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spanish comments on this
Spain is a filthy shithole, what's there to comment on? They have brown third worlder mentality, it's a miracle these people even have access to the internet and a literacy level high enough to converse with other humans
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That Iberian Male Asian Female couple ended like that, but started like this
A "filthy shithole" that, despite its evident problems, manages to do better than Poland despite your pile of Warsawian skyscrapers. Get a grip, Janusz.
I would rather live in Spain than poland, you braindead slavshit
Based, bold, brave, and provocative take.
you're legit worse off than slovenia, czechia and estonia, these are countries that have only been independent for 30 years. In less than 10 years the average Spaniard will be poorer than the average Pole, you're already making as much as we do when adjusted for cost of living.

Fucking embarrassing that a country which didn't even participate in WW1 or WW2 can end up such a shithole
He is way more attractive than she is
She is 3-4/10
I think this video is absurd
Atleast they won't suffer in cold and gloomy slav shit
yeah instead they will suffer heat strokes and skin melanoma
>oh no, they have warm weather and more sun
>such a terrible fate
scraping the bottom of the barrel to look for "insults"? you're a slavshit nigger, your golden age dynasty kings were not even poles but balts, your liberator was lithuanian and your first president was samogitian, you are slavs, you are cattle meant to be herded like niggers, every single time a pole took the wheel you drove yourselves into the grave
Some Miguel on Erasmus stole your crush, Janusz?
go on, I'm loving it. Eating some popcorn in the meantime
you're both slaves, go on and defend your moorish masters
of course I'd defend a spaniard, they are actual human beings, not white negroes of the east plaguing our continent who needed to be exterminated to the last one
go make another attention whore thread about poland, try oy veying again like a damn jew, maybe people will start believing your cope that Copernicus was a pole

imagine getting mad on the behalf of other people, absolute slave mentality
also i legit stopped reading all of your replies after the first two words haha
>be slavshit
>can't read
many such cases
i diagnosed you with terminal mental slavery after just two words, so I didn't bother reading the rest
Even if everything goes to shit for us we still live longer, are happier and live in a nicer place than your eastern european hellhole. The true cope here is no matter how rich your cunt is you’re still gonna live worse and die younger than in our 3rd world shithole, and nothing can change that Wojak.
Only if youre a slavshit, we swarthoids don’t get that.

>poland life satisfaction 6.44, spain life satisfaction 6.42

yikes, and that's while we are constantly developing and getting better each year.
>Spain's record-breaking heat of summer 2022 caused more than 350 deaths from heatstroke and dehydration and was a decisive factor in a 20.5% increase in mortality, official figures showed Tuesday, June 27.
none of you are germans still,lol
I'm an ape, I'm allowed to laugh
>slovenia, czechia and estonia
Economic markers don't necessrily make one country better than another, just look at the depression rates in Northern countries and how their people go down South everytime they can. Anyway, thank this economic stagnation of ours to the leftists. It is well known that everything goes better when we get rid of them.
>In less than 10 years the average Spaniard will be poorer than the average Pole
Not even in your wettest of dreams.
>a country which didn't even participate in WW1 or WW2 can end up such a shithole
I you knew about history, you would know that we were destroyed after a civil war when WW2 started, but what can I expect from such a retarded being.
All tourists or weaklings. Works on my machine.
>>Economic markers don't necessrily make one country better than another, just look at the depression rates in Northern countries and how their people go down South everytime they can. Anyway, thank this economic stagnation of ours to the leftists. It is well known that everything goes better when we get rid of them
They go there for vacation, not to live lol, just look how many Italians live in Germany permanently vs Germans living in Italy. Economics absolutely make a country better, that's why everyone wants to live in the West instead of Mogadishu, anything else is just brownoid cope who can't compete with other economies
>Not even in your wettest of dreams.
you are already as rich as we are, why shouldn't people think we are gonna become richer than you when you have twice our unemployment, twice our debt and half of our GDP growth?
>I you knew about history, you would know that we were destroyed after a civil war when WW2 started, but what can I expect from such a retarded being.
So Spaniards being retarded and fighting other Spaniards instead of getting along and improving their country, sounds like it's your fault
At least easties can use the cope out of saying that they were utterly destroyed by outside factors, that's why we are poorer, Spain can't even do that because you just destroyed yourselves
>imagine getting mad
Why did you give that man two consecutive answers if you don't care at all?
>caring a man's attractiveness
post tits
because he's mad on your behalf and i can obviously make him even madder, I thought it would be funny.
stop fighting. both of you come to america NOW
>Economics absolutely make a country better
But not to the point of being a desirable country; for example, people would rather move to Spain (we are sadly full of immigrants) than to Czechia or any Gulf Arab country despite being supposedly better than us.
>you are already as rich as we are
Sorry but that's a cope. I stayed in Poland few years ago (Erasmus) and made Polish friends who say that the only way to have a nice job by Western standards is by working at a foreign company; otherwise, you're fucked.
>sounds like it's your fault
More like the fault of the leftists, who are a bunch of psychopaths whose only strategy to stay in power is to divide society. As I previously said, when we finally get rid of them and their agenda, everything will be increasingly better.
Foids in Spain can't suffer.
>the duality of the Polish posters
>But not to the point of being a desirable country; for example, people would rather move to Spain (we are sadly full of immigrants) than to Czechia or any Gulf Arab country despite being supposedly better than us.
czechia isn't as popular as spain because they don't have an entire continent of Czech speakers west of them, but I wouldn't say that Spain speaking Spanish instead of Czech is some objectively good quality, it just so happens that you colonised a bunch of people in the past and now those people move to spain because there is no language barrier and spain is richer than some shithole like venezuela, and nobody wants to move to the gulf states because nobody wants to work 12 hours per day 7 days a week like the indians slaves they have there
>Sorry but that's a cope. I stayed in Poland few years ago (Erasmus) and made Polish friends who say that the only way to have a nice job by Western standards is by working at a foreign company; otherwise, you're fucked.
by western standards they mean a salary of 4k euros like in Germany, something you wont get in Spain unless you're the absolute top of earners. You average salary is 2100 euros, the average salary here is 1800 euros, we are equally as wealthy if you consider that prices in Poland are lower
>More like the fault of the leftists, who are a bunch of psychopaths whose only strategy to stay in power is to divide society. As I previously said, when we finally get rid of them and their agenda, everything will be increasingly better
Spanish lefits are still Spanards, not my fault your people would rather listen to leftist retards than somebody smarter
also given that you're giga lefitsts right now I bet your immigration laws are a lot milder than in czechia or other Eastern European countries
>You average salary is 2100 euros
The average Spaniard wish this was true
America is where the races get together to intermix!
superplumber by 2030 sir
yeah spain is alright it gets pretty hot though
If poland is so better off then why do they come here
uh they're both white tho
we are hispanic though
don't care
come back and finish off the mexicans for us
Ok, give us the F35 and we will do It.
Dont fall for the macroeconomic indicators. Countries like Lithuania look very poor, countries like Spain or Portugal look fairly rich.
we are poor, don't talk about us
no. you're going to get 16th century ships and you're going to like it
but they're just going to burn them down
Poormany looks worse than all of them. Ppp is a meme
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Live your myth in Poormany

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