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Vietnamese edition
>What language are you learning now?
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>Help people who don't want to learn a new language!
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Useful links:
>Free language-learning book archive:
>Books on linguistics and language courses:
>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:
>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>List of trackers for most language-learning packs:
>Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:
>Russianon’s list of comprehensible input resources:
>Massive collection of textbooks on various languages, sorted by family
>/lang/ inpoot torrents

Previous: >>199826289
Romance Languages Not Allowed
Ayy lmao ... no foreigner ever learns Vietnamese, aside from dispora.
Earlier this year I started learning Russian. But every Russian people I've met said it's very strange to Korean people learning Russian. They have been even looking me as a psychopath. Aside from talking with Russian women what would be reason to learning Russian.

I enjoy Russian hardcore punk music and doomer vibes
Không học tiếng Việt thì cút về nước đi thằng tây ba lô này
Challenge edition: Ennui

Leave me!
Kiss me, my dear!
She threw it in the fire.
Do you love him, then?
Women like that should be whipped!
Not a moment of rest! Always enslaved to the job!
She noticed with surprise that his teeth were actually not ugly at all.
But what fanaticism had previously promised only to its chosen, science would now accomplish for everyone.
Childhood had ben filled with happiness, hope and illusions but now nothing remained. All of it having been exhausted on the way to adulthood.
Behind every smile hid a yawn of boredom, behind each joy there was a curse, behind every pleasure there was disgust and the best of kisses left you only with an impossible desire for higher sensuality.
Laisse-moi !
Embrasse-moi, mon chéri !
Elle l’a lancé dans le feu.
Tu l’aimes, alors ?
Des femmes comme ça devraient être fouettées !
Pas un seul moment de répit ! Toujours asservi au travail !
Elle a remarqué avec surprise que ses dents n’étaient pas laids du tout.
Mais ce que le fanatisme avait auparavant promis seulement à ses élus, la science accomplirait pour tous maintenant.
L’enfance avait été remplie de bonheur, d’espérance et d’illusions mais rien de ça ne restait à présent. Tout ayant été épuisé en devenant adulte. / dans le chemin à l’âge adulte.
Derrière chaque sourire se cachait un bâillement d’ennui, derrière chaque joie il y avait une malédiction, derrière chaque plaisir il y avait du dégoût et le meilleur de baisers ne te laissait qu’avec une envie irréalisable pour une volupté plus haute.
because the tones are cantonese tier
what is that fucking question mark, dude
Bro, you need to learn English first...
where do i find a german practice buddy
I started learning English since 2009 and it's over. It's maximum ceil I can hit. I have no room to improve cuz I'm a retard
I’m learning it but i only recently started so I’m shit.
I know 'every person' is grammatically correct, but I want to hit my head to wall everytime when I think of subject-verb agreement and articles. I can't over come this. Over my dead body
Should be "in"
The second sentence is just a mess
Nobody says "ceil"
Should probably be something like
>I'm at the highest level I can get
Your third sentence is pretty spot on though in both how its written and it's message lmao maybe except for "cuz" needing to be "cause"
The fastest lane to master English would be total reincarnation to the rich familiy or something kek

Kurt Cobain would call me in hell

Sorry for my sentiments I got alcohol for eradicate some memory
Read and listen more, your English should get better with time.
It's typical metaphor in Korean
이미 최대치의 천장을 찍었다
Sincerely sorry
He probably meant 'I have been learning English since 2009'
Why are you apologizing?
Foreigners shouldn't apologize for mistakes
Learning a language is a pain in the ass
You can't just translate idioms form your native language into English, it doesn't work like that.
I'm apologizing for my bloody words and unstable mental that lead me vomit extream words to random internet strangers and I know it's not right. I've just met a russian and share some alcohol. Sincerely sorry
Жизнь этo бoль, и я пoтepял oднoгo pyccкoгo дpyгa
>Help people who don't want to learn a new language!

Ocтaвь мeня!
Пoцeлyй мeня, дopoгoй!
Oнa бpocилa этo в oгoнь.
Tы eгo любишь?
> Aside from talking with Russian women what would be reason to learning Russian.
Russia has a ton of untranslated philosophy and scientific work

It's started from this and there's no plausible reason
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Thank you
>a ton of untranslated philosophy
Бyхaть нaдo мeньшe
>talking with women
You don't even need to learn the language to do it, i know lots of women who are VERY into k-pop. Just say you're from Korea and even broken English will work
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Ha caмoм дeлe я тoлькo чтo paccтaлcя c дeвyшкoй.
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oll korrect
Sorry for spamming this thread.
Its time for me to go night-night! Sweet dreams!

Cпoкoйнoй нoчи
Sincerely sorry
Иcкpeннe извиняюcь
I captured this and saved it to my anarchy deck. I should help him come up with natural sentences. Just take time my Poland anon.
I wanna learn aramaic in whatever dialect the jesus film was


Idk if thats turoyo or something else

I cant find a proper source to learn any dialects
anyone here know some resources for aramaic?
Verlett mi!
Dootje mi, mien Leev
Se hett dat in't Füür smeten
Leevst du hüm denn?

Froen, de so sünd, sölen utwisket worden!
Kien Moment van Ruh! Immer vörsklavt an't Wark!
Se markt mit Överrachung dat sien T annen egentlik heel neet mall wesen
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Which lang should I learn for a femdom gf?
나에게서 떠나!
키스해줘, 여보
불에 버렸어
그럼 그를 사랑해요?
그런 여자는 때리야 해!
한 여가 순간도 없다! 항상 일의 노례야!
그녀는 그의 이가 별로 못생기지 않은 걸 보고 깜짝했어
Leave me!
좀 가라!
Kiss me, my dear!
키스해줘, 여보
She threw it in the fire.
(그녀는) 불에 던져버렸다.
Do you love him, then?
그럼 그를 사랑해요?
Women like that should be whipped!
그런 여자는 좀 맞아야 돼.
Not a moment of rest! Always enslaved to the job!
쉴 시간은 없다! 계속 죽을때까지 일해야지!
(Not a direct translation though)
She noticed with surprise that his teeth were actually not ugly at all.
그녀는 그의 치아가 전혀 못생기지 않은걸 보고는 놀랐다.
I could come up with a lot more sentences by adjusting the relationship between each conversation partner, but I don't have the energy right now. You know that unique aspect of the Korean language, right? Speaking in Korean always involves assuming who is speaking to whom.
Yeah I'm aware. 하다 해요 하십시오 and what not.
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>"actually" instead of "now"
>"billion" instead of "trillion"
>"carnation" instead of "complexion"
>"closet" instead of "loo"
>"competences" instead of "competence"
>"criminal" instead of "detective story"
>"emeritus" instead of "pensioner"
>"eventually" instead of "alternatively"
>"extra" instead of "great"
>"fatal" instead of "bad"
>"hazard" instead of "gambling"
>"how do you call" instead of "what do you call"
>"in the train" instead of "on the train"
>"informations" instead of "information"
>"magazine" instead of "warehouse"
>"manifestation" instead of "demonstration"
>"milliard" instead of "billion"
>"order" instead of "medal"
>"paragon" instead of "receipt"
>"pension" instead of "salary"
>"precise" instead of "specify"
>"preservative" instead of "condom"
>"speaker" instead of "announcer"
>"sympathy" instead of "affection"

What would be like a euro equivalent of mandarin vs cantonese?
Spanish vs Italian
French vs Italian
Those are equivalents of "Chinese".
he should have got 7
french vs spanish
do you think instead of italian we should say "tuscan," instead of french "parisian?"

this is valid if you want to say there is not really an "italian" language and that greater precision is required,
in the same way that there is not really a "chinese" language and greater precision is required

but in terms of frame of reference, "chinese" is a category more akin to "romance" than a category akin to "italian"
"Chinese" is "romance"
"Italian" is "mandarin"
"Tuscan" is "beijing mandarin"

Everything is frame of reference
Lass mich in Ruhe!
Kuss mich, mein Schatz!
Sie warf es in das Feuer.
Liebst du ihn denn, dann?

Frauen dieser Art sollten gepeitscht werden (hot)
Kein einziger Ruhemoment! Immer dem Job gegenüber versklavt!
Ihr ist plötzlich aufgefallen, dass deine Zähne in der Tat nicht hässlich überhaupt waren.

Aber das, was der Fanatismus nur seinen Auserwählten in Aussicht gestellt hat, würde jetzt die Wissenschaft zugunsten jedes Menschen verwirklichen.
Die Kindheit war von Glückseligkeit, Hoffnung und Illusionen geprägt, aber davon blieb jetzt fast gar nichts übrig. All das ist auf dem Erwachsenenaltersweg ausgegangen.
Hinter jedem Lächeln versteckte sich ein Gähnen der Langweile, hinter jeder Freude lag ein Fluch, hinter jedem Vergnügen gab es ein Ekelgefühl, und die besten Küsse lass dich mit einem nicht zu erfüllenden Begehr nach noch intensiverer Sinnlichkeit.
>two slavic languages and the posters get dubs
Is this a sign?
Why are slavic languages the languages of femdom?
what is this ESL english in europe?
and I would like to clarify that I don't mean Italian is the mandarin of romance languages
I think I would agree with the opinion that Mandarin is like the French of chinese languages, from the standpoint of sounds
Because mandarin drops consonant sounds and has lots of fluid, rhotic sounds
How would you say
>Three of my friends are from Texas
In japanese?
almost all of these are just new french borrowings replacing older french/latin borrowings
Learn Polish instead
How do you say smegma in your language?
I'm that Poland anon, thanks for taking a look.

People always suggest listening to deutsch rap but this shit sucks. Maybe Germans just aren't good at making music anymore.
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>practicing Mexican Spanish
>Cuban woman likes me
Vielen Dank!
the german word for ramification Verzweigung (which is related to Zweig, meaning branch) just made me realize ramification is from the latin word ramus which means branch too, which is more or less what a ramification is figuratively speaking as it is a consequence that comes from another event i.e. branches from it.

Idk pretty cool imo.
I just knew it was the Speed clip before clicking the link.
pretty cool
>Liebst du ihn denn, dann?
Liebst du ihn also?

>Frauen dieser Art sollten gepeitscht werden
>Kein einziger Ruhemoment! Immer dem Job gegenüber versklavt!
Kein einziger Moment der Ruhe. Immerzu ein Sklave der Arbeit (or more poetic: der Arbeit Sklave).
or more colloquial: Nie hat man mal Ruhe. Immer nur schuften (wie ein Sklave).
>Ihr ist plötzlich aufgefallen, dass deine Zähne in der Tat nicht hässlich überhaupt waren.
Sie stellte überrascht fest, dass seine Zähne überhaupt nicht hässlich waren.

>Aber das, was der Fanatismus nur seinen Auserwählten in Aussicht gestellt hat, würde jetzt die Wissenschaft zugunsten jedes Menschen verwirklichen.
[...] Fanatismus zuvor nur seinen Auserwählten [...] gestellt hatte, [...]
Perhaps: zugunsten eines jeden Menschen
>Die Kindheit war von Glückseligkeit, Hoffnung und Illusionen geprägt, aber davon blieb jetzt fast gar nichts übrig. All das ist auf dem Erwachsenenaltersweg ausgegangen.
war...geprägt gewesen - Plusquamperfekt
..., aber davon war nun nichts mehr übrig (original reads nothing remained). Am Weg zum Erwachsenendasein ging all das verloren. (I would probably choose a different image for the last sentence in German. "way to adulthood" always sounds a bit odd in German IMO because our words for adulthood are not as snappy.
>Hinter jedem Lächeln versteckte sich ein Gähnen der Langweile, hinter jeder Freude lag ein Fluch, hinter jedem Vergnügen gab es ein Ekelgefühl, und die besten Küsse lass dich mit einem nicht zu erfüllenden Begehr nach noch intensiverer Sinnlichkeit.
...hinter jedem Vergnügen stand auch Ekel, und selbst die heißesten (besten sounds kind of odd here?) Küsse hinterließen in dir nur die unstillbare Begierde nach einer höheren Sinnlichkeit.
"higher sensuality" is difficult without more context. Could be intensiver, could be höher as in "transcending".
Will these be german verbs? I happened to dig up random words but they don't pop with a definition when i look them up in a wordbook:

> bürden
> büseln
> bützen
> bürgen
> büschen
> bündigen

Thanks a lot.
Castilian Spanish and Catalan
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ἄφες με!
κύνει με ὠγαπετή
ἡ ἐνέβαλεν αὐτὸ ἐν τὸ πῦρ
ἆρ' αὐτὸν μὴν φιλεῖς;

ἐκεῖναι αἱ γυναῖκες μαστιγωτέαι!
οὐδεμία πώποτ' ἐμοὶ σχολή! ἀεὶ γὰρ ἐργάζεσθαι!
ἡ κατενόησεν παρ' ἐλπίδα τοὺς αὐτοῦ ὀδόντας ἥκιστά γε ἀσιχρούς

ὅ τοῖς μὲν μόνον πάλαι ἐκλεκτοῖς ὑπέσχετο μεγάλη περισπουδὴ, τοῦτο πᾶσι δὲ τοῖς ἀνθρώποις διαπράξει ἡ ἐπιστήμη
Anh ơi...
Use dict.cc
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>can barely string a shitty sentence together
>native speakers tell me that somehow my accent is perfect
small victories
I’m so jealous you know Greek, I’ve been researching today if 40 year olds can sign up for liceo classico. I so wish I could have had such an education
> But every Russian people I've met said it's very strange to Korean people learning Russian
Hиктo нe пoнимaeт для кaкoй цeли тeбe этo нyжнo.
> I enjoy Russian hardcore punk music and doomer vibes
Дpyгими cлoвaми, пpocтo paди paзвлeчeния? Taк и oтвeчaй им.
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I didn't study in a classico myself, I went to an instituto tecnico, I just picked up Greek at home after uni at around 27, don't give up if you really want to study it
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>Leave me!
Lass mich!
>Kiss me, my dear!
Küss mich, mein Schatz!
>She threw it in the fire.
Sie hat es in die Feuer geworfen
>Do you love him, then?
Liebst du ihn, dann?
Solche Frauen sollten ausgepeitscht sein!
Kein ruhiger Moment! Immer zum Job versklavt!
Sie hat überrascht bemerkt, dass seine Zähne gar nicht hässlich waren.
I take it you're learning a Slavic language?
>native speakers [Germany] thought I was a Russian when I spoke German
Not sure how to interpret that one desu.
We all know jordie is the most autistic regular here. Who's #2?
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Danke m8

Was a bit careless with matching the tenses to the prompt.

Much prefer your use of verloren gehen; I knew ausgehen wasn't quite right. Seems more for like you run out milk or something. Looking back I wonder if wegfallen would have worked too.

Also, I just rolled the dice with Erwachsenenaltersweg lol; I quite like the X-weg words like Heimweg as well as creative portmanteaus. Same with Ruhemoment.
#2 The Canadian
#3 Kalle
I think an actual autist would choose a language and stick with it. Jordie just has ADHD. Polish-learning Canadian is a better example of autism.
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>Listening to The Witcher (first book) audiobook auf Deutsch on Youtube
>Narrator has a great voice, accompanying soundtrack from the games adds to the atmosphere, 10/10 enjoyable listen
>He got Copyright striked and can't upload the whole book or further books
>Audible audiobook narrator is boring, less clear, and has no accompanying music
Very tragic!
Does russian have an expression like how in english we say
>"he was quote unquote honest and fair."
Like, its an expression of sarcasm meaning the he was not actually honest and fair, but only pretended pretended or appeared to be.
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How did you know?
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Come on, give me some credit
Slavic languages are surprisingly easy to have a good accent and pronunciation in (if you are an English speaker but probably also generally) but are grammatically exotic enough to make learners stumble over their sentences
In Polish you would say
"I quote"
>tak zwany
>w cudzysłowiu
"in quotation marks"
tak zwany is most often written as tzw
what language should i learn to get laid
dies. so viel dies
No one cares about poolish
In america, spanish. In Canada, chinese or arabic
A little advice would be nice.
I'm an inpoot nigger learning Italian and so far it's been going well enough. The main problem I have is when I'm either listening to something or reading a book I'll naturally get thrown off by vocabulary that I don't know. Should I try using something like ankii as supplement? I've used one of those "most common 3000 words" decks in the past and it wasn't very effective for me.
I was helping him by showing that there are equivalents in a Slavic language.
Must suck being dumb
Depends on your vocabulary size. If you score more than 60% on this test, then I'd say there's little point in ankigooning: https://itt-leipzig.de/static/wstitalienisch_01.2r/index.html
It's not so bad learning a language without school or university. One thing that does help, however, is getting lessons from a tutor but maybe reserve that for after you get comfortable with the basics. That's what I did, anyway.
No one gives a shit about polish
Bow down
Should I sign up for the SIELE?
No, confía un poco en ti mismo.
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Just do it bro.
I fucking hate that expression. Logically it should be
>he was quote honest and fair unquote
other wise you have no idea where the sercastic parts ends. It's also absolutely retsrded to put unquote right after quote. Whay are you trying to say?
>he was "" honest and fair
How do i improve my English pronunciation without actively taking with other people? I want to eliminate my cringe russian accent, or at least drastically weaken it. I want to sound American. Is "American accent training" by Ann Cook any good?
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I'm assuming this is german for 80 percent correct
Press the blue button.
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Oh, I see
Just inpoot more. Have you tried vikidia?
This is certainly an option. I'm quite an avid reader so i've got a selection of literature which i can use for this purpose - can listen to an audiobook and repeat sentences after the reader. But i was thinking that there may exist more study-oriented methods, like a special textbook or something
I an 165€ poorer now
No actually, I haven't heard of that site before, thank you.
Why isn't this a (you)? I am being gangstalked.
You can also download Encarta 2007 and use the kids version: https://archive.org/details/microsoft-encarta-2007_202402
I read a lot
Seems like the 2008 one is available in Italian too:
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Try Assimil
Me arrodillo ante vuestra merced.
We really need a decent test with a higher ceiling though.
I googled it and it seems like a language learning platform. I don't need to learn English, i'm already fluent. I only want to improve my pronunciation.
>Me arrodillo ante vuestra merced
But there is this one. The methodology looks a bit shoddy, but it should give you a general idea of how large your vocabulary is.
Wow that’s awesome, you’re an inspiration I hadn’t met anyone before who taught themselves Greek, which ultimately it looks like I’m going to have to do
That one is kinda dogshit. I have the 10,000 most common Spanish words books and have used them to test myself. These are my results from about a year ago.
Thanks, Greek bro. I'll play around with that as well.
By the way, it's been a while since I last posted on 4chan and I gotta say it's like slamming my nuts into a fucking door with this captcha shit.
That's a decent method, but there should be something that exceeds 10k even. This one test I linked is dogshit, you're right. My vocab is nowhere near perfect. I still learn regionalism or hyper specific words all the time.
The only alternative I've read about is 1 on 1 phonetic training with a professional
Using a Spanish-English Student dictionary, I've gotten a figure of about 13K words. The problem with using very large dictionaries to estimate your vocabulary size is that you tend to get a lot of false positives.
Thanks! Turns out I passed levels 1-4, but missed level 5, though I had very little
Time to run through it.
Fuck linguistics
LEL, in spanish my scores started slipping at around 3,000 and I still don't feel like my early-level stuff was good enough, 60% probably isn't good enough honestly.
The only thing worth really discussing here is if your 60% will get refined better by input or anki gooning, anki almost always seems worth it just to do 10 or 20 minutes a day but any more than that and it seems like diminishing returns where you need to do something that actually engages your brain and higher cognition abilities.
>try to learn german for 1.5 years
>now only fucking A2 level
>listen to throat singing music autistically for a week
>instantly pick up mongolian cyrillic
How do I replicate this for my german learning
quote unquote is 'в кaвычкaх'
German only exists to filter people.
It's literally only other Russians who will judge you for your accent, no one else cares.
I studied in America for a year and no one ever seemed annoyed while talking to me, let alone said anything.
i understand if you think you hit a ceiling in English and dont wish to improve more. Im the same in my languages.

I do want to mention one thing though:

"sincerely sorry" is correct but very weird. Its like you're apologising for murdering someones children. A regular "sorry" is fine in most cases. "I'm really sorry"/"I'm so sorry" if you've done something bad.
this happened to me at my early stages of outputting. it's an exposure bias. the more you speak, the more noticable an accent is overall. desu accents are important as long as people don't have trouble understanding you
tone languages are stupid as fuck and a waste of time
>>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:
which of these resources are good and worth checking out?
what a fine day to immerse
you guys ARE spending time with your target language today... right?
send every man a vietwife and things might change
Why did romanian keep grammatical cases while every other romance language didn't? What is wrong with them?
Anh đang dạy tiếng Anh ở đây và anh đang học tiếng Việt. Anh đã kết thúc khóa học Duolingo khoảng 6 tháng trước và anh thích tập với những phụ nữ đẹp.
Isolation, perhaps?
Still manage to be more entertaining than the average westard language.
It's basically modern western Syriac.
Here's the eastern variety. Note that both are eastern Aramaic languages rather than western Aramaic like the Malula variety and the historical Palestinian Aramaic.


I don't really study any modern Aramaic varieties though I do spend quite a bit of time researching the Syriac translation of the bible on Dukhrana.
Wannabe Ice Poseidon
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I want to learn TOO many languages and it makes me anxious.
Like, im already learning russian but I want to learn chinese, japanese, french, italian, spanish, thai, and so on.
It feels like such an impossible and daunting task. How do those guys who speak like 20 languages on youtube do it
Nibusu, mpenzi wangu.
Aliitupa motoni.
Unampenda, ndio?
Wanamke kama wale wanapaswa wachapwe.
Hakuna nafasi za utulivu, kuwa watumwa kwa kazi daima.
Aliona kwa kushangaza meno yake si mbaya kwa uhakika.
Doing karaoke helped me a lot with my pronounciation and accent (which sounds more british than american btw). Just pick whatever song you like and try to sing it.
Learning 5 languages seems plausible
More like “what is right with them?” The closer we are to Latin the closer we are to proper grammar
So there are southern and northern accents of the Standard Italian (open vs. closed E, unvoiced vs. voiced intervocalic S, etc.) and I assume the northern is more prestigious while the southern is closer to Latin, am I right? Any suggestions?
Oh nice timing. See >>199915014
The loss of cases in proto-Romance was solely due to phonetic mergers.
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Seems complicated.
Slavic influence.
These are non-standard languages of Italy, I didn't mean them. I meant minor differences in speaking standard Italian (which is based on a central Italian language but its 7 vowel system with random vowel distribution is so meme and shit that I'm not going to bother with it ever).
On second thought, "verloren" may sound nice, but it's not quite what the original said. "Exhaust" implies it was spent rather than just lost, so "wurde aufgebraucht" or "wurde ausgeschöpft" or "erschöpfte sich" may work better.
I'm not entirely sure why "ausgehen" doesn't work here. I think it's because it just sounds a bit too...neutral. As you said, it's a bit like you're talking about running out of milk. Would you use "run out" in an English rephrasing of that sentence?
Also, because why not: "sich ausgehen" is an ubiquitious Austrian term for something working out or being enough. It's one of the things that German speakers who move here are often confused by or when Austrians go to Germany and people don't understand what they mean. See sense 13 here:
"Wegfallen" also implies a more passive loss of something, and I think also a more neutral attitude towards it, or a more profane subject matter.

Erwachsenenaltersweg is a bit unwieldy and would also refer to the path you walk as part of adulthood, not the one leading up to it. Ruhemoment does exist, but if you google it, you'll find it's often used in connection with bath oils and stuff like that, in a sort of esoteric marketing kind of way. Moment der Ruhe isn't as affected by that.
All these years of languages doing fine without having cases, yet so many languages insist on keeping them. They have played us for absolute fools.
You are completely wrong.
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I'm learning it for my Vietnamese fiancee (or more specifically her family as she already speaks fluent English).

Really frustrating language to learn. I can't pronounce a lot of the words (can't even do basic things like count to 10 for example because I can't say "mười"), I can't distinguish between a lot of the sounds, and to make it even more confusing, a lot of learning resources don't tell me which dialect they're teaching.

Only upside is the teachers are cute:
Vietnamese English teachers are pretty cute too:

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I've found this Russian Youtube girl who walks around commie blocks talking in colloquial French (chuis, che pas). She won(?) the national high school French Olympiad, I hope she'll make it to Nice or whatever some day.
What's her name?
Nah, she's mine. Low viewer count, sorry.
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I want to challenge myself and learn Japanese. I wonder how much time I'd take me to be able to read texts and pronounce them knowing kanjis have multiple readings.
Unironically where should I start? Anki perhaps?
I'd probably say: 私の友達のうち三人はテキサス出身です, but take it with a grain of salt in terms of accuracy, perhaps.

t. beginner
Địt con mẹ thằng bò đỏ ngu lồn
I’m an oriundo and so use Italian as second language so you should get a response from a real Italian, but here’s what I can tell you.
> So there are southern and northern accents of the Standard Italian (open vs. closed E, unvoiced vs. voiced intervocalic S, etc.) and I assume the northern is more prestigious while the southern is closer to Latin, am I right? Any suggestions?
So I live in Bergamo and 95% of people I interact with are from Bergamo so that is what sounds normal to me. I can immediately tell if someone is from the surrounding area or not, but I usually have trouble distinguishing from where outside Bergamo they come from. Like this past weekend I met a friend’s wife, she was blond and clearly not from Bergamo so I asked my wife if she’s from Poland, idk something just struck me as Polish, but turns out she’s just from Tuscany.
Anyway, at a Bible study I went to there was an Napolitano man about 60 years old. He spoke with a thick accent for sure. The different s was very noticeable, a lot of the time it sounded like an English “sh”. There was definitely also some different vowel pronunciation that what I was used to, but it was all intelligible no problem, it was just his accent.
As for prestigious or not I can only speculate. I really like the Roman accent, it’s also closer to what came to my mind when I thought of Italian speakers before I got integrated with Bergamo. Also Italy’s greatest university, La Sappienza, is located in Rome, so maybe that’s prestigious idk. Prestige comes from other people and I never hear the people I talk with compare regions, usually we discuss things that are more relevant locally. I may be projecting a bit but the things I and I think my friends think as prestigious are going to study humanistic things like art, philosophy, or Latin and Greek.
As for closer to Latin you probably want to look at dialects, not use of standard Italian.
Standard Italian is way more straightforward than English. English has 10 distinct vowel sounds (short and long form for each vowel)
The Declension Industrial Complex runs the show
Checked, Satan
The neapolitan guy was speaking standard italian with a regional accent. If he spoke neapolitan you wouldn't be able to understand him (nor would anyone else there).
If your wife is from there ask her if she knows a local over 70 that knows bergamasco, so you can see the difference.
Prestige comes from speaking standard italian without a regional accent in a high register (which basically means more congiuntivo and more precise word choice).
Mọi miên da đen tạp chủng khmer bẩn thỉu hạ đẳng
I wasted my input time watching the new Cobra Kai season yesterday
Is that her boyfriend, asking for a friend.
no thanks white piggu english teacher.

Không học tiếng Việt thì cút về nước đi thằng tây ba lô này
Seems like its just a picture she took with some rando during a crypto event
>The neapolitan guy was speaking standard italian with a regional accent. If he spoke neapolitan you wouldn't be able to understand him (nor would anyone else there).
Yes I knew that, sorry if I didn't make that clear.
>If your wife is from there ask her if she knows a local over 70 that knows bergamasco, so you can see the difference.
She's from here we know quite a lot of people who know bergamasco, even young people. We're from the city of Bergamo but as you get further out into the province in the mountains it becomes more prevalent. My wife's brother's wife (a little under 40 years old) speaks it exclusively with her father and brother. Her father primarily speaks Bergamasco and only an Italian-Bergamasque hybrid when he needs to. With me I'll talk to him in Italian and he replies to me in a slow and simple Bergamasque-Italian hybrid. I have enough of a sense of Bergamasque that I can understand it.
>Prestige comes from speaking standard italian without a regional accent in a high register (which basically means more congiuntivo and more precise word choice).
Thanks, that's good to know. I actually am working on improving my use of the congiuntivo now. What does "a high register" mean in this case?
>Thanks, that's good to know. I actually am working on improving my use of the congiuntivo now. What does "a high register" mean in this case?
a more formal register, like writing a report for work vs an email to your mom.
Anh sẽ thích hơn dịt mẹ em và bắt em xem.
Con lồn mẹ mày thằng khựa con vàng vẩu mắt hí xưa bố tàu địt vào lồn nội ngoại mày giờ vẫn chưa hết suớng lồn ngạo nghễ à
>I want to eliminate my cringe russian accent,
Why? People unironically like the Russian accent.
People clown on the Indian accent, Mexican accent, etc. but Russian is considered "cool". If you're a man it sounds manly and tough, if you're a girl it sounds exotic and attractive.
(Ignore flag, I live here but I am from the US)
Accent coaches are a thing.
Depends. Some people are genuinely hard to listen to. But yeah, usually Russian accents aren't too bad.
Mind elaborating more on how you organized this "self-test"? I have a Duden dictionary I'm thinking of using for German to do this
>If you score more than 60% on this test, then I'd say there's little point in ankigooning
I disgaree, I think you'd need at least 80% before you can ditch Ankigoon sessions. Especially for languages where gendered nouns are random and you just need to learn them by heart (e.g. German but also French, since the -e ending is never a guarantee of the gender).
recommended resources for learning spanish? I'm interested in conversational and reading some articles etc.
bro, you're a middle aged guy teaching english in a third world. its sad and creepy.
>How do those guys who speak like 20 languages on youtube do it
They lie, true polyglots who can actually master 10+ languages are 1 in a million and are often, quite literally on a cerebral level, "built different". 99% of Youtube Polyglots are frauds who simply trick you with clever cuts, selected clips, etc...
It's one thing to reach a B1 ceiling and speak enough to get by for basic life, but being a fluent speaker who could say, write a philosophical essay on the language, is a whole other ballpark.
Địt mẹ thằng súc vật vô văn hoá này. Cút về xamvl đi
In our case, BRbro, I think just marooning yourself in a Spanish speaking country for 8 weeks will do the job lol. Either that or reading El Pais (newspaper) and listening to a Spanish radio daily and simply looking u any words you don't understand. As a kid I remember NET offered us the option to switch to Spanish dubs in Cartoon Network shows and I often did that for fun and understood a lot of it.
Spanish is comically easy for us to understand and make basic conversation in, I think you'll only need actual serious study if you want to speak it at a professional level or to appreciate higher literature.
Lù Trọng Thắng vừa thăng kìa mày về facebook Dòng Máu Lồn để mà khóc cuối tháng còn lãnh 3 củ chứ
Goethe teacher estimated I was an 'advanced' B1 and this estimates that my passive vocabulary knows 4000-5000 of the most common words.
That said, how can I go about improving ACTIVE vocab and sentence construction of my own, without someone to correct me? Grammerly seems like a cool tool but it only covers the English language
Những phụ nữ ở đây thích anh nhiều. Ý kiến của em không quan trọng.
They are 4 books with 2500 words each. I generated a random number 50 times for each book, then looked up the Xth most common word in that book. If I knew the word, then I put it down as 1, if not as a 0. Each known word was worth 50 words.
When I was preparing for the Goethe B2 test, I used deepl write to correct my essays: https://www.deepl.com/de/write
Shit, never really considered that as an option. So was your procedure basically just:
>Write something in German
>translate into English/mothertongue
>translate back into German and compare differences to your original written sentence
Deepl write doesn't translate what you type into English, it simply corrects your mistakes. You can also choose a particular style.
I also read a lot of sample essays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJQKwhZyiXo
and watched this gal's videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2vY8z-_JSw
tone of voice
>I want to learn a hard language, another hard one, an easy one, easy one, and tutorial one, and another hard one
The reality is they speak most of them at an extremely low level and they have a few "similar" ones that massively boost the language number.
If you learn spanish it takes way less time than any harder ones, then if you learn italian after it takes less time because it piggybacks off spanish and english, after that french is easier. The reality is that if you similarity-max like many youtube polyglots do you can just memorize the minor variations in these languages.

Also language learning is a skill that gets easier and easier the more you do it, same with switching between languages. It constantly exercises your brain, so someone learning for 10 years will learn WAY more efficiently than someone learning for 2 who's doing the exact same thing.
Yeah, actually mastering them and using them well is just so extremely rare that it almost never happens. All you need to be a youtuber is a lower B1 level with an emphasis on your speaking skills, then you just follow a script.
Easily, especially ones in the same family. Knowing 3 languages from the same family is easier than knowing 2 from different ones. Granted it might take you 10-15 years to get to 5 languages but if it's just your fun hobby you do where you keep learning them 5 is achievable for pretty much every autist here.

The challenge comes in when you select multiple hard ones to learn.
Poland rising
I care positively when Russians have enough of an accent that they stress words the Russian way instead of the English way. It's cute.
tell me her name you bitch
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Slow and steady progress over the years.
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>languages are 1 in a million and are often, quite literally on a cerebral level, "built different".
I also recently passed the Goethe B2 with good grades, so I'd say that when it comes to vocabulary at least, a good proxy for B2 would be scoring over 85% on this test.
Oh damn I'm an idiot, didn't realize DeepL WRITE was a thing, my brain just sort of skimmed over that part lmao
Yeah, this is the mark of a true genius, one that could change the world if they wanted to. 12 to 16 hours of pursuing their obsession every day and ignoring everything else, enjoying it even.

Realistically how many hours a day will people here do it for? For me, it's 2 to 3 hours a day. Maybe after I learn more than 2 languages it'll get to somewhere around 4 as I'll have a wider pool of things to choose from. As a long-term goal 2-3 hours a day seems the most stable for me.
How do I claw myself out of the A2 abyss?
THIS is B2? This reads as easily as an article in DW.
>Anki daily
>Read news articles
>Watch cartoons that aren't made for babies but also not for adults
>Read 1 news article MINIMUM each day
Reading news articles exposed me to such a huge amount of vocabulary that I was lacking somehow, and it also helps you instantly understand grammar.

You have to literally take what you did before and double it in terms of hours. That's the only way you progress. It'll either take you 2x the amount of time to get to B1 or you'll have to double the amount of studying you do in one day to stay on the same track.
They would obviously get a perfect score. The purpose of these sample essays is to get some ideas on how to write about various topics, not to perfectly emulate them. That said they are a bit too long.
Oh and forgot to add, this is also known as the "normalfag abyss."
The A2 / B1 gap is something the average person will never cross. It's simply too wide with progress being too slow. The average normal person will never suddenly double down and just start studying for double the amount of time every day, this is where the average person says they "know the language" and stops improving.
Have you ever seen average normies struggle to learn languages in adulthood? It makes me cringe. They never get anywhere and speak with embarrassing accents and butcher basic phrases after years. Contrary to popular belief, we need more gatekeeping. This hobby is becoming oversaturated by normies and retarded grifters. What genuinely makes you think language learning is gatekept when any retard can hop on Duolingo and think he's learning a language? Or just take a look at /r/languagelearning and see all the retards on there.
How many years did it take you to learn German?
why does vietnamese separate syllables when writing?
I've been learning German for almost 4 years and Spanish for 4.5 years.
If you only focus on learning German, I'd say it's doable in a bit over 2 years.
You have to keep in mind that any site like r/languagelearning is actually the top 10-25% posting, the other ones feel like they're too new and don't want to offer advice as readily. It's also in the top 1% of subs worldwide, yet there are only 89 active users on and the rest of the people gave up. it's being "gatekept" by normalfag retardation pretty well. /lang/ may well have about the same amount of active users as that "top 1% sub" has because we're actually active and learning every day.
>comments deactivated
I'm learning German and French at the same time.
Also just read the rules
>These include: posts focused on one language, language exchange requests, videos similar to "polyglot speaks 19 languages", language tutors, homework help, achievement posts, pictures of resources, and AI language learning tools or chatbots.
>No posting about your TL
>No posting resources
>No posting your achievements
>Do not generalise large groups of people
This includes spreading conspiracy theories or isolated or misleading statistics regarding groups of people.

KEK, literally no fun allowed, it's just general "language" but not any specific language and we talk generally about a topic and if you don't want to do that you go somewhere else, legitimately the worst way to design any language learning place.
Imagine /lang/ if you weren't allowed to post about your TL and weren't allowed to post your level and weren't allowed to post anything except the most broad and useless advice.

Also not being allowed to generalize people so I just have to pretend the spanish people are exactly like me and I can't talk about how they're different. Literally not allowed to learn about the thing commonly known as a "culture."
What's your current level in each TL and what are your goals?
>other ones feel like they're too new and don't want to offer advice as readily
As if that ever stops anyone
I make this face everytime I browse this place
I'd say B1 in french and A2 in german.

I'd like to get them both to B2 at least but C1 would be even better.
Anyone got any general tips on Vietnamese learning? Good resources, where to start, what pitfalls to avoid, etc? I'm considering teaching English there.

From my understanding the teachers will often have assistants who do the translating in class so I can be an English teacher to Vietnamese people with barely any knowledge of the Vietnamese language, but I want to at least try.
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I got these books in addition to "Practice Makes Perfect_ Complete German All-in-One"

Do i need to learn them all? In my mind i think that a book like "Colloquial German" and Grammar book is enough for A1 level. My ultimate goal is to get to a B2 level or a good B1 by the end of the year. I want you to recommend me wtf to choose from since the first 3 books are all starter ones and it doesn't make sense to study them all since their content is quite similar. I have other sources like Youtube videos and a decent plan. Please don't fag me up with normie Q&A like "Do u have passion", "not one book will get you to proficiency"...etc

Just choose a book that can get me through A1 then i'll follow the lead.
He's genuinely the most accomplished living polyglot I know of. I'm grateful he has an online presence, because his advice is among the most useful.
This guy is a retarded Jew. He literally thinks it's impossible to learn more than a few languages and that everyone who does is some sort of grifter
Gatekeeping language learning is the dumbest shit. It gatekeeps itself because learning a language isn't easy. The only annoying thing is people saying they speak language X at B2 while they're really at something like A2. Same with English, everyone sells their English at C1 or 2 in their CVs but fuck me if any of them could do more than watch shows in English and have a conversation about the weather and what they had for lunch that day. But again, when push comes to shove, it all comes to light, so I don't care.
The gap between your French and German is going to widen unless you dedicate more time to German. That said, you could also start focusing on German once your French becomes a solid B2.
>everyone sells their English at C1 or 2 in their CVs but fuck me if any of them could do more than watch shows in English and have a conversation about the weather
To be fair, it isn't their fault that the CPE/CAE are a fucking meme.
>He literally thinks it's impossible to learn more than a few languages
It's virtually impossible to maintain more than a few languages at a high level, though.
The hell happened to hellotalk? It's so hard to get responses these days and I don't even get Arabs starting convos with me. I even put a pfp of me and a fleshed out profile with years of history. Is it because I'm too inactive? If this was 2018 I'd have like 25 wave emoji from Arabs in my dms after 4 days of inactivity lol
Any Chinese content worth checking out? I'm talking more along the lines of bilibili channels, animation, TV shows etc.
it's a huge pain in the ass to find a cyberpunk 2077 gameplay with female V on italian yt. are you all huge faggots or what? especially when male V has such an infuriating voice and female V sounds quite good.
18+ website
Just switch to minecraft bro plenty of youtubers in every language for that.
lol i just want to compare dubbings. other languages aren't nearly as troublesome for some reason.
Play the game yourself? Wtf?
>people saying they speak language X at B2 while they're really at something like A2
Bro I am C2 in English. I am totally better than the native speakers. C2 is native++ level bro.
Fuck the native speakers bro I am so much better than them.
Certificate? I don't even have one. Don't need one.
Do natives have certificates?
I want to learn french from 0, any tips?
Might make a Greek + Mongolian creole in Persian script.
Would anyone learn or be interested?
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Is spanish really actually tutorial level easy for wnglish speakers?
Whats so easy about it?
Certificate to suck my dick lmao
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>Might make a Greek + Mongolian creole
Greek grandmas from Istanbul have beaten you to it.
Many thanks
Any translated misc videos?
Anyone have any ideas on what I could listen to while I work to maximize my JP input?
High school diplomas essentially count as C2 certificates.
I don't know if i'll ever be able to thrill a 'r'. It's too difficult for me.
Why do they call it "well done" when it's actually terribly done?
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>The hell happened to hellotalk?

jeets and chinese happened. jeets creep on women, chinese run pig butchering crypto scam. it went to shit during COVID
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lol, you're the guy f*cking middle aged hags. have fun bro, be sure to save $$ on your meager $1.5K month salary.
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I'm learning Russian. It's going pretty good.

Дoбpый дeнь :)
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why aren't you learning 12 languages at once?
Where's this qt from?
Oh it's the notebook thot again
>Open video
>5 seconds in
>Well uhhh, I know 3 languages to an acceptable level but what if I dabbled in a couple more
You just know she's one of those people who "knows" a language to A1 and adds it to her chart. Going off the top of my head wasn't this the girl who had a habit of not accomplishing what she tried to accomplish and then writing about it in her notebook and making yet another video about it? It has to be performative, right?
Oh lel not even minute in and she's giving me a QRD of exactly what I'm describing
>I didn't achieve my language goals for 2018
>I didn't post a video for 2019
>Check video in link for her 2020 list
>I didn't achieve my goals for 2020, it's important to have flexible goals

I'm thinking axis of evil for my language learning
There are unironically my top 4 picks, how much sex do you get knowing all of these? Will I still just have to be a sex pest in the philipenes to make babies? And why are the axis languages all so cool?
I'm past my peak and busy with school and finding a job. In an absolut world I would have been able to learn Korean, French, Portuguese, Persian, Swahili and Punjabi, but I guess I'll stick with Korean and maybe French once I reach B1 or 2
Following up to this
Are there any french people here that could recommend me a French grammar book for children? The kind that they take to school
>how much sex do you get knowing all of these
Speaking Japanese probably gets you negative sex appeal.
But think of all the fat smelly girls (and boys) I could get...
What makes you think I'm not?
>>These include: posts focused on one language
>No posting about your TL
>No posting resources
well that's fucking retarded
ok mehmet
mehmet's cousin
Having the most cognates of any language aside from French.
Any subhuman hillbilly chads?
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Ever wondered why Turks move to Germany and not Poland?
Because Germans are just like Turks. They feel right at home.
it's just one of those women who are obsessed with studying and getting good grades since forever since it's an easy structured way to get a feeling of success and they thrive in it. They usually stay obsessed with studying into their mid 30s in an academic career or become a nurse or some other high stress job that will destroy their mental health. Good for them I guess.

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