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time for a cuppa edition
It was real. All of it.
lol this guy looks like a massive pseud
will quitting caffeine and sugar stop my anxiety?
This time next week I'll be voting Reform
I was in tesco this morning and one of the cashiers asked the foreign couple in front of me if they wanted help packing their bags. Fuck sake love reform aren't elected yet give them a chance
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shut the fuck up Diego lmfao
ta lads
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looks AI generated
Seen 4 niggers on a 20 minute drive across rural / suburban England todaay Just wanted to put that out there incase any of you are stupid enough to vote tory/labour
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>wake up
>still a fat fucking loser no woman would ever love
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>Nigel appeals to far right conspiracies
>far right conspiracy theorists don't think its enough
tale as old as time
It will help. Coffee is literally toxic adrenaline bean juice
but anecdotally caffeine makes it worse for me and eating well definitely doesnt
What was?
looking forward to the debate tonight
no one's fault but your own
How much did it help?
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Oh i see spainonce was doing that thing where he cuckposts with the Brit flag while posting inane bollocks with the Spain flag
lockdown was comfy af

wish i could go back desu
wonder which wartime mistakes he rates
Completely true
Been dieting on and off the past 6 months have lost 12kg but still got at least 15kg to go.
Been here less than a week and I’ve already got a banging tan despite being pale Irish diaspora stock

Must have some Med blood in me somewhere
betting 5 quids on you taking home the cup
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Doc cheated on his wife with;

A woman
A minor
A tranny
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Going on a mincy walk to the beach on my own tomorrow and a picnic
I've said it before in this thread but the reason I want electric cars to become popular is not necessarily because of global warming.

Instead I want electric cars because I hate all the fumes chucked out by petrol and diesel cars. I want to be able to walk or jog around my local area while breathing in clean air.
Avatarflagging on a board centred around interactions between people from different countries.
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All of it.
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wtf is avatarflagging you low iq ape
how old was she actually?
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Caught me red handed yet again mate, you’re very clever x
>anti-LGBT personality who goes on about how gay people are a threat to children
>tries to fuck a child

Hmmm interesting how often this happens lol
Good morning Toby x
omds is this real
Buy all this shit learn mad recipes to make dinner for parents then they just decide fuck it and start one without consulting me
Three fucking nights i’ve waited to make this nice chicken pasta and three nights you cunts have ruined it
Fucking ranging absolutely raging bastards man
lmfao does this nigga never learn?
He was in hot water alright
you best start believing in dystopias
you're in one
half the time i drink coffee i freak the fuck out it makes me feel sick and paranoid, its very noticeable for me and i never want to drink it. doesnt seem to bother the vast majority of people at all though
in terms of eating, i just feel a bit better generally when ive got some semblance of a normal diet than if im living off crisps and cereal
Wogs are everywhere now
Spaino is an incel larping as a 100% leftypol faggot because hes too much of a midwit to work out why he gets mad at things
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Always got a weird vibe off that bloke but just dismissed it as being the moustache
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There'll be wogs even with reform. There is no political solution.
You’re an extremely sad bastard
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honestly just fucking want them out it’s my only care
at my wits end with them and the brain dead normies pretending it’s all fine and well
they dont want to eat your muck, too spicy
I can think of one
not enjoying this new "Tampermonkey detected inconsistencies that indicate that your browser wiped the extension database!" meme that includes the ripper where 4chanx gets deleted every single time i restart leaving me to have to reinstall and configure it over and over again
my name isn’t eric
>There'll be wogs even with reform.
And there will be more with the other choices
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Do you prefer blondes (Saxons), brunettes (Britons) or redheads (Gaels)
Reinstall your browser
do you get paranoid without caffeine?

I've been getting really intense anxiety and I'm hoping it will go away if I stop caffeine and sugar. I'm worried it won't
There's a bloke I work with who has one of these.
Genuinely freakish behaviour
Heard you the first 10,000,000 times lad
bully him and make him feel less than
Mad how people are like "ah but the government couldn't actually send them back even if they wanted to" when the government managed just fine keeping 65 million people under house arrest
try the other one, greasemonkey is it
utterly BIZARRE seeing sex tests/messages
Sometimes I go to /soc/ just to glare at those creatures

horrifying stuff
True Geordie has scarred me for life
*Googles the whitest part of the UK*
M O D E R N I T Y . exe
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I wonder if this is nice. New limited edition sauce that combines every heinz flavor
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Rorke posting polshite is ruining my morning. Might drive lorry
then go get a life you boring retard
You think you're English? Name all six rapes of Sussex.
How old was the person in those messages at the time they were sent? 17 or younger than that?
Fucking live here and I don't even know that.
ain't it mental you could be arguing with a cunt on /brit/ yesteday and be buddy buddy with him today and then back to hating him tomorrow and you'd have no idea

imagine if earth was like that
it's updating firefox that has started this new megameme

seems like i may have to after a decade plus of loyal tampermonkey usage
Nothing wrong with this
Wokes gone mad
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nth for the gaeldem
Damn they really are desperate for ideas aren't they
if odds, good post
if evens, blog on you boring bastard
Thinking about how people were perfectly fine with Russell Brand for years when he was a standard leftypol but as soon as he went a bit Rorkey there were suddenly dozens of women lining up to call him a rapist
Why do you lads keep going on about voting and elections like it matters? There is no democratic solution to mass immigration. We’re well past the point of that. Even if we do “vote” against it, it’s irrelevant because they don’t listen anyway.
There is no voting out way out of this.
feeling a bit racisty x
Think about this a lot (you massive cunt)
this is dogwhistling
how much signatures do you need for a referendum?
Booking you a one-way flight back to Islamabad now.
just had a nose bleed
doin a whistle
Dont care
Still voting Reform
can’t hear it tho
is talking about farts with children a crime now
stop doing cocaine
2021, 2022 and 2023 were such odd years
This is the first normal feeling year since 2019
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Nigel "Pajeets instead of Poles" Farage
Still doesn't feel normal but it's as close as it'll get I reckon
ignore non whites in every capacity
do not acknowledge their existence
i do yeah and ive been on pills for a couple of months. cant say how manageable itll be for you
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yeah this election is the final line to cross imo
what pills
Wish Putin had invaded a year earlier, could've saved us from having those last few lockdowns
Going to toss a coin between Lib Dems and Green honestly
I live in a Labour safe seat so it's about showing Labour I don't really like them and want them to shift to the left
i don't
That’s the tranny, not the minor. I know her because she used to frequent my discord.
anti depressants and beta blockers
remember when the blm riots happened at the apex of covid and everyone stopped caring about masks and spreading the virus
you need a benzo if you want to solve your anxiety problem
All sexts are cringe as fuck when you look back at them. Weird what the heat of the moment makes you say
But there was no risk of spreading it at the protests dude
If I don't make tea soon I'll probably end up ordering a Maccas
Hit puberty late so became a reclusive shy nerdy freak for a few years and couldn’t physically compete with the other lads in sports.
Then I physically caught up and found my way back to normiehood by 18.
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beautiful women are like living angels
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Unironically think about this every day, just can't take any institution or authority seriously ever since
Drinking some 'Dragon Soop' bullshit, an energy drink with alcohol in it. Want to piss in their headquarters cos they can't just make shit like that. Hate the taste of it too, absolute bullshit. I will sue Dragon Soop into hell
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That was a crazy moment in modern history. Random people setting fire to gas stations. Bridges in major cities shut down for mass marches. Entire downtown shopping centers being looted.
Shut the fuck up mousenonce lmfao
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Not legal to mix caffeine with alcohol here
Brits don’t suffer
Was as bad in the 70s if not worse
im sure theyre way more effective at dealing with the issue but they dont get prescribed so much for their dependence issues. i have a (mostly wfh) job so i could be much worse
Don't understand this image
You seriously need killing
Preferable slow and painfully
Niggers everywhere
Whats normal about that?
Spainnonce jealous that mousey's posts always get replies whilst his are left to gather dust
mental normies will claim this never happened or just refuse to talk about it
i remember my brother literally telling me it was acceptable, nay encouraged to protest the death of a black man in minneapolis when 4 weeks prior only ten people were allowed at my granddads funeral. he will claim this never happened. 2020 is just a hazy memory for most people and they don’t like to think too hard at how truly fucked it was.

truly amazed and depressed me how susceptible people can be
Benzos are probably not a good idea because they're addictive and their effect diminishes over time; for these reasons I think doctors only prescribe for them for up to 4 weeks at a time now

They prefer antidepressants and beta blockers these days from my experience
thats the steam sale up lads
can i immigrate in a non mass way
You a Caucasian supremacist mate
Remember at the height of the Floyd thing when proper mental stuff was happening like the England cricket team putting out statements about systemic racism and The Germans episode of Fawlty Towers being banned, reckon people really lost their minds for a bit there
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Based Mousey
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He having a little seaside self harm
democracy bros, i dont feel so good....
My dad has gone full Rorke since retiring. Banging on about trannies and Muslims taking over.

I live in a city and never seen a trannard. They're like 0.1% of the population and I don't understand why he gets so worked up over them being "everywhere"
As for the "islamification" of Britain, I don't know what the fuck he's going on about. Like, Muslims exist? Idk. Where are we being forced to be Muslim or have islamic values?
>TIL that study that says men divorce their sick wives was retracted in 2015 for a major error that severely skewed its results ("no response" was classified as "getting divorced" for men). Men do not actually divorce their sick wives at a higher rate than women divorce sick husbands.
voting bad
tasty discount on BG3
shall be slurping dat
Your dad is based you’re a little bitch made punk thoughever
Genuinely think a lot of normies have repressed their memories of it, if you ever talk about it they look at you like you're mad
There have been over one million immigrants in the past two years. That’s only the legal ones. God knows how many illegal.

None of the big parties want to do anything about it and encourage it. Britain is rapidly becoming less British. That’s what he’s on about.
yeah the sikh """"""" Farmers""""""" had their protests here
We are being invaded, raped and murdered by sandniggers
>india chiming in again
You didn't give a retort.

For the record, I think a man is a man and a woman is a woman. You can't refute DNA. But if Bob wants to call himself Susan I literally don't give the slightest fuck

What's immigration got to do with Islam?
I was drunk with my mates not to long ago and brought it up. Asked how it was mental that we were locked in our homes for months over what was essentially nothing. How restrictive some of the rules were. Asked them if they thought it was an overreaction and oppressive.
Just uneasy smiles “yeah hah, crazy times”.
“Lockdown was mental”.
Can tell they never really thought about it too much. Literally the biggest event of the past 80 years.
I'm moving to whatever country kicks out all the immigrants
Worst bait ever
what's a carry out
I don't like getting political on this side of my 30 but Muslims won't report actual population data to the census guys
Went peak district for a few days and didn't see a single black person, was like being back in the 90s
Many immigrants are from Muslim countries. Many Muslims in the UK are descendants of previous immigrants and new arrivals.

Islam is not native to the UK and is a by product of mass immigration. Do you really need this spelled out for you?
What's everyone having for tea?
I'm torn
I run this general
Id rather he just stay fixated on Rorke than start spamming blogposts and cuckposts on VPNs again.
fish cakes and Caesar salad x
my Alzheimer's medication
chicken milanese pasta
And you're a god fearing church attending Christian, right?
The world’s cummiest superhero
thinking about whether to kill myself or not let alone what to eat for dinner
any witches posting in brit?
alri torn
Don’t do it lad. Have a wank and order yourself a kebab x
Often wonder if they're embarrassed/guilty about it all or if they've actually forgotten. Absolutely insanely mental that it's not the only thing the election is about
You fell for spainnonce's bait post. Well done!!
Go out and write nigger and tranny on things to cause schizophrenia
Not a witch myself but I do manifest things into reality whilst wanking which is a bit witchy I suppose
And has only exploded thanks to Brexit
But vote for Brexit Man again THIS time he'll stop the pakis
I was raised Catholic, yes.
What’s your question got to do with Muslims and mass immigration?
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Sudden urge to visit the Peak District
dogberg barking at the door. That ship sailed, you like it so much out there? Live out there then!
Some gayness for my anus
Seaside Mark was caught sliding in trannies dms
Business idea: Piss on the road and throw apple juice cartons nearby
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How often do you cut your nails?
Because I'm willing to bet 90% of rorkes don't even know who Jesus is but bangs on about muh Christian country
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I have manifestation powers which have increased this year a lot but it's like the beginning of Shaolin soccer. I have no controls over my powers
yeah Jesus that obscure person
Whenever im not doing anything i just peel off my nails and throw them somewhere when noones looking

Maybe i will start collecting my nails
Been burning 3k calories a day and eating like 1500 for the month and I've not lost anything
Don't think my body is capable of getting under 80kg
Once a week, they grow absurdly fast
I dont
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Some of the smarter people probably do feel a bit confused and betrayed but can’t articulate or fear being labelled the dreaded “conspiracy theorist”. These people are normally good natured but of middling intelligence. They’re the stereotypical timid and conformist person.

There exists a sizeable chunk of the public though, who i believe don’t have the capacity or desire for any introspection or thought about it. To them, it happened, and now it is over. No deeper thought or questioning. They don’t care what happened or think about such trivial things such as “rights” and “public manipulation”
none of your fucking business pal
Cut my what seemed to be 1 inchers day before yesterday
Jesus is the son of God. He fought through a thousand niggers to reach the gates of heaven and see his father.
Watching Jeremy Corbyn’s TikToks and feeling sad that he was given such a bad time in the media

Imagine what the country would be like with a genuinely nice, caring person as PM :/
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Hi Tom :)
Declining religious belief does not negate our long Christian heritage since literally the time we’ve been a people and its influence on our culture, legal system, architecture, history and morals.

Just because not many people these days goes to church should not in anyway mean we just throw it all away to the Muslims. Whatever quippy response you’re trying to make here, it doesn’t make any sense.
Drawing a milly
britain more like shitain because of how shit it is
Fuck off spainfreak you antisemitic nutcase
watching bernie madoff documentaries you have to appreciate the hutzpah on these yids
nasty little racist
boring /pol/mongs getting all sweaty and frustrated
Can't go against the neoliberal establishment mate, them's the rules
Drawing a willy
Think it would've been peng to date an upper-middle class girl with a name like Milly or Charlotte
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just found out this 22 year old twink has been shagging the 50 year old gilf at work. so fucking jealous
I'm not changing my vote. You're not changing your vote. I'm voting Lib Dem.
Stop banging on about politics. No one is changing anyone's minds FFS.
I'm here to talk about poo
this time next week big Kier will be PM
If he's a racist then why was there a really fit black lass in my row who came to see him
stop adding gay little emoticons to the end of your posts this isn’t 2009
Obliterating JC and making sure he never found a place in mainstream politics again is the only good thing Labour have ever done.
fauxmoi femcels seething that their favourite statistic turned out to be false
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Mad how some forms of schizophrenia are tolerated while other forms will get you imprisoned and forcibly drugged
Will be blasting hot shits in my trousers when the exit poll result is announced with a Labour landslide on BBC
could go a line of ching now
Ok boomer wtf are you still doing on 4chan lmao shouldn't you be an adult and have a job and kids and shit? Fucking hell. Losers the lot of youse
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Jesus Christ?
Jeremy Corbyn?
John Carmack?

you decide
that's just sugar
they snort sugar at oktoberfest for some reason
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Australian actress Alyla Browne, star of "Furiosa."
Watch it.
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Starting at 12 minutes, he discusses how Farage and UKIP were heavily promoted by the mainstream media (e.g. Farage's dozens of QT appearances and hosting of HIGNFY)
el australiANO
we had a good run eh lads?
Had 2 cuppas, a cheeky fag and a poo. The day is all downhill from here
Thought we killed these lads off a few hundred thousand years ago
thought anya taylor joy starred in furiosa
Meds have no right to criticise us for our work culture and living habits
They’re subsidised by the EU. Wake up, go to some fake office job, drink coffee and gossip for 3 hours, take a 2 hour lunch, go home then enjoy a nice dinner outside with neighbours since it’s constantly 30 degrees and sunny.

No, of course you’re not going to get that in the UK or Germany.
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Saving every media posted in this thread

*walks away to speak to aussies about doing a poo*
if you had to live a singular day in my shoes you would all do a 'cide
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>we had a good run eh lads?
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What's wrong with your shoes
go into manufacturing and robotics big time. this is the future of humanity. go into biorobotics aswell. more workers are needed to take care of pensioners so young people don't have to.
We did alright for a couple of goofballs
a lot of black women wish they were white and become rorkette
see: kemi badenoch
Based kolchak
30 degrees is too hot
prefer 17 degrees me
they lack arch support
need kraut gf to sink steins and do lines with
Shoelad you here
OK tarq
Think I shall
might sell my cs skins
if you think about it the tories are the dracula of political parties
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Great quote at the end of this British horror film about how pagan Gods are way older than Abrahamic ones.
Might get a brown person to drive/cycle an excessive distance with a large order to my doorstep and not tip them
More like Rishi Poonak! Am I right lads!?
Where is Lord Swastika?
Farage has crossed the Thames
Should I move to Thailand and risk being mistaken for a nonce
What will change under Labour?
:V xD ;_; ^-^ 0_0
good movie that
As opposed to staying in India and risk being mistaken for a nonce?
Good man, every brown person you use to carry your alcohol helps to assert white supremecy
Nothing, then we'll vote Tories back in after a single labour term then continue the death spiral
The ethnic composition of the UK
I love driving and cycling long distance. That opportunity would be my tip. If I were in the shoe of your swiggylad that is
Reform will make Lord Miles an actual Lord
Genuinely spooky. I think it's better than As Above So Below or REC
Wilbert has gone hard
Bizarre narrative
Immigration has exploded under the Tories more than anything Labour have ever done.
Farage knighting rorke
They're going to stop it then yeah?
We must protect president arse at all costs
True. Modi has weakened all the hindutva organizations and empowered Muslims through minority ministry
getting bored are we spainers?
listening to based radio mirror park
we must return to 2013
Unlikely, but the Tory record will be hard to beat
Reckon they'll give it their best shot
Rifle’s dad pulling into the drive with the St George’s Cross flying from both back windows of his 2012 Corsa
Listening to Lostprophets
Mad how our entire society collapsed in less than the time between GTA main series releases
Why did Doc suck the tranny
love lasses with comically long nails
who tf is Rifle nigga
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Because no one else would
good for him, animals are enchanting and beautiful
thank you for supporting the british film industry
Not for a leftist
saw on the news that a lot of ISIS members are getting into America through their southern border

made me wonder how many boat people in the UK are secret ISIS members. But then I remembered that most of the British ISIS members were homegrown, like shemima begum
soup dragons were a decent band
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