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blank webm edition
First indian itt
where's her batty
What do you mean?
Intitutional change, specific policies, building infrastructure, and perhaps at the very least saying where the money will be taken from
That webm is NOT blank
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Lad, I can see the nsfw stuff
e's got mennal elf
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my likkle angel
r/unitedkingdom is quite fascinating chaps

on migrants/boat people: posts are borderline far right
on trannards: still as leftoid as ever

what a mindset
pro-trannard anti-migrant
do such people even exist IRL?
My gf is a virgin and I might take her virginity
Reform are right wing grifters who

a) only care about cutting taxes for the bourgeoisie
b) won't actually stop migration
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because they are all racist trannies
janny tear down this thread
you are a boring mong who

a) has bored me to death with your post
b) has bored everyone else here too
They're targeting the same mongs who got duped by the Tories in 2019.
>Thank you for shutting off your engine while you wait. We love our planet!
It's not the hippy shit that irks me, it's the smug assumption that you've already submitted.
A sign saying "Thanks for voting Tory, we love our country!" wouldn't last a fucking hour
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carer is coming later today to take out the months worth of rubbish ive got piled up and cant take out myself because of my disability
She’s of legal age
got the Our Lady Peace on
i am exactly that
shes lying to you.
This disability, is it a real physical one or a made up one that's all in your head?
laziness is a boomer word for chronic debilitating anxiety and depression
Quite confident she isn’t
anxiety and depression is a zillennial word for chronic debilitating laziness
lazy is too blunt, they'd use a term like bone idle
t. boomer
he need full PIP he got anxiety and depression it not right, it not right
what disability? x
Actually insane how egregious the BBC's bias against Reform has been. You see them be biased every election but never to this scale. There needs to be an inquiry over this.
Nevermind abolishing the licence fee, the corporation's royal charter should be withdrawn.
whatever gramps
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Well well well
What do we have in the fridge
faking it. stupid slag
depression and severe anxiety
My willy is rubbish
fucking shit at sleeping i am
>look how autistic I am, drrrr
Never voted Tory actually
good morning sir
It was funny watching last nights question time and all the "questions" he got were from rasheeds and women

sad state of affairs
bout to make my 3rd coffee of the morning
mad how the leading moderate policy position in the west today is 'we must pulverize these brown children for reasons'
thinking of the gfs fanois
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british spelling is Fannoy
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got my ticket

Get them in.
Get them housed.
Get them fed.
Get them wanked.
fannoy is the brand actually
College is a scam
vile little worm
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Gulab jamum? Rasgulla?
> Jay Slater search is called off: Spanish police END hunt for missing 19-year-old 14 days after Brit disappeared in Tenerife... but say investigation will 'remain open'
that was quick
swear they were only searching for a day
whats the point
I don't understand why farage would set foot on QT, it's easily the most biased BBC politics programme with the smallest chance of him getting a sentence out without being screeched over
journalists are just trying to make a living. imagine trying to write 1000 words of drivel a day 5 days a week. they need stories like palestine just to keep their jobs
sometimes think about doing one of those gas safe engineer courses so I can get a real job (as a gas engineer) but then I think I don't really want to be a gas engineer
Supposedly representative of the public, even though the audience were pretty much agreeing with everything the Green Party leader said despite only polling at 3%
Might be too expensive and pointless since he’d be bird food by now anyway
Nigel "I love immigrants" Farage isn't going to do a damn thing
This post was my proudest wank
. |
black men aimlessly roaming quiet british villages with their bbcs out
quit caffeine
drink more water
exercise everyday
There's probably a lot to be said for exposure. Literally just being seen and heard frequently goes a long way.

People will vote for him and his party because they've seen him on telly. Even if he only manages to get 2 words in during a 60 minute program, it's 2 more than the other nameless candidates on the ballot paper.
Same, lad
Thought about doing a course, was doing one for about 5 months and decided to leave it
I'm happy with my massive amount of money
superfast reply
imagining mahogany darkwood veiny jungle bbc spurting african cream into it?
Think I got teh covidz ^_^
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wonder what form of poo she does
haven't read an article in years

only read headlines and or go straight to the comment section
she is not attractive.
the fingers in throat hunched over the bog kind
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Big solid logs
They did the exact same thing when Griffin went on, even got a little Jewish kid to ask a question
black nigga style
Once you're intelligent and experienced enough that's all you need to do
i just copy and pasted the response you got at 2am and your own reply to it, i do not care whatsoever you boring fucking wanker
Either they think he's been abducted or they think something's not right and nothing's actually happened to him, he's just gone into hiding. I'm going with the latter.
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The gfs hairy musty fanois
kind of looks like a picture of a beach
My savings/investments have nearly reached a total of 100k lads

Cash ISA: 52k
Lifetime ISA: 2.5k
Investment ISA: 6k
Bonds: 22k
Pension: 12k

I live at home but I earn below the average wage. I just save a lot. I'm earning more now than the last few years, so I'm hopefully with a few more years of intense savings, I'll be able to buy a flat around 2029. I've only just started with the Lifetime ISA.
fresh spin on a classic, I like your gumption kid
leftypol cheering
just to get a gauge on how the general population feels?

after seeing nicocado i don't think it's possible to do this big eating thing and not be fat
why only 2.5k in lifetime ISA?
should that be 4k (+1k from govt) per year?
Well done lad x
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I only just started it this financial year
What's the job market for code monkeys like over there
graphmong loves his graphs
tories singing and dancing when they hear another million indians and pakistanis have arrived to boost the economy
thriving, if you're brown and located in india
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how long's that tekn you + how old are you
1150 calories of mcdonalds breakfast slop down the hatch
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Do you live a good life?
i have 26k in my LISA. 6k of which is earnings. not bad.
from an hour ago? grim
thick thighs gf
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what's that supposed to mean rorke
what gets me about the BAMEs is
their gormless stares and NPC lives
is there anything going on in their heads?
rape (me)
good lad
got the same strategy as you desu
work on a slightly above average salary and live with mumsie and dadsie so I can pocket 98% of everything

Got the Stocks and Shares ISA maxed out x2 as well
Only way to build wealth these days really

Cannot imagine giving away 1/4-1/3 of my salary to rent and then another 1/4 to groceries and another 1/4 to going out socialising - only pocketing about a fifth of my salary in my savings.
Just depressing that.
Who is she?
making gin and tonics with this
tastes peng as fuck
got a few mates that contribute to that 'white other'
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ffs leftypol you really are a prat
S&S ISA: 85k
LISA: 18k
GIA: 51k USD
Pension: 44k
Cash: 60k GBP + 100k USD
Crypto: 20k GBP
28, taken 6 years
I was on like 20k when I started work in 2018
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This nigga still living with mummy and thinking he the shit because of some number :skull:
Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.
post the sankeys
>Cash: 60k GBP + 100k USD
annie nelson
have to pump those black numbers up
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Tallinn in 1940, when Soviet power was restored.

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you work it out
house deposit
Got 20k in an ISA that just matured, where should I put it next?
up ur mums arse
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church bell is bing bonging
lord miles has always been a mong but fuck me i've never heard his gay feminine voice until now
I work with people on identical salaries to me in deep credit card debt because they can't control their finances

I could probably afford to not lift a finger for 5-6 years.
You have to be financially prudent.
And the same indebted cunts screech "oh but you aren't really living".
I can't imagine living like they do when you've got no money.
nuked that cunt
Wow a dead political entity taking over a country that has fuck-all to do with /brit/ over 8 decades ago
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Commiemong, that you?
nottingham always goes under the radar when it comes to demographics
same with leeds, peterborough, etc
was surprised to learn that basically every millennial at toil has or had loads of credit card debt
never in my life did it cross my mind to buy junk on credit
Don't believe ive ever spoken for any period of time to a non white
She's the provincial blonde phenotype
Very sensitive and insecure, bf is probably a dadbod fella
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have a credit card but for the solitary purpose of boosting my credit rating
don't pay a lick of interest on it whatsoever
they want to make it illegal to call this a replacement BTW
honestly cannot wait for the millennials to die out
but why? just ignore my flag. i'm actually pure aryan
looks like half of england is talking chinese by the number of asians in these graphs
there are probably thousands of little brown kids across the country who think that becoming white is something that happens naturally as you age
Employed Womans smelly tight proto-fanny
tee pee
tee eff
woke: buying stuff on credit and paying it off
broke: buying stuff on credit and not paying it off
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Steak and onion wi' chips an' veg: The Scranley Kubrick.
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woke chips
we're being blacked out of existence
fucked to death
>whitest major city
>most vocally pro immigration people in the UK
makes you think
woke mind virus making the chips thin
looks nice

performative amount of veg though, as if to say "look how good I'm being eating all this veg"
that would be 100x better than the reality
Do mumsie and dadsie own their house?
mum made woke vegetarian chips
they're STILL trying to milk the covid meme
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my condolences
not even a rorke and i still feel something instinctually wrong when i see hordes of minorities in the uk
Scotladn is arrogantly pro-migrant because they get a tiny fraction of migrants to the UK
MIddle class gated communities are arrogantly pro-migrant because their interpretation of migrants is the Greek restaurant they love so much
Ireland were arrogantly pro-migrant but as soon as it comes to migrants sent over by Britain their tune changes
EU were but they've just passed the strictest migration laws ever
Biden was but now he's echoing Drumpf's anti-immigration rhetoric
Albo in Australia came in accusing the Aussie tories of being racists but now he's amped up the anti-immigration rhetoric too

Mad how the pro-immigration people are wrong every single time
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not worried about foreigners since their offspring will all grow up to be gay left wingers who care about the environment
the issue will solve itself
this is absurd
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fella in toil is like this
is on about £25-27k but lives with mumsie so should be comfy yet without fail a week after payday will talk about being skint or in his overdraft
Thanks. I can explain the veg. Had a slight upset tummy last couple of days so I'm hoping loads of broccoli and sprouts and that will sort it. Also I had a few bags with just a bit of frozen veg left in them in the freezer, and wanted them out the way.
no mortgage thankfully
Yh mate not like the pakis all practise a very anti-gay religion that indoctrinates terrorism into them and the wogs do it through gang culture or anything like that
By the time I am retirement age the UK will be like 40% white lmao
Absolute insanity that they did this
the men will blow themselves up, and the women will raise more men to blow themselves up
it's worked for millennia, and has destroyed countless cultures
eating veggies upsets my tum if anything
the uk will not exist as a coherent state by that point
they're all batty
>100k USD
Quite a privileged position you find yourself in then
Hopefully the government implements a wealth tax on outright homeowners so less-privileged people can have a leg-up
yeah just like all those freed slaves worked out well for the USA
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black people are the highest % gay demographic in the US btw
feels much more enriched IRL. i was shocked/disgusted by the place. and they had a poofter flag painted across a road next to the castle.
Depends what you mean
I'm pretty comfortable, no debts aside from my student loan. My hobbies aren't that expensive (reading, gaming, exercise), can buy whatever nice food I want which my only real indulgence.
>6k of which is earnings
You mean the bonus?
the ultimate goal is to own your home so you can stop working or go part time why would you take that hope away
Cardiff's grimness is understated
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when my parents die I'm liquidating their assets and moving to japan
Wonder how it'd feel to have been ultra pro-mass immigration, open borders, going on marches, posting on Reddit non-stop and everything. Then one day you walk out the door and you're like "Oh fuck.What have I done?"
wouldn't let a woman that ugly touch me
Credit cards are great if you can repay them constantly. The fee free amex, for example, 1% cashback on all your spending. You can save a few hundred a year using it provided you aren't a melon.
but the house is a dump and we're working class af
this is why the talk of inheritance tax triggers me
us londonfags get caught in the crossfire when we aren't tarquin at all
we just sit on valuable land by accident
Gymtoil? Done.
Clue? Gained.
Would have a decent amount saved by now if my parents hadn't been deadbeat mongs who needed bailing out every month
Do belfast and edinburgh and glasgow i believe they are doing better at being white
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Certain areas of Cardiff are over 30% 'Asian'.
being free of guilt and shame is the best gift they could ever give you
why not australia so it's not alien and japan is only next door
Tough, it's still wealth
looking up hiv information

it's much less risky to swallow cum than i thought
>waaa waaa you need to be miserable like me
cunts like you are why this country is now miles behind america in terms of personal wealth
>wealth tax on homeowners
utter insanity
swimming to fukuoka. anyone want anything?
cocky wants boing boing
it's a gradual process
have seen it happen myself

they don't do a 180 on the spot but it starts with feeling uncomfortable at boat people, then a muslim says something problematic, then x, then y, then z and suddenly leftypol has transitioned to rorke without even realising it
one of those sex toys that look like they'd put you on a list for owning
my devil of an ex moved to australia and I don't want to be on the same landmass as her
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Dewsbury is a majority Asian town.
Could someone please wnak me off
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>2024 is 50% complete in 12 hours
are these bots? I swear I saw this exact exchange word for word here last night too
ever shag her up the arse?
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When you think of Burnley, you might think of Sean Dyche's brexit ball, typical English team.

In reality? Most of the town is majority Asian.
Have to take into account that the first 25-30% is the shittest part of the year
if you vote for us we will deport the immigrants
*actually imports 500 billion brown people like a boss*
Based time noticer
hated every second of it
*taxes you until you scream*
*stops working and being productive*
Not sure what a wnak is but I can wank you off if you like
not quite, it's a leap year
at the start of the year I had a new friend group and a potential gf but I got scared and ghosted them all so I'm back to square one
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>ever shag her up the arse?
We all did
hate this cunt
for me it's places like warrington or northern tyneside that are just basically 100% white by virtue of having so many newbuilds that people flock to
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What level of cooked would you say that is? Medium?
>Be politician
>Say one thing, but instead do another
Many cases
If Slovakia beats England today I think I might actually cum
absolutely detest myself and my life
>commiemong desperately wants the british government to have more money to fight america's wars against the geopolitically communist states of russia, iran and palestine
seems like it would go against his wishes
Why does my skin
Peel so bad
Why does my scalp
Flake so bad
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>I'm back to square one
square one, that's almost square two!
yes mate all the big parties are all over /brit/ at the moment desperate for that +20 votes

over recent years it has become increasingly apparent that whichever way the 20 posters who post in /brit/ vote is absolutely key to the result of the election

we need more sharp-eyed lads like yourself to keep up the good work noticing stuff like this. Make sure you spend even more time trying to find patterns and commonalities among different posts from tonight, last night and even before then. Maybe even spend a few hours pouring over threads in the archive as well lad, who knows what patterns will appear to your schizophren—err, inquisitive mind
do immigrants never think to themselves i shouldnt be here i should be in africa or asia why did we abandon our country to come here
>it's not my ideology that's the problem, it's these doctor seuss books that are the problem
is wokeness a form of hubris?
>eating bloody meat
I'm a broken person
Yeah think so
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Behold: the layout of an average English city in 2024.

>non-white majority in 'core' of the city
>whites live in newbuilds on the outskirts

Because the outskirts count as being part of the city, they stop certain cities from being classed as majority non-white. As Blackburn would be.
No idea, what kind of meat is that?
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reform will get a higher percentage of the vote than the lib dems but will get less seats
the free money the government gives them tends to assuage their instincts
YES cunt's FINALLY going to die
>do immigrants have even a hint of empathy for the white man?
no, no they do not. And it's not because they're born evil either
*liquidates you for social parasitism*
amazing post
got my big purple willy out
thank you I thought something was off about my sentence
>The Cat In The Hat, one of Dr Seuss's most popular books, has also received criticism but will continue to be published for now.
mad how they hold this much power
must be wonderful then
This is all they think
too big
They ARE evil thoughever
Whites moving out of the city centre victorian terraced housing for overpriced and poorly built deanoboxes was a huge mistake
snus IN
goon ON
spoiler that hog
no point in being a doomer about immigration or being replaced desu
you're just going to waste your time being unhappy
just focus on yourself and your own personal enjoyment
they're vulnerable and easy to manipulate
we are too, to some degree. We let them in, because we hate ourselves too
and yet saying they have power gets you smeared across the whole media
watching an 18 year old ukranian slag get shagged up her shitbox on legalporno
hope she donated some of her scene fee to buy some missiles
I agree with ((anon))
post the link or title of the video
Prime beef medallion steak.
>falling for the medium rare meme
no darwen and blackburn merged because it'd be inefficient to have twice as many local authorities and respective services in the area
You are one weird little motherfucker
please be by a black man
in the debates some of those lefty party leaders repeated the old lie about the NHS "an immigrant is more likely to be treating you than queuing ahead of you"
there's no reasoning with these people. they are deranged cultists and they're going to destroy us. right wingers are too nice and gullible.
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this could be us rorke but u playin
brown hands
Tax the rich until they scream
Anally penetrate bourgeois women
Turn mansions into collective Phalansteres
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are you going to bark about it all day, little doggy, or are you going to bite?
Housing migrants in the girls changing rooms in local schools
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Wrong picture, here is the one I meant to post.
Looks medium to me.
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Britain is at its best when everyone is poorer and browner
make them trans and leftypol will be all for it
fuck off
gwon janny lad
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legalporno really do some amazing scenes
you may have noticed an anti-white, anti-british, ant-straight, anti-... pretty much everything that we would regard as familiar, common, "normal". All that shit is the devil, and anything that isn't that shit is righteous and virtuous
I don't know why that's the case, but it's as fundamental an observation as anyone can make. The only link between what is considered undesirable is that it's common and familiar in the western world. It's why people can be pro gay, pro muslim and anti right wing, despite the inherent contradiction in all those factors
based janman
he aint black :/
3 faggots SNIPED
We're going to page 8 boys
Corr imagine having this when you spill a drink, and it just runs straight off.
What you have to understand is that most of these types are deeply unserious people with basically nothing going on for themselves. They have no dreams, no hopes, no ambitions, no desires. Just colourful hair, tattoos, loud slogans that they enjoy shrieking for attention and above all else, problems. And they want you to have problems too. It is their endgame. A shitter, poorer world would make them feel better about their own existence. Dangerous, deranged people.
Eating poo

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