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Here’s my breakfast, it’s not much but it’s enough to keep me fed for a few hours
Блядь этo чe cpyкбoл чe y нeгo c кpышкoй гдe зaтвop кaкaя-тo oнa нe тaкaя
Were you drafted? If so, I'm sorry.

If you signed up, kill yourself.
kill globohomo for us Pjotr
И чe этo зa бepцы eбaныe юнapмeйcкиe тeбe cкoлькo лeт cынoк
Keep up the good fight Ivan. Some Americans are rooting for you.
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Did you eat your brownie already?
oh my democracy... how could you...
I was forcefully drafted, currently we sit in the woods for a second day

Hopмaльнaя кpышкa, чтo нe тaк?

Cиpийcкaя фopмa, кoлхoзник.
>If you signed up, kill yourself.
you said virtually the same thing twice
Have you killed?
it's wild that there are people who have posted here who are getting mulched in human wave attacks and by fpv drones while people laught at their deaths in videos edited like its 2009 runescape
you will now get doxxed and have a drone delivery
> I was forcefully drafted
I hope you aren’t harmed, and also do not harm any Ukrainians.
Die nigger.
>South Americans are rooting for you.
looks comfy нaх
Wishing you good luck against the nazi menace, Z!
>I was forcefully drafted
sorry to hear that
I saw a Ukrainian posting his own MRE pastry a while ago >>198939254

Who's pastry looks tastier?
longest 3 day special military operation ever
why don't you just shoot your superiors and run over to the ukies? this is my power fantasy if I was a drafted Ivan
Holy shit, if I was in your position, I would be scared shitless. More than enough videos on 4chan showing the war.
You know that 3 day thing was actually said by the US not Russia
>sit around
>get maimed by a drone
>an hero
Leave some for your waifu
Leave some for your twinkfu
It’s a simple pirozhok with cherry, nothing special. The ruluets we have are way superior. We also have some veggies
except Russian state media stated it would take 3 days
Post feet
Yeah, what a disgraceful disinformation. We never said anything about three days. It was two weeks
But also, i remember russian propaganda those days, it was three days, one day, until March 8, "we will just move our brow and Ukraine be on its knees" etc.
>I was forcefully drafted, currently we sit in the woods for a second day
That's awful, I hope you get through it safe.
Thank-you OP!
Stay safe; don't let the drones spot you.
Godspeed anon.
Here’s your feet perv
wtf is that webm, why is he just standing there?
Where are you currently at?
Not asking for specifics tho
And here I sit, from the comfort of my home complaining about heat, bills and things in general.
Return home alive, soldier.
Russians bow to Romanians
stay safe
>Return home alive, soldier.
Well it isn't like he had a choice or an option because he sure as hell will not get much help from the Russian military on that front.
You can't do this if you are a human being
I just want to say I didn't see the .webm Romanian anon posted 14 seconds before I did while I was writing my own post.

I'm not alluding to gore, but instead how drones and artillery from what I've heard from a Volunteer, what usually killed most of his friends.
Curious, favorite jrpg?
Sharpshooting those hohols.
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no more brother wars...

all my /int/ frens please come home safe...
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I hope one day all Slavs will be able to share them in peace
OP, blast some chechen niggers if you can, you'd help both sides
>I was forcefully drafted,
Bro, all you had to do is just stay home and don't go to voenkomat, if you die our genepool becomes better.
i want to eat it, but i also want to put my dick in it
wat do
Why would FSB relocate their resources to monitor /int/? Fuck off schzio
Conscription is evil.
Come back alive
Nice kalash
Why don't draftees just act crazy? Like shart and peepee your pants and don't shower.
Eat it and after you shit it out, out your dick on it. German solutions for German problems.
>Eat it and after you shit it out, out your dick on it
/int/ saves the day yet again <3
Pretty sure they will be beaten to death
And not take part in grorious 2 week military operation for grorious leader?
Because you didn't need even do that, at the moment. You received letter "please go to voenkonat and die for Putin". You could just throw that letter out and all they could've done to you - make you pay a fine of 25$. I'm not making this up.
So there is no "forcefully drafted", only clinically retarded or those who wanted to go anyway.
Feel terrible for ruskies that are forced to die on those drone videos for some edgy western retard's entertainment, its either that or get raped by the chechens
I heard people in Russia bribe doctors for medical exemptions to avoid military service. Are you poor or something?
So this is a win for russians as well
Nigger, they literally come to my house, even though I had бoльничный лиcт. They told me that I have only two options. I’m either go to the enlistment office or become a traitor and soon after that they would send me to jail for yклoнeниe. I literally didn’t have a chance you dumbfuck nigger

Some do, I just don’t care anymore
Russia lost lol
Didn't you guys passed a law that a long as the letter and the message through the app all Russians use is enough to get you drafted?
I'm really sorry to hear that
How old are you, do you have family, what were you doing before you got drafted, job or uni?
You should try to get the attention lf a drone alone and surrender, saw lots of videos where the russian gets spared if he lays down his weapon and follows the drone, you might have to fight for ukraine then though
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Based rusky
I wish I could fly there to blow up Amerimutts pretending they arent there
You can do this at your cunt
I’m 20, I was drinking beer and playing vidya daily, I was in pretty much a useless leech for my parents
You should unironically call the I Want to Live Hotline. It’s better than ending up on some 4K drone video getting your legs blown off to some shitty mumble rap song while people laugh at you dying.
He made his choice.
It's over
One less /int/ user
Yeah, well, there is no reports that anyone was forcefully drafted into active military actions after September 2022. And I don't mean official reports, i mean overall, no one said that they draft people into warzone. So it was easy for him, at the time.
Just don't open the door. I saw videos, those papers were distributed by a bunch of middle-aged women.
Jesus Christ you're as old as me, 2004 right? Get back home safe soldier and keep your eyes peeled.
yea this is a war crime
Is it true that the chechens do the drafting and that they will shoot at you at the border if you dare to escape? Is it true they're putin's lapdogs? Why fight for a country like that?
Nice rolade and a BBC sized cucumber.
You don't suffer.
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USA isn't doing an invasion by proxy
Unfortunately we have a heavily militarized government that is constantly deployed into zones under siege by a organized crime territory conflict so it's unlikely to happen any time soon
Anyone serving for the interests of the west is serving for the interests of the antichrist. Simple as that
It's so unreal kids are literally dying for this fucking bullshit

>kinda funny how russians are warcriming their own people
Its 100% chechens doing the warcrimes
You’re lucky enough if it were just middle aged women in your region, the people in my local voenkomat literally threat you with jail time
It's always kids who die in wars. Too young, so they don't really value their own life.
Damn ukraineniggas are stupid for exchanging men that surrender to them
Anyway I hope OP survives
Pretty strange how I can just talk directly to a Russian soldier when our countries are so against each other. Hope you dodge the American weaponry and surrender for your own sake
Why you don't go to the ukrainian frontline fight for them instead of making us waste our time here? i bet the russian here kill you without any effort.
How so? They want to get their own POWs back in exchange. Why should they give a shit about what the Russkis do to their own?
Why dont you
Would motivate poor bastards like OP better to side with ukrainians
Fucking hell man. If you find a way to get out of the military take it in a heartbeat. You deserve to live a full life.
Should have escaped to Georgia like the rest
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Oh so nothing of value was lost, thats kinda based
Who are you quoting? Russia could stop the war if they just went back to their country
Is it comfy
why are you pajeets so empathetic with russian lives? "I hope you won't be hurt", what a gay shit

Plus it was Wagner, not the RAF technically. The Ukrainians treat surrendered Russians just fine, of course they want more of them to lay down their arms and surrender.
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sir russia and india best friends superpower dynamic duo
Maybe because i'm not a schizo who spams gore, dead people and keep ruining threads 24/7, non-alignment is always the best option in a conflict.
OP is gone, F
Why doesnt russia just go back to their country?
Russians are Human just like all other people. I feel sorry for the Russian soldiers who were forcibly drafted, and the Ukrainian soldiers who are harmed in the course of protecting their country from invasion.
monke wont let them
are there even any banan left in ukraine?
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shutup saar
I find it strange these brown pipo go on and on about this and that when it's up to russia and could stop the war today if they wanted to
Send me your exact location. I'll message Lula to save you from this pathetic war, BRICS bro.
Based. Russian lived don't matter even to other Russians. This is why those gay europeans could never understood us.
Build for DPICM
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We are not BRICS
However we are OPEC+
he's afk
They really are taking all jobs huh
oh I read to send you yo this pathetic war
imagine if these two face each other on the field and they have hatesex
hey mate, does the military supply whores for the soldiers to visit?
tas me quotando pois quieres me dar
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Hoeflation has made this impossible. There is only nigga meat from east africa
Yes, it's OP
>got blown up in bakmut in a meat wave assault last year
Sounds legit, did the bits of his corpse tell you that story?
Do you ever think about surrendering to the Ukrainians? Not only would you escape the fighting but you would also escape the moral culpability of fighting for a dictator (Putin)
What do you think about sodomites?

Do you think dinosaurs were extinct by climate change?
he might get executed with a sledgehammer after a prisoner swap
I will never stop supporting Russia.
I’d better die than surrender. They would literally murder you in the most insane way if you surrender to them.

Idk, I used to fap to futunari doujinsi
Unless he has a second passport that'd be pretty retarded, you're not going to receive Ukranian citizenship for swapping sides any more than Americans who defected in Vietnam had any place to call home afterwards.
what is the sentiment in your platoon? do people have high moral?
Thanks. Here’s mine alongside with a gun of my comrade
Maybe he could agree to fight for the Ukrainians instead, they need people, and I think they will let you leave the army after you've given enough months of service

You mean the Ukrainians would? But if you said you don't want to kill them, and you don't mean any harm to them, and you're only on the front line because you were literally forced to be there, and you'd be willing to help Ukraine, then maybe they would welcome you.

Ukraine has a phone line for Russian servicemen who don't want to fight against Ukraine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Want_to_Live_(hotline)
Hope you get out of there unharmed and without harming anyone, shit situation
are you chubby?
Protip: If your squad hasn't introduced you to the barrack bunny yet, well... let's just say I hope you're a light sleeper.
Mostly yes, but some piss their pants

There were many cases that prove the opposite
Would you.... umm... post your dick? Men in uniform really turn me on.
i cut my finger making dinner earlier tonight
would something like that get me off the front lines?
Show us
How far away are you from the frontline(don’t dox yourself)?
Why are Brazilians so fucking gay?
Why aren't you?
>There were many cases that prove the opposite
They seem to allow peaceful surrender:
>We guarantee to prisoners of war
>Compliance with the Geneva Conventions on the Treatment of Prisoners of War

Surely it is in their interest to not harm Russians who give up fighting. Obviously they want to encourage as many Russians as possible to stop fighting against them.
>be known as a traitor on both sides
>defect and fight for the weaker side, which is having serious supply, manpower and morale issues
>at least you won't be fighting for a dictator, bro
Least delusional bong.
he was just delivering the tsar's mercy
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also boosted the morale of all the other serfs
The injured soldier indicates to shoot, this is a mercy killing.
can't mate. misso already wrapped it up in a bandaid
or maybe he was trembling from the pain and fear? We will never know. Its true that russians love dying though
Holy fuck nigga you still using bakerlite mags
Also what name of ammo did they give you?
You ask that on /int/?
Should have lead sprayed the officers as soon as they gave you a weapon
18 years of leaning math history science just to die in some bumfuck plain in Ukraine man war is terrible
If he fights for Putin there's a high chance of dying. Surely the least bad option in that situation is to join Ukraine. Also maybe he wouldn't have to fight for Ukraine, I just said that as an idea. Ukraine says that Russians who give up fighting could apply for asylum in Ukraine or other European countries:
>We guarantee to prisoners of war
>Possibility to apply for asylum in Ukraine or other European countries
Sounds comfy
Yeah bullshit. Who guarantees compliance? Who monitors compliance? The same people who fund Ukraine? They have no incentive to say what things are actually like on the ground, only paint fairytales as a tactic to convince retards to defect. Seems like it's so effective, even western populations believe in their own drivel.
They give you ammo in tin cans or pre loaded magazines?
What's worse is that most of the times the average Joe does not get a chance to kill who orders this and all of his family
You are a retarded autist
The majority of the line is static with none doing anything
Unless OP is in a motor rifle brigade he is fine stop trying to be a saviour fag
There is no guarantee, like for every other thing really. But in theory officers are charged with this. And if you want to defect there is the risk you happen to have in your unut some fanatical retard who will try to stop you or snitch on you
>the majority of the line
Is covered in craters, if it's static it does not mean there is no fighting
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Im just never fighting in any war
Simple as
if you can, frag your higher ups lol
Yeah and if he tries to defect there's an even higher chance of dying. I am convinced you are a western operative trying to get someone in grave danger.
>Ukraine says
Anything that Ukraine and Russia say in or about this war are lies. Don't believe anything until it is officially denied. The truth will come out after the war.
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>Anything that Ukraine and Russia say in or about this war are lies.
Firing off a minute of hate isn't fighting
It's just a different way of shouting at your neighbour
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>I’d better die than surrender.
You are afraid that you will be forced to thing or something?
They all come in cans
Like I said, surely it is in Ukraine's interest to not harm Russians who defect. If they can offer a genuine life-saving option then it would encourage more Russians to defect, which is in Ukraine's interests.

>The same people who fund Ukraine? They have no incentive to say what things are actually like on the ground
Western media does show the reality of this war. Unlike Putin's state media.

You are the idiot

Would you like it if you were forcefully drafted like OP? Forcefully sent to the front line to risk your life for the oligarchs of Moscow? There is a high chance he could lose limbs or die. Perhaps the only realistic way out of the situation is to defect to Ukraine.
>2004 was 20 years
Holy shit it felt like it was just yesterday I went the watch SpongeBob movie with my parents.
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youre talking to the FSB agents mate, they have a discord where they coordinate this shit
Nigger he surrenders he goes to the equivalent of jail as a pow
>Western media does show the reality of this war
If you want to get preferential treatment as a defector to Ukraine you better bring a vehicle or something equally valuable with you.
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OP is churka nigger cattle, i was in voenkomat only in sixteen and grab my papers, leaving that shithole building, never see any enlist shit in my entire life. yes it that simple. law obeying bitches lmao, just don't fucking interact in any means with goverment
Never ever call me a tsaaar again
I am just saying it's better to sit out your 6 months or whatever doing fuck all than as a prisoner
I was watching a video about soldiers refusing to engage in meatgrinder tactics, they called it "800" or something.
thank you for your fact checking friend, OP is clearly a paid nafo shill CIA niggertranny posting disinfo
slava Z!
yeah FSB niggas are already here deboonking another nigga thats gonna get pulverized
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>I’d better die than surrender. They would literally murder you in the most insane way if you surrender to them.
i doesn't even want to know what caused so much damage control here
Literally not me, dumbass. Also, fuck you, you're probably the most annoying person on the board, genuinely stop wasting your time and get an actual hobby. I'm not even pro-Z, I'm anti-bullshit spouted by fanatical drooling retards like yourself.

Good point. They monitor. Here's what their report
"Treatment of Prisoners of War and Hors de combat in the context of the armed attack by the Russian Federation against Ukraine" (24 February 2022 - 23 February 2023) says:
>Through documenting and cross-checking individual cases, OHCHR identified patterns of IHL and IHRL violations in relation to the treatment of POWs by the Russian Federation and Ukraine and Many of the documented violations amount to gross violations of IHRL, as well as to serious violations of IHL and thus may constitute war crimes.
So, like I said, no actual guarantees that Ukraine is fully compliant in treating their captives well.
Stay safe :( I hope the war won't drag on for much longer
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>thats not even m-ACK...
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>stop wasting your time and get an actual hobby
Good to know you are doing this because you get paid, Pidorovich
kek youll be dead by the end of the year
rip nigga
the gypsy is some kind of spambot
>Western media does show the reality of this war.
Holy shit
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wait a minute...
No it's just that every russian has to pay for a pass so they can VPN fag freely and easily
Just like THOUGH mexican he is just making /int/ a better place even if it's annoying
They are avoiding the draft by being employed like this while telling OP to snuff himself in case he gets wounded and giving bad advice to draft doger russians kek
lol what the hell
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Slav MREs alone qualify as a war crime.
they're in full panic mode on their discord rn. mass reporting my posts kek
Fuck, you’re just a kid. I wish you the best. Stay safe man. This’ll be over one day.
If that were actually the case, that would be better, instead he just plucks out random flags that once upon a time said something Z and tells everyone "that's you!". That's all that it requires, no actual proof needed. I don't know if he's actually schizo enough to believe it himself or if he's doing some psyop. Either way, seems like the only people that care are western flags, so in effect, he's really just good at patting himself on the back.
why do young russians and ukrainians have to die? people die some day. but young people dont have to die young.
>only people that care are western flags
>no timestamp
>200 posts itt
>the spanish VPN instantly abandoned the thread
Why are you copying that one crazy Finnish anon?
Russian and Ukrainian anons literally at war with each other.
NGL it's pretty wild that we have soldiers from both sides of the war shitposting on 4chan about breakfast, posting feet etc. at each other

Kinda makes me wonder what WW2 4chan would have been like
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Just captured this hohol, how should I execute him?
you should give him a kiss
when russo-jap war, we were drinking together on day-off
You're dumb fuck, were you sent to dig trenches or is this an yчeния?
Shelomov and jewlinsky dont think so
ur a twink
Give him a raspberry on his belly
people are powerless, but overlords who dont give a fuck about its people will perish. thats human history.
What he does takes effort
He is on the grind
Im hiring him to work for my glowie data center to track incels for execution
What have you done to be productive?
We treat russian PoWs much better than they do ours. Pretty much the worst thing that can happen to their PoWs is that they might get a few bruises from our angry guys at the line of contact
and you chose meatgrinder over few years of jail..
theres no meat grinder doe, russia will win in a few days. Maybe two weeks
Is it true that if a russian Asian looking nigga is kill on sight if they surrender since they always torture people
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you treat PoWs better than they treat themselves
but what future does a deserter of the Russian military realistically have? I doubt that Ukraine is going to give them citizenship and I doubt the Russian military sends them to the front with their passport so they can apply for asylum somewhere else, even if they could I wouldn't be surprised if the Russian government wouldn't just fuck with your family for deserting.

Grim world, I hope this ends soon.
>Asian looking nigga
average traditional white peepoos mindset?
Cowardly doesnt mean powerless, ive already settled it in my mind rha if i have to kill i will kill the right people that need to be killed and not some hapless faggot who has no idea whats going on
You must voluntarily sign a contract to participate in a war abroad.
Of course they're going to *say* that. Did you really feel like you got him with this?
At least the Russians don’t bomb or blow up planes with their own PoWs, lmao, shut up hoholina
> fighting wars in 2024 for muh country

Ah yes, the civilized white race
Never heard of that one before
>but what future does a deserter of the Russian military realistically have?
Depends from person to person. Some of the more conscientious types even join the RVC or LRF
What's that?
stop bitching faggot you are supposed to uphold the glory of the motherland or something
Funny how it was memoryholed after a few days, after your country failed to cough up even a single shred of evidence to support that claim
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Genuine question here. Why not just go to the jail?
Isn't that an irrelevent technicallity since russia annexed alot of the territories?
Jail has even more rape and AIDS.
Units of russian volunteers
You need to break FASTER
Пpиятнoгo aппeтитa!
Ho вce жe зaдaм вoпpocы:
Чтo y тeбя c aвтoмaтoм? Чтo этo зa мoдeль вooбщe?
Hacтpoйкa пpицeлa нa 0 (100 мeтpoв) этo нopмa?
Пoчeмy ничeгo нe пpикpyчeнo, нe фoнapик, нe пoдcтвoлкa, нe pyчкa, нe пpицeл? Я видeл, чтo y бoльшинcтвa cнизy ГП ecть.
Bы нa пepeдoвoй?
Yeah, that's what the idiots who were sent to siege Kiev apparently believed
Still seems preferable to just going to the war.
You might be surprised just how tribal Russians can be, especially those in the rural parts. Avoiding the draft or surrendering would shame the family which could potentially get alienated by their local community. I wouldn't be surprised if most drafted Russians are driven by guilt or just pure apathy about their fate
You're not a military expert mate, stop pretending
You made a lot of mistakes in the word incestous
You know the answer
How do I report this whiny faggot to his unit commander?
Sharing his units' position plus crying to foreigners about the draft ought to warrant at least 3 rounds of punitive assrape.
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Stay strong Ivan. Hope you get home in one piece.
>It’s funny how the Ukrainian government (once again) destroyed several dozen of its citizens
What a gloating hruk, but zrada in the hohlo-media was funny ngl
how's that any of your business
if op were real, then today might be his last day.
dont bitch at each other. he is just a helpless young int poster.
you are supposed to be hoping he dies as that would help pile up pressure on Russia to end the war
Singular cases at the beginning of the war, doe, no such thing now
No, the worst thing is the Belgorod border
I've never tried to be one, lol, I'm just interested.
I view this from a very sheltered view, but that is still being forced to fight but with a much more uncertain future and maybe more consequences for your family. If OP fights and doesn't die as a draftee he is there for his period of service and then gets to go home, if he joins an organization that the Russian government declares as a terrorist organization he is a soldier for life, no matter how long that may be.

Obviously I understand why you wouldn't give a fuck, you don't get to choose whether you or people you know get to fight or not either except the fighting is happening in your country.
are there atleast rotation between the different borders every few months, and how long do people need to serve
Is that your costum made Mosin?
Na, only if you really want to fight against Russia, then you can get thrown in the free Russian legion (or however they call themselves). If you surrender you just get send to a pow camp and have to work some easy work. You can even say that you don't want to get traded in an pow exchange, that way you won't get sent back to Russia and risk getting kicked into a prison for treason or just send back to the front.
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I prefer the original version
The "пиздeц" hits just right
>are there atleast rotation between the different borders every few months
I'm not sure what you meant, but while looking for stories, I heard that conscripts can spend several months building fortifications on the border
>how long do people need to serve
year necessarily, as always
>You can even say that you don't want to get traded
You are very naive if you think that they take into account the wishes of scarce trade material
It's sick how ziggers deny their own soldiers their sacrifice. A bunch of Russian aviation officers died and all you can do is make up lies.
At least he has a future....
If you see a drone, don't forget to wave to the camera for us.
war, this mutual slaughter of men, people will fling shit and call you a zigger and more, but i pray and hope for your safety, fellow traveller. i wish for the safety of all, though i know that's an impossible wish. remember, no matter what's been drilled into you, what uniform has been stamped upon you, inside you beats the heart of a human who bleeds red like everyone else. do not let them dehumanize you.
>have a list
>handed over the bodies
so this is the famous ukrainian brotherhood
culture of saving face
for russians it's better to lie even if both sides are well aware that it's a lie, because that's how their society always worked
Hey I just said that you can mention it, Ukrainians can always just ignore it. But at least they ask.
funny how you claimed it after pigruine killed 74 of it's own PoWs and denied it
He's an /int/friend like me. We probably have more in common than most people. I hope some churka gets killed in his place
Ukies have some numbers you can call, they'll give you a new name, etc.
>Russia shut down their own plane to kill captured cockholes
Lmao, Imagine there are '''people''' who unironically believe in this, poor trolling
trannies are really delusional, they also think they're women while being men it's insane
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Funny how Serbia always lives up to the stereotype
I sometimes imagine myself as a soldier. We succesfully invaded a country and there is nobody left to oppose us. I go from house to house and rape young girls in front their parents and then kill them all. I smash the skulls of babies and burn down schools and hospitals. Would you do shit like this if you come across a remote village where only women and elderly left? I get hard thinking about it
Fucking RUN! RUN the first chance you get!!
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Funny how Serbia always lives up to the stereotype
The Greeks were wrong to show mercy to you
it's dishonest to hold double standards like this
undoubtedly many men in the Russian army are not bad people but I still hope they die
What the hell is wrong with you
We showed them mercy. You got it wrong.
I sometimes imagine myself invading Greece too. It's fun
Thread reported to the SBU, geolocated the place. HIMARS incoming.
If you look at OP's brown hand in >>199213246 you can see he probably is a churka
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I geolocated him, here's his final seconds. Rip /int/bro
Wtf good luck anon
This is mind-boggling to me. You are literally white people, why can't you be more civilized than this?
>shitposting live from the frontline
Take that, Isaac Asimov
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You do realize there were pictures of the crash site because you absolute baboons never heard anything about opsec? Just because you claim the plane was filled with POWs doesn't magically makes it true.
i hope you make it back home safely
Teбя мoбилизoвaлиcь или пpизвaли нa cpoчнyю cлyжбy?
Honorary Russian
He will get killed by ukies or his own for taking a phone with internet connection which is used to locate strikes.
>uhh I can't oppose the government it's literally impossible!
How literally nothing changes in Muscovy since 700 years: The Post.
Something wrong with your bot? Flag switched and there's no Serbs in this thread. ???
I knew Turkey was full of roach niggers but damn. I will vote without remorse then if we have to nuke you
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Keep your fantasies to yourself next time, you fucking creep.
That's really sad. I hope you don't die
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whats unexplainable is the fact that they're courageous enough to run into landmines with scooters but cowardly enough to do pootins will
>Hohol PoWs never existed
Fucking kek, shut up already, retard
ITT: retards not realizing OP is a conscript and not a mobik.
doesnt matter, hes already dead anyway
Let's be real..every red blooded male has fantasized about it once...
Slavs are extremely stupid. I saw them time and time again on both sides wearing non fire retardant chink shit synthetics that act like napalm when on fire.
>it's ok to be forced to die for monke as long as it happens on yearly schedule
>just standing to take death
jesus christ
holy cow
>you don't realize, he's a conscript, not a conscript(russian)
Conscripts aren't sent to Ukraine. If there is a another mobilization wave after his year of conscription he could be sent there.
too bad that in russian law, current frontline territiories aren't considered to be ukraine kek
I don't know if it's "not looking back at explosion accepted your fate kind of cool" or "if i don't move maybe it will not see me type of severe mental retardation"
>Conscripts aren't sent
They did send conscripts to Afghanistan
>if law says so then they can't do it
lemaoh, rule-of-lawoid behavior, firstie nigga be thinking words on paper can stop anybody :joy: :joy: :joy:
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Bro didnt even try to shoot it down
He accepted his fate
tell me why this guy >>199212980
has been shitposting here for the last year despite being conscripted
Quintessential Turkiye post
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Took long enough for somebody to mention this
>there's no Serbs in this thread. ???
Yes there are, I was referring to this one right here: >>199218055
Op is a troll farming (you)s on naive retards
>This level of denial
Good luck brother. I hope you don't get to kill or be killed.
Go back to uni when you make it out.
Butthurt belter psychology is insane. It's not enough that hundreds of thousands of slavs are dying. They have to create imaginary contexts in their heads so they can mentally jerk off to some fiction of millions being killed.
>Fuck, you’re just a kid.
Why would any army draft old people stupid jeet
t. an actual troll trying to derail the thread
Mad how you learnt the term "butthurt belter" because some paid vatniks in St Petersburg made 4chan posts to convince you that Putin is "trad"

If they told you that sucking off Putin was "trad", you'd do it
Weren't they sending conscripts to fight there day 1 of the 2022 invasion since nobody but the top brass knew about the attack?
The sad thing is half the belters have more of a concern for the life of this individual than the Russophiles cheering him on. I hate Russians and support Ukraine but I would encourage the OP to save himself and get the fuck out of that situation anyways he could alive, his country clearly does not give a shit about him and does not deserve any patriotism.
Angloid mental illness on display. You see one word and get triggered and assume a whole host of memes. Nothing in my post suggested any positive about Putin (I personally find Putin to be a retard and le trad russia is a meme) or Russia in general. Note that I said 'slavs', which includes Ukrainians.
IIRC there were some conscripts from a logistics unit that got sent and then recalled.
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Yeah they sent them directly with the mechanized battalions, I even saved pictures of a few that got murdered on the first day

The fsb nigga on a VPN here is trying to memoryhole it doe
Man that makes me genuinely sad :(
>The fsb nigga on a VPN here is trying to memoryhole it doe
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mhm, funny I didnt even single you out but you felt called out
Dropping your copypasted FSB propaganda across all thread too
Coincidence though?
This Romanian has successfully made me cheer for Russia to win.
>tries a last ditch samefag to get his rubbles
The Romanian has convinced me Russians need to be saved from Russia. I encourage them all to take trips to Ecuador/Mexico and emigrate to America.
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The "Romanian" is probably a Ukrainian that fled from his country and feels guilty about it. He's trying to atone for it by spamming a bhutanese spear fishing board. I feel bad for him desu.
Dreamy people always get themselves in trouble, hurt, or worse because they're preoccupied with rosy fantasies.
Bet there are a few in Ukraine.
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I hope you make it

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