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Ted edition

prev >>199092376
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Oh my, look at the time.
there's no real way to make your penis bigger without killing it in the process
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Get your ass to the gym, anon!
me on the right
Unironically yeah. I don’t know what about making a new thread on 4chan is triggering a crash to desktop, but it seems to happen every time now
Well, I am sorry for what happened. I guess /cum/mies decided to use my thread.
post ass
New Hampshire has a cool motto
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It’s fine. I don’t want thread splitting
Im a ho ass nigga
I think you can delete that other thread, right
apparently you can't
I'm going to fart cuck you
I've stopped asking or wondering what words mean
They never mean anything really
How does that work
suck the farts directly from her asshole
das gay
any zingers?
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i like how american presidential debates are not 2 old farts going on tangents and trailing off into nonsense
went to the sto. did not buy any alcohol. yay me i am proud of myself.
Your own death is not as far off as you'd like to think. Keep that in mind, and let it inform your actions.
right now i'm not afraid of death, other times i am
You're welcome by the way >>199094274
Just saw your post



These mass replied posts are all the same person by the way- to develop on what I said last
That really is the end and I don't care to keep it going. He shojld just be banned. They should do their jobs
They should give a shit about their jobs at least a little bit
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So, carry on
There's a meaning to life
Which someday we may find
And carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past, to carry on
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it's over
/cum/ eternally btfo
Almost 5am. Dare I crack open a third coke?
hmmmmm idk
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why did he do it bros
holy based. i finally get to die
Your shitty low effort copy & paste meme didn't exist in 2007.
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Women who look like this have a different brain pattern than the rest of women. It's closer to a male brain but they aren't butch or dykes.

These women are very dangerous.
I'm inclined to agree with you
i wouldn't know
That's just an Ashkenazi with more Neanderthal in her than the average.
anyone down to watch insidious or dawn of the dead?
I don't like horror movies I get scared
I like being scared (by fake things)
Breakfast will be served promptly at 0800
insidious is cheap horror
I really hate it, also the stories in horror movies are either disturbing and depressing or realllly boring and cheesy
i heard people say it's good though
I wake up around 10am-1pm so keep a plate warm for me kay? thanks cupcake
I guess I like disturbing and depressing movies.
Some cheesy horror movies are good, like the original Friday the 13th.
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I think they're sexy.
Degenerate coke addict
got her ass LOL
Yea the freddy and jason movies were usually pretty good, the chucky ones are cool, maybe I'd like a lot of the "classic" horror stuff like texas chainsaw massacre, but a lot of stuff is silly, gore doesn't really get me, but I really hate jumpscares and horror movie soundtracks where they build up tension and suspense using sounds that rise in pitch and stuff, it really unsettles me
the whole point is being scared duh
What did you think of The Witch (2015) and Hereditary (2018)?
yes, it is a decent movie. but i wouldn't recommend if you wish to feel true horror.
well I hate it, for me it's
action>comedy>thriller>drama>romantic comedy>horror
Bill Burr stopped being funny a decade ago
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never seen em. Don't want to! yeesh
what would you recommend then?
the witch looks kind of cool actually, but not something I'd watch alone in the dark
milo and otis 1986 is surprisingly dark
He's probably going to recommend some schizophrenic's thinly veiled autobiography with horribly depressing events that no sane person would enjoy witnessing.
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It's a good movie
he stopped being funny when his wife took is bussy virginity
buck broken by a black woman
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>got put on the MAiD waitlist
it's over (eventually)
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need a girl to sit on my face like this
>that image
I unfortunately do not have recommendations for you. A large majority use cheap jump scares and have the dumbest characters possible.
Very dangerous.
that movie gave me nightmares as a kid, there was just something so uncanny about it...
what if she farts
It really shouldn't exist in the first place
dont make it weird
Favorite Dr. Seuss book?
For me, it's Wocket In My Pocket
Or the foot book
hey ur brazilian you must know about bundas, protocol for girl butt hair is to bleach the butthair right? or cut and then bleach the skin?
agreed anon
Mother dearest read me the foot book when I was a wee lad, and for that reason it's my favorite
Hop on Pop
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When's the last time you had milk and cookies?
it would have been tonight but ampm had no choco chunk cookies, all they had were strawberry lemonade cookies (gross)
Pooping right now
O Canada
still awake
the sun is coming up
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cozy rainy night driving doomer gf
I accidentally said the nigger-word when I stubbed my toe in class.
Another meaningless week
I dont have enough money to fully become a worthy human being
anal bleaching is for non-whites with dark assholes, trying to imitate the lighter assholes of white people
You know what. I saw a family of niggers in a Tesla model Y the other day and figured something
Donald just won the debate!
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Some teacher in Arizona divorcing her husband after her affair with a student went public.
All I can realistically hope for is a flat assed flat chested 45 years old single mom who will still cuck me with sixth grader and then I pay child support
It's over
>can no longer switch to windows mail
absolute state
I'm gay for the nafrifrog poster
I'm gay for pay.
Wow anon, this is your room? That’s so cool!!
who tf are you and why are you in my house? im going to call 911
*ties you to a chair*
Anon, Anon, Anon… We have soooo much to talk about…
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try that again kiddo
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Do you love Japan?
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im not ready to commit...
It's fine
So, what will it be? Will you jerk off, or will you die here? Cum! Die! Cum! Die!
I failed as a man
I'm quite confident if a woman suddenly came onto me I'd be incapable of getting a boner. I'd be so anxious it just wouldn't work. I'd need to spend a lot of time with a woman who loves me to feel comfortable like that.
I get boners easily but I definitely have trouble cumming, which always makes the girl feel bad
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>look at bag of breads nutritional facts
>serving size: 1 slice
So true
That's another half of the equation that scares me. Being circumcised and used to fapping might make it hard to cum in her. If she's my wife and I love her I can do a lot of foreplay and satisfy her, but how will I make her pregnant? Fap to climax then stick it back in to spurt?
We need to quit porn
I need to quit life
I really enjoy how american this photo is.
incels from the hood
You don't know nothing about nothing
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We won.
This decade is going to continue to be a shitshow to the end, isn't it?
Condoms feel way too tight on my dick bruh. I can't even fit in the Durex and some of the Trojan ones. I tried buying large ones but they seem like they are just longer. My dick isn't long it's just apparently thick. Is there a brand for thick chodes like mine?
*picks your nose*
*punches you*
*cums on your hand*
I want to get fucked up
who won the debate
how much did they rig it for biden
the fans
kek it's over trump won
dont care still voting biden
How was the debate yesterday? Seemed even normies are like... uh Biden seems kind of old
It's over for America
Whichever candidate sending a Delta Force squad to kill my ass once in office is getting my vote
can't recommend bamboo bedsheets enough in this hot season
Once I bought a box of snack cakes/cookies and no joke the serving size was "1/3 cookie"
Fent cookies
i think rockabilly is about to come back in a big way
Music is dead
who made a new thread at 140 posts
Viper has a couple good songs
Too bad about the whole kidnapping and rape thing
Doing a watchening of the debate now!
Somehow I feel bad for Biden, the way he always listens to the host asking a question with mouth agape. He looks very frail and his slurry speech too.
I want to hug him.
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Viper did a Fritzl
kek it's over biden won
Trump vs Hilldawg was funny because they could snap at each other. Trump vs Sloopy is sad because neither answer the questions and Joe is beyond senile to entertain Trump.
Nobody asked, Goshy.
Today is the day. I can feel it.
Today certainly is A day…!
Both of you wont kill yourselves and make the general a better place.
What's even the point?
My boss overlooked the fact that I don't have a learner's and let me drive all the vehicles at work (private property but there are times when we have to ride on public roads). At this point I know how to drive better than people who have driver's licences. They should just give me one automatically.
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Have never been stopped by polis
Coulded off just skipped getting a license
American thread about

[ ] Italy
[ X ] Mexico
[ ] Trannies
[ ] Russia
idk about that here our police are anal. one time a cop pulled me over when I was JOGGING because it's "inappropriate to run in jeans" (I am not a blahpipo or a brownpipo)
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> this point I know how to drive better than people who have driver's licences.
It always baffles me how poorly people drive. Leave space ya fackin lunatics. And slow down in the city, you aren’t going anywhere quickly.
Someone I actually knew got run over by a car and died last March because this driver attempted to pass a car in front of it by passing on the margin/walkway. He was only 25.
congrats /cum/ you answered every question
I might vote for Joe biden out of pity. Nietzche was right
Time to get up and face the day
Just consumed a cranberry scone.
roman polanski movies are kinda bad. except The Tenant
Rosemary's Baby is great
a nigga like me got the flu
Breakfast was the usual. Oatmeal with fruit and cottage cheese and a cup of milk.
Ghost Writer slaps
im a good nigga i can give you great dick
am i the only one who thinks Biden did well, besides the raspy voice?
Mentos the Freshmaker
honestly trump hasn't said anything funny in a while
Do non-autistic people really operate on "vibes" and care more about how people say things than what they're actually saying
How do they function
It's mad how Polanski was given an Oscar when people had known for years that he raped a 13 year old girl and evaded justice for it

Then Dr Disrespect talks to someone under 18 and his entire career may be destroyed

I'm not saying it's wrong for his career to be destroyed, maybe it should be. What I'm saying is how the hell did Polanski not lose his career over what he did.
who up stroking they bone
who up jerking they pork?!
vibes are when two people communicate through subconcious body language
no one can resist my smile
It's an interesting country but I am far too lazy to learn Japanese.

With European countries, many of their people speak English, but also their languages have big similarities with English, so I can learn more about their cultures relatively easily.

Japan is more difficult to learn about because Japanese is incomprehensible to me.
the girl he raped wrote a book saying he's actually a pretty nice guy
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christians just knocked on the door and my reddit roommate answered
Did he bombard them with atheism?
my local cvs started putting locks on the snacks...
he said he's more into science
My diet's working. I'm down over 2 lbs in the past couple weeks.
i would kill myself if i ended up with a room mate who posts on 4chan, thoughbeit i do too haaa....
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Estonian prime minister is a babe
In college I caught mine browsing
Depends on which board desu.
"They shot my brother with the LDS Mind Ray" is not an accusation I ever expected to hear at the NBA draft
>ahhhh no dont force me into the cult that gives me a wife and large nuclear family and community!!!!
why? I'm a good roommate. quiet, keep the kitchen clean
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Plato argued that misanthropy is the result of constantly being let down by people you trust. However, the difference between modern society and Ancient Greek society is that now, your life can be ruined by people very far away that you've never met. Your life can be ruined by politicians you never had the opportunity to vote for/against. Your life can be ruined by corporations that you've never bought a product from.
I think if Plato were to experience modern society, he'd become a misanthrope too.
I don't see a point to paying RENT AND wearing clothes so I'm always naked at home, like god intended
File deleted.
good morning
imagine paying rent instead of mortgage lmao.
imagine not just living in your car
Zeus gives out his blessings more to some than others
imagine not living at moms house for free and getting a hot dinner every night. are you stupid?
Plato argued that Im a incel bastard
I do think it's sort of understated how much the global economy rewards dishonesty. Like this has always been the case to some extent but since the Great Recession it feels like every year we get some young business hotshot going to prison for massive fraud. People seem to have internalized that cheating is required to get ahead.
My parents died a long time ago
Wonder if he's gonna be one of those stealth polygamists.
I wanna be a millionnaire so bad
Only a fool believes in playing by the rules. The very people who will imprison you for breaking the law are habitual lawbreakers themselves. The supreme Court got into hot water recently because it came to light many of them were accepting gifts from billionaires and so they passed a law saying it's not against the law to accept gifts from billionaires.

It fucking comical how corrupt everything is. Only the non rich have to play by the rules
Im done with work for the day, everyone already left but I can't so I have to wait to clock out. So prepare for the next hour and a half to be low quality fucknigger spamming shitposts hour
Im sitting in my car outside work waiting to start. In 6 minutes I'll be clocked in. Shortly thereafter I'll post my daily Uruguay thread
I have to buy a 19,5k Birkin bag to a 35 years old single mom for a chance at dating her.
This is how it is for us incel fuckniggers
what job
Te bile pas, mec
The only way to win is not to play
I am extremely ugly
when are you going to grow up?
cant be as bad as me. i'm borderline deformed
Im a fucknigger on construction sites who checks and approves if tasks are scheduled and performed within safety rules. Most of it is about telling vehicle drivers to move from the fireman truck parking spot or painters to stop using the same mask from god knows how long.
It's soulless work
Hello borderline deformed, I'm actually deformed.
What else do you want me to do, it's 27 degrees outside, family men are already on their way to their week end trip.
you know what you're right. there's really no hope for you. you're too enamored with your own misery
that girljak meme didnt exist in 2014
i see through this bullshit
everytime i drive past a construction site they're all standing around doing nothing
It's not my fault. I tried my best with the cards I was dealt.
I am not doing great but is this a surprise?
Shitposting and laughing about it is all some of us can do.
I bet you think a gym membership is going to give me friends and millions of dollarq
election predictions:
usa gets a geriatric retard
canada gets a neolib who floods the country with jeets
if you're voting for the other party, you're a retard!
That sounds fucking gay. Does it Atleast pay well?
Networking is super important. Also Polanski is part of a specific group of people
Most of the dudes I see are literal retards, ex convicts, punks, rastamen and all types of dysfunctional outcasts on a program. Most crane operators should not be in those things
do they look at you like you're a piece of shit
Never paid attention but it's most likely the case
I work as a package handler for Fedex for like 2 weeks. most subhuman period of my life. don't let anyone tell you that neetdom is the lowest you can sink
French people do that to everyone
Im whats called a real nigga.
I get paid a lot of money to fly around the world and work in hospitals
I'm sick though so here I am with your NEET asses. Might play a game.
Everytime I watch porn in my celphone before sleep I forget to close the tabs and when I take my phone out in public the video I came to the night before starts playing automatically. So far it hasn't been any public situation regarding this phenomenon
i will probably get laid off soon
AKA a janitor
You talk like I chose to be a shitstain
Like I inflict this life on myself on purpose
yes the type of janitor that flies to jew york to clean. I'm basically king janny
my friend hasn't touched her facebook since 2013 and it has pictures from that faggot ass anime where the characters were like personifications of countries
single mothers- Good or Evil?
Yeah stfu homeboy
Why are you so gay and brown?
you are one complaining ass hoe
evil but less than deadbeat fathers. it's morally correct to rob a deadbeat dad.
Axis powers hetalia?
Gaychuds the show
Why are you not in jail for all these toddlers pictures?
You sound btfo
Im not goshpedo bro I just like to taunt you because it makes me laugh to insult strangers on the internet
I just see them as neutral evil. Sometimes bad circumstances happen, but usually they're just retards who can't keep their legs closed.
shut up bougnoule
I'm makin pussy niggas push the panic button
Same reply every single time every single day every single thread.
Genuinely kill yourself but you wont so why even bother telling you.
You, the foot shit eater and spergtranny are addicted to (you)s and know any other board staff would immediately ban you. Only on int for some reason.
can you really be blamed for cycling the same 3 copy pasted baits when you get the replies every time though?
Lil tardy tard has his fun
In the past, great creatures roamed the earth
You are Indeed btfo And I can tell you're crying and masturbating at the same time rn
>early morning hallucinations
ummm wtf
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Better than midday hallucinations, by a country mile
i leave that hobby to wastes of space nafricels like you
Say the n word
Average cum thread
>Resident brown pedo retard is told to fuck off
>Will claim he is some other mex flag and his low IQ genuinely makes him believe he's slick
>Then proceeds to type 12 posts of damage control about how people are obsessed with him even though he is not him
Every single thread.
He wont kill himself
He's deluded into believing himself as smart
Someone admitted to calling the cops on him and they were told that they could do nothing without his exact adress
Why bother honestly.
remember when people were calling zazueta's parents lol
My hobby is fucking your mom
Looking at Indeed and getting mad again
>Oh hey I can do th-
>2 years of experience required
apply anyways, they might train the right person
Apply anyway. Job requirements on that site are best case scenarios. They may offer you a lower salary if you get in, but it's not like a hard barrier.
Happens to me.
goodmorning trans sisters
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just withdrew from a class for the first time and I feel kind of guilty but also at peace
when i hallucinate i see fish swimming in the air
the romans thought beer was a barbarian drink. the romans didn't eat beef
what the fuck is with old people and thick framed weird color fucking glasses holy fuck
The Romans ate bussy
I'll eat your bussy
ill ate your bussy
I'm going to terrebonne quebec
my condolences
do jobs where guys are constantly "on the road" still exist?
tear bum, queerbec
Some types of sales jobs probably
probably most on call jobs, maybe have like a depot and then drive out to jobs
what goes on in terrebonne
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I had to explain what a foreshortened dimension is to a boomer engineer at my work
every time I review this dude's drawings I redline the fuck out of them, send them back, and then he just has a hissy fit and doesn't do his work until the very last minute then he gets permission to work over the weekend because I'm "unreasonable" because he put interference fits on every single fucking part and thinks a liquid nitrogen fit is the only way to make brass and aluminum go together. Then he randomly changes tolerances to be like 0.0001mm, and when we get our fab quotes back and they're like 10x more than we expected I gotta go fucking hassle him again.
no clue how he still has a job. boggles my mind how these retards got good paying jobs and kept them all these years. hope this inspires you to get an education because apparently the bar is LOW
Truck drivers
Why? It's just a run-of-the-mill shitty suburb.
Room mates have officially #leftfortheday
time to jerk off :3
>buy cat costume
>want to take pictures
>cat doesn't really cooperate, so you give him treats
>eventually cat associates wearing this with treats and attention from owner
>"haha look how much he loves it!"
Operant conditioning with positive reinforcement innit?
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i withdrew from german in my second semester of college and changed my major. you have to do what's correct for you.
>Then he randomly changes tolerances to be like 0.0001mm
Holy based

>The virgin GD&T good practices follower
>The Chad creator of designs with such unrealistic tolerances that they cannot actually be fabricated.
Parents got home way early. Had to clean up
I'm going to visit a guy who's going to hypnotize me into quitting smoking.
I need to clean so badly damn
vgh... l'appel de terrebonne
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He's gonna touch your wiener
i'm the most vulnerable person i know
Its really weird how so many dems also just happen to be pussies
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Not my problem
he's so intuitive he'll take an old drawing and say "this needs updating, too much unnecessary stuff", and remove the fucking threads, and then forward it to purchasing without my sign off. Cool shit retard now I gotta tap these threads, AND you violated our ISO SOP. Doesn't help that he's nap buddies with our QA, those fuckin retards just sleep from 1-2 every fucking day after lunch in their little corner.

One day I hope to be as based.
why doesn't america have public showers
YMCA has those
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that's me!
right wing chuds have huge insecurities and are very vulnerable, guess I'm (fraudulently) voting for Trump!
>american pigs
*Misgenders you*
how is the incel race gonna pass on their ideology/traditions
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I keep hearing about "white fragility" and "fragile masculinity" so maybe we gotta support whitey
Incels reproduce by spreading hate, resentment and bitterness
And generally bringing down others to their level
Same with communism and atheism.
Imagine the fungi
Millennial/zoomer sensitivities

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