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painting by a schizo edition
smoking toscano cigars like clint eastwood in the cowboy films
Avatarflagging on a board centered around interactions between people from different countries
digging poo nuggets out me bum and flicking them on the cat
just walked up the stairs
hate all stand up comedy as soon as I feel someone is trying too hard to be funny I stop finding them funny
mousey meltdown
Imagine the thread without spaintard or 10 spaintard posts per 1 post telling him.to go away, all duplicates all sHuT uP nIgGa
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was a rough day
will try again tomorrow
hopefully things will go better
my life is a sit down comedy
Hides behind samefagging on multiple devices to astroturf a shit gimmick
Hides behind VPNs to pretend to be things he is not.
Drops bits of his actually personality and opinions in various gimmicks.
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Imagine the thread without spaintard
so this is 'society' then is it?
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bert impregnating ernie
what's going on
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not sure why poo peeland was removed from the filter list
We're no more a society than people staying in the same hotel are a society
Imagine there was none of that. Imagine a thread without spaintard
imagine theres no spaintard
its easy if you try
no niggas below us
above us only (yous)
wtf do somalian niggas even be hiding in they big ass heads
out of meds
sleeping without a pillow to improve posturestein
lads, what's a shite degree that nobody should ever do?
mousey, give it a fucking rest. Spaino hasn't posted in at least 40 minutes

he's got better things to do than post on /Brit/ all day, you sad cunt lmao
laying on your back? I can't sleep like that
Imagine a thread without spaintard
Time to kick this meltdown up a gear
You wouldn't tell an anorexic that they are fine and don't need to eat.
So why tell somebody with gender dysphoria that they are really who they think they are and need surgery to 'affirm' it?
every morning i put on glasses as a joke like 'doihoihoi! look at me im a nerd' but then i just keep them on the rest of the day to see better
Mad how little I care about anything these days, I'm like that lad in Office Space after he gets hypnotised
The very moment in which the meltdown has started:
He is literally never going to stop until he dies.

Ive seen this in other extreme cases where the guy was really fat and died from health issues or an accident and he was literally online doing the same shit up until the day he died.
>You wouldn't tell an anorexic that they are fine and don't need to eat.
l would lol
bigot shmigot just be normal nigga
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getting ready for when leftypol makes it illegal to be white and heterosexual
Spaintard is a parasite
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why did everyone go a bit mental last thread
Anything involving computers

t. fell for the I.T. meme
genuinely does feel peng but I have a pillow in case I want to sleep on my side x
name. NOW
Want to wank to Emily Wiillis videos but feel kinda weird doing it because she's brain dead after going into a coman from overdosing in rehab.

What do?
the heat makes us turn funny
He really is. Seen him not only just be a net drain on thread humour but then also actively ruin existing gimmicks by copying them but making them worse.
Worse than a parasite. Genuinely just a black hole for any thread on this site, wherevere else he goes too.
Imagine the thread without spaintard
Ah yes, it's 'women wearing flip flops in the office that slap against their feet with every step they take' season
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bugihek wuvc wuvc
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>she's brain dead after going into a coman from overdosing in rehab
Shame lionhead went under i liked the fable games. Labour should invest heavily in the british video game industry to keep the incels happy.
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>she's brain dead after going into a coman from overdosing in rehab
Alri jung
Wypipo be like: might dance until I die today
Rik Flair had some work done has he
what, like compsci?
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Tell me more about this... "Spaintard" you're talking about.

Is he in the room with us right now? Can you see it?
it genuinely is night and day without him
threads are literally always peaceful during around early afternoon time here before he wakes up at starts his schizo routines
>I invented these memes that get posted here
>99% of the time its me posting the meme, and nobody ever cares
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>overdosing in rehab
Just assume random foreigners posting inane shite have to all be Spainlard at this point.
>carrying all that shite with you around in the post apocalypse
Nice way to get jumped by the mandem.
Good post
wanna nip downstairs for a cig but dunno if mum has gone yet and i reek of cum
buying a book of keto recipes

this is my time to shine
Imagine the thread without spaintard
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glow in the shark
Sara Jay
Vindaloo diarrhea burned my boyfriend's bellend.
Only government assigned gfs can sort out incels.
Every hour of toil meetings there is about 15 minutes of actually important/relevant information and then 45 minutes of the women yapping about their kids or their dog or someone they spoke to the other day

Managerberg accidentally let in slip in his 1 on 1 with me that he hates doing 1 on 1's with the rest of our department because they all go on about stupid shit from their personal lives and only about 5 minutes of discussion actually gets done
this not whygeeeeeena
Representing /brit/ at the Farage North East rally x
>bins strewn all over the road again
binmen have no accountability
this needs to end
imagine a thread without mousenonce
here's a keto recipe
cook meat and veggies, sprinkle with cheese
wa la
I'm 30 and got every debuff you could get in the morning
stuffed nose
full bladder
eye crust
sore throat
dry mouth
back pain
neck pain
morning wood
Mad how the BBC decided not to cover the intimidation of women at the Let Women Speak event in Brighton on Sunday by masked Antifa thugs, along with the resultant local disruption and complaints to police and the police and crime commissioner, but they will report on a pride flag painted on the ground being vandalised.

um... you can't post that image sweaty x
It is isn't it?
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How does he find vpns that work on 4chan
he's a good 40% of the reason to even come here
get a new mattress
this shit is supersaturated as fuck because every millennial cunt grew up hearing about how much money there was in tech so now it's balanced itself out again where most of the jobs are low paying but there are some super high-paying and cushy jobs, but they are EXTREMELY competitive
Going down to the beach for a swim lads, enjoy your meltdown x
It's kind of sad to see his squirm around like the desperate pathetic parasite he is
took some mdma last night and didn't feel a thing. does it lose its potency over time or something? it had been sitting in my draw for like 8 months
We need incel representation in the LGBT flag.
My interests are going mainstream, it's over...
Imagine the thread without spaintard.
it'll kick in about 2 hours
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sitting with my legs crossed all faggot like
Mechanical or civil engineering. The mecheng degree course itself is for autists who love derivations and will leave you underqualified in industry unless you get a job as a CAD monkey. Civils will drive you to an early grave dealing with government bodies and members of the public.
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A man of culture, i see.
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steam sale today lads what we gettin
some steam i reckon
nothing you freakzoid virgin
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how I browse /brit/ on my PSP
Being fat is so embarrassing. I think if I started to get fat I’d just stop eating
>dry mouth
you mouth breath when you sleep
tape your mouth before going to be
I know it's a meme but it actually does work, I used to have the same problem but it fixed it and made me better at breathing throuhg my nose in general
haiii :3
was wanking last night and just fully lost my drive halfway through, went soft and got disgusted by the whore on my screen but i didn't even cum

very odd
Thread quality just improved drastically since this post
There's no steam sale on you lying cunt
Same shit goes on sale every year. Its great if you want to buy old bethesda games, thats about it
the gay porn beckons
Got like 100 games I haven't played but I'll check it out
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starts at 6
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Dulcea from the Power Rangers movie just randomly popped into my head, no idea why
orc massage is pretty good ive heard
Remember that time I went to drop off a bed at the tip, nearly got into a fight with the binman there after I asked where to put it because it was a wood/plastic/fabric frame and they had different containers for those materials and he shouted "can't you read?"
looking for lazy dogs to jump over
gideon ofnir sex arse
armored core or rogue trader, depending on how deep the discounts
still fucking around in elden ring and will be for a while
chaos reigns
Fuckable Mr. Fox
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marriage is a beautiful thing
gnob dont fit in me gnickers
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slurping a hot, coffeinated beverage
brown rice
2 chicken breasts

any minders
looks shopped
love these marco pierre white cooking videos hes so up his own ass that its a bit comical
Elections next week lads what mossad agent are we all voting for?
reckon he's actually mental
all chefs are.
you forgot the flavor
Where did the belgian, the spaniard, the russian and the brazilian go?
I'm voting Greens. Labour are now 1990s Tories, SNP are finished, The Tories are leaning too heavily right now and Reform are just a 4chan meme.
good job i'm not a literal child then
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might have bacon and eggs but i have no beans so it will have to be on toast
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Why are the Yanks already doing a debate
that's why you only watch chef john or jacques pepin
I'm 'ere.
>Reform are just a 4chan meme
>this is why i wont vote for them
As opposed to Green party who are a reddit meme
absurd ranking
Surely thats grounds for no fault divorce
to the bar, wait until you hear the punchline
more of a mass-debater meself x
we only have one planet lad we need to take care of it
whole point of no fault divorce is you dont need to prove fault
Reform have far more actual sway than the Greens you socialist turd.
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Honestly though, who the fuck cares
White rice is better
I can't imagine Biden's mental faculties will improve between now and November.
Threads turned to shit now that Spaino and Mousey have legged it
apparently they need 3 months of debates to decide if they're going to vote the exact same way they always do
They can't help themselves. They love getting everyone riled up into opposing factions nice and early before the proper shit flinging begins.
She did sort of deserve it a bit doe.
my gf's progress
jacques pepin is a legend tbf
A clue
I kneel
ronaldo earns about €200m per year. that's about €200m per year more than i earn
>Honestly though, who the fuck cares
hoping baldurs gate 3 goes on sale
is that really sacked tranny?
Remember when we first had debates and they put Nick Clegg in the middle and he said fairly normal things and the other lads had to kept saying 'I agree with Nick' and it actually got him into the government for a bit
does every female on the planet have tattoos now
zoomers really had their first wanks to this thing omd
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me on the right
mad how the lib dems are actually to the left of labour now
what an absolute g
drinking earl gay tea
then he ruined it by being a spineless coward towards Cameron. Lib Dems could've been the second biggest party in Britain today if Clegg hadn't ruined them during the coalition.
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Probably nothing. My library is littered with shite I've bought in sales over the years and played for like 8 minutes. I've learned my lesson.
today marks 2 weeks without a wank
It's also a requirement that the man she's talking to has tattoos. It's not enough to pretend that you think tattoos are cool but don't want them for yourself, they're wise to that now. They know men who don't have tattoos hate tattoos and it gives them the ick.
yeah it's funny how much of a retard he is

nah he's just a cunt
They're very common now.
it does seem like it
how you feeling?
My first wank was either Nurse Joy and Misty's sisters from Pokemon or Mai Valentine
day 4 of nofap because i need to provide a sperm sample at 2pm
it's been hard. feel grumpy, which i rarely do
not looking forward to wanking in some weird room either

>The Tories are leaning too heavily right

ahahaha are you fucking joking
I assume you let her enjoy some dark meat on the side?
>haha yeah totally gonna lose weight soon guys haha
bless him
i'm still proud radcen
reform is literally 1984 :0
The worst thing about this thread is Rorke posting about his transgenderism fetish every fucking day
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KTIM (and my bf UwU)
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now that's called progress
is there a worse celeb chef than jamie oliver?
every recipe he puts out is a clusterfuck
would normally be savagely horny tp tje point of madness right now but im just too depressed to be aroused
You have to be severely mentally ill to do this.
>not looking forward to wanking in some weird room either

Doesn't bother you usually.
jews convinced them everything beautiful is bad
everything ugly and subverted = good
that simple
I agree with Nick (Griffin)
Imagine a thread without spaintard
Today is the day bros
Presidential debate
It's gonna be like Monday night RAW
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i agree with peter griffin
whenever I go a while without I feel insanely lonely and realise how much I'm fucking up my life but then I wank and go numb again
ur mums bedroom isn't weird mate
go back
He's a multi-millionaire and has a loving wife and large family.

you're sat in your smelly bedroom alone
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>Get out there and vote!
Kemi Badenoch only has citizenship here via an immigration loophole her mother exploited and spent most of her childhood between Nigeria and the USA

She's set to be the next leader of the conservative party which just sums the state of things up
Trump is undefeated at Wrestlemania
yeah but leftypol hates her
consevatives are gayer than the greens
just defeated the crucible knight evergaol in elden ring parried htat nigga 20 times in a row
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Might get a king of spades tattoo.
Cute short haired young looking thing liked me on the bisexual dating app not even sure if it has a willy or a vag but now I can't find it fucking fuming I hate phones.
rorke confidently predicting leftypol wouldnt dare criticse her just like he did with rishi
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She's dipping in.
the job market is terrible right now for 30 year old NEETs with no qualifications looking for entry level work
when I think of the phenotype for an English female, this is what I think of
dipping my bellend in and out of a bubbling cauldron of evil green goop
The Tories have to have a BAME leader to not look racist and Labour need to have a white lad to not look woke, just how it is
whats the longest youve gone without wankig your willy
sounds grim. makes me feel bad for the people doing it because they actually like computers and not just because they want fat stacks and bitches on their dick
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dangerous day to be a Lambrini at Iceland
surely they wouldn't be so dumb to go from paki to black woman, it's like they're just intentionally trying to kill the party at this point
Don't care. Still voting reform.
console fag
look utterly bizarre because ive put on so much muscle that now my head looks like it doesn't belong to my body
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>The Tories have to have a BAME leader to not look racist
to who? People who will never vote for them anyway?
a week maybe
because they know biden will barely be lucid in a few months so they are betting big on this one, saw an article detailing how they took senile joe to the presidential resort and built a replica stage and have a team of 16 people trying to prepare him for it
*laughs in £600 per day fully remote contract job*
vaguely recall a version of this image where the kid's ghost is being sucked into one of the machines
being on the internet all day fucks up your chakras so bad
amazing just how unfunny women are
How hard is it to just not wander off into nowhere during 40+ degree heat and get lost and die? Been on holiday many a time and haven't succumbed to that particular fate myself. Don't quite understand it.
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That kid was 100% expecting the og cast
don't play many vibeo james anymore me
mad how this film started the globohomo wokeness in to overdrive
2016 really was when everything went to shit
feel sorry for him, no matter what bad hes done in life the man deserves to rest
ask juan one ice rod
at duke kaduna nine economic aerospace division
know dna base unavailable docs in order
(but he wove suvs)
you have to understand that these 'people' are not human
they operate in another dimension to us entirely
When Nigel gets 0 seats, how will the far right spin it?
poughkeepsie new york state
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Need a bf like this.
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MI5 Agent detected
only know of this place from that Friends episode where Ross falls asleep on the train and ends up in Poughkeepsie
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it looks rather nice no
Call them cheroots in Britain mate
They will be pleased because Nigel Farage is a zog puppet and a Labour government is good for the far right.
bouba & kiki
everyone should try dave the diver if it's on sale
feels too late to go to bed now
squattoil looming like a foghorn in the distance
everyone said thats good but it looks like a fetish game
>all souls games are the same
Not really
The poughkeepsie tapes is one of the best horror movies I’ve ever seen
I'm ready for the 1000 year starmer reich
i've stopped doing it because my arsehole is sore
They are as similar as CoD games are.
massaging the misso with one hand and typing with the other lel
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perfume build is fucking broken
dont understand why the establishment is so scared of farage, can only guess hes more in the pocket of foreign elite rather than the local british elite but that doesnt sound very plausible
People that want an unbiased press without this hypocrisy i guess
no idea what this means
you dive and catch fish during the day and run a sushi bar at night
tons of minigames, nice music, etc
got my hands on my weenor
Farage is a cowardly little weasel pal
Never played CoD so I wouldn't know.
Underage or old fart, hard to know.
What's the name of that right-wing british youtuber?
The dysgenic one with the nasally voice.
Just not really into FPS, or real-life settings in games, except maybe historic ones like medieval or western.
Yeah? Hes a politician
Something I spoke to my therapist about was the fact that we have unlimited choice in terms of dating so we are constantly looking for this “perfect” match. Dating apps have made talking to people more accessible at any time
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Back from my swim lads :3
Just type in cuckold sessions on xvideos and look at the actors that play the cuckolds and youll get your answer
Who cares if LGBT people exist and what they get up to. They can do what they want in my view as long as they aren't committing crimes.

Seething about other people is pointless.
all of them
I've been trying to get my brother booked in with a psychiatrist for weeks now and it's still a pain in the ass.
two words mate
But anon was just saying they were commiting crimes and it wasnt beijg reported on
The Mrs has mates round and they all speak so fucking loud and have screeching laughs like chimps.
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>They can do what they want in my view as long as they aren't committing crimes.
Huh yeah mutilating confused young people is fine as long as it's legal.
No edition
Are they cute or are they all short ugly little goblins
I honestly don't care
Two of them are fit, one is a munter
ur middle aged, not even ur hairline wants to be here, who are u kidding
just out of frame are they yeah?
Why does r9k love start/ending their posts with "pal"
>They can do what they want in my view as long as they aren't committing crimes.

Anon says they are commiting crimes
>i honestly dont care
Well which is it then?
>expecting intellectual or moral consistency from leftypol
I honestly, really couldn't care less

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