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Laura K edition
Mr Janny, tear down this thread
yung thugs slapping raw meat up blonde pale teen slitties on the rhythm of the ear piercingly loud dancehall music
pure English American stock
face of a one night stand you trick into rimming you
I built my gaming PC in 2020 and it's still running smoothly to this day. Is that normal?

Was thinking of a new build in early 2026 or so.
i need a new wardrobe
as a mid-20s male, what can i buy that would be 'timeless'/fairly plain, but still fashionable?
muhammad couldn't read or write so how did he know his scribes were writing his teachings down correctly
My brother fits the definition of psychopath. My parents would complain to me about the way he treated them. When I told them he did the same to me they accused me of lying and that I must have done something to deserve it. Fuck all of them.
Asinine soliloquies
probably some shirts and pants

maybe some boots
had a wardrobe of mainly t shirts and now theyre all sweat stained
are games even fun? let's say you find the optimal way to play a game, and you do it every time. Is the game even fun at that point?
his first name is Janny
slits getting permanently ruined streztched and battered by violent goons in council flats LOL
dunno just feel like i'm in a special position since i can take photos like an absolute slag and they'll know i'm a poofy gay (even call me a faggot) while telling me they want to shag me deeply
Feel like there is a huge number of excellent pornstars born from 1994-1998 but now it's thinning out big time.
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It's a Dark Academia type of evening
what do you wear now? i just wear t shirts, jeans and add a jacket or overshirt when it's cold. i'm not fashionable but i'm a shagger do don't see why it matters
In that case what's his last name?
Best Glastonbury acts this year?
Janny Jannyson. Like how the gyppos do it
next jeans
gap hoodies
gnr shirts from primark
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well rorke?
bellingham snoring soundly tonight with two hot blonde fuckdolls on each side at his service
eye slits?
stop goreposting
liked that soccer mommy, she could stop my bloated belly with her doc martens any day of the week
Wouldn't shag them with a 10 foot bargepole
Same happened with me. My older brother is psychopath but they manipulate dimwits like our parents into siding with them with a big dollop of Stockholm Syndrome. Nowt much you can do except separate, realize you aren't you family, find your own life, be your own person etc.
Mac Iannaidh in Gaelic
cool wine aunt is drunk on the phone again
wheres this fucking global warming then its not even going to hit 20 degrees this week
her on the right would getit
tory shill
This is how English people sounded in the 1600s. Only a small portion of Americans have kept the accent alive.
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Hinduism is some wacky shit man
Tf is this meant to be?
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summers finished now made
cold dark nights from now on until next june
fuck off it's been roasting for a week it's hot enough as it is
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The people who believe in man-made climate change are the same people who believe that a man can change into a woman.
Really makes you think.
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going blackpool in a few weeks. can't wait to see spainos favourite european landmark.
the job market is so shit i started being a camwhore as a man my entire job is shaking my ass and flirting with married men
Even if I believed Climate Change is a real thing, let's say, why on fucking Earth would I think that the UK's measly 1.x percent emissions (if that) are anything compared to China's 50-something percent emissions. It's fucking baffling what people "think" (don't actually think just do as they're told)
English people from were?
Until very recently we had hundreds of different accents from county to county and within counties themselves.
fresh off the boat migrants rawdogging pale teens
optimal doesn't mean 100%. if you're a basketball player you don't score 100% of the shots you take. if you're a golfer you don't always play perfect rounds.
Why is it kind of socially acceptable to be against trannies, but if you criticize regular homosexuals, that's considered super edgy and extreme right wing hate speech
Hate foreigners
Hate Americans
Hate Brits
18-21c is an ideal summer temp for me
vile creature
>he literally does this all day
Fucking sad. You never leave this thread let alone this website.
You are a pathetic creature and i really do feel for your care worker.
Leftypol and the Scorching 25 Degrees Celcius Summer of '24
southeastern England I think
you might like this
cope and seethe lil timmy peckerwood she's getting stretched tonight hahah nun u cud do lil boy hahah LOL (your future missus that is)
Transitioning is a choice, you're born gay. You can't attack people for shit that was out of their control. Same way it's not cool to hate people because of their race, but it's fine to hate them because of the sports team they support. One isn't a choice, the other is.
But you love us, Aussies, and kiwis right?
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>Why is it kind of socially acceptable to be against trannies
It's not, they will come after your job and your livelihood and the establishment is on their side.
A 12 year old boy was recently reported to anti-terrorism by his own school for saying non-binary is a load of rubbish.
>you're born gay
Reading about Australian Aboriginals. They just seem like feral hominids.
Glad to see a fellow aesthete online.
mad that ireland has like 30000 castles and they only bothered to keep a couple of them intact
Meltdown imminent
I set him off
Does this happens in your country?
do junkies get treated as good in the continent as here? like here they all have social workers, housing benefit, grants paying their electric/gas bills etc etc
Because sexuality is kind of a secondary characteristic. Gay men are still "men", they just sexually prefer other men.

Trannies are trying to change themselves fundamentally, or "be something they aren't"
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Come on bro, this is not the hill to die on
>southeastern England I think
Again, until very recently had a great many different accent.
Even two villages five miles apart people would have spoken differently, because they didn't travel like we do today and they didn't have radio or sound recording to standardise speech.
allah willed it or something alhamdulillah
Just turned glasto on and theres a nigger wielding 2 machetes
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>when you get thorns enchantment in minecraft
i feel like ive seen this for a decade
what do you wear in the summer?
that's what i dress like too. but i feel like a teenager still, as it's how i've dressed my whole life. rocking the confidence a bit, especially when i date girls who are more fashionable.
big clapper should be vaginally abused by mega mambas
I imagine glastonbury is absolutely full of wogs now.
Before it was probably a very white occasion despite the shit music but now its probably like looking at a town square in Ghana
who's the bloke on the right
Would shag left desu
Is the girl on the right that brazilian one who bought food that time?
polish diaspora and having a shitty mohawk. name a better combo
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To the untrained ear, it might sound at first like a generic Appalachian accent, but if you listen closer you'll hear some big differences. Like the way he says "personalleh" which you don't hear in the Appalachian accent.
What continent, sir?
White people go to Leeds fest
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You will never, ever recover from this
spoiler those hogs
hate to chime in with my blogposts but this describes my senpai very well
my brother has been a cunt since childhood yet my parents are completely unwilling to say a bad word against him, or even agree with me when he acts like a prick. they'd rather tell me im wrong, or just grumble if i call out something bad he did than admit he does shitty things. all i ever hear is 'oh we'd hate for this to ruin things with you two' unless of course he does something to piss them off, then it's fine to say what i want
C'est magnifique
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they won both times by handball cheating
Who is that beautiful woman? Who is Laura K?
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the uk has made less of an impact in 300 years than china has in 10
Laura Kuenssberg
Was this the peak moment of Glastonbury? It hasn't been topped

been living in texas for 5 years lads, toilberg fucked up my visa so i'll be heading home for a year or so

is it really as grim as the news makes it out to be these days? only been back for a week or so at a time for the last few years
Went on a lovely shopping trip to a well-known indoor shopping centre a few weeks back and had a lovely time. Strolling around walking in and out of shops looking at tat and buying a few nice trinkets, going into clothes shops and trying on nice clothes some I went on to buy while all the shop assistants were lovely. Having a nice meal after walking off all those calories. Left at the end with a nice look at the pet shop looking at all the fish and bunnies. Mental that this is an alien concept to many here
leftypol tearing down white, patriarchal social structures by spending shifts aggravating lonely, suicidal, unemployed 4chaners
Radiohead are utter shite
if you are born gay then are you saying such people are born dysgenic, since gayness would be dysgenic then. if it's a choice, then they aren't dysgenic genetically.
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*stares blankly into the abyss*
Personally find foreigners to be subhuman which is why i stick to /britpol
when you flush the bog and the water keeps rising
Heading over to /britpol/
I don't know what dysgenic means, but animals are born gay and they don't have societal pressures to enable it, so we probably are too
"A parents HAS to love all of their children equally" is a parent's mindset. Not meaning to be pedantic but at some point you have to realize that's a contract between them, it has nothing to do with you or what you're doing. So fuck them off, so offend them a bit? Who cares. Do what's good for you. They want to herald the cunt, so let them. That's for them to deal with.
Where is home?
did you do all that alone
Played a tune and my cat started doing a shimmy. Was pretty cool.
Ah, german? Is she a tv persona of sorts? A model? I like Jordis Triebel, from Dark.
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dont remember this episode
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the cat in question
Thank you.
will not accept such words from what is likely a wog

yorkshire la
She's the BBC's politics person. Used to see her in the pub buying drinks for civil servants in order to get anonymous quotes for stories.
Italian actually
animal gayness is to do with sex not gender
Is she beautiful from up close? Did you try chatting her up? Or just talking to her?
kind of weird that we mush our lips together as a sign of affection
me? started dressing like an italian bloke who sits on the stairs of an ancient roman site and plays acoustic guitar and hums the words in the middle of the day when everyone else is working. has worked so far.
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the proto german gf
that what your licence fee goes on
her buying a G&T for some poor sod to get national secrets
what a fuckign JOKE
omds shut the fuck up you irish prick go back to /eire/
enough about you and your mum lad
1) She's not hideous, but she is a cunt
2) No
3) I was never senior enough to get on her radar. All government leaks are from Minister's Private Offices and I never wanted to do that job since it involves being sober outside of work hours
get the fucking cans posted ffs
For you
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>why on fucking Earth would I think that the UK's measly 1.x percent emissions (if that) are anything compared to China's 50-something percent emissions
China is investing in renewables; I think they have the largest on-shore wind farm in the world. But if we want them to decarbonise more, how can we expect them to do that if we don't do it?

Every person on the planet should decarbonise. Maybe there should be a per capita limit globally for how much CO2 can be emitted.

If you look at pic related, which is cumulative emissions (all CO2 emissions throughout history), China has emitted just over 3 times as much CO2 as the UK.

But remember - China's population is over 20 times that of the UK. So we are much worse emitters of CO2 than they are.
got glasto (justice) on
co2 doesnt weigh anything
its a GAS for gods sake
Christ I walked 4 and a half miles down the backroads last night while blotto
Couldn't get a taxi after leaving my mates birthday so just walked it. I remember leaving the place at 1 and rocking up to his house around 3.
woke mob telling me i can't fart because i need to decarbonise
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Still can't believe this happened
>Christ I walked 4 and a half miles down the backroads last night while blotto
Lucky you weren't in Spain. That Jay lad they keep reporting on did the same thing and he died
Any other asexual agender people here?
they shouldnt have such a high population then should they
its heavier than helium u plonker
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florida eventually after retirement
frumpy elsie aches regularly
fucking excruciating arsenal result
first exciting acting role
flowing estuaries and rivers
fishing experts are reputable
frigid eleanor ain't romping
found an egg roll
>If you look at pic related, which is cumulative emissions (all CO2 emissions throughout history), China has emitted just over 3 times as much CO2 as the UK.
>But remember - China's population is over 20 times that of the UK. So we are much worse emitters of CO2 than they are.
Or maybe people throughout history emit differing degrees of CO2 and RIGHT NOW we should focus on who are the most predominant emitters and try to cut them down? If anything you're displaying how pointless CO2 emissions even are as a whole by showing that even though some countries have emitted a lot in the past it hasn't mattered until supposedly now.
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Doing an ice cream
nothing surprises me anymore
got depression you see
according to my deano mates theories when they were on coke, he's actually a dealer and he's owed the morroccans a large amount of money/drugs and they've just offed him
I believe people are born gay because nobody instructed me to like girls. I remember having a crush on girls when I was like 4 or 5 years old. it's completely built-in
So did mine after she got the DTs for the first time. I refused to drink around her and gave her a scowl every time someone topped her up at Christmas. And then she died, so jokes on her.
good shout lad, popping it on now
madonna is 80 years old and shes still prancing around with her tits and arse out on tiktok
its a fucking disgrace
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>I remember having a crush on 4 or five year old girls
Don't link me to a woke board ever again.
howd she die
its going off tbff
Why'd they all start being gay 10 years ago
Cancer of the nostril
I get the impression most leftists never even cared about Biden, they only fakely pretended to at first to drum up support for him until they could tug the election away from Republicans, no Trump. I mean, he's another old rich white man, the exact thing leftists despise. They must have covertly hated having to put up a facade of support for him and now they're relieved that he seems to be at the end of his days, but of course that's despicable to say outloud so they never will. They'll just furret little hushes into the dirt and burrow their heads until he's replaced.
the asexual thing is a cope for incels. Fox and the grapes scenario.
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Alcohol made her organs all shut down. Technically she died of broncho-pneumonia because booze meant she couldn't process food and kept coughing food into her lungs, which caused lung infections, so she eventually couldn't eat or breathe and that's not a recipe for success in the staying alive department.
*opens another can*
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how much do you hav eto drink to get delierium temens?
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grim. I'm sorry man.
who the flamin ell is sza
daily for a good while
delirium tremens is the serious withdrawal that requires immediate medical attention, but you can get milder withdrawal symptoms
It is especially common in those who drink 4 to 5 pints (1.8 to 2.4 liters) of wine, 7 to 8 pints (3.3 to 3.8 liters) of beer, or 1 pint (1/2 liter) of "hard" alcohol every day for several months. Delirium tremens also commonly affects people who have used alcohol for more than 10 years.
could do with a valium
sza my nob corr its massive aha xx
4 pints
absolutely shitting all over the pyramid so-called headliner in terms of performance and crowd size
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A nightmare haunts my dreams, that the Blair Creature will return to rule us again. I very much fear that the country and the Labour Party will soon be ready for this moment.
how much was she drinking and what age was she im a fat alcoholic so i dont think ill have this problem
Thinking about becoming a wizard. Having a look on rightmove for a wizard's tower, the mortgage would be a pain
arbeit macht frei
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locked him up for BAD behaviour
going there on tuesday haha
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Let me put in a word for Anthony Blair. I despise the Blair creature so much that words long ago failed me, and I have even run out of scornful facial expressions and rude noises to use when his name is mentioned.

I long for the day when the mystery of his rise to the highest office in British politics can be documented and explained, with all the culprits exposed.
Not clear on the amount, but she only started drinking hard after her divorce in her 40s and she died in her 60s.
you have to be drunk everyday for months and months or years. it's a serious amount of drinking, most people with alcohol problems are just binge drinkers but daily drinking like that is another beast
You could say that about Britain. We'd emit a tiny proportion of our current CO2 emissions if Britain stopped having any more children.

>RIGHT NOW we should focus on who are the most predominant emitters
No, everybody should be focused on. Perhaps a per capita annual limit for CO2 emissions could be agreed upon which would apply to all countries.
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it was always gonna be a total shower of shit. was obvious he was totally cooked for years now and they clearly knew it too, the people who run that shit can't be and aren't that deluded. so they did the debate early to force him out either that or the true schizo opinion - it's all a big show as the nwo destroy the america we knew.
Drank 350ml vodka a night for 8 years and didnt get them when i quit. You really have to be a 24/7 full bottle of vodka a day man to fuck your brain up to the point that quitting gives you dts. If youre a woman probably less. If youre actually worried drink your usual tonight and 20% less each night after.
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fuck it we ball
defeated divine beast dancing lion in belurat tower settlement then immediately went to ancient ruins of rauh to defeat him again
>trump had to tell him to stop acting like a child cuz biden said "let's decide the presidency with a round of golf, cuz i'll win"
I've drank to blackout nearly every night for over a decade and still don't get DTs when I go without. But I do get disrupted sleep, nerve pain and ridiculously high blood pressure. Will almost certainly have a heart attack by the age of 40 if I don't stop, but despite knowing this I still don't stop. Theoretically I could, but what would be the point when I have no friends, loved ones or reason to keep living
bloggus onnus
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You are not banned
You are not currently banned from posting on 4chan.
deigos wanks off to yummy mummies behind the bins at gails in hampstead
don't symptoms kick in after a few days? have you gone that long before?
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hoping justice hit that juicy DANCE to close things out
will be 30 next year
completely arsed up my life
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>They were one minute or so away from Gareth Southgate’s own personal Iceland and all the toxicity that would sure have followed. Then Jude Bellingham scored. Then Harry Kane. And now England are in the quarter-finals. Imagine settling down to watch Titanic, thinking you know the ending, only to see a superhero right the sinking ship and for Jack and Rose to live happily ever after.

can't write that script
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She’s asking for ideas for book storage over on tt because she bought so many while at AXEFUD
1) this is what happens when you‘re into dark macadamia but don’t really have the macadamia, only lots of money to spend on books, coffee and sweet pastries
2) the rest of the world uses bookcases idk
3) also don’t you have a whole ass cottage that you could move into with all your clutter? I’m sure Martha will chauffeur you back and forth from cottage to mummy and daddy, she’s already working for you so what’s a little more
I can go a week without booze and have no seizures or hallucinations. Not enjoyable, but doable. Really wish I had a reason to stop, but the fact is I don't.
>Drank 350ml vodka a night for 8 years
With your dwarf drinking buddy between rounds of dragon slaying and unicorn taming yeah?
Alcohol isn't a drug, it's a drink.
I have size 12 feet
fucking called it lads
Fucking bitch.
You usually drink at home or do you go to pubs?
how do you afford it?
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>Mother suicide bomber blows herself up along with her baby in Nigeria terror attack that kills 18
size 6, me
hairy too
proper little hobbit hoofs
30 next month
wont be celebrating
God help me
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If she has photos of Blakeney on shuffle, does that mean she has a dedicated album on her phone that is just photos of Blakeney?


Like, I could maybe understand having a photo of your best friend as your screensavor, especially if they're the type of Broad city best friends who are attached at the hip and really are each others main attachement figure (which Ruby and Blakney are not). I'd still think it was a bit weird, but I probably wouldn't think twice about it. But a stalker album full of photos? Creepy.
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She honestly looks horrible these days. Tired, gaunt, receding hairline, glasses so big she looks like she has frog eyeballs, and dry, frazzled hair. I won't even mention the continual nightmare known as her nails. If this is how she looks when she is "genuinely happy", living our her dream of attending Oxford, I would hate to see her in the depths of despair. We never got a "What I read in 2023" video or a "packing to return to Oxford" video. If she starts posting things like that now, she is already behind schedule again. She should just abandon her channels altogether. They are pure dribble these days.
are you using american sizing
Are the Chinkies going to take over
lad, just stick some music on or a film instead of doing all this noncing shite
omg a woman reading books while wearing a shirt that's also a reference to a book I can vividly imagine myself
Wait lad, we have a reveal here, so you work for the govirmiento?
Sorry dont get your reference i never read lord of the rings
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why would we you mongoloid
sorry to hear that la
mine died cos of the drink too but she killed herself cos she was on the verge of being where yours was and as far as she saw it had nowt to carry on for
same sort of thing happened with her, dad left and then my life was her raising me drunk
in her view she was either gonna go out the way yours went or top herself so she chose topping herself
proper fucked me up
Very cute lad when I went to the restuarant gave me a big slightly lingering smile when he said "enjoy your food" and then later when he was giving us our mains brushed his hand against mine (despite me withdrawing mine a lot)
Had 2 pints today in the pub
10 quid i'll never see again
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Oh, well! Looks like she really is eating some humble pie! lol Not surprised in the least. I think her whole adventure at Oxford has been tumbling down since day one when she had a very modern room rather than one that reeked of dark macademia. The classes, workload, expectations, intense terms, debate failure and inability to dress for the occasions seem to have piled up and imploded her childish brain. Saying she is disappointed with herself is just another cry for sympathetic comments from her admiring 9 year old followers. "Don't be so hard on yourself!" "You work so hard!" "You deserve better!" yada yada yada Sounds like she is still very much into her coffee shops, lift selfies, reach for books and reading non-academic literature. You go, girl! She is probably wishing she was back in Exeter again, and do a better job with actually enjoying being a uni student instead of whining about everything. Too late now!
>how do you afford £14 a day for a bottle of vodka
Home alone
Single with no kids or dependents, so salary covers it
That's your nights wank sorted
quit caffeine but it doesn't seem to have done anything about anxietyberg

feel proper fucked. I'm 25 years old and I struggle going outside
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mad how you're a gay bent cunt and i'm not and i've had more intimate contact with a man in the past 2 days than you have. imagine how big a scrote you must be lmao
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>dad left and then my life was her raising me drunk
Get you GP to prescribe 200mg SSRIs. You won't be able to get an erection, but social anxiety will be a thing of the past
You sound demented. Life is nice
bizarre post
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Nothing to see here, just two women convinced by a misogynistic death cult that they can only be happy if they have their breasts cut off and pretend to be men.
Why can't we all just get along?
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have you tried not caring?
fucks up with this cat bruh
lmao seething ugly gay virgins
I was the same as you and biggest help for me was exercise and proper diet. and by proper diet I mean trying to eat entirely unprocessed organic foods to cut out all the pesticides and other shite we shouldn't be consuming. but everyone laughs it off when I tell them that's what helped me
Rorke on hearts of iron
Leftypol on elden ring
Fecking hell lads, my heart goes out to you.
Second lad, how did you move on? Did you find your father? Courage boy, you're still here, onwards, I am sending you a hug all the way from the emerald isle. And I hope you'll find what you need and are looking for.
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>Nigel Farage will be our PM in one week's time
brutal mogging
dad is also long dead, about 8 years back
dunno because size 6 is a child's foot size here so I figured it wasn't american but in online discourse people are yankified and refer to things using USD as a measurement and such
do we live in a chudocracy?
Going to start dressing smarter. I’m 30 now. Time to put things into perspective. I can’t wear trainers and trackie bottoms anymore. It’s time to put a little effort in. Shirts. Trousers. Nice shoes. Smarten myself up. Clean shaven. Always. If I respect myself, others will respect me. That comes through how you present yourself initially. Time to get a move on.
can't afford better food
don't want to take jew medication
doesn't that stuff turn you into a soulless husk?
don't know how alcoholics do it while toiling. feel shite for 2-3 days after boozing these days I'd have 2 drinks max on an evening before toil
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>dad is also long dead, about 8 years back
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If video creation was a passion in and of itself for her, she would be using it to help her get through and it would be her happy thing. However, she only ever portrays the best version of herself, and so I believe she is using it for positive reinforcement from fans. When she doesn't have anything positive to demonstrate (coffee fuelled late night essay crises are unfortunately not her brand, even though she's definitely had some I reckon), she finds it impossible to make content because she fears she won't get the "oh wow you're so smart" "you're so inspirational" "you're a role model" that she relies upon.

Couple that with the fact that she doesn't really have anything else going on in terms of marketable skills to get her a similarly well paid job, it's no surprise she continues to slog on (again, she seems to have refound some passion for it with her "absurd day" videos, which I enjoy, personally). She won't stop until she finally goes off the rails or it finally stops making her money because people have stopped watching.
Anyway he was very cute and had that warmth that you know wants to invite you in. Had cute bartenders in the past say they wanted to shag me so not really a far stretch to think
enjoyed that justice set. good looking out by that one lad who said he was watching it

>that ring
snowbunny cheated on her man and got sacked lmao
Graphic designer Harvey Ross Ball is credited with inventing the iconic smiley face in 1963
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Hyped for the Reform, Tory, Lib Dem, Sinn Fein coalition government
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wow justice banged hard
A smile would be nice
>doesn't that stuff turn you into a soulless husk?
Yes, but at least you're not afraid all the time, because you can't feel anything
grandma died last year, dunno how she lasted so long. she was drinking obscene amounts daily, special brew, whiskey, anything she could get. she was in the newspaper for crashing her car 5 times over the limit
not sure the morphine she was taking on top helped much. my functioning pillhead dad took them all when he had to clear out her flat lol
loved rubester's egirl phase. need to see a rubes x gyaldem linkup
A clue gained.
You know at that point when you feel shit but go on sober? They decide to have another drink. That's the difference.
her and her fella are swingers who do amateur porn. she should be imprisoned for raping that poor prisoner though
shed get it looking like this
You're obviously drinking all wrong.
I can have 500ml of bourbon of a night, but as long as I stay well fed and hydrated I will have zero hangover the next day.
Pickled foods especially are a grade A hangover preventer - pickled onions, chillis, gherkins, sauerkraut, all that stuff.
Should we tell them or would it just bring them down too much.
You could afford caffeine though couldn't you
Story's not adding up is it
The Queen Mother was a pisshead and she lasted to 102 years old. Some people are just built different
a clue gained
I thought it was Forrest Gump.

What do you do lad? Do you have people around you?
she's a swinger, was in a channel 4 documentary and has an onlyfans. clearly trying to drum up business to go full time
>but as long as I stay well fed and hydrated
its harder to get drunk then
whats the point
I bet the organic stuff you buy in a supermarket is just the same cheap shit but repackaged. where do you get real organic food from?
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Edinburgh schoolgirls 'sexually assaulted by group at Cramond beach'

Enquiries are ongoing after reports two girls, aged 14 and 15 were victims of the crime on the first day of school summer holidays at Cramond Beach.
I get plenty drunk, like I said, you're obviously just shite at drinking
She was basically pickled
ethnicity of the group?
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not had a bottle of bucky in ages
stuff sends you off your nut
got her OF leaks lads?
the ones who have wheels on their homes
>Cramond beach'
bit fat atm me
face looks pudge
shouldn't look so peng then
If you want my autograph I'll be at red goat, York tomorrow about 4pm
Not my favourite group to be racist against but they'll have to do
page not found
asexual is volcelmaxxing
maybe region blocked cause the link still works for me

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