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The new drug edition
Women won't do that with me either haha
porn can't grow old with me?! oh no
mental elves on a mad one
mate you've never shagged in your life and it shows
Is it true that your chippys dont even serve fish anymore?
a robotwife can do all those things
I'm a full blown alcoholic
Not allowed anymore under Shariah Law in the UK sadly
but is she backwards compatible?
>noooooo u cant have sex! that makes me hate myself noooooo
kek diego you're actually mental lol
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Re-Gaelicise Scotland.
>porn can't
>grow old
neither will women
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The Cheka was ontologically good.
Ah yes, simply get a girlfriend, don't know how I hadn't thought of that
dont really want a gf kind of just want a maid i can shag
have you TRIED?
whos the cheka
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get some therapy
join a hiking club
find a gf
Grim, I wonder how long before our ones stop selling squid rings and other seafood and devolve into the kebab slop monstrosities I see posted here
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pakis are just thick it doesnt occur to them they have to blend in with the locals of a place
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who here is getting a sex bot once they become good enough
Fucking niggers. Can't trust them
favourite blacked scenes? for me anything with kendra sunderland is straight fire
Would take a nice greasy kebab any day over fucking squid rings. Nastiest shit ever.
So many porn sites these days have renamed the shemale section to trans
Absolute clownwoke
maybe they don't want to blend in into slag dogshite culture
could literally batter fuck out of every person in this photo
Abandoning my old porn habits
Going to embrace a diet of 100% fanois
id make my national identity whinging about weather if i had to hike in that too
have gotten multiple different haircuts and they all make me look shit because as it turns out i'm just an ugly freak lol
as for showering and smiling, i shower every day but dont fully smile often because my teeth are fucked up (had a brace but one of my incisors is very chipped)
What kind of moor doesnt like ocean food
I'm a hemale.
bros... check the clock
I'm a porn addict and I need help
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I will not drink during the game
I have work tomorrow
I absolutely cannot drink during the game
maybe just a couple
not him but I'm too much of a social spastic to do the approaching.
Not that the type of women that I'm sure were checking me out are women I'd like to shag though. Not into chubby indian birds.
*reggae starts playing*
*enters thread through a cloud of smoke*
fuck off you fenian bastard
Porn is... *inhales* Nietzschean
Just tired of it all really
Ah yes, riveting posts toilfreaks. This is definitely interesting.
why is everyone fat now?
I love seafood but calamar is rank. Horrible texture. I’ve tried it so many times from different places and never enjoyed it. Only tolerable with fresh alioli.
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he looks better than me irl screaming (in despair)
it's the chemicals
they're putting them into double cheeseburgers now
what are your opinions on Cyclothymic Disorder
really wonder how he feels being the incel meme
do people walk up to him and go woah it's blackops2cel in front of his family
i am sick and i am dull and i am plain
Just hanging on to see how Reform do really, nothing much to look forward to after that
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the megacorporations have trained everyone to crave calorie-dense meals every few hours
"approaching" can unironically be as simple as smiling at a bird
glad the pakis aren't standing for these tarts
I am doing a poo
me? extremely strong survival urge. terrible really
yeah and I'd look like a freak
You don't suffer
Neither can women tho.
corrr lovely
really wish the realization that I'm such a fucking loser would stop hitting me like a tonne of bricks
Couldn't give a fuck about politics honestly. Realistically, what'll happen if Reform wins? nothing.
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actual footage of the england game
you dont need to smile at them like the fucking joker mate. you can just do a normal smile.
gay retard hour is it?
i am not watching the england game
How much do you have saved for a deposit? I only have 21k and feel like it's a waste of time, might as well spend and enjoy it
Oh is Kobbie Mainoo playing? Oh I love Kobbie Mainoo! Such a good head on his shoulders that Kobbie Mainoo. If only we had more lads like Kobbie Mainoo.
Beer Korma will be the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 4 days.
How do I filter all posts about football
yeah? That it is it?
If I smile, they'll just expect me to approach them, which I'm not doing because I cant speak to women.
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kobbie maypoo
50k, might spend it all on prostitutes
thoughts on the kentoids?
>i cant speak to women
that's your own fault
grow a pair
Go to /sp/ they'll all be /int/posting and not talking about football
*hits you like half a tonne of bricks*
He looks worse.
The desperation to appear better than he does is cringe. Like a balding bloke clinging on to his last patch of hair.
He should embrace his incel-ness, which ironically, would make him more attractive

t. natty 8/10
>that's your own fault
Absolutely no motivation to do anything except play the same handful of video games
it looms
Rorke always thinks that le epic new chud politician/party that comes along will finally be the catalyst that sparks his much desired race war where we will finally send the buggers back, finish what Hitler started in the holocaust, and implement state-mandated girlfriends

Of course what really happens is they govern as a slightly centre right entity once they get into power and reality smacks them in the face and they are generally so incompetent they are voted out pretty soon after because they are only good at complaining and not at governing.
never learned how to, never forced yourself to, never put yourself in situations where you need to

who else's fault would it be?
10% isn't considered enough any more, 21k definitely won't be
unless you're a couple or earning well above the national average it genuinely is a waste of time
can a woman?
video games are for mongs, havent played one in over a year
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>actual footage of the england game
hello where does this meme come from
well, I guess it's over then. Can't exactly practice speaking to them without appearing like a freak and gaining a reputation for being one.
Porn does not:
>betray you
>talk shit behind your back
>laugh at you
>sit on its ass while you are trying your best
The nunya game
how exactly is it anyone's fault but your own?
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anglos HATE white boys
Can’t wait to get me treadmill and burn some calories

Might get a cheeky weight bench as well and start a little home gym.
Talking to girls isn't actually that hard, getting them to like you is though
Bioshock's "Arcadia: Tea Gardens | May 21, 1956" - Ambient Noise
Got bullied by girls a lot at school and now I'm kind of afraid of speaking to them. If anything it's the fault of the girls who bullied me.
My porn laughs at me
half of them have mental disorders so what does it matter
was just thinking lads, wouldn't it be a fine business idea to start a comic?
more like ivan hoe hahahahahaha
Sorry, can we just stop there for a second? What are all of these jfs doing here?
Can you really ask out random women you get chatting to in pubs or is that only a thing in films?
>two thousand and twenty fourth year of our lord
>not having everyone but the british and irish filtered
well at least half of them aren't even jfs they're just softlads on vpns
Just go for a run you mong
I get the calamari starter to seem sophisticated and worldly but even I will admit they taste of nothing.
It's only a thing in films. People with gfs know them from their circle of friends.
dipping loads of pickled chilli peppers from a jar in mayo and scranning them
going to have a spicy series of poos tomorrow
>>not having everyone but the british and irish filtered
Thanks lad
mcdonalds adverts, the absolute pits
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getting them to like you is even easier. if you can get a girl giggling it's a done deal.
Porn grew old with mekxh0vp
bored and tired of it all
nah you need to get them to know you first unless you are rich, famous or incredibly good looking
but getting to know them and slowly making them into you is the best part
Porn will be able to do all of those things given enough technological development. AI chatbots already simulate love, laughing and crying. Not sure why anyone would purposely want their porn-sexbot to age though, I'd rather she look like she's in her prime until the day I die.
kek this is me
dont get it
the masculine urge to spend £579.99 on a bicycle when you don't have a job

but it will enable me to get to many jobs you see
Ah right, that's me bollocksed then
Might kill myself
Actually, scratch that, WILL kill myself
enjoy the neck pain on a bike that low mate
it might have to be online because it might be hard to get people to buy them in real life but maybe it could work I don't know. With an online comic then everyone in the world could look at it or everyone around the country. But it might be hard to get it advertised. But it's still also hard in real life to get people to read it.
Laura Woods is bogged
Karen Carney is ugly but natty
Things to consider for my fap choice
course you can. you just get their number and then text them the next day asking them out. easier if you shag em that night.
who are you voting for next week?
doesn't look very comfortable
karen carney is so ugly fucking hell
Ask females that you find mildly attractive.
There's a coworker of mine who I wouldn't mind smashing and I asked "hey what haircut do you think we suit me?" And she said that fade would make me look really sexy.
Got a fade, got a date with her and now whenever I'm out I get compliments on my haircut from men and women alike.

The key to looking good isn't to look good to yourself or to men (unless you're a fag) but to women.
If a woman says she thinks I'd look hot in something that's the complete opposite of whatever dorky gay shit I like then you best believe I'll wear what they find sexually attractive (if I'm trying to pick up).
Becoming an abusive boyfriend. Don't even do it on purpose lads. Why are the Irish like this?
2 more weeks till sexbots bro
They will totally compare to the love of real women
>but it will enable me to get to many jobs you see
enjoy your doordash job lad
bet its sexy when she cries
>Voter turnout in the French parliamentary election is the highest in 40 years
>With three hours to go, turnout stands at 59,39% - 20 points higher than 2022

that is shockingly low
Women deserve it
what's the irish got to do with it
For me it unironically is Reform
they dont do postal votes
I have thought about that but I dunno if I would be able to compete with the brown lads on e-bikes going 20mph uphill without pedalling.
Why did Macron do it?
Reform, only one that makes sense for rorkes
it's the "are you irish diaspora" autist trying a new approach to his shite gimmick
I'm Irish.
Hasn't cried yet that I know of. Will try to turn things around. Just need to stop overthinking.
Literally who and literally who
Leftypol in 2014:
>um, that's not how womens' anatomy work, yeah uhh, yikes, do you have no female figures in your life who can explain how periods actually work?

Leftypol in 2024:
>um men can get periods too, yeah that's like common knowledge I'm afraid
Which of these is 'intelligence'? (suggest others if you have any)
1. reasoning
2. problem solving
3. planning
4. abstract thinking
5. judgment
6. academic learning
7. learning from experience
Seriously why are they so soy
protestant neighbours fighting again
ugly fat miserable hun bastards
I am voting for Reform UK on the 4th of July
Porn never cheated on me or dumped me out of the blue or aborted my children.
just be around hotspot so no competition
You mean that haircut literally every single zoomer and deano has? Fucking mongoloid sheep people
>ugly fat miserable hun bastards
All me (I'm also catholic)
Don't know
so tired all the time
Find this place less and less amusing as time goes by.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Emotional and Relaxing Music
same but its comfy yk
Don't like Woke England
Don't like JFs laughing at us
Lose-lose situation
Alri queen victoria
dry mouth when you wake up?
The man is going to kick the ball. Into the net? Who knows?
>muh new war on drugz
Too hot to go for a run and I’m self conscious exercising outside. This way I can run whenever I want and also walk while I work.
Wonder what the liv
ool poster is doing right now
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rolling a blunt
if you think about it, every time you spaff into a tissue that's like you aborting hundreds of potential kids
Ever heard of Austria lad
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Might listen to some classical music. It's called being cultured.
business idea: education but we charge for it
> Farage, the Reform UK leader, told Sky News’s Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips: “You know that I’ve fought harder than anyone to drive the BNP out as an electoral force and I did so … with considerable success.
>“Ironically, destroying the BNP means people who are minded that way don’t any longer have a home to go to, and so some will gravitate in our direction and [when] we find out who they are they’ll be gone.”

Rorke, your thoughts?
did a big poo just now
Education and training boards Ireland took down their menopause policy where they claimed trans women could also experience menopause.
business idea: education but we charge for it, and it's still shit
same, might get the brandenberg concerto's on
>they'll be gone

gone where?
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get the Dvorak on
Leftypol: wakes up and gets out of bed
Rorke: decides that bedmaxxing is a jewish psyop and takes the wakepill
Oven: preheating
Nachos: prepped
Root beer: chilled
Footy: soon


Was going to vote Reform but then all the people on the telly I hate called them racist so now I won't
>Might listen to some assical music. It's called being cultured.
He's playing 4d chess to manipulate the media into thinking he's harmless until he gets power. You got to play the game
Got the Borodin on
*in the voice of Gilbert Gottfried and sang to the tune of A Whole New World by Aladdin*

I can show you my balls
I can show you my weener
Exposing myself to old ladies gets me off I will not lie
You: still gay
mental how gay men playing woodwind look
Trust the process, two more weeks
cant fathom being gay tbqh
dunno if i should have a tuna/sweetcorn quiche with salad or if i should have chicken/salad wraps for my tea.
Never implied it'd be soon. Could be 2 more centuries for all we know, my point is it'll get there someday. We shouldn't pretend everyone actually care about real love anyway, the illusion is enough for many, that's why so many guys are content with becoming sugar daddies or marrying thirdies who's love is for their country, not them.
same honestly
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Right, I'm off to Maccas. You lads want anything?
Was gonna vote for Reform but they're the same old neoliberal capitalists that will increase immigration just like when Farage gave us Brexit then paki immigration skyrocketed
Was literally thinking of this image after i destroyed my cock and brain again today
try putting some thought into a more interesting post instead
Faustian (Christian European) civilisation mogs Greco-Roman civilisation into oblivion
crazy how for much of Russian history the Mongols/Tatars/Poles hemmed them in, but beginning about 400 years ago they began crushing them one by one
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having a lot of fun with this
Didn't some of their candidates say they wanted to station machine guns at the beaches and fire on incoming migrant boats?
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Ah yes, Reform are exactly the same as the rest of the establishment, that's why the establishment are fucking terrified of them
filet o fish, for my money the perfect sandy
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the name Amy is dying out surprising
he was a actor for channel 4
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yeah farage is an avowed and committed "anti-racist" civic nationalist through and through
they're terrified of losing their jobs not terrified of any changes being made
vgh shed look gorgeous without her tattoos and blue hair
shagged an amy once
miss her
might get back when she breaks up with her boyfriend if i ever meet her
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why does the yank always post that old woman
Doesn't look fun
ktim except for the one or two games i play for the first time every year
PewDiePie cheated on the lovely Marzia with her which is why they moved to Japan to rebuild their marriage
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Nigel is extinct
Never been popular really
FUCK the king
Marine Le Pen is hot
Le Pen is hot
Le Pen is
Pen is
Dont care still voting Reform.
Farage is a hero
genetically testing people to see who belongs where isn't racist because race doesn't have a biological basis
it's just gingernonce being an autistic gimp
they're scared of the voters, not the politicians
Not wrong is he
2 burgers deal 1 quarter pounder 1 big mac, 2 small BBQs for the fries, 20 box of nuggets with 2 BBQ sauces 1 curry 1 S&S, and a cheeseburger and chicken mayo on the side with extra ketchup on the cheeseburger
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Tarquin with the bounceback
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>A teenager fell off a Utah cliff to his death. His sister found a unique way to keep his memory alive
Yeah the Tories are really scared of labour and reform equally
Big sign that says DANGER: Cliff?
find religion
based and irish pilled
Do mine do mine

Mad how Americans thought that their president was actually in charge and making decisions. In Europe there's no pretense that our leaders are more than only a figurehead for the party and deepstate
listening to very fine music, enjoy the little moments in life you see
Saying racist things about Bukayo Saka in my mind palace where the woke mob can't get to me
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A strong comeback as a boys name but a complete new lease of life as a girls name
this is right though. like here, irish people know nothing about irish culture or history or mythology. and the same is probably true in britain.
na im hungry and have a singular focus on food
are there no trad girls left without these fucking TATTOOS
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scranning some milk chocolate
aubrey-mae is a real nice name
reckon people over 65 shouldnt be allowed to vote
you can literally draw an accurate picture of someone and be called racist/fatphobic/and so on
the singular tranny poster
If you're a dr seuss protagonist yes
lot of black fellows in the white shirt team
think ill support the blue shirts
Should I visit an escort again bros. This is the third one I go to now and I'm worried it might become a habit
tattoos and blue hair add depth to a woman

They tell me her story and her journey
people that don't have a fully developed Prefrontal cortex shouldn't be allowed to vote.
be quiet
they warn you about her sexually transmitted diseases and mental illness
I would have to turn my life upside down for a woman, what idiot wants that?
This whole relationship forever shit comes from the Bible. How about arriving in the 21st century instead of promoting what a couple of dressed up clerics came up with between 500 - 1500 AD?
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>paying for pussy
It's hard to find an escort you want to see more than once so if you do find one I consider it a relationship worth keeping.
It can make me cum
england looking unsurprisingly incapable

sex and, dare i say, sex

Southgate gonna get shanked
bet against england didn't I
they aren't terrified of reform/farage, they view them/him as a useful strawman for stigmatizing anti-immigration sentiment
time to start cooking dinner
the blackies are lacking discipline
you pay for pussy every time you use your credit card x
Hello Farage
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lol holy shit
Rorke being filmed in cottagers cove
Imagine living in Brazil surrounded by lol and you're paying some srd infested roastie for sex
noah is a gimp name
>Jobbie Maypoo
In brazil you can get some 10/10 for like £60
>2 weeks without a straight line upload

The rumours are true aren't they, he's dead
literally what does kyle walker do
dude it's so frickin hot outside
very chilly here
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Feisty game so far desu
no it isnt
be quiet
professional footballer and unprofessional punter of prostitutes
Card happy ref
No wonder he got punched in the face
the vote of people with underdeveloped brains should be worth 3/4s of the vote of someone with a fully developed brain. what do you think.
it's just not fair both of them having equal weight.
bit bloody card happy this ref
I'm basically the Paul Scholes of my over 30 soccer team
88 (31) here currently
init bloody attention seeker
deserves a punch
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Arthur will rise again
doesnt matter a bit either way does it
fuck you bloody bich
suck your daughter's toes?
I worked with a few fellas called Arthur-Job
The Sacker player doesnt seem very good.
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And Merlin awaits
it does though
These are the girls you can get from 60-100 quid here

You're saying this is £60?
Impossible to suffer
what brand of root beer can you lot get over there?
Well women aren't doing any of those things with me now - or often - so whatever.
Sometimes I wonder if they are worth it

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