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The /cum/ palace edish
If you were Biden right now (let's also imagine you're not senile) what would you put on Twitter/X now there are no legal restrictions?
cum con sex
Got them blue balls
thinking about getting back into ball jointed dolls
what is this I hear about a hurricane benadryl?
are you okay
If I get to go back to my body immediately after then I'll post a video recording of me as Biden speaking perfectly lucid, saying that the Democratic party is full of satanic devil worshipers, and that abortion is fully and consciously intended to a satanic ritual sacrifice of the firstborn child. Then I would apologize to the American people and tell them something like "now you're about to hear a lot of false information covering this up and saying I'm crazy, but don't believe any of it".
Pretty profitable night tonight and on my last order the taco bell gave me a free large baja blast for no reason so that was cool
he hails from the land of large bundas and plastic boobies, he's definitely okay
i was craving taco bell last night so badly
what did you get
I didn't get anything I was just delivering food and they gave me a free baja blast
I went to taco bell today. Price was outrageous for what you're getting.
Why does Canada exist?
well that's nice at least
it is kind of ridiculous a crunchwrap is like almost 8 dollars now, when i was a teen i would go to taco bell and get lunch for like, 3 dollars
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use the app, for most fast food places you get pretty good deals if you order using their apps. They're pulling back on the crazy deals for the most part except for mcdonalds, so get the deals while the getting is good
If you use the mcdonalds app you agree to terms that bar you from suing them literally no matter what
they spit in your food? shit in your food? literally poison you? can't sue
that's effed up, I hardly ever get mcdonalds but still.
Because the United States has repeatedly failed to conquer Canada, and eventually gave up
Then I saw her face
Now I'm a believer
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Do Germans really
that stuff looks really dangerous, raw ground beef? I would definitely try it if germans were also eating it, but I would never go to a butcher and get ground beef and put a few slices of onions on it and eat it on my own
sure tired
I’m happy to eat raw beef in the case of foods like beef tartare, or carpaccio; less so if it’s ground. German mett is raw ground pork THOUGH
it is late
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breaking my two week sobriety on a monday night
Im an undesirable male
no, undesirable male usually arrives in my mailbox in the form of bills
it's like 50 right now, these are not human livable conditions
Can't sleep again again again fuck my life

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i'm literally freezing to death
can I move yet
not first
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*shadow boxes*
yeaaaaaaaaa, I'm badass, I'm the baddest motherfucker alive, try me hoes and fags, test my gangster get knocked out in one punch yeaaaaaaa
i hope trump gets elected just so we'll be done with him after four years. i don't suspect him as the sole reason for things being hyper-political and divisive, but i know he's not helping. i want the comfortable lie back.
dumbass goy thinks who the elected president is matters
wat? trump is establishment by now
There's no politician with a following like Trump, when he's gone itll likely be all lifetime politicians who solely want to appeal to corporate overlords
i would never test your gangster anon
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and you shouldn't! glad you're self aware enough to never try me
i cant do this anymore
then i want them to hide it better. i don't kid myself, i know this game has been dirty from the get-go. but people in our country used to feign a noble spirit, at the very least. "fake it 'til you make it", but we aren't even faking it anymore. we've all become far too bitter, and it's killing our hearts faster than any economic issue or supreme court ruling ever could. we have to re-learn how to love one another, or at least pretend to.
haven't smoked in like 6 or 7 years and im having cigarette cravings lately
just do it for 24 more hours.
are you stressed?
why do rehabs ban caffeine but allow nicotine and ciggys, by rehabs I mean the one rehab I was in and what I saw on the sopranos, they didn't allow chocolate bars because of the caffeine or something
yes absolutely
but ill be fine im not gonna get a pack or anything it just sounds nice
Rank these terms to refer to the attached image

-[your original term]
smoke some pussy

my custom term would be "pussy magnet", and float that to the top.
That's just a big van.
i am completely retarded but people expect me not to be
Where do motorhomes rank in the hierarchy of sports cars, motorcycles, boats, and pick-up trucks in terms of pussy magnetization?
less than the first three, but more than trucks.
Canada Day was a success.
A really nice on that you clearly have the time and money to use without worry? Way up there. Almost yacht-tier if it's one of those 40' jobs.
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PNW niggas…
good night
>just try eating cum just once, i promise you it's soo good
no, i dont think i will
i would heat that can up and have sex with it
bitch sucked the soul out of my dick
yeah anon... put it in the microwave... hehe...
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ughhhh, no! drain all the water out and put the can in a pot of boiling water! wait until it's close to body temperature, maybe a little bit over...
what’s her problem it’s not illegal to laugh what a sourpuss
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this reminded me of you guys
maybe she was traumatized in the past so she has all her defenses up, really this all mens fault desu
so true bestie
me in the red
i dont mind my natural musk. but once i start getting oily or itchy, i'm showering.
ew, yuck and gross

wait no i meant me in the blue. im tired
decriminalize being a little stinky
i dont mind your natural musk either
take a shower now
which one is the boy and which one is the girl?
wamen do be loving mens sweat
blue name is the girl i assume but this meme has unisex appeal
any 2000s guys with frosted tips and cargo shorts with an unbuttoned shirt that has a print of a badass dragon on it here rn?
balls in your anus
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was just reminiscing of my time as one of these. what a dipshit i was lol
not the styling gel lmfao i swear some of that max hold stuff had guys hair very crunchy and stiff as a board, in hindsight it was silly but you were just trying to fit in and be cool after all
big, fat and delicious
what happens to fish that get caught in a hurricane in the middle of the ocean
do they just get sucked up and go for a ride ? i bet their fish friends would never believe them if they tried to explain
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Everything on the steam summer sale looks like shit.
I would call it a campervan

"RV" is definitely an American term and I don't think anybody in Britain used it before we heard it from American media. Even these days you're probably unlikely to hear it in Britain, and if you do hear it, it's because that person has watched too much American media.
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is this you
No, I'm not a jew.
thats an adult retard
that's what i'm saying
i didn’t expect you to have an opinion on the president of argentina i just thought it was funny
All I know is he's a jew thus bad
Pick up Halo if you haven't already

Halo Infinite is listed on sale at £20 for me ($25.26 USD, but maybe US prices will differ)

Halo MCC is listed on sale at £8.50 ($10.74 USD), which has 6 Halo games
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I have MCC, too bad the online is still broken and they do nothing but add cosmetics instead of fixing the hit registration. I tried infinite multi-player and I don't remember it standing out.
i'm at a loss on what to do right now
the cold really saps your ability to be horny
Fair enough, I've not actually played Infinite because my computer isn't good enough, but I've watched videos and I think I'd enjoy it. But I guess different people like different things.
I talk a lot of shit on tik tok users, but honestly I'm no better, I'm sucked into youtube short rabbit holes daily
Very informative, thank you
It sucks really bad knowing yourself as the guy nobody wants to be with
Or when you manage to bullshit a personality for someone to think you're a normalfag until they spend enough time with you to understand something is wrong and dont want to have a second or third date with you and you can sense the regret in their voice when they explain it to you.
They regret spending a single minute with you
I quite enjoy it, I have about 4 people who do want to hang out, that's enough for me
It sucks really bad
North Americans are asleep, post European things
Going back to work because my lunch break is over but Im very sad atm
Applying Tiger balm on the tip of my dick to feel something because I feel dead inside
Surely you don't feel sad. It is impossible to suffer in France.
get out of my thread europoors
how does that feel
I break my cycle of sobriety every Friday. On Sunday it usually starts again.
thats called bingeing
drinking milk and dipping sweet treats in said milk
thread theme btw
I don't technically pass that threshold
I think I prefer Chocolate Rain

His voice is alright, maybe he would be good as a jazz or big band singer
racist kkk bigot fascist
My post was in no way racist, nor did it even suggest racism
Some stay dry and others feel the pain...
Is chocolate rain about diarrhea
It's about black oppression and repressed homosexuality
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Thank you for the NCIS kino, love the show
that show is for 40-80 year old women
How do you know she’s not 40-80yrs old?
says who
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damn I just looked him up and now he’s making dogshit songs about economics; fiat currency
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seems to be doing well for him, there was a point in time where he was only getting a few thousands views
I think he A) managed to promote himself pretty effectively by commenting on lots of popular videos on his official account, and B) saw a resurgence in popularity around the BLM era when people started paying attention to Chocolate Rain’s lyrics
Doomer shit gets so many clicks

"Here's the REAL truth about what's happening in the world"

And then the video is just a bunch of conspiracy theories about banks, illuminati, etc
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cute :)
heh cute lil fishy
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Found FK's car
I once got stuck in traffic behind a car with homosexual scatfag bumper stickers
did you honk at them
So uhh corporations can just not pay tax. And if they’re caught, the fine is less than the money they save by avoiding taxes. That’s so fucked up.
Yes and pharma companies can straight up knowingly sell you poison and the fine will be a fraction of what they made selling you said poison
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Bumper stickers seem to be very American. In the UK it's rare to see cars with stickers on the back. At most you might see "child on board", or you will see a "UK" sticker (needed when you're driving in the EU, to identify you as a Brit, so they can mock you)
No but I did get to use it as vindication for my chud opinions to my libtard passenger
It’s disillusioning to say the least.
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you will get vaxxed
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it's so beyond over because i will never have a gf in my life and i'm an incel
RV originated from regulations for licensing and registration of them. Recreational Vehicle is what they were classified if they fit certain criteria, which determined how they were registered
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any migrainecels?
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If it's clear and yella, you got juice there fella.
If it's tangy and brown, you're in Cider Town.
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me posting to /cum/
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do you boys get any spam emails from third worlders going "sar your bank account has been closed pleased call pragalgalga1 - praglalga2- pragalalga 345 to reactive quickly and kindly my dear kind friend"

i get like 20 a month
>/cum/ on page 8
you niggas are SLACKIN'
sadly everyone who talks like this is 400 years old and dead now. these days everyone talks like a cool black guy naw'm sayin mayne?
>these days everyone talks like a cool black guy naw'm sayin mayne?
frfr bruh, ong.
dreamt I had a PAWG gf who loved having sex with me. Which is strange because I usually dont have a gf in my dreams
> Which is strange because I usually dont have a gf in my dreams
or in reality haha
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I was alluding to that too, CUNT
should i go into the woodland and die to whatever wildlife gets me first?
Unless you live in Western Canada nothing will kill you. Black bears are cowardly
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Coyotes killed a Torontonian in a park in Cape Breton a few years back (based)
i guess starvation will have to do then, but i could do that without moving much
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you're so fucking stupid and retarded, you will die of dysentery or exposure
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>women be like: these coyotes are too spicy!!
Strongest Torontonian
i am stupid.
Hello catyank.
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>loitering in Canadian wilderness in summer
Drained of blood by flies (to death)
whats w rong with this little fella, is it post surgery and waking up from anasthesia or something
i will shit on your door step as is canadian tradition dumb faggot
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i took /cum/'s advice for gaining weight. more oil, more protein

now i feast and /homegym/. wagmi
It's fucking RAW
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dont wanna kill the microbiology. thats free protein
estoy schizophreniackizao
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>feel pain
>like it
>get injured
>like it
yup i'm fucked
has some sort of brain condition
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I'm..I'm makin pussy niggas push the...wait, what? I said lion, not sea lion!
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You fucking degenerate...
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i'm done barking with the dogs with you... ITS NOT ACTUALLY RAW.
I can't believe ASOT has been going on since 2001 and it's still fucking good.

Ammazzati, pezzo di merda
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you boys ready for this to launch?
quick rundown?
is texas emancipating ?
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>In recent years, some chief executives critical of what they deem to be “woke capitalism” have moved their companies to Texas, where more Fortune 500 companies are headquartered than any other state.
>The new stock exchange could indicate an effort to attract conservative-minded firms

my cities minimum wage is increaasing to 16.20 :D
tl;dr a lot of companies are tired of how shitty new york is to do business in when it comes to launching stocks, so there's a huge push to make a texas stock exchange to compete with the nasdaq and the nyse and the "TXSE", texas stock exchange, will be much more modern, will run outside of normal business hours, will have better technology, and will be much cheaper for companies to launch stocks on.

this will probably push the nasdaq and nyse to compete with the txse as well, so stock markets in the US should get better with this added competition. the TXSE isn't a pipe dream its 100% going to launch, not sure when but yeah. also it will be in dallas and it will probably inject a lot of money into dallas and it'll become another global financial center pretty quickly after this gets fleshed out.
I found this little mechanical device outside the Apple store. I couldn't figure out what it was, so I broke it in half
its kind of ironic because the companies that pushed this woke shit are the ones starting the TXSE. and you may say they're crybabies, but doing business in new york and california is super annoying for companies. this exchange is promising to be more free market, which is what people like. no one wants to do business in a state where its annoying as fuck and expensive to do business.
Fast food workers in my state make a minimum $20 hr. Which paradoxically has provided a most powerful impetus for autom
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ah yes, a free market stock exchange

what could POSSIBLY go wrong
Aside from making it hard for companies to operate in places like California or NY, they’ve also made life there significantly more unpleasant, making it harder to retain good talent.
you know what DID go wrong, i didn't get a cute millonare stock trader asian gf
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>Which paradoxically has provided a most powerful impetus for autom
TF is you talm bout nigga???
I found a microwave
Yeah, I find a lot of the other points of this like "trading outside business hours" to be uninteresting but the really big exciting point is the competition this will start if it takes off. I love it!
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Im up almost 1 grand in gambling on sports outcomes
Gimme, gimme, gimme a MILF after midnight
Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away?
Gimme, gimme, gimme a MILF after midnight
Take me through the darkness to the break of the day
>Bros I'm SO HECKIN EXCITED!! for Blackrock and Citadel to FINALLY get to do WHATEVER they want this is gonna be so heckin basederino! If it's good for the Multi Billion Dollar Multinational Organizaiton, it's good for me!
So nice how diverse it is now, before 60% Jewish
apartment neighbours are having sex
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Wish girls would realize how lewd their feet are, I hate summer, can't focus for shit all these harlots flaunting their sexy feet in open toed shoes
>only 60%
Get your Jewdar checked
>captcha was just 4 character codes
>now theyve been 7 characters 3 times in a row
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the ULTIMATE incel tax... having to listen to the woman living above me HOOOYEAHHHH
3/5 were Jewish I checked thoughbeit
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there are other selling points, some technical bs but yeah tl;dr they're trying to make a modern exchange from the ground up without monolithic old systems and a fresh start. It will likely become the 3rd or 2nd most used exchange in the world very fast and over time could over take the nyse if the nyse doesn't innovate and compete
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is this real????
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That's capitalism at its best, competition that refines and delivers the best product to the consumers. Capitalism at its worst is when nobody else is given the tools to compete.
how do i get a millionaire top of career woman gf?
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you don't unless she divorced a multi millionare
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>Yeah bro these heckin' basederino Billionaires are definitely fighting the cringeringo and totally realerino Free Masonerinos instead of being part of them!
if a girl on tinder has a bio saying she’s looking for a househusband does that mean she’s into freaky shit like pegging in the bedroom
>Hey Tom, I have a GREAT idea. You know our super secret society run by Jews? Ok so I was thinking we could like hide symbolism alluding to the truth on like the money and shit. Yeah, like we could put clues about our organization on government symbolism to give the poor sids a chance to figure out who's really running things. I KNOW, RIGHT? Best idea evar!
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did you guys get anything from the steam sale?
It means she wants you to do all the chores and be the breadwinner, totally tradwife
No, im not an incel...
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my ass does not have money nor need anything other than picrel right now
See >>199243765
shit sales, havent bought anything from steam in like 3 years
the geriatric old fart experience
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I bet you havent even smelled a woman in over 20 years
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Massive traffic jam right in front of wagecuckolding center
Can't even leave the parking lot
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>go to take a piss
>roommate has left unflushed tp or wipes in the bowl with brown water in the basin
>or visible shit smears inside the bowl with the brush right next to the toilet
go to the bathroom you’re /cum/ming yourself
Are the French protesting again?
Trust me we can all smell your mother from here LOL
I now you heard this before but ...
What a garbage existence
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Idk I think there has been an accident I keep hearing sirens
no. im a poorfag
I live like a piece of shit.
I can't afford a house, my car is 23 years old, my hairline fucked up
To all the teachers who said I wasnt gonna be shit
You were right
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orange fool
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>there's millions of flyoverfags who've never been to a beach
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I can walk to the beach in about 30 minutes
15 on my bike
I like Pints With Aquinas, but Matt teeters the line of schism far too often.
Is this music gon fix my life?
coastal cities are known for having lots of non whites, no thanks
It's funny how Zoomer guys are so damaged that they are effectively prison gay
Maybe growing in a white church going family is really the right move for everything in life.
Maybe nonwhites are simply supposed to be fucked up for god's entertainment
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>every townsend discussion on /tv/ is just bitching about this endlessly instead of his comfy cooking videos
I hate it
there's a lot of high trust society areas on the coast cities where the non whites are still present but almost all of them incredibly decent people, just like whites. it really is poverty culture that turns people feral, i'm 100% convinced
Are you frustrated?
I need to fuck Jewish twinks and piss inside them.
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jason tier post
This Irish DJ on A State of Trance episode 1131 has ZERO fucking energy. He's just a bald middle age dude standing at the turntables. The Dutch guys before him were full of energy, dancing around, rocking to the beat.
IQ is associated with life outcomes like income. There are people who are dealt a bad hand by chance, but in the grand scheme of things, on average, people are broke because they are low IQ (in a meritocratic society, anyway). It’s not the other way around, where being broke makes them low IQ.
Be a millionaire and be top of a career yourself
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Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
Sounds like an improv prompt for one of those thinly veiled fetish Holocaust stories
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giv snow princess gf
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Ma che CAZZO staje dicend...o sei pazz?
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>construction crew is running a concrete saw outside
I can wear an SS uniform if it helps him get off.
impossible to suffer in CPPR
I would guess that IQ is highly influenced by education. Genetics may well be a factor, sure. But if you took identical twins and separated them at birth, with one of them having an excellent education, while the other has a very stressful home life where education is not prioritised at all, I bet the one with the better education would do better on an IQ test.
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I don't want to set the world on fire
I just want to start
A flame in your heart

In my heart, I have but one desire
And that one is you
No other will do
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I'd say it's probably all of the above. Poverty isn't an environment conductive to mental health, poverty doesn't mean good education, poverty is a result of their decisions as well which come from IQ, mental health, education, parenting (oh yeah parenting is shit in poverty too, considering the middle class is apprehensive about breaking the bank raising a kid right now), all those things. Doesn't help that poverty culture is fuck police do crimes steal for survival get felonies and go to jail over random shit then turn it into a rap song for clout.

IQ and poverty is a chicken and egg situation and the answer is probably degrees of both.
it's genetics
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Dude it's a Tuesday chill
Brown/ black nipples are highly erotic, almost aggressively so
Well, your guess would be wrong. It’s mostly genetic. You can lower IQ with things like head trauma or exposure to noxious chemicals, but IQ cannot be elevated with schooling.

Roughly speaking, IQ is your ability to learn, and your ability to use the things you learn, while education is the means by which you learn those things (or fail to do so); it’s not the same thing.

You can spend 12 years studying all there is to know about the theory of basketball, and spend the rest of your time practicing on the courts, but if you’re 4’11, you’re never making it into the NBA.
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wtf I thought today was monday
do NOT use a mousenonce new
I don't get how height classes aren't a thing in basketball, I want to see the dwarf league try to dunk.
I'm not Mousey
>canada day long weekend moment
Proxy off, Canadian
Im neet so the days blend together
people wont see the new cause the bong flag is filtered
make a new then dumbass
Been like a year since I've posted here do the same schizos still shit up this thread 24/7
The new is here:
didn't post here for about 6 years and half the people were the same when I came back
of course
Use this for new because it was Canada day yesterday
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no, use this for the new if you are heterosexual
that i m having hot sweaty SEX with joe biden and we happily agree that we are HOMOS
Took an uber how spooky

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