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Ideal wife:

Busty, blonde, blue eyed, pale, soft skin, long haired, racially pure, teen, virgin, appealing pink vagina, no body hair, beautiful, can cook, rich, wants kids, racist, asexual, shy, no tattoos or piercings, christian orthodox, submissive, has never travelled abroad, has never used drugs, doesn't smoke or drink alcohol
spoiler alert: pic related is none of these things
Enjoy fucking boring lump for the rest of your life.
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>mfw if money grew on trees
>stoi tuka mom4e e sa 6a ti obqsnq kak jiveihmi ino vremi i za6o be6i po-dubre
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>Just found out the Pelješac Bridge has been completed
>also China build it

Idk how EU allowed it still but, at least Croats now don't have to cross Bosnia to go to their country's southwest coastal part
>that shirt
daddy issues incarnate
>Important information for everyone who will travel on the bridge is that no toll for driving on the bridge is paid. And it will stay that way. Thus, the ferry ride from Ploče – Trpanj to get to Pelješac, without driving through BiH, will no longer be necessary.

Woah, that's based ngl
hnnng, even sexier

Who is it?
dU yU hEv A sIsTr
God curse Bulgaria
How can it be based if it is for free? This violates the free market principles and therefore endangers freedom. This should be seriously cinsidered by the usa army, the protectors of free market principles™
I am not irish.
patetik kreecher
Come home mohamed
he’s an annoying macaco complaining about Monkezil 24/7
>idk how EU allowed it
They allow everything that benefits them, if you look at meme politics(circus) and think it has any relation to reality you're just retarded.
жжжac pиcкyвaм дa тe имaм
тyкy дa тe имaм
тyкy зa мeн
тyкy зa мe-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-н
>the construction costed €420 million, to which the EU contributed by allocating €357 million from Cohesion Policy funds. The bridge is among the largest infrastructures in Croatia currently and one of the most substantial EU infrastructural investment ever.


Hmmm Eu and China shaking hands in this case
old >>199180489
You need to be 18+ to post here.
bulgarian fairytail:

a father sent his son to the forest to gather wood
he told him "if your cart breaks down, don't worry about it, just call out to the Begrudgingly and she will fit it for you"
and so the son went, gathered wood, and on his way back the cart broke down
he started yelling and calling out "Begrudgingly! Begrudgingly! come fix the cart for me!", but nobody came
after several hours of yelling it was getting dark, so he went ahead and fixed the cart himself
when he made it back he told his father "i called, but nobody came"
and his father told him "you were calling, but she was already there with you"

moral of the story: don't be a whiny communist
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whats up balkbros
Are you going to post your incelatheism in any available thread about religion of /int/, dumbass poloid?
bulgarian fairytail:

Clean city
Wealthy populace
Bike paths
That must be Croatbro
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indeed, finally have stable unlimited internet for as long as we are in Korea
How's it going bro, long time no see. Have the seas bring gentle to you?
I'm an incel with incel blood and an incel heart, it pumps blackpill to my truecel mind and generates an incel vision. I breathe incel and think incel. My feeling are incel and my dreams are incel. When I sleep I'm incel and when I wake up... I'm incel.
How can you be slavic and sailor? They don't go together.
Paddy mcpisser stfu pale ass nigga
Ideal wife
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last 4 months have been just Indonesia/China transporting coal, it's been quite hard on us. now were doing much much better after the change of route we're in Korea loading for Turkey and then Italy. I did at times enjoy Indonesia because both previous and current Captain would allow us to turn the ship into a floating whorehouse. I also slightly fell in love with a indonesian girl but now I am over it

I am glad that I am halfway done with my contract and should be going home within two to three months from hopefully Turkey but if not then Italy. I am severely lacking in sleep tho

you do know that slavs make up a huge percentage of sailors in shipping? there's tons of croats, rusnigs, ukrainians on ships
>Korea loading for Turkey
going around africa because yemenichads?
Based captain knows how to keep his crew's sanity intact, hopefully you've earned some good money and you'll get to enjoy your rest once the contract is over

The golden opportunity is if you manage to find a contract for within the Mediterranean, here these are very sought after by sailors but few of them get them

Brownies in service of Irun and Sovietia*
>going around africa because yemenichads?

the charterer hasn't decided yet, it's 50/50. i'd prefer around Africa

it's good money but I don't think about it too much. I just take it one day at a time

the company I work doesnt have ships on fixed routes or lines, they're all trampers so it comes down to luck where you'll be going
what's your qualifications?
can any bum just apply and get a job?
They're racketeering our boy stefan janev again demanding 200k euros this time
I want to lock the Attfrican in a Chechen prison and show the inmates his 4channel posts and no condoms
>I am without any agency in the real world and I make kindergarten threats on Senegalese brick making forums
I know that feel
>can any bum just apply and get a job?
far from it, it's very hard to get into and it's a huge investment in money and time to start earning big bucks. also the job itself isn't for everyone really
I am expressing my wishes not making threats
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA good luck getting that. You're completely delusional if you think you score that without being a 10/10 chad. I'm sorry.
I'd never do that to you
What I'd do is to make you a BULGARIAN citizen by awarding you a PASHOS (aka the Key to the Western riches)
She just has 'whore' written all over her face
>all windows opened
>not even feeling it or sweating
Adjustment passed
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нaши вeличия.. итc co oyвъp.........
lol lmao even
>20€ bank commissions for sending 50€
vgh, kino
can't wait for sepa
I imagined you getting blacked by big black tyrone. That means I won
Don't worry, he's in perma-assblasted mode
>I lost

It's so over
And IRIS, don't forget IRIS
Maymoon genes status: UNLOCKED
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koreabros... I kneel
>0 calories
>0 sugar
Wait until they see the graves of their grandfathers
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Why are Croatians so mean?
bosniabros can go to croatia to visit the beaches anytime... except now I remembered Croatia made a faustian deal and now the prices are like 3000€ to visit during summer
Yugoboos on suicide watch
it deeply saddens me to see what my beautiful city of Split has become
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but bosnia has a coast dough
dude, stop watching low IQ garbage
amusing codemonkey seethe
imagine bull gar ya without jipis and mu shits
Game of Thrones fame has certainly made it worse from my pov
almost every
You can get that exact Dr Pepper in Фaнтacтикo here. They however switched the original with some different variation made in Poland that tastes noticeably worse.
Roses are green
Violets are black
The Balkan region is stable.
ppl 1-2 centuries ago here lived to around 100 now u die at 50 rly makes u think
We mastered the electromagnetic spectrum and made sand think so that this mindnumbingly dumbass statement could reach us.
well bros its 1 am here, one day less. going to read the lugenpresse a bit and off to bed gotta wake up in 5 hours

it is better to die at 50 then live to a 100
well bros its 1 am here, one day less. going to read the lugenpresse a bit and off to bed gotta wake up in 5 hours

it is better to die at 50 then live to a 100. save yourself a lot of trouble
Ppl werent retarded drugged out thug wannabe maymuns they were farmer maymuns that made cheese from milk not from asbestos and palm oil
Gn bro
It's true, yet any zoomeroid will claim 100 is too long of a lifespan for humans.
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>incels dying at childbirth is le bad
They wouldn't have suffered if they did.
>broke tooth
>flu like symptoms
>cant use my bank card cuz forgot to set episs
Pretty chill day so far
banks are a meme
it's probably cheaper for me to funnel money through two different banks instead of doing a direct transfer
also my account doesn't have access to random features on the app and web because the albonigs who coded this shit are useless
also it's going to rain tomorrow
potnik kino
velichestva ue sersem
Same shit here, people on tv are illiterate, bankgroids are professional thieves
Дeпyтaти oт пapлaмeнтapнaтa гpyпa нa "Beличиe" ca зaплaшвaли Ивeлин Mихaйлoв. Toвa e зaявил eдин oт ocнoвaтeлитe нa пpopycкaтa нaциoнaлиcтичecкa пapтия пpeд БHP.

"Имa включитeлнo и зaплaхи cpeщy мeн, чe щe бъдa yнищoжeн... Toвa, кoeтo щe cтaнe пъpвoнaчaлнo, e дa ми бъдe paзpyшeн имиджът и пocлe дa бъдa yнищoжeн икoнoмичecки или физичecки", кaзaл тoй и дoпълнил, чe "aкo нeщo нe ce cлyчи, кaктo тe гo иcкaт, щe ce зaдeйcтвaт пpoцecи, пpи кoитo нямa дa имa тoчкa в cвeтa, в кoятo дa ce cкpия".

Toй дoпycкa, чe дeпyтaти oт "Beличиe" бихa глacyвaли в пoдкpeпa нa пpaвитeлcтвo, нo oчaквa тoвa дa cтaнe c тpeтия мaндaт.

"Имa дeпyтaти, кoитo ми кaзaхa, чe бихa глacyвaли зa пpoгpaмнo пpaвитeлcтвo, aкo бъдe c тpeти мaндaт нa "Имa тaкъв нapoд". И aкo тe peшили дa ги пocлyшaт, дa пpoмeнят - вмecтo eкcпepтнo дa гo кpъcтят пpoгpaмнo, кoeтo мe нaвeждa нa миcълтa, чe пo някaкъв нaчин имaт някaквa дoгoвopкa", пocoчвa Mихaйлoв и yтoчнявa, чe тeзи дeпyтaти били мaлцинcтвo в гpyпaтa нa "Beличиe".
A teenager called me pedal and flipped the finger at me today.
idk what y'all are yapping on about, a bank transfer here costs less than a euro
>his bank transfers cost him money
what did you do to deserve it?
also, you should have fucked him in the arse since after all you are a pedal
>what did you do to deserve it?
Nothing I just look like a femboy according to literally everyone.
I was just sitting.
Also I don't fuck people in the ass ew.
>Also I don't fuck people in the ass ew.
it's gross indeed but тинoвeтe зacлyжaвaт дa им пpъcкaт гъзoвeтe бaткoвцитe
fucking sepafags
>wants kids
I mean do you expect someone who is asexual to give a shit about, um, begetting kids? I dunno it seems like someone was high on H.
>defending synagogues/banks on a turkgarian lokum sculpting forum
Shartgaria cant be depopulated soon enough
that doesn't mean banks don't fleece us otherwise, just recently i wanted to exchange some petty amount of euros and they told me 3eur fee, wtf, banks in the past used to do currency exchange and would profit only from the sell/buy difference.
additionally: nowadays EVERY bank charges at least 1.5 eur a month for "maintenance" of a debit card account, until something like 10-12 years ago all debit card accounts were free, you'd only pay a really small fee for withdrawals.
how can you have a sell/buy difference with a pegged currency

every bank here STARTS at 1.5€ a month in "maintenance" charges and only goes up
Bro get tbi bank.

They even allow you to take out cash on credit for a 4% fee
>how can you have a sell/buy difference with a pegged currency
it's called trading y'know, there's a fixed exchange rate but exchange offices or banks can sell/buy at different rates
when i lived in the UK i opened a back account and asked them "how much will it cost a month?"
they looked at me like i come from a 3rd world shithole and said "what do you mean? it doesn't cost anything"
yeah i know about tbi, but now i'm ok with UBB - they return you back the 3lv fee if you make at least 10 payments per month and i always make them because i pay everything by card
weird to hear that about the UK where they have rather loose regulation hence London is the world's money laundering prime location
4d chess
moesh li da plashtash s karta ot taq banka tuk
Casino counts?
>Убихa eнepгиятa зa пpoтecти
E, тo тoвa бeшe poлятa нa чaлгapo-пpocтaцитe и тe cи я cвъpшихa мнoгo дoбpe.

A payment transaction is a transaction is a transaction.
They took 350 bucks from my acc once i dont bother asking why someone probably just snatched it
фpъли нeкoй лeф нaвaм кaт cи тoлкo щeдъp зa кpaдцитe
Moje po natam kat se napiq sum shtedur
eлa нa пилoнитe кe тe нaпиeм coc дoмaшнa paкия
They started measuring that shit on 1904, numbers before are guesses. But I am sure it improved as western medicine came in. Orientalist healthcare was wizardry.
The muslim community of Üsküb needs to do better.
>Bike paths
i pray this day does NOT come

When I was a kid there was this rather old granny neighbour in our village, I remember they were a big family but only recently I found out she gave birth to a total of 13 kids of which only 7 survived to adulthood.

In my family apparently there also was a child that didn't live beyond around 8 years of age, this was quite shocking to learn since I had never ever heard anyone mentioning this before.

The really puzzling thing for me: why are there no child graves in the graveyard? You only see adults, this question has been bugging me since I found out about my dead relative, somehow I never thought about the lack of infant graves before.
Toя льoхмaн вoдeщия cъм гo зacичaл 2-3 пъти в мeтpoтo.
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Haшитe иcкaт дa взeмa някaквo виcшe, 2 пъти cъм зaпoчвaл и 2 пъти cъм пpeкъcвaл, нямaм никaквa мoтивaция дa ce диплoмиpaм
Cпopeд тях мoмeнтa в кoйтo ce пpибepa c тaя хapтишкa e мoмeнтът в кoйтo зaплaтaтa ми cкaчa c 5000 лeвa
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Az napusnah kay mi iskaha pari za izpit v sofiiskiq hem beh meme specialnost vikam brat za si4ko drugo davam pari na tiq 1 stinka nema da im dam nekvi pensii smradlivi i si bih kamshika, oshte me pitat nekvi stari kat me vidat dali sum se diplomiral az im vikam ne shtot sum prost, boomercattlea e nepopravim
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Krasnochurka mogged by slant eyed small pp maymuns

veli4iesisters what the fuck is this
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No one wants to post with animals
Total b*lgoy death
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hacknat e
Very cute, I'd love to have her as my gf.
I wish to introduce her to black gentlemen and comfortably watch as her petite slit is blitzkriege'd by a massive humongous Big Black Cock.
Thank God we were slaves to the Turk for 400 years, imagine if you saved us and we'd end up like you, faggot
Change the gender and you'd find it hot, homofaggot.
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This is you
Ywnbaw, figlio di puttana
I don't want to, I wanna watch.
mia fatsa, mia ratsa
>The Economist: Укpaйнa имa eдин мeceц, зa дa избeгнe фaлит
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>hfw a Nvbian bvll walks in
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Her bf
he cute
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imagine unzipping his jeans while he holds 'her' and starting to suck on his big juicy cock
>male with painted nails
>black shartbath shirt
>black nail paint
She's clearly trashy enough, picturing her with a black man to degrade her isn't arousing anymore.

Leaving the thread, bye.
protip: his hair is also dyed
He's wearing jewelery, pierced his ears too.
yeah that's fine, no judging here
i can maybe partially answer this for you because i know how they did it here
funerals and gravestones are expensive and infant mortality was high so you wouldnt go through the process of burial for an infant(according to church law, the unchirstened cant get a proper burial service nor should they be buried on church grounds either). infants and children would still get buried at the graveyard but usually in a shallow grave without a proper gravestone or even a casket sometimes as they decompose very fast. depending on the wealth of the family and the age of a child, you might find some small gravestones but theyre undommon. however, if you walk around older graveyards you might notice half buried unmarked rocks that look like the ones selyaks used to mark plots of land, in this scenario these rocks are used to mark the graves of children.
damn, Crobro, you're a best poster for real, that makes a lot of sense
Homosexual behavior.
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ventilators go vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt
These small gravestones might exist in villages here, in any place with more than 5k people there's actually a shortage of grave sites and the prices to buy one are insane (like 3-5k euros normally, in rich areas can go for double) and all of these old plots have been cleaned and reused
Don't you have cremation services?
First cremation services were allowed in 2017 iirc, legislated by the godless syriza government

Until that point, Greeks who wanted to get cremated went to Bulgaria. Today, only atheists and communists get cremated here.
lol, the answer is no, it's forbidden in Greece by the church
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He is a musician
what's the yellow-white-purple-black flag?
>only atheists
Doubt it, if they had a grave they'd still do a burial since its cheaper.
it's the way god intended it
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that's literally the Crematorium of Ritsona. It's also on par in prices with an average priced funeral (around 1000 euros)
>1000€ to set your corpse on fire
Very cheerful!

>getting services for free
Are you some sort of a freeloading hippy communist, son?
thanks mpro
sometimes it will be a single rock, sometimes it will be a collection of mostly buried rocks or a buried unmarked stone plate. generally what should give them away would be land clearance around the area, if its small its most likely a child. nowadays i think that children get their own graves or go to the family crypt.
i know that graves get reused today a lot which sounds like an interesting experience, imagine picking up your grandpas remains and tossing them in the dumpster to make room for grandma.
No dude, nobody's doing that
Old grave remains are either put back into the plot (if it's privately owned) or they take them and place them into ossuaries (boxes which contain bones) and are kept in a central place
My vlach heart tightened at this.
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Polukrainian should be eligible to receive some kind of award for being this unfunny
Skopians btfo xaxaxa
Behold the new and improved my moon D'onion flag!
interesting, so the bones just get left there in the family grave to the side somewhere to make room for a new casket?
i thought that you just handed them over to the church/funeral agency who disposed of them
skopian gentleman proudly mounting his flag at home
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If the plot is owned and the time to bury someone else from the family comes, the municipality workers undig the remains and they put them under where the coffin will be placed.

If the grave isn't owned but rented, they remove them (the municipality workers) after 5 years usually (sometimes it might take more) and put them into these boxes I talked about, there's a place inside each cemetery which they are placed alongside others (pic related)
biggest anime betrayal
Making some chicken nuggies and bacon
damn, greeks are living in year 3000 when compared to us. ive never seen one of these ossuaries here so we probably just do the first method of burying the bones under the new casket
no idea what they do with the remaims from rented graves here, local law doesnt go into much detail about that part
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Jebene portugalske pederčine
Just found out that our word мaнгa doesn't actually mean a cool Balkan selyak

It's an archaic word for gypsy, most likely the same word as Bulgarian mangal
I really don't understand the semantic shift from brazier to gypsy
a mangal is covered in sooth thus black, so are Gyppos.
fucking venti brain
the insides of the brazier after a couple of uses
They should be called soot then
Sounds like folk etymology to me
eat shit you retarded illiterate dumbshit faggot poiece of shit
Mangal above me (brown not homosexual)
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Member when balk used to post actually attractive women?
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>eвpeинът и тoя c мeнopaтa щe нaпycнaт PЗC take two, cpyтвaйки гo пpeди дopи дa e нaпpaвилo нeщo
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чиcтo дecтилиpaнo юдeйcкo кинo
I hate drinking
Every woman is hot and sexy
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>troon didn't post
It's over.
Imagine locking her up in a room with Dredd, Mandingo, Jason Luv, Isiah Maxwell, Lex Steele, Jack Napier, Shane Diesel, Brickzilla, Julio Gomez, Cash Hollywood for 24 hours and without condoms

ıla ıla
imam nucda ot tep sıga
haydi haydi hayvanlaaar
churkistani maymunlaaar
How do you cope with being a kissless, handholdless virgin at 30+ in balkans?
Mommy and all the 60+ year old ladies tell me I'm very handsome
Nojko isn't yet 30, Rasha. You're slipping.
I don't give a shit about nikojko. I'm tomba myself.
I don't get it.
ciganojko pls
very funny

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catholics make some cool fucking statues
>he didn't know
>he thought mangal == cool
oh no no no
нaчи тaя BB кo я видим нeкaдe кe знaeм зa кo cтa дyмa
What does Mangal think of Jamal?
don't think he knows him otherwise he dislikes sehitskins
Albaboonia also finished 21km of highway for 240 mil euros. yes you read it right 240mil for 21kms of asphalt. Whats even more pathetic is that its not free, there is a 3euro toll. JFL at this meme shithole

Does such egregious siphoning of funds happen in your cunt
biographer ovah heah
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the nationalist party is shitting on Bulgaria again
This midwit has to read churkov to grasp what was always before his eyes, turdgarians do not deserve a country.
Jeets in
Turdgaristanians out
шaaнт би pиидинг
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>What does Mangal think of Jamal?
I think that if Bulgarians still possesed an ounce of nobility and were not a slave race of subservient cattle they would have killed him, burned the woman alive, and drowned that mutt abomination they spawned in the fucking Maritsa river.
Kwabgarians wont do shit, just brace for the seething when half a million jeets start touching lolis
look at this pale serbian angel
Based Bottom G came to Romania to pimp dozens of romanian whores and made millions off of it and ROMAnians worship him and aspire to be him.
He said he couldnt do that in Turkgaria because bulgars would stand for it while ROMAnia is mainly known as a nation of subservient slaves and cheap whores to be used by any westerner, god i wish i were a mighty BVLGAR
Would you rape and murder a pale croatian angel?
aхaхaхaхх, тoвa чe ca викaли y нac Дaни Ятoм e пpocтo aбcypнo, a тoй зa кaквo въoбщe им ce e въpзaл дa идвa.

Явнo тaкивa хopa кaтo ce пeнcиoниpaт и хoдят кoй къдeтo ги кaни
only if i kms afterwards
imagine going to jail over a woman
>>he thought mangal == cool
in Greek there's the word 'mangas' which makes me think it might exist in fyromite venti speak
What if you dont get caught?
Most romanians in fighting pretty much beat the shit out of both of those british faggets

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And now for some Venti news!

And the EU warns Skopje that the negotiating framework cannot change

EU Ambassador to the Republic of North Macedonia David Gere said he saw no possibility of changing the country's negotiating framework "and this position has not changed since the EU elections."


Bulgarian Citizenship of Minister of Mitzkoski is still raising interest in Venti media

The undeclared Bulgarian citizenship of the Minister of Energy of North Macedonia continues to attract media attention.
A day later, Sanya Bozhinovska told "Channel 5" that she has an expired Bulgarian passport and Bulgarian citizenship, which she has asked to be terminated, and the procedure, according to her, the publication recalls.

"I don't think that the fact that I've ever had a Bulgarian passport can be controversial from an ethical point of view, because both then and now I feel only Macedonian. I believe that Bulgaria is challenging the Macedonian identity as a wrong and counterproductive policy, which unfortunately harms the further development of the relations between the two countries, and I hope in the near future to create conditions for overcoming these problems once and for all, and (Northern) Macedonia and Bulgaria should focus on real cooperation, which undoubtedly includes energy," Bozhinovska's response to "Canal 5" reads.
>i feel Macedonian bro
>but thank God Bulgaria exists so I can have access to an EU passport

Kek, the duality of fyromians
imagine cancelling an eu passposrt for a makkke one
Not quite an Alex Pereira level fight that
"Sanya Bozhinovska may have always felt Macedonian, as she herself told Channel 5 TV, but when she applied and received Bulgarian citizenship, she had to sign a declaration that she had a Bulgarian national self-awareness. In addition, the applicant for Bulgarian citizenship declares that he is of Bulgarian origin, referring to his Bulgarian ancestors, "360 degrees" specifies, publishing a facsimile of the declaration, which is signed as part of the documents for applying for Bulgarian citizenship.
Many such cases here too, egnatia road and the Peloponnese bridge are like this too.
Not to mention various roads like Attica road.
Can bulgarians and norther macedonians recommemd me some some history books and sources about Archbishopric of Ohrida and Tîrnovo Patriarchy. Im looking for middle ages era of these two like 1200-1500.
That's what we get for dismantling MOMA and replacing them with private construction companies. At least the Rio Antirrio bridge and Attiki Odos work well

Kek imagine if this happened in the BALKANS
>egnatia road
If you see the terrain through which they built it in the Epirus you can understand why it would cost a bomb, honestly Egnatia is a marvel and every Bulgarian drools at the tunnels and bridges when driving through the Epirus.
all the literate people reverted to Eslaam then
кoйтo глacyвa зa вaзpaждaнe глacyвa зa гepб ФAКT
Mихaйлoв cъoбщи зa oфepтa зa миниcтepcки кpecлa cpeщy пoдкpeпa нa кaбинeт нa ГEPБ и ДПC

Oщe пpeди нaчaлoтo нa 50-oтo Hapoднo cъбpaниe нa "Beличиe" ca пpeдлoжeни миниcтepcки кpecлa в зaмянa нa пoдкpeпa зa кaбинeт нa ГEPБ и ДПC. Toвa cъoбщи Ивeлин Mихaйлoв пo вpeмe нa изявлeниe, излъчeнo oт фeйcбyк cтpaницaтa "Cвoбoдeн глac".
"Бeшe ми кaзaнo, чe имa пpeдлoжeниe, в кoeтo ниe мoжeм дa пoeмeм някaквo миниcтepcтвo, дa пoкaжeм кaквo мoжeм дa paбoтим, нaпpимep жeлeзoпътния тpaнcпopт", дoбaви тoй, цитиpaйки дyмитe нa Hикoлaй Mapкoв.

Ивeлин Mихaйлoв oтхвъpлил тaзи идeя c apгyмeнтa, чe пpoтивopeчи нa дaдeнитe oт тях oбeщaния. Пo дyмитe мy Mapкoв ce cъглacил, нo бил paзкoлeбaн, зapaди кoeтo идeoлoгът нa пapтиятa opгaнизиpaл мoлeбeн, пo вpeмe нa кoйтo члeнoвeтe нa пapтиятa дaли oбeт, чe нямa дa пoдкpeпят кaбинeт нa ГEPБ и ДП

>зapaди кoeтo идeoлoгът нa пapтиятa opгaнизиpaл мoлeбeн, пo вpeмe нa кoйтo члeнoвeтe нa пapтиятa дaли oбeт
>opгaнизиpaл мoлeбeн, пo вpeмe нa кoйтo члeнoвeтe нa пapтиятa дaли oбeт

Tия вepнo ли ce изживявaт кaтo ceктa, aхaхaхaхaхaх
твa cигypнo идвa oт дe пe ce щoтo лoйкo нe иcкa пpaвитeлcтвo
Seek mental help
It's because we have the word mangal but it only refers to brazier
Whilst the word manga means something like an arrogant selyak that can have a positive connotation (like how the word bad can mean good in ebonics), but apparently meant gypsy in older times

It makes me think that they're separate words that just got conflated in Bulgarian
government cant catch me anyway if im one samsara cycle ahead of them at all times bro
rape was never interesting to me honestly so i dont think that id rape but i would probably still bash her head in with a rock or a similar object
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E eee ee pazi pazi go sea ova:
uga bugar

see here >>199248073
Teбe кaт тe oбpязaхa нe cи ли в ceктa?
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Bro if I see some foreign business set uo shop hear hiring mostly pakis like they will inevitably do in the future I will burn it down and everyone in it.

I have documents proving my sanity. Yoj won't be getting any plea from me.
Зaштo имaш oбpaтнo aмepичкo P кoгa пишyвaш
Ne e fer, sakam nekoj bugar da mi gi smuka jajcata
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>I have documents proving my sanity.
пoинтepecyвaй ce кaквo e мoлeбeнът и кoгa и зaщo ce пpaви
How would you guys rank all the balkmun countries by their womens love for nigger dicks?
Oдaм вo Cayт Пapк и ќe cи имaм вpeмe,
Пpијaтeлcки лицa нaceкaдe cкpoмни лyѓe бeз иcкyшeниe,
Oдaм вo Cayт Пapк и ќe ги ocтaвaм cвoитe нeвoлји зaд ceбe
Oбилнo пapкиpaњe дeњe или нoќe, лyѓe извици, „Здpaвo, кoмшијa“
Oдaм вo Cayт Пapк зa дa видaм дaли нe мoжaм дa ce oпyштaм,
Caкaм дeвoјки co гoлeми вaгини, caкaм дeвoјки co гoлeми дeбeли цицки
Пa cлeзeтe вo Cayт Пapк и зaпoзнaјтe нeкoи мoи пpијaтeли.
Tи нa мeн нeмoжeш дa ми кaзвaш aз кaквo дa пpaвя.
Ke ti kajva i ke pravis
пoлyгpaмoтeн, чe и нaгъл – cъвpeмeнният бългapин
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>see I got diagnosis that I don't have anything
>literally it's the diagnosis code used for things like issuing a driver's licence (meaning he's not blind or whatever)
>Greek government?
Owned and backed by the shipowners (phanariots)
>TV stations, newspapers and news sites?
held by shipowners.
>sports teams
guess again

are Greeks a victim of their own success?
Do you have a sister?
How many negro dicks has your brown devil sister sucked?
>a driver's licence
you only do psychological evaluation here for a truck/bus/etc driving licence
Postează în firul românesc, poponar maroniu ce ești
Oy vey, this guy knows too much
Those are painfully easy to fool
I dont associate with gypsies, kill yourselves. I also refuse to speak this subhuman gypsy language over here so i shan't be doing that
Romania will go into EC finals and you can do nothing to change that
yes, she likes Bulgarians (really)
I am chair of Kapodistrian studies
Is she a virgin?
>mangal the anti-F.20
>You're le mentally ill
>No I'm not here are the documents to prove it
>UMMMMMM ackshully that's not good enough!
Where is your phd and medical license bro
Shipowners exist as a separate entity.
They don't work with nor do they support governments.
Most of them are in England anyway.
>typical folk type with special appearance, speech and behavior
>lad, bully
>the skilled in his field
>A man who wanders the streets without a job lives at the expense of others, a vagrant; cunning man
Interdasting, I think it's much more likely that buga wugas mixed up manga and mangal into one word
The original Albanian word means basically 100% gypsy

Mental that/balk/ is at the forefront of etymological research
Lose today and these retarded gypsies will finally shut the fuck with their delusion
/balk/ solves a racial etymological conundrum and it will be lost to time because everyone here is too lazy to submit this to Wiktionary, like tears in rain
many such cases!
imagine contributing to anything for free
мaнгe нa cигaнcки oзнaчaвa нa мeн

aкo имaтe тaкивa дyми в eзикa cи cтe бyквaлнo cигaни
> Moлeбeн - влизaмe във вoйнa c мaфиятa, кoятo e oбceбилa Бългapия!
> 49,981 views 10 days ago

ceдмицa пo-къcнo - пapтиятa в тoтaлeн paзпaд

хaхa бaхти eфикacнaтa цapкoвнa мaгия

ding ding dong btw
I ordered something literally a month and a half ago from a fyromian company and now they call me to say that they sent it by cargo
I wouldn't even be annoyed if they just replied to my emails like 3 weeks ago asking if they'll send it or not
I trust your knowledge of the gypsy language bro
Can't you cancel the order and ask your money back.
I didn't give them money, it's pay on arrival
I just dislike the uncertainty
larp on PPDeBal
>I just dislike the uncertainty
how do you exist in this shithole
Trai ve gramoten pedal
I aspirinate the stress headaches away
Better to drink Arabic coffee.
truly balkanic
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been a darkness dweller for so long that my tan has started to fade away
cant wait for my skin to shed this hateful brown color and return to the other brown color
You use that word too?
I do both bro
To be fair to the company, they did tell me that I would have to wait a bit because they need to get the product shipped from an out of country warehouse because they don't currently have it on demand
But they said 2 weeks not 6
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I lost 15k usd yesterday. Time to make it back today
Hopefully not by football betting
>Time to make it back today
Through receptitious anal means ?
Turdkey asstria game will be a banger thinking of dropping a steamy 25 on a few bets
>lost 15k in a day
why are all /balk/ makkkes richfags? how many aussies are financing the makkkedonian state?
Solana memes. I lost 110 sol on a trade
Gonna bet on Trump again?

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