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USA edition
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>*marches into /brit/ one last time*
that black dude is unironically more attractive than the roastie
kys Noncey
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Four days on Hinge and Bumble and not a single match.
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watch out lads he's got new additions to his arsenal of mice and he's not afraid to post them
I think you might be gay

Four foreigners ruining the fung shei in brit




So it really Spainonce doing the "im a crimean tatar autist who hates russia :DDD" posts
bud light btfo
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any saving up for a hair transplant man in
>brit is too good. We need to ruin it
- foreigners
Love you
Good post
OP is Spainonce
bloke has the mr burns look at 25, brutal
Fucking hell just shave it off
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Glad you're here
Rorke sniggering
Leftypol speopleofcolouring
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What do you think of communist in your country
I eat pussy like it's going out on date
I eat pussy like it's got one of those yellow reduced stickers slapped on it
If you write the nword on your ballot paper then they use DNA and CCTV analysis to track it back to you so you can be arrested for hate crime.

and it's a good thing
He's so happy
Jannys genuinely gave up on this board for the past 2 weeks
i love reading r/melbourne threads about how dating in melbourne is shit. love watching these cunts, both male and female, bitch and moan. but then you see some success stories

>I met my partner of three years on r/dating_advice in a comment chain hahaha. It's been tough, she's in the US and I'm in Melbourne, but we've met and we're making it work!
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I'm starting to feel like I'm not welcome here
sucking a nigger
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>you enter the london underground
No attractive women post on Reddit without also posting on NSFW subreddits to shill their OF

any junkie man in
always go nuts and pop like 6-7 pills a day when i first get it but then i start running short and ration them out until i can afford more, it's a vicious cycle
Why? Because you aren't getting someone banned for posting images? Literally posting images? Fag
Also you do it over the wrong things and everything you believe in is wrong
Or they could just look at the serial number on the ballot paper and find out which voter it was issued to.
You are mentally ill.
mental that literally all the parties refuse to legalise weed
daddy i need to shit
Imagine being that guy
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I'm going to take that negative little freak who will hopefully fuck off because this place is really positive right now - even with someone getting mad over images, but not tripfags or avatarflaggots or trolls - and the nanny 'leaving this place' because hmHE isn't being listened to
And I will take the time that person would of stolen from me and used to lower me down to think and reflect
ignore non whites in every capacity
do not acknowledge their existence
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I'm going to take that negative little freak who will hopefully fuck off because this place is really positive right now - even with someone getting mad over images, but not tripfags or avatarflaggots or trolls - and the nanny 'leaving this place' because hmHE isn't being listened to
And I will take the time that person would of stolen from me and used to lower me down to think and reflect. Imagine being that guy
Listening to synth-pop Eek A Mouse...very wholesome
i love you
melty imminent
would this benefit or fuck over pakis?
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oh my gosh the temperature is so much better today
we are SO back whitebros
>latest MRP poll shows Reform on track for 18 seats
No chance
It would benefit are NHS, reducing A&E visits, reducing violence and reducing obesity. People can just mong out on their couch on an edible.
Burn it with fire.
All the old people and young rorkes will be voting Reform though. Not insignificant numbers.
same thing over here, except the greens who are worse than useless (goes without saying tbhq)
imagine being able to freely share a joint with the lads in the pub smoking area
Look how badly the parasite wants to waste someone's time
The weight of existence was too much for him
Yeah they'll win their 3 key seats (Ashfield, Boston and Clacton) and maybe a couple of random ones but that's it
i only said i done it so they'd remove the porcupine from my ringpiece
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"ran into"
"got brutally attacked"
who do they think they're fooling LOL
Stop it yank
Consider semen retention.
No, my cums are massive right now and it feels so good when it comes out. Feels powerful as is and can hear it hit my chest
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Reform Surge! Tory Slump! It's happening!
smidgen gay that
Troonlennials voting labour and libdem
i don't give a fuck about the NHS and broader society. i only care about the impact on pakis cause i want them to have a harder life
This weather is probably how viagra feels. I've started getting jumpy over wrong sensations tho9gh like feel as if a spider is crawling on my bed when I'm cleaning and I fall over or go Aaaa
can't imagine anything worse than trying to have a pint and weed smells waft all around me.
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it pint season
I like keeping my empty Mcdonald burger boxes in a stack and my bread bags also
Then I fill them up with trash
settle down now toby

it's your quiet time. Quiet time for Toby.
Which poll is this?
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Nah. Go kill yourself
You can't control anyone
Kill yourself
aint nun lil timmy gon do
sounds like a you problem honey
Imagine a thread without spaintard

Modern white people are wigger apes
feel like FUCKING SHIT
don't need to imagine
so glad its not baking hot anymore
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pray, which joint is this, exactly?
Spaintard is a parasite
Farting non-stop in my smelly childhood bedroom
it's like Auschwitz in here
just learned the ISS is being shut down in 2030
saw it flying through the starry night sky at the top of a mountain once, woke mob gone mad
Spainonce VPN until proven otherwise
mmmhmmm lil timmy upstairs rageposting on /pol/
nah sounds like a you problem cause weed is still illegal
go smoke a joint in prison drug mong
Glad they're finally cracking down on them terrists an that
Computer made a beeping noise just then.
My prediction is that Labour will win but it won't be a massive win because I don't think people are that excited about Sir Keir. And I think a lot of boomers who currently say to pollsters that they're undecided will reluctantly back the Tories because they want those gold-plated pensions (even if they hate Rishi for betraying the veterans on D-Day).
also saw it in the sky once

was out walking dogblatt and a neighbour was hanging out their window and shouted down saying the ISS was due overhead. Was sure he was talking shite but true enough looked up and you could see it zooming across. Then when I got home I confirmed online that it was indeed the ISS
Oh damn it only took less than 10 seconds to get a confirmation
>‘He literally stole from children to pay for killing his own child’: Middle school principal killed teacher pregnant with his child
that's the CIA activating the bomb
Just call them a faggot if they act like that, they'll either stop being a faggot or stop talking to you so it's a win either way.
I can get to high gold on league of legends with anti anxiety medication
>sending kpop groups to london
what measures do these kpop companies have in place to prevent their idols from being raped by muslims?
Went to update my Tinder profile after getting some decent pics on holiday and realised I wore the same cap in every single one of them
anti-drug incel brigade coming out the woodwork
next they'll tell us that drinking and smoking should be illegal too
I don't feel any shame in fare evading nowadays. Been 3 months since I've tapped on. Never been caught
women love a man savvy to the dangers of UV rays
birds will think you'r'e bald even if you're not
dealerberg does cali weed for 15 quid a gram
quite expensive, that
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drinking and smoking should be mandatory for pregnant women
if illicit drugs were a song
Those are good and manly. Weed and meth are things we invented to keep niggers poor
The FBI agent monitoring your computer absolutely popping off reading this post
only walked to the shop and my arse stinks of shit. going to have to shower again
Why not
Australians love meth
Did you shit yourself on the way?
four insta-(You)s for that utter slop bait
do better lads
Pretty sure most americans already have thst condition
>a kiss is £10 extra
wtf lads
weed makes a boring life fun
fuck off i didn't ask to be born did i
Tachycardia (50%)
If you're a dumb nigger. The fact you're acting like a nigger should be motivation enough to stop.
You'd have to be a dunderhead to love meth above coke where these things are concerned
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Don't let these tattoos fool you. I'm straight edge.

I'm a man of great discipline; I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs... my addiction is wrestling - my obsession is competition.
Racismlad calm down ffs
insane amounts of impotent virgin rage radiating off this
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Pretty based, kind of cringe.
Cocaine sucks so bad
uh oh stinky!
Imagine him curbing little niglets on their way home from school. He would be a niglet stomping machine. He could rack up 20 before they stopped him.
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the road to challenger requires an iron will and many sacrifices
>Norwood 2 at 13
It's over for that lad in the back
He's so cute
it is for abos
weird torso. why does he look skinny but have no ab definition whatsoever
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Avatarflagging on a board centred around interactions between people from different countries.
What a hecking racist thing to say... not cool anon
Clapton scrans
I'm getting confused I thought there was Clacton Sands, not sure what I'm thinking of.
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cant wait
semen retention is a literal superpower
rorke getting his first stiffy at bugs bunny dressed as a girl
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this is my world today
The next gay parade?
I wasn't on the sniff today but I still managed to call some guy 'Spandau Ballet' more than once, that was pretty funny.
The older I get the more I'm seeing single women who I probably could have had a chance with if I was single as well.
Mad really because I always thought I was completely repulsive to women
>low body fat and still no abs
why are cunts so allergic to training abs now, back in the day it used to be the ONLY thing people trained because all they cared about was having abs
Citrus limon, DMT, N-Methylated tryptamine derivative in leaves[83][84]
Citrus sinesis,DMT, N-Methylated tryptamine derivative[83][84]
Citrus bergamia,DMT, N-Methylated tryptamine derivative[83][84]
Mandarin orange Traces of N-methylated tryptamine derivative in leaf.[85][84]
kangaroo burgers for tea
standards get lower over time mate
I eat in one day: 350kcal; 12.5g protein
I'm thinking about adding 10 eggs and some vinegar to it
Maybe im a hipster but am i little extreme for wanting everyone on this planet to be shot in the head and thrown in a ditch for liking music that i dont?
Got your girl in this bitch, she twirlin' on the dick
I got syrup in this bitch, turn up in this bitch
And we brought the 'Ercs in this bitch, get murked in this bitch
A festival for people with terrible fucking taste in music
world-famous kiwi banter everyone
Lola Bunny in the original Space Jam is the reason furries exist in my opinion
Lemon powder in water removes fluoride from it
But then you've to get the lemon out... maybe with cold filtration
The last 2 years or year and a half have just flown by for me
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>kiwi banter
Americans really are just a bunch of nigger worshippers aren't they
fucking hell
citric acid?
can you neutralize it with a base?
I remember syrup sandwiches and crime allowances.
But then you have a base in the atwr....
Why are people paying taxes to this tory government?
taxation is theft
Even on /pol/ you will see 80% americans posting about their nigger fetish
Im sorry to any uninfected yanks but fuck, what is up with you all
tory the racing car
Or is it that with the higher pH from the base added it will precipitate out
oranges and lemons say the bells of saint clements
did the thing
my state is less than 1% black
I think fluoride is a big atom. It is a heavy atom
It's a big one and won't pass thro8gh filters
Everyone is alive for a time, then they die. Whether they achieve anything or not in that time, they die all the same.
Be right back
common theory is that since white v black racism is so deeply entrenched in yank culture it creates a taboo that attracts 'chan dwelling freaks/mega racists etc
kind of similar to why there's so much step sibling porno when you think about it
"The thing" is clearly not diet or exercise

lose some weight you fat cunt
I think the interracial fetishization, especially by racists, is closer to beastiality than anything else
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Nope /pol/ is just infected with shitposters and refugees
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mental how, excluding the US, the anglosphere is a joke
just lovely
Had a power shortage in my mom yesterday and we ate some hot dogs. It contents were bread, sausage, mayo, smashed potatos, corn and shoestring potatoes.
Spiders aren't as good as I remember them being
Anyone else love spiders?
For some reason the coke is extremely frothy
was tempted to order a cheeky greggs but dont like paying for delivery which means i need to spend at least £15 and fucking hell £15 a greggs is a lot of food
decided to get off my arse and make something instead
i'm the most skillful person of all time
And so the tale of spidernonce begins..
workman in the house and I tried to let out a quiet fart and shit myself and they definitely noticed, currently in the shower cringing and waiting for my nan to see them off
fucks sake lads
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deary me. white men need to step up and be better
oh my days, so true
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Having some brekkie x
i dont see the problem
*pulls my bumcheeks part and does diarrhea on your face*
Black people afraid of anything slightly quirky because they're desperate conformists obsessed with pursuing a very narrow definition of 'cool'?
Yeah, it is.
Pro Palestine
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alri bruce
ah yes lovely thursday evening spent posting interracial porn troll posts on 4chan
horrible little man
he looks like a degen though im sure he doesnt mind
the yellow submarine is a very corny song
About the most interesting post youve made in a month
some people come on here and just seethe for hours about anything
its not healthy guys
Everyone deserves love, man. Even you.
mulled it over and came to the conclusion that the most annoying people on the planet are cunts who claim to be "former gifted kids" and are "burnt out", "smart but lazy" and so forth
He seems gay.
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Take up smoking.
Seethe about fluoride
I bought two whips, one to do the drills and one to move the whole brick, ayy
Walkin' with a limp, I got that dah-dah, dah-dah, dah-dah, dah-dah
Jumpin' out the whip, you just hear, "Blah-blah, blah-blah, blah-blah, blah-blah"
How you started fuckin' with that doggy? You can't lie about it
I be geeked up, rollin' off my shot, I gotta get fried about it
And now white people are becoming black adjacent and rejecting these ideas too
Hope every nigger in the world gets lynched
walking home through the park last night and a group of lads accidentally kicked their ball over, went to kick it back but some how spooned it 40 yards right and we all watched it slowly roll into the river

pretty sure one of them called me a fat cunt
Would it increase your chances of having sex though?
used wd40 on my adjustable wrench because it was rusted stuck and it fixed it instantly
they still aint fucking you timmy LOL

couldve gone professional but didnt really feel like it
Might report it for racism.
Going to be a very grim week or so I reckon
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elden ring seems reddit as fuck
always thought wd40 was an australian invention but its not
Why is it only about sex with you people
Slothful genius me.
4 years since niggers burned down American cities and stole from shops because a nigger died from a drug overdose.
£140 for 2 tickets to see Sum 41
£140 to stand amongst a bunch of beardy 40 year olds in skinny jean shorts and their fat tattooed wives
your teachers and parents lied to you as kids to make you feel better
bet you go to strip clubs and think the strippers actually love you KEK
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>An investigation is under way after a four-year-old boy who was left behind at a wildlife park following a nursery trip has died.
>Teachers had asked on the bus 'is everyone here' and they all shouted 'yes' so they left. They hadn't bother to count them.
every one of my guesses was more skillful :)
explain parliament funkadelic then
Knew a bloke who used to spray his knees with wd40.
what happened
I know he didn't die because I read the story yesterday.
love parliament
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adk uan dne ica oed
when was the last time you kicked a ball? i used to love playing kick-to-kick with my mate as a teen
w-knee-40 lol
got stuck to your dad's floor
girl at my school used to look like michael jackson and one day she broke her hip after slipping on ice and it went around that she slipped while trying to moonwalk
I had it in a dream last night and it was amazing, I can tell why people rave on about it. Titties to suck, holes to fingerbang, it's cool
this him?
read this
*punches you in the face*
Just can't stand to listen to normie opinions about anything these days, so fucking annoying
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>Teachers had asked on the bus 'is everyone here' and they all shouted 'yes' so they left.
nothing better than restoring life to a rusted disused tool

don't go then
I’m just sat on my balcony drinking Cacaolat chilling and watching the waves crash in from the Med, meanwhile some balding Scotch mentalist is sitting in a bedsit in Glasgow fuming about me while boiling insects in his own urine
Getting ready to break my fast as we speak.
done him
think ill go just to spite you
Rorke just informed me that Marilyn Manson had his bottom ribs removed so he could suck his own dick
Claimed that it worked, but he also said that his knees were getting worse fast. It was for his arthritis.
Much you charging him for that real estate in your head? Nothing? Rent free you say?
because i said so m8
The great wealth transfer is coming: what are you lads in line to inherit?
Me: one third of a million dollar house and 1/3rd of some knick knacks and that's about it
you die now ok
>real estate
genuine question, I've not been here for a few weeks. Why isn't spaino posting with his trip? Have I missed a gimmick?
couple years ago I would pirate new releases, stuff like Furiosa or Fall Guy or whatever but these days I just don't care

it's all shite
Mad how I have to spend a third of my life in an office listening to women talk absolute inane shite, not sure it's worth it desu
had much continental sex lad?
screaming at mousey claiming we need 'libertarism' when he's on the dole
not quite sure who the FUCK dpd think they are saying they'll deliver my parcel between 15:50 - 16:50 desu
you are making me so angry
oh no, please don't give money to those aged yanks
Why My Nephew Deserved to Be Hit With My Car
He's in spain so the spain flag is his avatar. Had he not been in spain then he would have a GB flag and thus be indistinguishable from the other GB flags, thus requiring the tripcode.
alls my life i hads to fight, nigga
Mad how many companies refuse to invest in their infrastructure and then waste shit loads more money having to keep old shit operational or doing a panicked rush job to replace it, all costing far more money in the long run
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corrrrr that single drop of sweat running down to her titties
I'm so liberal my mum accused me of being Freikorps
/brit/ conscripts falling out of their wheelchairs
It's weird that whygena uploads comics one page at a time
Nigga ate a booty flake
holy shit is that boobs???
Spaino isn't even annoying, you just claim that everyone trolling is him and have built this false image of him in your head.
had this woman at work who thought she was an absolute expert on everything
this other woman starts complaining that her car is a nightmare and there's oil coming out of the bottom of her car
first woman, completely sincerely just says 'oh it sounds like you have an oil leak'
i walked out of the office for a ciggy couldnt stay in there
>a report found that 70 per cent of wealthy families lose their wealth by the second generation, and 90 per cent by the third
might be my sprog, but won't be me
not wrong though is she
brb going to /esp/ to get them to post here so he has a mental breakdown and put his trip back on
not wrong is she
I hardly ever post with my trip anymore desu. You guys made it clear you don’t like the trip so it’s gone forever. Feel free to filter Spain if you like, or any of the other flags you think I post under if you’re ’phrenic x
Just with the Mrs on the first night back then she immediately went on the blob. Should be good to go tonight though. >>199058156
Tbf I kind of made them build that false image lol

Although yeah it’s gone a bit too far now.
diego had extra ribs inserted to make it even harder to suck his own dick
VPN off spaincunt
that's what i thought
choose your words wisely in the first place next time and you won't need to grovel at my feet
run along back to the shed now
when are you sticking a baby in her
Yeah we've got one of those, gets all of her info from Tiktok
>playing kick-to-kick
Why so feral anglos come up with such stupid fucking terms??????
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>>199057981 >>199058001 >>199058038
the lad didnt die you filthy liar

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