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lol janny mad
GeoWizard has died lads
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Does anybody even talk about reshoring manufacturing in the UK anymore?
Might watch the video of the prison guard getting shagged again
straight line to hell
4gifs is nostalgic for me
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She honestly looks horrible these days. Tired, gaunt, receding hairline, glasses so big she looks like she has frog eyeballs, and dry, frazzled hair. I won't even mention the continual nightmare known as her nails. If this is how she looks when she is "genuinely happy", living our her dream of attending Oxford, I would hate to see her in the depths of despair. We never got a "What I read in 2023" video or a "packing to return to Oxford" video. If she starts posting things like that now, she is already behind schedule again. She should just abandon her channels altogether. They are pure dribble these days.
You are watching our set aren't you anon?

Dunno what that is, don’t care to find out.
Deserves it
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sixty million down the drain
kai havertz KWABs again
No he hasn't, be quiet
>Tired, gaunt, receding hairline, glasses so big she looks like she has frog eyeballs, and dry, frazzled hair
The Euros are openly rigged
>girl my age looks in my general direction for 0.5 seconds
>mumberg says "ohh I reckon she likes you! go talk to her!"
>proceeds to go on about grandkids
Tough being an incel
corrr. big fan of arses me
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I can't with this beret. It looks like a sack. What is she hiding there??
godless oriental whore
mum keeps trying to set me up with lads she works with
alright, whip that pecker out lingling
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you mean to drink it or to buy it?
mumbergs completely given up there
sisterstein did the grandkid thing so im off the hook now
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need german gf
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Just seen Sacked Tranny on /sp/
don't drive so I can buy beer easily
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Charli XCX liked this recording studio pic of Carly on Instagram. They were both in New York City recently. Do we think Carly will be featured on a Brat remix?
eww get away from me you bumder
I'm an only child so it's triple grim for me
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Still lives with his mum, that one.
Absolutely need a shag but missus is on the rags, positively grim
i would literally die if she does a talk talk remix with carly

Need a Rorke gf
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she's so youthful. She's the most energetic 38 year old I've ever seen. She's four years older than Taylor Swift, but looks five years younger.

That's not to say she looks better, per say. Taylor is beautiful, she just has a much more mature look to her. Somehow Carly can still pull off the bubbly early 20's energy in her late 30's.
need a bf
literally what was this cunt thinking?
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imagine them lezzing out and carly sticking her tongue in charli's musky curryhole
hi x
croydon regular
What's the problem?
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girlie what THE duck
commentators cumming themselves at the african footballers again
too fat
just a shame she's so fucking shit
early new
British industry.
thug owned LTD
this this might be considered non-worksafe
...hey x
find it extremely hard to believe there are still incels, i'm 5'6 and autistic yet i still have a lovely gf
whoops mrs higgins your sitting on my artichokes
This might get reported.
I will bring back industry to Britain and we will make big navy ships to fight the Spaniards with just wait
think instagram might be more your speed
post her feet
yorkshire? x
90% of incels just have high standards and make little effort
the other 10% are insanely ugly or mentally ill
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gurlie WHAT the duck
im 5'6, just plain weird and have no gf
might need to upgrade to full-fat autism then
/brit/ is a shagger's general lads, dont like it then fuck off to /britfeel/
Amazing track. Miss Nas.

i'm 5'8 and i knew a guy in highschool that was only up to my chest
guy had a cute blond gf my height
its all mental
It's over for Denmark.
*enters thread*
*audience claps and cheers*
i am the 10 percent but also have high standards and make little effort
Does she actually go out in public like this?
I've seen homeless people dressing better than this, and I presume they aren't getting gifted clothes from MissPatina very often
would have been cool if this album was made when nas was still good and not washed
We're pretending Ruby isn't peng as fuck again, I see
What post did I miss?
its mrs
got a dead itchy elbow
cats for this feel?
god hojlund is so shit
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BBC breaking news alert
Coldplay are about to take the stage at Glastonbury
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now this is what i call football
Please where can I watch the prison guard shagg
I'm afraid of women. Whenever they get near me my instinct is to hide or disappear into my phone so they cant speak to me.
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>We're pretending Ruby isn't peng as fuck again, I see
tfw lil Timmy starts getting uppity so you gotta hit him with the t50 bbc having nubain warrior state
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lmao @ this fucking dweeb
britcels absolutely flabbergasted at the concept that perhaps height isn't everything when it comes to having sex
Thanks, woke mob
fucking a 5ft2 pakistani woman tonight, hottest women ive probably fucked desu
women manage to be massive normies and mentally ill at the same time
he's allowed in there
he aint do nun LOL
>I'm afraid of women
literally why? you could kill them with one punch
Ruby would never be so vulgar
lol watch the table cat's ears twitch when that one cries
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getting steaming but think i've underestimated my booze levels needed for peak steamingtoil

therefore in this window i'm comfy but do need more wine and could walk to tesco in the drizzle (10 mins away) or pay for a paki on a bike to deliveroo me it
*enters the thread*
i thought at first he did a poo in shame and sat on it
back from my janny imposed solitude
against my human rights not being able to post here
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>75 mins, 2-0 up, fix clearly in

no point watching the remainder
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kloppo insta content confirmed
started losing my hair at 19. completely bald by 25. always been fat. need I say I'm a virgin too? also been a neet since I left uni at 22. I'm 27 now and seriously think I should just kill myself
what's so hot about her
they could have me arrested or attacked with a whisper
the americans are going to elect george bush: tangoed edish
and nothing will change at all
empiricism was a mistake
This some sort of yank meme? Can't make head nor tails of it
stop making excuses lose some weight and get a job
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if steaming is toil for you you have no business doing it
leave some steam for the real steamers
also post more chebs
bitcoin will pump if orange man wins though
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God help you
for the love of god lad get off the internet, that shite doesn't actually happen
at least you have a generous sized cock
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ublock -> options
it's a psalm from "art of the deal", the bible for americans
vet prescribed my dog prozac
bullied by them a lot when I was younger
+ the blackpill made me self conscious about them judging me for being not great looking
Do you like this track? I think this is the best we'll get these days

biden won the debates
just use 4chanx you nonce
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Joe Biden? More like No, Bye, Done
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Go back and say no this prozac isn't working I think my dog needs hydromorphone.
thor has ruined this game
corr yeah, would force her to watch me kill myself
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ラメン です
antidepressants are psycho killer makers. mk ultra shit

so many cases of people going on antidepressants and then going on to kill niggas
you are not fat
you had 2 girlfriends but it didn't work out.
you are going to apply to Aldi next week
you are going to buy a bicycle and cycle every day 5 kms
how about you have 4chansex
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*covers her eyes with my hand just as you do it*
yeah better risk bodily harm or arrest because an anonymous person on the internet tells me the media reporting is fake
there are literally millenia old fables of women using words as weapons lad
done me
cycling is bad for losing weight. you'll just make your legs stronger and gain a tiny amount from cardio
nanana na nana nana na na
*respawns and does it again*
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anyone going to Fold next weekend x
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Never give up.
getting annoyed lads
i can see when a woman is objectively peng but its like i have no drive beyond that, i get frequent boners and all that but its this weird feeling where i just cannot be bothered or simply dont care enough to imagine shagging someone letting alone actually attempting to
my sex drive is still there i just dont care enough to do anything about it
having quads like that but wearing skinny jeans with holes in them
nah might check instead
state of you lads
you will never escape samsara
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Deport all Baltoid-descending British citizens to Russian camps.
if you wanna ride a bike but also lose weight you need to be riding a BMX and either racing it or doing tricks all day
these asians are out of control
Might have a wank
Those disposable flashing wristbands Coldplay use look neat but I'm not sure about their impact on sustainability.
What the fuck do you know about health and fitness, retard
30 minutes of cycling burns anywhere from 200 to 700 calories
That's all that matters for weight loss
And you don't gain "a little bit" from cardio, fuck's that based on?
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holy shit an asian girl thats built like a 2x4
corrrr would kill a man for some ramen
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awful post
i remember being only 15trillion times reincarnated
My great grandmother produced 10 children for Stalin, can I say :D
pretty pls?
it's my problem if I have no friends and feel I want to die
big fan of yanks' commitment to making exclusively dogshit cringe posts
Hello singular individual
ˈTHaNGk ˌyo͞o
yeah i too prefer women that are built like 4x4s
looks like starmer
if it's cardio you want do a run. the bike won't help you
too drunk for that meself
Bit racial
hope I die in my sleep tonight haha x
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We need to go back. 2008 was a vibe.
watching the 'oldplay in 4k hdr

Are you being a mong on purpose or do you actually believe that?
alri schizo
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we are playing poker by mail with russian grandmasters here aren't we
the lads
What would happen if the two Koreas would combine?
cycled from dover to canterbury and back a few times one week and fucking hell that one week my tummy was visibly smaller
went right down to a 28 waist
fucked it up within a couple of weeks though haha
Either is perfectly fine for getting a cardio workout. But cycling has the advantage of not pointlessly putting strain on your joints
the south would be swamped by northerners looking for a handout
their sensible centrism is what took us to this point in history so how good could really have been
two of hearts
i need you i need you
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south korea is a wagecuck shithole with a terrible culture
But the North has all the best land
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>28 waist
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Me? Cycled 40 miles a day for a week and put on 3 stone. Doesn't help you lose weight. Not having it.
good song x
m8 the bike exists to make movement easier for your legs and cut down on travel time. so you're exercising for less time and doing less movement because every time the pedal comes back up your resting
used to wear 28" trousers when i was a young twink
cycling also fucks up your balls
Ah yes, The Sun for Scousers
VERY good song this
If only you could, well I don’t know, pedal for longer.
Just drive up a hill.
>every time the pedal comes back up your resting
Most fucking stupid thing I've read this week
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Would deport white women for more Asian women
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aussie ballerinas
Is there where you get them chicken balls from the Chinese?
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Russian > Asian
The Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country;

The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country;

The Times is read by the people who actually do run the country;

the Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country;

the Financial Times is read by people who own the country;

the Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country, and the Daily Telegraph is read by people who think it is.
honestly impressively retarded post
but running is actually better for losing weight, weight-bearing exercise is better than non-weight-bearing exercise
but cycling is still good
ok but it's about what practical. any cycle needs to be twice as long as your run

you're an idiot
i still buy a size 30 or 32 because i find they make the crotch really high and the leg really short on any trouser with a 28 waist
like they're always a completely different fit to the size 30 of the same pair
bicycles are evil, they turn men homosexual and give them arse cancer
Running's shite
Fucks up your joints and it's boring
Cycling can take you to interesting places at least
this post is read in its entirety by cunts
cute penor? x
and /brit/ is read by people who are the runts of the country
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>the Financial Times is read by people who own the country;
Anti-Semitic post
is this going to be on the exam
Swimming is superior to both
bluds riding a one-pedal bicycle
buy trousers too small for me to make my bulge look bigger
not saying you should do this but if I were you I’d get all the money I can including loans. Buy a few bottles of whiskey, some coke, and some rope. go to a casino, and have the night of my life. Best case you have the money you need to fix everything, worst case you kill yourself like you were gonna do anyways.
something really dodgy about kpop lads
ngl i listen to a bit of it, but a lot of its quite old (2000s ish, the odd 2010s too, ludders core)
i never listen to new kpop, so if i have a korean daily mix it will always be the music i listen to, yet whenever i have a kpop mix, it's always full of new groups ive never listened to in my life
leads me to believe theres a serious payola issue within the kpop industry
the coldplay pianist has one arm
elliptical machine is the best for burning calories imo can burn a shit tone barely breaking a sweat
;) x
>The Queen is not even British but German

bloody diversity gone mad innit
>hurrr feet are gross
>why? because....because they just are ok? I'M NOT GAY!!!!
heard the same thing many times from gay bastards
>ngl i listen to a bit of it
the calorie numbers on the machines aren't accurate at all
Don't care
find myself listening to a lot of red velvet when i'm in a kpop mood
such a good group
black man in the stall next to me is talking on the phone how he’s a nigga who plays “pro-basketball” and something about “oriental people.” He just said a woman named “shaleena” is the enemy. I’m not joking.
Fuck Durham constabulary
>any cycle needs to be twice as long as your run
Not true, the conversion is more like 1.25x
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i go off my Fitbit
cycling will fuck up your gooch area unless you have a nice soft expensive seat
Blasting My Chemical Romance once yet again another time again.
feet aren't "gross" they're FUCKING WEIRD
you're not gross like a pig if you like feet you're weird like a nonce
nope. doesnt need to be that. unless you use clips, you're not required to put any effort in on the upswing part of each pedal. . walking requires more effort
i lived in korea for a year when i was 19 and enjoyed it
cycling for prolonged periods damages your balls
you are so fucking dumb man
if you cycle fast it's hard, if you cycle slow its easy
that is how exercise works
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Running is definitely not good for you. I live on a mountain right near where Haile Gebreselassie lives and all the aspiring runners pass by here. They look especially skinny.
Yeah but that's a ballache
i'm not crying your crying
they're no weirder than hands and no one is whinging about those
ciclying doesn't damages your balls
Calories are meme shite. Look how they measure the calorie content of food and ask yourself if that’s in any way like how your digestive system works.
bhenchod on a bike
Just lift your arse up
that bloke is a nonce
needs dealt with
driving is the best weight loss method because you move the furthest
only for the down motions.

walking is more intensive because your planted foot is under more strain
The lads on /sp/ are just posting horse cocks now
Cycling for long periods can potentially cause issues with the testicles and surrounding area due to pressure and friction. Prolonged cycling in poorly fitted seats or with improper posture can lead to discomfort, numbness, or even more serious conditions like erectile dysfunction or infertility in extreme cases. It's important to ensure proper bike fit, use padded shorts, take breaks, and consider ergonomic adjustments to minimize these risks. If you experience persistent discomfort or symptoms, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional.
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Are you satisfied with an average life?
Do I need to lie to make my way in life?
High achiever, don't you see?
Baby, nothing comes for free
They say I'm a control freak
Driven by a greed to succeed
Nobody can stop me
petrol is a powerful diuretic
Doesn't matter,
nutrients and minerals are more important than calorie counting
really doubt you've ever done any form of exercise let alone trained intensively
Watching the Trump motivation videos
just masurbated to this
thought all you should know
Doesn't matter, you can still work out your caloric budget and regulate weight by counting, millions have done it
wheres digo
Never touching a bike in my life again.
doing a poo
post 'em
Less of a ballache than cycling
*ba-dum tsh*
Not for maintaining, losing, or gaining weight, clueless retard
really? must be a virgin cunt if some tights is enough to get you off
me? I'm a COOMER and therefore I need HARDCORE pornography to get off
keep up the good work champ
I shit out my bumhole just like anybody else
Why is diego pretending to know anything about health and fitness
really? don't believe you
dadberg taught me how to ride a bike and then decided we didn't have enough space for a bike so I never rode again
what did he mean by this
He saved your bollocks' health.

rorke nodding his above average cranium to this
he loves you but he doesnt like you
Reckon your mum did this to him with arse sex and he took it out on you.
i destroyed my sisters bike doing that
wheels got all fucked up and she would never let me ride it again
mine never taught me to ride a bike, shave, even tie my shoes
not good!
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Boring isn't it? Just staying in posting on /brit/ with your life. Not for me, I like it.
is she hot
does she like mentally disabled australians
This will end in tears.
Leftypol: wakes up and gets out of bed
Rorke: decides that the bedpill is a jewish psyop and starts getupmaxxing
I destroyed your sister the same way
too early
yes actually. better quality natural foods produce healthy gut bacteria which uses food in take more efficiently. a lot of fat people aren't fat because over consumption but the fact that what they're eating is potatos in the form of chips and crisps which are pre digested so their guts are probably barren inside , their body has no idea what to do with what is essentially food that has been already chewed by factory machinery and only given salt and sugars for flavour.


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