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/brit/ edition

Mexico is cool
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there aren't mexicans on /cum/
My favorite wearer of blackface
chat is this real
is fucking hot right now... nothing cool. May till December
I like him because he said to Queen Elizabeth that he went to the North Pole and his dad was Santero
A year ago we had regular Mexican posters including a creep photographer lol. What happened?
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Laughing my ass off at this
There is no goshpedo.
I was on that thread. Once people are down give them a chance to stand up and never hit from behind, but hey, it's u.s.a
hi goshy
/cum/ is a schizo general
i just gooned, playing porn games takes so much of your time it's insane, i can easily spend the whole day in one and not even realize
The Mexican way would be to decapitate your opponent with a chainsaw, eh?
Itchy scalp
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Had two drinks last night but I feel fine since I drank so much water
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But Cody... we're friends...
>that gif
Completely justified
85% humidity, little chance of rain
kill me
Penile trauma induced by chronic masturbation habits
When I used to get drunk fairly often I would drink a pint or more of water before going to bed. It definitely meant I would feel less shit the next day.
Yeah I feel perfectly fine. No mental slowness, tiredness, or malaise.
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hello. time for church
Woke up early to drive to a provincial park for a hike. Ive been taking melanin for the past 4 days and it finally gave me real nightmares. Dreamt of ghosts haunting me and also breaking my diet with chips. Both stressed me immensely. I am glad I only ate in the dream.
Pretty sure she would know and have met his dad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5TiRCicj5A&ab_channel=Pyrotechnical It's up
fuck you janny
having a gf is gay as fuck
holding hands n shit lol
Dishwasher smells like wet dog again
Stop washing your dog in it
kiss my ass janitor you bitch ass nigga
i did a n word post in kast thread yeah
kiss my motherfucking ass
Genuine question, why do /pol/tards support Trump so much, when he’s clearly pro-Israel and for Indian immigration?
I hope this is fake
would you like to fall into a dope addiction with me
Il mondo che ...whattayacllit...I was born in, nun esiste cchiù
I want a hurricane like katrina to hit my hometown too so I can be fucking american
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Being American is a state of mind, Pierre.
America (God bless it)

looking for a flat assed flat chested single mom to wife up
you have bastard children
you dont give me bjs ever
you bleed my bank account dry
you hate me
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I would have licked her feet
Relationship problems do not affect me because I do not have a gf.
is this legal?
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how would /cum/ react if I did a stinky smelly fart in their porridge?
Coulda been da president
I'll never be free, I see it clear as day now
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Cats brought me a dead iguana gonna have a cool skull in a couple days
I would be shocked!
Do you want help
I think you should just look at me to gain experience from my mistakes
If somebody did a stinky fart in my porridge I would most likely throw the porridge in the bin. Then I would never let my food be unattended around that person again.

Also I might mention to my landlord that my housemate farted on my food and I would ask the landlord to kick this person out for antisocial behaviour.
yeah stfu asshole
yeah speak on it king
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good morning!
Fuck you, why would you say that

Thanks, friend
i'd kill you instantly for being so ugly in my presence
Just ate a whole tub of this.
I think I'm going to die.
I hope you cleaned the tub first!
>1.4 kg
That's a lot of pasta
1,4kg you absolute NUTjob!!
Sometimes my kitty gets eye boogers and I gotta pick them out and he just sits all smug and purrs while I do it
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Garbage music by garbage human
I purr when you touch me too
i've been partying for an entire week straight. god i love midsummer
Personally I prefer garage music


Yes that song is from a genre called "garage" which was popular about 25 years ago
How much would 500ml of beer cost in a bar in Estonia?
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depends on where. in a tourist trap probably something like 15-10 euros, in a regular bar in a small town probably 3-5 euros. in a club or in a festival probably 10. popular bars maybe 5-7 euros. in a store 1-2 euros. maybe less if you buy a 40oz
lol this but mixed with the vibe of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwLSrNu1ppI
Yup, that’s me.
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back from church
the agenda for cumday
>ship a package
>get groceries
>get a meal while out
>clean the apartment
the rest is tbd, what else should i do today?
>in a tourist trap probably something like 15-10 euros
Damn that's a lot of money

>in a regular bar in a small town probably 3-5 euros
That sounds better. But if I go to Tallinn I better take some money, it seems.
You could watch England lose to Slovakia in the European football championships, it's on now

England are already 1-0 down and I personally think it's unlikely that they'll come back and win, they've been playing poorly recently
Aren't you Sco'ish?
sea sex and sun
I'm English. I'm not Mousey by the way. I think he's Scottish.
Can I kiss you?
sexo con cum con cum con sex
If you are female, yes. If you are not, then no.
**cums in your english bussy**
what made u realize u was a gay nigga?
Mihai died, didnt he?
>was gonna go to a wedding today
>Wifeberg is sick
Time to smoke marijuana and watch movies!
i found penises to be sexual
yep. drug overdose
thoughts on pussy?
This is fucked up if true, he was very sweet despite making stupid posts. I hate this dogshit existence so much
moral of the story: whip it out immediately on the first date since it's a retard filter.
I wish I could just not go to a wedding. My brother is getting married and I don't want people to ask what I'm doing with my life
blood and goo? nah.
men are gross though
so u really a gay nigga then....not even a bi nigga
/int/? More like /intcel/.
Is your wife hot?
do people actually mean it when they say "you made my day" ? I don't think anything has made me happy for more than 30 mins
from the replies in that thread it seems this was in brazil. based brazil. we love brazil <3
don't go to tourist traps, ask any local alcoholic (most people) for a recommendation. bring your own booze to the bar and refill your drink class in the smoking area. if caught don't resist and just leave immediately. don't go to the same places finns go to, they're the usual cash cows
This place psy-opsed me into it, luckily I'm still straight and just happen to whack it to the straightest of gay stuff like femboys on occasion
also don't go to places russians go to unless you need sex, a haircut or drugs, they are the blacks of eastern europe
i have never beaten the original super mario bros
Karma's a bitch. I should've known betta
Go play it, as an adult it's not so bad
>femboys on occasion
do you find yourself wanting a femboy dick in your mouth
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I'd suck a femboy dick.
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what are /cum/'s thoughts on boobies
I'd suck boobies.
id ponder them
Nah not even when I'm really horned up, at most I would give one a cheeky tug but I'm still a strict top
>jasonkin conversations
nope. imma have brekky and then clean my place a bit
tops give head too thoughever, youd just be a jerk for not doing it
that first poo of the day hits different after a long night of drinking
playing it right now, can't get passed 1-4
You the same nigga playing quake 64 the other day?
were better than this guys
Okay then I guess I'm a jerk. At any that's also all hypothetical since I don't actually want to do one irl, maybe when I'm really horned up but the post nut clarity gets rid of that swiftly.
Fair enough, thanks
sorry done now
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>cant even beat world 1
Another beautiful day of doing nothing and enjoying a completely organized personal space. My office at work, my apartment and all my other personal spaces (mailbox, car etc) are perfectly clean and organized. There is a cool breeze today. The only thing that isn't all squared away is the bed, and I'm leaving it unmade because I'll use it to masturbate later. I usually like an afternoon wank.

Another beautiful day of having no call or text history saved on my dumbphone which has a perfectly black screen and very few apps enabled. Almost all of my chores are done and I have a small list of what's left to do. I think I'll go for a drive and get KFC today.
I’m getting weirder over time but I still maintain my status as a straight nigga.
like a slurry
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> i'm going for an incelwalk teehee xD
have you considered going for a "getting-bitches-on-my-dick" walk instead?
A dealership near me is asking 14 grand for a fuckin 2013 Corolla with 100k km on it
I'm tempted to go over there and set the fucking thing on fire
>incels aren’t even allowed to take incelwalks anymore
truly the most oppressed group
gimmick posters have the lowest iq in this board. i never reply to them
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there is always room for boobies itt
oh shit i made it to 2-1
thats the most white looking body I've ever seen on a latina
if you're afraid of the hammer then you might be the nail
What about nonwhite posters? :3
imagine her shitting
I dont feel good
thats jen selter
t.former coomer
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>go to karaoke with a friend yesterday and her coworkers
>worrying the whole time that Im gonna pick some /mu/ shit by accident and scare the hoes
>these god damn zoomers dont know any of the songs I put on, no matter how normie they were
>not even space jam

made a complete ass out of myself and only my friend knew any of the songs
Brand new one for same price
>space jam
what the fuck is wrong with you
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>bragging about having friends
$500USD bounty for the video of the /cum/lord singing space jam in front of a bunch of zoomer normalfags
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fuck me died at 2-1
Remember in the late 2000s and early 2010s when people called people sir for fun, I'm afraid of doing that doing because y'all will think I'm Indian/ one of their variants
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It’s over
Zoomers weren't alive when Space Jam came out, of course they don't know what it is
You should have picked songs from the billboard top 100 instead of your tism songs
fuck you, all my old high school buddies wouldve joined in ;_;
ever since i started listening to chicago drill i realized i wanted to be a hood nigga from the raq, so i started saying things like ON GDN...but i must be careful in my town

fuckers knew 10 1Direction songs but couldnt sing an ed sheeran song
>ed sheeran
He gives women the ick
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love quora
flat as a surf board
I'm a zoomer and I watched spacejam but I think who framed rodger rabbit is a lot better
how is quora still around?
I dated a girl who uses an android though.
seeing two women fuck really turns me on
getting infected with hiv really turns me on
Medicine Hat, Alberta
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>Boy, 4, drowns in Indian Creek in Hardin County
Ed Sheeran mentioned

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do you feel called to this symbol
i wanted to get that tatted because i like techno but would pozzed niggas think im a pozzed nigga or no they wouldnt and its a way of the past traditional pozzers
that's a really lame tattoo regardless, you made the right decision
just sneezed
bless you
They would think you are gay and have hiv
no itd be really cool, id put it on the back of my right leg and itd look cool when im dancing
thats fine, i dont have HIV
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i would pick 13 those strawberry shortcake bars are amazing
5, 6, or 33.
i would pick the spongebob with gumball eyes i remember picking 25 and hating it
i always got the dibbs
modern nu-cum is soulless 2016-2018 cum was PEAK and GOATED I daresay
kepp it simple. 10 for me
13, 22, and 30

I still remember getting a rocketpop from the ice cream man and forgetting it in my buddies treehouse
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me in the barber's chair capping my ass off and inventing a whole new life so I don't seem like a failure
I got to go to an ice cream truck once in my life on vacation in Florida and I got that exact Sonic
dibbs are really underrated
those are good too 24 would be my second choice because i love bubbles
remember when people thought iran would have a revolution
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you have to do what's necessary to keep the conversation going.
It says I can only get 1 so I guess I get 1
28 let’s go
as a kid I'd always pick the sonic one (but I'd spit out the gumballs)
I'd probably pick 9 or 16
do NOT look up what happened in January of 1978
no its a tattoo for edgelords
you guys seeing this schizo
/cum/ niggas be like
"this gum too spicy"
/cum/ niggas then be like
"this tattoo too spicy"
the gum balls are the best part, they would be as hard as a rock from being frozen so i don’t blame you though
/cum/ niggas be like this tranny too sexy
chat chat chat, it says on wikipedia that they ousted the shah is this real chat
/cum/ niggas be like /cum/ niggas be like
I was really into the biohazard symbol when I was a kid. Had a cool sticker for my DSlite with it on it.
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For me, it's a Feast
heheh, we DO be like that
i think I'm getting some sort of onset dyslexia. I keep misreading words as completely differen't ones and sometimes words morph into eachother and make new words and I end up having to re-read sentences over and over sometimes.
I see how kids get addicted to tiktok
/cum/ niggas be like
these kids dancing too addicting
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>my tiktok lolcow stopped uploading embarrassing content
I’m addicted to 4chan
How do I convince an American woman to marry me so I can get a greencard and emigrate?
4chan is objectively more addicting than tiktok
the accent is a big plus lean into that
Have sex with me
i'd say find an anglophile, but anglophiles only like native englishman
What's the specs of your knob?
If I make a TikTok, will I become a rich and famous person like the Paul brothers?
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No most likely people will laugh at you
what you need is some pressure to get going
Never seen an ice-cream truck irl. I guess it's a first world thing
you can become the next king cobra, jason. you have the lolcow personality.
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Find one on Facebook
in france, they force you to eat shawarma from trucks.
I will become the next /cum/ lolcow, I will start hrt today I think, thoughts?!
I'm guessing it's more of a suburban thing and wouldn't be popular in a European town/ village.
back from walmart. got milk and eggs
wtf snopes says this is real!
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isn't that just copying gayson's gimmick tho
Gayson became a tranny?! I thought he was a chaser?
the other day at work my coworker asked if i was straight and i was like yea and then later like 10 minutes later this nigga i know and am friends comes up and his face just tellls me its this nigga who told her to ask
the last haircut I got I went to sportsclips and the lady who cut my hair just yakked nonstop I barely had to say anything. was actually nice
wanna learn linux but im afraid ill also start watching anime and using toe socks. its a slippery slope
Just get fat and grow out a neck beard and never shave
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if you're not wearing programming socks you're not loonixing right.


learn gentoo
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I made one. Ill post to it when I feel like it and see if I get any (You)s
i gotta say im drunk
nigga it isnt even noon yet
You are going to get banned
wanted to try Rust but I went PowerShell, now I smell like shit
this is an east coast general
Why? It's just numbers and they let me put them in, so.....?
what exactly are you going to post? I'm sure the "neet sits at his computer" type of video is pretty oversaturated.
when are we gonna do another porn watchtogether?
already reported him keke
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least coast
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are these reddit nibbas serious? of course it's completely justified
I'll post my food and say "imagine eating this good" I guess, idk. I don't have a plan, I'll just treat it like 4chan with somewhat more strict rules.
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for real though. wanted to go with mint since i feel that everyone saying to get gentoo is messing with me
need bussy creampies
Imagine browsing reddit and posting reddit screenshots here to farm (You)s.
it's all so fucking grim i cant pretend any longer
Ive noticed its always some dumbass canadian giving the (you)'s
in my thigh high days I did indeed install numerous distros, but that was before it was a meme. anyways, now I don't do either.

Last one I settled on was Manjaro with KDE
Do you want to make low quality depression shitposts with me?
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South Centra, L.Al?
If I did that aitah?
why would she even feel the need to ask if it was justified
ok, I imagined it
now what?
jasons posts already have gone viral multiple times on tiktok i m sure hed make it if he just posted normally
cause her husband is a total beta and said she overreacted (she didn't tho).
that’s what im saying of course you didn’t over react they literally sexually assaulted you
who is putting gayson posts on tiktok? ya'll doing our nigga gayson dirty here
someone, they put urkels posts there too. I think theres probably a bunch of lurkers here who just watch us for entertainment
>the zoomers don't know Space Jam
weird to be too scared to post here but then post everything onto tiktok. like oh no the 4chan upload is so much more scary than the tiktok upload
i made a tikitok that got 12k likes one time
post it for us
It’s not necessarily lurkers. There’s a YouTuber with over a million subscribers who’s purportedly a /cum/ regular. Not sure if he’d want me posting the channel name, so I’ll leave it out.
this nigga fruity
You need to shave if youre to be a femboy.
I’ve got nothing to say. I simply can’t bear this shit any longer
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what the hell is wrong with me man
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here's some good bait for the normans on tiktok. make a great reaction video from it
it’s gonna be alright
>have a soft baby face
>look like a dyke
how do I cope with this
how do you figure
>one (1) day left until Canada Day
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What do you do on canada day
Far right gets 33% in France. our Arab friend is gonna get deported
I hate phoneposting fuuuuuuu
>implying the controlled right will do anything
I failed my life
because you have your own best interests in mind and you will slowly improve your situation on your own as long as you keep going
Get extremely drunk and high
Le Pen is Kosher Right and explicitly opposes remigration. The AfD in Germany supports that policy THOUGH
ill be at montrose beach at 3 for the dance party theyre having, come here and ask everyone u think is me if theyre from 4chan
so like any other day for you?
he will soon realize he should have taken that fuck post job i was offering so he could get a working visa and GTFO of france
I'll just look for the smelly obese faggot with a bunch of gay witchdoctor shit
i guess so. thanks cousin
>statutory holiday
>most places put on Canada Day parades
>a lot of people do BBQs or other typical summer get togethers
>fireworks display at night
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get these gay niggas outta my /cum/
That's like 7 miles away I'm not going all the way up there.
Meet me at trump tower at 4pm tho
brian? he has stopped posting
>both chicago niggas be GAY as FUCK
truly makes one ponder
it’s like the purge but with flannel
I don't think he has, he just posts less
So you just copied 4th of july yikes
This but we also get much drunker and higher than the Americans.
they are discount Americans after all
nah he was here the other night sperging about people saying "nigga" so we just said it more
It’s all just a simulacrum of ancient summer solstice festivals anyway
im not going there, thats boring as fuk. meet me at the river walk at 1am though and well have some fun smoke weed and have fun
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>and well have some fun smoke weed and have fun
what if he's not gay though?

hahahahahahahaha just kidding everyone from shitcago is a fag
Make a new thread fagget
how is it gay to blaze weed? well have fun laughing and carrying on
see >>199196021

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