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prev >>199048834
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preddy lame edition ngl
im running out of idea
when was the last time you guys were on a roller coaster
should i walk to the opps hood to go to the amazon locker to pick up my package or should i just go get it tomorrow morning?
never. im too much of a pussy
I don't believe you have "oops"
Definitely wait though
checked, about 3 months ago when I was in Orlando
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I think I might be the first language-cel in history
>I have a very thick accent while speaking english
>I speak my "heritage" language like a retarded child, literally the grammar mistakes that a kindergartener would make
>it's like I have no native language
>no pussy as well
I was 16, and I'm 30 nowt2wkkm
>I don't believe you have "oops"
heh i meant like walk to the side of my area where da latin kings are at, i do have some opps thoughh heh....
i could also just drive there but its so annoying driving in and out of the alley
I've met jeets in Canada like this
>born in Canada but raised in Brampton
>surrounded by other jeets their entire life even though living in Canada
>speaks English with a notable jeet accent despite it being their native language
>also cannot speak their pajeet language well due to growing up here
did you just type your captcha
I used to enjoy amusement park rides when I was a kid, but I got on one when I was 21 when a travelling carnival showed up in the neighbourhood park, and it just made me feel like I was gonna puke. That my friends and I were drinking in the park beforehand may have contributed. Either way, haven’t bothered since.
Okay, at least I'm not brown. But they have arranged marriages and shit
They speak a jeet variety of Pidgin English
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A decade ago I'd imagine.
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>Your Auxiliaries Imperator
Still better than that forced T*r*nto accent
That Toronto shit is largely just Caribbean Pidgin and wiggers copying them
Not that there are any White people left in Toronto to wig LOL
Chiggers and Jiggers copying the Caribbers I guess
whom /ultra retard/ here?
>Caribbean Pidgin and wiggers copying them
sadly no longer just wiggers, you got somalis, jeets, flips and all other kinds of crap trying to talk like a Jamaican roadman in London with a brain injury, nuke plz
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Are Mexicans racist against South Americans the same way Americans are racist against Mexicans?
They must be, Mexicans have some culture and can be considered white, nothing good can be said about latinos, on the other hand.
that one americananon here who always posts about this
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if someone arranged and paid for a wife for me I would be sooo nice to her I would treat her sooo well, I don't care if she was kind of ugly, she just can't be that ugly, or fat, or hairy, kinda ugly is ok, fat and hairy is no ok
it takes me like the entire day to study 1 and a half hours
>Are Mexicans racist against South Americans the same way Americans are racist against Mexicans?
Yes but I think they hate Central Americans more
not the same way, no.
You're definitely not the first
Mexicans vary from blonde and blue eyed (tiny minority) to brownoid mayans. But they seem to care more about nationality than race when it comes to their prejudices against South Americans. Of course, there are small white populations in lots of South American countries.
I wouldn't say the same way. The only real beef we seem to have is with haitians because they're immigrants, ironically.
hwell she could dance that old bander shuffle
slowly to some cowboy hustle
how she'd make them trophy buckley, shine, shine, shine
wild-eyed on mexican silver, checkin' dum ol' cousin Willard - got 'em thinkin' that he's got her this time!
Mexico and the US are basically identical countries these days.
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What did you mean by this?
The US must never allow my kind to spread to New England. The southwest has already fallen.
Everyone else gets pussy
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Some people just can't wait till the 4th to light their fireworks...
>There’s hardly anyone in Birmingham who couldn’t beat you in a fight, so come on then, you fucking Americans
Oh right, this will be my first 4th of July in the US. I want to buy a huge fucking american flag for my room, biggest one I can find.
familia sonorense promedia
good evening /cummers/
It's still not big enough, TRAITOR
irish anon?
Nope, still the mexican tourist
did you know cummer means godmother or close female friend in Scottish?
nnnigger hehehehe!
how boring is it there?
did you know that 3 days ago i licked the vagina of a woman who has herpes
for some reason I think this music makes me think that it could be heard in a Dynasty Warriors stage.
but it has nothing to do with it.
My God is Yahweh
Enjoy throat cancer
is Yahweh what?
>man asses
Bit zesty
I bond Yahwed'd your sister
got sharp pain in my sides but fucking hate going to the doctors so i'll just die
It's adjacent Arlington. I do not have much hopes.
both sides? could just be a fart, could be your posture.
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grim, woeful even
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I dare you to make out even a single line of this song! G'bless the US!!
nah its just one side and it comes and goes
no it isnt
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(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)
(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)
(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)
Don't mind me, just farming my crop.
(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)
(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)
(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)
which side? Could still be a fart.
Really wish I could go /nightwalking/ right now, but unfortunately there are a trillion mosquitoes out this time of year.
Also I am out there
this was me to your mom but she kept screaming "STOP IT STOP IT" (i was raping her) so pregnancy was impossible
I've been trying to fart away the pain my whole life
this is the future
How did you know what town he's in?
Aren't there bears outside? Seems dangerous.
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finally beat this piece of shit game
Different leaf, but an unidentified pain that I tried to ignore kept escalating, turned out to be appendicitis, and required surgery.
I would never brag about forcing myself upon a defenseless woman, like some kind of criminal
No danger from other humans? You're lucky. But mosquitos are awful.
I meant Fairfax but those shitholes are pretty similar. Unless Manassas is rural like Lynchburg.

My ancestors survived without modern medicine, why should I go to a doctor? I will simply heal.
How do you know there's a trillion? Have you counted them?
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Whenever you feel pain, you need surgery.
I am hart like rok
Slav is hart like headbut
You doubt Amerikan?
I fak your madder! In morning dres!
ah yes, the myth of the defenseless woman
I only would do that on here if it were spinster
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>the year of our lord MMXXIV
>being a christian scientist
doctor prescribed me 30 minutes of farting a day
It was extreme enough that it became completely impossible to sleep, and I couldn’t stop vomiting, so yeah it required surgery. I should have gone to the hospital much earlier, but I have a higher pain tolerance, and don’t like interacting with the medical system.
Love reading books
taint no science about them folk, amigo
I am a christian squirter
mine prescribed 15 hours of cumming in your butthole
You can only reply to this if you have come in a woman's pussy without a condom
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Don't talk yourself up, that's immodest
I generally trust small self-run medical practices run by old dudes who have been there for 30 years.
I don't trust hospitals that are just going to pennypinch as much as possible because of corporate ownership, I don't trust young doctors, and I don't trust new practices that could easily be a scam.
hello son
You been boozin'?
well of course, your mom was running a special
I won't be replying to that other anon because I am a wizard.
Unlike the rest of you fucking normalfags reeeeeee etc etc.
With one lady. Wasn't as great as I imagined it would be. Probably her fault, the gaping pussy'd whore.
How is that talking myself up? I’m describing being so stubborn as to have almost killed myself, as a cautionary tale
trans woman :flex arm emoji:
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i don't like you
Waiting for marriage (based), or career wizard (based)?
>Wasn't as great as I imagined it would be.
What? Cumming in a pussy no condom is basically the #1 hedonic pleasure in life other than opiates (which is cheating)
The kid points his gun straight at the doc, yet he says 'what is your business here?' 'Ye know damn well what my business here is'. 'Cash or card?' The kid spits. 'Do I look like I carry either?'
have cum in a woman's vagina but still won't be replying to that other anon
drinking milk
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Your ancestors rarely made it past the age of 30
ewww did you fuck a stinky neovagina
Fake news
The first time it was pretty great, then another time we got a hotel room and I got over it pretty quickly, after like cum #5-7 around there.
That’s statistical illiteracy. There was a high death rate of babies and small children, but if you made it to adulthood a long time ago, you were likely to live a lifespan comparable to the modern era.
can i fuck ur biohole?
living from one ejaculation to the next is not living
Go to sleep, Rob.
the lifespan of a bipolar person today is shorter than that of a bipolar person 100 years ago. This is because of the introduction of pharmaceutical drugs, which cause all sorts of physical problems like diabetes, kidney failiure, etc.
havent fapped all day

hopefully this will reset my libido
career wizard. just never really cared about it to be honest.
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Yes, I have counted them to exactly 1 trillion, no more no less, who woulda funk.

It's a small town in Eastern Canada so yeah it's pretty safe. Maybe a few hobos but nothing too bad.

No, it's too urban for there to be many bears, and if there are bears it's only black bears, i.e. pussy ass bitch bears.
It's 1:10am where you are, you go to bed
This general moves fast wtf
it's 1am on a thursday. it's peak /cum/ time.
And anon says 'was it good to you?' and she says 'Yeah it was alright' and anon's okie heritage flares up and he says 'Alright, you bitch? I'll show ye alright!' Madman, she screams, but by the time the bar patrons file he's already done her in with his bowie knife. Who's next, you sons of bitches, he enquires, standing on the brothel steps like a gore-caked werewolf of the old world, baying for blood.
Friend told me Halifax, of all places, is hipster central
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/int/ is my board Kaelynn, go back to /b/
me gusta la PANOCHA!!A
*file in
Missing my internet wife rn
What else is there? Nothing.
sorry i mistakenly thought there was a (You) next to your post
stole some rice pudding from work but i dont really like it desu :|
real west coast hours
put it back
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>/cum/tards still don't know they can solve all of their horniness problems by simply fasting/dieting to such an extent that they kill their own libido
shiggy dig doo
At least for the northeast, I'd agree with that anon. Halifax is a cool little city with a unique culture compared to the rest of Canada.
I think Vancouver probably is on par with it though, in pockets. Like comparing Williamsburg in Brooklyn to Portland OR. Different flavors of hipster.
Guys. I'm seriously beating my meat again. This isn't good...
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im a phat nigga i ate it all already but i didnt really like it
R8 my Cormac imitations from 1 - 10
trying to decide between going to sleep now or having one more orange
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>nofapfags are still nofapping
Go back to r*ddit and retain your semen there.
>just crash your testosterone with a shit diet
Yeah great idea bozo
tell me you're not binge eating oranges in the am rn
haven't fapped in years
eat da og
look at the little coombrained losers losing their minds raging with their hands fused at the dick
eating ezmake stuffing for dindin
i havent fapped in hours
I need a lean boy with a small cute dick
I only fap before I shower, so I fap every other day
gotta go to the licensing place tmrw doe
4/10 vibe is correct but prose can be better keep practicing.
I am ugly AS FUCK
I goon like an enchanched Paul Giamatti-robot
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There are better burgers, no doubt, but not a better fast food burger.
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Thats right, youre also weak as fuck and begging to be clobbered in the face
in-n-out of your mom
I'm not a nofaptard. nofaptards have to strenuously ignore their bodily desires. I simply have no bodily desire to begin with.

There is literally nothing good about having any testosterone as a foreveralone single bachelor in this day and age.
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love me double double, fries, and a straberry shake
Interesting, thanks. I'm extremely Halifax-ignorant
I haven't been recently, how are the costs looking? That was always the sticking point between them and Five Guys, in that In-N-Out wasn't strictly better quality but was significantly better for the price.
shake shack makes me think of a shack in your backyard where you go to masturbate, i.e the masturbation station
I thought I was the only one who did this
I always hear people complaining about In-N-Out having long enough lines to deter visiting, which probably means their price is sub-optimally low
First brush your teeth, then immediately eat an orange
>I'm not a nofaptard. nofaptards have to strenuously ignore their bodily desires. I simply have no bodily desire to begin with.
Even worse, you're one of those faggots who think they're asexual/buddhist.
nofap? no, nobrush(your teeth)
>showering every other day
Ok stinky
yah, long lines every time
thats why you go late at night
I'm eating like 500g of red grapes rn
how about or what about what if you ate 500g of edible marijuana
grapemaxxed fruitcel
good order. i'm a big boy so you know I get that 4x4 protein style and a diet coke
everything is going up, still much more affordable than 5 goys
oh boy, here we go again with mr calorie counting grape autist
>you're one of those faggots who think they're asexual/buddhist.
I never came close to implying such a thing. I'm not asexual, I'm still heterosexual, I simply have no libido and therefore no compulsion to master bait.
The greatest kindness is to put up with someone's shit
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>I get that 4x4 protein style and a diet coke
every group has one
Metric is so stupid. Measuring grapes in grams is unnecessarily specific. We’re talking over a pound of something, not a baggie of coke
can you get huge and muscly without protein shakes?
grapes have a lot of sugar THOUGH
how are asexuality and buddhism even in the same ballpark?
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Even measuring in pounds is silly, just measure by, like, "handfuls" or something
>backyard in a little corner with my mini laptop at age 16? or something
>homemade fleshlight that I stuck inbetween the toilet tank lid and the toilet tank (made a bit of noise
>in my car in an alleyway (did this twice on two separate occasions)
>in a car in my front yard when I was locked out of my house
I'm sure there are other examples
buddhism is about renouncing the material, that includes eating, breathing, drinking and fapping, they're closely related
It’s extremely difficult to tailor a real food diet with a very high total protein intake, as well as a reasonable caloric intake, and tolerable macros. You can do it, but protein powder helps get around that
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>grapes have a lot of sugar THOUGH
With years of training and tons of protein, you will still look dyel with clothe on unless you have top genetics. Big and muscly dudes are on tren, sarms, hgh, test, etc
'Stop! Hold it right there!' says the Marshal in an attrition of other options. 'Or what?' says the kid, gloatingly. 'Or I'll-' but he is downed by hail of bullets. His partner veers from beyond the corner but before he can loose a bullet he himself spasms and lets loose him immortal soul. Ah, shit, says the kid, the haws. He discharges his shot into the laboring animal, stilling its deathly labors. Well, damn, he opines.
Ounces pretty much fill that niche. I’ve always felt that ounces seem to be one of the most human-scaled units of measure of that type
Men's room cubicle at toil

It's true thougheverbeit, there are much better choices for fruit than gr*pes. For me personally, it's raspberries.
Why did i get soyjaked for that? its true grapes do have a lot of sugar....THOUGH
grapes have .4 grams of sugar each
Tip your grocers, guys
I think 2018? I visited Orlando with family.
>Men's room cubicle at toil
I did this in high school lol, no phone back then all from the dome
The best
hey stupid nigga, how many grapes do you think people eat at a time? A LOT
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you'd need to eat 100 every day to even get close to the recommended cutoff

so unless youre some numale vegan I wouldnt sweat it
Same, and this was at 8:00 in the fucking morning. What's worse is that there was some obese boomer occupying the adjacent stall so I had to fap and /cum/ quietly. Genuinely the worst fap of my life.
Who eats one grape? I don’t know what type of grape he was eating, but based on a generic type, 500g of grapes contains 87g of sugar
I’ve never been into weird masturbation locations when alone, but I had a freaky ex who was into public sex in strange places
>500g of grapes
who tf is eating 100 grapes every day
for me, it's mojitos from the beach tiki bar on the lounge chair in the sand at sun down
I should start a forum on the dark web where people can discuss grapes with true anonymity
This guy >>199053266
nigga he just did
>woman buying an escalade
that is fucking retarded
It was under a killing moon that they rode into town, killers all, undisguised grins leering at the women of the town. Now, you look here, said one man, and was shot down accordingly. His woman weeped and wailed and came at his corpse but the cold killer who'd done the deed grabbed her neck and said 'Well it woudl appear to me that I'm an incel no more...bitch!'.
it makes them feel safe
thats his own fault. most bushels have what, like 15?
Olha que coisa mais linda mais cheia de graça
É ela menina que vem e que passa
Num doce balanço a caminho do mar
Moça do corpo dourado do sol de Ipanema
O seu balançado é mais que um poema
É a coisa mais linda que eu já vi passar
put some grapes in your freezer overnight, frozen grapes are great on a hot day
Can someone please tell me what the moral dilemma is if a 30 year old man marries a 17 year old woman?
it's a fucking escalade for crying out loud. it's too big and doesn't even suit them
You mean a bunch?
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>UMMMMMMMMMM, ackshually its called a bunch
Almost 2:00 am but I feel like drinking more instead of going to bread
Just broke one of the ten commandments feel genuinely sick
Idk why women won't just let me have sex with them
It only takes like 30 seconds and they probably won't even feel it
It's called a raceme
i wanna get high nigga
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they created this whole aesthetic out of what? native fisherman? i buy it completely
The Lion King is about a gay couple grooming an emotionally distraught child whose father just died.
what would you do for the other 27?
Really like the smell of my genital area after a workout
It’s funny how English stole all the grape-related words from French, but applied them wrong
>the English “a bunch of grapes” in French is “une grappe de raisin,” or a grape of raisins, where grape means the cluster, and raisins are the fruit
>English “raisins” in French is “raisins secs,” or dry grapes
try to pull my pants up
Eat some grapes, you'll be okay
I also enjoy mojitos
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>i wanna get high nigga
It was an under an esplanade of scotch pine, willow and birch that they made their way along the uncaring wild, a dreaming killer each man. Dem Comanhes maybe waiting for us down below said one man but he was shot down by the Judge. Bask in the moment he said as I bask in the slaughter of innocent children. And no man thought it wise to interrupt his reverie.
french niggas be like
"hon hon hon, le raisins sex"
Dr. Disrespect always gave me weirdo vibes. Makes sense that he's a pedo.
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damn this is kinky!
It's funny how French is just wrong Latin
Why are so many influencers/streamers always pedos? Like why not necrophiliacs or something why pedo bro
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>but that he's not a "predator or pedophile."
i would date a 17 year old if i was 40 (in brazil where is legal), the biggest problem is that he's married with children, he's just a scumbag
Dead link
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this says a lot about our society
>I had to fap and /cum/ quietly
Guarantee he heard you. I heard some dude freeze his fapping when I walked in to use the urinal then "quietly" continue as I took an awkward piss
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Their main audience are children.
You're a pedo that's why so many pedos are on your radar
You all remember when that video of an indian guy ass raping his grandfather(?) was spammed on this board?
hell yah brother

don't remind me, it's sick
>power keeps flickering
The West has fallen, it’s over
i didnt watch the video for obvious reason but yea
I turned down sex once when I was 19 because she was obviously insanely mentally ill. That was easily the dumbest thing I ever did
>calvin & hobbes
omfg it's such a reddit comic strip
The savages came at them abruptly, trailing wedding dresses and conquistador helmets. Fuck you mom! said Glanton, discharging his cavalry pistol. A burning man riding a horse appeared on the horizon. Fuck your mother opined Toadvine as he brought the broad side of his rifle on the head of an Apache raider, making the animal skitter wildly among the burgeoning slaughter. The kid ducked before a burning man impaled by a spear. Here, you savage, he said, pistol-whipping the howling savage, then bodying another brave. I will sooner find myself in a Mexican horn orchestra than to have aught to do with you, he intoned savagely.
A wife might be nice.
Nah, fucking mentally ill girls always leaves you feeling dirty unless you're a psycho
Any particular requirements?
No, you're right, my prose neds fine tunning. And what would Freud say?
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interesting? she's sweet
a working vagina
lol shut up thirdy and give us your country
Why? I remember learning good lessons from it, it's not like modern shit telling you to be gay and trans
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>unless you're a psycho
>fucking mentally ill girls always leaves you feeling dirty
That brings back memories from my last trip to Texas

how big does your dick have to be to keep a woman like this around?
dude's practical, i guess
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3 1/2 - 4 inches
I crawl like a viper thru these suburban streets
make love to these women languid and bitersweet
darkness binds you
Have we created a sick society where it's an advantage to be psycho
Literally always been the case, you think it would be less advantageous to be a psycho in the wild?
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Psychos are a necessary evil, but they've got to be kept in check because they will commit heinous acts.
its a psychos vs schizophrenics world out there
Or you could just be celibate.
I'm more of a Dexter kinda guy hunting bad people
Sociopathic behaviour is generally bad in societies of tribes or small villages. People will politely put up with a certain amount of shit before you’re forced to leave, and start annoying a new batch of rubes. Sociopathic and antisocial behaviour is rewarded in a metropolitan and atomized society, as no one knows each other in a big city anyway, so your behaviour has to be truly out of control for word to get out.
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your bf, ma'am
there is a woman out there who doesn't want to live a celibate life. I'm the man who can help solve that problem for her
>People will politely put up with a certain amount of shit before you’re forced to leave
It's just like normal society psychopaths just hide their psychopathic tendencies, same way the majority of surgeons are psychos

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