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Belgrade and Croatia is so high because yugohumans only know of real estate as a business investment and dont put money elsewhere
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kek wtf
Reminder that Banja Luka, while being a smaller city in the poorer half of the country, has more expensive real estate than fucking Sarajevo.

You can buy an 80m2 apartment in the center of Cairo (10 million city) for $50000
I am playing on starfall server new server 1.12.1 world of warcraft who wants to play with me i am playing alliance
What's the point of moving from majmintown to majmunville?
The point is to get attention from anonymous posters on 4channel in between 6 hour dog porn and scataphaloi gooning sessions in your gypsy ghetto shack from Kumanovo bro
>omg western europe has such a massive hou-ACK!!!!!!1
I can't stop laughing at this post
You'll own property and not live in a subhuman balkan shithole
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Funny when you realize that OP picture is of family income
That means you multiply it x2 to get the time needed for the average balk inceloid
stocks aren't real bro, just build more apartment blocks
gay couples are couples too
>women having a significant amount of income
>not making at least twice the family income on your own
Tell me what a stock is in three words if you want me to take it seriously
Apartment - people need homes
Stock - ?
part of company
Balkmuns are homosexual incels
Proofs is person bellow you
Which part? The water-cooler?
the company is a legal entity bro, you own 1/10000000000 of all company assets
Sounds like made up nonsense to me
no more made up than the cadastre and property ownership in general
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ugh, finally the west has returned to tradition
- https://www.instagram.com/robsmithonline/reel/C8hSO2YOnY2/
I already own property

Tenk ju Tito
it's exactly what he tells you it is, when you own shares, well, guess what does that mean? you *own shares* if that company
I own my apartment because I have a tapu from the Sultan that says I own it

You own stock because numbers on a computer screen say you own it
the american sultan (pbuh) says I own it doe
you can also pay for a physical document but that'd be pointless
>owning an apartment
you own a part of the building, and depending on local legislation a part of the land the building is built on
if the building goes kaput you'd have 0.02% of the 400m2 it was built on
even with houses and empty land eminent domain allows seizures and expulsions for below market price depending on if the local pasha wants to build a highway through your bedroom
Can you please post feet my Bulgarian anime angel?
>even with houses and empty land eminent domain allows seizures and expulsions for below market price depending on if the local pasha wants to build a highway through your bedroom
Mindspermed by common law nonsense
It's called expropriation bro also none of that is correct
it is doe, fags here have complained about the gov expropriating owners with "official" prices that are 1/10th of actual prices because they want to build another road
They always complain though innit no matter what they get
Law says they have to pay market rate, if you disagree with the price you go to court and the judge decides based on an appraisal both parties make
Usually they complain because they think the market price is, what it would be, if they get their field turned into construction land

Times of the party taking your house because you have 2 really are over
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Here's ur feet, pedo
again I fell asleep because of the heat
she is literally 28
also why do you have deranged images on your computer?
einai antras re poustara, lol
passed out*
>siberian "heat"
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Look at this pale devil
I laughed
I wish I was a tax collector during the Ottoman empire
I would bleed you shrubs dry like Sheytanoglou
In ottoman times I'd be contently plapping my wife.
that'd be haram, akhi
Balkmoonism is a power defined by incremental advances, a being whose wickedness flows slowly but inexorably toward an unspeakable end, which troubles even this writer.
id capture you and make you do foreskin restoration exercises just so i can cut it off again and convert you to judaism
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so true!
It's unreal that slavskata all trace their lineage to this maymoon.
real balkmuns inherit
Local Christians were tasked with taxing their millet sweetie
pls respond >>199124644
commie shacks aren't worth much, plus inheritance gets split
An incel can't be a chooser. Plus he won't be wooing any woman anyway.
Imagine having siblings. Couldn't be me.
spoiled brats will never comprehend being the big bro
>their families don't own multiple houses in the countryside and apartments in the capital
>they have inheritances
You're not balkmoon enough until your parents completely squander any inheritance you might be getting and blame you for being lazy.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia notes with serious concern the published preliminary results of the Census held in the Republic of Albania in 2023.

The technical irregularities in the way of its implementation, which were continuously pointed out by the Macedonian associations in the Republic of Albania in the run-up to the Census, but also during its implementation, resulted in the publication of preliminary data which, unfortunately, do not adequately reflect the real number of ethnic Macedonians in the country.

Additionally, the Ministry expresses displeasure and strongly reacts to the use of the term "North Macedonians" and the use of the name of a country as a substitute for an ethnic community.
inheritances bequeathed when oldfags die and their kids are 60 are useless
plus they probably rely on them for retirement since pensions are a meme
bulgarians are so evil they'll side with albania just to piss off little macedonia.
Ae, див, нa кyйe викaш бoмбичкa e?
>your inheritance? wiping my hemorrhoidal ass and paying for my funeral.
They give millitary aid to Kosovo so this isn't new.
1 more sleeplessness curse cast
you ungrateful creature, they shat you out into this world and raised you and this is how you show your gratitude?!
1 staro kupuem carriage harrasseer curse cast
Forcing life into existence is a violation of the NAP and is punishable by passive-aggressive refusal to bear responsibility for one's parents by escaping to another city / country until their passing
your curses suck bro I just sleep all day long
who gave you access into my plans?
As an F60.1 I can literally read your mind
I concede bro....
Do bugi wugis have staro kupuem gypsies? If so what words do they yell? Or do they use speakers?
These curses are like throwing a pile of shit in a septic tank. It ain't gonna make a difference.
Days in krasnoburyatsk end when balkmuns wake up, so I am indirectly causing you to waste your life on /balk/
F60.1s are too powerful
F60.4 is the balkmoon personality type.
that's called being a woman
Balkmoon men are all like that.
balkmoon "men" are still kids that need their dads to beat them up to stop acting retarded
>balkmoon "men" are still kids that need their dads to beat them up to stop acting retarded
Tought luck, even their pensioner fathers act like children let alone the rest.
Only because their fathers died so there's nobody to beat them up. It's a cycle.
>balkmoon kid will go and kick someone for no reason
>balkmoon gets angry at the person that got hit
Does this happen in alboonia?
didn't know you love me so much bro
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why would I know
Ha cъбpaниe нa дънoвиcти cъм.
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So all of this is very strange to me. The people in white are Turks. There is a Greek trio behind them performing folk music. On one of the songs, the trio would sing the first line in Greek and then the women in white would finish the stanza in Turkish.
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>50k eur
Alexandria is the cheapest macedonian town fr
imagine the neighbors
Being contrarian has gotten so trite, cliched and gauche that I want to become a bland current thing libtard because of it
You'd still be a contrarian since the libtards are now the minority.
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Albania is healing
The reason? Non-practicing muslims(basically everyone).
Catholicism fell as well btw.

Religtards taking Ls
It's a libtarded world out there Chud, you're just squatting on it
you guys are probably poor as shit

> Хвaнaхa митичния хaкep нa Aлeкceй Пeтpoв “Eмил Кюлeв”, в кoйтo ca вcички кoмпpoмaти нa Tpaктopa
I have some monies. Give me your sister.
Thats it, I'm moving to Belgium
Coфийcкaтa гpaдcкa пpoкypaтypa (CГП) пpивлeчe кaтo oбвиняeм и зaдъpжa зa cpoк дo 72 чaca Teoдop Ил., нa 21 г.
da bi da na 21 godini
Do you have a sister
> Бългapcки мacaжиcт изнacилил 10 клиeнтки в Лoндoн, щe лeжи 9,5 гoдини

we're so poor nepalese and indian migrants run away from our countries for rich germanic ones.
sister pics pls
dead thread
13 17

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>live in china
>look mexican
>bussy is outlawed, except for me
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I have awokended.
>Citizens. Subjects. It is with love in my heart for you that I enact these laws. In my palace I have created a universe of sin, that I may reassure myself that these sex acts are indeed bad for your soul. So I allow evil, that you may know good. I allow sin, so that you don't have to.
>"Murder, coups and mayhem: from the kitchen of Putin's secret spy war against Europe". This is the title of an extensive material in the newspaper "Times", in which Bulgaria is mentioned as fertile ground for recruiting collaborators.
>"Russia has a natural advantage in Eastern Europe when it comes to hiring foreigners because of its long-standing ties with these countries," Soldatov told the Times newspaper, adding that these "operations are reaching an unprecedented level in Bulgaria and Serbia, as due to the fact that there are strong organized crime groups in these countries, as well as the high level of political support for Russia there."

Shameless russo-turkish euramerican colony
I am working on a russo-turkish language with anglicisms for our youth

baş beter trendi blya
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Please, please, please tell me the name of this character/meme if it exists
seems to be oliver
you can reverse search images on jewgle and yandex fir the sourse
imagine simpinf for nato after being humiliated like this daily lol
>Or a greek saying hes western because muh culture please stop larping
Incel countries can't choose their partner, only simp for them.
or throw tantrums like hungary whilst being shackled
Or sniffle and scratch at girlboss EU's door in the rain and being blocked and ignored
>mfw I enter /balk/ and thirdies are seething at AMERICA and NATO for no apparent reason
My grandfather fucked your women for a bottle of coca cola bro
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Why is he taking the Indian stance?
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Fuck, he's gonna post tranny bbc dog porn now xaxxaxa, xaxa
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God i hate living in this shithole, wish i were in Attica right now.
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>Fuck, he's gonna post tranny bbc dog porn now xaxxaxa, xaxa
Difficult day at work, bro? I'd feel you, if I didn't have to go to the sea later on. You know, while you'll be roasting alive working in the sun.
Hey you're back from the ban Ros gave you, welcome
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Birth place of western civilization and culture, without Attica we would all be living in mudhuts doing human sacrifices for rain like the westoid barbaria.
I for one love Athens and Athenians.
Thanks mpro, i have made the great sin of insulting Ros and the great nation of ROMANIa so i took my ban on the chin(was also quite depressed and miserable and lacked the motivation to reset my router)
But i watched the UFC card tonight and Pereiras KO hyped me up a bit.
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zivela rusija
zivela indija
zivel thirdistan
ελλάδα has fallen, when i became the fascist dictator of the balkans i shall turn Skopje into the open zoo of the region and all the maymuns shall be deported there. That entire sehithole will be surrounded by massive fences and anyone trying to escape shall be shot on sight and their corpses hanged from lightposts
кaдя ca гyби дycигa a-a-a-a
кaдя cи бил пpиди тyвa a-a-a-a
ти нидйeй ти нидйeй
н'ca ибaaй c мйeн
bulgarian from strumica)))
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doghumans once again block the park paths with their 15 dogs
inuit-immitating imbeciles
this is not the arctic circle
15 pain relief spices to be administered to keftedes and distributed in the park immediately
Imagine simping for Russia and Serbia and they both laugh at you and distance themselves from you for being a tseegan
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sunday morning, the last day of june. balkmuns arguing about the most serious balkan topic: whom they should fellate
Tomorrow is dzulai morning
The adjustment will be spectacular to witness as the sun rises
How is your war going? Asking unironically.
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can you get trenbolone in Albaboonia or Monkeydonia?
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the usual
Timmies one generation from now will be gooning to porn of their mothers getting blacked
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Another chill summer weekend while the seasonal workers are seething inside and outside
Finna buy some ouzo to drnk on my balcony
I don't speak bulgarian, translate?
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The US ambassador in Greece George Tsunis, some random and Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer were in Thessaloniki Pride!
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An angelic creature from the parade
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CCCP and Palestine flags
>The police made 29 arrests yesterday, in the context of the Europride 2024 parade, which took place in Thessaloniki. By decision of the Greek Police, there was a ban on protest rallies against EuroPride.

Damn, this would NOT happen if we were a thirdie excccp colony!
Dunovistite na dunoto na cherno more mama vi deeba sektantskite kopeleta
btw the middle one isn't a random, he's a COUNCILLOR of our Prime Minister!
this is how I know you're a normalfag
Taa никoгaш нeмa дa ce зacити
Штoм ќe дoбиe мaлкy дoпиp
Aкo гo пpaeвмe пo мoјoт нaчин
Знaeш дeкa ќe јa нaтepaм дa кaжe
Total d*nov death
kaji mi za d'novistite
negr walkied in front of me
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whoever knows knows
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Did he have a goth gf?
Also why the fuck do you go out on walks like a hobo at 30+ degree weather? Can't you just stay home and shitpost?
Saw 2 femalemoons and 1 malemoon yesterday. Probably medical uni students. They chill and keep to they self. We also get pajeets of the musulman persuasion but again they stick to they self.
frying sausages

balk spermed his mind and turned him into a walkhuman
>they stick to they self
that filthy and unwashed huh
what did Kojima mean by this?
e sea ke ti jebam picku materinu
Ke gi jades bubackite
you vill troubleshoot ze bugs

halal TURK
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it's not a bug, it's a feature
Muselmans smell like shit boiled in plastic bags
God loves me so He deprived me of the sense of smell
I have awakened
My condolences
bibirise and bibishine, bibibebi
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felt like walking to island we have here to chill in peace but my gephyrophobia gotten so hard over past decade I walked off the 350 meters long bridge across yenisey, world events such as bus falling off into river in saint petersburg and baltimore bridge collapse dont help me mentally much either

>scared of heights
>scared of water
>scared of high speeds
its over!
tos kat men kogat sa sabuda v 3 sotrinta i chakam da stane polonosh da postna
Your ancestors suffered painful deaths to give you these life preserving instincts
Too bad they are lost on a knuckle scribbl.io enthusiast
This can't be real
nigga scared of gephyres
Gephyrophobia F40.242
>it actually exists
F40.242 general
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People here say a kilogram rakija instead of a liter rakija.
its ok im getting sunblasted anyway not far away in some humanless spot
36 celsius aint that hot apparently
kilo rakija rolls off your mom's tongue better than litar rakija
litAR-RA vs kilo-ra
just easier
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>defending American-tier education
Just more drunkard mind tricks to drink more
Ethanol weighs less than water so a kilo of 50% rakia is 1.3 L
is less dense*
Erm if ethanol is less dense than water, wouldn't 1 kg of rakija be LESS than a litre of rakija? So technically if drunkards DID say a litre, they WOULD drink more?
That's why i also refuse to cross the bridge over the danube.
Also because there are bulgarians on the other side.
1 kg of rakia still has water in it
The less water, the lighter the liquid but also the higher the alcohol percentage
Good luck drinking a kilo of 100% ethanol
alcohol evaporates at those percentages, the most you can get is everclear
1 kg pure ethanol = 789 ml
1.267 kg pure ethanol = 1000 ml
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nevermind I am low iq retard
This time of year I work with honey glass bottles and got confused, yeah
You are not. When I made my first wine I didn't take into account the fact that 1 kilo of sugar dissolves into ~625 ml of liquid.
Use chatgpt, it saves time
No I retract what I said I am NOT a retard, I am right

1 kg of rakija is less mass than 1 litre of rakija
Why does every bulgarian here give off the mouthbreathing autist with negative testosterone vibe?
No I reretract what I said
I am a retard
>Why does every X here give off the X vibe?
Bro post about how you want to suck bbc and dont talk about testosterone.
I am confused, because the plum rakija my uncle used to make seemed heavier than water.
I think he might have used a lot of sugar and other things
ACKTSCHKCKTUALLY 1 kilo of 50% rakia is 0.5l (kg) of water + (0.5l x 0.789) = 0.5 + 0.3945 = 0.8945 kg
only useful for schoolhumans
>I suffer in western europe because it takes whooping 6 years (!!!) of saving to get a house in the most inner city center of capital
>meanwhile eastern europe 15+ years for a flat in 5-6 th biggest city (less than 1 million inhabitants )
westerners truly do not suffer
I have 3 houses
>his economic zone has 6 cities
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If ethanol is less dense than water, then 1 L of water + ethanol would be less heavy than 1L of water
That would mean 1 L of water (1 kg) is MORE than 1 L of rakija

So 1 kg > 1 L in case of rakija
sorry, we stole 3 of them from germans
bourgeoisie single son
Yes. A good simple example is the 5% beer which is 95% water.

So we have 950 ml of water (950 grams) + 50 ml of pure ethanol, which is 0.05 x 0.789 or 39 grams. So 950 grams + 39 grams = 989 grams in a liter of 5% beer.
Its fine bro, bulgaria stole their entire country from osmanli
>Texas blacks referred to Polish immigrants as dem white niggahs or dem white niggas whom they hold in undisguised contempt
>lacks frequently picked up a few words of Polish, and Poles picked up some of the black English dialect in these areas during the late 19th century. R. L. Daniels in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine wrote a piece on "Polanders"
>He cited instances where Polish farmers called their landlords massa,[11] denoting a subordinate position on level with slavery, and, when asking a woman why she left Poland, she replied "Mudder haf much childs and 'Nough not to eat all"
>Daniels found that Poles were efficient farmers and planted corn and cotton so close to their homes as not to leave even elbow room to the nearby buildings.[13]
osmanli stole their country from gayreeks who stole their country from vlachs
but there iz bubblez in it and also the beer maker's pee that is heavy in iodine and salt crystalz infused into the beer for a flavor profile
Wrong i have sibligs
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>rewatching Undercover
>the guy that killed Hook's family is called ACK-Hasan
Turks are drowning in greek semen, find me some turk thats not at least 40% greek, they got assimilated
sisters don't count
>co2 is twice as heavy as water
>mfs shoot farts into your beer to make it heavier whilst depriving you of water and ethanol content
mother fucker
>Typical values fall between 2.2 and 2.4 volumes of CO2 per liter
>This corresponds to roughly 2 grams of CO2 per liter of beer
Dumbass jigger
>4-5 grams less ethanol or 6-7 ml less
>14 stotinkas per 100 ml
I want my 10 stotinkas back I drink it flat anyway
>I drink it flat anyway
Retard those 10 stotinki per liter help pressurize your stomach and shoot the faggot non-alcohol slop into your blood stream more efficiently.
taa anoreksi4ka ne mojeh da q tarpa
ili onaa krivozubata jaltoglava maimuna
da beha zemali nekvi qki pi4eta pone
Thank Tomorr I don't drink alcohol
The percentage of white people in the world is falling every day.
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>anune iskъ6 li da ti wapъm nqma da ti go othapъ ube6tavъm
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>Look at the girl in OP picture and tell me she is black or something
>She is now
Why are you such a BBCcobson mangal?
Linking sourceless threads from /pol/cucks
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> in 2014, a number of European countries formally changed their GDP calculations to include prostitution and narcotics sales in their official GDP statistics
Things are looking grim for timmy
imagine if timmy just legalized cocaine and prostitution instead of larping as judge dredd
So true bro, that will definitely save evropa!!
Am i a bad person for laughing at how much of a meme turdkey has become? Theres entire hashtags making fun of them being mutted greeks on tiktok
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two more female pumpkins died from the heat
it's... le over...

i'm uprooting them all and planting chilly peppers instead
their late planting date is 15.06 so i should still get a harvest
growing pumpkins in vases is not a good idea after all
>Am i a bad person
No, you're just an alphoomer
You are forgiven
only by making me intj dictator for life can yuroland be saved
These maymunic heats kill everything. I read prolonged periods of 30c+ weather makes most fruits and veggies say "it's over" and drop they flowers. We've seriously gotta start importing tropical seeds because little can survive this maymoonic climate, even under 50% shade netting.
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Heh nothing personal goyim
Total omurtag starvation
>sub-40% humidity makes pollen too dry to stick to a female flower
>supra-70% humidity makes pollen too clumpy to do its job
Plant sperming is like a programmer trying to have sex with a girlboss
girlbosses love programmers doe
Because it's easier to deny them sex
albovlach post

thats even scarier than the bridge itself
Most bought & least used medicine in a male programmer's household? Headache medicine.
not me thoughmsteverest
Also you are a loner
I want a girlboss to order me to lick her pussy
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I am the highest IQ person ITT
It has same taste like your hand when you hold coins for a long period of time
Girlbosses don't like any kind of sex.
the sunflowers are still growing
True that. I just gone one that opened its cute little head. Kamflant seed. Expecting 2 more to open up this week.
programmers are all sex driven freaks doe
chilly peppers too
and the new batch of potatoes is also growing, after the last one was killed by blight
I get this when I see those rope and plank bridges.
Next station: the Former former yugoslav republic of fyrom
>I read prolonged periods of 30c+ weather makes most fruits and veggies say "it's over" and drop they flowers.
Tomatoes and peppers come from the tropical regions of the Americas and they're grown just fine in places like India or Thailand.

I've no idea which fruits are supposed to "say it's over", apples and peaches don't have this problem.
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>no we aren't tourkakis, tourkakis are half greek bro
>now this
Be careful mprother.
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What will you do one your parents kick you out for being a useless neet, Troonita?
/g/ is too retarded
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Boiled a kilo of vlita yesterday (according to jewpedia it's called Чyeн in Macedonian) that I bought in the laiki market

It's insane how much better quality and cheaper are the products from the public market compared to the supermarket ones. The problem they are visiting your town only once in a week
actually only half of these posts are troonita, the other two are me
>according to jewpedia it's called Чyeн in Macedonian)
Never heard of this in my life
They're first cousins of the spinach iirc but they got their own name
It's some tatar word apparently.
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Is that pazia?
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whitefly sperming my gergana cucumbers
I recently harvested and cooked roughly 3 kg of potatoes
Not much but I hadnt planted much anyway
Are these white dots whitefly sperming? I have these on some tomatoes, peppers and nearly every cucumber plant (I have 27)
time to get poisoned hehehe
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hmm, nope, i don't think so
i can't scratch them off, they seem to be part of the pigmentation
no other plant has them and i've never seen a whitefly around
I should probably shower
sun fried leaves from water droplet backsplash sperming
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that's very possible
i spray them from time to time with garlic juice water to keep bugs off
i should be doing that in the evening
My castille soap is arriving next week. Much as I hate meme treatments, the more I read gradinar.bg faceboomer groups, the more defeatist I grow. These niggas will literally treat their crops the way they treat their health.
>This week you spray with fungicides and insecticides from goy&co every 3 days. Next week you change the regimen up so they don't develop immunity, so you buy the sachets from balik&co. Third week it's glupa&co powders. I honestly don't know how these niggas keep track of all this shit. I assume once you get past the age of 65 and retire and have to drink a cereal bowl's worth of pills, treating your plants like babies feels like no work at all.
Anyway, yes. It seems funny that half these groups will make fun of the other half that uses 200 EUR worth of poisons and water to create chemmaxxed produce worth 20 EUR they could have just as easily bought from the corner store.
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best to have a survival of the fittest strategy
the whole reason i grow stuff is i want to be self sufficient in the case of a grid down scenario
it makes no sense to pay a subscription for "gardening as a service"

the question is do you plant local varieties that like the weather, but the bugs love them
or do you grow foreign varieties that don't like the weather, but bugs don't want them
and the answer is just keep trying
We should improov and hybrid chemmaxx local varieties
So a nigga can buy a 1 EUR seed pack of local cucumbers and have a super harvest even with scarce watering and nigro temps
golemi crni crncugi mu go rasturat shupakot na nojko torbeshkiot cigan
Bro grazing good

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