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Farming edition
Prev >>199052193
I wish you good luck with that.
surgeons aren't psychos, they save an incredible amount of lives. A psycho wouldn't be moral enough to do that
I grew up on a dairy farm, watching cows lick salt blocks in rural northern California
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back to the land
I grew up in the 'burbs. You can't suffer.
When I was a kid youtube comments were mostly illegible garbage. Now people are summarizing videos and pointing out their favorite parts. "Check out that Bass lick! 2:45".

I strongly suspect that these are all AIs.
That’s a well-known phenomenon. People who aren’t sociopaths have a harder time dealing with cutting people open, so sociopaths are more willing to sign up for that job. The higher pay and status probably also helps as bait.
I never got sick from drinking milk straight out of the cow as a kid
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Human beings in a mob
What's a mob to a king?
What's a king to a god?
What's a god to a non-believer?
Who don't believe in anything?
I overstayed my visa
How did you just realize this?
It's not a phenomenon, it's a wives tale. They are so virtuous that they're able to push down all the revolting feelings that cutting people open creates, simply to proceed with the life saving surgeries. They are heroes, and you are a fool
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oooooooh, i'm tellllling
The US approved my stay until December lol customs does not give a fuck anymore
based illegal chad, NEVER return to the shit hole
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>I want a wife
>I want children
And what are you doing to improve yourself, buckos?
There was an approximately 7,000 year interval between when people started drinking cows’ milk and when pasteurization was invented
>wives tail
it comes from a study examining the brains of psychopaths, the added various doctors brains scans into the pile with psychopaths to see if they could find a trend and found that most surgeons are also psychopaths
I was looking at my calendar bc my sister's birthday is soon, and looking at it made me realize that I fucked up
And everyone died by age 30. We all know that; it was discussed in the last thread.
from where I'm sitting it doesn't seem very lol funny at all not even a little bit, gtfo here
I am supporting the american economy however
Fuck, we ball
I'm gonna get a job that don't ask for a SS number
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i wish i had a bf
I'm waiting on Carmine
Brbro? You got something you need to tell us ?
we don't need help from your kind
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well, what's your excuse, incel?
I will be returning in October how does this information make you feel
I should get a goat for milk and companionship
>I am supporting the american economy
by increasing demand and decreasing supply without adding anything at all
you're making life a tiny bit harder for everybody else around you
Humans evolved to live well past our reproductive prime precisely because it is valuable to have grandparents around, in order to help take over some of the workload from parents, to help pass down certain knowledge and culture that busy parents might be unable to attend to, etc. Whenever we encounter primitive Stone Age peoples today, their ‘governments’ often consist of councils of elders. The notion that our natural state is dying at 30 is absolutely retarded.
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because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
what the fuck do you guys think I'm doing here
The only mail order bride I've seen in new hampshire was a vietnamese woman who was brought over by a vietnamese man
those are also 2 of the only asian people I know in the state and I actually cant remember the last time I saw any asian person
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Female version of jeet scammers making grandma buy gift cards. He’s about to get divorce raped as soon as she gets a green card.
I'd eat it.
Eating, shitting, traveling places, destroying public property, theft
Mom bought cookies from the supermarket gonna be munching on them tomorrow
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Nice, what kind
pupper cute
Not soon enough (I'll probably miss you when you're gone)
Still got like 300g of grapes left what do i do
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Chocolate chip
The daughter on the george lopez show was armenian, not latina
put them on the freezer. i unno
its scorching here so id like some chilled fruit
becuase latinas are not pretty and the show needed a piece of ass
Canada, USA, and Mexico should ditch their national currencies and adopt a single new currency. We could call it the Amero. It worked well in Europe.
The wife and niece were hot thoughwithstanding
oye cabron...taco, taco, burrito *sleeps under a cactus*
my vote is on freedom credits
Anon, your head is not allowed to hit the pillow until you have finished eating those grapes. All of them.
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>It worked well in Europe.
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when i say im hardcore this is what i mean
>It worked well in Europe
Why don't we just all use our phones? One app that uses the value of our respective currencies and that converts it to pesos and canadian usd if we travel to our brethren nations
It's chilly here.
is rainy here too
WIWITRN (wish i was in thailand right now)
it rained here pretty hard today but it was just one of those short lived summer thunderstorms
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>light rain expected
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>my ex decided that instead of being a rational human being and recognize we're both adults, that instead they were going to use find my device to factory reset my phone because of the one time I used their phone to find mine when it went missing
I'm not going to miss them one bit, but I'm also fuming because I lost almost a year of unbacked up photos. I hope they're happy because they acted like a child to "get back" at me.
wish i had a puppy
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Something I quite like about the US is the backcountry isn't full of brown goblins littering for no fucking reason
>this “they pronouns” person is acting insane!!
No one could have predicted this…
that’s really petty of them, sorry that happened anon
having a puppy is fun but i like sitting around and being lazy all day with my senior dog :>
Important photos? Must be frustrating.
>almost a year of unbacked up photos
get it together nigga
wish i had a senior dog
where's the oxxo? the bodega aurrera? the cantina? all those things are basic human rights
https://youtu.be/DZyYapMZSec used to listen to power metal ngl
he’s an angel, just a stinky old man who likes to nap
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They don't use they pronouns, I just don't want to even respect them with using their actual pronouns. They want to act like an animal, then I'm going to treat them like one.
It's not only petty, it's obtuse. I'm the cyber terrorist apparently for asking them to fucking stop bothering me?
Not only important photos, but important photos with my dead friend who they kept gaslighting into claiming that "you weren't actually their friend because you didn't know what school they went to".
I didn't have the money to afford extra shit because I was basically bankrolling my ex (when they were my partner) because they were literally acting like a nigger and just leeching off me. I don't use nigger lightly either. And the worst part? Today was their birthday, I took the time out of my day to try and see them to make some sort of amends and they do this shit.
Heh... I've always wondered what fraction of those posts are genuine situations.
I teenk it zucks here in Traansylvaania...bleh!
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I'm glad my gf only wants a silicone ring
The bottle of Jim Beam was looking at me with those beautiful eyes begging to be drank.
I couldn't resist, sisters
he needs to run away as fast as he can >>199054735
im sorry you’re having to go through all this anon ugly breakups can be hard because they know exactly how to push your buttons and mess with you
are you planning to get married soon?
What size cock ring does she wear
i dont have any plans but eventually
I have other things im more focused on
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Looking through my finances I just checked to see that almost 400 bucks was stolen out of my emergency bank account and sent to their zelle without my consent. So I'm tempted to now get the police involved
probably a bad idea to keep her waiting for too long.
looooooooool why do you date such losers
drunk, actually
because it's the passive voice, get it, cabron
As far as I know it's not a big deal to her, she doesn't like the idea of all the paper work and having to change her name
Just do it, it's not vindictive or petty to get your money back, take em to small claims court, luckily it's just your emergency funds not your main account so you should be ok

I thought I was toxic I sort of am but I'm not like THAT, the nerve on these heaux
Your personal bank account, not a joint account? So your ex basically impersonated you to send that money? That seems like it might break some rules.
shit, I'm forgetting English, soon I will forget how to shit which is already happening since I smell like shit
Why are you referring to your ex as "their"? This is a major thing and everyone in the thread seems to be ignoring it
>They don't use they pronouns, I just don't want to even respect them with using their actual pronouns. They want to act like an animal, then I'm going to treat them like one.
>As far as I know it's not a big deal to her
That is nice to hear. Some people, for whatever reason, do not communicate and the woman is left hanging and eventually, she might break it off even if the guy had plans to propose. Let her know your intentions and future plans.

>she doesn't like the idea of all the paper work and having to change her name
My mom never changed her name either. In hindsight it was great cause they got divorced.
she doesn't want to say "him"
just killed a mosquito, i felt his left ebb away through his broken body after being crushed by my mighty hands
Im a stank ass nigga
I don't really get it. "It" seems like the right pronoun to use in that case because it has a connotation of disrespect, like the person is an inanimate object. "They" isn't like that. "They" is quite normal, not disrespectful.
You don't refer to a single person as "they". A person is either a he or a she. They is plural.
everyone here is really weird about transsexuals don’t mind them
Singular they has been used in some dialects of English for centuries.
Have you notified your bank? Someone managed to empty my bank account once, presumably via identity theft or something. The bank gave me my money back after a few weeks, even though they weren’t able to recover the funds.
Troon propaganda
troons are gross, but yeah if you're dating a troon then it's REALLY not a shocker that it's acting like a retard.
See >>199054622
I spent years edating and sexting and harrassing girls online while drunk that now that I'm sober-er soberish sobering up I feel like I have to relearn how to flirt and sext online I think I'm getting my mojo back slowly but steadily
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reminded me of this lmfao
“They” is disrespectful because it implies he’s a tranny freak
Are you the guy that took a creep shot of a woman today and drew lines to prove a point that they were indeed a woman ? Sounds a lot like the pot calling the kettle black here, that’s some freakish behavior.
Not in standard English. I remember people derisively calling a (very unattractive) tomboy “it” when I was a kid, based on not appearing to fit into male or female categories. The singular they only started to get more widespread adoption in the years following the Caitlyn Jenner psyop in 2015.
>Are you the guy that took a creep shot of a woman today and drew lines to prove a point that they were indeed a woman ?
No, that was /cum/‘s resident pooner lmao
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I'm just going to say that it was a dude (not tranny) I was dating. If I have to say it to stop the tranny allegations I'll call him, him. I just don't really want to say him because he is a free loading nigger who basically did nothing good for me except have a 10 inch dick that I constantly bailed time and time again and proceeded to gaslight me to no end because he was a miserable fuck who thrived on my crippling insecurity and compassion for others. often weaponizing it to isolate me for several of my friends claiming they were all meth addicts or rapists and made me waste almost 3 years of my life bankrolling him while barely swimming above homelessness.
i hate dubbed anime so much
This is a fanfiction and the coomers here will eat it up to live vicariously. Kys
Sometimes life is more retarded than fiction. But I'm almost certain I've wasted well over 20K bankrolling this fucker because I just wanted some sort of companionship
why would someone write a fake story about them being miserable and wasting years of their life on a piece of shit partner who did nothing but use them
im sorry you wasted so much time anon, but you’re out now and you can just focus on yourself, and not have to worry about the dead weight you were carrying around anymore. you don’t have to put up with the manipulation and gaslighting anymore
Even Pittsburgh castle is a dream within a dream. Time to die. Hoh!
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Just woke up and and am so depressed
I've gone over my caloric limit like 2 days in a row now
That's two more days of being ugly, 2 days of potential gf encounters erased. My life just became that much harder. How hard is it to lose 20 pounds?
I'm losing weight for other people, I don't give a shit about myself. If I were asexual I'd be a happy chubby man, but I'm not, I'm straight and want a cute gf more than anything in the world.
I have this working theory that this life is itself a dream. But it's not my dream any more than it's your dream. I guess you could say it's a dream occuring in infinite consciousness or the mind of God.
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man low IQ people truly live in another universe
I love Clairo
in need of a shower, that is what I will do tomorrow morning in the meantime I will enjoy the dank pheromones coming from in between my legs
pray, read the bible, exercise
I used to. She's a real basic bitch now, kinda pretentious, I don't mind that she's an industry plant but just be interesting she's probably going to get a grimes tier hairstyle soon and grow her armpit hair, she's already rich but she wants to look unique and grimey blegh
Stop catastrophizing. Just get back on track today. You are filling a hole in your life with food. The main thing is not eating out and sticking to whole foods.
The point is that singular they is not new or foreign to the English language generally. The Oxford English Dictionary has examples of its use in medieval texts. Scholars started arguing against singular they in the 18th century and I assume that's what affects our understanding of English grammar today. So the "singular they is wrong" idea is a relatively new idea. I'm not saying it's wrong; today's language standards are what they are. But it's interesting that it's fairly recent.
its alright if you're bad for a day or two anon, that's not going to set you back far just don't make a habit of it. if you only have 20lbs to lose until you can feel good about yourself, thats not very far to go at all, you can lose like a pound a week. you will get your cute gf i promise, you being 20lbs overweight means less than you think. you aren't a hideous beast because you're a little chubby, that's fine
1700's is not recent
All I can see from your post is that you're in your 20's. Get real and hope someone unravels the human genome enough for you to live twice your alloted time, broccoli-head.
The universe is 13.8 billion years old
It is. English is an old language. Remember, singular they was used in medieval texts.
i had an almost 2 hour long bathing session today it was really nice
yeah and English hasn't
it isn't
My point is that advocating for the singular they today is a troon talking point
I mean, not really. I can read Shakespeare the same way I can read 16h century Slovene, but beyond that it becomes rather difficult both ways.
and it sounds awful too
Anything else you’d like to revive from Old English? Maybe trannies should bring back the letter Thorn and spell it “þey,” so as to distinguish from the plural “they”
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not surprising
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why is that rabbit wearing a corset
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This image is literally you
I actually couldn't care less about e celeb drama
He's fruity like that
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dang ol wabbit! *slaps knees*
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because it’s cute she’s just a girl
look this one’s a robber
Using their bizarro in-group vocabulary is a shibboleth that signals that you’re on their side. That’s why they do it.

It’s like how all the Western warhawks were mispronouncing Kiev as the monosyllabic KEEV for a while, despite the fact that the Ukrainian spelling is Київ, and the diaeresis diacritic clearly indicates that it’s two syllables. Also a shibboleth to indicate which team you’re on.
what's their best song
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you too?
relax buddy it's thursday you are so close to the weekend, you can kick back and relax soon just make it though these next two days. please stop being so hard on yourself
lol bugs sure did like to crossdress too, must be a wabbit thing
I have less than 500k in savings
Im a worthless piece of shit
The earliest attestation in the OED was Middle English, not Old English. But yeah, it might be cool to go back to using "sell" to mean "give," not just giving in exchange for money.
Yes, and while you've elucidated it quite clearly, this subversion tactic goes right over a normie's head. Then more people start talking that way.
no, I'm totally down with the whole LGBTQ+ jive despite your attempt to troll, sweet mercy!
itll be okay apu
This Slovene guy is really weird
They spend so much time policing language that it must have some sort of benefit to them. Seems useless to me, but perhaps it's just a case of if you beat somebody over the head enough because they said the wrong word, eventually they'll just become a cowering bitchass who does what you say.

at least he's not the serbian shit ass
hes an oddball but when i first started coming here he showed me some cool songs so hes cool to me, hes also got that old guy wisdom
if that rabbit stole money from me I'd eat her in a stew. I've never had rabbit before
she needs the money more than you do and you wouldnt be able to catch her anyway
Beyond the shibboleth stuff, the language policing is incredibly useful in terms of the framing of issues within the political discourse.

One area that makes this principle extremely obvious is where the anti-abortion people call themselves Pro-Life, and the anti-abortion people call themselves Pro-Choice. If you can pick the name for a concept or idea, then you can have a lot of influence over how people think about it.
Are we tune-posting
i love this song
Me too
Been in my song pool since I was like 4 since my parents love it too
no she doesn't and she can't outrun my shotty
This is why Congress will try to push a law called something like "The Sexual abuse survivors act", and there'll be gun control legislation or higher taxes snuck in. Then when someone objects, proponents can say, "x and y don't support survivors of sexual abuse."
Here’s a really good recipe for rabbit stew. What’s I find most interesting about it is that the main flavouring component of it is white wine; 500ml. From what I’ve read, this use of grapes in savoury cooking is what tomatoes later supplanted in Italian cuisine after the Columbian exchange. With this recipe, you’re eating something more similar to what Medieval Italians or Ancient Romans would have enjoyed.
so what's the point with the unhoused nonsense and calling alcoholics “person with an alcohol use disorder.”
I didnt even see the last week end go by. It was a celebration day and all I remember was being at a parking lot hearing music and telling people asking me if was about to leave my spot to fuck off and hearing party sounds afar while Im just this one fucked up ass dude with too much bullshit going and then messaging prostitutes and going to a massage parlor for the lamest handjobs ever and blacked out and woke up with a flu
I insist on this band. There were like Jet but good.
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ok these captchas man smdh
i remember this song being on in the car when i was a kid too
I knew from 16 years old that I would be a fucknigger destined to lose
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Both are examples of the euphemism treadmill, where any word to describe something bad will inevitably gain bad associations, and need to be replaced with a new euphemism.
>idiot (medical term)
>mental retard
>not sure what the current one even is; intellectually disabled? intellectually differently abled?
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>According to Pew, younger Republicans (18-29) are 42 points less likely to sympathize with Israel than older Republicans (65+).
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what is common for mexicans that is uncommon for foreigners?
I still live with my mom, wife and children
Even tho I'm married, I'm still dating younger girls from highschool
I never do the dishes, laundry or sweep the floor. That's women's thing
America #1
right so what's the fucking point of going through this obviously stupid nonsense? and every 20 years? what an absolute waste of time.

I unironically blame women for this.
cutting back on your drinking is the most meaningful thing you can do if you feel like your "losing control of the ship". if you have a bunch of bullshit going on you need to stop and take a breath and work through this stuff one by one . you can't fix your entire life in one day. you aren't a freak and you're not a broken person and i wish you would stop calling yourself the n word. i know how it feels to feel like the most worthless sack of shit imaginable, but i promise, it isn't true.
I hope these news AI chatbots won't be insistent about shibboleths. They should follow directions like "don't use these culture-war shibboleths in your responses" just like they follow a direction like "respond to me in Japanese".
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we are pretty great i just wish we did more for poor people and just didnt kick them out into the streets, and our healthcare kinda sucks
We've reach ghoul-hours
If Jay were alive he'd kick ass and take names...but as it is...
i dont think you're a ghoul
do you think im a ghoul
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I'm a motherfuckin' ghoul, bitch!
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what happens in the ghoul hours, anon?
atleast you own it
im sure you're the sharpest dressed most silver tounged lady killer ghoul around
I don't understand, are the ghouls the Hawaiians, Californians, and Vancouverites? Or are the ghouls the east-coast anons who are insomniacs or have unusual work hours?
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I used to have mild romantic feelings towards this video game character
my bed time is in like 30 minutes but this is a normal time for me to be here i usually am almost every night
but im not a ghoul
pretty eyes
I think it's us West Coast faggots.
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>but im not a ghoul
Mmhm, sure
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why are they giving him a gun hes gonna move on from robbing out of trash cans to convenience stores this is a horrible idea
im not a ghoul im not ghoulish i think i can be nice to hang out with
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Good night, anons
>why are they giving him a gun hes gonna move on from robbing out of trash cans to convenience stores this is a horrible idea
Umm, perhaps you've heard of a little document called the Constitution?
i mean you're right and i think cooners deserve all the rights we have but its not a smart idea still
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someone posted a picture like this last night too
im glad they all got together and can be peaceful with eachother
If you really want to drill into the subtexts of the new euphemisms, I think there are a few big factors at play.

One is the newly abundant use of the word “people,” which I believe to be a tactic to be more humanizing. It used to be that words were just descriptors. Talking about race, they were “blacks” and “Jews,” not “Black people” and “Jewish people.” They were called “bums,” “tramps,” “hobos,” etc; now “homeless people.” In terms of rhetorical framing, as well as social engineering, ensuring the general public always thinks about these “protected groups” as people, with that little reminder of their humanity, will have knock-on effects. Note that the media et al do not bother with this “people” business when talking about groups they don’t like, such as “white supremacists.”

A relatively newer tactic that seems to be increasingly deployed, at least in Canada, is using more passive language that seems to take away personal agency. Use of the euphemism “homeless people” has become taboo, and the government and media have started saying “people experiencing homelessness,” as though homelessness were some act of God afflicted upon them, like a natural disaster. I think the general idea with that framing is to negate any feelings that people should “pull themselves up by their bootstraps,” and that the state needs to step in with gibs for these “people experiencing homelessness.”

I’ve also noticed a general trend of what I would characterize as a mix of obscurantism and pseudointellectualism, with respect to the ever-expanding number of syllables to describe a simple concept or idea. You go from “bum” to “person experiencing homelessness,” and you’re expending that much more brain power to try and process it. Your average retard hears that kind of talk incessantly, and their mind kind of shuts down, deferring to this presumed authoritative expert.
"Okay, human, drop that apple core or I shoot."

"Wha... I was going to drop it anyway, you didn't need to threaten me!"
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You should collect all these in one place and publish it, if only for your fellow /cum/mers. It's useful to see through their tactics.
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>If you really want to drill into the subtexts of
It’s a joke
lmfao that is some in character behavior from a cooner, they want to make sure they get what’s theirs and giving them a gun would just make that easier
whenever I'm really drunk I make 1 mistake per post, it's unvaoidable
"asia" used to mean, like, turkey. somehow its meaning broadened to that entire gigantic land mass.
Splatter me like Jackson Pollock
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i love this artists page
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Who's given up so thoroughly that they're drinking coffee at this hour
I have toyed with the idea of making a Substack or something like that, but I don’t know anything about that world of algorithmic optimization, trying to build an audience across multiple platforms, etc. It’s more fun just vomiting my stream of consciousness onto 4chan, and then having it scatter into the wind as we move to the next edition; I enjoy the ephemerality of it, a bit like those sand mandalas.
i had a cup of tea about an hour ago, but im taking my sleeping stuff now so ill be in bed in 30 minutes or so
any shimmy shakers here?
it's like Beatrix Potter if she were a lesbo
Me for sure. On my last cup though. Like, I'm not making any more. I just took a stinky diarrhea shit by the way, this is the biggest poo I've taken in like two weeks and it fucking reeks.
I'm drinking coffee at this hour but it's 9:30 am for me

If it was late at night for me then I'd drink decaf coffee
i dont know what that means sorry
Degenerate coffee addicts be like just one more cup I can stop whenever I want to
someone was very rude to me here last night and im still upset about it
I mean, I'm not averse to lesbo stuff
I get that. I assume a blogger in 2024 would have a minuscule audience unless he's tweeting jokes and insights every day about the current topic. It's not the old days of the blogosphere.
Sorry to hear that.
Some truly deranged people use this site.
What did they say?
its okay i have thick skin
don't worry about it it's stupid anyway
Very reasonable. I'm sure you'll understand why I didn't consider your time zone
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they said u were STANKY (uh oh)
trying to remember what i said last night
One time I said I was dehydrated and wish I could sleep with a IV and someone said they hop it had air bubbles
"jeez, mom..."
dont sweat it honestly anon
yeah i've come to expect that, im not naive to the fact that people can be jerks for no reason sometimes, especially on 4chan because you can really still say whatever you want even if its unpopular, which is really cool honestly. i remember when forums were more popular, people would get their accounts banned for having a controversial opinion
I thought I was gonna have a poop attack but it was just farts
Have another coffee
Uh huh I see, thanks for this valuable update.
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I thought I NIGGER but I simply BLACK. CONGOID.
i'm a poop attack survivor
You’re so brave
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y'alls mad
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good night
Sleep well
I'm so ugly the school voted me the least likely to be shot to death!
*puts on the sock*
Is that a roundabout way of saying you’d be the shooter?
i'm not that great at Doom, sorry
Just farted a huge, hot fart, and inexplicably it doesn't stink.
That looks abusive. If you left the cat like that he wouldn't be able to get out and move around, so he'd end up starving to death.
Women can smell the scent and pheromones of another woman on you, be careful out there fellas.
Also, I was trying to start a Rodney Dangerfield sort of routine you bully
It’s called “social proof,” dingus
North Americans are asleep, post European things
imagine the smell
An enlightening post
>improve yourself
If you don’t love me at my neetest you don’t deserve me at my wagiest.
I’ve always thought sacrificing wealth to buy rings/weddings is retarded. Spend that money on setting yourself up for child production, isn’t that the point of marriage?
In modern times, it’s very similar in principle to making a down payment on a house. The ring functions as a kind of proof of income and financial responsibility. What you’re proposing is like going into a bank and asking whether they’ll take a 0% down payment, so you can put it towards your mortgage payments.

Still, these kinds of ornate and wildly expensive pieces of jewellery are very much non-traditional. It used to be that the bride’s family traditionally paid the groom a big dowry to help ease the financial burden of starting up a new family. Now, you get to buy an expensive ring, and absorb her student debt as a reverse dowry.
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Tony Egg
>*makes buttery garlic bread*
>*dips it in marinara sauce*
hehe, take that LIBSHITS
If Trump wins I will quit politics forever. Like whats the point if amerigoblins can't even gatekeep an obvious Mussolini Lite?
>quit politics
shut the fuck up you're a literal fucking peasant that has no impact on anything
> Now, you get to buy an expensive ring, and absorb her student debt as a reverse dowry.
Yeah, nah. You don’t have to do any of that. What you’re proposing can be avoided by choosing a mate who doesn’t idolize wealth and use you as a wallet.
He isn’t and anyone who thinks he has a marvel-tier understanding of politics
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is it just me or is this place getting ddosed?
I would like to tell you my political opinions but janny doesn't like it when I post about politics on /int/
summarize it in three words
Who is the sexiest /cum/my?
I've been banned for politics on /int/ too many times to risk it really

A lot of people get away with talking about politics on /int/ so maybe it just depends on what mood the janny is in
imagine being afraid, TERRIFIED of little ol janny
Truly pathetic.
my tummy hurts
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Last for NEETslop
Need me to rub it?
I'm a zillennial, not a zoomer.
need a woman to rub my tummy
committing genocide rn
Pest control guy gets here in an hour. I have to let him in.
please be gentle
Restarting my computer to see if that helps its lag
reported to the UN HRC
somebody make a new
quiet kramer
I have to wait 300 seconds to make a thread.

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