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What are 10,000 lives of all potential to you?
Dogberg absolutely refuses to let me sit down for the evening, and instead wants me to keep playing fetch with her non-stop.
Play another game or hide her toy then reward her when she finds it. She'll get tired eventually.
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I've unironically become an alcoholic after staying away from drink 99% of my life
Why don't Canadians just elect a non frenchy
Stephen Harper wasn't a frenchy

>She'll get tired eventually
She literally won't.
Poilievre isn’t really French. He’s Irish by blood, and got adopted into a French family. Also his adoptive father is a faggot lmao
Imagine if you will a bylaw that restricts your ability to have a fire in your backyard. How would Cro-Magnon react?
Play tug of war with one of her toys and then let her win after a couple minutes
She might let up then
See >>199243597
I won 2x Warzone matches back to back with a mediocre team that foesnt hack. There was a Twitch streamer on too super sweating the server. Feels good man.
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I'm drinking more to regularize smoking less
>Quebec “debate”
Canada Day special
Imagine, if you will, a foreign language being a requirement to hold a a federal government job.
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Imagine if you will *farts*
It’s more like how French became the court language of England after William the Conqueror. It’s the superstratum language of Canada.
Missed that part in history where we were conquered by the French.
I, for one, enjoy seeing angloid peasants being put in their places by bilingyooal elites such as myself.
Ironically it stops the country from going full ZOG as it otherwise might because we have to pander to the Francophone minority, part of the reason why Trudeau was flooding QC with Haitians
debate over what exactly?
>rural chuddy is too low IQ to learn the language of his rulers
Dude what the FUCK is up with all these leafs
holy mid
Trudeau can't flood Quebec with Haitians. That's entirely the decision of Quebec.
Unfortunately, a lot of the time, our leaders have to either be French, or run in a French riding. Because Quebec has so many people, that most parties need their votes.
The Conservatives are sometimes able to have someone from Western Canada, but most of the time they have to be French pandering.
>Stephen Harper wasn't a frenchy
What a great time it was. I unironically miss those years. The $16 Orange Juice scandal seems so quaint, compared to the endless stream of shit we get now.
It’s a statutory holiday, so all the wagies have the day off
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we have a national holiday so nobody needed to work, it also fell on a Monday making it even bigger than it normally would be.
>Imagine if you will a bylaw that restricts your ability to have a fire in your backyard
We don't have it as a by-law, but once or twice a year, it gets so dry, that there's a fire ban.
No fireworks, no campfires, etc.
she has a nice rack
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that was definitely a fun canada day, huge turnout this year
except me.
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settle down lil bro, july 4th coming up
I think you quoted the wrong person, because I'm aware of Pierre's history. Lately, all the most qualified people are coming from Western Canada. There's a few good politicians in Ontario though. Block and Lewis.
>Trudeau can't flood Quebec with Haitians
Roxham road m8, went around their immigration powers entirely and thats why QC was chimping out
Didn’t attend any Canada Day events, as I hate Canada
Most of the alcohol I've drunk I've consumed in the last ~9months. This June alone I probably drank more than the total I drank before then, or at least as much.
I'm not an alcoholic though.
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Wrong, the answer is you'd get a pointy stick in the throat.
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>muh based nword
im voting trudeau because he actually halved the student visa like he promised
im back
>try to play video game
>this is boring
>my back hurts
>I’m falling asleep
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Western Canadian schizos see shit like this and then decide that it must somehow be Quebec's fault LOL
I hope this is b8 because it would be hilariously retarded otherwise
So Roxham Road explains mass Haitian immigration to Quebec since the 70s?
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Similar situation but I tried to stop and I cant
Laurentian Elite are fro the Toronto area of Ontario, Montreal's area is included, because they need the votes, not because they want them in it. Keep dreaming that you matter, froggy.
I don't know any politicians outside Quebec
I think someone who said they weren't a frog in the last thread was telling a little fib.
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Not sure what exactly you are trying to prove here, Roxham road allowed a sudden and massive increase in Haitians about to lose their US residency to enter QC in a short time that had nothing to do with the slow trickle of immigration beforehand.
what did you watch this time anon
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I hope you guys never fall this low
Lewis supports leaving the UN/WHO, and is against 15 Minute Cities. She's way more based than you'll ever be. I'm far more hopeful that she'll do something to help, than you'll ever do.
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>causes the problem
>half-heartedly stops the problem temporarily because it damaged all of Canada and everyone is pissed off even his voter base
>see? he fixed it I'm voting for him
based retard
destiny is based
I was at one point a bit of an alcoholic but then I started calorie counting and that basically fixed it. It's impossible to be an alcohol if you obsessively count calories.
the burrowers. decent movie but definitely not oscar tier.
I might be the most retarded Quebecker ever,
>and is against 15 Minute Cities
retard detected
its never enough for you chuds. PP would increase it
Because he's a cuckold?
I'm saying Quebec was blacking itself since before this happened. What you're saying is Quebec would prefer to black itself though their own immigration channels as it had been doing since the 70s when it comes to Haitians in particular.
Once I had like 4 drinks in an evening (two were strong) and did it too fast. A friend drove me home. I try to limit myself since then. I only drink like 2 nights a week but feel like drinking other days sometimes.
no because he is right about everything
Unless you live in the Papineau riding, you don't vote for him. He had to reduce the student visas, for 3 reasons. He's unwilling to lower the other parts of immigration, the public backlash against mass immigration, and the fact that people were catching on to the fact that they were going to diploma mills and not real schools so the numbers were going to be dropping soon enough anyways.
It's really a nothing burger that he did there. Those numbers were going down anyways. He just made it seem like he was doing something. Like when they said they were going to lower regular immigration, all they did was lower it from the super high limit, to a lower super high limit that still allowed everyone that applied to get in.
He really did nothing.
>Trudeau massively increases immigration and student visas to levels never seen in Canadian history
>uhh actually Poilievre would increase it more because uhh he just would ok
Based retard
Calorie counting to gain or lose weight?
Just a couple of years ago he was making arguments that it's okay to torture animals because they're not as intelligent as humans.
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brosssss, is it time?
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>brosssss, is it time?
Day of the grill starts tomorrow, no burger left ungrilled
Lose weight, duh. Alcohol is extremely rich in calories. Beer in particular is quite bad.
>Quebec has 34 Liberal seats
>all of Western Canada has 20 combined(14 from BC, 2 from Alberta, 4 from Manitoba, 0 from Saskatchewan)
It's your fault and Ontario's fault. Keep coping.
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I'm asking because, uhhhhh I need to gain weight. So maybe I'll also drink more lol. Thanks
cant wait for PP to win so chuds like you get played again like in every country that promised to reduce immigration
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>it's okay to torture animals because they're not as intelligent as humans.
Almost every non-white person on Earth believes this except Hindu/Buddhist priests. Very racist and colonialist of you to disagree
I enjoy mowing the lawn, need a gas powered one though
>my province with a population of 6 inbred hicks deserves 100 gorillion seats in parliament because...just because, okay!?!?!?!
make sugary cocktails don't drink beer it gives you a gut and tits, you don't gain weight in a good way, make sugary cocktails and drink them with large dinners and desserts
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You understand that big cities like Toronto and Montreal, which is where most of the Libtard ridings are located, aren’t populated with Canadians, right? Same with Vancouver. If mass migration keeps up, you’ll be seeing the same shit in Edmonton or wherever.
Oh right, they're called Smart Cities, now. Keep pretending that the globalists aren't pushing that shit on us.
Keep pretending that Toronto isn't part of the C40. They'll eat the bugs, while we eat Western Canada animals.
PPC retard spotted.
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It's impossible for Poilievre to increase immigration because it's already at so unsustainably high levels now you retard. You aren't based or redpilled or whatever you think for continuing to lick Trudeau's dick, it just makes you retarded.
>first past the post and not mixed member proportional representation
>Keep pretending that the globalists aren't pushing that shit on us.
No, ordinary non-schizos like myself are advocating for the concept. I enjoy walking to the store instead of spending my entire life in traffic. You're just a retarded schizo who believes everything he sees on /pol/.
lol delusional
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>coping this hard
>frog doesn't understand enough English to see that it is more of the frog's fault than our fault
Happens every time, they change the topic, after they're shown to be wrong.
You understand that you've changed the topic, right?
Keep crying, flyover
>see on /pol
Expect I don't go on /pol/, and this isn't conspiracy theories. Enjoy eating the bugs, you do realize that part of being in the C40, is the coming meat ban, right?
Or how Mark Carney(Trudeau's eventual replacement) is pushing for carbon pricing on everything, including the ownership of the carbon in plantlife?
But no, it's all just made up ramblings.
Keep coping, leech. We fund fund everything.
I struggle to eat a lot just by... I dunno, fast metabolism, small stomach, daily amount of appetite suppressants. This drink approach might dodge feeling full but I dunno how sugary I can get it without feeling shit immediately.

...It makes sense, though. I need some calorie hard hitters, apparently pasta isn't enough.
Remember when Trudeau promised he would get rid of that immediately after winning the election, then just didnt? Lotta boomers were coping and seething after kek
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I miss riling up boomers in the CBC comments, just not the same doing it here with autists
>"we should be able to walk to the grocery store"
ok schizo
Parties aren't going to dismantle the systems that give them power when they have the power to do so. Both dems and repubs have been able to lift the filibuster that blocks tons and tons of bills, but they haven't.
Didn't he spend 18 months to determine that he didn't want to change it, and now that he's losing he wants to do anything to change it.
>Enjoy eating the bugs
>the coming meat ban
These are schizo conspiracies that get in the way of real conspiracies. And yes that's dumb fuck /pol/ rambling.
dont care still voting trudeau
The pacific theatre of ww2 was some crazy shit
i am voting trudeau just because he mogs every world leader
>changing the topic
>ignoring the facts of the C40, because he doesn't actually know about anything
Yup, that's a libtard spotted.
>he didn't look into the C40's reduction of carbon, and other initiatives
Thanks for the (You)s, and thanks for the next one, since I'm not responding anymore.
5G would have been a better example, the media were really pushing that one during COVID
I didn't even give you a (You), dumb fuck.
>coping this hard
>Japs giving chink babies syphilis just to track it's progression
Orientals really do have less empathy, I reckon
shut up retard im not talking to you
My grandpa was a teenager during all of that. 70 years later he still called the Japanese "the Japs." Not long earlier he called them something janman might ban me for saying.
What does the goyim opinion box meme have to do with supporting a political party LOL
yes exactly. And the Liberals have ruled like 70 out of the last 100 years in Canada or something so it makes no sense why they would change a system that has made them the natural governing party of Canada for decades, but boomers are retarded and believed it.
what's the endgame for north america anyway?
Invading Cypruse
remember when rome goes from being a republic into an empire?
Either turning into Brazil or South Africa
who cares
Joining la RAZA COSMICA then liberating the Old World from Mahometans
I'm going to have SEX with this woman
>Didn't he spend 18 months to determine that he didn't want to change it
He was like uhmm uhhh I made a commission and Canadians don't want to change it lol this nigga must be really scared of losing
I will NEVER pay the toll
Spinster hates negroes, confirmed!
just nuke turkey and russia along the way ok pls thx
It's me again, Mr New Vegas, reminding you that you're nobody till somebody loves you. And that somebody is me... I love you.
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Turkey is our ally
We need Turkey so we can kill Russia first
Always thought it was weird he was an AI but this was barely mentioned and had no interaction with the player
I imagine they probably would have given him a model like President Eden in Fallout 3 if they had more dev time. Would have been cool to find him in a little secret room at the Lucky 38.
Why would you post a meme that has nothing to do with the politics that we were talking about?
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its over

USA is out of copa america
what's copa america?
pan-american soccer tournament
>USA eventually gets fed up with Mexican cartels
>invades and annexes Mexico
>USA eventually gets fed up and wants Canadian resources
>invades and annexes Canada
What else?
Probably take all the Gulf Islands, and whatever other islands in the Pacific. They'll eventually go all the way to controlling the Panama Canal, and a little south as a buffer.
Good, they'll finally fire our dipshit coach
Canada is still in it HERMANO
None of this is happening in absence of some global calamity.
Trump's totally going to win, but it's not going to matter, he didn't drain the swamp the first time, and he isn't this time either.
The Uni-Party will be back in 2028.
>if they had more dev time
Yeah I chalked it up to the devs not finishing the game like the Boomer flight simulator
Canada owns roughly 20% of the planet's freshwater resources
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I hate this country so much
lets go Canada
and 0% of the bitches
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why? for good reasons or just some meme complaints?
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Tricia Helfer is Canadian
>he doesn't realize that every financial collapse has been created intentionally
Sad. The entire reason we're in this mess, is because of a few families fucking everyone for even more riches.
Guess why when we buy bonds, we no longer own them, but are just the beneficiary owner? Because if everything fails, the banks get paid before we do, and we get the spare change leftovers.
AKA, they're just waiting for the next opportunity to fuck us.
Why wouldn't they manufacture a global problem? It's not like we didn't just get to see how the world bent over and got fucked by a slightly worse cold, that mostly killed the old, sick, and fat.
Just made some strawberry milk with nesquick. yummy
I had a huge crush on her when she was Six on Battlestar Galactica.ka28n
Same. meanwhile Baltar got to fuck multiple Sixes
What are you going to do when 1 bedroom is $3000 per month? I plan to just live in a tent in public land.
glad you like it anon
I'm a manlet. I could live spaciously in a DIY camper van.
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rent out my inherited properties
Rock bottom rent in my is $1200 with the average monthly wage being around $3000 (before taxes).
lanklet bros... we lost
Live in my parent's basement, wait until they die, then kms. Unless I can get a way better paying job, I can't afford to pay for their house's upkeep/etc.
Also, the RCMP already said that Canadians are going to riot, once we realize how badly the Liberals fucked us, so I'd imagine that we're going to do a real genocide of foreigners at that point.
in my city
>Also, the RCMP already said that Canadians are going to riot
where did they say this
You gotta be like 6'5" to be a lanklet now, the heightflation has been insane
A report that they gave the Liberals, that got ATIP'd to the public. We only got to see the redacted version.
Guess why the RCMP bring automatic rifles to protests now. They've been ready for it for awhile now.
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>bring automatic rifles to wypipo protests now
>literally won't enforce court injunctions against illegally gathered featherheads
Really fires the ol' noggin
I like being able to eat but then I remember Im still broke so I cant eat enough to not be half starved when I go to bed
It's called Repressive Tolerance.
Their side gets to do whatever they want, because they think anything is worth the cost to protect against the other side winning.
Only leftists believe this though. Which is why you see the entire western world freaking out about the right-wing gaining power. The leftists can't allow it, so they're trying to shut the internet down, as much as possible, and restrict us into needing the left-wing government programs to live.
>Repressive Tolerance
I like the term anarcho-tyranny as well
When I was super broke, I used to alternate days of
>eating 1 cup of rice on one day
>drinking nothing but water the next
Then repeating. I lost like 30 lbs, but I survived.
I highly recommend the drinking lots of water, to make your stomach feel full. You'll just have to pee a lot.
The redacted version doesn't even mention rioting or revolting.
I'm not 100% sure anarcho-tyranny is what's happening though. There's clearly a rule of law still, it's not not being applied fairly. It's only being applied to part of the population.
While Repressive Tolerance explains all of it. From the media's willingness to lie to us, or only tell half-truths, or completely not report things, to it all being leftist propaganda messaging, to the unfair application of the law, etc.
It does have some roots in Hegel, so I could see why you'd see anarcho-tyranny happening, because in some ways it is. It's just not able to explain it all.
angry at the british for what they did to the irish rn
>he needs to see the rod riot or revolt to understand where things are going
Why do you need to be so spoonfed, aren't you able to reach a logic conclusion on your own? Read the report, and does the rioting conclusion see reasonable?
Hint: Yes, yes it does.
The RCMP wasn't bring assault rifles to protests years ago. Ever wonder what changed?
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>It's only being applied to part of the population.
That's what Anarcho-tyranny means, the state Tyrannically enforces the law against certain people for certain things (e.g. making fun of troons) but Anarchically ignores rampant crime at the same time (no bail, repeat bail, violent offenders re-released etc.) Canada isn't actually the best example when compared with Europe. A good example would be Germany recently giving a longer sentences to the people who insulted migrant rapists than the actual migrant rapists
Yeah, it was a mistake to let them live. All those riots and wars, and the Irish bent over for the globalists to flood their country with mass immigration anyways.
>Ireland is for the Irish, British go home
>Please send us the black and jeets though
Ireland is speedrunning what happened to the UK since 1997. There's literally no reason for Ireland to even be independent anymore. They should just reunite with Northern Ireland, under the British.
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found my old hard drive from 6 years ago when i was /fit/.
this anon always asks for sources, then rejects them because he is either too retarded to understand them or just trolling for (you)'s.
It's still better explained by Repressive Tolerance, but to know that, you have to read Marcuse. So I don't blame you for not wanting to read that fascist(actual, not just the over used slander) writing mixed into Marxism.
Repressive Tolerance explains the MSM and how the average leftist is acting, right down to that retarded Twitch stream, Hassan.
Anarcho-tyranny can only explain the government, while Repressive Tolerance explains it all.
Ireland was isolated from their political beliefs for a long time. They got a real taste of globalism now and don't like it lol. There are a lot of places like that (Quebec, Scotland, the few remaining White left leaning US states etc.)
adorable now but polar bears grow up to be 10 ft tall monsters unfortunately
That's literally what I read and it doesn't say what you initially claimed. You said the RCMP warned of revolts because of Trudeau and the economy, the article you posted and the released report itself talks about a bunch of other shit like Arctic sovereignty, resource extraction, climate change, and populism as well as economic problems.
They mostly eat eskimos thoughbeit, so it's cool
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very boring conversation ITT
The title of the article drew the correct conclusion though, sorry that you lack the critical thinking skills required for life.
they're so scraggly
alright Trips so what do (you) want to talk about instead?
Sorry, we'll talk about burgerland.
What do you think about the burger debates?
No, not Trump/Biden, no one thinks that Biden's going to win. Newsom's going to be the Dem.
The real burger debate:
>5 guys
(Spoilers: They're both mid, and I can't understand why people are so tribal over them.)
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kaiju films
I LOVE double doubles, but I was raised on it, so Im biased. But the InO near me at least always makes them so good
>really crisp, fresh lettuce
>delicious tomatoes
>buns are always crisp
>cheese melted just right between the patties
>I get it without onion, because theyre always too chunky

5 guys is good too, and I lvoe how amny toppings you can put on them, but theyre really greasy, and obviously way too expensive for the price
I watched the original Godzilla for one my university classes. That movie was great. Are any of the others like that, or are they mostly just kaiju fight movies? The first Godzilla wasn't an action movie, and far more like a horror.
im unironically the most racist guy on planet earth and even i'm tired of how much people debate race online. its like give it a rest for a bit and relax
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theres monster mayhem movies, but there's also movies with a message. Minus one is probably up your ally, as are godzilla 2000 and godzilla vs the smog monster
>most racist
>tried of talking about races
X to Doubt.
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forgot my pic
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>You: the rcmp says canadians are gonna revolt in five years because of eating the bugs and living in the pod then there's gonna be a huge genocide
>Report: Flags multiple serious risks to Canada over the next 5 years
That's why I ask for sources, because I want the information not whatever's distilled from that slush in your cranium.
leftoids unironically talk about race more than rightoids now, most rightoids are scared to bring up race (I'm not racist bro!! It's about illegal immigration!)
The toppings on 5 guys is novel once or twice, but then I want a properly designed burger, not me adding as many toppings as I can, just for the sake of it.
They give way too many fries. I order a small fries, and they're just dumping fries into a brown paper bag. I'm happy about not getting ripped off, but I really can't eat that much, and their fries aren't great when they're reheated. Still eat them though.
InO is fine, I just don't really get attached to fast food chains.
Thanks mom and dad for teaching me to cook.
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>They give way too many fries.
Yeah, the original movie is great. The scientist that creates the oxygen destroyer, dies with Godzilla. Fucking badass.
awoke in another incel night in my incel life
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I made the mistake of watching the american version first, changes the mood and the whole story
I never said either of those things though, thanks for strawmanning me.
If you actual read what they said, before the redacted final page, you should have came to the same conclusion though.
That it's going to escalate. Keep being a retarded leftist drone though, you'll get good boy points, until the muslims start taking over. Then it's too late, and you'll wonder why they're doing it to you.
Convert or pay them. That's the rules. And you'll convert, because you'll be too poor.
>burgerlander likes massive portions
>more and more of his country is overweight
Checks out.
drinking milk
What's different? I heard that it was changed for the dub, but no one's ever said the changes.
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My /cum/ political beliefs? pic related
luckily for me, Im underweight
(not lucky at all)
i thought you had a glass already earlier
enjoy regardless though
the whole oxygen destroyer/a bomb stuff is thrown out, its raymond burr narrating an extended cut of godzilla stomping through tokyo
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>i thought you had a glass already earlier
I did not. Maybe that was someone else.
someone else here said they had a glass of milk with strawberry nesquik so i just assumed so
i want to buy compression socks but they look too gay. god fuck these faggots who made longer socks a femboy thing
you all right there ahmed?
can't you just wear pants over them? who would see?
dude wear whatever you want it's just socks nobody is gonna say ' that dude is so gay for wearing mid calf socks'
Post your hands, retard. I'm not a terrorist supporter, I'm just aware of what's going to happen, if you keep acting this way.
Mein lieben ist zu
How does it end, if there's no oxygen destroyer? They probably cut the nuke stuff, because Americans would have thought the bomb was a good thing.
I dont remember, I think its just him going back into the sea
Do you like H.P Lovecraft's stories?
ayo this nigga ahhhhhhh readin a book
>Godzilla got bored and went home
Did he love his craft
Huge Penis Lovecraft
He has good ones, a couple of very good ones, and a lot of mediocre stuff
do not google hp lovecrafts cat's name
everyone should own an e-reader
Idk what that is but I only read books with real paper, ideally hardback (but paperback is fine)
>hp lovecrafts cat's name
"The name of the cat, "Nigger-Man," "
Giga based.
Might become a gas station crazy guy to pass the time
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just saw a post from a taqueria I follow, $19 bucks for 6-person meal lmao them niggas done cooked the neighborhood dog
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I hate that there was legit interesting stuff locked behind that stupid shit.
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sometimes I think about posting anecdotes from my life in /cum/, but I never do. pic unrelated
e-readers have been a thing for 20 years
>tobacco £40 (including 2x £1 pack of 8 papers)
>milk £5.80
>pizza £3.20
>phone £18 (mistyped and was supposed to be 20)
>not getting a takeaway £30
>£10 taken off overdraft limit

>> 30
>bus £4
I'm hoping a sack of potatoes costs 6
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>Try to read real books on my e-reader
>Am but 1 tap away from reading delicious sweet manga the whole time
It's like having ants on your skin
god dammit

now I want that rapidash card
when I played soccer in 4th grade I was self conscious of the knee high socks because I thought they looked girly
That seems like a lot, for 16 rolling papers. You're getting ripped off. We can buy packs of 100 for that price.
dont reply to ratpedo
E reader screens look like paper
Every bathroom here has a password because they are scared of homeless people
t. mexican tourist still reporting from seattle
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idk how NEW the /cum/bros are but they keep doing it recently
it's okay anon they're just socks just wear whatever you like and don't let the opinions of other people dictate what you should or shouldn't wear
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>ATENCIÓN! The U.S. Hurricane Center has just stated in the 10 PM update that Beryl is now a category 5 hurricane packing winds of 160 mph.
Can you translate that for someone that doesn't live near an ocean? I don't know what a cat 5 hurricane means. Is that bad?
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as long as it doesn't make landfall in florida
highest possible rating, most damage possible
I have the worst porn addiction on /cum/
I'm a former porn addict. Been clean for about 3 months (praise be to God).
they're all bad
back to back masturbation sessions are NOT gay if your backs don't physically touch
Every night is the last night but then the next night I'm like "man that would hit the spot"
i wasn't a masturbation addict until AI chats became a thing
Wut. No one wants to deal with some smuck that's given up on life and made it his mission to let everyone else know it. Filthy creatures
Chances it'll give Texans what they deserve?
right now ive been clean since 2 months. last few days my brain has been reminded me of that 1 video.
christ why are you such a faggot
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might hit the southernmost tip if it doesnt divert. Jamaica is screwerd and the yucatan will be first landfall
Same with me >>199245889. The thoughts are far fewer and further between now than where you are. Keep it up.
give everything you've got!
Another nothingburger hurricane season
Another year without no climate changing far as I can tell
Won't anything ever happen?
i would never live in tornado valley, any hurricane zones, earthquake hotspots, or anywhere my house could be caught aflame
We're naturally leaving an ice age, the climate change has basically nothing to do with humans. It's actually really arrogant of us, to assume that we have such control over the planet, that we could change the climate at all.
Same, the last one is easy to stop though. Just build it from bricks.
nigga where tf u gonna live then thats almost the entire country
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could go for some jamaican jerk chicken right now
who the fuck is setting off fireworks at 10:15 at night
my fault ill knock it off
its safe up north
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anon hurricane season literally just started
im not hoping for any big hurricanes, but the peak of the season there's a much higher likelihood of big storms coming.
the one leaf expat in your town
my next door neighbor is mexican and he's had swat show up to his house 2 times in the past few years. one time there was a flashbang. also his little beanlet peice of shit threw a rock at my car and broke a window
the last time I relapsed, I had visited a coomer thread on outer /int/. since then, I do not leave /cum/
you knowz youze a puzzy azz nigga rightz?
i have been my whole life. legitimately don't remember a time I wasn't. I don't even think its my parents fault
even if you live in the most dangerous hurricane area in the world there's like a one in a zillion chance of anything happening to you, who cares
hmm sounds like they need to get deported
I done seen like 3 people flinch at homeless people
Maybe you need a beatdown to see what true imminent danger looks like
you're a billion times more likely to die because you live around blacks and mexicans or because you drive a car than you are to die to a hurricane, maybe think about cutting those out of your life before worrying about hurricanes
>even if you live in the most dangerous hurricane area in the world there's like a one in a zillion chance of anything happening to you, who cares

it depends. category 1-2 is not a massive deal, mildly disruptive to daily life. worst case scenario you're out of electricity for 1-2 weeks depending on what happened in your area. if they're like a category 3 or 4 they can be very destructive and disruptive. and you definitely don't want to be in a strong category 4 or 5. most hurricanes that hit are not a big deal but when they're bad, they're REALLY bad. and even if something doesn't happen to you physically, it can still destroy your city and leave you jobless and homeless. they are actually a big deal.

its like saying lightning isnt a big deal just because of pure math. but there are people who don't take lightning seriously and die from lightning all the time lol, more than you'd think. just because something is a low chance of happening doesn't mean it doesn't happen. it just doesn't happen every hour or every day.
How about we execute his bitch ass
please don't hurt me you guys
ummmm it's 303 now
i restarted my computer and the font changed
should i be concerned
Im in
Imagine being told to do something by someone who exists only to tell you what to do and complain and you actually listen. Is there anything more beta?
why is the fbi interested in me im a good boy i promise im just watching a haunting
The reason they do that is primarily because fentanyl zombies like to OD in public bathrooms
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should we make a rotmg cum guild?
whats rotmg

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