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"wisteria hysteria" edition

NZ First
spilled beer all over my chest and arm
Well back at my house I got a California king okay maybe it's a twin bed
i have literally NOTHING going on
the fuck is a california king
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same, it's okay
a really, really big mattress size
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>tfw no gf (ever)
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Found this absolute gem. Truly amazing.
I'll give YOU a real big mattress
thanks but i already sleep on a king mattress, leaves room for my pillows and stuffanimals
Why do you tell people it's okay? Who are you to decide that?
How do you cope with all of it?
you don't have to be uniquely qualified to give sympathy to someone, i just do it because i hope it makes you feel better that someone else shares your pain. that's it
this song is annoying
He’s right, it’s ok
I don't. Not like I have much choice in the matter anyway.
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lately, i haven't been coping, i've been completely engulfed by my problems, and the relief only comes when i'm too exhausted to care anymore
I dont
Do you know that we Americans own a territory in the far pacific called Saipan?
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Hey bummies, youtube has been recommending some top tier schizo kino lately.
I don't know if their algorithm cyborg changed something but I've been finding a bunch of neat stuff

This girl is warning you of demon mold

This one is having a break down about a sinister conspiracy involving her murdered family member

drug addict

trailer trash

evil magic warning

Post more neat stuff. Also Ale if you're there post those dancing dogs
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looks okay
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Looks at that, purest gem. It's embarassing how far 4channel has fallen compared to these 'jak enthusiasts.
It was pretty tough taking it from the Japanese in WW2
I think now they have casinos there, and nice beaches of course
what mouthwash does cum use. recommend me something so my mouth doesnt smell like a decomposing corpse just 3 hours after waking up
A lot of gook, taiwanese, and jap qt's go there on vacation
As of right now, the sharty seems to be in a pretty bad state, though I can't imagine it's worse than here. You have to solve some gay captcha just to access the site now
i prefer stuff that doesn’t have alcohol in it . i think i have some cinnamon listerine or colgate right now.
oh no...
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Recently it keeps crashing too. A shame considering the OC they are putting out. I didn't even get to download all the fresh stuff after the 'incident'
i have a feeling everything is falling apart
i like face tattoos on women but not men
Good lord.
Statistically you are more likely to be killed by a mcdouble or a car not a gun or illegal immigrant
Peoples political priorities are brain dead in this country
sense of impending doom is a pretty common feeling in people with anxiety disorders
are you in a safe place right now
insulting the mcdouble as an american is a disgrace
The tribal ones on women are hot
ay bro same! aw no way we have a vibe haha
Who the fuck is getting killed by sandwiches
Are you referring to obesity, because that's a retarded way to do it
used to be you could get a mcdouble off the dollar menu
lets leave the cheeseburgers out of this.
none of it is racist, stop trolling
I am. Everything seems to be going downhill, not excluding my life
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the mcdouble crime statistics just mcdoubled in the last 5 years
Everything is moving, everywhere, all the time
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Racism = funny
funny = good
therefore, racism = good
Amerifats have no self control and the market economy for cheeseburgers is perfectly happy to arm them with the burger they will kill themselves with
spilled beer on myself

some of you guys live in despair and it's obvious you never watched Meet the Robinsons (2007)
do you feel like you're losing agency over your own life? like the decisions you're making don't really effect the outcome of stuff anymore? feeling powerless sucks
>The McDonald crime family
UNO reverse, chink
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You have a jeet president. All your opinions are meaningless until you correct this.
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>My statistics makes the rapes and murders not happen
if i didnt care about getting fat i would eat a bacon mcdouble, some fries and a 4pc nugget right now
i watched that movie as a child and even at my young age i recognized the sense of humor as lame
finna take a nap cause the wagecage starts in 6 hours. ill post when i take my first break. cya
pretty much.
/cum/ - dangerous cheeseburgers edition
More people should be dying of obesity and car accidents than murder, if it was the other way around it would be too late to fix it
America is always gonna be a shithole because they always scapegoat immigrants instead of actually addressing any problems lmao
i was at the wendys yesterday and earlier today. shit was so cash. if a baconator kills me ill die smiling
Such as the mcdouble murders of '08
That did happen within walking distance of the border
i struggle with this too, and the only thing that ever helped me feel like i was making progress was controlling what i could control, and making small (as small as just folding laundry) changes that compound slowly over time until you can look at your life and see actual changes that you yourself purposefully made. the hard part is sticking too it for long enough to see those changes. i'm just yapping but this helps me
But is Wendys more, or less dangerous than the McDonalds mafia?
if you werent broke and fat, you mean
cheeseburgers are the lifeblood of america(and canada)
>little sister pretends to be disgusted by brother masturbating and leaving his trash full of cum tissues but she secretly takes them to sniff
sneed or keep this concept?
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>Americans still get to eat all the goyslop they want
>meanwhile it's become comically overpriced here
you cannot svffer in America
be careful i talked bad about wendys online one time and wendy came to my house and set my car on fire and left threats on my garage door in spraypaint if i did that again
stfu jason, you gay ass hillbilly
Wendys violent and unpredictable?
McDonalds, cold and calculated? Ronald would be one of those old mob types I bet.
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Grow up already.
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>some mexicant is seething itt cause he's butthurt he doesn't want to live in mexico cause it sucks
I was too depressed and avoidant in college and I probably missed out on doing a lot of cool shit and meeting a lot of great people. Instead I got high in the woods alone and walked back to my dorm room to watch anime and shitpost. I did make a few friends but most of my socialization was wandering into parties thrown by friends-of-friends, then getting drunk while talking to the minimum number of people, then leaving.
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Whomst've do you mean?
uh oh big bro…
Nostalgic boomers shouldn't be allowed to vote. They're such fucking retards, it's insane. They seriously think that their flyover small-town shithole in Ohio or wherever the fuck else has a realistic chance at somehow magically going back to how things were half a century ago. Never mind that the median age back then was half of what it is now, never mind that they themselves were young and healthy then instead of disgusting old bald diabeetus-afflicted lardasses, never mind that they themselves are responsible for much of the mess (e.g. white flight and suburban sprawl). They really think that fucking Jackson Ohio is magically going to revert back to their rose-colored fantasy idea of what it was (which it never really was, since nostalgia is a misleading poison).
jack instalock for the weird moveset
It makes me extremely nervous that politics are becoming more interesting both locally and internationally.
Nothing-ever-happenscels been real quiet lately
i need to get out of this place i hate everyone and everyone hates me
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Found this video, did you guys know witches are actually real?
Nothing ever happens locally
nothing ever happens fans when more and more things keep happening and there's no putting the genie back in the bottle
Idealistic Zoomers shouldn't be allowed to vote. They're such fucking retards, it's insane. They seriously think that their fent shithole city on the coast or wherever the fuck else has a realistic chance at somehow magically going back to how things were half a century ago. Never mind that the median age back then was half of what it is now, never mind that they themselves were not even born then instead of disgusting tranny afflicted lardasses, never mind that they themselves are responsible for much of the mess (e.g. supporting mass immigration and radical feminism). They really think that fucking San Fransisco is magically going to revert back to their rose-colored fantasy idea of what it was (which it never really was, since nostalgia is a misleading poison).
Imouto nakadashi and marriage!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont hate you. i couldnt care less.
he doesn't need to be playing out in the street
i don't hate you
I'm not a zoomoid, nor an idealistic coastie.
you gotta rub me the right way
't 'm
watching a very shitty blaxploitation film
Alternate Dark Ronald skin for the real saltybet veterans out there
I don't think there has ever been a non-shitty one
Speaking of, there seems to be a whole world of nutty black girls communicating with God directly on youtube
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>Petey Wheatstraw
Never even heard of this
holy shit that jawline, the lord gave her so much but the plan stays extra mysterious
Not watching whatever that degen shit is you cretin
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NEED an Aryan AOC gf
Really strong sensation of pure ethanol going down my nose into my body and I feel the oedema
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South Korea in the 1950's
Why is there the sensation of methane gas
Whoa, she would be so much hotter like that
If I die then gg I guess you won
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why do they look so different now
The mistake was.adding acetate to the ammonia if it dissolved into the air and I think has fucked with my blood sugar levels as I feel the same as I do after eating too much pizza. Interesting that it is the opposite arm to the other problem
As.well as my arm ache and cough, pounding headache on one side.of my head there is also
i'm losing my life savings on the stock market
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Plastic surgery is so extensive in East Asia they literally changed their racial archetype in the eyes of the world.
Invest in Krispy Kreme
then stop doing that
I never fully understood the cars which drive around all of the houses outside and away without stopping
You sound lazy. Have you considered, y'know... GETTING a JOB??
drinking milk
they need to be exposed
hell yeah
it's because they are afraid of being hurt so they use irony as a defense mechanism to never let anyone close so they don't get hurt
We have salts in the dish
Poor bastards. Sincerely.
> Have you considered, y'know... GETTING a JOB??
shut the FUCK up, shekelburg
enjoy anon
you should get some oreos to have with it if you're doing just plain milk instead of strawberry
I mean everyone sorta knows this implicitly except for teenaged kpop fan schizos
I'm glad I ate brown bread earlier when I smelled acetate
I want to go to the shop when it opens to buy sammich
Lucky I had 1.5g of salt todau
True. You can't let anyone get close, never let your guard down. Hunans are scum and will abuse you.

You can find companionship with animals.
> "never let anyone close so they don't get hurt"
> on an ANONYMOUS image board
i do agree with the irony poisoning though. a lot of people don't even know they do it.
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it's strawberry this time.
If I had the tubing for it then I would put soap on burning hot metal and bubble it into the solution
I'm back at a comfortable place now because something is making me sneeze and I've worked with chemicals like that already, and if I only smelled the other chemical because I stopped smelling something else (im still sat up), then it's at least because something is present
Is the market down right now or something? I don't really pay attention to it.
people like and want to spend time with sincere, genuine people. you attract more flies with honey than vinegar. you don't have to relegate yourself to being a crazy cat lady
i was talking more in general but yeah you're right that's dumb
it's easy to be a snarky butthole but it doesn't make people like you
nice nice us strawberry milk people will rule the earth one day
Finally found that dancing dog video
me on the right
Different boiling points in atmospheric temperatures is interesting
Normiefags don't get it because they don't have souls. Only "reprehensible deplorables" get it. Cat ladies are just another breed of failed normalfag.......
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It's interesting how much women seethe towards blonde hair blue eyed women
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like this exact sentiment is alway directed at blondes specifically
it's not all that interesting, it's normal to be jealous of your betters.
you shouldn't dehumanize people and say they have no soul because they aren't the same as you. have faith in your fellow man. you're not a reprehensible deplorable you're just a normal dude just like your neighbor across the street
Why doesn't she date Asian men?
Because it's never been so over
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>tfw theres a pipe bomb in the shitter
Hating myself is a core part of my being
If I don't hate myself, I don't exist
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>your betters
you're under arrest for racism
>I was never the girl guys were lining up to date
yeah cuz ur mid and look like a pain in the ass
blaming it on racial preference is stupid
I was chosen for jury duty a week ago. During the trial, I found myself taking a substantial amount of notes, to the point that other jurors made jokes about how many pages of the notepad I had used by the end of the trial. During deliberation we agreed on a verdict for the minor charges within 2 hours, relatively easily. But at a certain point we arrived at a standstill on the final charges, which seemed to be the most consequential. 3 jurors believed he was guilty and the other 9 believed there was not enough evidence to consider him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. What followed was 5 hours of me literally reading through all of my notes, which I now feel like were heavily biased in favor of the prosecution. By the end of those 5 hours, there was one juror left that still believed the defendant was not guilty for that charge. We wrote a letter to the judge that we didn't know what to do. The judge returned another note simply saying "continue to deliberate." We were obviously getting tired of deliberating and by the end of that final 8th hour we all arrived at a guilty verdict. When the verdict was being read to the court, I was certain I did the right thing. A bad person was going to go to jail for the bad things he did. But as they began to read the verdict of all charges I noticed the state attorneys look visibly shocked, almost as if they couldn't believe they had pulled it off. Meanwhile, the defendant began to sob loudly. Louder than I've ever heard anyone cry. It felt like he genuinely believed he did nothing wrong. I don't know how to describe it, and I know it's anecdotal unsubstantial evidence, but the way he was crying it just felt like I had done something deeply wrong. It occurred to me how biased my notes were, and the fact that I never really attempted to heavily consider the flaws in the prosecution's evidence. I had unconsciously decided the verdict from the moment I entered jury selection. I don't even know what to do. I feel horrible.
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Is this the plot to 12 Angry Men?
I've never seen it
>sent an innocent man to jail through pure autism
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Good morning my friends!
kys creep
do they smell good
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And an especially good morning to you, my always-angry friend :)
have you taken any upskirt photos
Seconding this because I want to know
Unless they’re sluts or have jobs which require being sexy, they tend to not smell like much of anything. Maybe some sweat and shampoo.
Absolutely not and I never would.
thats lame i expected them to smell like heaven
Then find a slut. Perfumes/air fresheners/etc aren’t as common because people rather keep something clean than try to cover up a nasty smell.
Hell, the vast majority of Japanese don’t even use/need deodorant because they lack the gland that makes everyone else smell like shit.
why? you're already taking creepshots
He's just saying that for legal purposes
He should have typed wink wink at the end of his post
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Candids aren’t creepy
Taking a picture of a chubby teenager's knee is about as creepy as it gets
Definitely not what I was taking a pic of
he won't listen he's a scumbag he will always find some way to justify his disgusting behavior
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Anon there’s no reason for such vitriol.
Please enjoy the natural beauty of this hard-working train girl.
what if that was your daughter that he was taking pictures of
Nobody in this thread has a daughter you pearl clutching faggot
drunk and I need to pee
that one dude on the job site with a squeaky clean hard hat
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I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
cringe pasta
based pasta
Good morning
please dont drink
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please drink
Good morning. It's too early to be drinking!
*puts caution tape around the word dont*
Good morning! Having some shochu and talking to my /cum/buddies
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Congratulations. Mr. Fontaine, you got a son.
He was born yesterday at 12:22.
How did you not know about this?
>Empathy deficit: People unable to put themselves in the shoes of the others

is this you? imagine defending creepshots
/cum/ is a PROUD alcoholics general
And still nobody has ever refuted this
please don't tell me you took this photo in your car and you're about to drive
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>It's too early to be drinking!
why do you care? how does it affect you?
My bad. Last sip before clocking in.
Love you lad, may happiness find your door
>imagine defending creepshots
nigga I do not give a fuck, cry some more
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Done with the commute already. Last day before going on summer break.
Have a lovely day king
it's wrong, and i feel the need to say something because it's so abhorrent. it's really that simple
It's almost six o'clock.
Time to get down to your local MERCEDES dealer and ask about test driving the new MERCEDES.
piotr, its 10:30 at night
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>it's wrong, and i feel the need to say something because it's so abhorrent. it's really that simple
It's okay, we're gonna drive there.
In the new MERCEDES.
the entire appeal of creepshots is the fact that the subject would not approve if they were aware. attempting to justify it makes it weird.
You may have put an innocent person behind bars. Is there anything you could do?
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>some girl who basically looks like hundreds of millions of others because she’s at an unidentifiable angle is in a photo posted by some rando on the other rise of the planet
You understand that for a person to genuinely be upset about this, they must have basically nothing to legitimately be upset about.
It isn’t empathy, my friend, it’s boredom mixed with wishing you had a real cause.
Here’s an actual slut for you. Surely you don’t need to feel bad for her.
kys disgusting animal
there's nothing to justify and no one to justify it to because no one cares that feminine ass niggas got their feelings hurt
is this jap nibba the new goshcel?
Brit chemist what are you making
hes not japanese hes an international pedophile who travels to take pictures of children
No one is hurt.
so he's basically the privileged version of goshcel
my dad said the trump speech today was "retarded and boring" but i didnt watch it so idk
I used to go to a local McDonald’s all the time but one day I had to take a shit so I went into the bathroom and shit but then there wasn’t toilet paper so I had to call the restaurant from inside the bathroom stall and ask if they can bring me toilet paper but the guy thought it was a prank call and just laughed at me and hung up so I called back and asked if I could talk to the manager and she said she’d send someone to check so an employee came in the bathroom and started coughing and said “damn y’all done fucked it up in here! I got yo toilet paper!” and slid it under the door so I wiped my ass and came out but then the manager approached me and said she was sorry and asked if I wanted a free burger and I asked if I could have it to go but she said no so I sat there and ate my free double cheeseburger.
he did the right thing
He ain't Jap, and goshcel is a character (You) play, schizo friend
How can you make such a ludicrous claim with zero evidence?
mr worldwide
soooooooo, goshcel has changed flags once again.
>How can you make such a ludicrous claim with zero evidence?
It's just virtue signaling. Don't like someone? Call them the worst thing you can think of.
>international pedo
Lmao holy shit this dude is making me out to be like some sort of creepy James Bond. I’m gonna have to get “international pedo” on a business card.
documenting all your pictures and waiting for you to slip up so i can report you to the proper authorities
nigga are you retarded hes been posting pictures of childrens feet and legs hes been taking for weeks now
no, goshpdo cant afford to go to japan
LMAO what a faggot
kys disgusting hairy ape
Far as I can tell they are pictures of public places that incidentally have people in them
see >>199912311
>posting pictures of children
not children. again. just virtue signaling.
i meant he got rid of his mex vpn
kys as well
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>hate these photos so badly that you literally build a personal library of them
Dude… cmon are you really? Please post your thumbnail folder. I’ve got to see this.
Goshcel self deported and had a melt down in the airport when they wouldn't let him back in to the USA with no visa
member when JapPedo said he wans taking pictures of regular thigns, and yet every single pciture is of an unsuspecting woman?

it REALLY makes you think
nigga I don't remember asking

As you can see, >>199912367 is meant to be a seat on a bus. But she got in the way and ruined my pic.
imagine being proud of being a creep and wearing it as a badge of honor
you are a truly reprehensible person and you will see jail time
Can't tell if you're retarded or putting on an act.
You don’t seem to understand that jail time requires a crime to have been committed.
damn what kind of spergout is going on in here
same person
creepshots are a crime in japan weird fag
disgusting monkey taking creepshots sits on a moral high horse and people rightfully call him out on it
lmao calm down spergy
>people rightfully call him out on it
You don't actually care. You are not authentic.
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late night workout!
late night shower!
kafka's metamorphosis!
think i'm developing a bald spot on the crown of my head but i can't see it to verify so i will simply put it out of my mind
Nah. Privacy laws are pretty clear and literally nothing I’ve posted violates them.
you don't know me
>Cameras are always on and recording
>Wherever you are in public
AIIIIEEEEEE Why is society full of CREEPS
retarded take
Just bummed myself out by looking up the Canadian Overwatch characters, it's bad enough to question whether the devs actually hate us
what characters are canadian
Not an argument. You may not question anything the government does but that is not a real basis of morality.
whoa whoa whoa watch who you callin monkey wite boi
Went to the local hippy/granola co-op grocery store, bought my ten dollar part-ownership
Bought lots of fresh local produce and a lions mane mushroom to try
Stuttered in front of the cashier and was a nervous wreck but it's ok
Bought toothpaste and freezy pops from the Walgreens nearby
Didn't stutter this time
Went home cooked up my steak and steamed some vegetables
Drank wine and ate some local sourdough with my meal
Now chilling with my cat, getting drunk, listening to ccr, and playing guitar badly
Hell yes I love America
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I think a character in the isekai I'm reading is going to die and it's making my eyes water. Enough good characters have died you piece of shit eleven don't kill her she deserves happiness you fucking nigger piece of shit
completely unrelated tangent
I accept your concession.
to be fair, you need to have an astronomically low IQ to read Isekai
poop in pants that's fnuny
Are you asking what it is? Anyways it doesn't matter and the Canadian characters are one that came dead last in a popularity poll and the second latest character that is considered a flop and destined for a similar fate.
That covers 80% of /cum/mers, to be fair
currently farting
better'n shartin
me thinks gen z is fucked
I miss my dad so much
I miss those nights when I was still living there and we'd drink his cheap 3 dollar gallo family red blend and we'd just talk about life and the future
Some of our best arguments were nights like that, drunk off his darling gallo family. I remember crying on my 18th birthday after one of our fights and I remember talking about AI before it was really present in our lives and I remember talking about religion and I remember the new years my best friend ditched me hanging with my dad drinking our cheap red wine and talking about nothing
Now he lives in Idaho and I see him rarely and he doesn't drink much since his mom got cancer
I'm sorry Dad for not being enough like you. I've wasted my early adulthood and failed out of college just like you but I haven't been partying like you. I'm 21 and I've never had a full time job and I can't commit to anything and despite the little you you've seen in me I don't think I'll ever be you
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las plaga
At least I got to game
Just fuck him already
I feel like life is over already, nothing else to do but ride it out to the end
Now why would you say that?
I had a chance to get a girlfriend and I said no because she was pretty weird/deranged. When I've done this in the past I would often regret it but this time I feel confident. I'm only going to get more attractive from here, there's literally no reason to tolerate women who are weird and can't let me be myself
>can't let me be myself
Only the weird ones want you to be yourself, normie women want to mold you into whatever their friends/tiktok told them is acceptable
hearing some mice moving around
wypipo on quora be like
Ok ill bite
Hank hill FUCKED his wife
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seriously who fuckin asked
Getting tired of lying in bed with my eyes closed for two hours, might just say fuck it and do something
He probably said bwah when he came and Peggy said ho yeah when he fucken drooled his gunk into her
how about going on an incelwalk?
finna goon
Why does having wealth make you want more?
It's toxoplasmosis really so bad if it gives you motivation and reduces your fear? I think it's mutually benefiting symbiosis at that point
Most white people don't look like upper middle class country club dwellers
And it's goneee

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