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jay slater edition
Feeling incelish
England is my city
a German car salesmen wouldn’t have a conversation with Speed because he thought he was too broke to buy his car…
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why do black british people know so much about american culture
singing along to some old soul music
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>What? No I'm not going to watch the thing I'm forming an opinion about. I saw enough of what other people wanted to show me to form an opinion
Which countries are more similar to each other?
The UK and the US or Argentina and Colombia?

I was waiting for them to release biden's strongest highlights and they did. 1 minute or so. Have fun
Still talking about the boring off-topic yank political debate are we?
Quandiddleator with the squiggly E ten
Literally nobody is saying anything other than Biden lost that debate, hard lmao

Every mainstream media outlet is screaming about how he needs replacing pronto. Why is Rorke trying to pretend like everyone is saying Biden didn’t lose? lol, he’s so desperate to be victimised
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he accidentally flopped his willard out on stream and he has a bbc
gonna wear my lets go brandon t shirt to the pub tonight lads
Argentina and Columbia speak the same language so them
Not trying to defend Spaino but one screenshot from the debate is enough to tell you how it went.
Argentina and colombia are both children of spain, UK is like America's pensioner parents
ok this is fire

>quoteless reply
He's raging
Mousey finally caught.
don't need to watch the event itself when you've got the perfectly honest and accurate news media to tell you what to think and is somehow magically always right (except when they're not)
America is more like the cool and wise older brother who stops by occasionally to impart wisdom to his nervous younger nerd brother
Funny how people are like woah Joe Biden is so old. Because the media literally never shows the clips of him being completely decrepit and old.
When trump was president every day he was in the news, "trump walks down the street arrogantly"
what's funny about it mate
Seen a lot of these nonce hunters getting violent recently, bit of a worry trend for Spaino
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Mum just sent me this.
Wisdom like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?
>A costco or something else that sells tat like chairs
Not believable, should've pretended to meet him at a gamestop, heard 13 year old boys love video games
It’s almost like they had planned this out so that they can switch the Dem nomination without having to fight a big primary
i'm no a regular here why is this spanish cunt having a big rant
Youre in the same snapchat?
he's such a cringe mong
the for you page on xdotcom is atrocious
Just realised why 9/11 was done on that date lads. It's cos in the US the emergency number is 911

Funny peculiar rather than funny humorous x
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Where do you get your opinions from?
Have thought this exact thing myself. They and the media didn’t comment on how old and frail he was all throughout the primaries and now they’re over suddenly it’s out in the open and they can replace him with basically whoever they want because it’s now “an emergency”.
You get yours from /Pol/ I assume?
Where do you get your opinions from?
Muslims do have a point
Pondering elephant jizz. Mental if the sperms would be massive and visible to the naked eye.
Why are you chatting this utter shite? It's politically unfeasible for them to replace Biden at this stage, he's already been nominated by democrat voters.
We did all the debate stuff this morning lads, keep up
blast from the past
The welsh dream
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This your ma
im going to beat up rorke if he does a racism
MIGAtard cope
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twitch gone woke
No, they’ll have him step down for health reasons and replace him with someone newer and fresher. Probably a woman, black or hispanic
watched one where some bloke made the guy do the chicken dance like in the gentleman (shit programme by the way)
what a fucking retarded analogy lmao
i get saying nigger on 4chan but actual racism so cringe to see irl
This is the sort of grim content and replies that occasionally pops into my For You section and it just reminds me how low IQ and dull so many people are
Knock yourself out kek
reckon at least 60 percent of the reviews on just eat and uber are botted/fake
me ramming him with the shopping cart
or "trolley" as you'd call it
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The Woke Mod
Yeah you’re far from the only person saying this. Hence why they would set this debate so relatively early in the campaign.
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Speed barking at a dog that tried attacking him
can AI make a porn vid of the Burch twins scissoring?
Miss mikey
Literally who. Probably thought someone recording wasnt a serious buyer and was in fact a time waster
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did you with that question lmao
go on, who gave you your opinion on the debate?
America is like the lad who's moved to London and made a fortune but his parents still live in a knackered terraced house up north and it's depressing to visit them
Almost chuckled.
BRING me the BAT
I was just talking with my GF about this the other day; I’ve spent a lot of time in the US and we were talking about how, in the UK, calling someone out for being a c**t usually gets turned back on you and you end up being called out (often by the c**t). In my experience in the US doing this is often more productive: people rarely get called out for no reason and there’s never much back-and-forth afterwards.

Also there’s no ‘tall poppy’ culture in the US; in the UK we will reign in and pull back anyone who stands out even slightly, but standing out is encouraged in the US. This is one of my favourite things about the US; having grown up in the UK I’ve seen countless friends (and myself too) discouraged from pursuing any skill or talent that appears indulgent rather than socially conducive.

Lastly, I have ASD/Aspergers, and my various characteristics are not at all tolerated by UK society. I try not to paint myself as a victim, but at the same time I’ve lost track of the number of times an escalating situation could have been diffused by the other person realising ‘oh, he’s actually quite different’. In the UK (especially as a male) being ‘normal’ is heavily encouraged, and averageness is celebrated. This is linked to our general socio-political pessimism, as opposed to the optimism of Americans (which always seems naive to us but produces a generally much happier and welcoming people).
Think they're trying to win mate
why wouldnt the lad in that case give back to his family?
I hate nonce hunters only slightly less than I hate nonces
Why wouldn't he indeed?
Women like Formula 1 now for some reason and that's hecking cool!
6 chicken tenders in the oven
shaking with excitement
Went better than your third world affairs, that's for sure
Stopped reading. Kys
Might become a nonce hunter hunter
fallout new vegas is for troons
Diego asking the shopkeeper if they have bigger eye of the needles and if dwarf camels exist
Rookie numbers
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why is America full of Gaylord's?
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Gaylord’s what?
>hey guys my name is randy gaylord
What about random members of the public?
I think you have very limited exposure to American culture because we act much the same here. You will get called out constantly and everyone is always trying to make you look a fool while differences are mocked and attacked
want to take a cute girl's osrs account that only does boring skilling stuff then make her watch me go into the wilderness and freak out as i get into close calls with other pkers and clans
>Police officer dies when driver collides with Hungarian leader's motorcade in Germany
Despite the best efforts of the American artillery blowing up the British troops.
Wish I was dead
Good excuse for when they get you
>oh hahahaha actually I was trapping you!
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Wheee look at it go
lots of pedophobes in brit lately yikes
>I just wanted to make sure the brown person was safe
Is this fucking real
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not scared of nonces
business idea: convince 2 nonce hunter groups to go to the same place, each looking to sting the other group's members
Think he's making a point about reincarnation mate x
Lord Gaylord of Arse Hall
An American named Randy Sodd.
What thread is that from
I wish someone cared if this brown person was okay (pointing towards me)
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*stings your member*
Said that to your uncle did you? And now we have to stomach your damaged presence.
Nationalistic arguments between white countries on 4chan are absolutely cringe, we should be sticking together against the hordes
Make no mistake: the iatrogenic effects of antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs are numerous and devastating
Women just do whatever other women are do and are absolutely terrified of not being part of the in-group.
watching glastonbury in 4k
I spent 6 months in California in 2009. Absolutely loved it. The accent is a weapon there.

I left the UK 9 years ago to live in Canada (much easier to get a visa). I think both the US and Canada give you permission to dream and go after something big with your life.

A lot of the UK seems quite negative. That being said, I do miss many things. The humor, the banter, and watching footy at a reasonable time of day.
my name is gaylord singh
Cannot fucking wait to bin off wfhtoil today and walk down the road to the pub for a cheeky pint or two in the beer garden with a fag before grabbing some cans from the paki shop and heading home for some shitposting and goyslop
feel bad for people with weird oversized willy heads
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'pparently dolphins get high on pufferfish toxins
Nigger obviously
Should I find a job in Africa
Surely there's no competition over there right
Hi i was wondering how to unsubscribe from this blog? Do i text STOP or what
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And what are you, you personally, doing against 'the hordes'? Just posting on 4chan is it fatso?
tempted to fly to texas, bin my passport, then hang around at the border until ICE catch me and claim asylum
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i want to PUNCH an AUSSIE in the FACE
White guy that fucks all of those jap girls on fellatiojapan has one like that but I don’t feel bad for him in the least
Yeah, when they kick you out in 50 years you can come here and your kids can be in the government
fucking HELL I need to die
Check out the streets of London at three a.m, and that’s where you’ll find the after dark moon gibbons of cool. Swooning to the beats of Sharp Sam Patio, courtesy of DJ Flippin Lyre, at the Numbery of Noise. Whack yourself down there immediately, and expect Johnny Depp and co to swing by anytime, with their pants full of sewage, and trombones up their noses.
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There are no high income skills that you can learn in six months, if there were there would be millions of pajeets ready to do the job for 5 rupees a day. Also tights.
*yawns really loudly*
yeah? nice one m8
*walks off*
Mental how women can live like this but be so judgemental lmao
consider that he would literally die to have a proportional bellend and probably has nightmares that haunt him every night over it
Voting Reform
watching my mum get blacked
Database stuff you could for a brief period but that’s over saturated now
birthday is in a couple days and will be deliberately avoiding the internet just so i dont feel like a sadcase
wish i had some one time use drug but i couldnt be bothered using the darkweb or getting crypto throughout the last week just for it
MAAM, there's a piece of poo under your lower lip, please do the needful.
Doesn't work if you're white
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world's actually mental these days lol
feel like SHIT
You can join me in Pennsylvania I wouldn’t mind an English butler
any update on are jay? they blown through the gofundme money yet?
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Spinach, asparagus, mushrooms and salmon for tea, diet is going well
>Should I find a job in Africa
It's all so tiresome
And so, to the top ten cocky slivers pruning the bumfluff in the nation’s spaz-garage.
Straight off the plane at number ten, Gloop ‘Mongy’ Mong with Fat Weeping Bitch, the tribute to the Wu-Tang’s geezer, recorded in case he was shot, and released last week by mistake.
I should message her
Get on the OMAD de lid, pounds will drop right off you
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Anyone want owt?
Did the Reform candidate call are Rishi a Paki?
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Reddit isn't the world. Good place to find tights, though.
meanwhile in the real world, trump is about to be elected haha
I thought it was a "volunteer "
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Please be somali. I'll dye laughing
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Turks get through
It was a middle-class actor pretending to be a working-class activist
playing fallout 4
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been doing it since June the 1st, will be weighing on Monday to see my monthly progress xx
Hope my cousin calls me to do some alcooholic SOAD jam tonight.
Is this that documentary that was uploaded by that Brazilian /pol/ dude on piratebay
Best of luck mate x
ballout snore
rough day at the dildo factory
Tights are OP, they even work on fat lasses
number of jfs is through the roof
will be like are Tony and Bush again
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he is literally me
Mad how control over the internet is exclusively given to the dregs of society just because they're the only ones willing to be unpaid jannies for 16 hours a day
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Empire of Dust or Africans fascinated that chinks can't say 'r'
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This is what they're taking from you.
>Sir Keith Starmer, King of England, wonderful man, yuge fan
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high fucktoes pornsyrup?
thats a child
>reddit moderator
>control over the internet
think you're exaggerating a little
Thinking of asking Ariane de Rothschild to marry me, don't care about her alleged epstein connections x
Limmy? Never funny.
that is a man :v
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Hope you aren’t using those cotton filter things in a joint
Empires of dust
It'd be weird watching the lefty media awkwardly defend their "racist" if he got battered by a gang of Pakistanis for his "racism." Not saying it should happen or that I'd like to see it, but would they take his side?
Europeans will claim that Nikola Tesla was Serbian not American and then also claim that Hiram Maxim was British and not American
Me, entering /brit/
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running around robbing banks all whacked off of scooby snacks
Don't be daft
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do you care?
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Me entering /brit/
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You can't suffer in Australia
This is what they took away from you
this is how reform wins
thoroughly looking forward to seeing which country's brown immigrants are the most physically capable
Qui qui ah the gay Paris in summer. What a wonderful place!
What if you and mousenonce were lost in the desert and mousenonce got bit on the penis by a snake and you had to suck our the venom so mousenonce could survive?
Yeah always enjoy the Olympics, happy it's somewhere with a civilised timezone this time
We have 1,000 trillionaires in this country.
Don’t be Rama Rama
Actually think it's quite adventurous x
the more deranged gooners I see online, the more I start to believe those old theories that masturbation makes you insane
You're thinking of the Euros mate, Olympics has more white people sports
being able to control what people can see, say or post is a fairly significant form of control yeh. probably shouldn't be trusted to the extremely mentally ill but it always is
The Abodem
Would let him die
Would've bludgeoned him to death as soon as we were alone
Nobody would find his body in the dunes
Waiting for the sports comparison chart with pictures of the female teams America - New Zeland - Australia
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Solitary, solitary. People uhm... Uhm.. Corona.. Corona.. Solitary people in corona. Solitary
Houses for black people
But I'm not lost in the desert with mousenonce
clinton was president 30 years ago and is younger than both the current presidential candidates
i love niggers
Begin with your family.
none of these people are to be taken seriously
They have no clue in life, no ambitions, no drive, nothing at all other than feeling empty and devoid of meaning
So they paint themselves up in funny colours and do odd things and make themselves into odd creatures to fill the void that would otherwise be occupied by having the desire to lead a fulfilling life
They are people with nothing but problems and they want you to have them
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Name 5 niggers
cant vote (no photo id)
Your mum, your dad, your brother, your sister, and you
But IF you were lost the desert with mousenonce would you suck the venom out of his snake bitten penis?
Just seen Jay Slater in Camden Morrisons
remembered i haven’t showered in a week
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Finna know it
creepy flick. definitely an atmospheric slow burner
Anyone playing habbo origins
Spent all day in bed again
love the shield x
I'd do it every 30 minutes just to be safe
Both are products of bourgeois ideology
the jackson 5
nasty cunt
wtf, habbo's back?
might have to log on for some good old-fashioned cybering
ephedrine for snakebites
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The only "wealth creators" are the working class who produce the wealth that capitalists steal.
it's reddit
anyone can create a subreddit and set rules and appoint moderators for it
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Fuck off we’re full x
Simply untrue
Dave Benson Phillips
Mr Motivator
Billy Ocean
Haile Selassie
Dipsy from Teletubbies
shut it nigga
remember when you said only rich people can afford to go abroad
i often remember this and laugh
don’t even get that nasty that’s why i forget x
Sorry Veterans, But Trauma and “PTSD” Are Not Mental Illness
might treat myself to a second magnum icecrean

it is, after all, Friday
Why on EARTH would women WANT to work for a boss that treats her like shit? Makes you think
where's copealone
poo sex
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I'm voting for death
2nd week in a row he's been a no show, hope he's doing ok
>appoint moderators for it
who will necessarily all be freaks because no normal person has the time nor wants to be an internet moderator
wank them off
wank them off
wank them off
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Is it over for me?
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Even prison can't stop a shagger
drinking asahi
A small minority do the majority of the work. These people are in high demand and can command higher wages in a free market. If they are prevented from earning more than their less productive peers, they have no incentive to be more productive and will stagnate. One more reason communist economies create massive scarcity.
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Just got unbanned on Hinge
watching Millers Crossing its fine
What heart?
Oh I hadn't noticed his absence
This place is actually more pleasant without him
Next let's get rid of commiemong
just bet 20 quid on slovakia beating england and georgia beating spain. easy 1500 quid
His crossing is fine but he needs to do better with through balls
i think you're missing the point
you can create your own subreddit or better yet your own website and do whatever you want as long as it's not flagrantly illegal
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is commiemong pro-Trump since he's anti-Ukraine?
Nothing special about masturbation, they're glutons of a basal desire as the obese are for food.
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Cheers lad, need more mourinho reaction webms
so looks like im volunteering for a festival this july
dead hopefully
Toil done
Off to get some cans
Pizza and chips and a wank for tea
We're so back
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Won't be needing those hosepipe bans then will we
Volunteering like, working for free?
what's so great about being a janny for a bunch of coked up zoomers
I’m a NEET. A dosser. A waster. A bum. A loser. A layabout. And I love every single minute of it.
What's this here then
free entry to the festival so that pays for that
all the orange and red countries hate us so i don't care about this problem
meant for
had a wank to nicole doshi taking a bbc
i like her slaggy asian face and the fact she was wearing some nice latex boots and she didnt remove them like in most videos
however i just feel empty and grim for the fact it was a wog that was shagging her
thinking of only wanking over solo vids from this point
Would do literally anything to have sex with a latex/pvc goddess it is my ultimate fantasy
>reddit is turning against Biden
Feel bad for him, he was a good counter to Trump and now they're hating on him cause he's old and wasn't too sharp. Biden countered Trump lies but it's he-said, she-said. Thing about Trump if he can make up things on the spot, Biden can credit but Trump will say another lie louder. Who in the Dems has the wit and attitude to go head to head with Trump? Obama has served 2 terms and Biden's old...
im gonna do crew catering
so just cooking in the day then get to rave at night
so easy
how tall are you?
5pm feels like a weird time to be wanking
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oh it cans night baby
obviously but being able to create a website that gets 4 views a month doesn't change the amount of control some freak has over subreddits that have millions of active users.
it’s over
about to hop in the shower so thought id get it done with before i get washed
Biden tried repeating the "fine people" hoax again in the debate and got told. Nobody's falling for his shit any more. The Dems are obviously going to try to cheat again but there's no way anyone will believe he got 80+ million votes this time.
Who wanked the dogs off?
ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff
Just found out toil doesn't let you get your emails sent to your phone
Bit mad
wish I was a janny
imagine the feeling of power accompanying the bans you mete out
funny how im an incel
get the ferry tickets booked
being an incel is a very serious condition and shouldn’t be made light of
jannies don't have the power to hand out bans they just inform their superiors (for free)
Thing about Trump is*
Biden can discredit Trump**
Took my emails and Teams off my phone. If it's not during office hours I am not looking at it end of story.
Hello fair stranger! It's nice to know you visit Reddit, perhaps you'd like to stay there aha? Allow me to comment on your post. 1. This is /brit/ not /cum/ so please refrain from posting about non British topics. 2. Your post in particular is in reference to to something political and there's a specific board for that on 4chan!
maddest thing i've read all day
where the fuck do you work? Mi5?
Gasping for a big poo
And? I only know this guy because one of my relatives fell to the Nigtok algorithms for a while. The car seller is going to survive this huge event.
There's no such thing as a high income skill in 2024.

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