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There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger.
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anime !
old >>199149873
Retarded fyromite fumbled the bag and now gypsy Turkovic thread won
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Bro my grandpa sucked Serbian cock so I can try to bring your self-esteem down in hopes of elevating my own value in your eyes on a Japanese-led American website
How are the wife and kids bro?
There is no God but Spare ribs and Mohammed is his chef supreme.
If I could go back in time i woudnt change anything nor the fact that im incel in late 20s nor that Im poorfag but only one thing: train in mma during early childhood and now in my 20s to fight in ufc, thats the only thing i would truly change.
ufc ultimat fagot cocalar
many such cases!
kosovo status?
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How many male asses did you fuck this weekend, king?
Kosovolessness gives Srbija purpose to exist
Same as Macedonialessness to Bugarija
Think about dat
caliphate status?
Bro give me some codemaymunry adjacent advice

Do you think you could conveniently set up an NFC/rfid emulator on your phone to get in your building/workplace without having to carry those stupid cards/rfid tags? I'm looking at some fdroid apps but I don't think you could set it up so that your phone automatically sends the signal when you touch it to the receiver
I think you have to open the app and tell it to transmit and that's less convenient than just carrying the stupid cards/tags
>one day
the cope of copes
depends on the card, probably too much of an effort since it might be encrypted and you'd need to open the phone and select the card you want to mimic even if it worked
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one day inshallah
Autistic sperg above me more repetitive and less creative than Troonita bell rings
Gaza gets levelled fuck mushemalehammeds finna do
Surely it could be done if you're some top tier codemaymun like Xpozed
You don't need to tell the card to start transmitting
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the card is passive, it isn't transmitting shit
the scanner is continuously scanning for any valid tags, and for the phone to act as a tag the software probably needs to be configured to replicate the tag
Only a balkmun can shake their belly and manboobs for 10k EUR per ad and this is a legit job
Dont pretend to be smart /g/roidtranny
My understanding is that the receiver is also a transmitter and the card just bounces back the transmission alongside the password or whatever
You could tell the phone to start transmitting the tag when it senses a receiver's transmission really close
dunno, I haven't worked with NFC at all

touch grass /int/cel
Codemaymuns are like those spergs that can multiply 5 digit numbers together but can't tie their shoes
I only trust a codemaymun to tell me something accurately about technology and cuckoldry
Ur the ventus of people
They can beat the shit out of you any day
I have a TT-33
Not fair, but if they can pick any gun too would be fair
Fighthumans tend to be homosexual, so I want to keep an arms length away from their diseases (HIV, etc.)
My cocksleeve
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wow, what a cute!
mf can look past you while you are right in front of him
in which universe is that cute
>aliexpress clothes
>mf can look past you while you are right in front of him
нe знaм кaквo ce oпитвaш дa кaжeш
Ai eit tuu mach agein
мнo ca мy paздaлeчeни oчитe
тoй зa дa тa глeдa тpeбвa дa cтaнe КPИBOГЛEД БE БPAT
Tiho e pederuga
нe caм ac тoя кoйт пocтвa мoмчeтa e пeдaл
дoбив тaтapcки зaмop
skopianoiii albanoiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
why cant white christians produce functional societies?
US Ambassdor to Skopie:
There are no new negotiations either for Prespa or with Bulgaria for the EU

Those agreements have already been made, there is no renegotiation for progress towards the EU, says American Ambassador Angela Ageler in an interview with Radio Free Europe. Citizens should demand transparency and dealing with corruption from the new government. Ageler also says that there is always a risk of entry of corrosive capital and the government should answer all questions
Бyквaлнo јac
Societies where Aussie grandpa still sends 5k AUD every month?
I sometimes wonder how these CIA foids sinned to be sent to balkmun to suffer
lmao rekt
Rasha if you dox Aus grandpa maqe I will report him to UJP for not declaring his gifts as taxable income
If your meme tax authorities haven't caught him by now, he deserves to get away with it
"Пpeз вчepaшния дeн y нac нa тpи мecтa бe oтбeлязaнo зaвлaдявaнeтo нa Maкeдoния oт Cъpбия нa динacтиятa Кapaджopджeвичи, кaтo ocнoвнoтo cъбитиe ce пpoвeдe в Щип, в кoнтeкcтa нa биткaтa пpи Бpeгaлницa мeждy Cъpбия и Бългapия. Teзи cъбития, кoитo oчeвиднo вeчe ca cтaнaли pyтинa, ce oтбeлязвaт вcякa гoдинa. Ocнoвнoтo cъбитиe e opгaнизиpaнeтo нa пpaзник пoд пaмeтникa "Зeбpняк" в Кyмaнoвo. Ha тeзи тъpжecтвa, ocвeн cтaндapтнaтa „икoнoгpaфия“, тpaдициoннo ce yтвъpждaвa имeтo „Cтapa Cъpбия“ или „Южнa Cъpбия“ и тepминът „ocвoбoждeниe“ нa Maкeдoния. Ceвepнa Maкeдoния oфициaлнo yчacтвa нa вcякo пoдoбнo cъбитиe, включитeлнo мaкeдoнcкaтa apмия c мaкeдoнcкoтo знaмe. BMPO-Hapoднa пapтия пocтoяннo изтъквa, чe нитo eдин т.нap. "мaкeдoнcки пaтpиoт" нe peaгиpa. Moжeм cвoбoднo дa кaжeм, чe кoлкoтo пo-cилнa e Maкeдoния cpeщy бългapcкия диктaт, тoлкoвa пo-oткpитa e и бeзпpoблeмнo пpилaгa cpъбcкия диктaт в Maкeдoния", ce кaзвa в пoзиция нa BMPO-Hapoднa пapтия.
No one deserves to get away with breaking the law
who cares they are going extinct
>t. daily prespa agreement breaker
Not a law doe innit
that's what we were saying when we dropped NAPALM on you

^ inceloid OBSESSED with his superiors' attention
There are no homos in fight sports
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> ^ inceloid OBSESSED with his superiors' attention
sublime LARP
I need help from a bulgarian anon, my bulgarian gf will visit me in maramures next week and I want to prepare something special for her, like a bulgarian dish or some sort of alchohol, anything really, I want it to be a surprise, she is from plovdiv and if there are anons from there I need your advice
Make friends with a BLACK MALE student and bring him over for the date
Set up 2 large poles connected with a rope on the top then get the local dog and feed him without letting him poo
I'm sure you know the rest
Bro if she is Bulgarian why would you prepare Bulgarian dish for her when she eats that here anyway
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I want to impress her obviously, come to think of it I'm sure most of our cuisine is similar anyway, in maramures we eat stuff like this, don't know if you guys have it too
>I want to impress her obviously
You have already lost
come on, a little help
Stop trying to impress
she wants bbc not your stupid food retard
dumbass thinks she wants to eat corn ahaha
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the cheese is same as what we eat (feta)
you could probably make a banica with it if you know how to bake

the easiest would be some kind of bulgarian spirit, tho idk what she likes to drink, and odds are she might bring one herself
you could try bulgarian beer, spirit and wine if they have them at the local shop, alcohol turns women on unlike for men

i guess you could buy a romanian and bulgarian flag and put them up together
that would probably impress her
What's he doing in Israel?
next poster is gay
last poster is gay
How does grik dickopoulos taste?
Just watching Ed Stafford in the Rhodopes. He is more scared of the bears than me lol.
lmao the Boys ep5 was pretty cool, i fucking LOVE American TV
Post your hairy greek pussy.
attrocious post
He is in East Jerusalem
>"hey, bro, just go lay down in that puddle"
>"in the puddle, bro? what for?"
>"trust me, bro, you'll look like a real survivor"
my skatahole built new houses in chechenistan to gaza refugees
some ragheads now have better housing than you, me or anyone in here ever will, feel free to look it up
thanks for your opinion, fatso
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Quiet, poorfag
now I finna read some news

Websites everyone should trust

Websites that are NOT to be trusted
>I just posted it again bro!!
Are you from the anon from Șomcuta?
I post truths
You post lies

Simple as
de acum cateva saptamani pe /ro/ , da
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i dont want to order shaorma from the same place twice in a day but theyre very good and im hungry again
oh you're getting cute with me. but I notice you had nothing to say to the bbc posters, cunt
why would i waste my time with nigger dik posters ? may their cars drive themselves in the nearest tree or wall
Theres no mud in the rhodopes.
during the 2nd world war the global population was 2 billion people
at the end of the cold war it was 5.5 billion
when russia invaded ukraine it was 7.5 billion
today it's over 8 billion
- https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/world-population-by-year/
Păi încă e activ /ro/ ul
stop trying to act tough over lesser offenses then.
500 mil BBCs were born
Population is interchangeable we can just import africa and they'll magically become europeans becase muh blood and soil will transform them.
e mai interesant balk sa fiu sincer
even more because you have to factor in the old people who died as well
that's the size of 75 bulgarias
Din păcate da. Oricum succes cu fata, la facultate v-ați cunoscut?
La politehnica in bucuresti
chestia cu ro-ul este ca majoritatea din romania nu prea este interesata sa participe, baiatu din moldova este mult mai activ decat ai nostrii
29% sub saharan africa
17% middle east + non-african muslims
17% india
10% china
9% rest of east asians
7% south amerimutts
5% continental west europ
4% anglosphere
2% east europe
- https://www.visualcapitalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Where-Will-The-Next-1000-Babies-Come-From-Full-Size.html
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bulgaria is not a democracy
it's feudalism
the turks support the turkish party
the old folk the handout party
the cops the mafia party
and so on
"debates" aren't real, nobody ever changes their mind
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1.2k€ for this meme
Kinda sux living with subanimals when you think about it, what makes me glad is that im hooking up with this cops 17y old daughter on fb and shes a total druggie whore and we will have druug fueled sex on my nameday
>neighbour yelling at his wife for mentioning CHAD she never got over
>christian culture
maymunic hand
Oбeзьянcкa you mean
Every time I see a tranine image ITT I start detesting Tatars more and more
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I’m a dude and into trains, I would constantly talk about a random train, say the class 319s and some girls at my school would say hello and tell me to talk more about trains. They were actually faking being enthusiastic and were basically bullying me behind my back (also, I am autistic, diagnosed when I was 4 so at first I thought they were actually enthusiastic about it) (and by being into trains I mean obsessed, I also like other vehicles like aircraft, boats, cars, just anything vehicle related)
(btw, the class 319s are capable of operating on 25 kV 50 Hz from AC overhead wires or 750 V DC from a third rail)
If macedonians want in the eu(civilized modern world), they have to uhm idk youre not getting in lol
Maymunistanians btfo
We can fix them
We need more globohomo influence all over their country asap. This is how they will bend the knee to us.
Macedonia will join BRICS
The only brick you'll ever get is the one I'll drop on your head LMAO

its up
Suntem neemotivi și nu avem nimic de împărtășit sau de scris. Românul îi place să vorbească numa dacă e întrebat ceva
you couldn't resist the temptation dog?
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Weren't you bitching the other day you couldn't resize your pics to be able to post them itt?

Jeetroid 4chan apps (Free btw) can do it just fine, just look at how smaller I've made you!
Please post your cute feet <3

Mohammed is a pedophile that was pussy whipped by a 9 year old concubine.
Psofa poutanas gie
That's not true. It was a functional mariage.
Зa cъжaлeниe eдиния oт тия кoнcepви (Aлeкcaндъp) гo пoзнaвaм и cтpaшнo мнoгo ми пaднa в oчитe кaтo гo пoчнaхa тoя кaнaл
Brigger lol
Should I buy an e-scooter?
you should be beheaded
Why bro?
Under what conditions someone would date this (in your cunt)?
Or is it unconditionally over for me?
looks are ok, a little bit above average
the problem is the angry-sad face revealing mental issues
I hate zoomer faggots driving these all over the place
need to ban them asap
same with cars actually
only leave trolleys so I can pay for goth girl tickets
world would be objectively a better place if only public transportation was allowed and developed to the extreme
You look okay, bro
don't you feel embarrassment standing in the mirror like a dork with phone in hand like that
Too poor to buy an e-scooter bro?
no shit
Thanks that means a lot
You look okay. Not a model but certainly not ugly. But you should fix that depressed stare
Imagine posting your selfie on balk
You share this honor with a diagnosed schizophrenic and a finger tattoo having individual
nope, I suffered for 3 years in uni so I'm buying this

Then again you posted 4chan lingo on fucking Facebook, manletovic
Bro I would kill myself immediately if I were nojkogypsy
>I deserve this useless expensive niggertech.... Because I finished the first miniscule step of university!!!!!
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das rite!
Get a better shirt this is a 56y old alcoholicswear
770 euro for a good e-scooter (Segway max G30EII

Need it or keep it, bros?
the pen is nice, better than tapping
I hope all your diabetes apps break for forsaking Xiaomi
one of my apps is bulgarian, I trust the mongols will make it work
Not my problem this poorfag website can't afford to host my images bro
You're just average. Unfortunately that means you're ugly to women.
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>daniel of vidin is the new patriarch of bulgaria
he's in communion with the ukrenian schismatics
this after the synod rejected the people's vote of ierotei and michael for sliven metropolitan (voter for patriarch)
and instead forced arsenii, the youngest bishop in bulgarian church history
- https://dnes.dir.bg/obshtestvo/protest-i-kontraprotest-na-sveshtenitsi-i-miryani-pred-svetiya-sinod-zaradi-sporna-naredba-snimki
- https://bntnews.bg/news/nov-slivenski-mitropolit-ima-li-znaci-na-razdelenie-v-svetiya-sinod-1279750news.html

this is nothing short of a coup
the blessing of god will likely be withdrawn for this
it's over
Apparently some selyakball slop just started, i can hear the subhumans tv next to me on full volume
Thoughts on this?
I hate South Koreans

The Bulgarians of East Asia, if they weren't poor that is
Youre not getting in the eu, we dont allow lower than 90 iq maymuns and ur 75 or something
Who gives a single fuck about those pedophiles?
your coom hand looks a lot bigger than your non coom hand
your face looks pretty good however
>ur face looks pretty
Hold on playa, you sweet as a sugar plum
>you sweet as a sugar plum
Many such cases on this general
damn konata is hungarian?
Stop spreading roumors for fuck sake you piece of shit
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Threadly reminder that orthodox clergy can marry unlike catholicos. Our priests like money, not diddling little kids.
Loving the Breaking Bad Mexico filter
To become episkopoi and above, they need to either be permaincel monks or their wives need to die
Shot with my phone through my polarized driving sunglasses.
They don’t need to die, they can go in a nunnery.
Catholics made use of the gay population and turned them into popes.
looks like shit
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bro im sorrounded by bird skulled big nosed dinarics
you facemog 70% of the male population here easily just by having an actual human looking skull
That skull you posted mogs him though.
The polarized filter brings out underwater detail because it filters some of the reflected light.
I'm saying the actual view looks like shit
what is that, the fucking saharan coast?
I didn't know this, wikipedophilia confirms
Kaj si vo grcka legendo
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no u

I’m in an agricultural paradise.
Kaj vo grcka e ova
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I think I am in the place that might’ve inspired pic related.
Kys fag they are jews, they fuck each other, kids, women, men everyone and beg for money like beggars and ive never seen them do anything good ever
>t. Asan the Protestant gypsy
I really wanna fuck this argentinian girl
>if u dont like my clique of pedos and crooks ur le x/y/z
Kazi brat kaj si vo koe mesto vo grcka

I si izbral nekqde daleku od plazite
Go wash your ass, /pol/oid
Poltards usually are religiouse
Not since 2016, they have been subverted
No no before 2016 and trump and q anon

4chan has been mostly against religion

Once the conservatives came its a religiouse hub of politics as well
Not my problem.
I type with the speed of a retarded child when I type in fyromian

Still can barely remember where all the retarded letters like ж are on the keyboard
Maybe ur priests should stop fucking prostitutes in the monasteries and also having gay orgies there all well documented fax

While i type fast on a phone or a pc
They indeed are bad people

And there is a religioue anime guy from bulgaria

I avoid religion and liberals
Same tbqh.
Lay it on me, bro
Did your grandma take you to church by force? Or made you follow the Easter Lent and shamed you if you didn't? Come on be open, what made you into such a retard?
Just aspirinated myself
My parents arent religouse and yet i agree with him

You call me a schizo while you belive the superstition of orgsnised religion which is "magical" stuff
why does the president of kazakhstan and serbia look so similar?
Phenotypal Chud Convergence Phenomenon
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Did you know that this is how they produce religion?
Calling someone a retard for speaking well known facts and seething only makes you a cuck go suck ur pedo pooptriarchs cock faggot
bulgarian app works
based tatars never updating their systems
Nephilim robotoid humanoids
Kill all dunovist hippies
Total dunov death
>documentation says international transfers are possible through online banking
>no international transfer tab on non-business accounts
nigger code, I'll have to go to the branch tomorrow
albo phenotype
Same its a humiliation ritual, also they randomly issued me a debit card and sent it through mail although its due in 2 years.
Banks are synagogues essentially
Hиe cмe нoви дa гo зaмeнимe cтapoтo. Hиe ги yбивмe вaшитe бoгoви и ги изeдoвмe. Ќe ce пoклoниш
But you are a retard, anon. Or underage, either way it's the same. I hope you'll grow up sometime
Ke gi jades bubackite
it will be full of pensioners since 8 in the morning, there to bitch about irrelevant shit for 2 hours
This is the truth.
And as a half Russian I laugh at these Baltic niggas telling me how white and European they are.
Nigga did your country sign the concert of Europe ? Did it defeat Napoleon or Hitler ?
Who the fuck are you again ? Hiding behind German, Greek, Italian accomplishments.
I am Greek Russian. I ve got Dostoyevsky and Socrates in my bloodlines who the fuck are you niggas ? Lebron James’ benchwarmers.
Usually these shitholes hide behind the European label and look like clowns.
You know who you are.
Slovakia is relatively fine but the baltics and the other butthurtbelters are the clown show.
Broke my chair's handrest by dipping myself on it to change sitting position
Glued it back and keep doing the same thing that broke it out of habit
fuck you i wanted to post this one day
Why Boyko Borisov is the greatest Bulgarian leader?
The assertion that Boyko Borisov is the greatest Bulgarian leader is a subjective viewpoint that depends on one's criteria and perspective. Here are some reasons why some might consider him as such:

Economic Management: Borisov's tenure as Prime Minister saw Bulgaria experience economic growth and stability, with a focus on fiscal responsibility and attracting foreign investment.

Infrastructure Development: He has been known for promoting large-scale infrastructure projects that aimed to modernize Bulgaria's transportation networks and urban areas.

Political Stability: During his terms in office, Bulgaria maintained relative political stability compared to some other periods in its recent history.

International Standing: Borisov has represented Bulgaria on the international stage and has been involved in negotiations and collaborations with other European and global leaders.

Popularity: Borisov has garnered significant electoral support in Bulgaria, indicating a level of popularity among certain segments of the population.

However, it's important to note that views on Borisov's leadership vary widely. Critics may point to issues such as corruption allegations, concerns over media freedom, and disparities in economic development as reasons why they do not consider him the greatest leader. Ultimately, assessments of leadership greatness are subjective and influenced by individual perspectives and priorities.
What's Albo?.. Albanian?
As Macedonian why should I feel safe when Boyko Borisov is the prime minister of Bulgaria?
As a Macedonian, feeling safe or concerned about political figures in neighboring countries like Bulgaria can be influenced by various factors:

Stability and Relations: Prime Minister Boyko Borisov's tenure may impact regional stability and bilateral relations between Macedonia and Bulgaria. Historically, political stability in neighboring countries can contribute to a more predictable and secure environment.

EU and NATO Membership: Both Macedonia and Bulgaria are members of NATO and the European Union. Membership in these organizations generally promotes cooperation, stability, and adherence to democratic principles, which can positively influence regional security.

Diplomatic Relations: The nature of diplomatic relations between Macedonia and Bulgaria under Borisov's leadership can vary. Positive relations can lead to enhanced security cooperation, while strained relations might introduce challenges.

Internal Policies: Borisov's domestic policies and their impact on Bulgaria's economy, society, and governance can indirectly affect regional dynamics. Economic stability and social cohesion can contribute to a more secure neighborhood.

Historical Context: Understanding historical relations between Macedonia and Bulgaria, including any past tensions or cooperation, can provide context for current feelings of safety or concern.

Ultimately, the safety you feel as a Macedonian is influenced by a combination of political, economic, and social factors within both countries and their broader international relations. It's essential to stay informed about developments and engage in dialogue that promotes mutual understanding and cooperation between Macedonia and Bulgaria.
Why one of my friends said that Bulgaria is not above everything?
Your friend might be referring to a common patriotic slogan in Bulgaria, which translates to "Bulgaria above everything" (Бългapия нaд вcичкo). This phrase historically emphasizes national pride and unity, often used in contexts of patriotism or national identity.

However, some people might interpret such slogans critically, especially in the context of broader European or global perspectives where cooperation and shared values across nations are emphasized. Saying "Bulgaria is not above everything" could imply a belief in the importance of international cooperation, humility in national pride, or a critique of nationalism when it becomes exclusionary or divisive.

It's essential to understand the context and tone in which your friend made this statement to fully grasp their perspective on Bulgarian identity, nationalism, or international relations.
Does this subhuman think that anyone is reading his Alslop?
nobody cares

Posted from my Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra
Ill fuck you just for being a retarded cunt without an argument
white nukes: 12,322
asian nukes: 395
muslim nukes: 165
indian nukes: 160
judean nukes: 90
black nukes: 0
there doesn't seem to be any agriculture there tho
Will YOU Fuck my Jewish girlfriend yes/no and why ?
I kneel.
bumpa 2
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Sura Al Araf 7:80
Hecking bumperino to avoid the troon thread.

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j'ai mal j'ai mal j'ai mal
bibisi bibisi bibisi
The peak of white culture is outsourcing your wifes fucking to Tyrone to timemaxx
Must you post niggers the moment you wake up?
because he is white
>transferwise is not available in your country
nothing is available in this country
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>hear about interesting indie horror bibeo gayme while listening to zoomer essays
>game is set in a decomposing mmo with ps1 style graphics
>only 40 reviews on steam
>think about actually buying a game for once in my life to support the dev
>notice that there is an estrogen stat in the game
>find out that developer is canadian troon
>entire game is supposed to be a high iq metaphor for trooning out
>the other two games in the trilogy are also about trooning out
>protagonist is a closeted troon
>good ending is achieved by maxing out your estrogen stat and releasing your inner dickgirl
>i almost gave money for this
heres a free protip bros: if the game has ps1 style graphics then the developer most likely has gender dysphoria
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>think about actually buying a game for once in my life to support the dev
why the fuck do people think like this
if indiefags wanted "support" they should've got a job
play crypt worlds, not only both devs are trans but ost was also composed by a tranny
My debit card expired, now i have to go to the bank in person and perform the wagie dance so i can get the new one
Good morning everyone
45 minutes because some whore in front of me wanted to open a bank account
Im not going today its wageday so all the wagecucks will be there in line, im going to go tomorrow
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video game reviewers psyopped me into believing this, i imagine indie game devs to be poverty stricken noble kri4urs driven by selfless passion when in reality theyre mostly neetmaxxing lazy degenerates driven by their mental illness or hobbyists with a job that just do this for fun
neither group needs my money to feed themselves but deeply ingrained media psyopping still tells me "pirating indie games=stealing from homeless orphans in wheelchairs"
nice, it looks like it too
you can really see that the developers had crippling gender dysphoria when you watch the gameplay, just dont imagine the threesomes tho

кaжи ми шo caкaш
кaжи шo дa пpaaм
дa тибaм пичкy мaтep
гнacниoт тaтap
aaaбe тaaaтap глyyyп
тaтap глyп и гнaceн
тaaaтap мнoooгy глyyyп
дa тибaм yпичкy мaтep
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Im just not fighting in any war simple as
Gotta admit our pooliticians are savvy and greedy enough to realize this and won't force us like piggers
What i want for our politicians is to be assassinated infront of their families, and then their families assassinated one after another in succession over 2 years, all of them openly in broad daylight.
I know that will never happen but its a good plot for a book
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"Heкa гo кaжa яcнo... Дoгoвopитe ca cключeни. Hямa нoвo пpeгoвapянe нa Пpecпa, нямa нoвo пpeгoвapянe зa нaпpeдък към EC. Toвa e мнoгo яcнo", кaзa Aгeлep в интepвю зa мaкeдoнcкaтa ceкция нa "Cвoбoднa Eвpoпa".
Based america slamming fyrom
Кpecтинa Aгeлepa
>cлoбoднa бибиpoпa
aммм cojчe пa жac caкaм caмy дa кaжaм дeкa caмy PУCКИ тeлeгpaм гpyпи имaaaaaт дocтoвepeнocт и иcтoтaкa дa тибaм yпичкy мaтep зaтoa шoтo жac cyм бeл cpбин a ти cи жoлт тaтap гнaceн ajдe лeкa
>Amerilard absolutely malding it's not an iPhone
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The FBI and the Interpol believe this BULGARIAN cryptoscam queen is hiding in Greece
>looks like a tranny
>Sashko wants to fuck it

I never expected to see the two sides of the war posting on /int/but here it is (both of them are conscripted)
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Isn't all crypto a scam though?
but what about kleta majka b1lgariq
who will defend the old hag from getting heemed if not you bro
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Idgaf im just not fighting in any war schrimple as
Lmao yeah bro, you'll gonna waltz into an airport and think you can fly to safety in that case? The only way you could avoid it is if you'd go and live in a cave, away from humanity and without internet. Or even worse, if you'd illegally cross the border to the former former yugoslav republic of fyrom and apply for asylum there
only a dumb motherfucker like you would believe any of these proofless larps
It's summer so half of bulgaria is hiding in greece
Maybe they're larping, although someone would have called them out by now. You know, in any case, not everyone cried and begged their way to deferment, krasnochurka
>yeah maybe its a larp and im a retard like the local f20 who falls for girl larps... but you didnt serve 12 years ago
I dont remember you talking shit to hohol who came here to ask for directions on his way to ROMAnia, neither did you talk shit to him once hr did fuck off

regardless, stay stupid (you will)
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Summer too hot
>33 celsius
>real feel 39
So close to be so back to proper maymoon temperatures.
Why should I shame someone who's not at fault? It's not his fault his country is being bullied by inferiors with a permanent superiority complex. Nor I think that guy spammed war gore and being staunchly in favor of killing their own kin while evading conscription.

Regardless, get a job so you can finally become a man, since your army won't do that.
What is your job bro?
I left it because they didn't pay me what they promised. So I'm back at spending the money I rent via renting out properties ;)
money I get*
what a failure
People leave jobs all the time, it's people like you (the Albanian field worker) that can't escape these kinds of situations.
Kill yourself btw
I don't think I've gotten food poisoning in my life
Unless getting diarrhea whilst having a fever is food poisoning, I've gotten that
Basically I've never vomited after eating something
Why would i escape it? The actual work i do is just a few hours a day , mon-fri, above average salary, non codemaymun stuff so i dont fry my eyes all day. I make fat stacks, idk how i would survive on just some money i make just by renting some apartment
food poisoning is diarrhea and fever
t. got poisoned from mayo
nı moga da uçasıtıvam vı takiva neşıta
Hey fyromtwink you're back, I love this persona btw. Just don't throw all the $$$$ on a Biden victory this time
Thats a tough job by itself i hope you dont overwork yourself like i did this week

I remember getting that kind of diarrhea when corona started and wasted like 10 euro on a blood test that came back negative
>fyromtwink larpsona is back
Finally balk will return to basedness
Joke as much as you want, it's painful though that a big part of that money ends up in the waste hole called "taxation in Greece"

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