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the lads, edish
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canslad on the ropes
Canslad on the ropes
fuck off you pathetic 85 IQ pensioner
Canslad is #AllElite
Ropeslad on the cans
Just about to read a bit more of the Bible there before I go to bed. Can’t beat it lads.
trash. as usual. the only thing you posted that i downloaded was firefly receiver mix.
sweating like rorke's mum
downy at the store was teasing me for buying so much beer
so spaino is back on that special account I see

I suppose I'll take my leave again
I sincerely hope, with my heart of course, lads, that you all die.
Could someone PLEASE wank me off?
bottleslad is on the bottles

told you
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i AM racist lads
myeah, see?
*kicks a dog and makes it run off whimpering*
*slaps an old lady waiting at a zebra crossing*
*straightens tie and wanders off*
really i dont think either of us wants that
on a deep dive in classic youtube. remember that boxxee bird?
even me canslad?
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Cansgrandad seething
no one here likes you
some people like drinking so respond well to you saying cans, that's it
please do leave, forever
What the hell is Bottlesman doing in the Impact Zone?!
mad that americans have president named toilet lamp
canslad MELTDOWN
watching some youtube poop from like 10 years ago. great way to spend a friday night
ooh lads guess what it's me cansmong
I love cans
I'm 47 and a virgin
cans hahahaha
Gen z boss taking bbc
Gen z boss taking bbc
just watched your a wizard harry. held up alright desu
and we all hope you die
was really quite enamoured with boxxy back in the day
very very cute
If you don’t like a drink you’re not worth talking to
Says you, always flip flopping between being steaming and swearing off alcohol, calling it the devil
canslad is based
the spaincord is cringe
simple as that
fancy some pancakes but both my mixing bowls and all 4 of my frying pans need washing
you can fuck off and all
Only need to wash one bowl and one pan x
luv me fanta cans pepsi cans lemonade cans. simple as.
trip on you slimy toad
oi lad that's the idea
I love the cans since I'm cansmong
The devil is real unironically
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I don’t think Charli understands how many “straight male” fans she has

On a segment on Kiss’ YouTube channel she mentioned how she doesn’t have many straight male fans but I think she’s one of the main artists for “music nerds” (I’d put myself in this bracket) along with the likes of Carly Rae Jepsen, Lorde, Rina… basically the higher quality but slightly less mainstream side of pop.

I’m going to see her soon and I’ll be interested to see what the live demographic is. I expected mostly female for Foxes a few months back but it was more male than female.

Anyway, do you see this fanbase mostly as female and LGBTQ?
I rarely post here at all you mong. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve posted here in the past year. Why don’t you wind your neck in
oooooh oim flanslad
lads... flans?
>Anyway, do you see this fanbase mostly as female and LGBTQ?
Yes, obviously
You are bent
how do you say poo in your language
pseudotrips gimmickmongs absolutely desperate to be recognized
Black people in America? That doesn't work for me brother!
The people who attend her concerts are all girls and queers, but her music is mainstream enough that everyone, including normals listen to it. So she might have a skewed view of her audience
remember when we used to have to type noko in the email field
looking like payton preslee corrr
Might drive to a far off place and back
Nothing stopping me, is there?
Might learn something
saw carly and rebecca black and both times I was the only straight male at the venue
got NO honey bros
jobby (scots)
zoomers are already zealously shitting on alphoomers for their weird habits even though the very oldest alphoomers are like 11 and have yet to carve out any kind of noticeable shared personality besides being terminally online (but so are zoomers and even late millennials like myself
probably comes from years of millennichuds shitting on them and they can't wait to pass on the shit to the generation below them, it's our fault lads we've created a golem
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flanye west
100%. Who do you think is running the show
You just know some American runt made this, fucking faggot nation
this week's boris

>BORIS JOHNSON: Why I am more convinced than ever that Trump has the strength and bravery to save Ukraine and end this appalling war

How is Charli X or whatever her name is "high quality" pop?
always give me a giggle
stop making up words
Americans are all fucked in the head mate. Few sane ones along the east coast but that’s it.
gchq he's here
Thought that was a soft boiled egg. Sickened to recognise it was sugary shite.
it's not. it's absolute tripe
I say cans cause I love cans
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alri lads
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>Charli X or whatever her name
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when has a soft boiled egg ever been that shape you dopey pikey
Generations aren't real
you can stop now, i aint opening anymore of your shit house music. spam more of your AI shite then
>england chips and cheese
would think most people go for a kebab when they're drunk
Fucking hell
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you walk like a BITCH
Boring bastard, not reading all that
opinions are like anuses, everyone's got one (but some of them are covered in shit, like yours)
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american rubbish
what a freak
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Charlie Ex? Who the hell is this kid?
He's ex wise guy?
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I'm blonde
I'm skinny
I'm rich
and I'm a little bit of a BITCH
might watch some eckhart tolle videos and go to bed
wow it was that easy to fluster him kek
forgot that inside the icon
there's still a young girl from essex x
>I don’t think Charli understands how many “straight male” fans she has
1. it's not many
2. these fans would rather she gets her tits out and suck dick than make music
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It's not the cheese sauce nonsense that video shows, but cheesy chips, where it;s literally chips whith cheddar grated onto them is peak drunk walking home from a nightclub hoping to get your dick sucked snack
fuck off you bogan runt go fucking kill yourself you mong freak show
Americans are actually alright but this general and the media itself just present the rubbish. And by alright I mean actual white American Catholics. Decent people.
lads if i drink the juice that's in the tray after i roast a chicken is that the gelatin or is it just salty briney shite?
здpaвcтвyйтe Кpым anon
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its slightly avant garde and not overly sanitised like taylor swift
mad how half that show is basically just wop identity politics
half red wine half cranberry juice pretty refreshing tbqh
looks like elton john...you know...
And a 40 year old crone
looks like troye sivan farted on it
Corr kinky birch never known anyone into dressing up as the nutcracker
Thanks for your comment. Wait no one asked. Fuck off.
That’s just flavour. You can drink it or make a gravy out of it. No harm in either
It's mostly fat and salt, use it to flavour your roast spuds or make chicken yorkshire puddings. I advise against drinking it
No such thing
Catholics are all wogs and don’t belong here
Sad how much they make you seethe
gfberg's handwriting happens to look very similar to my handwriting, so either she has masculine handwriting or i have girl handwriting, either way i'm gay
wasnt directed at you, pipe down before you catch a stray
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so how do i get the gelatin? i want to look young forever xx
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вiтaю. luv me english banter that usa don't have. simple as.
You don’t belong there stupid Jew worshipping Presbyterian
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There are no American Catholics. America was founded by protestant degenerates
America is a protestant country. Catholics are illegitimate and should all be deported to Mexico.
new trailer for shrek 5?
The average American Catholic
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everyone just take a deep breath and chill out
You have to boil the bones of human children if you want it to have a meaningful impact
looks like it's been in james charles' bathroom
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used to just run from havel back in the day
Okay so what's good about it
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Presbyterians have been here longer than you freaks stay in your own countries and we’ll stay in ours
Faminoid whelp
get parried get parried get parried
Playing sex games on my steam deck made by the valve corporation
that sounds like chudtalk
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always makes me chuckle this
Presbyterians and the other cunts that wear magic underpants is nothing but cults. Delusion retard
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just doin this rap game for my daughta you know how we do baby and das wassup
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Go drink strychnine and talk in tongues stupid hillbilly
Give the land back to the natives
What on earth is that in the frame on the right
Gelatin is formed when collagen breaks down during cooking
Some of it goes into the drippings and some stays in the meat
You can make a gravy or other sauce with the drippings
It’s also delicious in salad dressings and as a simple sauce for pasta
If you want to get most gelatine out of the bird then you should simmer it in water to make a broth
Wooden Door Cinema Club
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taylor SHIT
that's how gelatin is made, it's collagen from bones dissolved in water
Oh no no no
Why are there Irish and pikeys posting in /brit/?
Nobody wants you lot here. Fuck off to /eire/.
You steal from the elderly if you think you’re a good representative of catholicism then you’re right as your church is nothing but wogbrained crooks and swindlers
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im such a mongy little freakazoid
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Nah, animal bones just don't have enough useable gelatin and myostatin to make meaningful gains in age reduction, compared to human bones
Mental how Y2K happened today
just got called a summerfag very nostalgic
Your imagination isn’t reality, but I suppose with you braindead yank Protestants it doesn’t matter. You’re all freaks.
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Being Nigerian in descent, Bem began his education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1991, along with students Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.[1] He was Sorted into the house of Gryffindor, but would not share a dormitory with the other known Gryffindor boys in his year.
girl at work was wearing her taylor swift eras tour t shirt today
No popery.
i mean the human children part

nice one so, if i drink the juices in the ray after roasting it i'm getting some extra geltin right?
and if i took the remaining carcass after carving it all up and boiled that, would i get extra?
She fit?
>He was Sorted into the house of Gryffindor, but would not share a dormitory with the other known Gryffindor boys in his year.
Bit problematic
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but what about cowbone those are hench?
Last I heard American protestants don’t even know what gender Jesus was, and that he was bisexual. And this is all coming from the mouth of some tranny pastor with pink hair. But muh pope cope
Wogwarts School of Bitchcraft and Niggerdry
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>Charles Carroll
potentially trans girl at toil had one on
Just went to A&E for cock reduction surgery and the A&E was FULL and there were over 40,000 nurses and doctors on staff. Even then it's a 17 year wait for care LOL. WHAT IS GOING ONNNNNN
didn't see what the big deal with toilet paper was back during the pandemic, you can always just hop in the shower and give your ringpiece a proper clean, unless you're out in public of course but public bog roll is too shitty for anyone to nick
If the robes turn white, this is an indication that the student has betrayed the Japanese wizard’s code and adopted illegal practices (which in Europe we call ‘Dark’ magic) or broken the International Statute of Secrecy. To ‘turn white’ is a terrible disgrace, which results in instant expulsion from the school and trial at the Japanese Ministry for Magic.

>To ‘turn white’ is a terrible disgrace, which results in instant expulsion from the school and trial at the Japanese Ministry for Magic.
shouldnt you be burning down Leeds you pikey scum?
for me? it's pooing.
You don't even need to wipe your bum toilet paper is a scam
This is him here actually
Got Look North on
thought that was tommy lee jones
Hospitals full of filipino nurses
I wonder where they all live
I only ever see them in hospitals

their accent is so harsh PANG PING TANG TONG TONG WING PAP PAP

very nice though
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Charli X just signed for a scene with blacked
kek that would be funny if they did stuff like that
I doubt it
nah, used to have a gay GP and he could fill up his entire office with the stench of what i assume was either the previous night's bumming or he'd taken a shit earlier in the day and not wiped enough
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lmao omds
Need to take a train next weekend but if all the computers stay packed up by then I'm buggered
mildly dislike Peter Levy tbwhyl
Look Depressed more like I remember it well BBC gives them zero funding
The drippings themselves are very fatty though, you may want to pour it into a glass and remove the fat from the top (don’t throw it out, it’s very flavourful and can be used in other cooking) so you’re left with the watery layer on the bottom
If you put that in a pan and heat it you can make it thicken into a gravy on account of the gelatine in it, that can then be added to the meat afterward to moisten it and flavour it
It’s even better to make a sauce with the defatted drippings and there are many different kinds also you can just make your own when you’ve done it enough
And yes take the carcass with as little meat left on it as possible and simmer (don’t boil) for a few hours to produce a broth
Chicken stock is made like this usually with the addition of aromatics (onion, carrot, celery, and herbs) but you don’t need to
rorke plucking out 0 3 5 on the e string
Why would I burn down Leeds for? I stayed in Leeds. The council were very nice to me and allowed us staying. It’s not my problem the subhumans down in harehills started breaking the place up. Ofcourse the faggot spineless police in England can’t do anything when it comes to their masters, the browns. I seen videos of them running kek. Fuckimg pathetic
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I'm wide awake, lyin' next to him and feel it all
I got a thirst for distraction that I can't take back
My fingers run through his hair
I'm grippin' at regrets
I put my mouth on his lips to taste

Breakin' your heart, split it in half
Told you it all (Told you it all)
Year and a half, are we in love?
I'll never know (I'll never know)
All that went wrong, what a mistake
I'll never change (I'll never change)
I can't escape all the voices and so I turn it up
Ever got a prostate exam off him?
My willy is so small it just looks sad
Probably leakage due to a cock-mangled chuffchute
god i would love that so much
Abrahamic religions are cancer but Catholicism is way more European in its nature than any of the others especially with its whole pantheon of saints. Protestantism is just boring and stale “no fun allowed” Judaism with jesus
oh and don’t forget to salt sparingly and taste as you go because it’s very easy to oversalt the sauce
Don’t add salt to the stock until you use it
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it's true
looks like a depressed vole
no, had him remove a melanoma from my knob once though, got a big battle scar on my johnson now
hey mikey ya fackin pikey buy us a pint would ya, ya good cunt
miss Harry Grasham
any Apostolic Majesty watchers in
it wasnt browns burning harehills it was your fellow gypsy subhuman scum
Not very Christian of you
seemed like more of a top to me, he was bearded and hairy and tall, actually he looked a lot like a younger jacob rees-mogg
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Okay, I know I've said that "Women's World" isn't my favorite comeback single of hers and has its flaws, which I still stand by, but the public is being WAY too harsh with Katy these last few days. Cancel Culture and Gen Z's new obsession with it is getting way too out of hand. All I had seen this weekend were videos hating on her and criticizing her, just pure hatred on this comeback. Now of course I understand she took risks with this song, both behind the scenes and in the public eye, but some of these videos be acting like she's murdered someone or something, and that song and video is absolutely disgusting!? Every pop girlie has been under scandal, but because it's Katy Perry they see her as an easy target and just bash on her, like they did with "Witness" - an era that made her feel s**cidal during her tour because of this exact same thing.

If you don't like the song, don't listen to it. If you don't like the lyrics, don't read them. If you don't like the video, don't watch it. If you don't like Katy, don't steam her. In other words, just leave the woman alone! The Katy hate train is so tiring now...
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alright mate thanks. i appreciate your replies
FAO: Aussies
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im not a christian im a catholic
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>Apostolic Majesty
wtf is this
just noticed something
bizarre statement
high iq content
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I think the apple's rotten right to the core
From all the things passed down
From all the apples coming before
I split the apple down symmetrical lines
And what I find is kinda scary
Makes me just wanna drive
(Drive, drive, drive, dr-dr-dr-drive, drive, drive)
(I'm gonna drive, gonna drive all night)
(I'm gonna drive, gonna drive all night)
(Drive, drive, drive, dr-dr-dr-drive, drive, drive)
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I've been thinking
>[The Monarchia Controversy: An Historical Study with Accompanying Translations of Dante Alighieri's "Monarchia", Guido Vernani's "Refutation of the Monarchia Composed by Dante", and Pope John XXII's "Bull Si Fratrum"] (By: Anthony K. Cassell) [published: February, 2004] Hardcover – 2 Feb. 2004
>Buy new: £179.90

is he just reading this or is he explaining things?
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If you’re ever over I’ll buy you one
Let me guess. You’ve never been to Leeds in your life. Travellers don’t live in harehills you subhuman. Go on Google dumb dumb and type in Leeds site. You must have things muddled up man. We don’t live around browns as they’re viewed as untrustworthy subhumans. The only people breaking harehills up is the same ones that live there, brown and black bastards. But again, you’ve never actually lived anywhere near there.
>Feminist professor to lead shake-up of national curriculum
>Review to scrutinise teaching material and examine challenges facing pupils

>A feminist professor will lead a shake-up of the national curriculum for schools in England, the Government has announced.

>Prof Becky Francis, the chief executive of learning charity the Education Endowment Foundation, will chair a wholesale review of the school syllabus “to breathe new life into our outdated curriculum”, the Education Secretary said on Friday.

>The review will scrutinise all aspects of teaching material for pupils aged five to 18 and will “look closely at the key challenges to attainment for young people,” the Department for Education (DfE) said.

>All state schools will be required to teach the updated curriculum once the review is completed next year. This will include academies, which do not currently have to follow the national curriculum.
ngl prefer carly/rubymong to this lazy charli spam
Good luck
This is basic technique from French cookery and the goal has always been to use ingredients very efficiently for economic reasons (ie restaurants)
And it opens the door to lots of flavour with not much effort as the basics of sauces can be applied to so many other cuisines
Does take a lot of planning but once you get into it you just always have inexpensive homemade high quality stock and other bases available
old mates are in a disc call together, I stopped speaking to them a couple years ago because I was mentally ill
would love to speak to them but it'd be weird
/teenage girl tier blog
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you cant distinguish your own kind from brown wogs, stupid gay caravan dwelling subhuman
why do they call cocaine blow when you acually suck it through the 'strils
thats somebody's little boy
deeply sad
Want to be my friend
they were actual roma gypsies not irish travellers
4chan poster posts twitter image that's a screenshot of an facebook post
sums it up
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Don't worry about it
wtf is a disc call
private message them and ask how they're doing, or something
what do you have to lose? and what do you have to gain?
Just join, you won't regret it
mikey is a roma gypsy and a homosexual
discord call
prefer not to say
Reminds me of Poley's Paki Sissy blog
it's ltierally the same bender
Sam question but blow jobs
a call that you record to a dvd-r and somebody sends you a reply on another dvd-r
got thanked for waiting and informed that my call is important to them on the phone earlier lads
Great idea
allah akbar etc
Bloody well done lad
I can do quite easily. We have white skin and fair eyes. You know, as any European would. The filth down around harehills which is 99% of it is as black as the ace of spades. Subhumans with an IQ that hovers around 65. Not surprising they broke the place up. Filth does that. Especially filth that believes in some faggot paedophile prophet that raped children
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someone just said Maggie Gollumhall wasn't as pretty as her brother
not important enough for them to answer
I wouldn't make a very good friend
something's refusing to let me, they've probably moved on and resent me now as I ghosted them out the blue after being best mates for years
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I worry for radahn desu. noe had died like 200 times to him
The evening is just starting in Soho xx
>If you’re ever over
Maybe one day m8. I've supposedly got a half-family in the UK and could apply for citizenship because of some rule about my dad being a UK citizen or something like that. Maybe some day I'll be in the UK and pint it up :)
its not mate. its really not
terribly inefficient
tell them you had mental health issues or something
you can't let this slip, cause you'll be thinking about it for years if you do nothing
you have swarthy skin and poo coloured eyes and you worship the pope who is a paedophile
I know we like to joke about and have a laugh but serious heads on for a second, please. Very important post coming along shortly...
He's trying to rape you mate
Reminder that as per the King's speech, Labour fully plan to go ahead with their digital ID scheme. This will also effectively abolish online anonymity, as you will be required to provide this ID to access any and all 18+ websites.
Every post you make on 4chan will be linked to your digital ID and will be kept in a record. And don't forget, Labour, just like the Tories, also want to make VPNs illegal.
You best hope there is no data breach that allows everything you've ever posted here after the digital ID rollout to be leaked and linked to your person IRL.
Also don’t boil the chicken bones in the stock because it will emulsify the fat and suspend up the insoluble bits to make the stock cloudy and too fatty (dilutes flavours later)
Just simmer it slowly so there are a few bubbles every couple seconds, you’re basically making a tea out of the bones
Some solids will float to the top at the beginning, skim them off as they taste bitter and chalky
Strain it well after it’s cooked and store it in the fridge, fat will solidify at the top which can (if stored properly) keep it fresher for longer, but usually you will just want to separate the solid fats and use the gelatinous stock that is produced

Sorry for the double replies, I have been drinking so I am forgetful haha
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>Armie Hammer says his disturbing comments to women about his cannibalism fantasies doesn't make him a cannibal.
>"I don't think that's any different than when someone looks at a baby and goes, 'Oh my God, look at those cute little fat legs, I just want to eat you up'"
She’s pretty beat
Was weird she was in that Batman movie as I haven’t seen it but the one before that had an actress that looked a bit like her but was actually pretty and she looks like a bog toad lady from some Slavic folklore or something
okay rape you tomorrow
i just hope you dont bump into your dad
or worse, suck him off at the glory hole
shut the fuck up 2016mong/onlinesafetybillmong
poo willy bum
bum poo willy
willy bum
poo bum
willy willy bum
julia is my least favourite of the gyaldem
warm and humid overnight and tomorrow
I guarantee they don’t unless you had some kind of confrontational meltdown with them
Reconnect with your friends you won’t regret it you have nothing to lose
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might be the biggest mong on planet earth
No harm in trying to source the birth certs to get a British passport. Realistically Australians and New Zealanders should be able to come to this country as they please. One of those things though isn’t it. Seriously though, you ever over, I’ll buy you a drink. I mean that. No shite talk
Circumvented within 20 minutes of rollout.
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why's that my lad?
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Unimpressive, very bad.
saw her getting blacked and didnt like it
pop the ac on lad
ashes to ashes
Nobody from any other country should be able to come here as they please.
The female penoix
Wonder how long the lad will post his shit soho gimmick for
Looks white to me rasheed
the one before hate katie holmes
it was weird how everyone kept saying how beautiful maggie gyllenhaal was in the dark knight
was like nowadays with people saying gorilla loooking women like serena williams are beautiful
ruined my immersion cos she was grim
>Nooo the heckin' numbers should be used for photos of Nips and anime noooo
wrong lass lad
you have hair like a paki bastard subhuman
never say im wrong
this but unironically and also for peng tings
Excreta coloured "people" rioting again
Well us Irish can. I think Australians and Kiwis should too
might masturbate to some hardcore pornography
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Diego hasn't been on for 3 weeks
not sure just something about her is offputting. big fan of lauren though
shut up wog cunt
get the new made. I WON'T ask again
Can you hang yourself and join them
swear he's been here today
You shouldn't be allowed to either. Especially you in fact, You're subhumans, never met a bogtrotters that shouldn't be popped in an oven. Domestic pets, not people.
Need your puny weeb brains bashed out with a hammer
might be the resting bitch face and her darker vibes
yeah well we can't all just skip the line, it would be utter anarchy

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