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Urbex edition

Old >>199219173
I suffer
why are there so many africans/blacks in Tirana all of a sudden
They're Albanian like ishowspeed
I tried to warn you but you didn't listen.
Your country is a TikTok trend and now niggers want your women
American Humilliation Ritual.
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Good morning bulgarian baby
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good "morning", red white and blue bikini baby
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I made new tattoo you like it?
my favorite poster is here

it's larp
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Aaaaverage granny
Now let's post something worthy
wow she's extra sexo
Rape her until she cries and begs me to not cum anymore inside her
Rape her until she cries and begs me to cum inside her
I need a slavic mommy
realistically how long can you keep up you wont even be shooting cum after the 2nd time
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Just like that the thread is filled with subhumans whose lives are worth less than cow manure

I could you claim to suffer in russia?
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No, you can't
bayeyst yend yeligant
What commands a person from the West to wake up one morning and say "I want to go to Skopje to the mall and eat plaset"
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I don't know why I typed I but it was how
how could you claim to suffer in russia
Pleas more Bulgarian amateur streat prostitute poor baby
Steroids and sperm production pills months in advance. With ng/dL levels thousands above normal levels, this will ensure that I will be horny for days on end, that I will have a virtually endless amount of cum in reserve, that I will be able to cum so much that it overflows out of her womb and vagina, and that I will have the excess strength to pin her down into submission and pound into her swollen womb at full force for an extremely extended period.
35:33 when Serbs talk about Macedonia its love, when Bulgars talk about Macedonia its only hate

That's right bulgarian baby. Based and elegant
how neutered are you fags
This. I don't really get it, I can coom around 10 times solidly, after that I'll need to take a rest to replenish with food.
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imagine the smell
Thread IQ is 83 today, raised by 20 points due to this post
why are you albanian?
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why does this mentally ill subhuman returned? why not ikiwealth? or anyone else that isn't retarded and hasn't posted in a while
Oh no the tattoo queen is angry
iki said his mental disease has been prayed away
he's an alpha chad again
Go and shoot up bro >>199258465
Tы пpocтo зaвидyeшь мoeй бaзиpoвaннocти, гoвнo.
SOVLful video just for you.
5L rakija for €15
It finna be so over
ugh, time to cook
he's still posting outside of here thoughbeit
ikilad can't handle the bants

>5L of adjustment water
Looks like starlight post-bogging
Bro you are 1.62
sounds like a lot of work
Worked out today

This is how i look like when i dont flex
This is when i flex
>implying manlets can't rape women
So i workout from home using my body as weight
manlets are pretty rapeable
I really fucking hate fyrom. All your posters are low iq and deranged.
^ Fat incel jealous of Sashko's progress
What is low iq in self improvement

I used to look like this
Wholesome chonker
Look i understand you were bullied in school and you see improvement of me after all the gaslightning you have done towards me didnt work

But i didnt bully you so why do you hate me

You should defninetly see a psychologist or contemplate your future

If you go to psychologist i dont think it will work and if youre one of the few bulgarians obsessed about politics i think you may have psychopatic and sociopathic issues

The cure for that is to be praised and i hope you understand me as a god and having a part bulgarian ancestry i am actually a winner and you should look up to me and feel better that a part bulgarian is a winner
I meant to quote this guy>>199261113
And this guy is alright but still being slimfat isnt that good nor its bad
You should be grateful. Black dick is expensive.
>You should defninetly see a psychologist or contemplate your future
Follow your advice, shizo.
I actually am visting a psychiatrist and i have anxiety
>i have anxiety
Water you afraid of?
Its not fear

Its acually axiety about the future and stuff and a bit of small bit of bipolar
everyone avoiding the f20.0 psycho
What is the issue of you towards me and everyone else dude

Go back to /pol/
filters exist
I hate rakija and old farts who make you drink it.
Well yeah but the bulgarian is actually a psycho manipulative sociopath obsessed about politics

On a freaking imageboard about culture
you WILL drink the adjustment juice and you WILL like it
So anyway this friday i worked on a concert in bitola

And partied and visited the centar of the city
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black is king
So anyway here is a pic of me from the square in bitola
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Only person I have seen with A10 eyes is a bulgarian girl(pic related)
she looks like she sucks dicks
looks fake
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I thought so too but she is real https://www.instagram.com/anz.hell.a/
this >>199263710 needs to happen to her
тaя кoжa пpocтo нe e ecтecтвeнa, или якo филтpи или якo гpим, тaкa чe мoжe и oчитe дa нe ca
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Looks pretty real to me Hasan
Too bad she aint got no tits
bro every picture looks different from the next and the eye structure still looks bizarre
нa пpeдишнaтa cнимкa вeждитe ca изкycтвeни, кoжaтa e кaтo нa плacтмacoвa кyклa, кьopaв ли cи?
imagine strangling her until she went purple
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Her eyes are real I believe Idc about the makeup they all wear fake whore makeup however she does post feminist anti men low iq garbage on her stories all the time
>gladiator 2
fucking hell
Excellent taste
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Tnx this is the other goddess I found
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>There are people rawdogging girls like this while I have to settle for 4/10's or masturbate
truly ogre
nose bridge too low, can't have that in the kids
Do you guys really need a monument to saso makedonski in every city
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Yeah I truly envy the faggot that sleeps with this women
This video makes me sad, idk what happened to the Western world and situations like this were allowed to happen.
People should live in dignity
Lots of them are single because nobody hits on them lol
simping aint easy...
they're not all sashko statues
they just put whoever the guy is on a horse
they have one of todor alexandrov on a horse as well
I only do it in private and never pay
>Lots of them are single because nobody hits on them lol
lol old time cope even the ugliest landwhale gets at least 10 dm's a day bitches like this one get probably a hundred of offers to fly over a different country into someone's yacht on IG and other social medias
Bitola statue is Ace Makedonski's dad Ficho
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her sister also seems to have blue eyes but she seems more boring tho Idk why
it's the face, generic bog look
it's filtered to hell it might as well be generated
can't get a read on the person
black dicks*
It's OVER for Cyprus
I'd post that pic with a twitter whore saying all dicks are yummy and complaining that incels always have to make it about race but I can't find it since I didn't rename it
and why would you bother us with forced female egalitarianism here?
>forced female egalitarianism
no idea what this incelspeak means
Are those refugees or cypriots
They never explain why there's all these tunnels underneath las vegas. I swear there's tunnels under every big us city
All refos probably
it's when foids try to make everything into a good thing so as not to hurt anyone's feeling. obviously they will immediately fold on their principles the nanosecond push comes to shove so someone else will be expected to enforce this newfound order
no idea what that has to do with sucking dick
you hetfags are just triggered snowflakes
obviously I shan't be talking about dicks but it would be an absurd thing for me to say that all women are a good lay. At least when men do this they're doing it to work a specific woman, but foids just say this sort of shit pathologically for any given audience, and can't live up to it either. how many marriages have been destroyed because wives deluded their retard husbands with this garbage?
again, what does your incelrant have to do with incels being obsessed with the color of dicks
this isn't about skill or size or magic penises that make women cum in 2e-10 seconds despite penetration based orgasms being rarer than clitoral ones
it's about fags getting triggered by the color of dicks
you can't find a since piece of porn that isn't flooded with blackedfags racial degradationists the moment the guy is a shade darker than pink
it's lame
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got a second cat living with me for 2 weeks and I have to babysit two retard cats who just stare at each other then start meowing and I have to get off my chair and go see whether they killed each other or not
Pics bro
Just feed them canned cat meat and once they're full they'll be too bored to challenge each other
nothing, I was just seething at the foid retardation that you mentioned
but since you want to make it about incels, the whole point of porn is the taboo, and the more easily accessible one will be the most mainstream. banal whores sexposting online don't get to pretend they're above the taboo.
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Porn is evil.
We should ban porn.
I can explain but why do you care
would be a lot easier if you stopped trying to make it gay, sisterhaver
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Quitting porn is gay, albo?
the point of porn is sex
nothing more irritating than obsessed losers making everything about their fetish no matter the context since it poisons the well for others

what does any of those things have to do with porn
I'd rather be on porn than a simp
only insofar as sex is the taboo, which in a promiscuous pornmaxxed society it stops being very early in development
you're in the belly of the beast whining about beastliness
Ding Ding Dong Suck My Schlong

> Бpюкceл paзpeши внoc нa ГM цapeвици кaтo фypaж зa живoтни
> Eвpoпeйcкият opгaн зa бeзoпacнocт нa хpaнитe (EFSA) издaдe пoлoжитeлнa нayчнa oцeнкa, в кoятo ce зaключaвa, чe тaзи гeнeтичнo мoдифициpaнa цapeвицa e тoлкoвa бeзoпacнa, кoлкoтo и кoнвeнциoнaлнитe им aнaлoзи .
кoлкoтo и гe мe o вaкcинитe зa кoвит бяхa бeзoпacни
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too lazy to look for them
here are same cats 2 years ago
it can't take half your shit either
But you are a simp bro, you played a female game (genshin) with the hopes of getting a 'byzantine princess'
You you can't throw around names, as you see
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I'm whining about lame faggots with the most generic tastes possible not shutting the fuck up and ruining things for everyone else the moment their limited understanding of existence clashes with things they can't comprehend
>belly of the beast
blacked/bleachedfags are not the belly of anything, they're the most boring and entry-level type of fetish possible right behind anal and femdom
>sex is the taboo
how were you faggots raised, I was staring at playboy magazines at the corner shop on the way to school since 1st grade
Nikoi ne go interesuva
> Mъж ce yдaви в Coпoзoл, oпитвaл дa cпacи жeнa
> Google Translate c нoвa oпция, щe пpeвeждa и oт poмcки
>Фaлшиви нoвини: „Beличиe“ HE ca пoдкpeпяли Paя Haзapян зa пpeдceдaтeл нa пapлaмeнтa (CHИMКИ/BИДEO)
vutomir on suicide watch
the problem is your garbage is of no worth and no one cares if it's ruined, in fact some might even say that's a good thing
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you're such a normalnig albo-kun
Ne zamaraj s tiq eni4erskii ku4eta eeeee deeba maamu velichie vuzrajdane kvo mi dreme ti eba i skapanata selskoturska ko4ina ne me ebe ako shte si4ki da umrat utre dreme mi na uio
Go look, dog.
I love conspiracy theories
>using my body as weight
so like 20 kilos?
I want to get a byzantine princess I just go to astoria bro
stop buying so much into my jester act
You might be on to something until the point they'll learn you're albo and they'll run away xaxaxxa
You're not the loli posting albo bitch? Are you? You're a faggot one? You called the jew york albo a hetfag?
I'm glad you hit the nail on the head today sweaty
>sister has a great bf for many years
>suddenly says she has no feelings for him and breaks up with him even though both families met with one another and we expected them to get married
>now she is living alone, almost 30, barely can afford anything since she only makes 900 a month
>keeps asking me to buy her stuff because I make 2k+

why are women so fucking retarded? and how do I tell her no without making her sad?
Tell her to shut the fuck up and deal with the consequences of her actions.
Just make her cry. She needs to know her place.
just marry her
>almost 30
i cant fix her bro
you WILL support your sister until she finds another paypig

why are turkgarians so cartoonishly evil?
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>almost 30
>makes 900 a month
After days of reconnoitering ankle-spraining stony beaches and ball-shrinking freezing water I finally discovered the hiding place of the fish niggers.
Buy me stuff instead bro
Whats this about romanianons? Pls dont tell me its actually gypsy and not romanian.
I have no clue what its about but it makes my eyes well up anyway ;_;
How are you taking these underwater pics bro?
send sister to me. By GOD I will singlehandedly assimilate the albanians in my country by breeding them and then telling my children to prefer ethnic swiss each generation until all of the gjakova is bred out of them except for the nice olive skin. TRUE assimilation.
Im not even kidding I will do everthing by the book and make a woman out of her, full marriage/passport family approval (I will even practice my valle and shota to win over the senpai at the wedding).
Caveat being if she has botox ducklips or weighs above 50kg I will cast her off a cliff.
All-theater operations to resume tomorrow. We will clap Krasnoburyatsk’s ass when the time comes.
won't learn and if she does I'll be all the more exotic for it
I'm glad that you're glad
A great music dj and a producer is also supporting me for working on a concert in bitola i guess
If youre into house music check out his music
pathetic faggot
burglarians are less evolved than chimps

And i also dont want to be professional bodybuilder
looks better than sofia
thats literally how 99% of bulgarians are, lying through their teeth and will sell out their own mother for an espresso, the moment anybody shows any kind of virtue or ability the rest will band together to destroy that person even if it costs them their lives, this is the nature of the turdgarianimals, the good news is that its going extinct very fast and by the looks of it nobody will miss it
Now some more incelcore.
lol you get 0 bitches. and on the exorbitantly slim, statistically insignificant chance that you do, they're american whores. bahahahahahaha. How's the continent sized pussy prison treating you, pleb?
Watch this

This is why i've cheated on all my gfs with my femboy fwb. Holes are NPCs
that game was essential timmycore lmao
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Experiencing a special kind of hell right now. People yell talking on the balcony for over three hours, blasting music, it started raining and storming so I guess they decided to be even louder than that, and really besides my best two options I can't do much but since I am living here at the moment and I am guessing they are just renting a room short term, they don't give a shit that they are disturbing everybody.

My options are to burn the building down this killing them, but inconvenient for me too, or just screaming into the void until they are bothered. I don't have a loud enough speaker to play anything else.
Buy noise canceling earbuds immediately
>the only white looking nreek got a boner from the troon
Kek, can't make this shit up.
he looks like a turkmen sultan that used to rape your women

ye it was pretty lame, endings was boring too
at least the designs were cute
Brother, you will NOT find whiteς of any kind in Omonoia. Well if you do they're probably dead.
I'm surprised how people are even up to fuck a tranny, this world is full of fags
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>le just wear headphones to bed so the neighbors can scream on the balcony meme
obviously just an excuse to have a public troonout
He cute tho.
Get earplugs bro
They've saved me from maymun histrionics countless times
I'm not gonna lie, he passes and that's why he's good on fooling people. Makeup does wonders (and also a proof of how women trick us with it)
You should play seeds of chaos if you havent

- Cuckoldry/NTR (Cheating)
- Femdom
- Group Sex
- Gay & Lesbian
- Impregnation
- Sexual Violence
- Dubious Consent
- Suicide
old news and boring
unless it got updates, but I doubt that
They don't work bro. You think they work because the noise doesn't actually bother you because you have one working brain cell. If you had more than one you'd know that sounds are physical vibrations that can be felt even if you plug your ears. Headphones people wear don't block out sound they block out your eardrums from exploding if you work with machinery.
>Let me tell you how the sky is green bro, only low IQ disagree
Just realized that Tatars are the platonic ideal of a histrionic woman

When you solve their problem, they get mad at you for taking away their cause to bitch at the world
i pray for your penis bro
>When you solve their problem
name one case where this has happened
I don't listen to orders from women
Does the police do anything in these situations in Bg?
why is nojkovism so cringe and unfunny bros
>another coomer makke
That's entry level btw.
That's just the average balkmoon.
Appeal to social approval
Classic female behavior
it's attention whoring but in the lamest way possible
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okay bros i have 3 job offers right now, help me pick
1)bob the builder
>work as site clearing in construction
>get to use chainsaws and shit
>work outside in comfy 40 degrees
>legally the second best pay, illegally the best
>dont have to move from my shithole to another shithole, i just get picked up by truck and get driven to the site
>have to work with bosnians, nepalese and similar lesser races

2)walmart wagie
>work as cashier
>worst pay
>have to move from my shithole to another shithole
>already have 2 friends working in said shithole+ive already worked in the shithole so i know the place
>need to buy my own food but apartment is taken care of
>least physically demanding job but most mentally draining
>have to work with passive agressive roasties that have been described as extremely rude in the google reviews

3)turkish engineer
>work in fast food shop owned by some muslim woman
>best pay but she will probably jew me at least a little and take some jizya off my pay
>have to move to a much shittier shithole
>food and apartment are taken care of
>have to work with women(probably passive agressive) and drunk customers
>ive already worked in fast food so ill probably adapt very quickly
>said fast food gets very crowded due to its location
>work 9 hours per day minimum
i can probably find a job in a restaurant too but id like a change of scenery for a bit, washing dishes gets boring
bob the builder
Insane to me that there are human beans that work such jobs
If you're tall you should pick number 3 and plap the muslima.
deranged creature
im still not sure how much that shit pays exactly but id be working for a family friend so im probably not getting jewed, family also wants me to take that option
there is a massive chance im getting jewed there and the place is such a catastrophic inbred shithole that they have multiple primary school classes just for special ed children
I picked it because it has the most prospects for advancement and is also the most productive
The muttmerican is right though, construction teaches the most useful skillset.
its just a summer job but you do make a valid point, im probably picking that one then just for the skillset+money
i know for a fact that the fucker that owns the company would also let me work during the entire year if i asked him which would be useful as im finishing uni next year anyway
These minecraft challenges are getting esoteric.
Me too play in minecraft мaкeдoнcкий бeбий.
exyu needs you russian baby, go back
ok as you wish hrvatksa beba.

de izbqga negovo velichie spammera koito vsekidnevno im lije6e zadnika na teq?
Bumping for Xpozed
technically you can't play loud music after like 2200 or something, so yes if you call they should come check and tell them to shut the fuck up
tho idk if it's consideree an "emergency" for the 112 number, you might wanna call the local police station instead, and they might not care. idk i'm only guessing
In Macedonia policeman will come after a 1-2 hour delay and then ask you why you're bothered by the noise. You're the one at fault because you're making them work.
I have awoken
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hrvatksa beba do you have elegeant based grandma i want to drink her piss and she elegantly queef on my face
Disregard the flag.

If there is any creature on this earth more soulless than a slav woman I have not witnessed it.
All women are soulless vile creatures that need to be exterminated, Women are worse than niggers
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It is my experience that slav women are determined to win this competition of cruelty.
Seemingly they are born into it and then spend their developing years molding themselves into temples of hatred and cruelty either by cultural tradition or pure instinct, I can't say.
You don't seem to have much experience with asian women.
That ass needs to be enveloping my face right now
So follow up on the reketeering story

My friend lost his temper becauae he drove drunk after the club and police found him drunk on the wheel

And didnt go to greece with his 19/20year old friends for the weekend because he had to pay 200 euro fine
And the crazy little shit tried to get 200k out of anger from me and threaten that i will be beaten like ilija tozija who got 12stiches on his head
I mean the young asshole douchebag

He got caught drunk driving after the night club and had to pay 200 euros fine

While skopje is a small city i bet he got connections with the cops not to pay the ticket and still asked for 200k euros out of me

What a douchebag
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