Alright mousey, how are you?

Would you recommend blue lucozade?
Once again I am telling you that you're to be ignored for another couple of months w you doing that. Enjoy sitting there doing that you freak. You can stop doing it and no longer e ignored, and not act out again with your emotions hurt. But you aren't going to be rewarded for any other thing you do here. Last post to you for now
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think i'll pass on the tranny shagging lad
Shut it nigga
when I was addicted to fentanyl I'd just lay in bed and chainsmoke rollies while clicking link after link of Wikipedia articles
I amassed a genuinley very impressive collection of art from Wikipedia, mostly renaissance stuff.
don’t even follow time me
could be 2004 or 2024 don’t care
just along for the ride
A 2013 study from Oxford University concluded that the most disputed articles on the English Wikipedia tended to be broader issues, while on other language Wikipedias the most disputed articles tended to be regional issues; this is due to the English language's status as a global lingua franca, which means that some who edit the English Wikipedia have English as their second language. The study stated that the most disputed entries on the English Wikipedia were: George W. Bush, anarchism, Muhammad, list of WWE personnel, global warming, circumcision, United States, Jesus, race and intelligence, and Christianity.
How come you are here every single time without fail when this happens, and when you aren't here, neither are those people
>Do people not remember what happened?
in this country like 90% of the public got the vaccine mate
a lot of those people admit they were fooled but have no choice but to move on
the others pretend it never happened because they're embarrassed

there's never been anything like it in history, where a small relatively powerless minority manages to humiliate the vast majority that is backed by every institution in power. but things move fast and ukraine or the johnny depp trial gave an exit route for the dribbling masses to change the subject.
from the river to the sea palestine will be free
Sucking an American spirit
rembrandt SEETHING when I right-click-save his artworks (proto-NFTs)
how do you do fent without overdosing and dying
I usually work evenings, so I sleep late and am up for a bit at night. I am not one of "those" people. I am a beautiful trans woman.
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shelly don't like it
rock the casbah
rock the casbah
When I started posting here more especially after 8 was closed
Dilute a small amount (I'm assuming)
>a lot of those people admit they were fooled but have no choice but to move on
>the others pretend it never happened because they're embarrassed
This is genuinely delusional "everyone secretly agrees with me" tier cope
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one of my autism maps
this time if rome never rose
can't remember what time this is supposed to be, 1000 ad or something i think
Now that I've made $500 in eth I think I'm ready to settle down and pay $20 for a 4chan pass
mousey meltdown incoming
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peter hitchens
mousenonce saving jpegs of art on his computer and trying to sell them for the price the paintings are worth on the dark web
>list of WWE personnel
don't see you taking up arms...
go on, boy, show us
Instead of going away from a subject when a person who's so low they would drag a person down with their presence, I am going to just not let anyone else ruin things for me anymore
Otherwise, I'm being controlled and told what/not to do by someone who sits on this we site all day every day as 5 different people. That person is already on extremely thin ice as I try and forgive them and then am holding off.from.doing ehst I should ne doing a week this week until Monday, because they apologized
>shelly don't like it
I had literally hundreds of 100mcg/hour (37mg) fentanyl patches. I'd cut them up until strips and put them up inside my gums. It kicks in within about 15 minutes, it's very, very strong too. nearly made me OD a few times but I never fully went over.
You can smoke it too but I wouldn't reccomend that at all unless you already have a high tolerance - one line will literally knock you on your arse.
drinking scrumpy jack in my smelly bedroom
ah yes
how does it compare to heroin, assuming you've done that too
Do you really not see anything weird about ending a sentence like that
How do canadians pronounce stupid
It is a character, you are replying to a fictional character
they say donald trump or republican instead
Mousey I'm sorry you feel that way but I am your friend. Remember when you gave me legal advice for my employment tribunal? We've always helped each other out.

No, why?
stchyoo-pid or stoo pid here in ottawa
cope on, if you weren't a shut-in you'd know how many people will agree it was mostly bollocks when the topic is brought up. covid cult spastics are now in the lolcow section of the history books.
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>I am a beautiful trans woman
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just did a horrid fart
You aren't supposed to listen to me
If the person who talks about eating 500g of toothpaste for 3 grams of fluoride or making mustard gas and wants to do meth based ADHD drugs is talking about fentanyl then I don't know why that would make you go out and buy some.thats really dangerous. Dangerous for people like you to ne around people like me and also me because I'm so impressionable around people like this too
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Just eaten an ice cream
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the man in the chair has spoken
alri emma
Yeah, I've done heroin.
It's weird desu. Fentanyl is not really euphoric in the way other opiates are. It's even less euphoric than "weak" opiates like codeine. It doesn't really give you that "warm inside" feeling like other opiates either. But it does give you that "I don't give a fuck" feeling way stronger than anything else. It also provides a very energetic high, almost amphetamine-like sometimes, like I'd get high on fent and just clean my flat for 8 hours straight.
Most of the time though I was just chainsmoking and fantasising about shit. Just sat at the back door for 16 hours straight, just making stories up in my head.
It was a very strange time in my life.
Only wanked about once every 2 weeks as well, which is very our of character for me. Had my first ever wet dream at 23 years old because I hardly ever wanked while on fent.
this one was an instant classic
mental how it'll probably still be posted decades in the future
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This is how I felt in Canada
(I'm the brown guy)
find it mental riled up donald trump got so many people
the yanks went fucking mental over him. half of them thought he was a fascist dictator that was going to take over the world and put all non whites in camps and take womens rights away. the other half thought he was a messianic saviour that was going to drain the swamp and bring in a new golden age, single handedly fixing every problem currently faced by western civilisation. even our media covered him extensively, even continental euros did.

he was just a billionaire grifter and probably a cia asset.
The Seer (2012)
To Be Kind (2014)
The Glowing Man (2016)
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like him cos hes funny
Think you could fit that up your bum?
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come on little gamma ray
they have us on the absolute ropes
goyim lost
Taekwondo was draining today in the heat de lads. Felt a bit faint by the end of it.
What am i supposed to write in "expected salary" Lads
First time applying for a job
did you yeah?
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>one trillion dollars
Rick Beato with another video about how terrible music is now, a must watch.
20 thousand Xbox gift cards
I've still never had a wet dream
fuck I need to stop wanking
modi was just the same except for the billionaire background part
why does he just make stuff up just absolute horseshit nobody remotely believes
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*slides into /brit/*
satan won
Where are the merican flags at
that post better not be directed at me
Going down sanford lane aren’t I
How does one even redeem those things
how can you say that
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Holy cow... look at all those fucking Indians!
Good post.
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Watch videos on thr power grid workers YouTube channel
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creeping about my house in the dark like the little ghoul I am
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>1 dead, hundreds of homes destroyed in US floods
whitey do be looking like a ghost
daytime creeping I can't fuck with human being I'm not sure what to believe in I catch commas got no feelings
Labour will win.
satan lost
catholicism lost
catyank won
jay dyer sex arse merchant won
orthodoxy won
Catholicism won
Americans Seeing a White Person For The First Time - Must Watch
Government in this couldntry could hire future apprenticd doctors to edit the foreign wikipedia articles with British medical information
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I am retiring to my chamber.
Sleep well, gentlemen.
feel like casper you can see me when I'm friendly, you can see me wearing fendi as soon as I make my entry
all of those lost doe
Anglicanism won
lames catch feeling I catch flights nigga
Janny? Cleanup aisle 5
The lad who did the King Charles III painting has done it AGAIN

that your country probably organises and funds
they invite muzdogs in then get mad when they do muzdog things
of course m8
pilpul time
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a servant of the demons
how I'm sitting after making a silly post on the british thread waiting for replies
that's a peculiar hand position
Nice. Post some of his other work?
The power grid works so well, all in the background. It just works
They all work by apprentices. The NHS could maybe benefit for taking on apprentices - teach them 4 years and after they work in the UK for a minimum of 4, or 7, years. They need to do that anyway
6 Black Men vs 1 Secret White Guy | Odd One Out
fr thought it was a sheet of acid
6 White Men vs 1 Secret American Guy | Odd One Out
I will do it somehow
Maybe asking the local H,M prison

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