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Might have a quick cum
need to go for my incel walk but cant be arsed
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My wife sucked off the neighbour while I clapped for Israel
go on, find yourself a job, lad.
walking alone while avoiding eye contact with passerby's sounds like anti social behaviour
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tick tock toryboy
haven't a clue mate
working in a kitchen is the most difficult job going. civilians have no idea.
Perfectly normal here you yank
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I will be voting Reform UK on Thursday
it will be in the woods and countryside
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>the role of Lawrence of Arabia was played by none other than Peter O’Toole
>Peter O’Toole
proto gf looks exactly like this
Where's the option for LOADSAMONEY

alri chef darren you're putting some nuggets in the fryer calm down
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france? bit shit
dont understand how people can bring themselves to vote when it makes fuck all difference
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walking outside with head bowed to feet and shoulders in upward position at all times.
need to clean the flat but just being a sweaty lazy slug instead and might get drunk aha
monday evening is no time to clean
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Well, Rorke?
So bloody thirsty after my siesta lads

Sweating my bollocks off as well and heart is racing
>protecting the uk's reputation abroad
>posts on/brit/
automatic disqualification
Haven't voted since the school council in primary school
Gav won the prick
From watching Nonce hunters videos I have came up with a theory.

Most nonces are usually freaks who come to meet girls between the ages of 13 and 15, very rarely are they really young like 9 or 10. My theory is most nonces were runtish ghouls who never got to shag in their teenage years and now have fetishized missing out on that experience into their adulthood.

My solution? Kill anyone who has not shagged before their 18th birthday
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Don't get the hype over having a job, like wooo yeah you get more money but you also sacrifice your free time so ???
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>the school council in primary school
waiting until ive done a big poo before i take some painkillers
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I went to a public school in a poor area mate
had a dream that I was on a bus and looking quite disheveled when a girl started flirting with me but I was too flabbergasted to reciprocate so she got off before I could get her number or anything. As she was getting off she looked taken aback and disappointed at how much I had missed my shot with her, like I had hurt her ego. there was a bit of a "pity flirting" vibes from the encounter as well

then i woke up
having a job is just a necessity
like how do people survive on bennies?
It really isn't that much effort unless you're a spastic shut-in who looks for any excuse to stay indoors (which is also why you're unvaccinated)
right so which one will make me the most money
british niggas get in trouble in primary school and are brought before the council of elders
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Most nonces in those videos are literally medically retarded. I don’t know if being retarded makes you more likely to be a nonce of if only the retarded nonces fall for the nonce hunters’ tricks but yeah.
realistically how do you get a job if you're on the sex offenders register?
Who do you love? Is it him now, is it me babe, I don't know! Who do you love?
hate when people say "oh my days"
bunch of cunts
>I went to a public school
it certainly must be difficult
Bet you're king of the paedo ring aren't you
Honestly if you don't have ambitions to be rich, gaining PIP is basically Valhalla.

You will be getting around £1100 a month tax free and your flat/house paid for indefinitely. Unless you are clearing more than 40k a year I don't see how any job working 40 hours a week beats getting £1500 a month doing nothing
Lads badn ews
hardrive just fucking died
Had about 6tb of games on it
Haha so true, we niggas truly do that
burritos for tea
Apply for the BBC
peng 19yr old messaging me on hinge
rorke laughing at leftypol getting drawn and quartered, unaware that he's about to be cleaved in twain himself
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why do you have 6tb of games lmao
Feel like counter fraud might give you the best route into private sector with some security trauning
Ah yes

rorke getting heemed

>Instant karma for drunk England fans as enraged Benidorm local wades into crowd and punches several yobs who blocked the road and banged on his car while singing Ten German Bombers

How old are you?
playing at this heat is dangerous.
summer is a big fat mistake.
I would imagine the worst part about being a convicted nonce is having to explain it.

Imagine being in a job interview.and having to say "oh yeah also I am a pedo" lmao
I built up a large amount over the years from my collections
It's backed up to 4 other hardrives but it's still fucking annoying

If you mean movies and tv shows I've convereted, sitting around 12tb
why is it the ones on tcap in the US are normal suburban family men but the ones in the UK are always dysgenic spastics
Lads bad news
hardrive just fucking died
Had about 80,000 screenshots of games on it
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could have been worse lad
*pretends to be a plastic surgeon and draws dotted lines around that outlying piece of fat on her right boob*
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yank sports tier fun police
Mental how weak England fans are lol, they get the shit kicked out of them literally anywhere they go
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Don't understand how people get careers
I never knew what I wanted to do, just fluked into an agency job after uni then crawled my way up slowly
wahey shagaluf

>Celebrating England's win... Magaluf style! Sunburnt cleavage, vomiting outside a takeaway, cross-dressing and falling asleep on top of some chips

dont understand any of this virgin image
26, why?
Nonce hunters here are mainly sub human low IQ council scum.

They don't really do it ethically they basically trick retarded people or mongs.

I remember watching one where one of the creep catchers showing that she used her own picture as bait and said she claimed to be 15 and she looked 45 kek
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cant fucking do owt these days
wrought by a blacksmith
A lot of them are probably nonces too
Pondering a wank
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circa 1952
Still raging about the fucking hardrive
I figure if i open it and try to connect it again it'll work

Lads I'm sad, I'm very sad but luckily I have you lads and of course, the cans
convinced most nonce hunters are wanking the chops off themselves when pretending to be a 15 year old girl
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tbf this sounds accurate. im a bit autistic and like organising things and making lists
but how do i actually get a job in 'knowledge and information' management?
Just gonna come out and say it
I hate cans, more of a bottles man me
Wrote on a job application, "about time I got a job". I hope they don't laugh it off
I waste what little free time I have anyway
This is the Liverpool the beatles grew up in

looks decent
massive fucking fruit fly doing my bastard nut in come here you sack of putrid shit
best nonce hunter videos are when they sting pakis and they react badly to it

used to be on on youtube where he clearly pissed himself but its been lost to the ages
dont worry about htis 'work' nonsense ujst have a wank and forget about it
There are no good jobs
It's all just low paid, tedious, stressful, disorganised shit
Fruit flies are tiny
hmmm yes im going to play a game from a series which i know full well is filled with esoteric design choices designed to appeal to a niche audience and then im going to complain about those esoteric design choices and push for future games from this developer to be more like every other modern game
fewer dream post
this one isnt
le kwab
Karate chop his ass out of the sky
dream job: just leave me alone while i listen to an audiobook while i chip away at repetitive, but important, work.
it thinks you're a big melon
Work at the fish cannery
marion le peng
Hold on, lads
Prime day is coming soon
I think I might just external hardrives with their own power supply
309 euro for one now at 16tb
Hopefully it'll go down to 250 so I can 4 of them
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Looking back the Covid pandemic was nuts. The entire world shut down for several months. It was apocalyptic. Yet everyone’s already forgotten about it.
>Work at the fish cannery
not exactly 'important' work
these kind of jobs pay 28kpa at most
its all relative mate
wonder has she ever offered up her holes as reparations to an ex colonial jungle bbc
The covid work break didnt change a single thing for me
just secure a (friday night) date with the peng 19yr old on hinge
think you know what htat means lads
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yeah and you had to inject some scag in yourself to not get magic flu what was that all about
People move on
I personally had a fun time
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Spot of the old rape on the cards?
Need some serious change in me life.
I haven't had an incel walk in a week, I just can't be bothered for some reason.
blog on
this was me working in a warehouse in uni
sound polish lads that offered you drugs now and again, no ethnics, no real pressure to deal with, could ignore the public and mongs while you listened to podcasts
me when I only have notes
>please end your threads at 310 posts
how about you actually design the board so it revolves around generals better and make it so every thread goes to 700 like /vg/
fucking retard
It is a twenty five year old.and his mates. With baseball bats.
Christopher Nolan says that Google isn't actually as useful as people think. To demonstrate this, he went into a library and took 10 books at random, then wrote down one random fact from each one. Afterwards, he Googled the facts and found that none of them showed up in the search results

The world is not as digitized as you think
Mad it was 4 years ago
hope she turns up pre-loaded with jamals congolese cream
too big
Ooh wouldn't happen to be complaining about the moderation would you
>BBC presenter sparks fury after calling for Donald Trump to be 'murdered' by
Joe Biden

VERY progressive!!
Is Blackpool pleasure beach shit compared to Alton Towers?
too gay
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sounds like bollocks
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he's a big guy
i didnt mention anything about moderation
succint filename, methinks, ta!
my willy is positively oozing with precum
there's not as many rides obviously but it's arguably more fun and it's on the beach
proto gf looks exactly like this
just copped
Had a very early wank now just feel tired
Don't wank early boys
pleasure beach makes it sound like an outdoor brothel
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Get some meth down you lad
At least this one has those bumps in the right places. Quite rare, for /brit/
What's the point in exit polls? Is it just for election night entertainment?
Don't find ACs aesthetically appealing enough to buy kits of tbhwy
Dont post finnlad
why do you post this shit about people "forgetting" about covid so often? what do you want from people?
what's cardiff like?
Did the French speaking nonwhites defeat the French speaking nonwhites in a game of kickballnet
why are there africans wearing france and belgium shirts
This lad reminds me of Tech Shrek from Linus Tech Tips
might start cooking soon
Would you rather be Polish or Russian?
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you ever pluck out all your facial hairs?

it's something to do
Wish I'd fucking taken advantage of the WFH reshuffle to switch jobs, I was do FUCKING STUPID for sitting on my laurels
Here in the US those are the last bits of propaganda and cope that the news can keep screaming about
>every single one is dressed the same with the exact same haircut
Culture is dead
erm it's Tech Fiona now lad
im literally the former so uhh i dunno
Youll end looking like a case of the scabies
No because France harvests all of the best sports players from their former colonies.
Polish cause then I can easily move to France
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spaino spotted in the 4th pic
check yourself into the nearest mental hospital immediately
I reckon it’s the first time I’ve mentioned it in like two years.
Does it grow back thicker or lighter or is there any change?
And people will forget about the ukraine war a few days after it ends. Humans are easily manipulated creatures.
Christ almighty her feet must be almost 4 foot long
about to scran some peng curry lads
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you ever wonder what goes through the minds of people who purchase mobile phones in phone shops?

like what compels a grown man or woman to spend 3 hours of their life sat in a phone shop only to leave paying £49.99 a month on a 2 year contract or some other insanity? Just fucking order a phone online and whack a rolling SIM in it. They're always obese as well, phone shop customers.
anyone remember the queen
Would you rather be black or indian
Did God save her or what happened
>don't need a shit
>need to leave the house
>immediately need a shit
What's the scientific explanation for this phenomenon that causes me to always be late?
Freddie Mercury was an icon innit, funny to think he was a middle easterner. Probably the only time you can say diversity is our strength.
Nah it's the same when it grows back.

There's an annoying period when it's almost grown back but not quite where the new hairs have yet to break the surface tension of the skin so you can't shave them but you have all these weird black dots / bobbles all over. If you exfoliate hard then you can force them out but it's a pain. If you just leave them then they grow through the skin in ~2 days and it solves itself.

could jump really high and say the n word loudly in public and no one could stop me
>funny to think he was a middle easterner.
No he wasn't.
I have a roster of places in town where I know I can have a nice peaceful shit if necessary.
do not, my friends, become addicted to generative ai gooning
it will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence
>lie under a cocunut tree all die sipping moonshine
>have countless black Kweens to sexo
>no job no worries
>get feted over by Western ngos who give you free stuff

>no sex until you're married off to an obese pajeeta in an arranged marriage
>live in a dystopian nightmare
>work yourself to the bones to afford tablescraps to eat
>Western ngos only come to tell you to stop pooping in the street
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He was literally an ethnic persian from zanzibar
I know this Supreme Court stuff is designed to benefit Trumo but I think it'd be really funny if Biden went on a massive crime spree now that he can't be punished for it
i love the cinema so much
it's my happy place.
there's something so sweet about people all choosing the lose themselves in the same shared dream.
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holy grim
His real name was Farouq Bulsara or some such.
he's already got enough noncey skellies in his closet
that gun barrel poking out of his chest looks very silly
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Hoe was stopped at Heathrow

Here she is leaving the court, to her adoring public

Shame there's nowt good out at the mo :(
Wish I drove. Would be so easy to buy beer
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sometimes I go through long phases of researching potential careers. For example last year I spent many weeks researching joining the merchant navy, looking at all the different roles available, the cadet schools, courses near me, open days, pricing it all up etc. Then ultimately I decided I didn't want to spend 6+ months at sea with a bunch of people who wouldn't like me because I'm an awkward prick

now I am spending my time researching becoming an HGV driver. Surely this time I will make the commitment and my REAL life (as an HGV driver) can begin.
Is Furiosa still showing?
How could she think it wouldn't get leaked, what a daftie
It's available in full resolution on internet piracy lad.

New release films all get leaked in like ~2 weeks these days. Long gone are the days of having to wait months.
been seeing a LOT of youtube videos about being a truck lad

looks comfy driving places then having a sleep in your cheeky cabin behind the drivers seats
last film i saw in the cinema was dune 2
indian family with several young kids sat directly in front of me
kids had their phones out and were fidgeting and talking to eachother the whole time, plus eating sweets out of noisy packets
wish i had just watched the film at home by myself
How easy is becoming a HGV driver? Seems stressful but comfy
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Good lad, get that lorry driven
Biden didn't need permission from the supreme court for that
business idea: take up computer science and learn how to use VPNs
it's a ciws for missile defence
try to find a cinema that screens old films. that's my real happy place. the clientele and the films themselves are usually much better.
honestly i think that'd be my dream job - running a cinema only showing old, curated films.
Should look at train driving. Got a cousin that does it, 66k to "drive" a train that basically drives itself and frequent unscheduled holidays, I mean strikes. Living the dream he is.
love going to the cinema alone with booze smuggled in a water flask and getting blootered
all the same shall be sticking to gundams
Haven't been able to sit up normally, ever. I always lay down
might have a proper pooey bumwank later
why not
ive looked at this but it's 1.) shift work, 2.) hard to get in, 3.) lots of training, 4.) boring as sin, 5.) no progression, 6.) will prob get replaced soon
Train driving requires lots of experience here :(
How many people you know have been killed on railway tracks?
is there a designated shitting carriage?
Can you listen to audiobooks whilst driving a train
never learn my lessons with international games, bookies had my fucking pants down for 5k already this euros

big chase job on now
might need to look into these videos as part of my research

You need to fill out some forms for the DVSA, including one done by your GP to say you are fit to drive the vehicles etc. Then you send those off, get your provisional and then you can take the theory test, then the practical test. There's also another test after that called the Driver CPC test which is like a professional qualification or some such that's required by many companies before they'll employ you.

Costs a few grand for the practical training I think.

Genuinely impossible to get a job as a train driver as every cunt wants the job. It's a job paid £66k + unlimited OT to sit on your arse in a room by yourself pressing a green button that says Go then taking your hand off the button as you pull into the station.
myself (2027)
cute girl liked me on hinge but she looks way too outgoing for a homebody like me. maybe she'll be good for me. but no doubt she'd find me as dull as dishwater.
cooking my pasta sauce fresh
jarred sauce freaks btfo
Yea it's called pantry car
catberg chasing a bluebottle around the house like a mad cunt
Got a lovely jar of premade sauce ready to go for a convenient weeknight dinner, just like a proper Italian x
no. every minute you have to silence a BEEEP sound to make sure you're awake, and you've only got a few seconds to do so before you get in trouble. it's that boring/tiresome.
panty car uuuohhhhhhhhh
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Hot as shit outside.
when i see picture of a burger i instinctually think about ordering maccas
can england win?
france and germany are playing like shit, if both/either of them take down spain/portugal england could fact them in the final
utter wasteman PLEB
ktim in the desert

my uncle is trains man he driver
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Reading the news
Yeah to be fair everyone seems to be aying like fucking shit so England might have a chance
However they'll probably just get raped by Switzerland on Saturday
i like both
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>Jolie Foster is still doing sex scenes
You don't see this from men at her age unless it's a creepy sexual violence scene
really wish neet wasters showed some shame
i know they feel it deep down they just repress it as a cope
Can't find the picture now but inside iit bombay there's a signboard saying "please feed the dogs in designated feeding zones only"
hate this fucking baby talk pepe shit
which desert?
does it make you wish for a nuclear winter?

Now THAT is epic lols
Sonoran not Mojave
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>Oh shit how do I vote for him even harder?
Doe he get rape threats
for me its making a ragu at the weekend then freezing it for weeknight meals tbqh
my youtube is full of reform and farage shite
if there's one thing that'll get me to not vote for them its this ridiculous level of fucking spamming
you need killing
Apu isn’t Pepe though is he?
You know what, lads? I think I am just going to vote Conservative.
blog on boringlad
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you dozy twonk granded
This is my plan for cooking, get a batch of something sorted at the weekend and freeze it
Or I get a chicken in, butcher and freeze
Only going out once a week now
shut up fat
Seethe on
Our guy Ryan getting bogged and now he's off the rails
>as a WOC
people identifying as asian cooking utensils now
got an rg banshee still in the box, looking forward to finally getting stuck into it
alri kingsley d'acampo
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*claps and whoops incessantly*
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based organised cook lad
still need to build the backpack and weapons for my rg unicorn, then i have an rg exia in box and white glint in a couple of days
imagine, my willy in a vagina
a thing like that...
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>If Trump wins the presidential election, I'm killing myself.
>You aren't being dramatic with your feelings about trump winning.
r/casualuk screaming out their arses at this image
Someone linked me this general from casualuk and I have never seen so many fucking digusting comments about women and blacks, jesus christ just take a look at yourselves all of you
daily reality for weston
/brit/ for slightly more normal freaks
do one tubby
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time to repost it all
>scrap tax on income under £20,000
why aren't "lefties" lining up to vote for this?
nan walks into a bar
>hey nan, you alright?
Lush that

joe biden is faking dementia so he can out of paying that 1400 he still owes to every american
Twat fucking mongy cunt kill your fucking self
nearing my 19th birthday and I haven't been to a pub yet
Need fancy dress ideas
That looks alright but pepperoni isn't very healthy. I'd go for chicken myself. Or bolognese with lean beef.
nice one lad, enjoy x
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Take it easy
freaky ahh cat man
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can you get free food in supermarkets?
can i? yes
can you? no
NOW you may post a new thread

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