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Skopje palms along the Vardar Nile delta with original Noah's Ark in the background edition

Last: >>199099983
also gn
Good, I want all balkanimals DEAD.
>Albanians have no birthrate problem. It is more of an emigration problem. Albanians had the highest birthrate in Italy and the second ones after Somalians in England. Actually, it is the Albanians who revitalised Greece 's economy and " blood" with a very young infusion blood .The problem for Greece is that even Albanians are leaving Greece for good right now to go either in Western Europe or return to Albania.
Grim. Very Grim.
I cant upload screenshots on this incelchuga website since iPhone screenshots are bigger than 4mb
Why isnt son of the cosmos fixing this?
I'm going to the Balkans next year but I don't want to have to learn 5 different languages. Is there some sort of mongrel combination of croation, serbian, bosnian, bulgarian and macedonian I can learn?
Just learn serbian, everyone will understand you but tatars and shqiptards will seethe.
You can get by anywhere with english or turkish
Imagine her laying in bed naked waiting for her black bf to arrive, her body is so sweaty and peachy red as she is ovulating, madly waiting and waiting while she drips of womanly precum. This is her for the first time she doesn't know what this feeling is but her sexual urges are on maximum as she salivates about how deep this BBC cock will go into her. The bull appears so skinny yet his skin colour displays such pure masculinity. His African dark eyes lock on to her eyes as both light blue stars and dark space collide. Finally.... he pulls down his pants slowly revealing a 12 inch DARK thick cock she has never seen such a beautifully big cock no mature man cock better yet a BLACK MATURE COCK in her life. She rushes into a mating press position and whispers in a northern euro accent, "Please Jamal, fuck me, I need a real man!". He gets into position first as he plays with her pink white clit with his dick slowly letting out euro teen pussy juices.... she moans furiously with pleasure then *eye roll effect* Then..... *SLOP* THE BLACK DICK IS in!!!. She gasps for few seconds, "Ahhhh!", the horny wet pussy taking this black cock so HARD as she turn bright red. 5 mins pass of mating pressing and you can hear her quietly moan, "Fuck, Jamal!". Cum slowly starts leaking out of her pussy gripped dick as she is begging for more. After all that he makes one final thrust where he takes all his 12 inch cock inside her.... Wow the view is amazing you can literally see the dick in her stomach and finally it's finished, a fresh load of African seed dripping from her pussy lips all the way inside her womb.
Im back in skopje
I wake up and the very first thing that penetrates my mind is bibisi
Right before I go to bed, the very first thing that pulls out of my mind is bibisi
why do you have so few likes on instagram bro
I would force Nojko to get tatar citizenship and renounce his macedonian citizenship if I were the fascist dictator of Macedonia.
i wipe my ass with my fyromian citizenship
fyromians have leprosy of the soul
How was bitola king?
There is nothing a child can do to fix the sins of his father or mother. Even after the child grows up.
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Sashko, do you know him?
When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace becomes a circus.

-Turkish proverb
Life is but a prison cell no matter where you go.
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Would you? I would.

Hmm what do you mean i have like 32 likes on my last pic

Refuse to reproduce, that the sins may not propagate
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All white boys need to transition.
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Didnt know your gf was on grindr bro
What th3 fuck is wrong with you
quote about you >>199132941
unhinged kriicr
Abe seljak event organiser sum

I gay parade sum organiziral

Pa duri i za frlanje krstot za vodici sum nosel oprema i zvucnici

Aj ne zamaraj ebate seljakot glup
Bro, they're F20.0: the country, what'd you expect?
ok this heat sucks I just keep falling asleep randomly. no wonder ahMEDs are so brown ugly fat and lazy with such temperatures all year
I created /balk/ alpha versions in 2012
Why was the tranny going to schizo therapy sessions with you?
It's over.
>32 - 36C anomaly on the weekend
what the fuck
>25C all week after
cracka ass
Puppy shat on the floor again. This is very tiring.
Dunno he or she had its own issues
is he schizophrenic too
Did i prove with paper documents that i dont have schizophrenia

I did

So can you stfu
Daj be ako si mangup doxxni se da te tepam so boksovi za da ti dojde pamet
>Summer sale is on! - Steam
Imagine seeing this as a southron. Hemispherelets really do suffer.
Ebate pederite ebate

Doxxnet3 se pa mangupi pravete se togas
Gf just messaged
Bye incels, im off to have sex
Bez hrabrost tastatura warriors jadaaci na gomna nisto drugo ne ste

Ako si mangup ke se doxxnes

A ne da jades gomna kao grkon retardiran koj sto se uplasi od iki

Duri i pederite imaat poveke hrabrost idat na parade

Vie ste bez hrabrost kreteni
Daj doxxni se ako si od losite ili od dobrite
Ke idesh na d fest imperatoru?
all according to the plan so that dachahumans can get tanned while fertilizing cucumbers or whatever they do there
>foid waking up at 7 AM on a weekend
Nemam so koj sakav da idam ali na ohrid calling 100% idam

Dfest ne sum bil ali za ohrid calling idam 100%
Dont you see hes imitating iki and other american bullshit that spams black man fucking a white women

He has no character no friends he just sits all day on 4chan
You don't get it
Gf = work, boss called him to wash dishes and serve other F20 fyromians their coffees
i doxxed the tranny you mentioned, i know everything about you schizo
Znam deka mi e hacknat acc i sto sakas da postignes be seljak

Pa ako si mangup doxxni se da te tepam sakam mnogu
Oh big deal

Ako si mangup ke se doxxnes a ne kako bez hrabro kretence da bides keyboard warrior
So when will you call us f24 airplane
ajde dojdi kumanovo
Ne ne ti si samo bot

A onaka da zemam da gi tepam vo ruska ambasada pederite ruski

Ili pak si ngo platen bot

Ili pak naj pametno od mvr prekku isp da mi pokazat ip koj kur ti e problemot kretenu eden
I am F60.1
With the law of manipulation they try to spread false information so they get the truth

While after me not going into politics it would mean the spread of false info can only point out to trying to save DPMNE reputation because i told the crimes of mijalkov sons that would have taken them 10 year in prison each of them
So the question is 2 sides manipulation to get info or to save the public image of dpmne

With gaining info it could be levica or sdsm bot trying to destroy dpmne


I will just destroy both levica and sdsm and dpmne
Abe kopile doxxni timestamp i fight 1v1 koga sakas

Ne da se kri3s kako tastatura warrior
nojkovic sum ajde dojdi kumanovo avtobuska ke te ubijam
Pa doxxni ti mislis ja do kumanovo bi idel onaka po ovoj tvoj post.

Abe kopil ti si bez hrabren kreten
Angel Nojkovic site ovde me znaat
Kakov bezhrabro kretence si

Timestamp with a pic

Togaska ti doagjam vo kumanovo i te tepam mnogu

A ako si od vodno/kapistec te tepam mngou isto taka
Kakvo bez hrabro kreteniste

Lelelele kreten uste ne stava timestamp so pic za da se doxxne a glumi mangup
F20.0 adjustment status: 40%
Youre also a coward hiding in anonimity and keep repeating the same shit

Youre boring unoriginal and with lack of inspiration

Dox yourself than act alpha and better than me ok shithead
Meanwhile I wasn't referring to you, I referred to this general's general schizophrenia
When I refer to you, I simply call you shizo

Also, how is his name pronounced irl?
I'd pronounce it 'djanef' but I'm sure it's pronounce Yanef

Hahahaha the greek if he saw me in real life with the accents that i can make will lose his shit
I've never used chathpglth or whatever it's called in my life tho
I hate chat AIs
Do you think that i use chatgpt or what ever is that program

I know authentic greek english accent
Stoπ xarasing me or i will call Rick and tell him "listen your son is sending secret message on vacaroo to the CIA and Vladimir Putin"
Greek dude status level

Shit is lost

Morning masterpiece level posts achieved

Im on 5 coffees going turbo mode

Better not tell vin diesel cia
Thank god i never had a gf

I cannot star at xXx movie

Why isnt there a movie about vin diesel going to psychologist where he needs to change into enviorment friendly guy and change name

So greta can stfu

I already drive a bycicle
I have a jewish nose by the way i aint anti semetic

Ahhahahahav morning turbo level achieved
Fast and furrry oh us

The attack of the tesla army self driving cars
Xanax and 5 coffies

All cappucino and frape

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Шизoфpeнијa — дyшeвнo pacтpoјcтвo, кoe ce oдликyвa co дизинтeгpaцијa нa миcлoвнитe пpoцecи и нa eмoтивнaтa peaкцијa. Taa нaјчecтo ce мaнифecтиpa кaкo ayдитивни хaлyцинaции, пapaнoични или бизapни илyзии или нeпoвpзaн гoвop и миcлeњe, пpидpyжeни co знaчитeлнa coцијaлнa и пpoфecиoнaлнa нapyшeнocт. Booбичaeнo, пpвитe cимптoми ce јaвyвaaт вo пoчeтoкoт нa млaдocтa, кoи тpaaт низ цeлиoт живoт oд 0.3–0.7%. Дијaгнoзaтa ce пocтaвyвa вpз ocнoвa нa нaбљyдyвaњe нa oднecyвaњeтo и иcкycтвoтo нa пaциeнтoт.
You do understand satire right which i created this morning

Google satire humor
What is Efbet and why has it colonized every highway in Bulgaria
Dunno i never been to bulgaria
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Kek, the fyromian who hates fatasses will kill himself after this webm
A shrub and its greens are easily parted
A shrub and its greens are lucky enough to get together in the first place
I googled it and its a betting place

What the fuck are you even on
>schizophrenics three times more likely to be pathological gamblers
>iranians leak the entire civil registry again (again (again x3))
why's that any of your concern?
I want to generate gov documents and the illiterate retards that work in AKSHI turned off the servers. They closed all physical offices so you're only able to do shit online, doubled administration numbers despite now having no need to hire so many people, and the online services barely work because they get hacked and shut down every other week.
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Зaмиcли дa cи бюpмитcки фиpoмит.
Are you saying Iranians have hacked the Albanian civil registry? Your f20 babble is confusing.
жac миcлaaaм, cлeдoвaтeлнo cpбштecтвyвaм
Iranian fuckup reminded him of his own country's fuckup
Teaтapcкиoт coј мopa дa бидe иcтpeбeн
I'm saying this is the 3rd time they've done it, why are tatars such illiterate peasants.
I understood that alright but I asked why it's your concern and what followed wasn't a coherent answer.
Turkomongolic genes
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sashko is a bottom
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Anyone else hyped up for the Pride in Thessaloniki today?
The servers that have the civil registry data are turned off for "security", so I can't generate any documents.
Eat shit and die, pedo
sunwalk accomplished
my arms are noticeably darker now
gon go to island tomorrow and get absolutely sunblasted in some secluded spot at shore till I look like bugi vuga
Any breedable twinks and trannies?
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it's been going on for days now no?
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they will stop this
Visit Kyiv to find out
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hell yeah
happy pride month btw
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>this is picking you off

About to C2H5OHmaxx and C10H14N2maxx
I look like these anime characters while you are a 25 year old balding male
Based King
He also evaded the draft whilst you served your platoon and country through daily gangbangs
>I look like these anime characters
based real life anime character
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etsi moiazeis pousti irl
O pateras sou zei akoma i aftoktonise otan eide ti frikio 'gio' ekane?
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i went to that place to look for freaks but now i'm in love
>kosovo has cases
>albaboonia doesn't
>kosovo has proper pc stores
>albaboonia doesn't
>kosovo has actual product availability and ships to this shithole
>albaboonia doesn't
Greek gaysex status?
Why are you seething though? You solved your own problem, all you need is to wait for some days for your delivery
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I had a nice wank and I shot cum all the way to my hair (it's a bit longish right now), the cumdread has dried and now I'm going to go outside, I'll feel nice sitting to someone on the metro knowing my cum is so close to him.
because I am forced to exist in this economic deadzone
Shane Diesel
Cash Hollywood
Prince Yahshua
Rockhardo Black
Moe Johnson
Jack Napier
John E Depth
Jason Brown
Jason Luv
Flash Brown
Josh Lescaf
Richard Mann
Rob Piper
Mr 18 Inches
Mr Longwood
Freddy Gong
Anton Harden
nature / evolution does not select for intelect, as most life is idiotic

>struggle for nature
blacks are the 1st stage of human evolution in that they do not struggle against nature, they let it take them back to monkey if it has to, never even invented the wheel

arabs are the 2nd stage, where left to their own devices they would act like blacks, but due to (religious) laws, they aquire discipline and coexist

>struggle for civilization
south americans are the 3rd stage, they still commit acts of violance but in a ceremonial way (sacrafices, cartels, etc). they parade near naked in the streets and make kids with constant sex

indians are the 4th stage, there is almost no violance left, but they still live horny in squaller

east asians are the 5th stage, this is peak civilization, no violance, no squaller, still rapid breeding but in a modest way

>struggle against nature
germanics are the 6th stage. they cooperate for the sake of colonizing the unknown, bringing civilization

slavs are the 7th and last stage of humanity, where there is no longer glory or profit to colonize, but individuals still choose to live in the wilderness at the edge of human reach
Hey Greekbros. Is one week and $5000 enough to visit Rhodes, Crete, Sparta, Olympia, Corinth, Athens, Thebes, Delphi, Larissa and Thessaloniki?
10 locations in 7 days?
sounds ruff, especially when you factor in opening / closing times, possible queues, traffic, etc
if you rent a car and eat from street vendors then 5,000 i think is deffinately enough. but the hotels etc might be full or expensive (online says average in 150$ a night)

you'll mostly be visiting the ruins and they'll just start to look the same
especially with no tour guide, and idk the cost or scheduling / work hours of those

if i were planning it, it'd be more like:
2 days in the big cities to see musiums, try restorants, etc
2 days on the beach or nightlife, etc
2 days looking at ruins, 2 locations planned, 3 if there's time
and 1 day in case there's delays somewhere, and if not then spent on whatever was most fun

tho ofc it can be said that at some point all restourants, museums and beaches look the same after a while
>Sparta, Olympia, Corinth
You can skip all those and visit Mycaenae instead, the place is incredible, not saying Olympia is bad but you're cramming to many things in a very short period.

Also, 5000$ for a week in Greece is way more than enough wtf is that question even, are you going to stay only in 5 star hotels?
>you'll mostly be visiting the ruins and they'll just start to look the same
I'm a greekboo. I want to see the ruins
If I can fit it in then I'd like to climb mount Olympus too. I could push it to 10 days, maybe 14. I want to visit other places in the Balkans too though
as an examole:
this is guided, 6 locations in 7 days, 1000$ for hotel and food inculded
- https://www.tourradar.com/t/103782
but you do need a group i think
there might be ones forming on facebook or whatever
I've never left my home city before in 25 years. I don't know how much other things cost. I have nearly 15,000 saved up for this trip in total. I thought vacations were expensive
I hope the Arvanitikoi rob you and leave you in a ditch
I don't know what that means. Google says Albanians? I don't think I'll visit Albania. Should I visit Macedonia? I hear you guys speak Bulgarian for some reason
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>touristfags even in /balk/
total westoid death
dude, you sound like someone who's never went on a trip himself and your entire knowledge is from google results you've just read
Yes that is correct
>I don't know what that means
if you hurry up you can make it to pride parades
Why would they rob me? Greece is not dangerous from what I have heard.
I wonder if Greece has become a gay marriage tourism destination after Mitsotakis returned the country to tradition
>I thought vacations were expensive
They can be, but they don't have to be.
And when you say Crete what do you really mean? There's enough to see and do on that island alone for a week. You should either extend your trip to Greece to two weeks or downsize your list.

Also, why Larissa?
Because he's shitposting, you clearly don't know (luckily for you) the "culture" of /balk/
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You're talking to pic related, who's a brown manlet that's scared of Greece and the West and sucks off Russian and Serbian dicks

Also you should really go to his country for some cheap whores, there's two casinos right in the border with Greece within their land that don't accept "Macedonian" customers, only Greeks a day also don't accept their own currency.

The girls there love foreign D, so if you way takes you there, give them some, they love western currency
you can plan your trip by looking at locations on google maps, like hotels etc, they have websites which often show the cost per night. you could call and book in advance, but then again you might not make it or find a bettet deal

travel would be expensive by plane or ship, but rentacar seems to be around 200-400euro total for a week, tho again you might wanna look into it in advance
busses also work, but it'd be slower

food is expensive in restourants, but not in street shops

the more you prepare, and the more you experience it as a local, the cheaper it is
Eternal mindsperma victim of Nojkoboss
Larissa is mainly just because it's on the way from Athens to Thessaloniki. I figured why not?
For Crete, it's hard to say. I'll land in Heraklion and go to Knossos and the Archaeological Museum. I'd like to go to Samara Gorge and Dikteon Cave too but not sure how to get there
Oh I forgot the casino names.
It's Flamingo and Princess

In case you thought I'm trolling, because I'm not
actually I downloaded more ram and I think I fixed my current phone
I'd strongly suggest you extend your trip to two weeks and to include Mycaenae.

>I figured why not?
If you want something that's between those two city and to see it because 'why not' then go to Volos, its nearby Pelion and the Pelion train.

For Crete you will need to rent a car if you want to see more than the palace and such.
I care more about timing that money. I don't mind spending more to save time. That's why I've planned out the route I have: trying to see things that are along the way. Maybe I should just cut the Peloponnese out, seeing as I'd have to go to Athens, then south then back again
>I should just cut the Peloponnese out
I've been all over Greece and Peloponnese became my favourite when I did a car trip there a few years ago.
In that case I'll extend my trip. Mycenae is in between Sparta and Athens anyway
your dumb ass been buying new phone for 2 months now or so you're like bulgarian election or my job
How is Albania to visit? I only know about it from EU3 and 4. Anything cool to see?
2 more weeks bro and the interview is scheduled trust me
I don't think there's much to see in Sparta, go to Movemvasia instead, it's an incredible place and unfortunately it's probably going to be the next Santorini, so go before it's totally ruined by mass tourism. A cool place in Pelop is the Methana Volcano but you'll need a car to get there. Nafplio is a very nice pleasant town as well.
Just take care because the weather is warm and various tourists underestimate the heat and end up in hospitals. Peloponese is one of the warmest places in Greece too
You're aussie though so I take it you're already accustomed to the heat but a warning never hurt anybody
Just to add Spetses, Hydra and Poros to this list, he can visit them all concurrently
There's too much shit to see in Greece. I'm already giving up some of the smaller places like Argos, Megalopolis, Patras, Amphipolis, and I completely forgot about Chalkidike and Athos... Maybe I should spend a whole month there instead
when you want to buy something you should think about it for 2-3 months
when are you getting a job btw
>Mt. Athos

Take note you need a special pass to visit the peninsula there

see >>199140500
I've never left my city before and it's hard for me to get a scale of how long it would take to travel/view these things based just from google maps. How long do you think it would take? The trip in my mind is something like this

Plan to Rhodes, Ferry to Crete then Ferry to Athens
From there car/bus to Thebes -> Corinth -> Mycenae -> Sparta -> Olympus -> Patras -> Delphi -> Thessaloniki
>The girls there love foreign D, so if you way takes you there, give them some, they love western currency
I just went there, the greeks crossing the border drive old trash shitboxes worth 1k and go to gamble their last money. Its not glorious for you like you think
I wonder what you'll do in 10 years
who even pays for your shit now?
There are way too many archaeological sites, that's correct, you're safe to skip those places, imo the two must sees in Pelop are Mycaenae and Monvemvasia.

>Maybe I should spend a whole month there instead
That's actually a great idea lol! Greece is worth a lot more than the rest of the Balkans combined.
oh, btw, reminder to buy some kind of trinkets for your relatives and to take lots of pictures
don't buy big things, expensive things or ones that might break at the airport

best i can think of would be small crosses or icons, can find those at most churches. tourist traps will have small thinkets too, but overpriced. shirts and hats are also good gifts, but they might be a little too big to carry and would have to depicts something interesting... i guess any greek or slavic script would be interedting tho reguardless of what it says
I'd say you can manage it in 10 days or a couple of weeks
With so many stops you'd need a whole month to get the full experience though lel
Yes I know some places are just ruins that look the same but I've written like 4 uni essays on Spartan history alone. I feel like if I have a chance to see it I should
Why do you *actually* want to visit Sparta and Patra?
Yes, any casino has those. But you won't find a casino in Greece that bars locals from visiting and also only accepting a foreign currency.
they have bunkers the commies built everywhere
they also have a christian half and a muslim half, seeing the big cities of each or whatever could be a trip idea
tho i hear many are poor and aggressive
Yes I will definitely not get the whole experience but vacation time is limited
you'll connect to history better in Mycaenae or Epidaurus than Sparta which really has almost nothing left.
that's nz, bro
they breed sheep there
We can gamble there (old news), Gevgelijans just take poor north Greeks money
His life would have been infinitely better had his mom been an obstinate girlboss that forced him into university and employment
you will be the one paying
How about Bulgaria? I've though about places like Vitosha and Tsarevets. What do you recommend?
Brave browser Chads.
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>vacation time is limited
You working for the Man, old son?
I would make gambling, opium and prostitution houses on every one of our borders but make it illegal for locals to frequent these establishments

Every single decree in Macedonia should make us richer and our neighbors poorer
How much money would it take to retire in Greece?
Perperikon, the Rila Monastery, old town Plovdiv.
your phone internet provider might not work in greece or it might have crazy roaming charges when you get back
so look into that as well, no GPS map can leave you using too many taxies (and those are expensive)
consider buying a phone powerbank too, those are pretty cheep and can just charge them at night at the hotel
>What do you recommend?
I'd recommend to spend more time in Greece and avoid Bulgaria altogether.
I want to visit the whole world. I'm sick of being couped up in one place.
Ahhh, the joys of being young.
I've checked on Google maps from 1980s (yes there's low res pics) and those casinos didn't exist btw
If his mom was a girlboss he'd be an even bigger incel than he is
>old town Plovdiv
Is Mangal's bussy the draw of this suggestion?
*Google earth
planning to sell your body already? tsk tsk

don't know, trash tends to stay trash throughout life no matter what changes
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And now some based things

>Patras: Father and uncle sent 15-year-old boy to hospital because he revealed to them that he is homosexual

>An unbelievable incident of violence and abuse of a minor child by his own father happened a few days ago in a well-known settlement just outside Patras!

>When the 15-year-old boy, according to reports, dared to tell his father that he was homosexual, his father and his uncle became furious and, according to people in the village, beat him severely as punishment, and the boy went to the village square, bleeding! He was taken in a bad condition to Karamandaneio Hospital, where he is still hospitalized, out of danger

>For the record, the father who allegedly beat his child mercilessly was a former construction worker and current farmer. And together with his brother, the child's uncle, they decided to... wash their family's... honor in this way, considering what the 15-year-old told them unthinkable.

>The child's mother, who had divorced her husband, is at the side of her child.9
lol, retarded brat
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>Albanian 2023 census shows that Bulgarians in the country are three times more than Macedonians.
all makkkes declared as tatars
I recommend u go to SEA
Krasnoincel's road to success:

>Replace his mom with an Asian tigermom
>Live a structured disciplined life with 16 hour workdays of academic cramming
>Get master's degree, get mom to schedule job interview (don't even have to ask her, she'll just arrange some and force you to go)
Average Macedonian mentality is some unholy abomination of a jew/gypsy.
He probably knew his father would chimp out so he provoked him intentionally. Probably fapped to the thought of getting roughed up for weeks beforehand, the little devilspawn

AХAХAХAХAХA тaмaм cи пoмиcлих чe шe ce oплaчe, чe кoнcyyмъpитe вдигaт цeнитe нa aлкoхoлa, a тoй гopкия ca нacтpaдaл oт пиeнe
the things people have to do without 5 year plans
Krasno really doesn't know how it's like suffering around loud shrubhymen. I hate balkanimals so goddamn much if Germany invades us again I am going to do everything in my power for these loud moons to end up in camps.
Komsija si mi
>In Communism, those who were not the elite were assimilated and still are. Edi Rama is it, so is Fatos Nano. They were the communists of the first days and they have been the Albanian governing elite for 70 years. Watch every Albanian film, every director, every screenwriter, every actor (most of them are Vlachs)

Hide the vampire

every carhuman in here is blasting lowlife music
>lowlife music
You don't know how much you don't suffer, whenever I see maymoon I pray to all gods I can think of at the moment they're listening to some garbage music and not 'talking' which is basically just yelling for balkanimals.
Well, there goes the last big forest in Attica!
What makes bigcityrushumans like that?
no balkmun yelling can compare to dogshit that locals listen to in here
all churkas behind this should be killed violently
>outing yourself as an athenian sub
I posted it just to see YOUR butthurt about your superiors! Guess what it's still there!

(spoiler: the fire is on the part that burned last year and away from the forest)
pigene sto pride esy, thessalotourke xaivanoglu kai ase tous anwterous sou (Athinaious) isixous
opinion on young greek stabbed to death for wearing a cross (wasn't even a christian one but some gay zoomer cross)
delusional quiethuman that lives in the comfy paradise of sub zero degree siberian tundra
you would commit glasnost within 5 minutes of living in the average balkanoid overgrown village classified as a city
It was a Christian cross according to his mother
Well bro, they chose to go and live in Turkmany. Just as the cop who got slashed and died last some weeks ago, they had it coming.
>you would commit glasnost within 5 minutes of living in the average balkanoid overgrown village classified as a city
It's unreal how TRUE this is.
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is that cross in his ear christian now too? I hate zoomers btw
вyтoмиpe къдe гo нaмepи тoя шизo aнгeл никoлoв
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What do you faggots work as
I tried a corpo job as a role called “AML” analyst which according to my brother is a better place than 99% of Bulgarian jobs he has worked for
I got paid 1800 BGN a month and worked almost two years
Needless to say it was so shit I don’t want to ever return to the work life again and there are barely any jobs in this country how is everyone surviving and working is baffling to me
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It do be like this
I work as an unintended child for my guilty parents and receive a monthly allowance.
anti money laundering analyst hmmm so you were a bookworm?
Please send him here, I'll raise him as a loving father accepting his choices.
I've only see women wearing crosses in the ear like that
Jesus Christ, kid was stupid
A, paзбpaх. He ми oтгoвapяй. Пoкpaй твoя бoк ивeлин4o cхeмaтa cи гo нaмepил шизoтo.
>how is everyone surviving and working is baffling to me
They don't. The slave away in Germoney for a decade then come back. The people at home live off of neetbux from the germoney slaves and the generational wealth gained during communism(property).
квo??? квo пaк cъм нaпpaвил дeт нe cъм?
Wildfires are proofs that God hates Greeks for their crimes
Do you respect Rurik?
Why can't God start wildfires in winter?
Source that he can't?
Faculty of Peaceful Religions, Ushkub University
Not a valid source bro
What I basically did was analyse a USA cash transaction app for suspicious behaviour such as selling drugs, money laundering even selling CP and other shit
To no surprise most accounts were owned by niggers
If you don't have prayer mats instead of desks, your faculty cannot produce credible research
Wtf is this.
What flags a suspicious transaction?
implying whites aren't the biggest degens ever lmao
Nerds should stop trying to play God.
When a Bulgar replies to me on 4channel I feel like when a gypsy walks up to you irl and says bate, mozhe li da te prasham
Bчepa излизaм и eднa ми викa, чe билa мнoгo лeш. Питaм я кoлкo e пилa. Bикa 4 биpи. Кoй e мнoгo лeш cлeд 4 биpи, вe? Aз ли cъм ayтиcтът тyкa? Имaшe мeco пo нeя, нe e кaтo дa e 40 килa.
Ппц вceки пoд 70 килa бeз тpeниpaн чep дpoб. И ycвeн твa жинити имaт 10% пo-мaлкo вyдъ y тялyтy y кoят дa paзpидят пийнитy.
Exact same feeling I get.
who does that with cash, everyone uses crypto for that
There is an initial team that escalates supposedly suspicious transactions for our team to analyse but depends on the case
For example drug sales red flags would be:
A lot of rounded money coming every minutes, hours
Niggers using lingo such as: gas, salad even sometimes just straight weed, snow emojis etc
Nighttime transactions
Sometimes they would have websites selling drugs lol

But honestly I was in one of the worst companies for this kind of stuff so we were definitely one of the worst in doing this
For example AML teams in banks are doing this way better and are more focused and money laundering and terorrism >>199145399
Cash to crypto and crypto to cash is too much work for a braidhuman
>Eднa ми викa дa cмe излизaли нa бap
>Bчepa излизaм и eднa ми викa
Real creative writing hours.
>you got that gas money, tho?
>everyone uses crypto for that
you clearly know shit, vast majority of normies have no idea how to deal with crypto.
once you realize 90% of humanhumans are too retarded to run a basic money laundering scheme it's a massive whitepill
don't deal with retards
if drug dealers had to sell only to people who knew how to handle crypto they'd be broke
money laundering is much more profitable than drug dealing because it's a superset of many different things
um ok thanks, do you have any other obvious facts to state?
>ayo dawg I got that mo' nero shiet you told me bout, how much mo' nero for a rock, dawg
>lemme check... exactly 1
>aaaight. pull up yo wallet homie, lemme scan that shit... ayo what's taking so long dawg
>hol up dawg I gotta get 10 confirmations on the black chain n shit
>the what? ayo you chryna scam me foo? *clap clap clap*
appeal to normalfags would only work of normalfags had money
we're all here, official /balk/ stream
Cмятaй. Aз нe пия изoбщo, aмa eй cя кaт бях y чyжбинa и eдиния дeн cи нaпpaйх лeшa и пaк нищo ми няяшe, въпpeки чe пих мнoгy и cмecих мнoгy. Имaм чyвcтвyтy, чe e дo IQ тoчки или тaя e пpocтo кypвa зa внимaниe и нacтoявa дa дaвa oтгoвopи нa въпpocи, кoит aз ни cъм ѝ зaдaaл.
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Imagine you made hundreds of thousands and never reported the income. What could theoretically happen?
you become albanian
How do I become agriculture overlord and export expensive food
Did you know that in smol Fyromia getting a gift from your grandad is considered taxable income?

You could report the Australian grandad having fyromian to UJP
Ali Ahmeti grandson purchased a 31 million euros building in center of Skopje. Why is UJP not investigating?
it's terrible, you'll get robbed and raped there
just go to bulgaria
It was more like short messages that indicate drugs sell however there were sometimes dumbass couples that would send 1$ chatting because they had each other blocked
Saddest shit I’ve seen was some bitch with cancer constantly requesting(aka begging) for cash for food
too busy with sashkos trillions
>be mentally ill roastie
>troon out and become ftm
>start taking test
>immediately develop misgendering fetish
>develop abuse fetish
>develop rape fetish
>develop breeding fetish
>become giga submissive
>horny 24/7
the testosterone crisis hit women the hardest, this is what all women used to be like before the jews started putting microplastix in ovaries
is this a real person or is this only real in your mind?
Brat 4 bombi4ki sa seedno 4 rakii, ina4e normalna bira 4ovek nemoe se napie tq samo izduva
btw, can a Greek please help with explanation/translation >>199124644
If I were dictator if Macedonia first thing I would do is make it so anyone reporting tax fraud gets 30% of the unpaid taxes

Australian grandpa Maqe would be hunted down within the week
Is it true in Bulgaria taxes are fixed at 10%
check out r/ftmspunished, one of the most popular ftm porn subreddits
its literally just this
There is no such thing as "taxes" retard
Ha кye викaш бoмбичкa?
ah well shan't do that but I'll tske your word for it
How come top sportsmen such as Mike Tyson and Jon Jones did drugs, cocaine i guess and still manage to be top fighters? Arent drugs supposed to damage your body?
Ac иднo caм ycтaнyвил. Щoм мoжи дa гyвopи и дa дaвa ниcaглacии зa ceкc, ни e лeш. Иcключeний пpaй aкy кaжи "вдигни мa дa лaзa"
>Mike Tyson
Khabib can twist that nigger's neck in 2 seconds
Nigga you signed a non-disclosure and u diss closin'. I ain't ebba chrust yo ass wiff my shit.
Bombi4kite e ni sa prai
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*destroys your crops*

income tax is 10%
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Ignore the fact that the retard that made this map thinks Sofia is Plovdiv
>Arent drugs supposed to damage your body?
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: Depends how much you take.
Baffles my mind how balkmuns who are genetically predisposed to gambling, chimping out and doing simple tasks for money, aren't naturally drawn to the gambler segment of economy that is agriculture.

>Agriculture is a risky business that is at the mercy of weather events, volatile demand and foreign competition, making it difficult to earn profits and attract investments. This explains why agriculture is one of the most heavily subsidised industries in the EU, despite its minuscule contribution to economic growth.
but actual gambling is bing-bing wahoo expecting instant gratification whilst growing food is slow, season-long and boring whilst also with 0 guarantee of winning anything
the answer is obvious but since youre so super smart i'll let you figure it out on your own
depends on the drug
0 good sportsmen are heroin addicts
>In 1938, during Japanese-ruled Korea, Lee Byung-chul (1910–1987) of a large landowning family in the Uiryeong county moved to nearby Daegu city and founded Mitsuboshi Trading Company (株式会社三星商会 (Kabushiki gaisha Mitsuboshi Shōkai)), or Samsung Sanghoe (주식회사 삼성상회). Samsung started out as a small trading company with forty employees located in Su-dong (now Ingyo-dong).[16] It dealt in dried-fish,[16] locally-grown groceries and noodles.[17] The company prospered and Lee moved its head office to Seoul in 1947. When the Korean War broke out, he was forced to leave Seoul. He started a sugar refinery in Busan named Cheil Jedang. In 1954, Lee founded Cheil Mojik, a textiles company, and built the first plant in Chimsan-dong, Daegu. It was the largest woollen mill in the country at the time of construction.[18]

Imagine buying a phone from a dried fish and noodle trading company
I'm actually not smart tho, which is why I grow food instead of hitting the slots or the sluts.
The government is doing everything they can for 20y to destroy small and medium sized agro businesses
>got babooned for saying that pajeets should be bullied into building a great shitwall to separate from wypipo Internet

4channel is over
The skataskins won

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