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chebs edish
What would your mother say if you brought home a French girl?
poo smells haha
Safe to say diego's on the ropes
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GOOD post
she only shoots scenes with black men btw
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why are black women like this?
As any respectable white pornstar should
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same poster
who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars
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>poo smells
TBF I'm getting used to doing morning shifts at work now. Don't hate them as much. It's surprising how well I'm able to function on 1 hour or so of sleep as well.
would you ever have a black bf EW?
Me pissing on the yanks ITT
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still funny how charlie veitch cried to the wikipedia admins to get his article protected because people kept editing it to include true things about him that he didn't like
poo smells lmao
>I'm 5'11 and stocky
How many of these apply to you?

1. Preoccupation with Internet games. (The individual thinks about previous gaming
activity or anticipates playing the next game; Internet gaming becomes the
dominant activity in daily life.)
2. Withdrawal symptoms when Internet gaming is taken away. (These symptoms
are typically described as irritability, anxiety, or sadness, but there are no
physical signs of pharmacological withdrawal.)
3. Tolerance—the need to spend increasing amounts of time engaged in Internet
4. Unsuccessful attempts to control the participation in Internet games.
5. Loss of interests in previous hobbies and entertainment as a result of, and with
the exception of, Internet games.
6. Continued excessive use of Internet games despite knowledge of psychosocial
7. Has deceived family members, therapists, or others regarding the amount of
Internet gaming.
8. Use of Internet games to escape or relieve a negative mood (e.g., feelings of
helplessness, guilt, anxiety).
9. Has jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job, or educational or career
opportunity because of participation in Internet games.
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>true things about him that he didn't like
such as?
Don't know what the future holds.

I'm bulimic and this is fucking offensive.
Which things?
mad how fat and unhealthy you'd have to be to think eating a healthy diet means you're anorexic. can imagine this trans-fat getting out of breath whilst his fat fingers struggle to type
>I'm bulimic and this is fucking offensive
did all this with champ manager back in the day
which do you do:
self-induced vomiting; misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or other
medications; fasting; or excessive exercise.
wank, shower then bed i reckon
Mental how badly I mindraped him
>mad how fat and unhealthy you'd have to be to think eating a healthy diet means you're anorexic. can imagine this trans-fat getting out of breath whilst his fat fingers struggle to type
Self induced vomiting.

What do you really think the end result of abusing me will be?
Mental how much you care
bed, shower then wank i reckon
its the proposed internet gaming disorder. you need at least five of the points to have it. do you think it should be accepted or scrapped?
I feel called out.
it's over
I am an Episcopalian
My wife is Lutheran

(you) are going to hell
>What do you really think the end result of abusing me will be?
Gies a preview
Noncing a blunt
you're about two days late mate
not a very episcopalian thing to say, do they even believe in hell?
Hell is simply a choice you make and can be defined as permanent separation from God
I am addicted to sleeping. Don't know why I love it so much.
you don't have a wife
i wish it were that easy, if so id go to hell in a heartbeat. fuck that power tripping jew in the sky
Jewish fairy tale nonsense.
Night nigh x
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Led By Donkeys dropped into a Reform UK rally with a remote controlled Putin banner
Nigel was NOT pleased!
name one single thing nigel farage will actually do to improve the life of the average british working class man
was all offline tbf so irrelevant
Led By Donkeys protecting the uniparty, very cool
for a group that prides itself on calling out political corruption it's bizarre they never actually do anything beyond sixth form tier stunts and more to the point never actually criticise anyone who are not the tories or reform
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im voting for nige
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good lad
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Does anybody else like pegging?
I don't like the homoerotic implications, but it's very hot just seeing a big, beautiful booty moving back and forth.
Much more aesthetic than seeing a hairy, muscular ass if you ask me.
Yes I do
You are choosing hell
I'm not choosing anything because your 2000 year old Semitic desert myths aren't real.
Genuinely insane just how egregious the BBC's bias against Reform has been.
I don't even want the licence fee abolished anymore, I want the whole fucking corporation shut down. Withdraw the royal charter.
You are indeed choosing
It was funny watching last nights question time and all the "questions" he got were from rasheeds and women

sad state of affairs
The kids are taking Ritalin to pass their exams. RITALIN! An amphetamine!
based kids
put them all in mental institutions
Almost like amphetamines are performance enhancing drugs. Mad innit?
Anyone seen Toby about? I'm worried he's been arrested again
They were good questions.
Timmy on the other hand would have jabbered away awkwardly for a minute or so until the mic got taken away.
>tfw 5'7
lads... I made it...
top kek, would love more vids like this if you have em
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I suffer from a profound and chronic sadness that permeates every aspect of my life.

Good night.
The Bear is excruciatingly awful. You people like this shit? It’s not even a comedy it’s more like misery porn about depressed, loathsome and pretentious people yelling at each other in really cloddy, hamfisted, overly choreographed, and claustrophobic sequences. It was tolerable as background noise in the first two seasons, but season 3 is vile and ugly and aimless and excruciatingly boring. Just watch Top Chef for chrissakes.
even crazier when you realize how much easier the exams are nowadays and they're still drugging themselves up to not even get good grades
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I've seen this one before
Injecting foreign hormones into your body and cutting your cock off should solve that I reckon.
Supposedly representative of the public, even though the audience were pretty much agreeing with everything the Green Party leader said despite only polling at 3%
cheeky couple g&ts and a bump of ket while the gf is asleep

Don’t wake up
Why does Corbyn love black people so much
He shagged Diane Abbott
He was even on twitter talking about doing a "grime music video" the other day
Is he Irish diaspora
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imagine if reform became the official opposition omdz
would shag them rotten
least deluded reform voter
nice argument however i'm still voting magpies
Jeremy White… bad!
Ramsay Gordon… good!
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Quit vaping about 3 weeks ago now

Still have no idea why I did it, friends and family pressured me but I never had a problem with it, now I’m just angry all the time and resentful toward those who wanted me to quit
How mean Gordon Ramsay?
thanks man, everytime i see a troon i remember this and get disgusted immediately, more people should read this.
is this george floyd and is he finna bust down with that small asian
What's your pp size compared to theirs
They will. Labour will win by a landslide but still appears Nige is creating a big splash
month and a half that i've been off the fags and vapes
i don't feel much diff but then i don't feel better, just about the same
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reform will not become the official opposition you clown
I don’t feel any better at all, feel the same just angrier
It might not feel familiar when you return, but you're welcome any time.
Marco Poo White
never occurred to me that the zoomer haircut is just them trying to emulate their black role models
yeah i only really feel like waking up is better without desperately needing a fag but then, having the fag was so nice and i'd wake up so much more quickly after it that the benefit of waking up not craving is not that great
i had no idea dick whittington was a real person. I thought he was just a cat
mine is just under 7 inches
China is collapsing.
desuarchive DOWN
Hello Spermtza
The conspiracy against me by certain groups and people is collapsing
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got loads of ugly tattoos when I was a skinny leftist twink, now that I'm roided to fuck I wish I didn't have them
took this after my gym sesh today
in case anyone is watching 'roided' just means full of beans aha
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our land
our pride
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Dick Whittington had a cat, he was not himself a cat
Mad how the lead presenter on GMB is a former politician, shadow chancellor who is married to the current shadow home secretary, and that's normal and fair apparently
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same. i cant pull the twink face anymore because im balding. picrel is me
insane jump to conclusions from the man living in lawless asia there
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That's what the woke mob would have you believe
Who’s an old /brit/ poster you miss?
I miss Moni.
lookng good king
is craven still alive
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I am drinking coffee. It is almost 3 in the morning.
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Because you've been drinking though, right?
the anons from 2014-18
I'm white, kys
too drunk to put on bed sheets goodnight lads
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need it in my bum
Why do you do this to yourself?
would be nice if i could just be like reborn as a different person.
little ginger gay
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real nigga
genuinely wonder what is happening to him now

he still with his bf?

he suicided?

he rejoined employment and now completely mentally healthy?

hope he is ok
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where is he right now then?
Tiny Willy
Just witnessed a man make an X
miss mark and his bastarding tuba
he loved posting that thing the mad cunt
love wovfeve me
>the 28th
What is it with all white converts to Islam being ginger?
dude it's so fricking hot outside
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We must never forget
musta got lotta piss taken out of him for that name growing up
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been sitting in my room with the window open completely naked since 10pm

in an hour the bloody sun will rise and the birds will start their screeching

october can't come soon enough
off to toil in 17 hours
dont get it
Fuckin goofs
anime ukip lad from 2014, spent many days on the train to my internship talking to him

Pack it in mate
4/20 4:20
dude weed lmao
never wanking again
sick of the awful feeling afterwards
i would have to have every indicator of schizophrenia to have figured that out from your post
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If you cant remember where you were on 4/20 4:20 2020 i dont want to talk to you
Why bother writing this shit man literally nobody but fags like me who are gonna tell you to shut up will read it. Doesn't impress anyone, nobody cares, everyone's here for porn or funny videos... not ur weird retarded larp fanfic. You aren't gonna convince anybody you're anything by pretending you ain'r gonna wank again.
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Nothing ever happens bros will be proven wrong soon
wanking again
not sick of the awful feeling afterwards
Was having a spliff with my Dad
woulda been on lock doh like the rest of the uk
Tonight's the night to be niggardly I think. Can't spare a lot of money now
so many days so long ago that i remember and now theyre so long ago i remember and so many days so long ago that i remember and now theyre so long ago i remember and so many days so long ago that i remember and now theyre so long ago i remember and so many days so long ago that i remember and now theyre so long ago i remember and
looks like my mum
Nicholas Wending Refn movies all look nice, lots of pretty colors, but literally nothing happens, it's just people walking slowly and waiting ten seconds between every line
I was shitting and pissing and, oh yeah, VOMITING out of every hole in my body
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wish i churn that rind
with a good ol glaze
Work finally crumbled on the 18th, so I made some calls on the 19th to see what I could line up, then ordered a dropoff from the dispensary.
I smoked a joint at 0420 and another one at 1620... the next day I was offered employment.
Good morning lads
do you want to shag her?
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He looks like absolute shit now. He looked all right in Doctor Who back in like 2006 or whenever that was.
I will wear this t-shirt in public
state of that quiff
well good morning
bit cold out
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why is he so swarthy
years and years ago i thought there was something incredibly false and evil about david tennant when i'd see him hosting have i got news for you, and not your usual put on hosting thing or actor's personality thing
and so as time has progressed and we have learnt what we have about his family i reckon he is RAPING his kids, and have basically no doubts
he and martin sheen are establishment nonces for sure. sources: their careers with the BBC, the way they act, how their kids have turned out
prefer not to say
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based paedo detector
Looks like rio ferdinand
The Old Testament was actually about Celts.
chinense food
chinense foooooooooood
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It does mention the Scythians and Persians who both were Indo-European.
don't have quite as much chocko snacks as i thought i did
bleedin woke mob
Might eat Chinese food.
Might eat Chinense food.
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The Scythians were proper mentalists. They would ride around in their chariots smoking weed and they were feared as deadly warriors.
i need to buy more chocko snack :(
Please fucking tell us more about the fucking Scythians PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

use your indoor voice please
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How can you concentrate on fighting when you're stoned
I would just want to chill out
Fucking hell is 4chan really this woke now? Can't even use a few capital letters anymore?
Will i be getting banned soon for this too? Fucking hell the woke trannies infected everything i still like.
Are these woke trannies here in the room with us, David?
Fuh-king hell.. You really can't say anything anymore these days. Utterly barmy this world has become.
people who say woke unironically should be sentenced by a court of law to have their tongues cut out
What's gucci my nigger
you are saying it ironically it doesnt count
People who say unironically should be unironically hung drawn and quartered and have their head and their small cocks paraded through the streets of whatever retardville they grew up in.
woke nonsense
going to smoke a fat preroll now because i hate my life and long for a few hours of peace
woke is like the opposite of sleepy
you can be woke and talk loud too
Woke used to mean based for left wingers.
Just think about that for a second.
Pretty crazy.
on the sauvignon blanc
The ancient Germanic people burned witches at the stake. That was even before they became Christian.
Burning witches continued in Christianized Germanics, particularly in Northern Germany and England.
I talk pretty loudly in my sleep sometimes
big talk from a country where no one's been executed since the 60s
we executed someone two days ago
rorke taking a nap to own the woke mob
I was executed yesterday
Need a cartoon of a pagan and christian shaking hands as a witch is burning in the background.
sorry mate but he's too intelligent to have stuck around in here and read your post, he's gone straight back off to learn more about his scythians
try reddit
why? what do you say? who are you talking to?
In ancient Germanic folklore, witches could fly in the air and they could suck the life energy out of you like a psychic vampire.
So just like a regular woman then?
I don't go there so I don't know what they post.
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I am bewitched by jewish ladies
in ancient russia, food eat you
It always comes out as complete bullshit. I probably have a few recordings of it on here somewhere. It usually happens when I have dreams about my mom - she died about fifteen years ago.
might carry dogstein like a little baby boy for the rest of his life
witches don't need to suck they make their own energy
If you do, you'll have to.
ive never gotten a dog because i remember how much it destroyed me when my hamsters died as a child and i dont think i could get a dog knowing it would die before me someday
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Germanic, Celtic, Arabian, Jewish, Slavic and Chinese folklore all had stories of vampires!
yank obsessed with witches calling other people reddit
nate its not even fucking hot
my condolences
Got The Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ arriving via mail soon catyank, looking forward to it.
Wondering if I'm just not sleeping tonight then
wish we were all in a pub together in some dreary little corner of old england talking and laughing together
You don't know how little you matter until you're all alone
In the middle of Arkansas with a little rock left in that glass dick
Used to date a blonde, you used to hit it raw
'Cause she was and you are madly involved, madly involved

Hittin' stones in glass homes
You're smokin' stones in abandoned homes
You hit them stones and broke your home
Crack rock, crack rock
Crack rock, crack rock
Hittin' stones in glass homes
You're smokin' stones in abandoned homes
You hit them stones and broke your home
Crack rock, crack rock
Crack rock, crack rock
Love summer me, always assume people who hate it are just obese.
Although it should be said that I live on a street in front of a forest and the road in front is full of huge trees, so it is likely much cooler where I live than in some povvo council estate lol
ive been posting in /brit/ for years but have never attempted a tripfag gimmick. think id like to. any ideas?
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top stuff mate. great book that. very deep and philosophical it is.
my idea is that you don't
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oh yeah also Italian and Malaysian did too
Labelling others is reddit
You redditor
Fucking idiot
can I move to your house?
I didn't label anyone reddit, I just described somethign that happened.
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Not rwadig any of thsis hot sUFKC FOFF
fat ugly pig waste of air
Fuck off
your plane tickets are in the post as we speak x
rorke watching the opening to the dark knight rises and giggling
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Dadberg and unclestein were talking about politics and the presidential debate. It was so boring.
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arr they going to vote for drumpf?
Me dog is like a European the way he emulates what an AmeriGOD does and looks up to me
bet they're both stupid rorke chuddies talking about how we need trump to win to save israel and black jobs or something
watched the trilogy recently and completely forgot how silly the dark knight rises is compared to the other two
leftypol trying not to laugh along
women dress like this and get upset when unattractive men and old men stare at them
Dadberg used to be pro-Israel but he's changed his mind on that. He's slowly become redpilled on the Jews. No joke he really has
thank you <3
Women just smile when I look at them. I'm ugly and fat, but I'm 6'5 and have a full head of hair.
hamtaro ass nigga
trump farage bad
starmer biden good
Women have been ogling me and I look the worst I ever have,
cat yank just a shittty pretend version of mihai
I remember laughing in the theater when I saw it and then other people started laughing too haha
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voting for Trump me
I couldn't get over how fucking stupid Bane's voice was.
me too
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Do you want to be frens?
scranning ice cream cake
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we already are, catyank.
when I vote I just mark everything on the ballot randomly to create chaos and bring these people's pomposity down a bit you know
Thank you... I want to see if I can find some of the recordings of me "talking to her." They're pretty funny. Usually the individual words make sense, but the way I string them together when I'm asleep is straight up dada-ist AI nonsense.

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