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DYEL edition

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Holy Based
In the Czech Republic it’s called “payczech” hehe
Converting that webbum now. Hope I don't run into any issues
I gave my cat a haircut.
I'm gonna have to compress the shit out of it, it's only like 40 seconds but I'm already at 39MB and it's not even done
i am officially no-longer constipated. i have shat three times between 5am-10am, and have lost over 4lbs.
the relief is euphoric. i saw god.
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Elephant herds used to be yuuuge, but then black people killed them because they thought the elephants cause the desertification
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It's closer to 26%. But thankfully the first 15k I earn is tax free so all the money I am earning for the first 3-4 months and having stolen from me will be returned (with no interest) next year. I am more pissed off at the pension contribution, which is 1/3 of the tax deduction. I should be able to opt out. I don't want to live in this shithole, I will be emigrating in a few years once I have cash to buy a home in a cheaper country somewhere in the EU.
Why you little... Why I oughta...
Black people don't think about desertification, moron. They kill them for their ivory which is worth more than your life
Is that why an elephant never forgets?
don't be rayciss black pipo did indeed kill thousands of elephants to stop desertification.

of course that doesn't make any sense because the elephants had been there for centuries but ya know...
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>How has there never been a libertarian revolution.
most of Canada has an inferiority complex and anytime anyone tries to change something people just go
Here's a hint as to what my Webbum will be about
How many job interviews are you planning on screwing up this weekend?
Who has job interviews on the weekends? That's just..... unnatural
None because I am employed
Who is this?
you seriously expect me to believe that Russians are the most evil people on the planet?
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She cute.
It happened to me once. 8 am on a Saturday and it was a group interview. lol fuck that
all of them because I am unemployed
If I only could, I’d make a deal with God
Yes, that's exactly what I want. To be taxed like an American. This is horseshit.
I'm glad you asked.

She's Miss Monique, number one female DJ on the scene. I thought she was Dutch or some shit but it turns out she's Ucraina, Ukranian
US taxes are too high as well
kidding i have a job now. but i was neet for a longtime and spiritually i'm still a neet
>but i was neet for a longtime
did you get gibs?
I hear you, frater
Ive made up mind. I'll learn how to drive before I turn 38
Posting my cat and getting no replies is pretty crazy.
bharat cannot afford giving gibs. i lived with my parents. still do
38? how old are you damn
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>older than 16
>cant drive
My roommate is watching SpongeBob
North America is more of a dog continent
>i share this board with "people" born after 1995
Multi functional bathroom
37 probably
Ok, webbum done! It was worth downloading her 2 hour stream on my phone, so here it is
More of a shitbull continent.
grim. im leeching off of my parents but fatherberg ain't happy. might kms soon enough.
I move into my new apartment on Monday buds.
I can’t believe there’s faggots older than 24 on here. Might be time to move on old timers
What disgusting?
You get 3 inches added to your height, but it's all in your neck.
Do you accept?
shut the FUCK up, broccolihead
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try getting a job and living a life man. rotting away in a room is terrible and looking back at it is even worse
>He doesn't know you're here forever

I love the watermark in the corner
I don’t trust people born in the 21st century.
shouldn't zoomies be on tiktok and simping for egirls?
Ive got a pretty short neck so yeah
The dinosaurs are seething
makes sense some posters here are always talking about browsing tiktok
If i played with 9 challenger or master players i wojld prefer it that all of my team wants to lose
Because while the enemy team wailed on me
It's easier looking in but knowing that and trying to be the problem the least on the team. But he did two games so I can't complain
Me too
(Or try to cs gap the enemy challenger ADC)
Supports can make you look really good
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damn them skidaddle gyatt toilet blacks guys do be bussin though
there's no life to live bud. it was over before it all began.
Important question, what should I get for lunch? Sushi or hot dog
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I made this post 4 years ago. so bizarre that someone would steal it
Is buc-ees really that good? I have met several american students and they all cant stop talking about it
Sometimes certain posts just make an impression on me and I remember them forever, don't know why
or maybe it's just a common thought amongst the lower IQ posters.
i get it i'm the same way
99.4°F. Fuck. I was hoping my temperature would drop back to normal. At least I'm not tired, coughing, or congested.
I've never even seen a Bucees. I think that's a southern thing
don't be mad no one remembers any of your posts
I'm trying to find reasons not to an hero, but all the auguries are pointing to the green light.
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im pretty sure this nibba does not like me
Well best we can do is Alberta with no provincial sales tax (still has federal)
You never know what tomorrow will bring.
They have such low quality apples at the Mexican supermarket. I'm not going there anymore, ill pay extra for the day Stater bros apples
I am in Alberta.
gamblers fallacy
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Based anti-NAP stacy.
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So now you can see why so many leafs move to the US to live and work but never shut up about it lel
least passive aggressive woman
What's that?
>stepping foot inside a grocery store in Anno Domini 2024
/cum/ niggas be like
"EEK, a supermarket!"
>watching porn
>Actress has cutting scars, implant scars, or stretch marks
>Immediately lose boner and do something wholesome instead
By the way, you're not a champion for winning a game against someone who didn't even know there was a game to beging with
hush little baby don't say a word
mamma's gonna buy you a mockingbird
and if that mockingbird don't sing
mamma's gonna become an alcoholic
>10 straight 16 hour days
He's lying, it's fucking reddit, man
love this song
>implant scars
gotta be about 90% of them now. At least it will cure your coomer-ness
Not in jav, no. Western porn stars are revolting though
Im afraid of public places for grownups like supermarkets, gas stations and strip malls. Mom usually brings me my lunch from work but she's getting so old she's complaining about not being able to make multiple stops for my slurpee and my pizza and pick up her blood pressure medication omg I'm SO TIRED of her like why is she so dramatic. She knows i get like anxious when i am outside so i can't work but she just insist on giving me a hard time omg. Yes I enjoy bocci and post pictures of my meals often but she is refusing to cook for me so late at night because of her hands hurt or some drama I CAN'T STAND HER
I’ve been spending money like a madman as of late…
Most JAV stars do have implants, but the Japs seem unique in making them mostly look realistic without scars and stuff. Idk why westoids, latinxoids or gookoids can't do that THOUGH.
Me too. I blew $30 on cologne and the only time I leave the house is to go to work, and I work alone
on what
Back from the Japanese grocer. Strategic reserve of office ramen and canned coffee has been restocked.
Just used the term "richfags" in conversation with my mother and she didn't even react.
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> I blew $30 on cologne
>implants :/
>implants, Japan :0
>my son just used weird slang again, this is why Im never gonna have grandkids, *sigh*
Because she's based (and redpilled)
Alcohol mostly but also food and gas for my car
people unironically have
stickers on their macbooks
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I hate this third world hustle mentality where a job is synonymous with their entire life because it's better than starving or something. At least in 1st and 2nd world you guys are aiming to grind and ge rich fast so you guys can retire at 30 or 40 something. Here in 3rd world we're so proud of being slaves. Nobody said anything when they commute more than 3 hours a day. Nobody said anything when they got dumped a lot more work after 5 PM constantly. Nobody said anything about personal development that isn't related to their job performance, like basic empathy and fostering basic family values. Civil service gets their money through corruption and bribery from the private sector, using them to hold extravagant meeting events at random hotels every week, while the private sector pays very little and their HR harpies mostly doubles as influencers, flocking to universities like thought police and using scare tactics. Deep down everybody likes to chill and kickback, doing insignificant amount of stupid busy work, but if they caught others coasting just like them they get mad immediately. It's not about working anymore, it's about saving face.

I saw people already in their 40s, secured with everything, but they like to pretend their life is constantly in the ruins and work is only the answer.
Japanese autism makes them master craftsmen; titty implants are no different. the mid tier tit surgeon in japan is probably world class everywhere else
The middle east would be a paradise if muhammad never existed. Simple as.
sorta seems like things you have to buy anyways

my nose is once again bleeding for some reason
I feel bad for people who empty their deepest feelings where most people don't give a single fuck
Na a lot of the ones I see, the woman has relatively small breasts, it would be unfeasible for them to be implants
at least they have a judgment free space
Who are you
I've thought about this before, even in the case they were all Turkey or Lebanon tier culturally. It would be a massive improvement for the region. They would likely all be Christian or Zoroastrian too. That camel bandit really fucked up the timeline.
Why is this a thing that happens only exclusively to nerds
Seems you just like small tits in general
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I aint no nerd
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The girl I’m supposed to go out on a date with tomorrow has braces at age 23, she’s also a single mom.
and then you woke up
bro im rich in my 20ies, i have never worked a day and i basically own this city
>single mom
it was over before it even began
Anri Okita did an interview with a Japanese plastic surgeon and he said the exact opposite, that foreign surgeons are all usually much more skilled than Japanese and are held to higher standards. He said if you get plastic surgery in Japan you should see if that surgeons practices would be accepted in the USA, and if they aren't you should avoid them.
>single mom
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>braces at age 23, she’s also a single mom.
Does she have an OF to complete the trifecta?
you're late 30s
I never tell a single soul about my hardships and shortcomings other than my grandma and a handful of discord randos
Braces are hot and if the kid is White and she's a widow then who cares
Eventually you will have to accept a fat chick or a single mom.
ok well why do japanese girls implants almost always look better? are the ones with shit implants to SHAMEFUR to display?
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> if the kid is White and she's a widow

Ye'd be just as like ta have angels fly outta yer arse
It’s weird, she has brown eyes and brown hair but the kid has blue eyes and blonde hair…
>I share this board with "people" born before 2004
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>and she's a widow
I have no interest in a romantic relationship.
>blonde hair
it will eventually darken
if you're more successful than me, you must have been criminal
>I'll learn how to drive before I turn 38
Holy fuck, I learned to drive at 20.
I learned to drive at 15
> if the kid is White and she's a widow
Not sure which one is less likely
People will get married but chose to love being on the road, since interacting with their own family at home and asking how they're doing is just too much of a bother.
What race do you play as when playing an elder scrolls game?
Redguard ofc
Even if she's not a widow, she could still be decent if the kid is White or Asian.
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she doesnt expect much from u anymore
thoughts on this consumer society we live in
Weebs are so fucking mindbroken
La vache qui rit
Sometimes orc or argonian
Lepoopoo lewawa lebubu
Good post
Breton for magic resistance
swarthoid lol
Wow, steak & eggs with coffee in the morning really feels like a powerup!
elder scrolls is gay
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I've been up since 6am and I haven't eaten yet
at 23? no XD
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>15 minutes of fun
>if you screw up your life is over
seems like kind of a shitty deal d e s u
That's why you don't stick it into someone you aren't willing to marry
I'm sick
They go for a low profile implant and don't try to overshoot the mark in size.
Only ever had sex once but I was unable to cum inside of her, that still counts as sex right? I mean I had my dick in her pussy I just couldn’t finish. I’m not a virgin… right?
People do treat you differently ingame when you're platinum
I don't play that garbage.
hey at least u got hard right
You're a sick fuck
I want to be good at 1-3 main things for the sake of employability but i don't want to be perceived as someone who can be relied upon all the time to get their problems disappear fast for free. What can I do?
I hope Biden doesn't drop out, I wanna see a landslide
normies be like
>i put my penis in a woman
>that counts as sex right?
well we could say "I put my penis in your mom", but everybody in the tri-state area has done that
It’s all about how you perceive urself. I’ve never had sex but I’m not a virgin
in your mom? ewwwww.
Who could possibly run that wouldn't result in a landslide? Michelle Obama has vehemently refused to run. Kamala is probably as disliked as Biden or more. Newsom all anyone has to do is look at California and ask themselves if they want the USA to be California. Who else is there? Bit too late to pull Bernie or Tulsi out the woodwork now
Normalfags' entire indentity is based on whatever gets them external validation
I'm noticing that a lot of people who I thought were virtuous, actually only maintain an appearance of virtue because they desperately need conformity and order or else they go insane
>Who else is there?
Sec. Pete Bootyjuice as Biden calls him
Set boundaries and communicate what you can and can't do?
Nobody knows or likes him and nobody wants a president named booty (it legit would make a difference, just like height)
He's gay, he's not viable
i remember thinking taytay was a trad virgin. that was like 15 years ago.
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Putin is my president
Putin is my best friend
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the only time depression strikes me is when the possibility of dating a woman in my life comes up
I am unironically happiest when I am hopelessly alone
Middle frog should be fat with a big belly
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>flyover """food"""
Women are just annoying to be blunt. I can't stand even 10 seconds listening to them
This is food kino whether you like it or not
If you watch porn then you're just coping
t. 300 lb blimp
have no idea what the two numbers in blood pressure are.
t. Salad eating homosexual
You get a sexual release without having to deal with a real woman. Don't see how it's cope
I rarely watch porn and when I do it's only softcore
imagination is better desu
Nah it's just good things mashed together with no thought. It not like it's bad it just doesn't go together much and you would have the exact same experience eating all components separately.
Actually I stole it from reddit
>uses healthy eating as an insult
touched a nerve, fatty fat fatty?
It's over for femcels
>s*cial media screencaps
what happened?
they're empty calories
>inb4 muh nutrients
are the nutrients in the room with you right now?
good morning /cum/, what a beautiful day
surely today i will be productive and not waste my whole day arguing with strangers online
Fucking based salad hater
Salads are for pussies
fatties be like
"Vegetables? yah, not touching that commie shit"
*makes a left-leaning political post*
You just explained how it's cope and then said you don't see how it's cope
My mom never understand this every time i bring this up. She's insiniuating i wasted 5 years in compsci because i never wanted to do her work lol
Seems unnecessary to need a woman if your right hand works
You know that feel when you're outside the whole day holding in shit waiting to get home
Women have soft skin and squishy butts and boobs and thighs that you can grab
No i just use a public toilet
I like vegetables a lot but I never liked salad
2 sub-1000 calorie days in a row
You don't actually need a woman or your right hand
But if you haven't ascended your desire for sex, and still "satisfy" it through porn then you're going to end up lonely and crazy
You either have to ascend totally or find a partner
>vegetables: :D
>vegetables, but put together in a bowl: :(
I'd only do that if I'm literally about to shit myself
Imagine putting a green thing in your mouth, disgusting…
It's the lettuce that turns me off
Lettuce is pointless
I don't mind a medly of vegetables
brazillian niggas be like
"why would I use a restroom when I could hold in a poo all day and get it stuck in my colon?"
this just comes across as projection
I would eat she hulks snatch
when i was in highschool, i was quite smitten with this girl, who was clearly flirting with me
we went to a party where she ended up hooking up with another guy, while deliberating making sure that i saw him and her go into the bedroom together
yeah she was a nasty, spiteful person. and to my credit, i basically instantly lost any feelings that i had for her. but i still do think this event affected me then, and echoes of it still affect me now.
did any of you have a formative experience like this?
Uh everyone does that
What kind of person regularly shits outside of home?
>get it stuck in my colon?"
scientifically impossible
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/cum/ niggas REALLY be like
"this lettuce too spicy"
A son of the earth
people who have jobs, you worthless NEET
I just spent a whole game of CS2 spamming hentai links in the chat.
No, it is human nature
Porn promises you the satisfaction of sexual relief but without the intimacy that your brain ACTUALLY wants
"Hurrr le projection" means absolutely nothing
Hotpockets for dinner tonight
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lettuce sucks, this is 100% correct and anyone else is wrong
I dont WATCH porn i LISTEN to joi, do not be confused.
>without the intimacy that your brain ACTUALLY wants
yeah you're projecting buddy
>is that....an easily digestible vegetable full of antioxidants? ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Janny's Delight!
You sure you're ready for all that pussy?
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I post like this and they're like
>yo whats dat link.....oh hell nah nigga
I didn't know they had that in France, why not go and get something better?
vegetables are mostly fiber and fiber is literally indigestible thougheverbeitso
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I can only try my best. A queen like she hulk deserves a hard working servant
What does nakadashi mean?
wait until you find out whats in bread, granola and most dietary cereals
I went bald from the stress of having to get up at 4 am to catch a school bus
Gonna take a shower right now. You should too stinky.
why tf were you going to school at 4 in the morning
He never had the makings of a varsity assassin…
Orange peels, oranges, 40 cups of raisins or toothpaste, ethanol, bottle of wine or something, thistle root
Cummings insides
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>is that....an easily digestible vegetable full of antioxidants? YUM
I like cabbage
I accept your concession
Gonna clean the house to pretend all is under control
I had to catch the bus at 5:30 to get to school on the other side of town
ur still black and in france
nothing is under control
I don't eat any of that meme garbage either
if I eat bread it's white, and explicitly used as caloric filler
Can't be fucked to cook
Post that gif of the woman who starts crying after they ask her to eat a tiny cabagge
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this nigga really bragging about eating wonderbread
Oh, I see that tag a lot but never knew what it meant thanks.
Coming from a jeet with mental issues that's rich
1:30 and i still have not been outside yet
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Reminder that all lettuce haters are brittle boned tubs o' lard with early stage alzheimers
That was a Brussels sprout
Too early, and glowing desu
Do not use
Dissolve 300mg of diacetylmorphine in spinach stew, boil it until the spinach floats, scoop out the bottom part, dissolve it in tequila, Guam gum, ferment the spinach with it, after pouring in 150g of salt
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Boil it in sand (spinach is 70% water)
nice selfie
nice selfie
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>nice selfie
lil janny hotpockets fuming
Thank you jannies
the only good lettuce is romaine (and spinach if that counts)
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It's crazy what /cum/ has no problem with versus the shit you guys have banned me for
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jason is called a retard and a pedo on a daily if not hourly basis
shut it nigga
Here's anotha one
Give it up leaf
Get fucked
nice one dumbass
h-he's fast...
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i love love love this apu
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Feet after 10 days of 30000 steps a day
Leaf! Leaf! Leaaaaaf!
must... resist... urge... to argue.... with strangers... on INTERNET
Why? As long as you remain calm and charitable, arguing on the internet is awesome. You get to discuss topics that you can't irl
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Because.....its unique
it's fruitless, you're not changing anyone's mind, least of all the person you're arguing with
the best you can hope for is that they just stop responding, and even then it's more likely they're quitting out of boredom than concession
so is driving a car, retard, pffft

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