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Forecast edition
Prev >>199157163
went down to the old train tracks
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>get the London look
from the river to the sea
June SUCKED for me
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Do you drink milk in your country?
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i have a cup of milk here right now
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I've got a question for Canadians. I've been talking to this girl and she says she's from the University of Waterloo. Not that I care too much but I'm just curious, is it a good school?
It's no Simon Fraser University
Even cheap boats are fun
She was in the top 0.1% of pajeetas before they gave her the ol' London splash
It has a good, but not top tier reputation
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this meme about waterloo sucking your soul out and making you want to shrivel up and die is still accurate
i just wanna let u know whoever made this post i am a native american from the great plains and i Will turn your scalp into a dream catcher faggot
It's so over
Fuck off back to your casino, injun!
pretending there are no jeets in canada is like pretending there's no salt in the ocean
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So how those Mets huh?
I need to be put down
but if i said 'i agree' you'd get mad
I've had a headache and been tired for like 7 hours but I can't fall asleep. Life is too hard.
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>turn your scalp into a dream catcher
this has never actually happened, right?
me with the red hair
canada is going to chud the fuck out
looks like a fun time
did you catch any fishes
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john redcorn lookin niggas be like *drinks mouthwash" ahhh :skullemoji:
not funny
shut up
They look so dainty and girly. It's cute.
continue posting
heaven on earth
pretty funny
post more
ehhhh couuuusin lets go down and pawn this space heater ehhh cousin yaaaa we'll get us some firewater
im a very creative person but no usually the scalps just get like woven into a big banner i think. kind of before my time
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What exactly is preventing you from moving to New York ?
Too diverse for my taste
I don't want to live in a dirty, crime-ridden, illegal migrant-infested, crowded shithole of a city.
New York City is a shithole, highest chance of getting nuked if shit went down, will get swallowed into the sea if the world goes up a few degrees
AND its filled with human filth know as New Yorkers
Yellow cars.
this studio apartment probably costs 5000$ a month
but he's not talking about texas
i've been to new york, it's DISGUSTING. don't take me for a fool you south bronx parasite
what exactly is disgusting about it?
i've been up for almost two days and I can barely stay awake. I need to last a couple more hours before I go to bed
I prefer a slower pace of living and the sight of nature. Not to mention the cost. I have doubts that a person could save any money for the future while living and working there today.
get some sleep and when you wake up go to the doctor that is horrible for you
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Having some beef and chips. Hopefully an overfull tummy will put me to sleep.
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i don't know what to eat for dinner. i have decided against pizza tonight, as i believe i have been eating too much of it.
nigga.. are you drinking milk?
Looks good
y'all would be so happy if you just made the move to new york
Some of us might have a brain tumor and wont find out until it's too late to do anything
the anti-homeless architecture makes every street look gothic with all the spikes and sharp wire. the city was designed by retards so daily traffic jams and endless honking. litter, so much litter. if you're outside manhattan it gets so so much worse. replace traffic with rundown houses
New York is the second stinkiest city I’ve ever visited
Chicago. Now THATS a city
I hope that happens to me, unironically
I'm having Raising Cane's :)
I'd rather be mauled to death by a grizzly bear, watching it disembowel me and eat my guts while I'm still alive.
do something with potatoes, my suggestion is pork chops/ chicken breast and mashed potatoes and gravy
I think New York’s stink problem is related to chronic garbage collection issues, while the worst had chronic sewer issues and reeked of sewage
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My little sister cooked it
>the farty city
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I grew up in the witness protection program.
No, we weren't fishing. Just sailing for funsies
no you didn't, lier
why to the doctor?
I hear the white suburbs of Chicago are nice. South side is called Chiraq for a reason.
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holy kek
there's really nothing worth doing anywhere in the world. if i had any sense i'd kill myself this instant
>without her knowledge
oh please. not even credible deniability.
Jason witnessed me doing his mom :’^(
not being able to sleep for 2 days is a really big medical concern. good sleep is so important for so many things mentally and physically
sailing sounds fun but i don’t think im cut out for it . i would ride though as long as i didn’t have to do anything with the sail
When you come to this realization, that's when you can really start living.
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Mexican bros, what do I have to do to get a Mexican GF? I am black btw.
sometimes i feel like i'm the oldest guy here
My family has been hunted by hells angels for decades. There is a hit out on us.
you seem like you know what you're talking about i'll take you at your word
i did it to fix my sleep schedule i dont have insomnia.
drinking lemonade
I'm 27
can we get married first so I get all your stuff
it feels weird how we're in a day and age where half of women presence online is a battle for equal footing, more autonomy and rights and the other half is P U S S Y I N B I O tier e-prostitution
im 18. sorry for being a zoomer
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got invited to karaoke with a friend and she's bringing people Ive never met before

what are some normie songs I should pick?
Actually funny
Post panties
linkin park
that's it, get ready for your spanking
i don't have anything you would want
baby shark
LinkedIn park
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Women are a meme. Don't try to make sense of their nonsense. If they're not subjugated, the natural order falls apart.
please save me americans
I'm mega gay
the isis nasheed
We can't even save ourselves.
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from what?
from hhhwhat
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When I look at this webm, the hair makes me think of Billy Mitchel(the donkey kong guy)
Business idea: anime should be banned from 4chan

Maybe it can be allowed on /a/ and /jp/, but nowhere else
jason tier webm
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Hi mega gay, I'm Jonas
let's go out dancing tonight I want to danceee
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i haven't been to the doctor in 5 years. I could have a brain tumor and not know it
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I just fucking got merked inside an Oblivion gate and lost 2 hours of progress
Im so angry
I wish I looked like this, I have dysmorphia because I don't look like this
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me but taller
that's fucked
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How do you level in Oblivion? I’ve tried playing several times and the optimization infuriates me.
do you try to look like that
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I wish I looked like this. I have dysphoria because I don't look thus way.
Jason furfag arc
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tfw big dick but ugly as sin
liberals wants to destroy this
I only have two beliefs:

1. The wealthy and powerful are being VICTIMIZED and must be defended at all costs.
2. Rural white males are being VICTIMIZED and must be defended at all costs (so long as whatever we do doesn't inconvenience the rich.)
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>The wealthy and powerful are being VICTIMIZED
2nd one is true though
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Vampires are real desu.
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I'm from Philadelphia
nigga wear a sheisty and keep your cock out at all times
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I only have two beliefs:

1. I need to be given unlimited money.
2. I need the right to have sex with whoever I want on demand.
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Meds. Now.
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It's Joever....
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I curse God, Buddha, my ancestors, samsara, the universe itself for not making me look like this
Were you in West Philadelphia born and raised? Or in East Philadelphia born and raised?
nigga just go fap already
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This is the future the left wants.
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I'm not horny, I'm angry. I will have my revenge against the world. I will burn it all down with the fire in my soul.
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skanks for this
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tastes like shit
nigga thats becky beer

the white claw of """beer"""
AI video i can tell by the pixels
I do this but I'm ugly as sin
yall niggas do not know what delicious beer taste like do yall?
The weak should fear the strong
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scuse you
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for me it's blue moon, I like any beer that is orangey. I sometimes mix orange soda with beer teeheeheehee
Every lager tastes the same. IPAs are where it’s at.
>Every lager tastes the same
that's not true at all
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Ok, what’s a lager that will blow my mind and change my opinion?
you want me to name a beer that will make you do the :O face?
Universities in Canada are almost all "decent". We don't have as many of the diploma mill universities that you seem to have in the States.

However, if you look below the university level, specifically at technical colleges and other similar post-secondary "institutes" which aren't universities, then a lot of those are visa mills full of SAAAAARs.
How does anyone afford to live in a city? That place is thousands and thousands of dollars in rent. And you're paying all that money to live in a dangerous and crowded shithole filled with non-whites gibbering in a dozen different languages you don't understand, and then pushed in front of a train by a nigger.
go on then
even sleeping in your car in nyc is expensive
>a dangerous and crowded shithole
it's not the 1970s anymore gramps
roomates, or a lucrative job, finance, tech, fintech and even a lot of people with those jobs still need roomies. especially true for blacks and mexicans chinese and middle eastern people
that's an impossible task. a beer has never blown my mind before.
chuds refuse to accept this
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for me, it's the humble king cobra
I deserve a gf like this but God has abandoned me.
I wouldn't want to live with a bunch of different people. I want to be completely alone like Travis Bickle
That's not a girl
It was just 4 years ago when Jason pretended he wasn't gay
what are the fashions trends
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What is the pattern in this image?
if price is going up its bull ish ir its gfoing down its pearish
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my mac and cheese turned out kinda bland desu. should've used more salt and pepper.
Back from my top surgery, what did I miss?
you will never be a real top
needs better browning; looks pallid. you could probably still put it under the broiler
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Me on the bike bringing you all good and interesting posts
dont reply to closet trannies
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Strike me down. Obliterate my soul. Remove me from the cycle. Life was a mistake. Return us to oblivion. Better nothing than this meaningless unending hell.
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this panty boy needs to clean his room and wash his penis
wow. epic post my gentleman!
Wrong answer, it's Latinxs who live in car-dependent cities
That makes sense
how many of you niggas have read the odyssey
Stop taking drugs, and Jewish blood money Mr. Peterson
trannies make me sick
It was required reading in school.
If that's so, why is your post shit?
Punch punch punch kick kick kick break smash bleed screaming pain red red smash twist bend break snap warm wet kick kick rip smash tear break bite kick scream hit scream scream scream scream gnashing gnashing seeing red scream pain pain pain scream kick kick break scream break sleep
Ukraine is a nazi state
I watched the Simpsons version if that counts
It's not. They're literally led by a Jew working for international Jewry. That said, I wish the US would stop funding them and focus on domestic issues.
retarded whore who probably smells like footcheese
>"The purpose of this operation is to protect people who for eight years now have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kiev regime. To this end, we will seek to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of the Russian Federation."
Okay, Volodya
Okay, President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin*
>quoting russian propoganda
you need to kill yourself
thats the normal reaction, especially for the ones that don't even come close to passing
Nazi Hohols seething
i'm a samurai
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I'm bipolar
did you watch shogun?
"Jesus" Christ was actually the antichrist and the true prophet was Paul. All Christians are actually under the finger of Satan.
no man samurai don't watch tv
All the hohols in Canada must be insufferable
Insane take
They literally have a monument dedicated to Ukrainian SS Nazis in Canada. Canada also invited a Nazi to speak before Parliament. The collective West has a Nazi problem and hohols should largely be expelled from the country.
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>"Jesus" Christ was actually the antichrist
So the je was sus?
I'm actually an atheist looking to trigger someone
Trump will win and make gaza a shopping mall
>Hohol loves Ukraine and hates Palestinians
the schizoboomer is my least favourite cummer
Gooned all day until my balls were blue then did a massive, huge cum, got everywhere, was panting and convulsing
much better than regular wanks
Israel is genociding Palestinians and Hohols are genociding Russians in the Donbas region.
What's a Palestinian?
t. hohol jew
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This thread belongs to Canadian BVLLS
How do you have the energy to go longer than 1 hour? How do you find enough goon material?
Cry more moussa
abortion is very obviously murder
I support mandatory abortions for basketball Americans
Tbh idk I woke up today with raging morning wood and was extremely horny the rest of the day and I haven't wanked in a week or so.. so it was just time for something drastic
Also porn is free so.. there's lots of wank material
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Pinoy girls
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>there's lots of wank material
my fetishes are not uncommon but I’ve run out of porn that combines all of them together properly
most nights I get started with images or gifs and then close my eyes and finish myself off with the ol’ imagination
my fetishes are embarrassing so I sha’n’t be elaborating
neet gang roll call
what are we all doing tonight niggas?
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how should I kill my mom?
or fists?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4DxhHnpQGY I'm going to be up all night to get lucky
sitting on my phone in the dark
don’t kill anyone
watching the heems
Gonna go burn some grass underneath the local NEET's window and play recordings of giggling girls.
Back from mass. There were like 20 people at reconciliation before hand.
finna make some beans, tortillas, and eggs
I'll never understand the phenomenon of pretty girls getting tattoos. Instantly cheapens them.
I was at the store today behind two girls talking about tattoos. Both were below average.
Trump appeared in epstein's flight logs around 7 times
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How would you know? The CIA got rid of them all.
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makes u think (well...not if you're a redditard)
It was in the documents of the maxwell court case
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The CIA does black magic, astral projection, remote viewing, and Satanic rituals.
This is our future. Already I feel like an artifact of the past when my zoomer coworkers talk to me. They think I'm some kind of wizard for having a basic grasp of English.
wtf epstein's flight logs just flew over my house!
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The writer of The Exorcist was a glowie who specialized in psychological warfare and he also was a Jesuit.
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How is he going to react to all the memes and wojaks about him?
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These posts glow
actual glow up
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Heeeere's Johnny!!!
Crime has gone way down since the 80s
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good post
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does anyone else get social anxiety posting on 4chan.
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uhhhhhh hey
brics cowers in fear when they see this frog
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*pinches your nose*
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I'm empty inside
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I bet ancient people did retarded TikTok challenge shit and when archaeologists find evidence of it, they're like "this is a holdover of an obscure dionysian ritual" etc
>Posting George Floyds image with the n word next to it
Seriously? Grow up dude.
I want Tucker Carlson to suck my dick, how do you think I should approach this problem? I'm not attracted to him, I just think it'd be funny to truthfully tell people I was blown by Tucker Carlson.
im self conscious and a coward
Some people unironically live in Iceland
>how do you think I should approach this problem?
By not being a porn addicted weirdo prob
Living in an ethnostate is a kind of paradise
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That's a sin desu.
Iceland has many issues
Let's not talk about politics, let's talk about apple pies, cherry pies, and blueberry pies. (not rhubarb pies)
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Raspberry pie
i used to honestly
Never had one
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i was underage and i was afraid of everyone shitting on me
So is being protestant, doesn't stop over eight hundred million mfs.
good post
luv me a pumpkin pie
lemon meringue pie is overrated
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I'm hungry and sleepy
>lemon meringue pie is overrated
you better watch your back
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Technically it wasn't a movie it's a short film. Movies exceed 40 minutes, anything less is a short film.
we'll be able to manufacture completely artificially made humans before we have convincing looking robots
your dad raped your mom
insightful post
I always thought girls winking at me were hot
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I wish it was sunny and moderately warm every day, and it only rained at night, and that we have lightning storms every week but the lightning only strikes rapists so it doesn't damage anything important.
come to eastern oregon
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Nah, I like my state. We grow a lot of corn and corn makes whiskey.
gotta give /cum/ that HAWK TUA
I'll be visiting western oregon, might drive through eastern oregon at some point
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I don't live in the south but related song
I’m a southern boy at heart
Nigger you're in Canada, that's as fucking north as shit gets
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The south and Russia have always been brothers. It was fitting that Lt. William Robinson was from Kentucky.
Here's the new
odds, i trim my armpit hair
evens, i do nothing
dubs, i shave entirely
Somebody do better than this, horrible foreign flag OP
As long as you keep the bush
You too
You should keep it trimmed though
im so used to the edit of him with the baja blast that this picture looks fake to me
She’s iranian and had her face fucked up in the middle east

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