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haikyuu live action edish
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you cannot go wrong with a pair of black jeans and a jumper
Must be fucking easy being that attractive
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I'm eating myself into an early grave and when I try to talk to my parents or gpberg about it they just tell me to stop eating
Mad how you can just put this in uBlock's My Filters list, for free and everything

I've wasted my life
Reckon we need to make it a habit to only post in /brit/ threads made by brits.
I only wear training suits
If you somehow can get more Spaniards to post here that would be awesome. Although the ones in /esp/ are mostly anime autists and probably racist against Brits to boot.
Always exhausted the day after leg day
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>I hardly ever post with my trip anymore
What will never not be Japanese name? Kirru Yourserufu!
every early new is a trespass against god
cheers lad
What do you want them to say?
cause they're big muscles they suck up all the nutrients

science innit
What else do you want? Use some fucking willpower to stop eating and stop being pathetic.
my house backs onto nottingham forests training ground and all i've heard all morning is 'pass and moooove pass and moooooove' bit uninspiring really init? bet that cunt gets paid atleast 100k a year for that
Why was spainloser samefagging in the last thread
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birt acres edition
Spaintard tries his hardest to be annoying, with all his personalities. He is a parasite that feeds off it. He makes other people seem more annoying when they're not because he's a petty and jealous retarded parasite
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*enters /brit/*
The fat people willpower problem has been solved by science. Hop on the ozempic today.
Did he haf bolt? Did he haf toga? No? Then it wasn't us!
Careful, you're going to set Brick off.
get on ozempic or whatever
Hes a very faggy boring loser
Hes one of those midwits that cant be interesting or funny if he even tried
love womens bums and boobys
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I can't afford ozempic since I'm not diabetic
gayest brit so far
it's a mental illness that I can't stop
they're easy to provoke into violence aren't they
Just stop posting about me Mousey why waste your brainpower thinking about someone you don’t like mate. Have positive thoughts you silly cunt lol
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she's right you know
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Semiglutonide? More like hemicellulose
And all of these things being fluorinated. Adrenaline hydrochloride is better for weight less
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You can stop it, start exercising and you'll feel better and won't need to eat shit.
My mum's dog has one of those stupid curly tails that show off it's convoluted anus
I call it rosebud and it's started answering to it.
know someone like that irl and sometimes wonder if he is actually Spainnonce. Compulsive liar and exaggerator too, thinks it's really hard to tell but everyone notices.
this may come as a surprise to you but people need food to live.
People on ozempic should be killed
imagine being so fucking pathetic you don't even have enough self control to eat in moderation
Get off my dick when you're having an 'on' episode then and I'll cease to care for even the s.l window that I allot to it
Hey fat people! Are you fat? Well just stop being fat then! It's easy.
how about you don't buy food
prefer your anuses simple and to the point, do you?
You are the most obsessive schizohprenic mentally ill freakazoid i have ever seen on this site
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new artisanal drawing just dropped
Not the amount you eat fat cunt
don't worry it's not your fault mental health is never someone's responsibility the government should step in to stop you from eating so many pies
If a black man's walking by, it should be mandatory for every white boy within radius to assume this position as respect and offering. Showing total submission to the Negro race. Any white boy that's non-compliant will be beaten and possibly taken to the BNWO re-evaluation and emasculation facilties for any abnormalities.
why do you judge the poor mutt by something it can't control?
what the fuck do you eat
Imagine posts like that weren't made on this website. Imagine if reality ended up like that
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whats he on about?
>mental illness
this cunt for real?
Mad how this isnt even that bad for a Spaino samefag after he posted CP last week
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Are these alright to wear with jeans and a hoody if I'm just going into town tomorrow night?

My normal trainers ripped and these are all I have, I think basic white with jeans is a good combo 2bh.
omds rorke
Push all the shitskins out of western countries and in to the ocean
thems a pic of your trainers mate
Air Rorke max
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new circle type drawing just dropped
All the right parts, just scaled down. Cute and happy go lucky, no chance for bitterness to develop. I love... dwarfs.
Be right back
Hopefilly I can be happy again
You 5 years old mate?
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Think I had to wear these one day in 2008 when I forgot my PE kit at school
Low-quality thread
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You can make us all happy by never coming back
careful lad you might get the cock shagged off you when women start taking notice of those heaters
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What genuinely goes through your mind that you would think such a thing, let alone take the time to type it out and post it on a Bhutanese watercolor forum?
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where u at? strictly attracted to gynomorphic features myself
Niecestein told me my jokes are too much insult-focused and that I should improve my joke's skills.
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wahey! look at him go
>one day in 2008
Was that the last time a girl gave you attention or something?
you'd be surprised. a lot of it is just hollow validation, which gets a bit boring after a while

t. probably not as attractive but the same "type" of guy as him (tall and skinny, white, similar hair style/colour)
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Bloody love junk food I do
waiting for my uniqlo parcel
bum just did a poo without telling me
This might surprise you to find out but girls actually were NOT that interested in me when I was at school haha!
just raped my own arse
All you ever do is taking ever opportunity to .ake gay little put putdown posts like these
I think that if you fucked off then many peopels enjoyments would increase
Also my post wasnt about anything like that. But like I said, any excuse. All the time. But have you ever thought of being less of a bitch?
hope the japanese put anthrax in it
you're not that guy lil bro
>had to specify he was white
larping rajesh spotted
i reckon id batter paddy pimlett tbf
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what's mental is that you could eat all that in one go, not feel remotely full, and yet you've consumed several thousand calories with zero nutritional value
Nothing to do with a certain freak all of a sudden going mental... and mousenonce.
this is what I though average timmy looks like before internet
>not feel remotely full
size of this freak
rorkes crepes
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havent seen much of this bint in years
nothing wrong with it
Prefer not to say
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>tfw spainnonce will kill himself within your lifetime
salt and vinegar mccoys
remember when we had a school reunion a few years ago and one of the girls was talking to me telling me i used to be her crush all the way through school but she was too shy to tell me, instinctively i said 'why' in a kind of aggressive tone and it scared her a bit. didn't mean to come across that way but she could have saved me years of virginous torture
can't help but feel these posts are connected
>your post?
>your post but with what I want attached to it, made to be about my selfish needs, pit over everyone else's
>and you're still the one doing it
Mad how the first 6 hours of Spainonce's day are just a warmup for when its peak hours so he can start spamming and having meltdowns
My parents took my coming out as a neoliberal hard
The only thing approaching filling in that image is the packet of hob nobs.
Got a link taken out of my rolex and now it's too tight :(
It is currently twenty five to eleven according to my rolex. This is the official time I am retiring this gimmick.
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Is this alright to wear with jeans and gola trainers if I'm just going into town tomorrow night?

My normal shirt ripped and this is all I have, I think basic white with jeans is a good combo 2bh.
You have to remember that he is still, at the end of the day, just a severely mentally ill human being. He is not some supernatural spamming spirit that feeds on (You)s. There is a genuinely autistic disabled loser cunt retard that spams this thread — and God only knows where else — every day, all day, replying to himself like he’s playing dollhouse on 4chan. Sometimes, I think of a particularly hurtful way to get under his skin, so I post it to watch him squirm. It has obviously been working, as the public display of his mental illness has become more frequent and extreme as time goes on. It amuses me to toy with his mind like the fragile piece of hodgepodge “art” an idiot child might proudly give you, one that you will discard as soon as they forget about it. He is a vessel waiting to be filled with hatred, a masochistic subhuman, even lower than an animal. He is a worthless piece of refuse on a highway, something you can’t help but notice, try to avoid, and curse, while also hoping it is removed immediately. Since the authorities will not deal with him, I must grind him into dust when he least expects it, then move on like a speeding car. Of course, he will pretend to not be bothered by it, then cope with one of his other dissociated characters’ inane spam. To me, it means nothing. Remember, Toby, I am always here.
love seeing a classic gimmique bought back
Me sat underneath her in a smother chair while she streams, silently breathing in her bum fanny and when she deigns to, her rancid farts, the viewers none the wiser.
She's buried in my backyard
Maybe a girl has felt that way about you for not asking her out too. So do t ever shy away from your chance to tell her how you feel!
You have to remember that he is still, at the end of the day, just a severely mentally ill human being. He is not some supernatural spamming spirit that feeds on (You)s. There is a genuinely autistic disabled loser cunt retard that spams this thread — and God only knows where else — every day, all day, replying to himself like he’s playing dollhouse on 4chan. Sometimes, I think of a particularly hurtful way to get under his skin, so I post it to watch him squirm. It has obviously been working, as the public display of his mental illness has become more frequent and extreme as time goes on. It amuses me to toy with his mind like the fragile piece of hodgepodge “art” an idiot child might proudly give you, one that you will discard as soon as they forget about it. He is a vessel waiting to be filled with hatred, a masochistic subhuman, even lower than an animal. He is a worthless piece of refuse on a highway, something you can’t help but notice, try to avoid, and curse, while also hoping it is removed immediately. Since the authorities will not deal with him, I must grind him into dust when he least expects it, then move on like a speeding car. Of course, he will pretend to not be bothered by it, then cope with one of his other dissociated characters’ inane spam. To me, it means nothing.
Without the name at the end this post could easily be describing 3 or 4 different people.
am 21stone and 4lbs myself, was 24 stone at my heaviest
quite enjoy women's tits and bums and fannies
in a sexual way in my willy
It's almost 4 (hours) to 10 in my country.
thread feels... weird
why are millenials so lazy? there's no chance that baby boomers were so poor when they were the same age
if you actually wore this with baggy jeans and a cap you would be considered drip
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Is there anything scarier than dementia lads?
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this is currently my hinge account lol
The average millenial is either been on 4chan or twitter all day for the past 8 years
I'm obese, but I'm 6 foot 4 so I get away with it.
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a lot
it's called an eating disorder
Spooky skeleton
Is there anything scarier than dementia lads?
tell that to your back in a few years
1999lad here
since when was I a millennial
Is there anything scarier than dementia lads?
Is there anything scarier than dementia lads?
hahaaaahaa poo hahhahahahahaha
Spent an extra ÂŁ70 on ubereats alcohol delivery after a night out and projectile vomited all up the side of my house (I went to get some fresh air).
They are fondly, perhaps I like them as well.
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I think a mark of adulthood is being able to appreciate The Whole Of The Moon.
too woke to go to work
why bother when they have the bank of mum & dad
this post only gets sadder when you remember mousey's just another 190 schizo-sona
genuinely, how the fuck does a human being end up like you?
you CANNOT pull these off unless you're 5 years old or a fat dad of 4 in his late 50s
I am technically no longer obese but merely overweight so I can now enjoy fat shaming others
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>look up symptoms for Alzheimer's
>all the links are purple
had a couple of nice glasses of full cream milk tonight lads
spoilt meself
Shall be voting Tory
created a hinge yesterday, currently on 0 likes 0 matches.
yeah ok fatty boombalatty whatever you say
too rorke to go to work
why bother when the west has fallen
Alri 190
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a du kad nni eco ae d
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Daily reminder that 'gender identity' does not exist.
There is no such thing as being 'transgender'.
Human beings cannot change their sex.

Transgenderism is a misogynist paedophillic cult that harms women and children.
ive started logging into work early so i can leave early

cant believe no one's thought of this before
The absolute state of spaintard and his retarded aspie reality
And I know you. I know what you write like when you actually mean it
ask them all for feet pics then post results here please
>2 thread schizos fighting for dominance
seethe harder nigga
millenials need to be split into 2 groups
those who remember pre-internet and those who don't
Is this why you look up to that dysgenic dole cunt so much?
does he remind you of your dad or something
does 190 still go to raves
thinking about little green australian willies
The absolute state of spaintard and what he thinks
only losers use dating apps
England are going to win the Euros thanks to yet another easy draw and you will never hear the end of how it was all down to diversity and immigration for the rest of your life
It's not possible to work while suicidal because in order to show up every day and do the work you have to prefer that to the idea of suicide.
pipe down
I herd ye're chemist now, fadder!
lts easier to buy a house than ever before, millenials just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and work longer and hard
niggas will have this diet and be like "I mostly eat healthy though, I must have bad genetics"

just don't eat chips you dumb cunt
>0 fitbit activity
ad move around occasionally for fucks sake
reckon I would be good friends with spaino irl. just one of the lads innit
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filmed myself going for a jog this arvo. am i hench yet?
So warm lads.
Meltdown imminent.
Fucking hell, meanwhile if you're average you get 0 likes
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Slept 2 times 3 hours in 2 nights and can't sleep during the day no matter how much sleep I lack. Anyone else find it impossible to sleep during the day?
England will have to beat Italy in the quarter finals and they always bottle to the dagos
what went wrong in your development that led you to be like this? you might genuinely be the most mentally ill person i've interacted with online in my whole life, please enlighten us
Imagine a thread without spaintard
I blame the rorkes.
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like a bit of cellulite if I'm honest
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How come Gen Z are a much smaller part of the population than millennials
I've had Spanish flags filtered for weeks now the problem is you fat cunts who reply to him
I cant.
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I mean my instagram DMs are the same, just all across the board

it really doesn't make life "easier" being easily able to fuck women
I've been reliably informed that I'm intimidatingly handsome and that's why young women rarely approach me.
show us the verified profile then
In what sense?
companystein hiring 500 techjeets and then wondering why the product is a total piece of shit that doesn't work

Imagine a thread without spaintard
diego tomorrow lads
last thing an unBLACKED pum pum sees
your body doesnt get cold when you're running so he's probably fine. its just the extremities that get cold
What's the point of posting this on 4chan?

we all already agree
post it on social media or something mate
um, meltdown
There's just no way a shagger would spend any time on the British culture thread of a Sri Lankan philately forum, you have to be extremely mentally damaged to come here
Thinking about telling my brown girlfriend I'm a nazi. Might let her just figure it out, she's smart.
nobody cares, stop trying so hard to bait
millennial immigrants
Spaintard threatening terrorism again
Imagine a thread
Dont know why he has to go to Spain to have meltdowns when its the same thing posting from his stuffy childhood bedroom.
Might break my fast one more time.
why jog in the middle of the road, especially in the slow when cars can easily lose control
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imagine a thread without mousefreak
It’s way comfier to have a melty D on the beach
I can't imagine having hundreds of likes on a dating app, seems fucking bizarre. You must be in the top 5% to have that.
imagine a thread without poo posts
It's slowing outside
ain't no way toby been hit with the biden blast
now look at this, and just think this is how EVERY black man has it on dating apps in the west
it's over for little timmy who can't even get a single like let alone a match
Imagine having to justify your existence by responding to what you perceive as a threat to yojr existence by threatening terrorism on everyone else. Imagine having to threaten your way into being allowed to exist
Normal people have jobs. I do not have a job therefore I am not normal.
/brit/ is the shagger general
virgins can go to /tv/ or wherever they congregate
critical support for Spaino in his war with the hydrophobic rodent obsessed jock schizo
if you didnt waste money on starbucks and food you'd have enough for a house by now
every last one of them
bizarre multiple personality behaviour, blatant pedophilia, insane racial fetishes, the desire to share all of this with /brit/ for some reason
is it just that you have no one who wants to bother talking to you IRL and we're all you have
cant believe the uk is having their election on US' independence day
Might start an slowball war.
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Bought a 4070 ti super yesterday lads, ÂŁ821.99 so I can finally play MSFS without shite framerates and stuttering.
Samefag spam

>no u

Imagine a thread without spaintard
When he isn't being how he is constantly, his only contributions are yojr posts but back at you or bradleyspam
Was thinking this today after seeing a couple of blacks walking around in puffers and trackies in this heat
Literally suffering just to keep up an image
Think of a world without any flowers.
How many women do you need to shag to become a shagger?
should have saved up for the 5070 this year
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do NOT have a meltdown
remember when everyone made a big deal about Rishi getting rained on when he announced the election?

what was that about? 2-3 days of solid coverage about the man getting rain on his jacket. Bizarre.
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but funny you will be declaring freedom from the tories on the same day we declared freedom from you haha x
really, really REALLY good post
>I can't imagine having hundreds of likes on a dating app
The only ones that do are the chadfishing accounts incels make for bait purposes

IRL good looking men have steady girlfriends and are usually well-adjusted
Mouselegend i support your crusade against Spaincunt

He is the least liked poster by far
Imagine the thread without spaintard
check me one time
capitle city? nah abeg
*unsheathes blunt* more like crapitle city
*shucks and jives off stage to thund'rous applause from the educated patrons*
You guys are mentally ill. Gonna throw you up an slowball.
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k dn aae una dcd ie o
How so?
Kemi Badenoch returned to London by herself at the age of 16 – after doing her homework by candle-light in Nigeria – to realise her ambition of completing her education here, enrolling in a modest part-time A-Level course in Morden, south London, and working at McDonald’s; it’s likely that she will be the next leader of the Conservative party. No wonder her existence makes little men feel even smaller.
If I were Ray Winstone I'd give the lot of you a good seeing to
Spaino clicked on one of those archive links when someone called him out and his jaw dropped at how many times he posted with his trip on.

He probably had to take a step back and reassess. Now he posts with VPN avatarflags because they cant be tracked and doesnt want to be associated with thousands of posts of samefagging tripfaggotry mental illness.
just farted so hard all my organs flew out me arse and plastered themselves all over the wall like cooked spaghetti
>this year
We'll probably see the 5090/5080 this year and the 5060/5070 next, and it'll probably be scalped to hell so you're looking at a while. That's the downside to buying PC components, you can get stuck in the 'I'll just wait for X!' and never get anything. Early leaks sound like the 5000 series won't be much of an improvement and they still have fuck all VRAM for the mid range ones.
didn't happen
never leave us mouse mate, don't let Adam win.
Imagine having to threaten terrorism on everyone the host you inhabit in order to justify your existence. Imagine not just leaving
During this parliament it was illegal to go outside and the big pre-election talking point is whether some lads made a few quid with a cheeky bet
black owned business
ALL me btw
Almost -5 C, it might starts slowing.
Imagine a thread without spaintard
https://i.4cdn.org/gif/1719424785387608.webm PENG TING CORRRRRRRRRRRRR
Ah right-o lol
Tennant on the ropes
*doxes self unlocks front door and kneels over spreading arse cheeks apart*
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braids = thug handles
morning lads. what are your plans for the day?

i might go purchase some ketamine for the weekend antics but cba to get out of bed
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all me btw
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who invited heathermong lmfao
might wander about looking for weed dogends
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I genuinely want a girl to fart in my mouth
Afterall spainonce is a massive coward.

Hides behind samefagging on multiple devices to astroturf a shit gimmick
Hides behind VPNs to pretend to be things he is not.
Drops bits of his actually personality and opinions in various gimmicks.
Severely mentally ill and posts here 24/7.
Has a care worker. Has a black stepdad that triggered his current and ongoing cuckposting meltdown.
apparently yanks still have an option on uber eats to filter for black owned businesses only
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wtf is going on today in /brit/, feels like an evening with the amount of people and shitposting. Has everyone pulled a sickie today?
always forget to eat
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did we ever get an answer on mihais disappearance
it's 190, are you new?
>40 minute /brit/ thread and we're already at 300
just like old times, boys
>just don't eat chips
wow wish id ever thought of that. you must be a genius

thats why its called an eating DISORDER you inconsiderate bastard
smonking american spirit
Don't have a problem with people knowing which businesses are black-owned. Or Jew-owned. Put it all on a big list I reckon.
you need to find a better way to cope with your life than whatever the fuck this is
Pedophilia is not funny.
I've been here since proto-/brit/, no I am not new.
>Has a black stepdad

Fucking howling at this new lore lol

Can he be called Darrell?
its just mousey having a melty
This thread used to be a lot better and if that's because od me I'm trying to figure out the reason why
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ironic pedoposting is still pedoposting, pedos
it's been in decline long before you popped up
Theyre all spainonce posts so its meaningless. Empty.
Alright have to do some toil for a bit, get the new off to a good start, will you?
Imagine a thread without spaintard
>eating disorders ARE HECKIN REAL AND VALID!!!

god damn 13 year old girl
get a grip you fucking pathetic faggot
tell that to the macaco who posts cp in /bra/ regularly

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