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Poutine edition

Greetings from Azerbaijan
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Abs are gross on women
Ghoul hours
I hate woodpeckers they made holes on my shed
lean beef patty is ugly and looks like Meg Griffin
I didn't know those were real
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she mogs you
Spraying liquid shit out my ass, esé
I wish those bastards weren't real
want to kiss that back uWu
Mom is pissed I'm partying as much as I am. I had like two drinks.
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That's a warm up where I'm from
they'll swap out biden i just know it
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Damn, I'm stoned
>smoking weed in the middle of the night
Fucking zased!
im getting there myself
>smoking weed AND drinking coffee late at night
Uhhhhhh, fuggin based
My friend went schizo after a 100 mg edible
anyone else have a friend that does nothing but complain about their partner nonstop but gets offended when you suggest that they might be happier and better off without them
Well yeah I'm a femboy
that's why your taste in women is so shit
when I was at the hospital I saw a cute little adorkable probably asian nurse doctor girl, she had a nice fat but sensible butt that sort of jiggled when she was restocking gauze and towels and stuff and she was standing cutely like with her shoes pointing inwards at each other like how girls sometimes do, I didn't get a good look at her face but I bet she was beautiful and asian
I've done 100mg a few times. It's definitely too much. But they were capsules, not edibles.
do you wear high top chuck taylor converse
No, they broke up soon after I suggested their relationship was abusive.
I know.
proof pls?
Yeah, his girlfriend is literally a pothead, alcoholic, MDMA addict who wanted to stay friends with a former fuck buddy at the outset of their relationship. On top of that, she goes out without him and gets blackout drunk on girls' night.
2 beers is like halfway to tipsy for me.
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wtf is this real
lol what a cuckold
Now split these by people group.
not trying to blame anyone for it but all im saying it men dont turn down sex
20 mg is enough for me to chill. I've managed relatively high doses of LSD better than 100mg edibles.
I've turnt down sex on multiple occasions from various different women
its over for bug man chinks.
poor guy, those self esteem issues must run pretty deep for him to be okay with being treated like that
lmao men really are blinded by women. My sister's friend tried hooking me up with her alcoholic NEET sister. Ain't catching me with that.
All those kids are Somalis and Afghanis by the way.
Everywhere except Africa is below replacement rate.
he needs to drop that whore or hes gonna wind up paying for a kid that aint his
Just two more weeks...
i was referring to straight men
got em
Most men dont have any other option.
Open relationship cuckolding or remain alone.
i would turn down sex from a single mom
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The only US president who isn't a descendant of slave owners? You guessed it. Donald J. Trump
Many relationships only exist to share rent. We live in grim times.
No you wouldnt, you'd even provide for her financially
if you'd rather be cucked than alone then you're not a man

at LEAST be a bad boy chad and spread your seed if you really wanna reproduce but not be tied down
We should all be impressed by all that hard work she did in the gym, totally no performing enhancing drugs here
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lol who the fuck cares if she's on anavar lil bitch boy
men are allowed to have standards and preferences too
The matching market has nearly completed its ultra eugenic accelerationist phase.
Every single non obese non hideous woman is with a 6'5 guy or rotating through a stable of fwb.
Average men dont have a choice
I think I'd be happier homeless
I don't enjoy drinking alcohol anymore
it was a good month or so but i dont like it anymore
it's dysgenic because everyone is being encouraged to fuck niggers
anyways i never had the problem of having to settle with a whore just to get pussy
your buddy needs to get some self respect
Today's cum was low energy
you know this isn't true, this is horrible bitter thinking and i really really hope you don't actually believe this
Post that webm of that fat asian hog with a man ten leagues above her
It's over
>Boogie getting dragged hard for a crypto scam
Frank Hassle won
I just woke up. With 4am as our starting time, I'm going to drink lots of water today, and if I get a headache I'm going to chalk it up to an undiagnosed tumor.
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you don't have a brain tumor you just need to fix your sleep schedule
there was an entire documentary about how boogie was a failure who cares about some crypto scam
Every single woman with the slightest hint of beauty is either already taken or syphoned into chad's fuckbuddies' fleet.
All it takes to understand that is a pair of eyes.
Meanwhile the hogs are getting incredibly inflated in a position where most left out men have to settle with their fat ugly ass.
My coworkers all have fucked up ass fat horse faced pieces of shit wives and gfs who think they're hot now.
Just because average to hot women dont mind sharing the 6'5 chad
Im not angry at the situation, Im angry at my genes.
Worst Korea is even worse, they’re at like 0.7 or something now lmao
this is terribly sad
im sorry that you feel that way
why do you encourage him spinster
How many leafs here are actually asian
I ask because asians are probably the only ethnicity/race I've never had the opportunity to be close friends with or even regularly communicate with and I'm curious how often I actually share cum with them
am fairly drunk ngl
He liked that documentary, as he seems to have some kind of humiliation fetish. It plays into his victim narrative and whatnot. The scam majorly damages his already-poor reputation, mostly because he scammed (or tried to scam) what little is left of his dwindling audience.
I poop
Nigga leave your house and look around
I'm the type of guy who sings shanties and talks like a pirate when drunk, nawmsayin?

Why won't Canadian boys kiss me?
I do not do that; perhaps I should
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4am is a perfectly healthy wakeup time, so it's fixed. If I can't make it to 7-8pm without a crippling headache then my myopia or a tumor is causing it and I need glasses or I'm gonna die.
God is punishing you for being gay
There are around two or three U.S.-flagged East Asian /cum/ regulars, but AFAIK none of the leafs are. That “Maple Ridge” poster was purportedly a hapa or something, but xey/xem stopped posting here.
you niggas claim to be white but I doubt any of you niggas even salt your chips
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you're not gonna die you're just being silly
what the HELL are you even talking about, my nigga
or maybe the human body wasn't made to sit and stare a a monitor for 12 hours a day every single day
I bet you open a bag of doritos and don't even add salt nigga
you aint WHITE
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I am white as hell

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Yeah, I salt my chips. What of it, honky?
brits arent white
white people don't add salt to doritos.

t. actually white
Most of you will have no choice but to be stepfathers
any poopsters?
my dearest friend dont go
my dearest friend dont go
fake ass white NIGGaR
shut the HELL up, INCEL creep
My brothers are all others, forever hand in hand,
Where chimes the bell of freedom, there is my native land.
My brothers’ fears are my fears, yellow, white or brown.
My brothers tears are my tears, the whole wide world around.
white people don’t eat goyslop like doritos ALBEIT
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No, she's not.
I am.
I don't do that, I take breaks.
(poop skin)
the problem with this dessert i made? not enough plum sauce
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upper class white people*
you and I are the last of a dying breed it seems.
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Dont get mad at me for saying the truth
she went blonde
it suits her
you are both brown (disgusting).
Need to trim my nose hairs
damn i guess we need to have lots of kids to repopulate
More news at 11
finna boutta find me a yt bish
you wont though while the average shannequa will pump out 10 kids each
Why is it fashionable among young whites, Hispanics, and Asians to talk like negroes? I don't mean in a purely ironic sense.
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gayson why won't you impregnate my bussy already
this is an irish ballad about their war against the british if theres any history buffs here
I'm to shy......
Celts (scots) are white, that's it. Simple as.
The nords have a case too but they are largely hybrid slavs
All racial groups have sub-replacement fertility in North America, unless you’re talking about tiny insular groups like the Amish or Hasidics
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>*doesnt salt his chips*
I seriously hope none of you do this
would america support ireland in an independence war?
you are the blackest negro the world has ever seen. kys negro
fuck no
maybe if the irish bribed biden in his 30 seconds of clarity but outside of that no
i should go on vacation to ireland
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what are you, gay or something?
Some of you are homosexual faggots
America did covertly back the IRA during The Troubles
shut up man we're shitting on darkies tonight
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MJ gone

a nigga DED
Why you mad tho?
It's sunday go do something with your life faggot
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If you're talking about the fag posting hentai shit it's Jason
He went from being anti-gay and anti-degeneracy to becoming a full blown faggot
hopefully it's just a phase but at best it's a very dark time in that young man's (gen-z) life
yo do you have links for all those tabs
it's the middle of the goddamn night you fucking down syndrome darkie
U gay?
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>full censorship
nvm he should die
as long as i've seen jason here he's been a proto tranny at various stages of denial but it's only been like four or five years i think
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hmph fine I give you grade A bussy and you decline it and then you say you're straight wtf man
hey ill take it
post bussy and gock
type "LGBT stats per race" on Google and see who the true nonwhite nigger is
no ur not gayson so I don't want ur gock
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You are very angry and btfo rn
Shaking even
what did she mean by this
it's you

seething gay nonwhite
Might post HIV/AIDS statistics
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No, I'm still anti-fag. I'm a based and redpilled bi-trad like the ancients. My worldview is too complex for a non-Aryan to understand.
When have I denied bussy?!
Yeah? Wanna kiss?
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seems pretty self explanatory, no?
what keyboard do you use
imagine...a world

without browns
why is everyone being gay
its fine i dont judge but like what spurred this
I could go for hashbrowns right now
post your pussy to counter act the gayness
you won't give me your ussy so I have to settle for gayness
I assume people being gay on 4chan is the same as locker room gay with your bros. haha
masturbation addiction and chronic isolation cause it
I got dawgs that'll chew a fuckin hole through the wall
>still seething
The gays live 20-30 years less than regular human
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A razer blackwidow elite.
more like prison gay incels slowly sissy hypnoing themselves with japanese cartoons in hopes someone will touch their willy
brownoid incels mad as HELL lmao (sewercide soon [based])
Remember to brush your teeth
too fat and unshapely
Remember to take your vitamins and say your prayers - HH
Go watch a documentary call "the gift", they love giving each other AIDS
I am whiter than you, mutt
that a boy albeit??
you are a black african nigger.
I know you are, ngumbu
nice ass pimples, bro
You are all nonwhiter than me
And homos
you are
A) black
and you have colored skin
You're just angry and not disproving anything. While I absolutely shattered your entire cope with rationally demonstrated arguments and proofs
Proofs on how you are gay nonwhite nigger
Ty :3
hello my name is andrew tate and you are a fucking nigger
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the data backs it up, only browns are gay
>immediately after the debate
>all left wing media is saying biden should step down and that the debate was a disaster
>the day after biden announces theres no chance he steps down
>all the media outlets claiming that Trump shouldn't have been allowed to debate
>If Trump cared about the country he would drop out of the race
Do leftists realize how fucking scummy they look literally all the time?
browns and pooskins are indeed far more likely to be faggots
Have you told your parents you're gay yet?
Self awareness isn't their strong suit
I am HUwhite
you are a negroid
you are a mutt
you are low IQ
you are also probably j*wish
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Is it even possible for New Hampshire to stop winning at this point?
they dont care because no one kills them for it
no ones talking about how weird it is that, just like jew criticism was greenlit over night, suddenly they flip on biden and support trump in lockstep. and no one acknowledges that everyone on the left flipping on biden are only doing that because their "trusted sources" AKA tv and kike news are telling them to be worried. if they just kept gaslighting people like they've been doing for FOUR YEARS those leftards would still be cocky

script is changing but its still going according to the script.
Have you told your parents you like pussy?
>mom, I really like pussy and boobs. They make my cock hard and I cum
Mental that.

I'm not a faggot, my sexual interests aren't my identity. My identity is my race.
why aren't you making White babies? jew poser
>Have you told your parents you like pussy?
Parents are usually interested in knowing if they should expect grandchildren at some point and I wouldn't want to keep them guessing
This thread has gone off the rails
He's gay
have you told your parents that you're an incel?
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Making babies isn't the way to win a race war. It's not a breeding competition, it's policy. And political power emanates from the barrel of a gun.
I'm volcel
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>i'm winning the race war by doing nothing but being a gay neet online
he's j*wish
uhh having 6 boys with guns is better than you having 1 gun, retardo j*w
I am DRUNK as fuck
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I live in the center of the great satan. The ZOG empire is not something I am personally equipped to combat. Politics is violence, I am not interested in dying a fruitless death and I don't care about the sportsball tier political theater of elections. There are plenty of Aryan children being produced, my contribution wouldn't amount to much. That isn't to say I'm not interested in breeding, I just don't see it as essential to defeating ZOG.
i love dark grey tiles and rustic heavy thick wood furniture
shut the HELL up FK we doin real shit 2nite
He does look jewish
>my contribution wouldn't amount to much
yeah sure, your kids would be low IQ dunces but they'd still be reasonable soldiers when we give them a gun.

you have NO reason not to impregnate a cute White girl aside from you've fallen for j*wish pysops.
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Yeah probably true
Having children isn't politics. I don't care about politics in the first place. I like women and may get one pregnant some day. I don't know why you're mad just because I like cute boys as well? Maybe YOU fell for the judeo-christian psyop?
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Ok sorry
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Literally nobody is falling for such low IQ semantic(semitic) garbage. Go make White babies, j*w poser
>yeezy re-upholstered my pussy
Holy hell, what are you faggots even arguing about. None of you are getting pussy.
You're a midwit.
I'll be curious if she can string her 15minutes of fame into something real
She'll fade away into obscurity before summer is over
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just admit you're j*wish
this dood be lighting hanukkah candles
Janny really has it for me
Bet im the only betting muted
cause ur brown + ugly
women will pay for not having sex with me
Might gulp down a half gallon of cold whole milk
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now that gayson has fucked off, what should we talk about?
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Would you befriend him
I'm still here, albeit.
nibba got them A-10s
Yeah, but the first meeting has to be in a public place.
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yeah but you submitted and cowered like the j*w you are so it doesn't matter. go back to your tunnels
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Thoughts on this image?
the mexicunts elected a jewess sooooooooo
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I mog you. You're brown and probably Christian.
you don't even have blue eyes lol
certified j*w
put your panties on, tranny
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You will never be an Aryan. You have brown eyes and nipples.
IMAGINE having brown hair and brown eyes and being a swarthoid
BROWN eyes
a poojeet
Remember Matt Petgrave? Every news source still won't reveal his name. Why do you worship negros so much?
I have blonde hair btw, I'm just old and don't go outside. I've posted pics of myself as a kid and it was just as blonde as Varg.
doesn't count when you're a kid. blonde only counts when you're an adult, pooskin
Jason masturbates more often than he brushes his teeth!
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You have brown nipples.
>j*w posted his nipples
gross, imagine being brown
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blond hair
blue eyes
my friend almost got into a gay drunk fight with a redneck

then he pulled a knife

>you're brown
>you're a jew
Why do freaks on 4chan have these arguments? Being white does not mean you win anything

Nobody in the real world has these arguments. If you were at the pub with friends and there was a brown person there, and you said to your friends "I mog him because I'm white", they would think you were insane, and they would stop being friends with you.
That's why I avoid bars and drink people like the plague
If you're brown you look like this
Fucking fat fingers
I think you're just drunk
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most of them look like this THOUGH
I NEED to munch Charli D'Amelio's box
Sleep deprivation impairment is comparable to being extremely drunk
no it's not
You and me both, pal
I never knew gayson (brown j*w) was so gotdamn *short* lmaooooooo
Yes it is
low IQ + faggot
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So true…so logical…
>lives in U.S.A and uses shitposting platform invented by jews
he should stay in /pol/
Your post, not so logical
You guys have never sucked dick before and it shows.
If everything had stayed static then we wouldn't have any of these things as we know them today:
>Spaghetti bolognese
Why? Because tomatoes aren't native to Europe (they came from the Americas), and also coffee was only introduced to Europe in the 1500s.
The Columbian exchange is not an excuse to import the entire third world, you moron.
spoken like a true /pol/tard, let me guess, you are going extinct ?
You won't gaslight me, mexicunt
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wait a second, don't you descend from migrants as well? why aren't sticking to your words or are you like my brother?
>do what I say, not what I do
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Me? Playing wuwa. Gonna go find something to break fast on then play more wuwa.

I'm White and you're brown btw
You have low a low IQ. Not all migrants are created equal. They leave their shithole. Then they come here and make it worse. All while singing the praises of their shithole. Actually kill yourself for being this stupid, you brownoid subhuman.
It's OK to be trans
Good thing I didn't mention anything about importing "the entire third world" then you genuine braindead fucking idiot
It’s definitely ok
It just means you have forfeited your right to exist and people should be aware of that consequence
migration can't be forever and especially not your kind
Don't fucking swear on my fucking general you asshole
kek I didn't think that would upset someone so bad
get ahold of yourself kraut
Turks in Germany are livid because the Turkish round of 16 match is the only one not broadcast on free tv but only via a paid online stream…
If only you also didn't insert your stupid fucking irrelevant observation which added nothing of value
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>that godlike complex
but Hitler was a jew, so anyways...
brownoid subhuman cope
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it's pretty funny that /pol/ chuds need to seethe outside their containment board. Glad /ck/ is virgin land for them and will always remian like that
It's pretty funny that a Mexican thinks he can have an opinion on another country taking migrants.
Get fucked you stupid cunt

No, it's relevant. He's saying "I want Italy to remain Italian!". If Italians had taken that attitude in the 1400s, then Italy never would have developed espresso, cappuccino, or tiramisu, which we today associate with Italy.

People move around the planet and this causes cultures to change.
You're an extremely dishonest poster. Foods have nothing to do with swarthoid migrants. In fact I'll take the food. Keep the migrants out. They make things objectively worse.
you are on the wrong board, gookmoot.
Stay assmad, Pedro.
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To whomstever drew this… bless your heart
gooooooooooooooood mooooooooooooooorniiiiiiiingggg america!!!
don't listen to them, is just racist uneducated people who think the world has remained static all these centuries
Kind of worried mom thinks I'm an alcoholic even though I stop at 2 or at most 3 drinks maybe twice a week at most

It's not dishonest in any way at all.

Here's another example: he says "we don't want others cultures", and he also says "the French drinking wine", but apparently wine-making didn't start in France. Apparently it started in the Middle East, then the Greeks and the Romans came into contact with it, and the Romans probably introduced wine-making to France. Source: https://www.britannica.com/topic/wine

So if the people who inhabited France a long time ago had said "we don't want others cultures" then they never would have started making wine.

Therefore the tweet is hypocritical. He may as well say "I don't want any culture from African-Americans" while saying that he likes Eminem. Eminem is white, but his style of music comes from African-Americans.
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The heat from the noodles cooks the egg.
Fellas, I'm thinking about visiting the south or alternatively Texas in November. I'd like to see New Orleans and Tennessee seems to have a lot to offer citywise. Any advices? I'm a bit worried about the distances between the cities, so I'm thankfull if you know lesser popular places that are worth visiting or advice for concerning places to stay away from.
nuked, lol
Someone make a new. Janny is being a tranny
No, it was just created before the thread hit 310! Janny was doing his job and was doing it right!

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