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Hair is life edition
First for incoming Trump dictatorship.
Psychiatrist is 10 minutes late
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is this our roman republic to roman empire moment? are we about to chud the fuck out on a scale the world has never seen?
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Imagine eating this good.

My HC is lvl 19 now. I'm not using charge because you can charge under the map and die.
>paying a monthly fee to play World of retards
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the wife
Brown Fag
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It's a private server, stupid brown lol
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I live in California so I can always vote however I want safe in the knowledge that it won't matter
Dont (you) any of the of the resident child predator trannies. They live for it
at least ballot measures seem to be pretty well balanced
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These girls are all pretty because they are Aryan and not brown
No (you) from me tranny ass bitch
but what if what the no fap people say about preserving male vitality is true?
I look like this
Trump chudding out is a liberal fearmongering tactic. muh project 2025
Who will be Brutus and who will be Augustus?
if you vote for a fat grifter(already showing signs of dementia) or a dementia patient you are everything wrong with america
We have an election in the UK on July 4th. It will choose the next parliament (like your Congress) and the next prime minister.

I dislike all politicians so I might just not vote.
Trump is a good grifter though
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I know what the parliament you limey FUCK
Trump was the best president since JFK
>no wall
>fast ttracked the vaccine
>fighting with biden over whos the gooder goy for israel
definitely not
what are some good games that came out this year
Gas and milk will be cheaper under Trump and he'll send zogbot brownoids like urkel to die in Iran.
I'm going to break into the Whitehouse and streal the Presidential Gas Price Setter and turn the knob until it hits $0.00
helldivers II, system shock remake got a console release, Contra: Operation Galuga, thousand year door remake
Biden did several things that made gas go higher. Shutting off pipelines, stopping drilling, it was a list of like 11 things, all in his first week.
>then I'm gonna call protesters savages
The economy was better because of Drumpf, you can whine and cope over it but it's true. I hate him but I want him to win so groceries will be cheaper and stuff. If you have a different opinion you're just a low IQ monkey.
very grim
Did he also raise global prices as well
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sexo con mejican bussy
the economy is the best its ever been though
stfu jason, your mom buys the groceries
I'm gonna kill you
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It's the best it's been in 6 months. Grow up.
You don't know anything, you don't even know whether 25 C is cold, hot, or just warm

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>bongs think 25c is hot
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no you cannot
10 cents per liter in Venezuela, but it comes from there, just like here. Not all countries produce their own, we used to produce more.
economist say your wrong
I'm paying significantly more for groceries in 2024 than I was in 2019. Simple as.
did they get them from the same place they got the 51 intelligence officials to say the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian propaganda?
What if Trump walked on stage and said "Hey I'm Tronald Dump" then took a massive shit on stage that was perfectly shaped like the poop emoji?
>awful opinion

Checks out.
You're a pussy with braindead politics. You're like a sportsball/urkelball fan and also you're not White + you redditspaced + who are you quoting?
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am I supposed to get upset about this? I think theyre neat
Not reading also you're a jew
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It's Canada Day retard, it's a stat holiday
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I'm a leftist.
youre a gay retard
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BAchads we are EATING
Hope you get better.
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Rightoids are just as retarded as libtards AND they're bad people with no morals that love serving jews. I'm a progressive leftist racist, no other ideology makes any sense. Kill the capitalists.
Putting the tariffs to good use lmao
CUM (Canada United States Mexico) is located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. The Epekwitnewaq Mi’kmaq have occupied this Island for over 12,000 years. We honour the “Treaties of Peace and Friendship” which recognized Mi’kmaq rights and established an ongoing relationship between nations.
We are all Treaty People.
at least its going towards helping actual americans with something isntead of Israel or ukraine
SCOTUS: You can’t just throw your rival in prison because you don’t like him.

DEMOCRATS: So you’re saying we can drop bombs on him?

SCOTUS: You really can’t even charge your rival with a crime because his presidency made you mad.

DEMOCRATS: Got it. So we can incinerate his house with him in it?

SCOTUS: The Constitution protects officials from being terrorized with lawfare for official actions they undertook while in office.

DEMOCRATS: Ah. Makes sense. So we can officially assassinate everyone we don’t like?

SCOTUS: Prosecuting a politician because you don’t like his politics would destroy our country, and we’re not going to allow it.

DEMOCRATS: Roger that. So what you’re saying is: we are officially allowed to eliminate Trump and the Supreme Court as long as we, like, say it’s official and stuff?
a man watches yuri and nobody bats an eye, but when a woman watches two femboys frotting society loses their minds …
yep that’s society for ya…
Women don't watch that
need sleep but only work instead
>be shitalian american
>move to an ACTUALLY white semi rural area
>everyone is paler than me
>everyone is a head taller than me
>a lot of women are equal my height or a little taller
>most people are pretty af
ahh, this is so hot. I love white people so much. I hope they bully me
took a shit that could only be classified as violating the geneva accords
i wonder if all of you guys are as dumb and ugly as me
*spits on you*
Today I accidentally shaved my cope beard too short so now I'm mentally preparing myself for everyone at work finally realizing I'm a chinlet
Im kind of jealous of people who can feel happy from watching a pixar movie and other stupid shit
Why'd you move there? Opening a pizza joint?
If you're Italian American that means you're white dummy
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>so groceries will be cheaper and stuff
If we get deflation, it will be by accident and it will be horrible. What are you looking for? Higher wages? Something more specific?
I think my problem rn is going without psychedelics for too long thus the severe lack of direction and confidence I have been experiencing these past days
My family was moving here and I wanted to be close to them, it's cheaper, and I didn't really like where I was living anyways. It was full of Mexicans and Indians and blacks (worst one). I don't want to be anywhere that I'm not the least white person in the room
Also retarded and gay and retarded again
me? yes
Nobody is as gay as me
Experts giving their opinion to the media mostly only do so at the behest of corporations who are seeking to legitimize their latest exploitative, probably dangerous venture in the public eye
one time i accidentally said the N word in front of a black guy. then i was like sorry sir i didn't meant offend you
have you taken psychedelics before ? i didn’t know that
Damn bro! U so smart
You should make a podcast and call it "the smart bros"
would you subscribe to a /cum/ podcast?
Trump is going to win and we'll get cheaper groceries and gas and Israel will annihilate the Palestinians.
Yeah I just mean the underlying mechanics for how the groceries and gas is cheaper part happens
I don't know the specifics, I just know that'll happen.
i know this is unprecedented around here but im kinda depressed
probably not it would just be getting angry at jews and how much you guys hate women
I don't hate women I hate myself
I'm makin pussy niggas push the panic button
shut the fuck up
When you say pussy nigga I think of a human sized cartoon pussy that speaks ebonics and wears a backwards hat and chain
I love women, Jews I don't have strong opinions on.
Why, you scared?
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CUMPIESSSS, im drinking covfefe
i don’t think anyone is entirely happy with who they are, unless they’re a narcissist so that’s normal to a certain degree >>199233119
leave him alone he’s one of my favorite posters
Yeah it's about time for my cup of the day, which I really should get started on because it coincides with my crank of the day too which I'm running behind on
Hey /cum/ English or Spanish?
no hablo castellano
Been over 6 months because last time was a very bad experience.
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Thanks man, that's very kind of you to say
I think Im a dumbass
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>landlord sends a third party required-opt-out alternative insurance that removes the entirety of my insurance on property I own and only protects his building
>spend a month working with my roommate, both of us get random rejections on the opt out by the third party and both of us must opt out or we are both fucked and included
>BARELY manage to opt out to the point where an apology email is sent out
>one month passes
>third party sends an email that both of us are ONCE AGAIN OPTED IN AND MUST DO THIS PROCESS AGAIN and we will have to opt out every single year as a joint roommate party
>also now we're charging a "resident liability fee" if you don't do it fast enough this time because fuck you
If you told me back when I was a kid that this is what being an adult would be like I would have skipped the life cutscene off a bridge, what the fuck is this kafkaesque bullshit
ive been staying away from them for the last few years because i just don’t feel like i’m in a stable enough mental state to take them, i’m terrified of having a bad trip so i don’t blame you for not wanting to right now.
Cravin' a good American sandwich
Possibly a po boy, a cheesesteak, or a Cuban
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is 500 words too long for an IT cover letter? i already shorten it from 1 page to half a page. i can't squeeze anymore out
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Last time I did shrooms I had to drive 20 miles in the rain in a car whose brakes didn't completely work. I was twrrified
Drove on acid and felt like my car was shrinking around me
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Are you schtewpid? Last time I did shrooms I kept laughing at my cat's rainbowy shimmering fur and enjoying how three dimensional the 4chud quick reply box looked when I dragged it around.
I did crack once and killed somebody
hard drug fans look and sound like this (it's fun or something)
last time i did acid i just sat in the bathroom for hours looking into the mirror question who i am and i tried to shave and ended up cutting myself and seeing the blood sent me into a panic and ruined the whole thing
i drank a beer once and i couldnt spell
You need to have "clean" memories and a serene state of mind before going in I agree. And not do any retarded mixes like I did and had no awareness of hazard around me like a fucking retard. I read about those hardcore junkies doing different stuff simultaneously and thought it would be real smart to replicate it.
I really do my best to repress the events of that day but a friend told me he legit believed i was dead.
I fucked you mom once and then I did it again the next day
well im glad you made it through and didn’t die
mental state and where you plan to trip are so important to the outcome of your trip
I feel like I could write some funny material for a comedy act, but I also think that I would have absolute no charisma or stage presence. Like I'm not the funny kind of awkward, like fat and high pitched voice, I'm just the dorky and forgettable kind of awkward that people feel pity towards
I love chorizo in my burritos
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I avoid the bathroom entirely when I'm on shrooms. Had a friend go into the bathroom and to humor himself he turned off the lights. He told me he immediately saw a hallucination of a giant pair of teeth in the darkness and he came out of the bathroom laughing.

I wouldn't be laughing, I'd be shitting myself but I guess he just found the absurdity of his mind immediately going that direction the second the lights were off funny. Either way it's very clear to me that your overall mental state is going to affect the trip and you should be in a relatively okay mental place when you're starting
do you write any material as of now or do you THINK you can write/come up with good material? I feel the same way I can maybe come up with little quick jokes that might be funny if I work them right, but I know I hardly write anything and never even pretend to rehearse or think out loud to try to develop them into jokes, so I don't take myself too seriously as a performer/comedian. From what I can tell basically all comedians even the top of the top the louis ck, bill burr, kevin harts all have their awkward sets where the audience feels pity or disgust towards them
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I have only ever took small doses of shrooms, not enough for vivid hallucinations but enough for some cool thoughts and weird body feelings. I went into the bathroom to look at myself and my pupils were hilariously enlarged more than I thought was possible, was kind of epic kind of creepy
there aren't mexican on /cum/
Charisma and stage presence are both skills. You just haven't practiced them. If you did, and you went through enough lame performances, etc etc you would become the kind of person who can do a comedy act and the kind of person who has those skills.

Maybe start at a level that's achievable and doesn't require you flopping on a stage and fucking up?
Well I know this isn't remotely standup comedy, but I'd say I have a pretty "ok" record at my posts on this site getting laughs. I don't know exactly how I'd conform it to a standup setting, especially since a lot of jokes are of a "4chan" flavor and I live in California
But yeah bombing is part of the gig, especially at the beginning. But I don't know if I have the mental fortitude for it, and my main character syndrome causes me to fantasize about a really bad set of mind ending up in the internet
Like what would that be?
normally i would agree about staying out the bathroom but in that particular situation i had to go but i just ended up getting stuck there, so glad i had my phone with me to play music.
but yeah having an okay mental state going in and being in a safe, secure place are like 90% of having a good trip
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Try practicing a standup or something in front of friends, hell family. Small crowd stuff. Be open to feedback, be inspired by people who are better for you, you'll want to be able to measure your progress, not your performance. If you're getting better you'll eventually be there. If you're not, well, you aren't challenging yourself or you're making challenges you can't complete.
Fuck you niggaz writting so much for? Who cares that much about anything here?
Fkn losers lol
Happy Canada Day!
Preemptive Happy Independence Day!
I wouldn't be around 4chan for burger day, so I gotta celebrate it today.
>causes me to fantasize about a really bad set of mind ending up in the internet

if you join your local scene and hit the open mics around you, you won't really have to worry about 'comedian BOMBS epic fail viral video memetube' videos of you for a few months at least, and if you do get to work a big crowd and bomb well then you're already at a point where you can use that attention as momentum to keep going forward, there are not enough young comedians who are truly funny so I would say anyone who wants to try it out should, more comedians is a good thing if they're actually funny, worst case scenario you don't actually have great standup sets but you're hilarious on podcasts (think tim dillon, nick mullen)
not a single Canada Day thread in the 'log
We have things to care about, when we're not run by cartels.
happy canada day
i will celebrate by watching kenny vs spenny today
Like cleaning indian shit from the streets?
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Which shows that we care about our streets and the community as a whole.
It's not our fault that jeets are ruining this country.
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the bagged milk thing is weird to me
i had a conversation about this with a canadian friend of mine and apparently they just keep a pitcher with a bag of milk in their fridge ? odd stuff
Nisciun frega ugatz
Good song

Shame you can't play it in public anymore because of the homophobia
Time to put my third world ass to sleep for another day wagecuckolding.
They tried to introduce it in our country, I think it was just over a decade ago. Pic related. The bags use less plastic than bottles I guess, so it's cheaper.

It didn't really catch on though. I don't think British shops sell bagged milk anymore. People still just buy plastic bottles.
The little faggot is a millionaire
Au revoir Pierre. Bonne nuit.
I've been searching for a long time for a super castlevania iv let's play where the guy starts just jerking off saying "fuckin TITS fucking TITS", it's been completely wiped from the internet.
wow a savings of 21 pounds you don't say
Venezuelan oil is sour and heavy though, which is why their economy keeps crashing despite being an exporter and having the largest proven reserves in the world
sounds annoying to just want a bowl of cereal and having to clean the spout of the milk just when i could have just poured the milk from the jug and been eating my cereal already
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Ukraine aid has been almost entirely equipment or outside of the American financial system. The vast majority of the financial aid has come from Europe (they don't really have much else to give)
good night rachid
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Hunting gnolls in the pouring rain is so FVCKING KINO
It's an eastern Canada thing, which they think they're the only part of Canada that matters.
We use regular plastic jugs or waxed cardboard.
Put me in as Democratic Party presidential candidate, I'll show that Trump fella
Was. Blackrock and JP Morgan are running the rebuilding of Ukraine.
Not American born, bongbro.
Which ones
Who's going to rebuild all those dead Russians?
yall dont have a clue how hot it is in florida
Trump is the most Jewish guy there is.
China's economy through BRICS?
I think I do
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surely you mean DICKS
I'm in California it's just as hot. Just a dry heat which I'll admit is vastly better.

I didn't know what tropical heat was till I went to Hawaii in the summer. Stepped off the cool air conditioned plane and it immediately felt like someone wrapped my face in a wet sweater
>2 mega corps are running the reconstruction
You say that like we'd be paying for it
i've always said it's weather you can wear
your women are fucking black dick nafotranny
>I say that Hawaii is like standing in the bathroom after someone took a hot shower
>American disagrees with me
>American says that Hawaii is like being wrapped in a wet sweater
There's no justice.
BRICS is dead on arrival already. China isn't going to stick their neck out for Russia just to build an economic bloc they get nothing out of
>i have no reference for dry heat tb h
You're paying for it, every investment you make, and every purchase you do. Blackrock has their hands in everything. It takes effort to not give them money.
Luckily in Canada, we have some Canadian brands that are privately owned, so not all my money goes to them.
i need a former slut gf who is trad and chaste during the day but can wake up the former whore on demand and fuck me by night
>the jeet cries out as he strikes you
I hope so, because our economy is so tied to your economy, so BRICS better be DOA. Or we're both doomed.
get you a girl who was super into the rave scene but is getting a little older now and having to slow down a bit
Yeah they were kind of annoying, and milk would inevitably run down the outside of the bag into the jug, and I think it smelled after a while if I remember right

Damn eastern Canadians
>you're paying for it
>by exchanging currency for goods and services
Are you confused about how economies work or something
Also Mexico oddly enough with NAFTA. Though that agreement is in desperate need of revision
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me in the back
There's no such thing as a former slut. She's only pretending to be a trad.
Once a hoe, always a hoe.
Being traditional, has a significant portion determined by genetics, and isn't something mostly influenced by environment. You can't become trad. You either are, or you aren't.
"cognitive dissonance" is just NPCs not being able to break their programming
It's interesting to see, like when a video game NPCs programming breaks and they just fall through the world or whatever. You can literally see that happening in people's brains sometimes
sweeeet caroline
Are you? Everything you buy is giving Blackrock money. You're funding it regardless of what you do.
beginning to think 'trad' is a codeword for men who just want a womb for their children they can beat and manipulate into submission
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they throw their symbolism in your face
they don't even try to be subtle anymore
Jesus anon, Trump already renegotiated that.
NAFTA has been gone for years.
That all said, Mexico wants to join BRICS.
Though the last time they talked about it, your Congress also started talking about bringing the American military into Mexico(to "deal with the war on drugs", but I'm not going to believe that).
Please, no more of these posts about conspicuous symbolism by le satanists trying to taunt us... no more
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new video
>I drink my milk from a rectangular prism
how kafkaesque
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Yes I remember that, but it was meant to be renegotiated. Just never happened
>"Mexico has not asked for being admitted to BRICS. Mexico is closely following the association’s development bearing in mind the economic weight of its member nations and bilateral relations our country is maintaining with its members," the ministry wrote on its X account, commenting on media reports that the country wants to join BRICS already this year.
English football fans were singing that yesterday after we beat Slovakia

You can hear it in the background here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xla_iKCi__8
No. It's not even close to that, it's the opposite of feminism though. Which you've taken an unhealthy dose of in your life. If you're assuming that a significant portion of the population was beating their wives, then you've drank the feminist kool-aid for far too long.
I can't believe that people still believe that trash.
Trad is a female acting like a mother/wife, and not being a boss bitch(code for acting like a man).
They're looking for a girl that acted like their grandma's generation. And unless you're going to say that all your grandmas were beaten by their grandpas...
i didn't know you could cook stuff in clay
This is some pretty egregious reaching friendo
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chudtopia is so fucking funny
That's because our leaders are shit. I'm hopeful that the Conservatives will do it in 2 years. After they get CANZUK going again.
Yeah, no shit. We hear rumours, and USA is ready to invade. Of course they're going to shut that down instantly.
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Black Rock = black cube of Saturn = Star of Remphan or Moloch
Not him, but while I agree, Annuit Coeptis means "he approves of our undertakings" and Novus Ordo Seclorum literally means new world order
So true.
Real schizo hours huh
Mention kids in a complain about something you don't like and use them as a tool to make you look like you care about the future of children when in reallity you couldn't give less fucks about them but it's a common method to hopefully make other people feel guilty.
a woman being independent is not 'acting manly' what the hell are you talking about
you want to relegate women to the kitchen, and as breeding stock and that's just wrong and you won't convince me otherwise. this is a human rights issue and you are advocating for the disenfranchisement of half the population
Surprisingly not that much porn of Ashley Graham, I had to double back just to finish to her
You will never be a woman
Don't bother arguing with incels.
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i am trying to stop i know its bad for my mental health
Come on do it. It's super funny watching lonely virgin people with the darkest fetishes being "worried" about "the future of """"our""" children"
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cool video
everything I do, I do so that people don't think a tranny
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It’s over
it's dangerous to let your cats play near the washing machine, they like enclosed spaces and will nap in there so make sure you check every time you do a load
All's I know is, things were much better in my grandpa's time when everyone had a clearly defined role and followed it. We played to our strengths and what made the most sense.

Men were breadwinners, women were homemakers, kids shut their mouths and went to school. God was in his heaven, all was right with the world. We're there people unhappy with this arrangement? Probably but there's always unhappy people. But when you go with what nature intends and how we evolved to survive, you won't go wrong
i have intrusive thoughts of seeing my cat drowning and crying for help in my washing machine so I paranoically check everytime
>all was right with the world
do not look at crime statistics back then compared to now
It's even funnier when dudes turn their fetish into a lifestyle and put on dresses and claim to be women and demand to be called women
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Evolution is Masonic propaganda to make people deny the Biblical story of creation.
Considerably lower
Did nature intend for all of us to gather on our computers and talk about what's supposedly natural?
Evolution is fact
Looks about the same to me
Industrialization and it's consequences have been a disaster for mankind
thats something a tranny would say
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My grandparents were from the 20s, not the 60s, kiddo
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We managed for a couple hundred thousand years just fine without the jewish god Yahweh
cum can never decide if they hate transsexuals or want to masturbate to them
very mercurial
I'm only gay sometimes and the other times I don't hate them but am mostly ambivalent about them
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Ucciditi froci
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Attention Jason
Lemme guess, you play werewolf the tabletop rpg
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I have to imagine reporting was way lower, recordkeeping was way worse, and these two facts only increase as you go back into history. It is incredibly sad but still a true fact that some people only have one restriction stopping them from atrocious acts, and that is the consequences, not the moral quandry of committing it. Hell, all through history is littered with horrible acts such as byzantines blinding bulgarian soldiers on purpose and that was just normal if you had a big enough stick to enforce your way.

What would be more interesting to me is how successful crimes are versus back then. Do you have any idea how many cases are instantly open and shut because every block has a security camera? Where criminals can spend an entire night rizzing up their next murder target and paint their entire movement pattern for that day? Plus forensics, dna evidence, the dna database, modern psychology to make people confess in an "interview room", devices that users assume are personal being cracked by police, and all the other reasons it's hilariously easy to get caught nowadays.
i don't hate transgenders (transsexual is a problematic term) and have 2 good e-friends on discord who are trans
i don't really have a problem with cocks and cum but i am not getting anywhere near an asshole and furthermore things like stubble, male voices, etc would shut me down
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SCOTUS: The president has immunity in the execution of official business only


If you’re wondering where we are
sorry for using the incorrect terminology im not very informed on this
i think people should do whatever makes them happy as long as they aren't hurting anyone else, and i thought that was the whole point of being an american is being free but what do i know
getting the chud milked out of me by that she/they vice-grip snatch
Libtards do be seething though and it's wonderful
don't care, still voting for the incumbent.
based maga awooooo
The correct term is "troon" btw
i still don't know when to use it's or its
portugal vs slovenia goes to penalties
it's = it is
its = belonging to it
If the president commanded the armed forces to arrest anyone tomorrow, it would be exercising the executive powers. Which is official business, which is immune (or nothing the president does is protected by this ruling and it's all moot).

But more fundamentally I don't like the idea of anyone having immunity. We are all equal under the law? If this fact isn't true, then you're about to see people with the most money carve out a whole lot more immunity for them and a whole lot less immunity for everyone else real quick. The discussion of a multi-layered legal system already exists and people are definitely getting different treatment when they have fuck you money.
Gayson and a few others want to fuck/be trannies, the rest of us are sick of them.
Soccer is gay
bold of you to assume that chuds believe in equality.
What's making more sense? Visiting Texas or Tennessee as a single state, or trying to see various southern states? I thought about visiting New Orleans, but I really don't know if there are other places nearby worth visiting without driving for a decade. Also are there places to avoid (like Atlanta)?
yes but penalty shootouts are pretty exciting
she's a plus sized model not a porn star
The president, congress and a few others have always had immunity. That's why nobody prosecuted Obama for drone striking weddings.

Anyways it's not a big deal, this just codifies the unwritten system we had before the left blew it up with phony lawfare because they hate Trump.
new orleans is worse than atlanta.
go to texas if you want broke hilbillies
go to tennessee if you want rich hilbillies
tennessee is a gorgeous state for nature, and nashville specifically has so much good live music being played there . new orleans is okay as a party spot but bourbon street can be really dangerous, you actually have to worry about pickpockets and people doing street scams there. atlanta is fine, and decently safe, there are some bad areas for sure but for the most part its safe
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for me its pittsburgh pennsylvania
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canadians can't legally do this
>legislative branch is blocked up on the filibuster, needs supermajorities to bring large amounts of change and neither party wants to remove the filibuster even when it has the option to do so
>giant power grab on executive branch
>giant power grab on judicial branch
It's like some of you didn't learn about the separation of powers in school. We are a republic but we are a republic through split power, and no easy path for one person to gain too much power.

We should be codifying in the other direction. I believe what you're saying but one wrong doesn't justify another wrong, and exactly zero presidents (nor citizens) should be on an eschelon above others where they can violate unalienable rights. What, only unalienable if you and me do it?
I just spent 40 minutes making a WebM and writing a retort to totally own some fag but now that I'm back the threads been archived
Tennessee sounds good I guess. So far I've only been to the west coast and that was like a decade ago, so I was wondering.
Oh there is a model named that, I was talking about the character from resident evil.
I used to live in Nawlins. Some of the neighborhoods like going down Charles St look like antebellum estate houses. I liked that part. I also cadged drink in the French Quarter and played guitar for drinking money. I slept under the pier and one of the street kids gave me some acid and I tripped balls on the banks of the Mississippi during Mardi Gras
only time I went to tenneesee was for a wedding. was fun
there's a lot of good cabin rentals in tennessee that are kind of secluded and tucked away if you're looking for a more low key kind of spot to stay, if you are okay with driving 30 or 40 minutes to downtown
and make sure when you throw your trash away you lock the little steel box the bears are really crafty up there
Your understanding is flawed. The last few scotus rulings have given power back to congress, where it always should have been.

Anyways ALL NINE justices agreed that at least some prosecutions by a President, related to their official acts, are barred by the Constitution. The rest is details.
Hustlers MUST watch
I hope I am misunderstanding. Wouldn't want us to fall into the same briish monarchy trap.
The biggest challenge in your planning is going to be distance, even if you stick to "just Texas" since you can spend a full day driving and not make it from the eastern border to the western border. If you don't want to drive a bunch, stick to Nashville.
If you don't get here often and have at least a week, I think 3 days in Forth Worth/Dallas to do cowboy shit and a short flight to New Orleans for another 3 days would give you plenty to do.
I've expanded my love of pics of cats and dogs in lion outfits to them wearing funny wigs
im not sure if the uneven bangs were a stylistic choice or a mistake either way she owns it
Yes, everything turned out well
so fuggin sleepy
It's fun being a part of historical moments like this
take a nap anon
Mexican beaners
do you ever find a pornstar who you are just utterly captivated by and then spend weeks gooning to her entire filmography with zero interest in any other girls
there isn't a single pornstar that i've seen more than 5 videos of in my life. going through their entire filmography is pathetic beyond description.
not a pornstar but fictional characters yes
I had a phase of this with Kelly Payne a while back. Not gooning, but just kind of exclusively jacking to her. For a week she was like my porn gf
holy based
I think you might be on the wrong website, fellow
i can understand autism and i've coomed nearly every day for the past 20 years but the internet is big and new pornstars are created every day. having a oneitis pornstar is retarded when a thousand near-identical ones are a search away.
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No idea what that means
It means anime is entertainment exclusively for faggots
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Not a joke, I love hentai but I hate anime
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Weird, reminds me how there are people who like cartoons but strictly hate anime
Is spinny here to make the new or what

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