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"idyllic garden" edition

Booba Anne Hathaway
I made a few calls. Called in a few favors. We wont be seeing that anon from now on.
There is a janny on cum right now
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janny is back to deleting new threads one post early I see
About to press send talk me out of it
you are losing money by not buying that thing right now dude
is janny the autism poster from last thread? many people are saying he is, very autistic folks. Very autistic!
you're a dope. you're a douchebag. you're a jerkoff
I'm actually very likeable once you get to know me
we have at least 2 sorta regular ones in here as far as I can tell
thinking of doing something racist with my facial hair a fu manchu or something of that variety
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oooh you're showing your iq now
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Oh I've had that happen a few times where I'm walking and a girl just kinda smiles while passing. I guess I'll try saying "good afternoon" next and see how that turns out.

You would NOT catch me doing it for free. I know my posts last thread were goofy. I'm willing to take the clowning if it's part of working on my avoidant behavior and social anxiety.
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DAE realize they’re happy and then 2 nanoseconds later get the thought “I should k1ll myself”? Something about being content triggers anxiety in me. Maybe because I know happiness is fleeting and suffering frequent.
Is there something wrong with me or is this a common thing?
no jannies during the buttpoo spam, tons of jannies when the thread is actually alive.

>You would NOT catch me doing it for free
well you're doing better than the cleanup crew at least, so you've got that going for you. many autisms can't understand nuance. I bring this up for no reason whatsoever.
dea hea
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remember when 4chan was obsessed with this girl?
A 4chan ce sta 'na Janny
La pugno mia ce tuzzulea.
'Nu filo addora 'int'a 'na testa,
Passa Mountain Dew sul keyboard
A 4chan ce sta 'na Janny
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It's also really suspicious when someone is posting literal porn and it's up for hours but another poster says something mean to an anon and the reply disappears in a minute...
I remember the first day.
being lazy is the cross i have to bear
Oh yeah. Ainu or inu or itsu or some shit
I could never forget whether it's a girl or not
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Anzu is still the queen of /int/
That facial abuse webm where Anzu was visibly uncomfortable was odd
You were there at Creation ? Wow. What was it like? I heard it was wicked hot
I never saw it, link?
Melania kissed his ear for us bros... those were our lips
i wonder if she knows about this place
Everybody got mad when they saw her with her bf
I remember the day of my birth
It's been like 15 years, I'm sure someone's mentioned it to her
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imagine eating this good
I remember your birth too, your mother was hysterical. But that was the proudest day of my life.
he’s lying, if such a video existed we would already know it
from your lips to gods ear my friend
yes. i also suspect the janny doesn't really leave cum much unless he has to cause the thread is a disaster and then we get threads deleted for being one post early
>What was it like?
Hard to explain. You just had to be there.
I'm not a hoarder but I do have a bunch of random junk. My mother HAS to be a hoarder she always says she has no money but then she sells stuff she gets from thrift stores in a monthly garage sale and the rest of the time its just strewn about the backyard an extra room and the living room
wait so she's like mid thirties now? wtf
Id imagine so. Did the world really begin on a Tuesday like I heard?
need to fix desuarchive first. also it wasn't porn it was some brown handed man squeezing Anzu's cheeks roughly and touching
well she is a turkey so it would make sense if she were getting manhandled by turkeys
Time has this habit of, you know, passing and shit. But she's only 27
Yes. It was actually called Chewsday back then, but that’s another story.
Her boyfriend the Mexican dragon ball z fan.

"Nah man I just watch old anime"
Man, I bet you got some wild stories, huh? Id love to hear one sometime
she has been in interracial before
Her boyfriend is a long haired Asian dude with a ponytail
wait did she do porn?
i believe you have correctly interpreted the sarcastic and facetious humor of his post. congratulations anonymous.
long time ago
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>good stories
Less than you’d think. I spend most of my time trying to destroy an alien rock and the old man defending it.
Don't besmirch the name of Queen Anzu you sub-verbal australopithecine. How dare you. Mongrel.
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if you're gonna be an e-girl I think it's best (financially) to go the Belle Delphine route and don't do porn as long as you can.

then once interest starts to wane you do the only fans.
Boutta eat some Costco chicken wings
enjoy anon
Got a whipped cream pizza in the oven
im happy hope youre happy too
im trying to have a good day today so bad
Ashes to ashes, funk to funky
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he is so talented
How can we make money from this
i lost respect for belle delphine when she started doing porn, up until that point i thought she was just hustling simps and not just a genuine whore
sell tickets for people to watch but make sure otner gets a cut of the sales because he’s the reason for the show it’s his talent
1-3 Minecraft
4-6 wow
7-9 hentai
0 shower
Bintu from Moncton is my Fido representative helping me today.
fuck that you ought to show nibba
eating me phish food pint
Don’t like that retard ITT
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I already jacked it to hentai today
has the outage affected me?
dont think so
I'm gonna shower and fap now, then play Minecraft and listen to the Mike Enoch debate on Night Nation Review later.
shouldn't you fap and then shower
how common is this in the United States of America?
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Haven't opened my Windows laptop for a few weeks. Is it fucked?
You live in America
why am i always feverish and sick to my stomach and why do i get headaches all the time. do i have cancer
I'm not suggesting anything about my IQ

I don't think a person's likeability is determined by their IQ
I fap in the shower
>do i have cancer
extremely unlikely
How many states have you been to
It's a business. I do security and there are dudes that come and try to bait unschooled officers into hitting them or something by filming and refusing to leave. They can make hundreds of thousands of dollars off of one bad interaction, it's a business
go jerk off to star trek
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i am going to drink simply orange orange juice for dinner
what's the context here
California, Colorado, Nevada, Georgia, Hawaii, Alaska, NY, Washington State, Oregon, Nebraska, Texas, Arizona a bunch of those ones in the middle when I took a Greyhound bus to ny
better than listening to nick fuentes like you used to I guess
Pretty much all of them from Massachusetts to Florida
he wasn't following proto
who is this man
wish those chicken wings lasted longer
you visited many of the most boring states what's up with that
WA that's it.
How do you go to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands before Hawaii and tons of other states?
fedsmoker, a retired double agent
Civil War-boo, I like visiting the battlefields
I went on Caribbean cruise that stopped at a half dozen different islands
oh well that makes sense then
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I wish my cat had homophobia too!
fuck you
i'm making mad gains with my jelking routine

you need to eat something too you cant run off just oj
I will never visit your dirty country
it's not fair that i dont have gigantic tits on my face right now
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just fact checked it and this proves you are wrong because the pulp is food adjacent.
What's your area code
you fucking moron
blithering fool
what's your address
Fuentes kinda fell off, and I never fully agreed with him anyway. I agree with Peinovich a lot more and I like him more.
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thats just a picture of you that isnt proof of anything
I don't watch that

You're a genuinely stupid cunt
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1000 Colonial Farm Road
Langley, Virginia
The estability and relative safety of a regular internet user makes it dificult to process and understand the full impact and repercutions of his/her actions because he/she doesn't have the immediate feedback and physical repercutions that a "real life scenario" provides. Thus they don't feel too bad when they commit crimes or cause someone else to do it from their clean and quiet rooms.
The reality check comes too late when the police knocks at the door... when it happens.
Buckingham Palace
7th street
i will be there
ZOOM Box 350
Boston, Mass
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500
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oh really, well post your snopes article fact checking my fact check then.
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What vidya have you guys been playing lately?
1932 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98101
I used to live on 2nd Ave West.

not in seattle thoughever
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Tell my gatekeeper that you are "The Moon" and have an important meeting with me.
Dark Souls 3
quit posting incel garbage here
Crusader Kings 2 Game of Thrones mod
Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story
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and what if i dont? you're gonna cry and piss and shit in your pants?
I don't play video games because I'm not a fat gay retard incel.
keep posting insightful infographics on here
sims 4 mostly lately
>went to vancouver
>didn't pop on down to washington
tsk tsk tsk
whats your full name
I'm doing my second playthrough of the whole tony hawk series from 2x, trying to 100%* (* all goals all golds, fuck gaps + all characters)
also started playing NFS from underground 1 and I'm gonna play through them all from there
chris p bacon
Tariq Monteiro
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Mamma Mammi
Jayquariavious Washington
Donald John Trump
and credit card number?
Jared Fogle
Don Keedic
i just use checking
Zip Doogle
Have you actually been to DC?
I went for a field trip in middle school
>another shit ton of replies for no good reason
I went for a field trip in high school
I went for a field trip in middle school
I don't have plans to ever go to DC. Seems like a boring shithole
No, and I'll never go to that crime ridden democrat-run nigger shithole.
I have an uncle who lives in Arlington, 5 minutes walk to the metro
we had a field trip in middle school but i didn't go because it was expensive
yeah when i was a kid. we were on a road trip to boston and we stopped and saw everything in DC all in one day
4000 4351 7382 2812
exp 04/29
ccv 094
Henry VIII, King of England
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Yellowkniflifax VGH.....
i'm a young healthy stud but for some reason women don't seem interested
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I'm watching house of the dragon I think it's good I like it
I saw that last month, it was pretty kino
for me it's edmontinnipeg
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is it as good as GoT early seasons
Edmontinnipeg sounds like it would be a hellhole
absolutely. maybe even better in some parts.
i hate anyone who is smarter, taller, more talented, or more interesting than i am
you must be absolutely filled with hate then
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What's your most prized possession?
Mine is my metal gear mug.
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stop replying to every shitpost
ok I won't
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my grandfathers' watch and ring. i could not put one over the other.
my parents went on top of it in 2000
thank you
my vinyls
>stop replying to every shitpost
i am not attached to objects
i am attracted to objects
Homer Simpson
women are objects
im also attracted to women
sex with adult females
i am attracted to the eyes of women when we're walking on, say, a nature trail
what do you do for work
i like men and women for different reasons
Please let us gang bang Marge!!
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'ove me the good ol' U S A, 'imple as.
>1 year off
I’m soda pressed
that's not based
*secretly googles la pesadilla de homero*
my uncle was staying at the marriott at the wtc the day it got destroyed. but he was out seeing the statue of liberty
are you not an object that exists in the world?
i mean yeah i exist but people are more than just objects we have aspirations and ideas and emotions
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I didn't know it was in a museum in New York

Not very fair that you've taken our historical artefacts
speak for yourself
no wonder these guys fall for the programming socks meme
family guy simpsons orgy
18 and over sexual fantasies
everybody looking so gorgy
quagmire standing up on top of the bed jaggin off conducting the sexual fornications
peter suck marge
homer lick lois
with springfield quohag
s - quag
sexual congregation
one boyfriend-free girl please
gonna fap to joi now
I stink, I smell sour, this is such a weird scent, probably from consumption, and I can't shower until later because I have some yardwork to do and I don't want to shower twice, it's too hot to work now, and I worked an hour in the morning and then had to take a nap immediately after.
who's Joi? these le quirkin chungus misspellings are starting to really get my goat
That one kinda sucks actually
There are more tho
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it's a bladerunner reference
i guess you just have to accept being a stimky boy for a little while before you can get your yard work done
what is the cost of lies
My favorite category.
t. advanced coomer
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the implication indeed
jerkoff instructions
I was born when the soviet union still existed and there was 2 germanies
go on
oh dear
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I was born after 9/11
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me in two months desu
alright unc
Took a shower and fapped. Feel kinda tired now, might go to bed(7pm) and read isekai
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everyone must accept it
i can only beat the 250 rank bot in chess.com
it has actually beaten me a couple times
you're not exempt btw
put those heinie cheeks away apu
i was like 1500 in chess. i spent my life playing games and the saddest part is i'm not even really good at any of them
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no. never.
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Ana de Armas is so fucking hot.
Why would you fap after a shower and not before?
im like 2000 in chess
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women are a meme, why do this to yourselves lmao
in the process of being hired as a supply teacher
starting in september
i love this picture
that's actually pathetic. here's your homework
what the fuck is a supply teacher
what's a hu?
>you have to compete with 232k men for a single girl
just be in the top 0.0004310344827586% bro
hook up
who asked
i thought you guys were against hook up culture isn't this exactly what you want
the teacher who shows up when your real teacher is sick, duh
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born to live free, forced to put on the suit
shhhhhh the normies ITT aren’t ready to hear this
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i think my pungent body odor might be caused by this toxic plastic air matress. back to sleeping on the floor
I couldn't do it in the shower, I need porn (and hence my phone) to cum. Can't bring my phone in the shower for obvious reasons.
love this video
i was worried he was gonna get stuck but he knows what hes doing there was no reason to worry
most phones are water resistant these days, but you need to use your imagination you prono addict
1. this is true for online dating, not real life
2. the bar for being a man that a woman would have sex with is a whole hell of a lot lower than you think
3. besides being above the abysmal grade of looking half decent while outside, it's literally a numbers game until you are dating
4. you should spend your energy considering whether you want to be dating in the first place, it's a money sink and if the goal is losing virginity you should know in advance it won't change anything about you
you have to let the shower run on super hot so the bathroom gets nice and sleepy and then jerk off into toilet paper so you can flush the mess down the toilet, then scrub a dub dub
what does it mean to mog someone
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go ahead and call me liar but I DONT CARE If i never have sex.
mog comes from "alpha male of group" so it is just a meme term to say you're better than them
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i walked 10 miles today and now i am sleepy. might go to bed soon.
you are telling the truth but they don't want to hear it
oh you're a substitute lul pretty much anyone can do that
I'm currently vocabmogging you by knowing what it means while you don't
I just jerk off into my undies in bed beforehand.
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Allow me to illustrate it for you. Left mogs right.
sleep tightly and carry a big z
i look like that
thanks im gonna start saying i mog people here
well im currently dressed mogging you because im putting on clothes and going to the pharmacy before they close right now
dont wanna go to work tomorrow. I think i quit
i got fan fucking TASTIC news for you if you work a typical 5 day workweek
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>well im currently dressed mogging you
I'm currently shirtless and wearing ripped shorts ergo furthermore hitherto physically mogging you
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perhaps i will sleep loosely and see how it goes
I dont dumbass
okay twist my good wishes again and u will sleep forever
think about that next time
i have terrible news for you
cum con sex con sexo con cum
sure, you still need a couple degrees here though
go on
'za for din din
i mean you are mogging me physically i am smaller than you but thats not the point the point is that i am almost fully dressed now and you are nakey
my fist ur chinchin (iykyk)
Pillsbury biscuits with eggs
Shitting right now
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>all alone
kinda true
my favorite aco is american dragon jack long and his mom but I can't find any websites that carry it anymore.
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webm related me vs you
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ummm ackshually MOG means when you see some (comparable) things and one is clearly better then it MOGS the others.

for instance right guy heightmogs the others, and chadmogs them

a dude being taller than a girl is not height mogging because that's not comparable

t. nerd
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*run circles around him while throwing rocks*
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