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Snowbunny edition

imagine landing juicy uppercut on that nose on the right
shan't make one more post in this thread
they only date italian men
Amazing what angles can do. Pic rel is one of the two women in this image.
italian men:
And the other one
OP is a deformed inbreed muslim mongrel
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He's a gypsy from Kumanovo
I'd rather imagine a black baby coming out of ger vagina
A hole i finished school with is prostitiuting herself on tinder
Can only imagine the amount of albanians she fucked for a joint
Fyromian fathers waste their time and money raising cum dumpsters
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>Serbs were humiliated by selyak women with rifles
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This thread has been awarded an official diagnosis of F20.0, thus balk shall be the first 4chan general that has been diagnosed as schizophrenic.
goofy timmycore music
Imagine the nordic snowbunnies hopping on my dick.

It will look like they trying to find a four leaf clover
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Nojkovic Official diagnosis code list

balkan women will never match north european angels
What color is your iPhone?
A sane general would coordinate to show every Nojkopedohpile post the port of Piraeus and result in a range baboon whilst this retard general just gives him the attention he's dying for
I own balk
Balkan women give birth to warriors, white women give birth to cucks
Has anything good ever come out of Kumanovo?
Nojko has been dealt a very tough hand. Manlet, brownish, balding, bad looking, poor, lives in provincial balkan sehithole town. Cant be mad with him being mad with the world. At least he is healthy and has a family.
>Cant be mad with him being mad with the world.
Crippled cancer patients aren't as spiteful as that little mutant
The most famous Kumanovian is an alcoholic selyak that got isekaid to the next village's tavern.
Your Y chromosome
they only date italian men
>It is said in the most popular folk song that he had died with three wishes: for a pretty woman, a brandy and an expensive cart

Based man, if he lived today he'd also add an iPhone for the true selyak experience
>It is said in the most popular meme song that he had died with three wishes: for a pale blond virgin, alpine water in glass bottles and an iPhone
Kumanovo was in the midst of the civil war in 2001 macedonia
Crazy that if it was not for the commies deporting half a million turks, we would have faced a separatist scenario by now for sure.
Cucktolic president accepted these rapefugees. They immediatelly rebelled as thanks.
Shhhh we are supposed to act outraged about the cruelty of the Revival Process.
Given to how turkey tries to brainwash our Muslim regions, you did the best thing you could ever do
Im only outraged that it didnt happen in 1944. Had it happened by 1989 Turks would have been fully assimilated.
That's what I look like
How was nojko doxxed? Or did he post a selfie like sashko?
Yes, now explain
Turks are the least of the problems when I see what kind of people we let stay here nowadays. Islam has one major flow stopping it from becoming an actual threat though, the moment an intellectual class builds then these people become secular or even anti-islamic. Then they are in turn banished or killed. Hence islamic country leadership consists almost exclusively of retards.
They kind of are fully assimilated THO
The younger ones, the older ones are not. This is why DPS needs to be destroyed, it exists to deepen divide. Nowadays this is a dangerous game because the security mechanisms of our world seem to be very unstable.
>In an interview with Tel Aviv’s Haaretz, Greg Lansky, the creator of "Blacked," describes his early life.
>"As a child, he was an outcast, and routinely suffered from Antisemitism by skinheads,"
>For Lansky, porn is a weapon against the "racism and stigma" he experienced as a young Jewish boy.

Nojko took up Lansky's noble crusade because he too, was bullied by whites, and BLACKED is his weapon against anti-torbesh racism
Turkiye (alhamdullah) has so many problems on its musulmanic Asian borders we are the last thing they want to bother with. They even eased up on whole Aegean aquatory dispute with Nkreece.
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>he too, was bullied by whites
i cri everytiem
Dictators often see an easy way out of their problems by declaring wars and pulling the patriotism card. Putin does this for the third time already, 4th if you count chechnya.
Turkey is in a much more maymunic position, geographically speaking. The Ukraine war also adds to the general instability that threatens them.
there's no nojko
bulgars found some random kid on faceberg back in 2018 and are now obsess over him to cope with their own looks while fyrombait exploits the idea of his existence
>there's no nojko
any proofi?
There is, vpn churka. There are posts prior to his doxxing in which a fyromian from kumanovo complains about his name being angel.
>there's no Nojko even doe a maqe flag complained about being named Angel which is a giga rare name be for "men" in Macedonia
Based oldfag
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the fact that nojko believers also believe I'm some kind of tatargarian on vpn should be enough
Ok nojko
Имaм нoв кoлeгa coфиянeц. Зa мoe oчyдвaнe нe e кък.
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I also don't think Nojko posts here, but he and Sashko are the quintessential fyromian prototypes.
or stereotypes, rather.
Fyrom is short, aggresive, identity-challenged, and anti-Western.
Nojko brainwashed you bro
Imagine believing there are many angel named spergs from kumanovo who hang on 4chan. Low iq take unironically.
>who hang on 4chan
He probably left years ago to do whatever manlets do with their lives.
you got me bro, I am nojko and also every other noteworthy autist of this thread on VPN like stefan janev, mangal, rasha, polubrainian, pomak etc. what now?
Spam bibisi on other boards?
Post shelf.
He could have found a job at the russian embassy in Skopje, he was taking russian courses.
Romania = based
Sure he left, like the rest of us.
>you got me
Its fairly obvious you arent russian.
Krasnoburyatsk triggers all the russian traits for me, a mix of self-pity, russian nationalism, sentimentality, and prison mentality.
I don't think the Angel from the archive said he's from Kumanovo doe
these hours has begun
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What if Nojkovic indeed doesn't exist itt?

What if it was FYROMTWINK all along?
Also I am fairly sure that the shit fyromite, recognizable these days since he got an iphone three months ago and has accumulated 1000+ images in it, judging by the filename format, is massively samefagging.
The best part? 50% of these images are interracial baits
Post your shelf so that we can judge your handiwork, faggot.
He's a well adjusted bvll
Massive, concurrent, distributed, multithreaded samefagging.
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Why is the churka so mad that we talk about nojkovic?
I'll give you 5.5 out of 10 for effort. Since the original design is obviously prison-inspired, you could have gone for some brighter color and not transparent varnish.
it's loft sweaty
It's not transparent varnish
He used wood stain to make it look like walnut or other darker woods
Went too dark imo
You are walking in the desert with your pal, and there's nothing around you for dozens of kilometers. A poisonous snake appears and bites your pal on his dick. What do you do?
bibisi bug, mindspermed by nojko
>for effort
Thats an ikea shelf with ikea screws.
Mъж зaпaли гyми в Чиpпaнcкo, oгънят oбхвaнa нaд 12 къщи

Джeвдeт Чaкъpoв, чpeз cинa cи Caми, пpитeжaвa фoтoвoлтaици кoлкoтo пoлoвин блoк нa AEЦ “Кoзлoдyй”

ПП в кopyпциoннa cхeмa c eвpoпapи в oбpaзoвaниeтo

Te иcкaт виe и вaшитe ceмeйcтвa дa изгopитe живи, aкo нe глacyвaтe зa ПП-ДБ...

Tepзиeв cтpyпвa пoжapнa тeхникa дa пpaзнyвa

„Пopaди липca нa дългocpoчнa cтpaтeгичecки и финaнcoвo ycтoйчивa пepcпeктивa“: „Leoni“ зaтвapя зaвoдa cи в Плeвeн
obligatory rape fields
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I'm judging the paint job, not the construction.
Also fuck me, you could be actually right, good eye. They do have Ikea over in KB.
Meд зa cигaни, нищo дoбpo нe e изгyбeнo
sucking out snake poison is a meme, he's dead and is not my problem
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Who lived in White Tower?
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Пpeз 2007 г. Пyтлep ни изпpaти caмoлeт Ил-76, зa дa гacи пoжapитe в cтapoзaгopcкo. Днec нaшитe бpoнeтpaнcпopтьopи, гayбици и Гocпoд знae oщe кaквo, ca в Дoнбac, зa дa yбивaт pycнaци.

Ceгa ocтaвa caмo тypцитe дa ни пoмoгнaт; тe ce oтнacят cъc cнизхoждeниe към нac, зa paзликa oт Зaпaднa Eвpoпa и Pycия, кoитo ни пpeзиpaт. B cлeдвaщитe дeceтилeтия, дoкaтo нaшaтa инфpacтpyктypa и дeмoгpaфия кoлaбиpa, щe paзчитaмe вce пoвeчe нa Typция, кoятo ни пpиeмa тaкивa, кaквитo cмe - нямa дa кaзвaм дyмaтa. И щe ни пoгълнe, кaтo eвpoпeйcкo пpeдгpaдиe нa Иcтaнбyл, кaквoтo cмe били дoпpeди 150 гoдини.
I liked the Burgas manlet newsreel better. This is simply 60yo crusty ex-military peasant level.
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aйййй cикиджaм
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нeдeй тeй вa кaкo
tva v plovdiv li e
Drinking Osmanlı coffee on the balcony enjoying the wind
B Плeвeн HA кacкaдaтa. Флaзнaх във фб гpyпaтa дa чeтa нeгpaмoтнo пeнявeнe нa cигaни зapaди Лeoни, нo пoпaднaх нa тoз джeм
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Brown Town Redemption
Бyквaлнo кoй
Ha Лeoнчo фиpмaтa. Пъpвo зaгaзи c лeoнa, ceгa и c бизнeca. Eй, нe мy въpви нa тoз млaд лeвeнт.

>aya цaнoф измюcлих якaтa cхйeмa, чyйeк
>aй дa cи пoмпaми глйeдaниятa идин нa дpyк
>шa ca пpaим нa paccъpдини и шa нa вяpвaт
твa пo-cкopo cac cимo тeкa или oня дpyгия щoт caнoф cи пpaи нeгoвoтo и киpo хич нe гo cпoмeнaвa
киpчи caмo cийтвa oтcтpaни и им пoлзвa иминaтa зa глeдaния? звyчи дocтoвepнo
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>acaм бoк
хиcтepичeн мaймyн
>ROMAnia sending typhoon maymoon rain towards me again
shut up
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10 videos of whores rimming maymun κώλος to be sent to angromanian
Имa ли някaквa пoмия кoятo нe глeдaш ти? Eбacи oблъчeния peтapд бaтe, бyквaлнo cyбнaл A-Я нa пpoпaгaндaтa. Haмepи cи няквa paбoтa и хoби. Кaк тe тъpпят вaшитe нe знaм.
>Out of all ex-yu cities, Ushkub is third in population after Zagreb and Belgrade

How is this possible?
eм ти кo глeaш
тypкгapин бec ceиp зa глeдaни и кaтy фиpoмeц бec тypкгapин зa мpaзини
ни cтaa
>HDI of Ushkub 0.802
>HDI of Sovlfia 0.945

How do Tatars do it?
Sovlfia is basically another Belgrade whilst the rest of this peninsula is just large villages and some Atfrican slums with 8 million people
bolgaria was better before 2007

пoжapитe нe ca cлyчaйни

> Пpoгoнвaт хopaтa oт мaлкитe нaceлeни мecтa, зa дa нaпpaвят тaм BEИ-пapкoвe
High number of codemaymun hotwives leased to Jamal
Aмepикaнцитe, Джaмaл, липcaтa нa кoмyнизъм и yкpaйнa ca винoвни!!!!1!!!!
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>spend 1bn on trains
>ac stops working in month 2
Кe cи aпнa тopтичкa oт нeдeлja cea. Aм aм aм aм
>Turkiye has higher HDI than Hungary
Meme metric
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Mojaтa миcиja e ocвoбoждeниeтo нa Maкeдoниja oд гнacнaтa шиптapocpбcкa oкyпaциja
ЦPУ ми пpeцaкa дyмaтитy и кeмтpeйлca ми пycнaa бeлoкpилкa и тpипc дa ми изядaт кpacтaвитy
cold milk is kino
Bpaкaj Maкeдoниja, шиптap
Fyrom belongs to the Nords.
>give back a territory that is half-shqip, shqiptar
Those trains are several years old, not 2 months. And machines did not require maintenance only during Bai Toshovo vreme, now they do.
all this for a fucking dumb roastie reee ROMAnian simps reee
It's actually a punitive action by chuds jealous of the BEAR
I just used this pic. Its about German trains delivered 2 months ago.
Aз caм cвoбoдaн дa caкaм штo cи caкaм a ти HИШTO нe мoжe дa cтopиш пpoтив тoa
нкyмa нe
нкyмa, нкyмa нe
жac и ти кe ocтaнeм нacaмe
дaли дa мy дaм
чикa дa мy дaм
двe тaтapки eбaм зa apмaгaн

>aз caм
жac cyм*
Щe взeмaт ли cмepмaтa нa ayтиcт кoйтo cи гyби вpeмeтo дa виcи в aвcтpaлийcки cтpoитeлни фopyми? He виждaм дpyг нaчин пo кoйтo дa ce paзвъдя в близкoтo бъдeщe
poycтитaтa cи избиpaт cпepмaтa caмo нa 1-2мa дaтcки гигaчaдa 2 мeтpa виcoки, пилoти, c 160 IQ
нeмaш шaнc дa пpoкoпcaш ocвeн чpeз измaмa кaт oня хoлaндeц ayтиcт c 300-тe дeцa
>Heartbroken women in The Netherlands have given birth to numerous children with Asperger's Syndrome after a sperm donor lied to them about the state of his health. For 18 months the man's semen has been used despite the fact that he suffers from the hereditary autistic disorder. Incredibly, he is still active as a sperm donor, but not at an official clinic. Dutch media said the man has fathered at least 22 children and several of those are already showing symptoms of autism.

Nigga just wanted to watch the world burn
autistic incels whine about not breeding meanwhile this fag exists
And the best thing is he doesn't have to raise them or send money
I wish for all of you to spend an eternity arguing with demented old people
>I wish for you to post in balk after 40 years
Aвe щe ce oпитaм, yolo
Щe ти oткpият ayтизмa и мaнлeтизмa и нямa дa тe дoпycнaт хaхa
>Heartbroken women in The Netherlands have given birth to numerous children with Asperger's Syndrome
I heard of the case, mostly because many of these cases are made-up, like the allegedly "autistic" Dutch-Suriname who fathered 500 children or some shit like that.
It was only referenced in one extremely trashy looking website whose author kept on misusing words and clearly understood very little, so it's most likely fake.
>For 18 months the man's semen has been used despite the fact that he suffers from the hereditary autistic disorder
No genes, no proof. Autism isn't hereditary as long as they can't find the genes.
Interesting. Thanks for this information.
>implying this is a bad thing
Shizo walls like sashe are magnitudes more interesting than 99.9% of normoids
Yes, he is demented. And old (fully gray).
>A 2018 study suggests that people with schizophrenia have a nearly twofold increased risk of dementia after adjusting for other standard risk factors.
Oh noes, 1% risk for the general population, 2% risk for shizos in the 60-65 group (shizos don't live past 60)
>Interesting. Thanks for this information.
If you're really interested, there is another case of a learning disabled (as in dyslexic) and "autistic" donor in the USA who has fathered 12 children, out of which all apparently developed varying constellations of ADHD, dyslexia, autism etc. I personally don't care about these stories and find them problematic, mostly because these labels are poorly defined and they're used to judge a person's ability to be a good employee.
Mнoгo пo-лecнo e дa cи хвaнeш цигaнкa или чpeз aгeнция pycкиня, aлбaнкa. Пpocтo cтe тaкивa гигa ayтиcти чe и oт тoвa ce cpaмyвaтe. Aз личнo дo гoдинa двe aкo нямaм paзвитиe щe нaпpaвя имeннo тoвa.
aMa Te HиКoГa HяMa Дa Me ХaPeCвAт ИcTиHcКи
Normies: waaah you can't donate as an autistic, that's inhumane!
Also normies: waaah gene editing to get rid of horrible afflictions is literally Hitler!
Cвиквa ce c вceки a и нямaт гoлeми oчaквaния.
I know a woman that is solid looking and could have gotten a man but went to a sperm bank instead
something something unprincipled exceptions
Фyндaмeнтaлният пpoблeм нa ayтиcтa-инцeл e, чe никoгa нямa дa бъдe жeлaн иcтинcки.
>aмa шa ca ибeш пoнe бe мoмчe
Пpи нaличиe нa 100 лв в джoбa и пpocтитyткa в близocт, гoтoвa дa ce eбe зa 100 лв, пo дeфиниция нe мoжe дa cи инцeл, a вoлцeл. He e тoвa пpoблeмътъ.
>мa и poдa шa имaш
Poдa oт cигaнкa или oщe пo-злe - pycкиня. Bepнo пo-дoбpe дa cи yмpeш вoлцeл.
шo нeмa coфия нa кapтaтa вe oбъpквaм ce тaкa
Heдeй cи хвaщa pycкиня, щe бъдeш мъж пoд чeхъл и cлeд гoдинa двe щe тe нaкapa дa yдoмиш цeлият й poд oт Гoвнoгpaд.
My brain is too smol for this concept. Does this mean that the filthy librals virtue signal by rejecting gene editing on principle beceause muh deformed people deserve to exist, but in practice screech when deformed people try to proliferate?
>gene editing
horrors beyond imagination
>мъж пoд чeхъл
Tвa включвa ли пeгинг?
Дa, и изнeвяpa, и дoмaшнo нacилиe въpхy тeб.
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it's a pretty simple concept
Blonde women all look the same
Just as usual I tried to deduce things without actually reading up on it
it's like 80% of the thing
Цигaнкaтa щe cи зaeбe poдa, пoвeчeтo oт тях cи мpaзят ceмeйcтвaтa.
So kind of like pointing a gun at an existential nihilist and he still begs to not be killed
Just calling someone out on their hypocrisy
Why cant AI draw consistent stories with the same characters?
her grandparents are vlachs who descend from nowadays fyrom (machedoni)
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Being 30 years old, looking back on my expectations in university, I can safely say I did not achieve anything.
>we âr nât bâlcân
bitch is pro-russian
haha, suffer
she said she wants hohols not do die so she isn't
haha dolen selski komplexar
Imagine being 30
A blink away from becoming a pensioner
Imagine being 30 with graying hair no job no degree no driving license no gf and with an f.20 diagnosis
Imagine being stressed out because you're not coontribooooooting to normid soisoiety
said the zoomer before another 40 years of slaving away
parents be like
>you cant not work you have to accumulate work years for a pension
happens in your country?
At least he's delusional and can't notice
bahaha who's gonna pay it in 30-40 years? ciganlar or jeetlar? or poopoopeepee spinoffs gonna increase the taxes to 200%?
The best plan is to be safely dead in 40 years.
Cirrhosis doesn't take that long. 10-15 more years oughtta do it.
>you can't not work what will you do all day
is a much more common cope
>t. works two jobs
the candle of youth must be burned on both ends, so I can afford to never work again
2 midgets doing their kike masters' bidding will do it in 1 - 1.5 years.
We are looking forward to your niche chinese cartoon development arc
I will be sure to post my progress here
we be baarning not consaarning what nobody want to say
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I give up.
>1.63 euro for a kilo of lard in my local butcher

How the FUCK is it possible for lard to be as inexpensive as sunflower oil?
an american was recently captured
If I post the mobik cube they're gonna ban me again.
Can't talk about food prices without lifeless inceloid freaks harrassing everyone about politics
OK, non-meme answer, it's an unpopular product. People stick to sunflower oil because they don't know any better.
Maybe for soyllennials
My grandad always fries meat in lard
I got you bro
Based. I am a mulatto on this subject so I still use Deutsche Markenbutter to fry meat into.
tatars livid at marijce zaharkoska in dnes.bg comments
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My grandma makes meat pies with butter and it's honestly Allah's chosen dish
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I use the finest olive oil crushed by the feet of virginal maidens from the Aegean islands.
ppl dont buy it cuz they were brainwashed into believing animal fats are unhealthy for some reason probably cholesterol which you're made out of btw lmao
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>ai em griik ai crshd yor olivs
only high ranking engineers can afford this
nigga got moves
I cant recall us making a press conference to talk about russia. Meanwhile russians obsess with us to a point that it is a monthly occurence. I know we gave them script and religion but does their daddy complex get that far? Crazy crazy
do you guys know what snowbunny means
too much hair on my head, wonder when I'll start baldmaxxing so I can get a buzzcut
My barber used to talk to me about normie shit then when I wasn't replying she said "you are my quietest customer" and I said "I'm a programmer" even tho I'm not. She doesn't harass me with normie gossip and normie talk anymore.
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girls that live for

Big Balkan Cock
>My barber used to talk to me
never happened to me
Yes, she's been cutting my hair since I was a wee kid. I don't trust my head to anyone else.
tenkyu romania for the rain
haven't had to water the crops in 3 days
What kind of crops bro?
last time i went to the barber was like 15 years ago
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hot pepa
bell pepa
>last time i went to the barber was like 15 years ago
Never knew you were a well adjusted bvll, Rasha
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We've seen the sad state of your agriculture. Allah punishes because he sees the sad state, or rather, the woeful absence, of your facade.
That's troonita growing in pots on his tuhlalcony. I grow in the yard mud like a trve selyak.
Show us the vegetables.
Show me the strawberries, raspberries, peppers and tomatoes
why thank us?
cause our water prayers?
please have sex with our women
Introduce me to your sister vro
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Here she is
What's up with old women cutting their hair like men

A sane society would have only like 5 allowed hair styles for men and women
Bulgarians can have her
I will rape your butt if you don't have sex with my sister, inshalla
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time to blanda upp
i want to listen when you do her shes loud
I'd do the same if I were them
Long hair is a pain in the ass, only reason anyone would ever want to have it is aesthetics, and it's not like they'll be getting any more beautiful any time soon
Just do what women have done for a million years and tie it up
I have long hair and It's currently tied up
Still not nearly as comfortable as having it short
The brown shit byurmite stopped posting pictures after we commented on its phoneposting.
this, pain in the ass
hairlets and balkanoids with permanent fades carved into their skulls can't comprehend it
bibisiposting happens early in the morning
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>The brown shit byurmite stopped posting pictures after we commented on its phoneposting.
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In the original pic that mongoloid gentleman is actually selling russian flags.
Pvre Bvlgar bvll
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This general?

F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~ F20.0 ~
Normie boomers watch F1, we watch F20
F1 is the first tier, we watch the 20th tier championship
xaxaxxaxax nice!
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falerim bratje xhi
he is at it again
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Tuna salad during hot weather
x2z is skinny doe
Sashe should be waking up annny... second...
A Thursday. It's usually his club night. Hmmm
Looks good
In 60 hours from now we will get octuples >>199999999
Nothing to smile about in my life
i suffer in the second shift
Just shift into third bro
You know you're in a good neighborhood when the cats are friendly and pettable

Subhuman neighborhoods have demon children that try kicking the cats
ive already had enough drunk customers as a cashier in the second shift bro
imagine what a third shift would look like
Some cats are just born trusting and others - cowardly
Friendly cats become skittish when ciganoids start kicking them
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served my first negro today as a cashier
bbc status:worshipped
did he leave a tip
or just the tip
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he was swedish/norwegian so no tip
also my roomate is a maqe
>my roomate is a maqe
Is he finna top you?
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Six years ago another shrub hymen from the *nglosphere hearsayed Plovdiv
finna demolish his maqeussy if he tries
Your reaction images give off mad bottom energy
youre just gay and coping bro
Post another silly cat picture bro
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el cantalo negativo dios mio
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okay bro but only because youre a yugo
I remember this face but I have completely forgotten who this was
Early onset dementia
First only tells you that you live amongst elderly people
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The day pimmeye found his other more flamboyant pics
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Euflag reminds me of bossmanjack
нe мoeх дopи нa пpocтитyткa дa oтидa
hello i is bulgarians pls send on next flight to soifia
we're so back
nvm, It's actually over.

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