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pintman edition
How the fuck do you put away 30 pints a day and how the fuck do you afford it while drinking 30 pints everyday
tonight i'm a pintman
Be a pintman
vgh... i.... feel... so..... fvcking.... ZASED..... RN
Bang on the exact same time lol. Unlucky.
be irish
30 pints a day is the end stage of alcoholism, once you’re there you don’t have to worry about saving money because you won’t be around much longer
Gasping for a big poo
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nth for the gyaldem
Did epstein kill himselfs tho
he must drink a pint every 15 minutes and be in the pub all day too, mental if it's true
damn churchill really let himself go
sahara is definitely the best of them
need to find out if this is real
>CNN is pro-Trump
Do you think these people ever get tired of just blatantly lying?
Saw something the other day about some bloke being told he was no longer allowed to work from home so he deleted his work apps from his phone, left laptop at office and became uncontactable
sure enough gets back in after a few days of this and toilstein is on his case about not picking something up urgently that evening
simply tells him he was told he cannot work from home anymore
Not sure what to do this evening
Might just drink and play some gtav
What's the most pints you've actually seen someone drink? I've seen some lads do 10-12 in one night
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Maccies sending me lgbt propaganda :/
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That is a regular amount of pints.
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I thought CNN was democrat? Also it's fucking crazy that you have news channels that stan for a particular party. Further more: Tights.
well was it 10, 11 or 12?
i've never been to the pub
enjoy lad. going to have a few beers myself, play cyberpunk and maybe watch a film
That pizza tower game any good cunts
been known to sup 15 on a long session
Never managed to get into cyberpunk myself
Most pubs do a 12 hour shift (11am-11pm usually). You do that full shift with them cause you’re an alcoholic with nothing better to do and that’s only 2 and a half pints a hour. Trick is to be standing after all that but I doubt he did 30 everyday

And maybe retired with savings and pension
it really isn't, I'm fucked after 7 pints and I'm 20 stone
*jiggles your belly*
did 31 pints me
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Need Liz to impersonate her
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rorke curiously unable to explain this
Most I've done in a night was nine
got mates who've done 15 or so probs
Tightslad is my favourite poster
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i love long legs in silky stockings and stuff would love to lick all the way up and down the inside of her legs desu
for a split second I thought it was 28th of july not june and nearly had a heart attack
It’s not that I couldn’t drink 10-15 pints in one night, it’s more I would have been on vodka doubles way before that point
I used to routinely drink twice that. Last couple of days I had 4 red stripe, about 12-14 cans of Guinness, a 35cl bottle of rum and three 600ml bottles of Stella. You don't know what a hangover is until you drink like that past 40.
3-4 hours today i cannot account for feels like a went through a time portal
If they went for a cheeky line or two in the bathroom it doesn't count
If you snort coke you can easily drink 10 pints in a night but you will feel so so so grim the next day
I tap out at 7-9 pints
More than any man can handle surely
Got Song of Storms on
If you're wrong then I'm coming to Canadia and throwing poutine at you
always funny when mongs like you brag about poisoning yourself
How do you afford 30 pints a day while drinking 30 pints a day?
>30 pints a day is deemed a high amount in Shitain
yaoi tshirt
Mate, how does he afford 30 pints a day while being a pisshead alchy?
I feel nauseous just reading that
>that tiny crowd for those kpop benders at glastonbury
must be the smallest crowd they've ever played to lol
I'm not bragging. I know what it looks like, and what it is. I'm just stating facts.


On the train
Need one of those gamer gfs who only plays slop and wears zelda t shirts despite never playing any of the games
put ace combat 7 on sale already bandai you cowards
mad how she is literally the worst
Smoking a cigarillo in my council flat. Feeling like Andrew Tate rn
the book was published in the 90s when the price of drinking in pubs was much lower, if there any pintman around now they do cans at home
>that couch

is she at her mum's?
>1 pint
sober but relaxed and refreshed
>2 pints
the edge has been taken off the day
>3 pints
getting a bit tipsy
>4 pints
beginning to feel the drink now (the gateway to drunkenness opens here for me)
>5 pints
now we are talking, the goldilocks zone
>6 pints
starting to slur a fair bit
>7 pints
beginning to rock
>8 pints
all over the shop, gonna feel it tomorrow
>9 and beyond
gear required to progress any further but generally a bad idea to advance
Get the old dry mouth after 7-8 pints, usually hammer the rum and coke after that
she has nice tits
30 cans a day still isn't cheap now
Throw in the two trays of doner meat and two tubs of garlic butter I had towards the end of that sesh. I don't feel anywhere near as rough as I should but I'm definitely not on top form today.
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didn't read
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off to bed
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>*dances on her own*
>*does a spin*
>*kisses the camera*
>*skips away*
Wish I clipped it, rizzGODDESS

Surely not

It's Julia's fave anime. She said it's the equivalent of yaoibait but in normie speak
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If I drink more than 2 pints I'm back and forth to the loo about fifty times, how do you lads drink so much without your bladder exploding?
get it sucked
>Listening to the herringbone floor creak from the heat.

It always reminds me it is summer.
These nips are gigakikes when it comes to pricing
wonderful milkers
rorke getting autistic about the logistics of a throwaway story and irritating everyone
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For me 3
Finished another month as an employed engineer. How proud of me are ya, /Brit/?
ok i dont really care htough nigga now die
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Black and white image has me assuming it’s was decades ago when pints were cheaper relative to inflation and I would assume he was also drinking in a cheap pub for that time. Maybe he was burning through his savings and all his pension? Probably owned a house but let it fall apart, only paying the required bills etc
Sweet dreams cobber :)
Lads, thanks for getting the cans/pints/bokkles edish early while Canslad was out getting the cans

How's the form today? On the cans later, lads?
sleep schedule fixed and the entertainment not entertaining anymore. life sortage imminent
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goes on sale all the time but they've been holding off lately
what have you engineered lately
Bit racist
All a bit irrelevant without knowing how long of a drinking period it is
The Pintman of Dublin isn't real. It's just urban legend.
Few things better than a good YouTube essay
there are websites where you can download games for free
Yeah, canstoil in about an hour I reckon
Was brushing my teeth after, and threw up a mouthful of it. Surprised I kept the rest down but it was touch and go.
7-8 pints is probably 5-6 hours depending on what I'm doing
It’s weird seeing prominent democrats admit that Biden needs to step down.
Cant makes this rhyme
no sare gaijin
how overweight are you doe
pirating software (unless emulating) is far too risky imo
Well it was high time they addressed the fact that he's starting to show signs of dementia.
I will buy four cans of San Miguel tonight and that will be just fine for me
And if it's not then I'll crack open a vino
I used to work in pubs and most of them have 1 or 2 regulars who would come in at opening at 11am and stay until closing. They were usually older men who had been drinking for years and would often put away 10+ pints in one day, they didn't even get that drunk either.
Mad how just yesterday it was right-wing conspiracy theory
was just saying this down in my pit
What is the risk?
Just heard my neighbours teenage son blare out a song that he 100% has catted from playlist which he has from me blaring it out my car as I park up. Kino desu
risky how
want to go out for an incel solo drink but it's friday night
As a Bonglander I'm not in a position to comment but it seems like most democrats don't like Biden but are willing to vote for him just because he isn't Trump (and, given what Trump's plans are upon re-election, that'll be enough)
Get him the votes, sit him in the office a couple of years and hope he pops his clogs in that time so somebody that isn't a pensioner can fill the role
malware obviously
Borderline obese.
Has heard*
Lads, how the fuck did any of you manage to study in college
Trying one now and it's the most boring fucking shite I've ever taken up
>so now that it's explained please give 2000 words in pedantic detail including repeating yourself several times to meet the guideline for words

Was fun while it lasted but I think I'll stick to playing with the network at work

Pacing yourself, lad and massive, massive amounts of lying about how much you really had
Paddy Losty never existed and the long term pub alcos would do no more than 10-15 in a day and that's assuming starting around 10am. They take breaks for dinner, etc. Most people assume long term pub alcos do it non-stop buti t's more like a pint over an hour and assuming they start around 10-11, that's one per hour which isn't that bad for most of them with experience to being alcos
No ethic nigga
why would it being a friday make that not happen?
What was gamergate actually about? Just incels getting angry about nowt or was there more to it?
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Who the fuck are the girls/boysi n drag/whatever that the gayldem always post

The CEO of Epic Records once asked MC Ride if there was anything he could do for him.

'ay man you got a light' was his response.
Ethics in game journalism
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I say this as someone who only buys games on steam, but pirating steam games is pretty risk free if you can get the games from a good source. If a game on steam just uses the bare minimum of steamworks DRM, then it can broken in most games with a .dll replacement. Anyway, all of this is speccy virge stuff, so carry on.
what if normies make fun of me or think I look weird
oh you know, just a little thing called saving the west
once drank a litre and a half of whiskey in one sitting
woke up and the flat was plastered in prawn cocktail pringles vomit, absolutely stank
A girl dev fucked some reviewers for a good review for her game. That’s it
Too many eyes
Why don't zoomers pirate things anymore?
I don't know but don't let your complete lack of knowledge get in your way of having a strong opinion about it
angry reaction to game journos being an obvious clique of snide twitter leftists who were actively contemptuous of the subject they wrote about
>put together and tested a machine for our customer with the closest shipping date
>changed drawings for future machines to make them more efficient and reduce costs from one our manufacturers
>did a lot of stock checks so we have the parts for backlog orders
>convinced my boss to switch to some different (better) software packages with a strong argument
>replied to a few emails with customers
>did a few zooms with a customer that can't run his machine properly
>had some technical errors on our website fixed by the website guys
>currently looking at more cost efficient parts
I'm worth the money and deserve a bonus
>swipe right on a bird on tinder while not paying attention
>"okay neat even if it was unintentional, i'll just leave it at that"
>she messaged me first
Feel like I've got to follow it up at this point, rude not to
new Nige
Drinking a bottle of spirit is easier than drinking the same quantity of alcohol % in pints. Don’t know why but it is true
Who cares lad, life is for living get yourself out there
blog on you boring bastard
gf called me a zogged dogwhistler in the range
right lads it's quite worrying now where the fuck is deegs
When's the wedding? x
might get some feeshe and chips
I think beer used to be cheaper when it wasn't taxed so much
Lol I'm not stupid, I know you're taking the piss
Leaves a bad taste in my mouth, feels very sneaky. They should've done it sooner rather than leave him out to dry like they did. They begged Biden to run against Trump. Now treat him with the respect he desevers
Still not so cheap you could drink 30+ pints everyday unless you had a lot of savings
Next poster gets bumed by ngubu tonight
solo pubbing? based
solo clubbing? cringe
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They have a trans woman on The Chase today lads since it’s Pride
>>put together and tested a machine for our customer with the closest shipping date
Followed Ikea instructions
>changed drawings for future machines to make them more efficient and reduce costs from one our manufacturers
Swapped one file for another
>did a lot of stock checks so we have the parts for backlog orders
Counted bolts
>convinced my boss to switch to some different (better) software packages with a strong argument
Convinced some mong to buy le shiny new tech
>>did a few zooms with a customer that can't run his machine properly
Read ikea instructions out to a retard
>>had some technical errors on our website fixed by the website guys
Told some other useless cunt to do some useless work that doesn't matter anyway cos your customers zoom you for technical issues
>>currently looking at more cost efficient parts
That's a buyer's job, not an engineer
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>A predatory landlord who demanded sexual favours from young female tenants in return for reduced rent has been jailed for two-and-a-half years - after being caught on camera during a Daily Mail investigation
won't be seeing him for a while lad
the seoul gf mocked me for having a slightly northern accent by copying it in an exaggerated manner so i did the same back to her and she got pissed off
leftypol getting mauled to death by a pack of feral socioeconomic factors
leftypol's mum going on the news talking about how he'd forgive them
thoughts on solo ngubbing?
A pint of any liquid is a lot of liquid
Imagine necking 8 pints of coca cola
Sounds like a technician job
Dad has announced he's voting Reform
does she eat squid regularly?
wanking a poo
reform more like gay porn
Good lad
Most of these guys are retired men with savings and very cushy pensions, they're the only ones with the time and money to spend all day in the pub
Turn every mosque into a Wetherspoons
don't follow politics
is reform just ukip rebranded
Dad knew a bus driver in the 80s used to be one a pint and a shot every hour (while on shift).
every Korean and Japanese women I talked to online had rotten attitudes, did not like them at all
No Nige, it's your fault for allowing these people into your party
Done him
She fit?
>Followed Ikea instructions
There are no instructions
>Swapped one file for another
Updated old files with a superior design
>Counted bolts
Bolts are not stock checked because they're cheap, actual parts cost 2k+
>Convinced some mong to buy le shiny new tech
Convinced a smart man with a solid argument to use superior software
>Read ikea instructions out to a retard
See first comment.
>Told some other useless cunt to do some useless work that doesn't matter anyway cos your customers zoom you for technical issues
Causing potential confusion is not sensible
>That's a buyer's job, not an engineer
I did calculations to spec new parts.
The guy is quite literally an actor to be fair, and he denied being such when first asked
Bit dodgy
theres a spanish version of the chase?
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finna cop this even though it's an overpriced hand grenade
This is the closest answer to the truth, but it's missing the monetised semi-fake victimhood posturing over (mostly) internet trolls.

Candace Owens tells a story about how she was making a computer program that would de-anonymise Twitter and other forums. She got a phone call from one of the "victims" Zoe Quinn, who apparently begged and made veiled threats to make her stop. She warned that the mob of internet trolls that abused her (Quinn) would turn on Candace Owens if she made this tech. Then, nearly immediately after that call, Candace Owens got a flood of abusive and threatening messages. If Candace Owens is telling the truth then Zoe Quinn was obviously directing this troll brigade, and probably directed it against herself as a fake hate crime to garner sympathy.
Karl Lagerfeld is almost as synonymous with Chanel as Coco Chanel herself at this point, but there was a time when the now legendary designer was nervously working on his first Chanel collection, Couture for fall 1983. This being the notoriously work-centric Lagerfeld, he was toiling simultaneously for Chloé and Fendi and “myriad other clients,” and told Christopher Petkanas that he was “delighted” to be working 16 hours a day. Not much has changed on that front as the infamously productive designer still heads up multiple houses, including Fendi and his namesake line, but when he first joined Chanel, only part time initially, he wasn’t met with particularly open arms.
Think I might have just learned I'm coeliac at 30
Did no one notice it says “in a day”
No implication he does it every day
more like armored snore
in a symptomless coma lads

Thought it said “WHITE GUNT”
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they don't make em like they used to
Ah yes watching TV and posting on 4chan for your Friday evening
Live your dream in Barcelona
deegs has been on sparkling form today lads
i saw brianna wu in a porsche faceyb group once
some guy asked for a photoshop of a set of wheels on his car before he bought them
first comment was some really snarky one like 'i could easily do that but i wont because it would look horrible' from what appeared to be a chinese woman
clicked on the profile because i thought hang on thats a bit odd
then i saw it was some bloke with long purple hair and i thought hang on a minute i remember that name its the gamergate tranny
small world this internet thing
imagining being the girl to make porn more exciting
started going to church after watching smiling friends
that's a dark path to embark on lad
Not long til I'm 35
State of it
nah it's okay I'm not retarded/crazy enough to be a tranny.
>what if normies make fun of me or think I look weird
the root cause of all your problems mate get off that path
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>It is what it is
I don’t even know what “it” is. The world is confusing and scary and it feels like everyone is just distracting themselves with something to pretend it’s not.
why do you care
you're currently staring into the abyss
be very careful lad
this makes mustard gas
been doing this for 15+ years and have never once considered transitioning you’ll be fine
I find the world quite straightforward and exciting, guess im just more mature idk :/
stop watching porn for a week
so you're gay then
America cannot be identified as a white country
black kids on my street think I’m cool cuz they heard me playing drain gang one time
think I might have ibs at 27
NOT a fan of new shows that reference the internet

Currently seeing some show advertised inbetween the Euros called 'Doug gets cancelled' or something and it looks like the most out-of-touch boomer written thing ive seen
guess if you need to autistically categorize me according to your faggot metaphysics then I’d be queer as I have never had sex with another man and am married to a woman
owned that fraud
Identity of a ruler =/= identity of the country
I'm sure it's shit but interesting that they're accepting cancelling as a real thing that happens
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tick tock
i was watching a few american shows from the early 2010s and whenever the internet was mentioned they'd say they're going to 'bing it'
better build that 90% of /brit/
this shit is bananas
riled the circumcised ghouls with this one
>pagan worshipping cows and blue people
Beers bought
It was the same lass who I bought them from Monday
Hope she isn't judging me
karen gillan is in that so its based by default
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voting labour
good post
Supposed to be alright that
Is this a real thread don’t feel like searching it
Replies seem right
love alcohol me
kek is this real?
get them sucked the fuck off
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Just saw a VERY tight tummy waiting at the bus stop
>short for Billip
I'm a first-gen Lithuanian-British immigrant (6'5, handsome, big cock) and my gf is an English rose that went to a private school and to a top uni. Speaks proper posh n all that. You mad, /Brit/?
I watched through Vera and the early seasons they never say any brand name. It’s always “social media” with generic looking profile pages
And then several seasons in they start saying facebook and stuff. Did a law change in britain at some point?
Like when I was a kid I’m fairly certain brands couldn’t depict their competitors brands in commercials but that switched at some point
Just donated £5000 to Jay's GFM on behalf of us at /brit/
mad about what?
pretty girl farts
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got some
anon told me it will fix my broken penis
Where the fuck is Diego?!?
you left your run down half-abandoned country to live in wogistan, nothing to be jealous about
easily the best drug. makes literally anything more enjoyable
how does one look at themselves in the mirror and go "this haircut will do"
Diego's left us forever
good lad x
if we all donate what we can eventually he can afford to pay off his dealers
he's at glasto
bunch of batty boys in this thread
Makes my histermines hurt tho
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every couple hours or so I think about the toilfu again
>reform campaigners caught on camera calling gays paedophiles, saying illegal immigrants should be shot and using racial slurs against rishi sunak
we go to /brit/ for comments
proper tempted to dye my hair orange
My country is much better than the UK now
diego called me last week saying he only had 1% battery on his phone and he had run out of water
yo cody this bud light set my histamines off
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not going very well for them is it
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>Vanuatu beat NZ 4-2 at the 2004 tournament, but no video footage of the game exists as all the match tapes were destroyed in a subsequent cyclone.
>being so devoid of social interaction you make up stories about involving you and 4chan gimmicks
this is correct
Heard the Spanish authorities tried to tell Diego the road to safety before his phone cut out and he told them to blog on
OH NO anyway still voting Walt Disney!!
Of course, he's a clearly a lefty who joined Reform and canvassed for them, then said racist things, to make Reform look bad

What an incredibly plausible and totally not fictional story
>we go to /brit/ for comments
Those weren't /brit/s comments?
I already intend to vote Reform, I don't need convincing!
That last one was literally found out to be an actor putting on a voice. Couldn't be more obvious. The only question is which party hired this actor.
The bankers the bonuses the bankers the bonuses
only in that it doesn't have a lot of wogs *yet*, birth rates are shit like everywhere else and loads of young people got the fuck out like you and they need to be replaced
big if true (shame it isn't)
you have the morals of an alley cat
Diego showing the priest a llama saying, “it’s sort of a camel when you think about it.”
Dirty tricks, phony smears and corruption? In politics? Impossible!
arsehole is now bleeding when i wipe
not a great state of affairs
No it's much better in many respects that has nothing to do with mass immigration.
How much of the population do you think is racist?
I'm taking your women and taking ur cuntreh in it
only non-whites are racist
skinny during puberty = high dht. fat aromatizes intro estrogen which will cause opposite of penis growth. DHT hormone being responsible for penis growth has been known for 70+ years now. however, DHT level is not the only factor, mothers androgen/testosterone levels during pregnancy is important too, so it is also epigenetic.

1. mom is high t during pregnancy
2. during the months of puberty where the penis is experiencing growth have high DHT.

so unironically this faggot was high dht during the part of his puberty where his penis was growing. im not sure how short the time frame for penis growth is during puberty but i think it probably grows to its full potential length in a few months during puberty

it is brutal that just having high dht during those few months can cause this. on the bright side if you have a son you can just give him dht cream to rub on his shaft and he will grow massive dong
listening to springsteen
/brit/ seething
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>No it's much better in many respects
like what? are you going to go back?
English, please, fella?
French prof I know down in the states skipped a conference meeting to go see the Boss
a contusion of words (which i will not read)
Another slurpfest game against a literal who nobody team on sunday. Feels like we've played the same team three times with fucking Serbia, Slovenia and now Slovakia. I can't fucking keep the countries seperate in my head because they're all the same thing. Bring back Yugoslavia.
They’re already in control of the computer mainframe!
oh good for him hopefully he finally comes out the closet and gets bummed like he should have decades ago
Prove it. What seems more likely to you? That a professional politician who was trusted with a major party's constituency, said, in public, on camera, the most damaging things he could think of because he's actually brain damaged or something? Or enemies of a rising party used the oldest trick in the book to damage the reputation of their rival?

This website might help you work it out: fakehatecrimes.org
read a history book perhaps mongloid?
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Time for another Southgate defensive masterclass against the imperious Slovakia
just bought some new shoes
gareth southgate has his own pair of bowling shoes
Apparently 17 year old girls are "children" now.
So I guess that makes 12 year olds "toddlers", 7 year olds "babies" and 4 year olds "fetuses".
Gareth Southgate cuts his spaghetti with a knife
right rorke

get the experts trusted
nigga I don't care about your commieblock slavshit backwater hellhole
gareth southgate waits for the little green man when there's no car in sight
this one next
It used to be there were three main phases, child, adolescent and adult. Now there is only child and adult, which means people draw a retardedly hard line at 18. Technically an 18 year old with his 17 year old gf is an adult fucking a child, which is obviously retarded.
>wow, you're openly super racist? that's a reasonable and popular attitude, want to help represent my political party?
This is what leftypol actually says he believes happened.
What am I looking at
only a few days left innit

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