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bit early
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blackbros.....we got done........
remember that storm that stopped the northern ireland game at the euros
that was a weird one
>british, british, british
actual noo
need to get off the alcohol
don't care about Ukraine or Russia, only care about Britain
and what's best for Britain is for there to be less Russians about, therefore I support total zigger death

the lives of 1 million Russians pale in significance when compared to a single English tramp (accidently) poisened by the hand of a Russian
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For me, Britain is still synonymous with excellence
>match abandoned for some thunder
oh my days do continentals really
When Europeans arrived in Australia some of the aboriginal groups hadn't discovered fire
stop doing this lad, you're wearing out your welcome fast
any reddit using, nazi, atheist, sciencepilled, neoliberal, canadian, map, vaccinated, lgbt, satanists in?
Dirty English ref. Explains the poofery we’re witnessing.
nobody asked for a reddit welcome
all cultures are equally valid x
>and what's best for Britain is for there to be less Russians about,
how do you figure this?
> What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun? 23 All their days their work is grief and pain; even at night their minds do not rest. This too is meaningless.
wagies btfo
3 iq
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You know why the Brits are cool is they'll give an awesome response to an older American band like LCD Soundsystem


But the reverse like when Blur played at Coachella everybody stood there like a bunch of assholes
It's a bogtrotter they're as welcome as clap. Make good pets. Not humans.
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it happens tonight

one way or another
You post like a cringey american and just post american shit
VPN fag for sure
get me out of the oven because I'm done
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are amy
npdmong meltdown
if you hate other people because of their genes, then you're just being horrible
blur are shit that's why
*fires the orbital laser*
i assumed that ever since he started spamming those weird wojak edits
Why are Brits so superior at 100m dash?
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*causes the thread to be postponed*
they've assassinated some of our tramps
they keep hacking the NHS, government, our biggest companies and so on
they supported the argies against us during the falklands war

2bh you're essentially a traitor if you think Russia is a friend of Britain
wahayyyy go on rapelad
Got a sore tum and am farting constantly.
imageboards are so dead
we're using the technological equivalent of newspapers
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britain is the most anti-russian country in the world, so why would they be a friend lol?
if they're in Russia they're an oligarch but if they're in the west they're a Business Leader
You won’t be back then? Good.
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I saw the tears of the oppressed—
and they have no comforter;
power was on the side of their oppressors—
and they have no comforter.
And I declared that the dead,
who had already died,
are happier than the living,
who are still alive.
But better than both
is the one who has never been born,
who has not seen the evil
that is done under the sun.
>britain is the most anti-russian country in the world
wrong because poland exists
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try being less of a snide
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Not reading all that
apparently some idiots think we should be firiends
we're not friends, they're our adversaries and therefore the less of them the better
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britain is the most anti-british country in the world
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any miami blues man in
Shelly Duvall lookin ass bitch
>some idiots
>britain is the most anti-british country in the world
wrong because america exists
Corrr were they women
when did he say that?

It was a good video I saw, quite peng
russia is literally saving the white race
farage is a notable russian plant
"our adversaries" are in charge of the country you mongoloid
>nooooo i can't play in a bit of rain it's wet noooooooooo
God I hate football
imageboard not linkboard
you're boring the white race
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By sending all their young men into a meatgrinder?
done him
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america isn't filling britain with non-british and giving them propaganda to make them think it's good and also demonising them if they are unhappy about it
moscow is the most muslim city in europe lol
they allied themselves with a lot of the islamic world
not sure why you unironically think this
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ahm aymeh and ahm an indeh
because we've got a wog in charge, does mean our other adversaries disappear? idiot
paki rishi is an enemy of Britain too, and thank god we'll be rid of him soon
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wish i could match wrighty's swag
There was a man all alone;
he had neither son nor brother.
There was no end to his toil,
yet his eyes were not content with his wealth.
“For whom am I toiling,” he asked,
“and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?”
This too is meaningless—
a miserable business!
must be some pretty clear evidence he wants us to bed friends with Russia then
>they allied themselves with a lot of the islamic world
like whom?
dont understand this
umm yeah they are
yeah there is
>moscow is the most muslim city in europe
thats probably istanbul tbqh
not just rishi you moronic freak
cattle like you make me glad this country is finished lol. we deserve our fate
need that zapping my bollocks
'za ordered. margherita and garlic bread WITH cheese
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I fucking love a twix lads.
We’ve already got an entire page for you VLs to talk about politics. We talk about cans and pooing here.
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>german infrastructure
the lads (danish)
I respect the purity of a margherita
there are loads of chechens fighting for ukraine (and in syria against russia as isis etc)
plan for tomorrow is get drunk and play elden ring
you're an enemy Britain and probably a wog, and we'll be rid of you soon too
just like old trafford
how many?
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good webm
*rubs my bollocks all over your cheesy bread to add the garlic flavour*
that will be ten quid boss
fuck that boring noise
let's have some fun up in here
i'm white, and don't worry, i've no intention of staying in this rotting tranny axe wound of a "country" lol
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Dat shit is hella based and sovl
Dont know what you poofs are on about
good post
BAD post, EWWWWWIEEEE!!!!!!!!!
Modern Star Trek: An Unmitigated Disaster: A Video Essay
football cries out for a classic montage/interview package like when the cricket's rained off and they show an interview with michael holding talking about ripping the stumps out of every racist of the 1980s
skyping the American gf soon got any good memes to send her?
powerlifting gf
Might vote for Putin
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>i'm white
clearly not British though eh? hope you fuck off soon along with all the rest of your lot, and sooner rather than later if you know what's good for you
mad how simple the concept of star trek is and they managed to fuck it up
Whay doez her boyfien look like
glad everyone here including me is white
might save this image
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i'm irish
rolling around in my bed trying to get up but can't due to my disc bulge, like a horrible little insect of a man

very Kafkaesque
Alright lads it's your pal Ballsy here and I've got my Ballsy election prediction!

My prediction: landslide Labour victory

Bet on it lads, win big money RIGHT NOW!!!!
for me it's the skills masterclasses
just show repeats of the great warnie talking spin technique
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im irish
what's disc bulge mean?
is this real?
some (white) rugby player
unfortunately i am bri'ish mate. enjoy your million wogs a year and pride month
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is this you?
>hurr durr africa would be like europe if it had more christianity
hate this christcuck
You're not British.
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for me it's denmark
Girlfriendberg rambling on about some youtube cartoon with far too much enthusiasm for my liking
God i hate women
it's when the discs between your vertebrae are squashed and part of it bulges out
proper painful like
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>You're not British.
seethe on
mines on the verge of a breakdown because I keep telling I don't give a fuck about whatever random shit she's got to tell me today
usually some tiktok crap or some spanish love island equivalent that she's always watching
foreign mong reduced to posting tranny memes and greentexts after he's outed as a JF freak
yeah well l called my gf a nigga
outed how, tranny lover?
just read your posts you fucking idiot
it's obvious you're some foreign cunt
can hear people yelling
is ball kicking happening?
Just had an out-of-body realisation that there'll be a massive far-right era soon cos the mainstream media can't stop talking about far-right parties Like AfD in Germany keeps getting the headlines. So it'll be a fascist century ahead for us lads
Nope got suspended
ok darkie
its back
Might post my cock
Thread deader than Christian Eriksen
too soon
corrrrrrrrrr chebs
Doing some vile, foul smelling farts
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at least it'll fit in the 15g envelope weight limit
bed that's dead cold
i would't like it on my skin
Makes you think
friends seems less jewey then seinfeld at least. like in tone and content i mean
based leblanc
Matt LeBlanc and David Crane are our guys lads
Please apologize for oppressing Ireland
>extended half time break
for what possible reason?
just take a shit lad
why marinate in the scent of the inevitable?
friends is very jewish comedy
and that's fine cos it's peak comfy and peak funny
Who's the American TV producer who was on Flight 11 and got the early-bird ticket into the World Trade Center towers?
Manchester mentioned
>15/16 italian, 1/16 portuguese

americans are insane
how is it jewish?
when i watched seinfeld it felt very jewish because all of them were very unlikeable
just boked @ that s*n/harry redknapp advert
No it's even more jewey. Seinfeld is just overtly nihilistic. Friends is more "wholesome" and "moral" but in a false way so it's more insidious.
It's in Germany, they probably need to gas some Jews quickly or something
it's not like there wasn't a tonne of highly successful black centred sitcoms, even ones that transcended demographics if you can imagine such a thing
Anybody dece on at Glasto tonight?
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watching /ourgirl/
>how is it jewish?
it's entirely written by jewish people and several of the main characters are jewish?
i dunno maybe it's wrong to label it "jewish" comedy but it's not any less jewish comedy than seinfeld
Hate? No in my undies.
Very entry level edgy post, this. Like something good hear on a primary school playground.
i need a jewish wife
hatsune miku to headline next glastonbury
would love to shag dua lipa up the bum hole
why did i bring up exes on the first date
im so autistic. panic about running out of things to talk about.
If i was Irish diaspora i would hate myself and deny my heritage

I would understand im scum of the earth and deserve nothing
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desperately unhappy me
i said tone and content in my first post. jews are capable of producing things that aren't overtly jewish, like i don't think mendelssohn was jewish like freud was
don't hear the the word tomfoolery enough
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Chicken ball
Friends is even more Jewish than Seinfeld.
In Seinfeld at least they're honest about being bad people. They don't pretend otherwise.
In Friends they're degenerate but it's portrayed in a "safe" and sanitized way to make it more palatable. Evil is presented as good.

what if she has piles? and if you still would bum her, would you try to pop the piles first or would go regardless and hope for the best?
Seinfeld: legend
Friends: mid
i dunno i think you're probably applying racist stereotypes after the fact
Dua was pure sexo last night
both are shite
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good post
haven't had a wankeroo to her in a while
might need to put that right
>wasp writes flawed character
>jew writes flowed characters

bravo 4chan
used to listen to this on repeat from 17-20
entire albums good but i think deep blue is my fave
always sunny: kino
pipe down shlomo
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watching a noncehunter video and this nonce is being caught for the 3rd time

i can possibly fathom going back for a second bite of the cherry so to speak but surely if you've tried to meet a teenage girl twice and been stung you wise up before the third go around
writes, directs, plays, funds, etc etc
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me when i tell your mum her dress looks lush
Keir Starmer will light a National Socialist flame that the ages shall not extinguish
because they only "catch" mentally disabled freaks
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Blue, blue, 'lectric blue
That's the colour of my room
Where I will live
Blue, blue
Pale blinds drawn all day
Nothing to read, nothing to say
Blue, blue
I will sit right down
Waiting for the gift of sound and vision
And I will sing
Waiting for the gift of sound and vision
Drifting into my solitude
>get caught, nothing happens
>get caught again, nothing happens
think you've stumbled onto something here, might explain rotherham
you sound worried
Cute and HANDSOME. I love him.
hello kino department? yeah i'd like a large order
might bake a banana bread tomorrow
what total ____ deaths do you support?
she likes black dicks in her fat arse
does he remind you of your nonce uncle? x
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I'm just another nancy boy
What’s the link to Rorke’s podcast?
people who list what they drank last time they went out
*rings the runtbell*
you now remember skrillex
ever been with a slag into piss stuff?

watch those pissvids lads being able to turn on the flow like a hose and dont think i could if asked desu
oh ho ho
that'd be a three-dayer for racism old boy
won't be doing that now
pro porn isn't real life
piss is hot but it takes place in the shower not on the settee
obviously N is the big one but i'm also partial to a bit of J, Z and P
he wants a french canadian or east asian canadian gf
mum still trying to set me up with barista at her local starbucks
went off to the toilet to do a wee once mid sex and the girl thought I had prostate cancer because she said normal men cant urinate with erections
canadian (anglo) girls are terrible. rude stuck up freaks
really miss when i still believed in love
there once was a lady from /brit/
who decided to go for a shit
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POV when you've spent your entire life roleplaying Hermione while in fact you're Dudley: entitled for no reason, rude and skulky. Also, not understanding anything of importance that's happening around you or to you.
i need to fart in my jewish wifes face
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is it still jungle fever if it's for mulattos?
Exgfberg asked to hold my lad while I was pissing once, was quite peng desu
wish i had a turkish woman holding me lovingly with her hairy arms
you were sent here by god to test us
love wee
peak combination of degrading (bodily waste) and closeness (bodily fluid)
got many other options?
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My impression is that she is racing through books to add to her "What I read in 2024" and grabbing quotes for her Commonplace book. Beyond that, we know nothing is going to stick. She likes having the freedom of musing around the bookstores and libraries in Oxford, but the academics took her out. I don't expect her to return for more studies in the near future, if ever. I do expect her roaming around her bedroom and backyard in a white nightgown, something regency inspired, holding a book, and reading to us (I immediately thumb down and leave), because that is the vibe she has been adding to her Pinterest over the past few days. She will forever be playing roles and never have an ounce of an idea who she truly is. Pathetic.
It’s still a shit sandwich even if it’s just a quarter log.
was going to start posting on dvach but cba to type in cyrillic
She's so peng
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Having pictures of Blakeney as her phone screensaver is beyond bizarre. I would freak out if anyone was staring at photos of me on a regular basis and putting it right out front, and announcing it. That isn't love. That is obsession and yes, reeks of stalker-like infatuation. I keep very general pics as my screensaver. Flowers, trees, something seasonal. My photo roll is private and I am not going to put any of it on display for others to see, not to mention advertise it on Social Media. That is just downright scary. Every time I think Ruby can't act stranger, she does. Even if they both are somehow romantically involved with each other, it just shows the level of immaturity Ruby is at with relationships, that she has lean to this kind of behaviour, something a young teen would do over someone like Taylor Swift or a favourite actor. So freaking creepy.
WWE in 2002 was so strong that Rock vs Flair was just a match on Raw
early new
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I'm kinda dying to know if she'll go back for a PhD.

Honestly, I selfishly hope that she doesn't. I know that twirling in her garden can make her seem a bit odd and pathetic, but I always prefer her content when she's at home, the Oxford content has been very boring to me I genuinely feel like she'd be happier if she got her old job back at her school and focused on writing and YouTube.

Plus, now that Marfa has a car and can drive and works for Ruby, I'd quite like to see more of her in Ruby's videos. Maybe Ruby and Marfa could do some trips around the UK together and vlog it, their contrasting personalities would make the videos funny.
she walked through her flat
she didn't spot the cat
and then she went arse over tit
i called my new cat ruby and i lean over and kiss her head and say "oh ruby ruby ruby ruby" like the kaiser cheifs
VAR Sinson
England are going to win the Euros without beating a single good team
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>I immediately thumb down and leave
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ever shag her up the arse?
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I don't know why she has to specify that it is a slideshow of photos of Blakney. It just comes off as creepy and obsessive for someone who is 'best friend.' I think that it is something that you would not admit to doing and would say it was a slideshow of photos on your phone and it was just one of Blakney which happened to be on the screen, and not just a slideshow of Blakney that she happens to have. I don't have a slideshow of my wife on my phone screensaver, perhaps I need to have that now.

I don't think that Blakney would have a similar set up on her phone. I don't even think that it is a romantic thing that Ruby is doing. I could be wrong with Ruby and Blakney and for we know they are a couple. But I get the impression that it is Ruby being super intense with her friendship with Blakney. I almost get the vibe that Ruby is trying to reinforce the friendship by doing things like have screensavers of her as that must mean they are best friends.
alternate tobacco intake
hopelessly addicted to interracial porn
Girl... giiirl . I need the straight people to come in here and try to explain this. I am waiting
No she didn't like
christina unkel is based
tried to watch classic simpsons with my mum earlier and she didn't find it funny at all
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I like her
Better than the referee analysts we generally have
your mum is a tranny
is she a milf
I'm 18 and afraid of women. It's over for me reproductively speaking.
The evil Brits raped the Irish and then they killed them and made pies from the meat
If she didn’t like it that means she did it with someone else and not you. Why don’t think that is? Reckon it was a black lad?
Was she curious what pissing like a dude is like?
hello azov battalion member
the fact that she speaks confidently and even disagrees with the referee sometimes is refreshing
ktim but im 33
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I would be really surprised if she returns to Oxford to study. She was not at all prepared for her Masters, she took a time period that she isn't even interested in and tried to squeeze a very random and vague subject about female children for her paper. Everything was just to get into Oxford and be able to tick it off her to do list. It was never the Dark Academia place she romanticized in her head. She couldn't hang around and pose for all the pictures she wanted to because everyone was watching her and wondering what the heck she was doing. Childish behaviour in a Masters at Oxford setting do not match up well. Then she was quickly reminded that she was there to actually study and get a degree and ended up exhausted and running home as often as she could. If you enjoyed your uni, you would not be running from it. You would make the most of it during the semester. Not rushing to squeeze books in at the end. I'm sure for every book she has briefly glanced at, she will add it to her 534 books she has supposedly read in 2024. Not the first time, won't be the last. I think, in reality, she wants to get out of there, but there lies the massive hole she has dug. What to do next? Living back at home like a child is so cringe and backward. Everyone knows where her cottage is, so can't live there safely. That is what happens when you overshare. No job lined up in her field of study makes her look like a fool for going as far as getting a master's degree that she will likely never use. My understanding is that Cambridge is even harder than Oxford, so I can't see that happening either.
ever shag her up the arse?
ally mccoist will always be based for taking the piss out of alan shearer for his braindead boring takes
I worked with a younger latino girl who was cute as fuck but had hairy arms...I didn't even care though
>gets goal disallowed
>gives away penalty
denmark number two more like denmark number POO
Yeah i think so
ta mumsnet
how do you cope
I'm starting to suspect that my parents think I'm gay because I don't even look at women my age for more than .5 seconds
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As Oxford originally rejected her for undergraduate studies I think she found the entire experience anti-climatic from the very beginning, even in the way she delayed in telling us that she was going to attend. I have a feeling she wasn't even sure if she wanted to for a while. I expect travelling, quoting poetry, twirling in fields, laying on the ground in a white nightgown, and "my life as an aspiring author" will be the only things she will run with until her parents wise up and kick her out. I can't imagine being 24 and not having a driver's license and car, needing someone to drive me everywhere like a little pathetic adult child, never having worked with customers or on a cash register. Has she ever even babysat an infant or changed a diaper? As someone recently posted, her younger sister Martha is a character, but she has long since surpassed her sister in maturity and experience.
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remember as a teenager i wanted to be in my 20s and 30s so bad, now that im nearly 30 i wish i was still a teenager
just cant win can you?
no it's not ally
that's a pen in basically any era of footy
Funny my Mom hates the Simpsons too
Really hates South Park
Based Ally telling it like is
Based Janny, telling it like it is
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Alri janny
not wrong
the only thing that VAR does is highlight these incidences
VAR is shit don't get me wrong but you've literally never been allowed to block a shot or cross into the box with your hand when it's by your head in ANY era of football
that is a handball
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what an absolutely dire tournament
so what the fuck!?
>the 310 rule is being enforced again
We're so back
No one has been saying this. At all.
>how do you cope
make another wrestling edition
I'm too pussy for that
You just know
Just accidentally sent a picture with identifying information about myself on Brit aha

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