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bad times when they're even putting anti-theft on flora sunflower oil
love olive oil
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The Special Relationship, 2025.
Alri Popeye
nigel garage
Liam Lunch - Saurkraut
thought he liked spinach
Was somewhat expecting it to pan down and it's something entirely innocuous like stirring a yoghurt
Would at least have been funny rather than just a mentally ill man wanking himself off
This is you
liberal porky pig be like: a-badeebadee that's all, wokes
My teeth feel like they're not perfectly straight, like one side of my mouth is lower down than the other, but my jaw is fine and my teeth look fine in the mirror. Am I going mental?
Daft cunt
there was some shocking imagery posted last sp sticky think ill sit this one out
No, that's Mike Myers
awful day at work, dont want to talk about it
The far right is taking over Europe BY FORCE. We need to obstruct the democratic process to protect our democracy from the UNJUSTLY ELECTED FASCISTS
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For me, it's rugby league
Inbox me hun x
I wish I was never circumcised
love /sp/ stickies
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>July 1st
The first half of this year is officially over. We are now in the second half of the year.
>missus squawking on about work

So fucking boring, I don't care
what's hot about yoghurt stirring you FREAK
the sheer number of peng birds who live in my immediate vicinity boggles my fucking mind, feel like i see a new one going into one of the houses opposite every day
fingered 20 birds at once with all my hands and feet once
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actually it's a leap year so halfway is tomorrow
Got myself a gf so all is well
might get on the gay porn
corr yeah mate fingering women is great, so pleasurable
I sometimes wish I was circumcised
I can see the benefits
Well yeah, don't take a tap 20 without looking to see if you're about to get absolutely fucking smoked
I have death grip syndrome from getting it done early
Halfway is 1am tonight
probably a black bull lives there servicing his harem
not really on this
I get that La Espanola 1L.
nah because i see them going out to get packages or opening the door with their keys so i know they actually live there
>death grip syndrome

sounds like bullshit like most "syndromes"
you're cut so probably you need to use lube
>La Espanola 1L.
hey big spender
Thinking about how much nature hates white people
Cant scrimp on olive oil lad.
Well, fuck. I just relied on the fact that the 6th month has ended.
chuck another scrimp on the barbie aha x
cant believe it's july
feel like there's been no nice weather at all.
this time last year i had been on tons of hikes. this year, i haven't done any because there's always been rain during the week, making it muddy by the time id get anywhere on the weekend.
ahaha well done lad
Nature could so easily have made it not possible for different races to breed
thought you called them scrawns
did the men kick the ball
It's my cat's birthday on Friday. By birthday I mean rebirthday, he was neutered on July 5th

Think he's around 8 or something I'm not sure, he was abandoned on me so I took him in
>not getting organic
You're not wrong mate, you're not wrong. For me, it's superior category olive oil obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means.
>feel like there's been no nice weather at all.
Been a fair bit last couple of weeks
Nature wants us all to mix and return to monke. Whites became TOO smart
People under 25 shouldn't be able to vote. Maybe 30. You're just not mature enough.
He looks depressed
He was born in Durham, England in a town called Pity Me.
adolf kitler lol
chào bạn
what's actually wrong with vegetable oil though, any non-schizo reasons?
this but anyone over 60
Begin with your family.
I think he's older that 8. Got white in his black coat. He's probably 11 or older
would you suck a seed?
it ain't right
pho-ck off
How would you like it if someone chopped your balls off? How is it ethical to do that to another living thing?
Over 70*
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Chiao Bella!
*opens mouth to reply*
>non-schizo reason
*closes mouth and walks off*
It's not ethical. Humans are monsters
Most vegetable oils are rich in linoleic acid, which consistently promotes cancer
Don't like the smell
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I've been on 4chan since crescent fresh in 2011

So over 13 years
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I haven't peed in 12 hours. Does this happen in your region?
love drinking loads of water when i'm thirsty
niggers shouldn't be allowed to vote
i just use lard to be on the safe side. seed oils freak me out a little bit.
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>He looks depressed
He does in that pic but he's very happy, he's cuddled into me right now


He's always had that I think

It's for his own good
erucic acid
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Since 2005. Had Moot and global moderator post a get in a thread i made on /b/, a roll 69
Want a summer fruit jam sandwich now
you ever feel your own arse
you that lad with the weird alien gf?
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go on, cop of a feel of your own arse. see if it gives you a boner, you sexless freak.
arsewog the chicken
erucic acid in certain seed oils is what fucks you up
if I'm lucky enough to pass away of old age I'm going to use every ounce of remaining strength to do a loud, echoing scream of pain exactly like solid snake just before I die
yh spread it open and look at it in the mirror sometimes too
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Half closed eyes indicate trust in a cats
Had a huge doner kebab last night and loads of beer while watching the football.

Finally had a shit after a whole day of having a stomach ache and the poo came out like rice pudding, really sloppy.
screaming at those subtitles
ignore non whites in every capacity
do not acknowledge their existence
Cool, I didn't know that
The Sainsbury's one used to be fucking peng a few years ago before they replaced the sugar with sucralose shite
Finally getting a scan booked to check the lumps on my testicles instead of endlessly worrying that I'm gonna die and doing nothing

If it is cancer I'll spend the rest of my life laughing at how much of a retard I am and how cruel it is that I never had a fair chance at life
first time in your life you'll have a woman touching your ballsack hahaha
I'm in the same position, I had an ultrasound on my testicles last Wednesday. I was wearing a union jack t shirt as a black man and an asian woman examined my balls
Best of luck mate. It's probably nothing but best to make sure and put your mind at rest
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Remember that Ronald Reagan was a B movie actor. To think we could have had David Carradine instead. Imagine a president dying from a stranglewank.
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Rubbing your tummy to indicate your hungry

Don't see that much these days
You just know the nurses make the male intern do it
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Woah, Nigel Farage needs me? Okay, I'll do it.
I'm gonna bat for you, Nigel. I've got your back, Nigel.
got the ssri prescription for the 'xiety. feel like the jews have won this battle but I need to do something about it badly
the war continues
might do this on the gf and see if she reciprocates
But not the war
why do wogs drag suitcases about with them everywhere fucking horrible cunts
Ssris did nothing for me apart from make it impossible to be erect. Cannabis works for me much better
>there was no suicide note and he was found with a rope tied to both his neck and his genitals
bonkers, especially considering he could've probably just had a shag instead
Where else would they keep their suits?
attention seeker
hitler dood
wat nou
Lads, cans yeah?
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of coursh
It's a monday you addict
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mad how in 1922 a bunch of 35 year olds opened their newspapers and found out a bunch of 20 year olds staged a military coup
think it could happen today?
Where would be more fun for a few days before heading to a Europe, Blackpool or Manchester?
Was a fan of the Big Bowsie myself

Hadn't had since Friday, lad
I only get booze in on Friday, drinks for the weekend and that's it
Makes it a treat rather than an expectation
*suddenly pops out from under the coffee table*
did someone say beveragino?
lil zoom zoom snowflakes can't even decide their pronouns, how are they going to stage a coup?
Prefer bottles
well they're both utter shitholes so neither
need a guinness gf
consider investing in a business gf instead

Okay anon I'm just going to come to your house, drug you unconscious with a tranquilliser, then surgically remove your balls. It's for your own good.
Bokkles are something I'd legalize for you, lad
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rate the dinner order
“poop butt ass” just doesnt feel the same as “poo bum arse”
Fat cunt
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>Mayo Chicken
>no mayo
nothing beats the banter between a mum and son. something about the underlying sexual tension
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>Mayo Chicken
>No Mayonnaise
fat fuck/10
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Where would be more fun for three days based purely on entertainment, Blackpool or Manchester?
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she called him a gimp which is very sexual
It's just a smaller and cheaper version of the McChicken Sandwich, so there is an actual reason to get it even if you don't want mayo

Personally I like the mayo, but whatever
imagine that was a girthy oiled jungle bbc in her hand instead
unironically got me a bit chubbed
thinking incest doesn't count if it's in condom and no disfigured freaks were born
if your maccies order leaves continentals confused, you're doing something right
Scranning fish, garlic bread and peas
/brit/? more like /bradley/
The terrible predicament of a beautiful girl is that only an experienced womanizer, someone cynical and without scruple, feels up to the challenge. More often than not, she will lose her virginity to some filthy lowlife in what proves to be the first step in an irrevocable decline.
just got a clean bill of health off dentistberg
the only people who like incest are virgin freaks who don’t have sisters

would feel physically ill if i even accidentally touched my sister’s underwear
Genuinely no reason for McDonald's not to bring back the chicken legends, the sweet chilli one is better than anything they have ever done including the millions they give to charity
Mad how America is set to become a dictatorship run by a man named Toilet Fart
>everyone at the office is sharing their holiday plans
I don't have any because I don't see the point in spending 3k on a fucking shite seven days in some shithole tourist trap
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Yeah just rot away in your smelly bedroom instead
bigger city always unless you're going for a specific thing
nigga why the fuck did i laugh at this i need to kill myself right now
this thread is for British culture
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I prefer Ireland, lad
Plenty of nice places here and B&Bs are much better than hotels
tell 'em you're going to croatia, I can geospoof your instagram posts
they never have to know
Why not go somewhere nice then
Things ill be doing in London-
Natural History Museum
National Army Museum
Watching Caligula : The Ultimate Cut at the Prince Charles Cinema

Things I might do in London-
The National gallery and portrait gallery but did both last time I went to London in 2018.
British Museum but same as above.
Go shopping around Portobello road and perhaps go to the Electric cinema.

Food i'll be eating-
maybe Five Guys but ive had it in Manchester and thought it was overrated
But you're not going anywhere in Ireland either
want to go to thailand for non noncey reasons but as i'll probably end up there alone as none of my mates want to go shan't be sharing this information with toilers
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His mum posted this update
will you continue updating your boring blog as well?
Ah yes all the famous places to visit in Ireland like...um...err...give me a sec...
Tooth healther like we do
done him
Sounds nice x
should go to a soho walk up desu x
Actually Croatia is nice place I believe. Worked with a lad from there once, was showing me pictures of the place

Ireland has a nice few places


Sorry lad, couldn't resist

Thailand I wouldnt' go alone, lad and ideally, wouldn't fucking go at all
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My new job is still a complete disaster 6 months in.

I had to handle a regulatory inspection solo today and it went horrendously. I could hardly answer anyone's questions because they were asking about topics I have no experience with, and I was dropped in it. I don't have the knowledge to do this job. The auditors were cunts. I'm seriously considering just quitting my job tomorrow.

I was a fucking idiot leaving my old job. It's not even for that much more money (26k vs 30k now).

I don't know what to do. I can't do this job long term. I really don't want to go back to my old job either.
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah love's for Nazis
thought that was a skull emoji
I save a lot of money because I'd unironically rather play solitaire in my smelly bedroom drinking cheap cider (not a coping neet btw I make 35k)
are they prostitutes?
I might get a brass in London
>Ireland has a nice few places
But you're not going anywhere in Ireland
Let's get tea on then
What time is best to eat, is 5pm too early? How about 7pm,
Ah yes. Famous Irish landmarks like:
>A literal spike of butthurt
>A magic stone you can lick
>The museum of terrorism and historical victimhood
spotted the ethnic
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>I make 35k
Yes. Im not going until August so ill be regularly updating my blog till then.

Thanks. Any suggestions for anything else to do?
For me I'd be the same
Or rather just keep to placesi n Ireland. Might go to the UK but anything past that just seems like I'm going to somewhere to waste money
I'll give you my spike of butthurt
Is Soho like the gay village in Manchester?
Shut your fucking mouth, lad
35k to that lad(ette) might be a lot of money and if they don't pay much rent it could be worh 50k if they're not in a hcol area
old red light district
you get poof places there too for bumming sex if you fancy it
>Any suggestions for anything else to do?
Might be some good Shakespeare on somewhere, haven't checked though
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open the fucking coal mines
Eat a Lion chocolate bar. Have a tea with milk, have two.
You paid 20 quid for that when you could've gotten a nice burger and chips from a different place for less than that
I seriously don't get how people get these jobs paying 50k, 70k etc where they say they hardly do anything.
I'm on 30k and I don't stop working for 8 hours, almost always have a backlog of tasks, fucking winds me up.
dont like fromsoft quests
literally have to google how to complete them or have someone tell you how is that fun
>bumming sex if you fancy it
why do you talk like this?
like spoons
might head down to the chinky later
wait till you find out what CEOs earn and what they do all day
I eat at 4. 4:30 at the latest
Just lucky I guess x
Can't say that mate
would you shag conchita wurst up his arse
artificially boosts engagement on search engines if everyone is looking up "[game name] how to [do thing]"
Generally the more you're getting paid the less work you're doing unless you're a literal surgeon
>service charge
>delivery fee
did minimal toiling when i was on 23k
did peak toiling when i had to work for it on about 35k
do minimal toiling now when on 53k because bossberg and his bossberg are too busy to know what i do and the future mes on 35k are slaving away to rise the ladder
No im not a bender. I prefer to stay away from the gays.

I dont have a gf so I dont think any theatre is on the cards.
theyve been doing it forever think its just japanese autism
>I eat at 4. 4:30 at the latest
Depends, lad
I make around 65k -75k yearly depending on how much I charge and barely do anything but I work for myself

Most jobs tend to pay more and do less, if that makes sense since they pay more for better quality
how do i get a job that pays above 26k.
youtube algo on a madone
got a Pom-Bear addiction
get a job that pays 26k and ask for a raise
What's your skills?
Could try the civil service if it's like here, you go up annually and they have defined salary scales so you know what you'll get

>Moment 'evil' paedophile headteacher who abused four girls is arrested at school - as predator who used young girls to satisfy his 'perverted desires' is jailed 17 years

Got the gay pom-bears open
i'm really enjoying basically every other aspect of the dlc but the npc hide and seek is really brutal
>Moment 'evil' paedophile headteacher who abused four girls is arrested at school - as predator who used young girls to satisfy his 'perverted desires' is jailed 17 years

Spaino, no!
going to my nans gay porn funeral
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New Emma just dropped lads. I swear she’s aging in reverse.
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ohhhh well before them search engines you'd have computer game magazines, ohhhh yes we did... mm all us boys would go out and buy the latest nintendo mag when we wanted to find out how to beat the old zelda dungeon heheh... couldn't look up hack codes on the internet back then... ohhh yes those were the days ehh... mm... heh
>What's your skills?
ha ha...
ive tried applying for the civil service, but the interview process is such a ballache. even got to the final round of interviews for some fancy degree apprenticeship but bottled it.
feel so lost. cant get apprenticeships to learn value skills, so stuck doing unskilled work.
cutting my own hair tomorow
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I did hard toiling at 19k, OK toiling at 26k, back to hard toiling at 30k
Thinking of quitting my job because my current job is too hard.

I'm expected to deal with people who've got 25+ years experience in the industry I'm vs my 6 months. How the fuck do I deal with that? It's fucking bollocks
enjoyed this post
erm bro youre getting cucked by that guy on the right
No college, like a degree?
Nothing like this shite over there?
Isnt Spaino also from north wales even
What do you do lad?
If the genders were reversed there would be no prison time.
Remember Marcus Rashford? Whatever happened to him
Is your current job hard?

I was on 26k last year, left for a new job on 30k in January this year, but it was a terrible mistake.
>19-30k after 6months
what do u do
I’m not her boyfriend am I? Can’t be cucked by her if I’m not romantically involved with her.
don't think that's true, there would just be less tho
to be fair i think it's intentional, like the fragmented lore from item descriptions
from wants players to talk to each other and piece together the full picture
of course it doesn't really work nowadays when the wiki autists datamine the entire game before it's even out
pie hole


Fell on a frying pan
Call him Marcus Rasher now
It's a quality role.

No, I was on 19k until 2021. That was my old job.

2019-2021: 19k.
2021: 21k.
2022: 25k (big leap because I did a lot at work and improved a lot).
2023: 26k

2024: 30k in new company. But I've made a mistake.
He died. Went on a hunger strike for school kids and starved to death.
im an expert on american politics
Can't be that quality if you're moaning about it
Needing to piss
*pulls my pants down and shows you my ass*

Give it a kiss you black cunt.
Ah a fellow tim pool follower
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I'd love to hear your thoughts and predictions for this upcoming election
Only thing you're an expert on is wanking your microcock in your smelly childhood bedroom
it fits their autistic game design but im not replaying a 500 hour game to lsten to some bastard talk then refresh the area and theyve been a raped to death by goblins
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with emma leaving
Trying to min-max my EU4 run as the Mamluks but it's seriously an absolute pain dealing with rebellions, lack of manpower and the loss of money
Made £200 in my side hustle today.
Thats not my salary, that I earned today.
But my side hustle in work time was 200 quid.
>No college, like a degree?
no. i just work a generic office job.
there's apprenticeships in the UK, sure, but they pay like shit. where i am now in life, i dont think i could afford to meet rent, etc. on an apprentice's salary. this isn't me making excuses, just trying to be honest about the situation. like a lot of them are sub-min wage -- £6.40 an hour.
in the grand scheme of things, no.
plus i live in a very cheap part of the country. my rent is only £500 for a two bed. couldnt imagine living down south.
*surreptitiously covers my webcam*
Oh yeah?
yankified freak
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did they use condoms
Iz zis oleeve oi' from Italie?
I cannot be having oleev oi' from Afrique
Thought you left us forever mikey
you don't look like that
Sick of my neighbour's shite having stuff delivered by Amazon every day and leaving it to me to pick it up for her. Haven't answered the doorbell this time cos I know it'll be the same fella who saw me drunk last time and kept me in a fucking conversation
the smelly bedroom connection: a /brit/ story
I'll have 2g's please mate
>BREAKING: Bellingham handed 2-match ban for "unsportsmanlike" gesture towards Slovakia bench
Fuck sake it's over
just ally pooland and invade the turk menace
what did he do
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i look like this
did the man screw the pooch?
Is Blackpool fun for a few days?
if we can't give it to the Black guy, who'll score?
that's actually idiotic
semen slurping sport
Nah fuck that shit, fuck it, just fuck that shit man. Fuck it
Took his knob out
Did a gesture like he’s pushing a woman’s head when she’s giving him a blowjob
As a curiousity when looking at it from the outside yes
a couple maybe a but a few I don't think so
going to watch a few videos about ants then go to bed
shades of mousenonce in this prose
ohhhh janny boy...
*gestures at the post count*
oi mate
keeping you awake are we?

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