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2 pizzas edish
vote reform
need a job
need a hobby
need a sense of fashion
need 1 friend
need a gf
need a personality
Based old The Fed watcher
shan't be doing that
you need to get a clue mate
need a shite
Was he wrestling Kevin Nash?
in that order
watching peng gay porn
Kevin Nash's summer of 1992
the names joey calzone
not much of a looker, but my mudda says i’m handsome
im london with the brits, talkin all fancy and gay
it ain’t for me
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already crawled into bed
what's something that has no seats in it

I feel there's a joke to be made there, like what does Sunak and X have in common
your funeral
Off to get some guinness porter from the shopio
dangerous game
soon your eyelids will feel their weight...
a spherical pizza
White people taking their inventions with them when they go
Bunch of blacks trying to make an atomic bomb or synthesise ammonia
well said clive

a standing car on a train
an elevator
doesn't really track but thank you for the contribution x
the UK would actually be less woke and more politically dynamic if we had more powerful Jews in this country

america and france have a rich and deep list of brilliant jewish thinkers, artists, writers, and politicians on the far-right, reactionary, populist, nationalist right, who have completely revolutionised rightwing politics. germany used to have that too during the german empire days, with jews being some of the overrepresented members of german imperialists and german nationalists.

britain meanwhile has barely any jews and we are dominated by a small-minded populace mostly descended from anglicans and methodists who lack creativity, genius, ambition; we have an overly-cautious and uncreative people who don't think outside the box and simply care about 'community values'

we need some wacko jews who want to END WOKENESS forever
could you grab me a spherical pizza mate
>get home from toil
>lie in bed
>wake up from 2 hour nap
>feel like pure shit just dread
why does this happen
that's clive mate
Thanks Clive, ill vote for Hitler
marveling at how gay and strong i'm becoming
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don’t know about france but almost every “right-wing” jew in america is an israel first neocon what are you talking about
so close you can see the duckmounds
begging for some ghetto meat
the proverbial sex arse
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Need a rural English wife, me.
why does he post about black cock here for hours and hours every day
Wonder how far sexual depravity and bioengineering will get in the future
Imagine guys with 2 hearts and 20inch horse dongs cumflating girls with 20 litres of cum haha that would be so weird right? Haha
getting sleepy my para guy
Becoming a muscle bull, eh?
you lead an unhealthy lifestyle
what childhood bullying and zero pussy does to a mf
love when the balls slap
peng as
imagine waking up and shilling for labour
this is why russia needs to win
rorkes dad spotted

just so hungry all the time
is he still at it
the fuck is this drivel
fuck off back to /lgbt/ with the rest of the freaks
The total of Reform's achievements at the 2024 general election
roy cohn, barry goldwater, henry kissinger, paul gottfried, leo strauss, milton friedman, ayn rand, murray rothbard, honestly jews have been better for the right in america than catholics
I didn't know you had dandruff.
russia is going to revive mammoths
can do 8 pull ups at 15 stone
it’s 2016mong sloppa
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>blud just posted an instagram link on a hardcore incel site
>Milton Friedman
Free to choose.
proper incel tier banter that omds
feel like SHIT
mises and von neumann as well
good morning lads what should i cook in bulk, needs meat and a vegetable and rice
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Mammoths cumflating Finnish bussybois
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xbox live is down i can't play my viddy games
Might play this game called half life later on. It looks cool
bernie sanders
all odious freaks. all jews do for the “right” is turn it into some gay shit about civic identity and pride parades and murdering millions of people for their ethnostate (but white identity bad)
do you think dogs can listen to and enjoy music?
Timmy’s mum doing squats to get the batty in mint condition for when he invites his friend jamarcus over
moss ball
chinky stir fry
you got a wok?
listening to the robot wars theme
damn 15 boulder stones on the back while doing push ups that's a lot
how can you meal prep a stir fry you biscuit
i usually drink when ig et home from toil
batty tight and oiled up for jamarcus' long black meat
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yeah check it out
ccok it and put it in a box.
best part is when you get outside
no straight man talks about penis this way
when you start talking
shut up timmy
just put it in the fridge?
bluds got double digit IQ :skull:
Incredibly horny for muscle.
finally a good post
no need for the racism
finally a good post
fucking cooked him
how so?
cant even do 3 pushups lads
my arms look like twigs
why is my body deteriorating as of late?
My dogs love listening to music
They even ask me to flip the record when it runs out
Hi Chris
sent that freak to jupiter to get more stupider
Dunno, what's going on lifestyle-wise?
English anons, what the actual fuck is going on with Blackpool. I came here for one day and

>Literally everyone is a crackhead, homeless or some form of mong and I'm not exaggerating
>30 to 50 percent of all buildings are vacant or boarded up
>90 percent of all "hotels" are basically crack dens ran by some random person
>I literally walked past a chippy that had a bin bag full of shit just sitting where people pay
>pretty sure I seen an attempted rape
>some man walked up to two kids and kicked his lips and did a fake spanking motion with his hands

How is it possible for this place to be like this, I'm not even exaggerating I've lived in some rough areas but Blackpool looks almost post apocalyptic. And the fact that it has a random amusement park slapped on the side of it makes it look insane
Clacton rudeboy massaging his long oiled up thang between katy's pale butt cheeks teasing her
never used the word wholly in conversation
Twink bubblebutts.
do you ever put your snus on your bottom lip for an extra kick
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Your final musings?
what's your superpower?
If you invite a girl over to watch Bloodsport with you and she doesnt chant Kumite with you then she isnt the one.
Simple as
probably because your vocabulary skills are wholly inadequate
that’s what poor towns in the uk are like now, and blackpool is a poor town
shame it's not ZERO SEATS
former domestic tourist location that no one visits anymore. lts economy collapsed and nothing replaced it
who the fuck is voting for the Tories
if you’re Rorke just vote reform
I always figured that it was a town designed around tourism that nobody has wanted to visit since the 60s. Nowt else going for it
>self-employed nail technician
um.. no thanks..
I only used snus once (one a long trainride) and I only put it on my bottom lip, usually off to one side slighty.
In the game, r-r-r-r-r-right?
>”vocabulary skills”
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Ya know /brit/, it's funny. See, here's the thing. In this business, the fact is, quite frankly, you're either the guy or a B+ player, and tonight, in the middle of this ring, the fact of the matter is I'm gonna show you why I'm the Game. You want a match? You got it.
>A man charged over the death of a 71-year-old woman at a slapping therapy workshop had promoted the practice as a "cure" for diabetes, a prosecutor said.

>Hongchi Xiao, the prosecution said, led Mrs Carr-Gomm - who had Type 1 diabetes - to believe insulin was a "poison" and that her condition could be cured through his therapy.
Maybe you should trust the science...
All the homeless of the North West were temporarily housed in Blackpool but it turned out it wasnt temporary.
fresh off the boat african migrant slapping his big boy willy numb into a pale university student
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Boomers on a mad one
whats ldm are they any good
probably works on diabetus mongs
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That's really bad and you should see yourself like a fst person trying to do walking until you can do a good amount of push-ups
That also works in a good way that you can take baby steps to do more push-ups and not be weak
You're weak
Lol a video I just watched mentioned that
Hope people see this and are encouraged to vote lib dem. I'm not voting for them but would love to see them in opposition, would be kino
finally a good post
English Detriot that..grim
These polls should be banned desu, no need for them
>[F4M] Your Wife Can't Fuck You Like Mommy Does [Incest] [Mother/Son] [Gentle Fdom] [MDLB] [Cheating on Your Wife with Mommy] [Cuckold] [Handjob] [Finger Me] [Titty Fuck] [Dubcon/Coercion] so [Rape] [Stealing Your Cum] [Doggystyle] [Creampie] [Lots of Praise] [Breed Mommy's Pussy]
shut up nigga
Just lefty faggots who have been grifting the remoaner vote for the last 8 years
Based Haitchposting
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thats the good shit
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>haha, rorke you're so funny
talmud moment
Spaintard is a parasite
timmy's dream right there
I think Labour will be a bit lower, and I think the Tories will get just over 100 seats

Old people are voting for the Tories. Because the Tories are promising to raise state pensions (which young people have to pay for through taxes of course). Pensioners hate brown people, but they're even more interested in their pensions.
>would be kino
Almost like pubs have separate areas so you dont get loud kids being annoying
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Proudly brought to you by HUBLOT
doing pushups hurts. it's not a nice/rewardind burning sensation.
im aryan af nigga pure hyperborean
finally an awful post
Because it would
might top up my car with shell fuel x
Don’t want to work anymore.
Fucking sick of the grind. Taxberg takes 30% of my income, rentberg another 30% and I have fuck all left for mysrlf
I've visited poor towns though and it's nothing like this, what caused literally 90% of their population being absolute scum or mongs?
Is that true? That actually makes sense
I love asian girls, so submissive and docile
shame about their weird smelling food though
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More of a The Quest guy myself. There Van Damme reached his peak, commercially and artistically.
Vote green for wealth tax
Proud lubricant of many a blackening
hyperborean schizofaggotry esoteric nazism is basically judaism. i bet you support ukraine
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Explore your perks with Shell GO+
Each minute I spend here increases my suicidality
Mental how badly I mindraped him
prussian german ethnicity. and you?
prostitute yourself to old hags and request payment in the form of their antique furniture then sell it to antique dealers
can barely imagine the amount of hymens brutally ripped up due to that elixir
creepy chinlet who works in tech typed this post
Ya see Rorke
voting Biden?
Do i just post this into google or what...
But are you Nordic asf?
think my willy is going in a vagina this friday
I got more Chin than a chinese phonebook buddy
trans have rights
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>voting labour, about time the adults ran things.
What the FUCK is going on with the yanks? Their supreme court has voted that the President can literally do anything and it will be legal or something
More chins more like
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he one of dem wasteman
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what /brit/ boys dream of and desire
why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties
I genuinely can't get over how much of a shit hole Blackpool is, it doesn't evennfeelmreal.
why don’t you ask /cum/?
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wasted quaks
sent that fetishizing weird cunt into the horizon
>Outer /int/
Cheeto Hitler is taking over just like blue haired tumblrina communists warned us in 2016 he would
its slop don’t bother
subreddit is gonewildaudio
Working out is your only relief.
did you get mugged at the end there?
might get a pullup bar
ive got dumbbells, but i prefer just doing bodyweight exercises.
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Tell me poms, what will Britain look like after 12 years of his enlightened rule?
Do i vote on looks alone? Because uh...
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he'll get more than than the cunting tories
never been there. biggest shithole in the uk ive been was birmingham. aberdeen was insanely ugly, but at least it didn’t feel sketchy like brum. also i saw a seal in aberdeen from the beach, which was pretty cool
weighted pull-ups are absolutely money, just put the dumbbells inbetween your legs
Any exercise is good exercise.
Pleasure and sensation.
doubt you can get nice shoulders with just bodyweight
Match the faces to the party
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US presidents already had this power so I don't see what the problem is.
No one is going after Bush for killing Iraqi civilians and no one is going after Obama for droning US citizens on foriegn soil without due process. Literally nothing has changed
doing pushups on my knees.
can really feel it. better than doing 'proper' pushups with shit form.
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meme ruling that will do literally nothing in practice
as the other anon said presidents have been committing crimes and not getting prosecuted for the entire history of this country up until trump
Good lad.
Form is priority.
Used to go to see the light parade when i was a kid. Then go to harry ramsdens. Would never go back now
Which post on int will get more Yous:
Brutal and merciless blackenings taking place in council flats aka african cultural centres for caucasian clappers
Oh right
Dunno how, seems like it would probably just be quite gay
Based Turks
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>doing pushups on my knees.
Nah it would be kino
Kino = Gay, understood!
turks run the london underworld
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pale clapper getting smacked by thugs in skimasks as she walks past
might open a restaurant that serves British cuisine

not sure what it would be called but its tagline would be "Take A Bite Out Of Britain"
wanking over imagery of myself from six years ago when i was fit
your head is cooked mate
You NEED growth.
Succumb to that muscle lust.
Or else, it'll break you.
how many years are you planning on spamming this unfunny shit lad? if you want to spam hot interracial stuff just do it like when people waifu post or if you want to be funny try and be funny but just spamming this utter nothing is annoying.
doing sit ups on my hands
can really feel it. better than doing 'proper' sit ups with shit legs.
talking out loud to myself for some reason
No clue what you mean
>Ferry 'Cross the Mersey is a love letter to Liverpool, Gerry said the lyrics: 'People around every corner, Seem to smile and say, We don't care what your name is, boy, We'll never turn you away'- represented the people of Liverpool, how we welcome and treat people
Why do I get the feeling this isn't the case anymore and people will try and batter you if you make eye contact
doing push ups on your knees makes it easier you mong
he's probably very tubby
Dolph Lungdren ramming his thick white meat inside Grace Jones tight pink pussy
Opinions on rape?
The US Supreme Court is dominated by biased conservative justices, picked by Dubya and Trump. That's why you get highly partisan rulings like this.
yeah it should be "A Bite of Britain" on second thought
>Grace Jones
absolute fucking choon ngl bla x
should be legal once a year purge-style
prefer indie meself
The push ups on your knees just means your knees are on the floor when you're doing push ups. Makes them easier
genuienly hope he dies soon
Mental how German women treat migrants
oldfags consider 9999s a win newfags consider 0000s a win simple as
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i think rishi sunak is attractive
looks like a small white willy to me
i still picture myself performing linkin park in front of thousands of people
captcha: rnkvvv
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>archive refused my search request
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>looks at you
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football is boring
Honestly looks like that alien from MiB
mental how there are countries with deep rich cultures like japan and i live on vape shop gay paki island
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the whole point of exercise is holding weight on legs and arms. wtf it wouldn't work
Yes, I will vote Green
Shut the fuck up diego
fucking stupid slag
shut up faggot
Not a fan myself.
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Would literally dropkick that bugeyed cunt onto the track in front of an oncoming train
you should see me then
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if you could be reborn as a citizen of any european country which would you pick
Bit bent
>the anti-diego seether is a cuckold

yes! x
england again
Says you >>199271626
Our culture and traditions are mocked and ignored at every turn.
curious hoodie
norway cuz it’s the richest (switzerland is gay and boring). but id prefer to live in italy
meant continental but respect the answer
I demand a sheffield, macclesfield to crewe route
she seems rude
you’re the one spamming interracial pornography matey, my post was a harmless jest
think Norway is supposed to be quite grim but the oil money is quite appealing
does it make you want to, eh?
Imagine how sweet life would have been as a European citizen in the late 19th century. Literally colonised well over half the world and you're free to go fucking anywhere and do whatever the fuck you want.
it’s not grim desu just cold and dark a lot of the time
Gulf States are completely soulless
They have no society, just Islam, consumerism and slavery
the queen voted for brexit
nowadays you get to post in /brit/ about bbc or something though technology is so cool!
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the cheek on this guy
Drink is very expensive there as well
manlets dont deserve manners
its black simpson
yemen and oman have soul, but yes the others are that
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that's great and all but could i download pictures of booba in 19th century
>just cold and dark a lot of the time

*kek this is how people describe me
>my post was a harmless jest
Sure mate, made it painfully obvious you're a cuck
and now she's dead. didn't really think it through did she now?
they be at the german mcdonalds like "zwei hundert ein und vierzehn bitte! ZWEI HUNDERT EIN UND VIERZEHN!"
You could literally travel to south east Asia, be rich and have your Harlem of big fitted women
called it
takes one to know one i suppose
>south east asia in XIX century
>big booba
only tarqs did that
if that were true everyone would’ve done it
you needed to be a tarq with connections
should say GIMP cos she dances like a spastic
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wokeness done right
Dem Klinefelter tiddays
zesty boxers
wonder what he's up to now
Belgian hapa
serves scraniel right for being a fat greedy cunt
Oh yeah? Think you can just ignore my POST? WELL I AINT COMING BACK HERE THEN YOU AWFUL MEN
noooooo come back we need you nooooo
this you lad?
>Please wait a while before making a thread
wont bother then
fuck off
It worked!
> janny deletes it anyway
This is an ISO8601 thread, bucko
So, this is it.
Pooing, look forward to my report in the next thread.

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