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My calendar edition

>Which meme language are you wasting your time on now?
>Share your time wasting experience!
>Ask questions about your target meme languages!
>Help people who want to waste time learning a new meme language!
>Participate in translation challenges (404) or make your own!
>Make friends!

Useful links:
>Free language-learning book archive:
>Books on linguistics and language courses:
>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:
>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>List of trackers for most language-learning packs:
>Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:
>Russianon’s list of comprehensible input resources:
>Massive collection of textbooks on various languages, sorted by family
>/lang/ inpoot torrents

Previous Thread: >>199183252
Previous Challenge: >>LMFAO
Jordanon has 42 minutes left to start learning a language or he will be sent to muslim hell for lying about starting on July 1
fuck all of you retards
He shoul just learn Chinese
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Getting ready to answer all of Jordie's upcoming questions.
No he should learn Korean
He should just learn turkish
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Do these work? I sleep a lot, am I missing out by not playing these videos while I sleep? I could have become a polyglot if I knew about these earlier and played one every night
He should learn Welsh
What language should I learn if I stay in jail (not spanish)?

Probably could learn like Tibetan and be a cement cell monk or sth
They work incredibly well as white noise. Not for anything else.
How does anyone learn a language inbetween waging and 6 hour gooning sessions?
What's the best way to learn Scottish accent/dialect? I kinda want to learn it just to fuck with my friends.
don't learn it, that's racist
One does it by not being a coomer
Shut up and just give me advice, you stupid ass Catalan
Gooning is about not cumming though
Why does no one here actually know anything about Anki? You praise Anki every day but you can't answer the most basic questions about it. Ignored for days after multiple posts of different questions. As anyone here actually learning a language? Or just talking about learning languages?
*Is anyone
And your question is?
1. Adding and playing pre-added audio on AnkiDroid
2. Making flashcards in different sets spaced out longer or shorter, as decks are categorized by rarity
3. If you have any idea of how this can be organized more effectively; currently ranked by exact appearances on Context Reverso
So it's even more retarded, why would someone waist time like that. If you're doing that, explain to me the reasoning behind it.
I just make and review flashcards on anki
damn extra german annie is a babe compared to the other dog faced women
watch porn in TL obviously do you even inpoot bro
because this isn't anki software support
when you've got questions about language learning then please post them
>when you've got questions about language learning
Right, /lang/ can only understand the same 3 questions. They have to be very vague and basic because none of you are actually experienced in learning.
then leave
Because you want to edge to BBC for hours or someting
Idk, I just goon the top 1-5k words based on the official freq dictionary and then move on from it.

Use a real desktop computer. Stop pretending you're "studying" in line at McDonalds lol
Pretty sure you can make a different Preset for each deck and customize scheduling that way. But again, use a real fucking computer not your Candy Crash station.
I guess you want to see the "rare" words more frequently in your reviews or something to that effect? I don't know, you're overcomplicating shit. If these words are mined, just stick them all in one deck and review them normally. It doesn't matter if a word is rare or common, all that matters is do you remember it or not, and the SRS schedules the next review based on that.
The newfag cancer is telling me to leave. Very probably the visajeet who was asking about learning Polish days ago just upsetti about some raycisms.
I'm above the top 5k words. I know them all. Words have to be mined. Most of the words I don't know fall under the rare category. I would consider the more common words to be higher priority.

Also it is more convenient on mobile much of the time because I actually have a job and go outside. For instance, I am reviewing flashcards during our lunch period.
czy ten "visajeet" jest teraz z nami w pokoju?
There are 2 self-admitted visajeet posters under a Polish flag on /int/.
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people who make true a1 input content on youtube have a special place in heaven. I never found a good one for English though. I imagine it has something to do with monolingual teachers not understanding how basic A1 really is. Ivan tells you about a kitty and a doggie walking and running. Karen goes into workplace intrigue using past perfect and scientific jargon.
idk maybe knowing the language is poisoning me perception of beginner content.
Just had my first italki lesson with a Tagalog tutor. Considering half of the lesson was spend fucking around trying to get Skype to use my microphone, it went pretty well. Wound up having to do it on my phone. Fuck skype, I thought italki used to have Zoom?
are you really dedicated to your TL if you're not constantly gooning anki decks for it on the shitter and on the bus?

watch Limmy and other scottish content creators
maybe learn IPA and learn the phonology like a nerd so you know the rules about what sounds go where and what's allowed and what isn't
It depends on the teacher. I think zoom became less common when they introduced the 40 minute call limit for free accounts. You can ask the teacher if they have other apps to try if skype doesn't work. You can try the inbuilt classroom as a last resort
Visual novels. I can't find it, but someone learned japanese from porn.
That's interesting
I always assumed the comprehensible input field for English for oversaturated
Maybe I could make A1 content for weirdos
I had a stroke when writing this
*was oversaturated
either answer genuinely or fuck off, what language is worth learning, objectively?
I'm learning Welsh
I'm mostly using Say Something in Welsh
Are any apps actually worth using for when I'm on the train etc. I assume they're all shit like duolingo
never found a decent one. This one was in the input wiki, in a super beginner playlist
Do you want to read the Mabinogion?
Yeah this doesn't seem to be any good
Would a super beginner get confused when she said 'there were tons of them'?
She has to mime climbing and eating yet I feel like the student she's making videos for would already know that lmao
yes, also at first, could hardly see (an a1 wouldn't understand a simple "couldn't" and maybe even "see"), all over (everywhere would be better), she just says rash and never explains what it is, she would, sweep away. At that level you should be talking in first person and in the present or at most simple past, and explore/explain every other word, especially basic verbs. Every other english compresensible input channel I found is like that, they tell a story which is simple for a 7 year old but the audience has the vocabulary of a 2 year old.
I only know about a guy who learned Japanese through anime and manga and apparently he sounds like a native.
I tried watching and playing vidya to learn but it didn't help much and it was annoying so I quit.
Are Brazilians more friendly and outgoing than Hispanics? Will I be more likely to make frens if I put portugese as my TL on hellotalk?
either learn a language (for real) or fuck off
You could learn 10 words per day from your common deck and 1 word per day from your rare deck, or some other ratio you think is appropriate. That way you're prioritizing common words. You don't need to mess with the review scheduling IMO, just control how many new cards enter the review cycle. There's also the Easy and Hard buttons when you think you need less or more reps than average for a particular word.

>are you really dedicated to your TL if you're not constantly gooning anki decks for it on the shitter and on the bus?

The quality of your study time is determined by your attention. If you're just blitzing through your reviews and only half paying attention while your co-worker is yapping about some bullshit in the lunch room, you're just wasting your time. Better to wait to get home or wake up early and take it seriously.
>listening to dreaming spanish
>accidentally doze off for an hour while playlist keeps playing
>wake up
>not fluent
>or wake up early
I wake up at 4:30 am for work. any earlier and it would be "up late" and not early
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B1 Hell
B2 Heaven (Dunning-Kruger kicks in)
C1 Purgatory
C2 Nirvana (neither desire nor suffering nor sense of self)
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>There are about 10000 swear words in russian (including all derivatives).
Damn, that could make a great Anki deck.
>>There are about 10000 swear words in russian (including all derivatives).
All derivatives of suka and blyat
I wonder what should I pick after Spanish.
Maybe Russian since I know some of it already. But French or German would be cool too.
And "a few" other ones.
cyкa, блин, блять, блядь, хyй, нaхyя, пoхyй, хpeн, хyли, пиздeц, кaпeц, дepьмo, eбaть, дypaк, лaпyх, oлeнь, идиoт, дeбил.
I know the most popular ones I believe. My favorite is дeбил (moron, retard).
Be aware that some of these are very explicit (хyй, пиздeц), while others are just mild euphemisms (блин, кaпeц).
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Make an image like this for you TL or NL
What do you want to do with Russian, French or German?
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I randomly wrote what I know.
But don't worry, I've also learned their usage and how strong they are, so if I get myself in Russia somehow I won't get punched in face for choosing the wrong word.
Renkonto Rakonto (A Novel Encounter) | An Esperanto Short Film | Directed by Rachel Ruff Cuyler
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>An Esperanto Short Film
Shock natives
last thread died at 150 replies cus canadians were busy with the national holiday weekend. we carry this shit yall better remember that
Would have died today as well if I didn't bump it at page 10. You're welcome. Learn Polish.
Describe the plot in Esperanto
For me, it's Old English
There's way more interesting stuff written in Old Norse plus Old Norse words are just straight up cooler
Yesterday was the big day.
Did you start?
(Learning a language)
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I'm enjoying Le Rouge et le Noir by Stendhal
It is not too difficult to read even if it is quite long
i didn't sleep the day before so i slept all day yesterday
today i sat and nominated 3 languages im gonna learn. well, maybe im just gonna learn 1 of them, or learn them all down the line.
which one's better? which one to start with?
i got no obligations now, so if i decide to study, i will study.
just give me tips. which one's too hard for what it's worth, and which one has slapping music, books, content, and shit?
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>lil bruh doing the same clown routine for 4+ years
maybe give advice serbbro? now that im actually free and can get started?
but no, i have to be le funny!1
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So the answer is no, then.
It's over...
Download French for Reading by Karl Sandberg
Try to do chapter 1+2 today
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Here's some killer advice for you, free of charge. You're welcome!!
First learn English and then while speaking it act like a complete retard
After B1 the usual suggestion is to start consuming content for natives but the problem with that is that it isn’t made for language learning so progress grinds to a halt. You become very good at talking about dragon ball or something like that and nothing else.
I told you dude, German is the most useful one if you want to move to Europe and work a white collar job
I speak French and it's a total waste, the only francophone places with tech jobs for me are some combination of overpriced, shitholes, or have shitty pay (Paris, Nice, Geneva, Toulouse, etc.). Germany/Austria/Switzerland has all the jobs and shit.
Italy and France have very nice smaller towns/villages to be a blue collar worker in tho, but I doubt you'd get visa sponsorship making kebabs
Media/literature/art/whatever will be slightly different between all the languages but pretentious euros tend to make pretty similar stuff. Normie euros also tend to consume/create pretty similar mindless content too, a lot of their shows are direct copies of each other, just changing the setting/language but keeping the same format/premise
> either answer genuinely or fuck off, what language is worth learning, objectively?
English. The only things that haven’t been translated into English are political propaganda by America’s sworn enemies. You ARE loyal to America, right Anon?
I was stuck there for awhile
the breakthrough for me was getting an italki tutor and talking to her every week for several months
somehow things just clicked at one point and I didn't have to think about what to say or what she was saying. Once you have that then it's a lot easier, but you'll still have to get used to understanding people who aren't teachers
As recently as 20 years ago if you were doing a Mathematics PhD then you were expected to get a rudimentary understanding of one of these languages. It wasn’t a particular hard test as I understand it. You would have a page from a technical article, a interlingual dictionary, and a few hours to a day to translate it. I started my own PhD program just a year after it was entirely phased out. Which is too bad since it is the whole reason I studied French in college (that and there was a foreign language requirement, without the math PhD language exam though I would have chosen Italian instead)
I can’t believe there’s N Esperanto short film but not a Latin short film
If you’re going to learn old Norse you could unironically check out Tolkien’s languages. Yeah I guess that’s a meme but the script is awesome
How do you say


in your TL?
I don't know how to say it in German.
currently there are Euros taking place in Germany that probably affect us too
at least I am usually watching the games and not posting here or learning languages right now. final is in two weeks time.
I'm a huge Tolkien fan but haven't really looked into his languages besides the Ring inscription
Anyway I'm a big fan of Old Norse because there's so much written in it that I want to read in the original language
I studied French using a textbook which was made explicitly for that purpose
It kind of makes me sad that English is the only language you really need for academia although it seems in the humanities it lasted a tiny bit longer
Fuck no. They are all nazi chuds that vote for Bolsonaro. Specially in the south.
To add to what the poster above said. It depends. I would extremely recommend for you to not socialize with south Brazilians. (Brazilians from the states of Sao Paulo, Parana, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina) They tend to be white nationalists (their families are, no exception, 100% all nazi criminals).
>nazi criminals
>fought for the working man against foreign occupiers and their capitalist minions
>introduce first nationalized healthcare system
>introduce first government pensions for non-soldiers
>american heros
>nuke civilian cities, twice
>mass rapings
>palestinian genocide
>use russians as canonfodder
>establish New World Order between two fake puppets of same global hegemonization mission
Sao Paolo sounds awesome
You forgot a few.
>Betrayed Poland by not invading Germany immediately
>Betrayed Poland again by not declaring war on the Soviet Union
>Betrayed Eastern Europe by just handing it over to Stalin, something Eastern Europe has still not recovered from
>Betrayed its colonial subjects by using its troops as cannon fodder and causing famines in colonial territories
>Was about to wage bio-warfare on Germany
The Allies did all that without even hearing anything about the Holocaust. They were the true devil of WW2 together with the Soviets.
The Americans and the Soviets were two
sides of the same coin, that’s why they never fought each other and even paused their fake opposition to unite against the only actual opposition
Do you only study/review anki deck once a day as it is recommended?
usually yes; don't have that much time.
but I set the first re-occurence of a card to 24 hours instead of standard 1 hour. this way you can study more if you want, but you won't be annoyed by the same cards.
but I wouldn't say this is better or worse, just preference. 1 hour makes sense too; this way you'll see if it only got into short-term memory. I just don't like it.
has jordie actually been here not learning a language for 3 years?
>for 3 years
Almost 5 by this point.
Lmao he could have been almost fluent in one by now just by half assing it and at least doing something
and he didn't even learn english
he is perfecting his American accent
But that Brazilian anon destroyed him
He should just focus on perfecting his english and then learn German, yeah???
I am still coping with the thought that he in fact speaks 6 languages and just trolls us.
Didn't Brazil anon say he speaks fluent German, Italian and Japanese? I think he even posted a picture
I meant Jordie.
That would be respectable.
An accomplished language learner acting as the indecisive guy who can't get started to save his life, and making funny posts for our entertianment and keeping the threads alive.
But I'm sure of the reality that he's just an autist.
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Write a short story (a few sentences) in your target language (or native language or English).
Jordie the Jordanian indecisive ADHD sufferer is in reality a polyglot who knows 6 languages. see these posts:
They don't do jackshit, it's a meme "science" and you'll only be absorbing noise. Might as well listen to a crowd of people murmuring because that's the same thing your brain will understand.
Pendant quelques années, le jordanien a trompé tout le fil en penser qu'il avait de problèmes à choisir une langue pour apprendre. Tout le monde l'a moqué et l'a dit qu'il ne va jamais apprendre une autre langue.
Mais un jour, à la grande surprise du fil, il a révélé qu'il savait six langues en fait. Malheureusement, en postant en anglais pendant tant d'années, il a oublié tout ses langues, et il ne pouvait pas soutenir ses affirmations. Tout le monde a ri.
>extra german annie
Sao Paulo is a mixed-race Arab-Italian-Moortuguese state, only Santa Catarina is the 4th Reich
>B2 Heaven (Dunning-Kruger kicks in)
Kek you can say that again. I read a whole book in German, thought I was hot shit, then tried having a conversation and made like 20 grammar mistakes immediately
This website is a fucking lifesaver, my conjooooogation has improved dramatically just from doing this shit 30 minutes a day
kek nice. this is also a story that could be continued.
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Hol' up... I haven't been to this general in over a year. You're telling me that the Jordanian STILL hasn't started learning a language? What the hell is his problem?
Vielleicht fortsetze ich auf Deutsch das nächste Mal
mudlark as well
He's a meme, he can't be helped.
Walked past some chinese guy yesterday and he said to his friend something like 外人dou fu or 外人doufu. Any Chinese elitists know what he meant by this?
Bonne histoire. Quelques corrections:

Depuis quelques années, le jordanien a trompé tout le fil en penser qu'il avait des problèmes à choisir une langue pour apprendre. Tout le monde s’en est moqué de lui et lui a dit qu'il n’allait jamais apprendre une autre langue.
Mais un jour, à la grande surprise du fil, il a révélé qu'il parlait six langues en fait. Malheureusement, en postant en anglais pendant tant d'années, il avait oublié toutes ses langues, et il ne pouvait pas soutenir ses affirmations. Tout le monde a rit.
Any recommendations on how should I learn Chinese radicals? Anki?
I've been using a combination of Pimsleur, random HSK1 anki deck and DuChinese for input gooning for a while now
omelette du fromage
guys wtf? i actually will learn a language now
90% German. i will listen to many German WW2 edits and see if i like the vibe of the language
>language i want to learn but scared of mispronouncing and sounding like a retard in: German.
>second language I want to learn and know its pronunciation is easy: Italian.
>third language that i might just learn because it's a global language, nothing else: French
So yeah, German seems like the choice. Gonna make my final decision in 30 mins.
We're gonna make it bros
I literally can just learn German for 8 hours a day for 3-4 months now
no you won't
fuck off neet animal, i will
there's a bit of "proved you wrong suckers" that is driving me insane
i will learn German
no you won't
learn French btw
virgin Jordanian:
"language i want to learn but scared of mispronouncing and sounding like a retard in: German."

CHAD Albanian:
"Kollege was du machen? Alles gut Kollege?"
"Hallo meine Freund! Immer gute Tag wenn ich dir sehe!"
"Ich nix weiß was du meinst."
"Deutsch ist ein schwer Sprache aber mir macht Spaß zu lernen."
Just anki it all, shouldn't even take that long.
emergency bump
>Gonna make my final decision in 30 mins.
I have gotten a few hours of input in when I'm cooming, I either throw on a podcast or an audiobook or something. There's tons of purely audio materials out there. You have to have a certain level already but it clearly does help my language.

Generally though it's a tradeoff, if I'm learning my language I can't be listening to music at the same time, unless the music is in my TL but that's a whole new matter.
Many people actually end up overestimating how many hours they play video games for, I mean maybe I could fall into some video game for a few hours a day but how long do I spend reading in that video game? Not too long. If all the audio for it was also in spanish I could see it being decent practice but just operating a menu in a TL and reading 10 minutes of dialogue every hour will do nothing unless you're playing the game for 50 hours minimum.
I love using old TV shows to learn languages. There is something so SOVL about low-budget and old productions. Exhibit A:
lel Ich habe eine ähnliche Erfahrung gemacht.
I thought you were going to learn Russian
Barney and friends
TL is spanish
>Watched some guy make pemmican then read youtube comments
>Will watch one episode of Marria La Del Barrio
>Will read a news article after reading this post (Empresaria mexicana se declara culpable en EEUU por lavar dinero del narcotráfico)

After that idk, I might read I might not, that will get me beyond the hour mark.
I'd be surprised if the person making pemmican wasn't speaking Michif
time flows differently in jordan
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say that in poolish
>Change HelloTalk lang to indog for a few days
>swamped with wave emojis
>mostly women for some reason

>change to Vietnamese
>bunch of pretty chicks damn
>not a single message

Hate this app granted I wasn't learning either tho just wished it was more normal not gambling with which lang you pick
Te ulice*
learn portuguese
jordan is to the arab world what portugal is to europe, the irrelevant country no one ever talks or knows nothing about
Does nobody know nothing about portugal?
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Could I get a gf like this if I learn swedish?
you can but she'd have a penis
my bad I knew that though
sign me up
I listened to 20 minutes of Dreaming Spanish this morning
What level?
Super Beginner
I'm not really studying Spanish
french, german, japanese, mandarin

which should I learn?
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I think she'd like me I'm pretty racist and pardo
I can't help but think of the word akhi which means bro in Arabic whenever I hear aki being said in Spanish
Similar but not the same.
I'll let the numbers decide
1, 5 -> french
2, 6 -> german
3, 7 -> japanese
4, 8 -> mandarin
0, 9 -> whatever
Qualche settimane fa io sono andato ad una società scacchistica perché mi piace giocare scacchi online e volevo incontrare qualcuno di nuovo. Perché io ero nuovo io era timido, ma un uomo gentile la mi ha invitato a giocare scacchi colui. È stato lento e piacevole, non abbiamo giocato con l’orologio o qualsiasi cosa così, solo che abbiamo parlato del gioco. Più che altro mi ha fatto consigli del gioco. Poi la conversazione è andato in giro, parlando dei matematica (mia studia) e varie altre cose così. A la fine mi ha detto che dobbiamo smettere il
gioco perché lui ha avuto già vinto più di un ora prima e solo voleva continuare l discussione. Alle fine ho capito che infatti lui è in CMo, che è un titolo alto nel mondo dei scacchi che ci sono solo 5000 CMo nel mondo. E allora io non tornerò più finché mi miglioro giocare a scacchi.
Some self criticisms:
Della matematica, non dei matematica. Wtf was I thinking?
La discussione, not l discussione, pretty sure this was a phone autocorrect thing.
Io ero timido, not io era timido. Likely my phone autocorrecting to English “era”,
its a good day to be an immerser. listened to podcasts for about two hours, read for over an hour, and am now finishing the day watching haikyuu in my TL. WAGMI.
I keep making mistakes that I KNOW are wrong. Why is this happening to me?
This is why input is king.
>>Will watch one episode of Marria La Del Barrio

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