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catberg edition
Might go for an incel pint alone in the local with the match
Cats and cat owners are disgusting.
Was about to make a cat edish too
Nowt wrong with that lad. Enjoy
whats he up to
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our marie
in hell
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pole vault disney
nice jacket that
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love it when catberg suddenly get up like 'right that's me off' and then go sit somewhere else and stare at nothing for 45 minutes
yankland mogs this shithole into oblivion I reckon
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istg birds are the most annoying animals on the planet
mental how moreish the gay porn is
What type of animal thought up the skittles mcflurry
not super specific about WHAT they plan to change
not all change is good, is it
>Bolivia’s President Arce
it's not as quaint and everywhere is a ripoff
also most americans are deeply mentally ill
but yes it is a much richer country with much more going on
God protect him
Zesty, one might say
>time to go walk to the food bowl
>better do 2 minutes of stretching first
Time and place
incel blackpill ideology
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Got called ma'am on the phone again :|
unironically voting reform me

farage is right
camden morrisons 9pm tonight
Glasgow Central Station
Be there
eating roe and crab sushi
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too right mate, not a fan of parrots and like either aha
>farage is right
about what?
I'm spoiling my ballot going to write 'free Israel fuck hamas' on it
mumberg made stew
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So angry he cant even spell 'kick fuck out of you' fml
not a very summery dish that desu
unless it is a fish stew?
saffron walden, in the alley behind the oriental cottage. I'll be the one in the beige cargo shorts
cup of tea and a wank nap for me I think
Going up to all the goths hanging around outside Belfast city hall and asking if they’re Catholic or Protestant
martin mull was a woman?
Yorkshire tea is too strong for me
Over 5,000 /brit/ threads have been made since the start of November, 2023.
just make it weaker then
what 9000?
he was right about the EU
he was right about Brexit
He was right about the Tory betrayal of the promises of Brexit
He was right about the Banks
He was right about Reform

yeah mate because you're gonna need a fucking chinese after I've finished with you
because you'll be exhausted and hungry and upset
you see
fucking prick
not enough I say
would rather live in a nice english village instead of the gated community i live in now as i post this ngl
Not sure how to use the rest of my weekend
not very summery outside, is it?
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you reckon elvis ever got called smellvis to his face?
how do you think he'd react?
karate punch or just laugh it off?
I've ben here on and off since 2014 tehehe
bloody poofter
go on lad, have a gay porn goon sesh
you've earned it
what's he Actually planning on reforming then? he's the same posh neoliberal tory that are in government now
been doing solid type 4s recently want to keep it up. Just need to get back into a decent routine, would prefer a morning poo than the afternoon ones I'm having at the moment.
I've never seen a
most of the poos in my life have been type 3 or 4
nearest pub from me is miles away
state of it
had type 7 everyday for the last week
usually pump out type 4s and 5s me
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need to go montenegro
lucky bastard
inflammation and dioahrerrrea
>he was right about the EU
>he was right about Brexit
*Looks around*
155000 posts
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Are we with Switzerland or Italy then de lads?
Where's Diego?
Where's Mousey?
Where's Mikey?
Where's The Femcel?
Where's Emmett?
Where's Ulster?
Where's Jeffery?
Where's Al?
Where's Thailad?
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me and anti western gang
in our hearts
Mousey is always here
niggermountain as it's called in english
I want to see the Cybertruck in real life when will they be on UK roads
All me
don't reply to him
martin mull gone... fred willard gone... what am I going to do with myself?
My Dacia duster is nicer
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naples too let's go there
Fuck a niggeress in montenegro
not allowed health and safety gone mad woke mob banned them
unironically never
ah yes the 'any minute now, based and trad china will take over' gang
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The Woke Mod in question
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I love Montenegro. In Serbo-Croatian the country is called crna gora which means black mountain.
british fewd diet not working out so well for you huh
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serbia? more like sovlbia
Rust bucket in minutes from the humidity
love going on holiday to Montenegro with all your mates yeah
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Timevand place.

Stop trying to inject yourself in every discussion.
it's 24c and sunny where I am lad so I can only speak for myself
rorke with his chin like that nigga from bobs burgers :skull: :fire:
leftypol dusting off his favourite Louis Theroux parody t-shirt to do ironic gun fingers at the club
state of your life
Quick reminder: that prison guard from Wandworth is brazilian, and this is the fate of every gringo man that marries a shitzilian whoreish female = get cucked and humiliated.

Have a great day, lads.
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don't get many dutch angles in king of the hill
im going to marry a brazillian BOY instead
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>Six-year-old boy who was "so excited" about watching his first rugby match was left in "floods of tears" after he was vomited on by drunk fan
The one that was sucking and fucking?
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come to think of it I've not played on a PS5 or that new xbox. Still calling it the new xbox when it's been out for like 5 years now
lasagne in the air fryer
What the fuck were thinking when they designed the PS5? Also, all PlayStations should be black.
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gay porn in the air fryer
more of a PC man myself.
see >>199149595
mad how anyone can use a disabled toilet now because no one can disprove you have a hidden disability and they aren't allowed to ask. Could probs get priority boarding if you wore a sunflower lanyard and played a switch while rocking a bit.
The PS1 wasn't black.
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ferry tickets in the air fryer
the albowog prison guard was married to a full wog not a white bloke
Going to boot up Battlefield 4
Lol got me
Ok this one is kind of funny. No one died so no harm no foul.
I've been had.
proto gf looks exactly like this
Only disability I've got is IBS but I go in disabled toilets all the time cause they're cleaner than the non-disabled ones. no piss on the floor and walls.
Dr Disrespect isn't here ma'am
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Need to get out of bed, been lying here since 1pm drifting in and out of sleep. Dunno why either, got a solid 9.5 hours of sleep last night as well
steam coming out my ears take it back to /clownworld/ lad
That’s a bloke
What do you think led up to this discussion
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How can you tell?
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modes i just lost my job due to a certain pic in this thread
she's so real for this
ktim but dadberg got me up at 3
Her husband is a black
this is a funny movie you enjoy it
was on the train and got on nice and early knowing full well seats are a hot commodity and you cant reserve them in advance
some boomer woman, proper bitch, gets on with 2 minutes to spare and starts huffing and puffing because nobody will give up their seat and how disrespectful it is because she needs it as shes older
she was wearing a full karimor fit, daft boomer twat, day of the pillow cant come soon enough
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the anglo mind can't comprehend this
change the demographic of your local area

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Janny deleted my cis penis picture within MINUTES
a bunch of men at the pub?
gringo just means not a huezillian or southern cone spic
This freak is from here?
Anxious to browse brit on the subway. How braindead do you have to be to do it when someone else pays you?
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what am i defrosting today for consumption tomorrow then
odds: steak
evens: oven pizza
dubs: bacon
blog on you boring bastard
done him
least autistic swede
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You reckon it's gay to rest your head in your bro's lap?
shit everywhere after you've been in though isn't there pooey arse lad
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For me, it's the North Central American English dialect
He’s been done
done that old cunt
Trips ON umemployed woman
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no it's just sleepy
The man is about to kick the ball lads.
don't get it
member when you went into a shoe shop and they carefully measured your foot with a wooden stool with slides on it that tickled
What's the news from the other parts of Tamriel?
Yeah haha
*kicks the ball*
lasagne out the air fryer
apple and blackcurrant crumble in the air fryer
chips in the other air fryer
wine is poured and a second bottled has been opened to breathe for a couple of hours
footy on bbc1

this is the life
No just resting his head
only ballkicking i care about is the kind involving me bollocks
I wear sketchers. Say what you want about them, but they're good shoes and priced very reasonably as well.
*sees you open on the opposite flank*
*perfectly lobs the ball over to you*
was gonna vote reform but going back to tory now after that racist canidates expose
Conservatives will need to go into a coalitian with Labour because of the massive surge in support for Reform however it won't be enough and will need a tiny fraction of a percent from Lib Dems forming a three way coaliton to beat them so the end result will be a Conservative-Labour-Lib Dem coalition government
reckon the winner of Copa America should get to play the winner of the EUFA

just started watching footie so unsure if this is already a thing
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There they are with their mates
want to pasta delivery post but gingernonce ruined bradley posting for us by association
you think there are lesbian foot fetishists
why can't you cook properly?
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>I wear sketchers. Say what you want about them, but they're good shoes and priced very reasonably as well.
hope you fall asleep and both the air fryers go on fire and burn your house down and kill you
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Good news from Kvatch for a change; the last of the daedra have been driven out.
*receives the ball in the final third*
*passes it back to my goalie*
It did. Almost kicked the cobbler in the face because of it once.
Good lord I've been done
*goes for a header and it sails right over the goalpost*
they turn off automatically after an hour

what makes you think i can't cook properly?
once met a gay foot fetishist, asked him if he was into mens or womens feet and he said both, then he showed me pics on his phone of random peoples feet he'd taken over the years
>labour's slogan is "CHANGE"
>"reform" is just another word for change
who's copied who?
remember the machine you put your foot in and the walls closed in to give it a measure?
least creepy footfag
Got 2 pair of skechers me.
you still up for that pint sometime?
you cook everything in an "air fryer"
not sure if a shoe salesman qualifies as a cobbler
*raises one hand up to the sky*
*looks over to you*
*jogs back to our half*
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well yeah because air fryers are the nicest, fastest, and most efficient way to cook things
what happens if you need to cook something longer than an hour?
never wore sketchers because they were advertised by britney spears when I was younger and I thought they were bender shoes
*gets subbed out the thread for some wog with a weird haircut*
is there any real benefit to 'dressing proper'
what improvement will it give to my life if i stop wearing Dockers that are 5 sizes too big and an XXL Batman t shirt?
first wank was to a britney spears music video
thought i’d pissed myself desu
that's why he's got two air fryers
when it's done an hour in one he can pop it in the other
and the fact that you believe that is what lets me know that you can't cook properly
"soulja boy up in dis ho
watch me crank and watch me roll
watch me crank dat soulja boy den supaman dat ho
now watch me
crank dat soulja boy
crank dat soulja boy
crank dat soulja boy

Sadly, This is the new hip-hop...
i might get one, really sick of stir frying ground beef as it takes forever
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>want to pasta delivery post
i guess you just increase the timer half way through cooking
i'm not sure what you'd be cooking for longer than an hour though
casseroles and baked potatoes are the longest things i cook in there and they wouldn't take more than an hour
everything you can get in there needs to be relatively small; you couldn't fit like an entire chicken carcass in there
what if he needs to cook something for 3 hours
people will treat you with more respect if you look sharp
they’re a decent little convection oven but can be a ball ache to clean
that song is nearly 20 years old ivan
You only need a kettle and a microwave in all honesty
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don't know what to have for tea tonight
Just let me use the word 'cobbler' in a sentence please.
Just had a 15/20 minute powernap that felt like 3-4 hours
>baked potatoes
had an air fryer for ages and never thought about doing jacket spuds
i'll have to pick some up next shop
thanks for the idea
I'm having Chinese style burgers and chips.
them being faster and more efficient than a regular oven is simply a fact
nicer is of course subjective but for most things (pretty much everything sans baking) i believe this also holds true
roasting in an air fryer is simply nicer and that is a fact
the only reason you should use a full-size conventional oven for roasted veg or whatever is if you're making a lot and can't fit it in the air fryer
how often do you clean it
if it's daily im going to heavily reconsider
Get a nice 'za in lad
get another air fryer
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No. I won't allow it.
reform promising to freeze immigration at its current all time high
mumberg has left chicken for me HOWEVER has thrown out the packaging label so i have no idea how long to cook it
whats for tea I hear you ask?
whatever mumberg happens to make
Slightly better answer, no irrelevant information no one remembers for more than 2 minutes
*kicks you in the cobbles*
spent 6 months using nothing but kettle and microwave
didn't miss the hob and oven that much to be honest
keeps you honest
70 degress celcius mid center i reccon
if it’s something like ground beef that would leak fat then yeah, after every use
that's it im voting for Hitler
what cut of chicken? like a breast? just lob it in for half an hour
have labour said where they will be deporting all the illegals to if they win the election yet?
so what ive gathered is that reform basically want to turn the UK into Japan. is that about right
cut it into strips and fry it, then make some fried rice to go with it
was walking to the shop to buy beer but I felt so fat and I was dripping with sweat so I decided to walk back home. felt really fat and disgusting
drumsticks or what
It could be the case.
Okay seaside mark
should have stuck it out
you'd have a nice cold beer right now if you had
fat disgusting freak
blacked free weekend de lads
>it all tastes like shit
that's a problem with the food or the chef not the cooker
eating 5 chicken tenders
on my plate is mayo, bbq sauce, and hot sauce
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lol turns out the guy who was fucking the prison guard's gf turned up to the prison later that day with her kid and kicked off outside it lmao
But that beer would have contributed to his fatness. He has to break the cycle.
only 5 la?
Mad being out in public knowing I could absolutely heem the shit out of everyone and anyone
it's both
the "air fryer" makes things even worse
not worth it
not me
I know, I've let the beerbergs do me in
theyll be seizing all the homemade soap shops in rich tory areas and stuffing the immigrants there
>the "air fryer" makes things even worse
no it doesn't
why would you think it should have any effect
>the food or the chef
I think what you're trying to say is "the ingredients or the cook"
at what point does it end
Reform really are gonna get zero seats now arent they?
they are large
They've got walk-in air fryers in America it's that big
when all the air has been fried
yeah you're right sticking food in a hot greasy plastic box with a fan is the best way to cook things
everything comes out tasting great
Should I get an air fryer?
well yes that's another way of saying the exact thing i just said yeah
saw this huge hench shirtless lad out the other day
made my willy twitch a bit
china are so fkn goated
hope they fix their internal problems and nuke the US
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He's fuming
if you think about it the UK and Japan have a lot of similarities

>island nations
>aging populaces
>low birthrates
>reluctance to accept immigrants
>worker shortages bc 2 and 3

with Farage at the helm the Nipponification of Britain will be complete
Yeah might move there
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why are they cooking in a plastic oven? are you sure you're thinking of an air fryer and not one of these?
Conspiracy theory: a sloth is just a mong monkey.
they are so far behind the us militarily youre delusional
Mumberg might rage. She doesn't like me buying appliances.
food is generic, ingredients is specific
and a cook is not a chef
you can't speak english properly either
what a disaster
ignore non whites in every capacity
do not acknowledge their existence
sucking and fucking my way across africa
Eat a shit sandwich Rorke
i think most people who were going to vote reform before will still prefer reform to the other parties, but some of them might stay home now
i don't trust the polls any more than the bbc's biased coverage or channel 4's actor
starting to become incredibly cynical 2bh
reckon elections have always been rigged one way or another, and what's the point
you guys are finished china already won
air fryers are made out of plastic
More than that:

>constitutional monarchies
>once had large empires with powerful navies
>hated by their smaller neighbour — both of which are divided into north and south
>bad teeth stereotype
>nonce problem
>like to distance themselves from the politics of the continent
>both america's bitch
it's called an oven, warwick, i've got one in my house
mine's metal
Emma Watson serving me a sandwich.
famously heat-resistant plastic
won what, exactly? china wont do shit lol
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>danny murphy
guys i just switched on my air fryer and it immediately melted
why the FUCK are they made out of plastic??!
are you fucking retarded?
just bought one of those new plastic frying pans. can't wait to try it out
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google image search air fryer
what the fuck does it look like to you
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bit like this
teflon is unironically a type of plastic
because the outer casing is plastic you assume it's 100% plastic right the way through?
is your brain made of 100% plastic or something?
I felt fat today too
so you picked one image with a shiny metallic finish
what are 90% of them made of
they are plastic rubbish
anyone who would actually buy one and use it is clearly a mong who can't cook
you dont even know how over it is for you

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