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ships edition
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eating popcorn
dead thread, dead cunt
fockin lov sockin deck
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beer was only tuppence a pint.
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Paki 'za for dinner
Rememberin that welsh lad who filmed himself stabbing his mate on spapchat and then after the fact started justifying it by calling him a nonce
elton chips
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was literally just doing this
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My entire day has consisted of refreshing hashcat and seeing how many passwords it's cracked
Wish I was poor and had low hygienic standards like you
But I have money and high standards so I would never, ever, ever buy a Paki pizza EVER
They don't wash their hands after wiping their arseholes btw
Grrrr I'm so jealous!!!
any more thoughts after the interview sven?
the falkland islands - what's all the fuss about?
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End of
don’t know really, it seems like sort of job you need to invest a lot of time into and can’t be properly done part-time/weekends, though it is interesting
That is unpopcorn
is it much more money?
Defending white peoples land from what he knew was the oncoming global elite
>armenia be kidding me
darling let me tell ya.. you look IMPRESSIVE.. YOU LO- LOOK YOU LOOK MARVELOUS DARLING
>UK Border Force returned migrants back to France after rescuing them in French waters last night - the first time this has ever happened

>It's unclear if this is a new Home Office policy change

apologize right fucking now rorke
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nice ship
Sirkier making Rishard look like a right cunt
literally what claim does the uk have to the falklands its half way across the world you niggas arent an empire anymore stop larping
we're so back
Right for your influx of Deano builds?
imagine if someone moved into your holiday home while youre away and some of your family lived at the holiday home
the one where he puts up vengeance is funnier
dont understand the story
>Although Fuegians from Patagonia may have visited the Falkland Islands in prehistoric times,[17][18] the islands were uninhabited when Europeans first explored them.
we were there first, they've always been ours and everyone there is british
sir poo barmer.. i kneel
haven't seen that one x
Oh, are the civil servants finding themselves suddenly able to carry out government orders now Labour have replaced the Tories? Are they? Are they really?
depends, it’s commission based pay
New Build Strip One
i remember that story that kier wanted to build georgian style homes.
labour fixed britain, end of
Shut the fuck up you vile Labour voting, Paki worshipping leftist cunt. The only thing you know how to do, is kneel and worship at the feet of Paki grooming gangs, defend nonces like Jimmy Savile, and open your ass to unlimited immigration
England should be one massive deano estate
Don't complain about the environment leftypol, that would be anti-immigrant rhetoric
ah fair enough wouldn't like that, me
have a negroni, have two
Unfathomably poor comprehension skills, Ahmad
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dont think you quite understood the gist of his post lad x
fucking lovew that spongebob song about gary
brits hired zimbabweans to clear mines from the falklands
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Got a pretty simple solution to the housing crisis actually
Stop letting in 700,000 people a year
Yeah that's literally all you have to do
I am a global minority (white)
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He's right you know >>199887007
more like the angolasphere
is rorke... you know...
Stop posting women as hot as her, it harms my mental health to see them.
>70,000 people a year
Lad........ try 70,000 people a MONTH
no one wants to live in brazil from this country sorry
he didn't say 70k
Mayhaps relocate to the Chinese region
Wacky Bruce, Cody, and Rorke
Announcing my retirement from 4chan and the wider social internet
no don't go come back
See you next Tuesday
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But if WW3 happens, where will you go?
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Bangladesh having massive civil unrest lads
This is a metaphor for the word CUNT
JSO retards got 4 to 5 years each KEEEK
It's honestly hilarious how biased they are.
I fancy my chances in the remote mountainous areas of the UK.
uh if WW3 happens who will be on each side, what will the sides be called, and will there be any third parties?
It's alright they can just come over here
well hungry. tempted to have dinner now and go for my incel walk later
Get tae fuck
Every single poster under the UK flag in /int/, voted for Labour, supports Pakis, have actively advocated for more refugees, and defended the actions of Muslim criminals. Everyone of you is complicit in the antiwhite agenda
Almost like we predicted this but on the night of the GE we got some COCKSUCKING CUMSWALLOWING CUNT denying that it was the case....
I'm on the opposite side to you, and day one I'm coming for you with my stanley knife
Some gay fucking shit like Hogwarts vs Thanos or something
axis of communism: russia, china, iran
axis of law: britain, eu, usa, aus
axis of chaos: somalia, yemen, palestine
Your dad giving his opinions again?
>Staff in the U.K. Foreign Office were crying and in a state of “mourning” following the Brexit vote, the office's former chief Simon McDonald has revealed.
And people wonder why people like Stalin get rid of disloyal bureaucrats
>axis of communism
God I wish
last time i tried to do this there was smoke and it fucked up the pan
too complicated for me these popping kernels
Likely up in a cloud of smoke as my city is capital and I live maybe 20 km away from parliament ie ground zero for the first nuclear explosion
you should wank
on the chicken crimpys
sun's only just gone in the mad cunt
>wahh don't slag me off-
You live on 4chan, cunt. Your only witness to life.
We don't want you to live so just end it.
Alri Rabbi Silverstein
Get tae fuck
British deep state loves this shit
Is this a mousey meltdown or an own brand meltdown
mad how fit they are
Who? Who?!?!?!?
>@BBCnews: Keir Starmer "I love eating greasy dog poos out of fat transvestite nigger arses, I love eating stinky Congolese NIGGER poo like greggs sausage rolls"
how do I meet an attractive woman who would want a cretinous gimp like me
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Places where pornography is illegal in red
shagged my gf not twenty minutes ago and the willard shan't be put to work again until tomorrow
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overlay it where rapes are most common map
what's the yellow mean?
mad how /brit/ is always running when you're doing something else

you could be getting married and there will be a /brit/ thread active
Insightful post
thats why they all come here
its so schizophrenic
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Watching a youtube video on Ancient Rome.
It's rather like the royal family in that regard
mental how none of you have me filtered since /brit/ is a friendly thread that welcomes americans :> amirite?
/brit/ doesn't exist when i'm not looking at it
Partially legal, under some broad restrictions
I can only consume 1014 more calories today
Not sure I'm going to make it
feel like SHIT
catbergs lost the fucking plot
Got called a sex offender in heron foods
not a cat, that's a....a fuckinn, fuck knows man
tell us what happened
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Bloke at my work has the surname Cuckston
Bob Barker on a mad one.
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eating chips
Good lad
Off to a picnic shortly
what happened lad
any poo barms there?
At the beach today in a lovely area. The one black man perhaps in a 10 mile radius started tossing his chips to the seagulls. I picked up the conversation as I walked by. 'Yes I can read,' he said, presumably in response to being asked if he can read, in itself a question calling the 'Do not feed the seagulls, £2,500 maximum fine' signs all over the beach. 'I'm finished and I'm throwing them the last bits, it's a matter of not wasting it.' I was fuming for the rest of my time at the beach. A perfectly harmonious community in a beautiful area, spat on by the one foreign entity who not only had zero respect for place and it's people, but had the nerve to attempt to defend himself in a nonsensical way.
yeah? is it? tell us more mate
Sir Poo Barms to you
Feeding seagull is based
Offended someone sexually
*does a curtsy*
Resisting the urge to scoff a big cake
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If you crave something do it before the craving ends, la
go on tubby. you know you want it
Waiting patiently for the Farage-Rayner westminster sex scandal to drop
“Roger Hallam” has got to be the most Radio 4 name ever
i breaka de spaghetti
Loool dont drop the soap
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why does my gf lock up her legs and tighten her pussy when im fingering her? seriously, she damn near crushes my hands, squeezing them out. do you want to me finger you or not?
The reason we can eat our fish and chips at the beach in this area with the seagulls waiting nearby but NOT trying to take food from us like they would at a more popular, tourist heavy place is because we don't feed them. Nobody here ever feeds them. That's why I hate this man for breaking the rule we all follow without shame and without apology.
guess in the end it was him who got stopped instead of stopping the oil
>do you want to me finger you or not?
yes please lol
itsa me mario
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sounds like you're finger raping her
Not seeing a problem with this, proves that he's human after all.
my arse would never push you out
tfw no ps2 sonic adventures chao garden
Fingering is much more intense than a cock for some reason.
they definitely had /brit/ open in another tab
In heron foods?
Sorry, white boy. Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle) is a Dreamcast, Gamecube and Steam exclusive.
Just got called a spastic in Scope
I fucking stink
i meant steam
Have a bath you crusty cunt
Labour apologizes after calling Sir Keir Starmer “Sir Poo Barmer”
howling at this
Apparently it's 26C outside but I shan't be taking part in any summerful festivities
>Vaughan Gething resigns
The white man marches on
>Hulk Hogan to speak at RNC ahead of Trump

Told you it’s all kayfabe
shag all to do anyway
Could someone please wank me orf
browsing /wsg/ comfy threads and crying
yeah it was in heron foods
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Ok I will eat it!!
oh hi me every summer
Yeah Trump bladed
doing quite the poo. quite the poo indeed.
great poster
mad to think there's people who still watch porn when they've got a gf/wife. just sad init.
Hankering for a delightfully savoury dish
At the car park
Loads of cuties about
Time to bring out the Nikon+extended zoom lens
Rorke making his daily /tv/ thread about the gay episode in the Last of Us
wasn't even worth posting once, let alone twice
pooing and also wanking my willardoid
Home Bargains, £1.65 btw
Love to see it
get them ate piggy
Can't bust the crust
I'll answer this as 'why wasn't he fined' and the reason is it's not a law that can or will really be enforced, the sign is just there to inform normal people of the rule, and it even explains why (to not encourage expectancy and aggressive behaviour in the seagulls). The bit at the end warning of a fine is just to scare idiots who don't follow the logic but are still law abiding into not doing so. Police aren't patrolling the beach checking if it's happening, they're not really going to fine anyone who just threw a chip or two, and they're not really going to fine someone over two thousand fucking pounds for feeding a chip to a bird on a day out at the beach. Beneath the legal facade it's just a community trust thing, and that's what makes people who break it especially vile. Broadly speaking, entire communities and civilisations degenerate rapidly when enough such stupid, shameless and rude people start breaking community trust. It is happening quickly in Canada and has just begun in Tokyo.
i fucking love peanut butter
nigga that's nuts
i love fucking peanut butter
like it on top of a layer of marmite me
Why are women's heads so small
i love fucking
any contemptible beetle-like creature man in?
peanut butter and apple slices. simple snack maybe but WOAH mama is it good!!!!!!!!!!
Might have a cheeky cuppa lol xx
i love nutting fucker butt pea
butter my nut but don't pea utter
just installed the new radiator

new shower is up and running

love a bit of home improvement me
so you can get a better grip on them as you force your willy deeper into their gob
you got to b&q in the end then
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Just inane post after inane post. Grow up.
get the house reformed
What's the deal with peanut butter? It ain't peas, it ain't nuts, and it sure ain't butter! That's nuts!
Radiator in the shower so it keeps you warm and dries out quicker, very smart.
I got some Nik-Nak flavoured chicken strips from Iceland thanks to one of your posts and it was genuinely one of the worst things I've had in my mouth, but keep up the these posts they always amuse me.
>radiator in 26 degree heat
lmao omds
beers tomorrow then
looking forward to them. hope diego is here tomorrow also, then my friday will TRULY be great
mad how
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I presume it will be mostly in-use during the winter!
Never did find out what ngmi means
Woke up in a FUCKING SHIT mood despite my clomid finally kicking in
was going to give up the booze but then I think - why would I do that then?
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they do Zyns now as well
It's like a black pygmy
*jiggles your wobbly belly*
wahey! haha come on tubby lad, cheer the fuck up.
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i always think this
and then it gets to friday and im like...nahhh
E2: high
Nipples: puffy
Emotional state: fragile
not sure what you're referring to my nigga

am doing so x

didnt say i turned it on did i you fuckin pillock
>8 million youtube videos
>not a single one interests me
Evenin' lads.
I got the get. AMA
dont say nigga you white ape
there was a lad this morning who was talking about going to B&Q
that is mad are you allowed to do that
You got tenants in at the mo?
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>Nipples: puffy
i'll say what i want and theres nothing you can do about it so keep on seething nigga loool

i see. wasnt me de lad

i do not. this is all for me
Mum accidentally gave me a Hitler Youth haircut ffs
my nipples ARE NOT puffy
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what beers are you drinking tomorrow then
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*works Rorke into a shoot*
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mine are a bit and they hurt
if I was fat id literally just have a trusted friend lock me in a basement for 2 weeks with nothing but unlimited water. boom, problem solved
Wait wait

So rorke's latest theory is that the civil service is one big leftist hivemind and just refused to do what the Tory government told them?
And yet they all retained their jobs?

Uhhh huh
So many zesty niggas wearing pearl necklaces these days
what are you on about lad the tories never wanted to end boat crossings and frankly I'm confused as to how you ever thought they did
where does this rank in the best moments of your life
got a bottle of red I bought for the footy but never drank

dunno if I can be arsed though. Gone off the booze.
my arsehole is puffy
ST wringing out mark's trousers straight into his gob
im in the civil service and i never did any work with the tories and power and dont plan to now that labour are in power
>And yet they all retained their jobs?
Remember sitting through and afternoon computer science lecture once and hitting quints almost lost my fucking mind
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Emma Watson has a pooey stink finger
There aren’t enough conservatives to staff the civil service/White House staff in both of our countries so firing them all would only serve to leave you with a dysfunctional empty department
Bureaucrats are a powerful blob
Thank you for qualifying that it was an afternoon lecture.
>In the Republic of the Congo, where Pygmies make up 2% of the population, many Pygmies live as slaves to Bantu masters. The nation is deeply stratified between these two major ethnic groups. The Pygmy slaves belong to their Bantu masters from birth in a relationship that the Bantus call a time-honored tradition. A 2007 news report stated that even though Pygmies are responsible for much of the hunting, fishing and manual labor in jungle villages, "Pygmies and Bantus alike say that Pygmies are often paid at the master's whim: in cigarettes, used clothing, or even nothing at all."

Might move to Congo
omggggg le digits
What's your role then giving citizenship to abdul?
And then they started enacting policy once labour came in despite policy being exactly the same?
And these leftists work for our border enforcement agency the least leftist job in the country
This is what you're saying is it?
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one of 3 peak moments so far today (the two others were coooming-related)

in my life? dunno
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Yo africa got elves
no look at money numbers on a screen
i'll do what i like m8 i'm a bit of a loose canon. a renegade if you will.
Not grotty enough to be posting here at 9am lectures but by 4 I need some light relief you know?
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i'm 32 years old what is this
which way is the line going?
I dunno lad. The memes have passed me by these days.
went up with corona and still up (up = bad)
I H___ W____
Itty bitty titties and a bob
Itty bitty titties and a bob
Might make some British onion soup
4 Chan has gotten so many vpns mostly Russian and Indians it's fucked up the thread order. Bumps don't matter. The system is fucked.
Lol. Its all boards.

They crashed 4 Chan
how fucked are we lad? how long have we got
I am a...that...
3 weeks
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i have warts?
its so bad its catchy
Why do these "zoomer" women have such millennia energy
>Le girlboss
>Cringe text-speak brand name (desu skincare)
>promotional material talking about becoming bffs with their products
>General overacting cringe
Go check the other boards as well and refresh.
This happened years ago but keeps happening due to all the vpns and proxies from Russia and India
tell you what give me 5 months to run the models and ill get the report to you in a couple of years haha *dozes off public sectorily*
the IP tracker in the top right is back lads
fake tan hands and a hoop
fake tan hands and a hoop!
arsewog the chicken
arsewog the chicken
it wine night
Enjoy this post
gone but not forgotten
*starts doing a gay nigga dance*
whatever happened to them
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dunno, this is the last post i could find of them
POV: you followed Andrew Tate on your personal twitter and you are about to get fired

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