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Bald & Bankrupt edition
poo smells looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
creepy sex tourist
sex tourism in scotland must be grim
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Christcucks seething even doe the bible says everyone is made in the image of god
got chatting with one of them trannies at the pub
didnt even realise
lets just say... my jorkin peanits
you think he shagged a few scot birds when he was there?
i wonder what /brit/ is like in the middle of the day
anglo elites and jews are satanic paedophiles
my enemies castrate themselves
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Uchiha Itachi
both based
um its 2slgbtqia+ now sweaty
t. paedophile
Don't need to sign your posts mate
Equivocates between their humanity and their will.
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sick of the tories and labour

im voting for the voice of the people
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>everyone is made in the image of God and that's why you need to have your breasts removed to correct being born in the 'wrong' body
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the lad your da talks to in the pub
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despise the way muslims cut and style their beard, it's like they go out of their way to look as ugly as possible (not that that requires much effort)
Might go maccies
Irish diaspora
sent this to my dad at 3 in the morning once and he didn't know whether to be annoyed or grateful
>>199165540 #
I remember when Ray of Light came out. To me, everything after that is "modern Madonna". Mad that it was her first one that didn't have sexual controversy
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pakistani women are beautiful
Filled with spam.
might filter the irish flag because of greek retard and its not like any of them are any good anymore
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Lovely British song

Burger King makes better beef sandwiches now.
theres poo what comes ouf of that
Good lad
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Isn't that the guy who went to jail in russia for trespassing on militar grounds?
hes gibbon up
Feeling lonely?
more than pajeetas?
Was thinking the same. used to be a few good ones but ever since you mongs told the greek (he's actually a turk btw) mong how to immigrate, he's done nothing but shit up the thread and talk about how he's a nonce.
Thoughts on Philadelphia, Pennsylvania?
why do brits call it Accident and Emergency instead of just emergency
the psychiatry manual i'm reading has a whole section on race not being biological but social and cultural.
yeah, nothing against canslad and the autistic irish lad that waffles about human biodiversity, but they aren't really worth not filtering the greekmong
Not all injuries are emergencies even if they are serious, like a broken arm for example.
Because often they will not see you urgently
Rent free
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In my head all of Pennsylvania is just West Virginia without the history of slavery, but in reality, I know it lost its appalachian characteristics years ago due to mass immigration
I'm a 27 year old right wing virgin with no friends
how much darkie immigrants live in our hotels? correct
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im getting REALLY sick of you
you just described 70% of /brit/
and the rest are left-wing tranny paedos with no friends
I'm 38 and married.
About an hour ago I made a lass squirt for the first time in my life. Just wanted to tell some anons because she's married so I can't tell anyone I actually know.
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tell them
>she's married
nigger tier
would kill a man over this
I'm 30 and a virgin.
don't want to wake up tomorrow
Literally just piss.
Er... okay....
It's always sunny.
Making a woman squirt isn't actually impressive
Some women just do it
Also it's literally just a loss of control over her bladder
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ah glesga
spoons behind him
Did you marry the argie?
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Feeling anxious, depressed and tired.
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boring cunt
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What side do you dress?
I know but I've shagged her many times before and she always cums hard but this never happened
piss off
The lads: me
Weightlifter: Rorke
What do you mean?

Evil, twisted creatures
it's happened now so you have the advantage
Chipsencurri tonight lads.
I'm thinking muttar and paneer, but it's not too late for beef. Decide for me. I'm too weak to do it on my own.
Like this, but worse.

A. Two (or more) of the following, each present for a significant portion of time
during a 1-month period (or less if successfully treated). At least one of these
must be (1), (2), or (3):
1. Delusions.
2. Hallucinations.
3. Disorganized speech (e.g., frequent derailment or incoherence)
4. Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior.
5. Negative symptoms (i.e., diminished emotional expression or avolition).
B. For a significant portion of the time since the onset of the disturbance, level of
functioning in one or more major areas, such as work, interpersonal relations, or
self-care, is markedly below the level achieved prior to the onset (or when the
onset is in childhood or adolescence, there is failure to achieve expected level of
interpersonal, academic, or occupational functioning).
C. Continuous signs of the disturbance persist for at least 6 months. This 6-month
period must include at least 1 month of symptoms (or less if successfully treated)
that meet Criterion A (i.e., active-phase symptoms) and may include periods of
prodromal or residual symptoms. During these prodromal or residual periods, the
signs of the disturbance may be manifested by only negative symptoms or by
two or more symptoms listed in Criterion A present in an attenuated form (e.g.,
odd beliefs, unusual perceptual experiences).
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Nice lad, how did it come about? Is her husband away?
are you yeah?
how bout you muttar your paki driven on /desi/ mate
Prepare yourself for a new level of possessive crazy. You will need to remind her more than once that she's married, and you are not her he-bitch.
astute observation, Sherlock.
You're not allowed to post the symptoms
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>sacked tranny, can you be that annoying?
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worm of a man yank. No, I wish. Haven't spoken with anyone outside of my family in 6 months
Religious beliefs have never made sense, religious people just make them up for political purposes
Are we talking east or west?
I'm the chinky flavour, but if I see anyone more southern than I am, I'll send them over.
>desis eating beef... c'mon...
Might filter yanks
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on the rorke side of youtube
I haven't had one of the those candies since I was little. I remember them being good.
informally separated but cohabiting
she's snoring on my sofa now which is less attractive than before
name on shelf stacking troon
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hahd ahhh
hope rasheed blew up that gay nonce zionist
>sees a post about religion
>immediately starts thinking about transsexuals
Come on mate just come out the closet, you're not fooling anybody
yep, the original martyrs made their religion up just to make it easier for the romans and jews to more easily torture an kill them m8
Bald's alright I reckon
I'm a weak coward who's too scared to live life
Who cares what you remember? I don't
its you
Come to terms with your transsexuality lad, there's nothing to be ashamed about
she's never demanded anything of me but she mentioned going on a city break earlier on but that requires more than 7 days advance commitment to this relationship from me so I'm tentative about the whole thing desu
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mad how this never happened in the end
Hi spaintwat
nothing to come to terms with, tranny, "transexuality" isn't a real thing. can't wait until you kys
Hope he kills you
honestly don't even know what to say about people with such a laughable grip on reality
How fit are we talking about? I envy you.
Caffeinebabs on suicide watch. Look at this proposed mental illness: Caffeine Use Disorder

A problematic pattern of caffeine use leading to clinically significant impairment or
distress, as manifested by at least the first three of the following criteria occurring
within a 12-month period:
1. A persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control caffeine use.
2. Continued caffeine use despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent
physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or
exacerbated by caffeine.
3. Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:
a. The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for caffeine.
b. Caffeine (or a closely related substance) is taken to relieve or avoid
withdrawal symptoms.
4. Caffeine is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was
5. Recurrent caffeine use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at
work, school, or home (e.g., repeated tardiness or absences from work or school
related to caffeine use or withdrawal).
6. Continued caffeine use despite having persistent or recurrent social or
interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of caffeine (e.g.,
arguments with spouse about consequences of use, medical problems, cost).
7. Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:
a. A need for markedly increased amounts of caffeine to achieve desired effect.
b. Markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of
8. A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain caffeine, use
caffeine, or recover from its effects.
9. Craving or a strong desire or urge to use caffeine.
the majority of all humans are so get over yourself and enjoy what you can
Sunak was elected without a membership vote
>. A persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control caffeine use.
Doesn't apply to me then; love my coffee

The government is saying to women: “Please, we are begging you, please have sex…!”

Men are saying to women: “Yes, please, we really want to have sex…!”

The entire population of women are saying: “Yeah, no, I don’t really feel like it. Sorry not sorry.”
yankification is sterilisation
everything about american anti-culture promotes ill health and sterility
Don't care. Still voting Reform.
So if an addict feeds into their addiction, they don't have the disorder, but if they try to cut off, they have the disorder.
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from what I've seen the men and the women both hate each other equally
No symptoms
the majority of humans have friends and loving relationships and aren't rotting inside four walls
call the psychiatrist and get him booked in
Had my gay wank. Enjoy them less and less
prove your hypothesis
When it comes to something as harmless as caffeine? Yes
the sexpat
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>Cop killed while getting her nails done for a wedding after 'drunk driver' ploughed into salon - leaving four dead
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I've accepted the fact that you're a transsexual lad. You need to see the truth within yourself. You are, inescapably, a transsexual.
on the floor hooting and hollering in laughter
there's such thing as caffeine induced mental disorders in the book, like "caffeine-induced anxiety disorder", and "caffeine-induced sleep disorder", according to that it's not harmless to some people.
Solid 7 mate. She is a bit older tbf but great tits and she's only like 5 ft which as a manlet myself makes this all possible.
Jesus was some charismatic preacher I guess and people believed in him and thought they'd have eternal joy in heaven if they followed him.

Cults like this have existed throughout history. Some are more successful than others but they're all cults.
Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgasmic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter- tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther ... And one fine morning- So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
Saying you're 'transgender' is no different to saying you're an Operating Thetan, you can believe it if you want, but none of us have to pretend we believe it as well.
whatever helps you cope retard tranny
website was called twitter, action on that website was called tweet/tweeting, reposting something was called retweeting

now website is called X, action on the website is called Xing(?) and reposting is called reXing(?)

who approved this rebrand
I know you are but what am I?
July 4th will be nice. Celebrating our Independence from bongs, while watching the Labour supermajority results come in.
l'm an Operating Thetan
Mental to think that the only significant cultural export of Britain in the last 120 years was inbred liverpudlians desperately wanting to be Elvis Presley

You'd have no culture without us
I knew a kid who developed a stammer of some sort from drinking insane amounts of coffee as a teenager
>I guess
Try actually reading and studying and not relying on Rick and Morty.
this is what it look like when you see someone arguing religion with diego
>"caffeine-induced anxiety disorder", and "caffeine-induced sleep disorder",
it's worse, someone calling themselves an operating thetan isn't necessarily a nonce
Amazing project lad, you're the most obvious transsexual this thread has ever had, faggot
Rocketleaguetoil on nephewbergs xbox
>Amazing project lad
Oh look at that, an ESL tranny and all
right yeah im filtering ireland now
you are the most obvious tranny since you literally tripfag
Yeah I know you're a tranny, I already said

It won't be long before you accept the inescapable eternity of your faggotry

Lmao, double posting like the fucking tranny you are
The reason Schizophrenics have the highest rate of cigarette use among neurodivergents is because anti psychotic medication induces Parkinsonism and nicotine suppresses Parkinsonism
bunch of boring bastards
you write in a really low iq way
wonder what amazing project he had
Never seen a less appetising combination of ingredients
If this is what it takes to be healthy, I'll stick to meat and dairy and their supposed risks over this shite
holy guacamole
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genuinely mental how awful android cameras can be
Enjoy being a fucking tranny
leftypol telling confused teenagers that this will solve their problems


can't wait for sir starmer to be my leader
Hi spaino
you mean you don't want to read
>you're a tranner!
>no, it is you who is the tranner!
over and over again?
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I am voting reform.
imagine being this scared of a few vegetables
you can also gain like 3-4 points of attractiveness just by changing hair and glasses.
Good lad, good lad, onwards to ours as we say back home.
Sounds tasty mate. Would still be chucking some meat in there though.
you seem to be mistaking 'the majority of people' with 'most people in first world countries'
tranny can't bring himself to say tranny
bit like the other tranny saying "transsexual"
Left: mentally ill
Right: on medication
beans on toast isn't good enough for vegans hmm? they've got to have beans on kale, carrot, leek and celery
>Would still be chucking some meat in there though.
Only cunt scared of anything is you, you're terrified of a lovely bit of cheese like some sort of anorexic tarqwoman
those glasses are identical
it's more the angle the photo is taken at that helps him out
Enjoy going down the local fag club and getting fucked which is clearly what you're all about
>Parmigiano Reggiano
scran beef, milk and eggs far more than i should
cholesterolberg levels are probably skyhigh
genuinely don't know what you pair of retards are even arguing about
>those glasses are identical
no they're not lol. completely different shape
Lots of transphobia in /Brit/ tonight :/

Sad to see so much unnecessary hate and anger.
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BREAKING: Random House releases a collection of every mousey post that doesn't make sense.
Nah, you're allright. I'd be more worried about their natural status i.e. gmos
I'm not even vegetarian you mong. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy a meal without meat sometimes like some fussy little incel
is there yeah?
I kinda hope he wants to join in.
all your posts just sound so low iq. you're a boomer i reckon
they are the same you're seeing them from a different angle
you're an idiot, you added that in after i posted
It's the focal length, look it up.
get your nips out and we'll all get along just fine
Focal I know about glasses
Parmigiano isn't even vegetarian technically since it's made with calf rennet
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no they're fully different glasses. look where the bridge meets the eyes. it's directly on the corner on the ones on the right and it's down a quarter inch on the ones on the left. they're also more square and dont have wide flat legs.
Vegetarians eat cheese you FUCKING MONG
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NOO I just found it, "internet gaming disorder". It's so over.
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do you like british movies or american movies? i don't really know british movies. are they better than american movies?
really want britain to be nuked
LOVE nurses
I know a few people who only eat meat and potatoes, no other fruit or veg and they're genuinely some of the thickest and most depressed people I've ever met
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Some of the lads here really need to work on their text game
don't know any American movies
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>solo-parented four daughters
deary me
Wonder if her kids know and are therefore traumatised for life
rather than slagging them off to your internet friends maybe be a decent person and point it out to them that their diet could use some work?
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I am unemployed and about to spend someone else's hard earned money on alcohol.
Both have good representatives.
the tale of a wasteman
I bet they're vastly more self-actualised than you thoughever
no he cooked with this
Some people think theyre always right
women prostituting themselves is so leftist and progressive! based liberal global order! we did it reddit
Oh believe me I've tried.
These are the sort of people who gag and wretch at the thought of eating a bit of cucumber.
Do you at least feel bad about it?
>I know a few people who only eat meat and potatoes
No you don't.
This coming Wednesday I might get steaming as a rocket.

We haven't had a good steaming session in a while.
More power to you lad.
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shut the fuck up you thick paki they are the SAME glasses
1 litre of cheap paki shop vodka, completed
didn't think it was possible for brick to sound even more retarded then he usually does but i think he bought a thesaurus recently
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>Banksy let loose inflatable boat with dummy migrants at Glastonbury Idles set

are lad's done it again
the mardy shit begins a couple of days before their period arrives anyway
How does an enlightened tarqorexic faggot like you come to be friends with such people?
I'm 6ft, 12 stone, literally walking perfection mate.
>diego's never heard of maslow's hierarchy of needs
sweaty fat ginger girls
need a decent drinking game for thursday night
Had to do about Maslow and his hierarchy or needs in A-Level Media Studies

Doing A-Level Media Studies was one of the worst decisions I ever made TBF.
it's actually hilarious how you don't realise how stupid you sound
He really is a quintessential midwit.
did you yeah?
Why haven't you been treating us to homealone in recent weeks?
what the fuck has it got to do with media studies?
See >>199166863
listening to tales of mystery and imagination - edgar allan poe by the alan parsons project
18 to 23 year old girls have such a nice creamy smell to them
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my welsh grandad looks like this
that's you though. maslows hierarchy of needs lmfao
no they don't
yeah 24 year olds smell like shit
Diego got caught lying about being "5'11 and stocky" earlier when his 1,020kcal-a-day manley diet was exposed kek
he's not welsh he's scottish
sean connery
reckon he hasn't been totally honest about his past
Phoenician DNA is strong in the Welsh.
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Rorke has failed to prevent his attraction to transsexuals
Gibberish from you diego, try again
Maybe you need to attend to your basic needs before engaging in this conversation. Has mummy changed.your nappy recently?
dr disrespect the age of consent
you have autism and a very low iq
just thought you'd like to know
>spooling up for the Phoenician DNA routine again
i'm off to bed
what the heck?!?!
Donald Drumpf, if you're reading this ... FUCK YOU!!!
Good album this not sure if anyone has heard of it.
>deano turns black halfway through

uhh lads?
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>autism and a very low iq
that's R deegz!
>At least 18 killed in northern Nigeria blasts
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that was me. you know you can eat more than your arbitrary "servings" right?
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crane fly in me room
Mental how much more shaggable the white one is
mental how easily I could disfigure these two
my personal favourite
I am a 27 year old Welsh trans woman.
>that was me.
Yeah that's what I said
rasheed and jamal pulling their baldy half inchers to this
makes sense, william is irish diaspora through his mother
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the essential britkino
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he's nothign but an embarrasmenrt to me
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I'm trans and I'm voting Reform UK.
you're a man
>downstairs doesn't go anywhere
ai is going to be great for the horror genre in the short term
Squirt is not “literally just piss”

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