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gyaldem edish
disgusting wenches
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*puts Rorke in the Sharpshooter*
rorke brushing his teeth a little too enthusiastically
Not sure if we're allowed to discuss this on 4chan
Might upset the new janman
havent been called a mean name here in a while
You only got to sit on the beaches in year 6
Did they really just make up Madri to get a piece of the Estrella action
who told her chinese writing on both her knee caps was a good idea, mad how they're infinitely more wealthy than any of us
thanks, i'll keep that in mind lad. enjoy your beveraginos
mr potter... our... new... celebrity...
this is what heaven looks like
based edish
Army hammer
24 hour ban served after saying 'bloody hell' to a video of a fire in Leeds. That showed us!
Did someone say beveragino?
90s childhood for me, green school uniform, did the gooood mooooorniiiiing eveeeeeryboooody thing
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literal fucking death heat levels

i cant fucking sleep
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had a dark green uniform

for me, it was swiping magnets over the screens of the box computers cos it made a mad wavy rainbow pattern not realising that it bricks the computer lol

also talking about runescape with your mates in class
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you don't know what suffering is
brewed with discretion, never with haste
>make post
>come back to it a few minutes later
>have replies i can't respond to because a new thread has been made and everyone's moved on
>it's one of those fucking spastic ritualposter editions too
fuck this gay earth
who wants their willy sucked?
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>poof thinks 17c is spicy
Everyone born between 1993-1997 is supremely based.
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Was sweating like a mad man last night over the heat. Hard to cope with it
snooze ya lose
say bye to those (yous)
getting a hangover already drinking these beers, fucking sweating out all my BASTARD hydration
Your mum got a couple of minutes spare?
Did you get some of your patented tunage on to cool down did you there fella
you’re such a whiny faggot omg you’ve been like this all day
early 2000s I was in a blazer and trousers
same here lad
feels like temp is the same as well
theres girls on the internet
i just woke up cunt
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Gyaldemfreak on the left
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based subedish x
There could be girls on /brit/
Unlikely but possible
There are more girls on the hyphanet
*cites this post as justification for my megalomania*
na not possible. women would immediately leave this hideous place
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the olympics are almost here
Mad how you don’t need any qualifications to join certain roles in the british army. Keep getting advertisements for it on YouTube when I’m flicking through the shorts. Awful hard up aren’t they.
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Watched Inside Out 2 and ngl, Anxiety going Super Saiyan and taking over hit a little too close to home. Shame my other emotions weren't strong enough to overcome my paranoid bullshit like the kid in the movie's were
this that showspeed fella i keep hearing about?
Trannies don't count
who is she? cute

nice arse
mad how we all had the same cadence saying that like going up on 'ning and down and back up again on the teachers surname
ladies of /brit/... this is your moment!
Cute lad
you should use brave browser. i never get ads from youtube
forget it Jake, it's /brit/
80s childhood for me
she wants a working class /brit/ posting bf who is also a NEET
there are girls here, one made a vocaroo once. she liked vicky 2 iirc

the bench hits so hard
did anyone else have the thing where only year 6 sat on the benches?
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danielle tomlinson
but he killed 37 people
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>she liked vicky 2
>in my mind we were already married
Yeah I’ll have to start doing that. The adverts are just killer. They all add up. Try make you choose whatever the latest shit you heard of too
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false flag obvious
screwing your dad in the bumhole and knobbing your mum up the vagina
oops! how did you get out granddad! come on haha let's get you back to your bed! *carefully guides you out of the thread by your arm*
Absolute single digit iq asian bimbo on I literally just told you
I always thought working class people were like the really poor people who had the shittiest jobs like binmen and dangerous factory work.

Nothing working class about me, never worked in my life and i shant start any time soon
Yeah we know what adverts are
yeah if you can pick us up same time in the morning lad ta
Mikey explaining the concept of advertising.lmfao
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off to bed
its well worth it. cant remember how long ive been on brave but i couldnt be doing with youtube ads
not seen this one for a while lad
just thinking about how bad the history education i had was. All i remember being taught was
>romans had aqueducts
>greek mythology
>black death
>henry the 8th
>loads about slavery
>ww1 was very sad, nothing about battles or politics
>ww2, loads of muh holocaust and the rise of hitler

literally nothing about
>anglo saxons
>the union with scotland
>anything at all to do with ireland even the troubles
>they never explained what agincourt, trafalgar waterloo were or why they were important
>nothing about the american revolution
>nothing about napoleon at all
> nothing about the west africa squadron
>nothing about the industrial revolution

what the actual fuck
filthy archosaur

I'm an austria main actually
most jobs associated with the working class pay better than your so-called white collar jobs here, truly an egalitarian society
I know but it's Sheldon xP
no mirrors in your house?
didn’t ask for your life story pal
still in disbelief that this happened
its actually unreal
madness just madness
Black yutes call white teens they pick up in town "roadmeat"

garn hairfta hath a wank finkin bouther pullin me off
haha good thread everyone keep it up
cringing at the obvious projection
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definitely better than other worcester sauces tbf, the others are all too heavy on the cloves
crocodiles aren't that green, stupid moll
Reading a Reddit thread about a film but every post is irritating in some way
Everyone is trying to make themselves look better in very female-brained ways even though most of them are men. Vile place
Go play your little video game if it's so good and stop bothering us fatty
Mental looking back that they taught us Latin. Language nobody speaks. Most of school is filler
Nah you
And it was you
You got DONE
tarq freak
Have I Got Establishment Propaganda For You
>Everyone is trying to make themselves look better in very female-brained ways
used this in my shrimp tomato pasta sauce the other day
Gf is 8 years older than me
*smacks you round the head with a rune 2h*
don't get cheeky with me prick
you know it is made with anchovies
true fact
two buffalo girls go round the outside
*shags your arse*
Cuck timmy
yo cody, bro, pass the war sesstur shyer sauce dude
This is an actual example of that thing you were moaning about in the old thread because you're a thick bastard then reposted here btw

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Sol invictus
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thoughts? my thoughts are that you are a bender
He is done. Cooked rare.

the vocaroo
normdrones are making noise outside
Was excellent
really rounded out the whole meal
Highly recommended
used to have a gf who was 9 years older than me, ditched her for being needy and wanting to talk to me all the time, i may be a schizoid
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this retard thinks he's an artist lmfao
Say fuck off /brit/
No thoughts
Head full of gen z boss and a mini
Sir Queer Bummer
Gf is 8 years younger than me
i'm in my 20s

all i can say is, life is good
spagbol, peanut butter jam samwich and litre of whole milk down the hatch

now for the second litre
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for me
nonce cunt
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have a 10 year out of date bottle of this in my cupboard

used it on cheese and toast recently

dont taste any different to a fresh one
might have a cheeky nervous breakdown
had TWO cans of kopperberg lads
not in the archives, bizarre lie
Age is just a number
you must be absolutely steaming there lad, steady on aha x
love scots
thats a mental night by yank standards
>won't talk about it a second time
oh please, he's going to milk this thing for all it's worth
this was built during the early 70s oil crisis
Sir Keir Nigger
it's nice, quite sweet though
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older birds give you far less grief desu
You just said you want to do fucking what?!
always water down my cans when no one is looking so i dont end up spewing haha
on the incel train to my incel job
lie. when i was 22 i went with a 37 year old for a few months and she made my life hell
Gf is 20 years younger than me
Mad how he bladed
Gf hasn't been born yet
Dats it
Get sad when I’m reminded he exists
tell us what happened lad
quit posting nigga
If Starmer is our Biden who is our Trump
I'm not her

I reuploaded it
mental that almost like you should be in /cum/ so you don't have to see it
obvs farage you spak
alan sugar
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So if Ukrainians starve under Stalin it's genocide but if British subjects do it's because of Indians being lazy bums who didn't get a job
you don’t need oil tae make windaes
Be right back forum
Half your age minus 7
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
got my pooey hoodie on
mmm hmm
You get 2 hours a week max and most kids are thick as pigshit, what do you expect? Kids do maths for 11 years and most zoomers still can't add up for shit.
leftypol........ mate................
Gen Z boss and a willy
och ma boaby ye dinnae kin like aye pure beelin fae shure
nige on a shoogly peg an aw ken like
The Fugitive
she had bpd
very manipulative
physically abusive
stole my car
honestly thats just the tip of the iceberg
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It's twice your age plus five

Nothing like fucking your friend's mum in your early teens
nae cunt talks like this
streuth crikey they really do talk like that dont they
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the original, check the archives again

I'm back
And better than ever
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First of all, I really like Katy Perry. I have been a fan for a long time and I remember her seemingly never-ending reign on the pop charts in 2010s.

I think that if someone is younger or didn’t pay much attention to pop back then, it is hard for them to understand how powerful and relevant she actually was - having the most viewed halftime show record for many years should speak for itself…

Anyhow, with the new single release and the general public’s lukewarm reaction it got me thinking - what should she actually do to be back on top?

In my opinion, she should be more willing to take risks with her sound and she should embrace more her singer-songwriter side, which I am confident is there (Thinking of you, The one that got away…). Sure, she was the queen of uplifting power anthems, but it is hard to top Firework and Roar, plus pop artists that have longevity simply change their sound throughout the years and Katy hasn’t really done that.

If you were Katy’s advisor, what would yo recommend her to do right now?
I have drank in The Shoogly Peg
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>early teens
Blade Runner
Programming is so gay, you have to be a proper little freak to be interested in that shite.

Just seen some guy trying to explain the outage that happened today and I was bored to tears


Obviously I just typed a bunch of nonsense there but that's how those FREAKS talk, they need their head flushed in a toilet before being thrown in a locker.
finnish flag going on the filter
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Mwuah the merlot.
in Edinburgh?
Americans be naming they kids Ryhley
Just look at me
Spent the day walking around and had to wash my feet to stop my shit stinking as I drink and shit[post. Turns out sweat is gross
proper fell for the learn2code meme not long ago and tried following some coding tutorial
gave up after a week lol boring tedious shite
was a good decision cos its completely oversaturated now and AI
wtf she needs me
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i should watch a Kubrick
imagine all the bumming going on in the dark rooms right now
mad how fred elliot and darth vader were in this scene and nobody remembers (myself excepted of course lad)
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But you won't, you'll just bore us with your blog instead
Beautiful girls!!! I would love to get drunk and harass them hahahah
I actually had lockers at my school, nobody used them though
Evening my droogs and what a fine 'ning it is. Posting on the 'chon on Fri day. Who could ask for anything more? Viddy this, my droogs, I propose we conduct our meetings only using the ol' Nadsat so the bruiseboys and the nannys don't establish the crux of our govoreet, lest we have to use our britvas
Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you enuch jelly, thou
it is a bit late for a film but not too late to write a blog
Was that in wales or
Think this image is illegal mate
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Did /brit/ know that Lithuania is more powerful than Poland?
And I think about both exactly the same amount, which is to say not at all.
would like poofs a lot more if they were cute and normal instead of being big fat hairy blokes getting their arseholes fisted and filled with 20 cocks in a row
Imagine the loser that drew those soyjaks
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Why is British food so fucking bland? Japan is an island and it's food is very good and flavorful, so why does English food taste like people forgot to add any sort of seasoning? Does all other food (French, American, etc.) taste way too strong to Englishmen?
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Wish I was born in the 1200s as a royally commissioned blacksmith

nice try Donatas Shitpostikas
What the fuck is American food?
All you'd do is make horseshoes all day
homosexuality is a fetish
they don't really exist
being in "love" with a member of the same sex is merely a serious mental illness that needs treatment
Poo had a slightly tangy, almost smoky aroma this time.
your country's only value to the world is being the gameboard Chinese play ponzi scheme on
might smoke some marriage iguana
Mount Sinai, you say?
basically just european food made as unhealthy as possible
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>island nation where it frequently rains and we don't get a lot of sunshine so root vegetables are grown
>spices don't grow naturally
>root vegetables are bland

Gee, I don't know why our national dishes are bland you fucking spastic, I'll get investigators right on the case!
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You need to update the /int/ narrative. The Polish cocksucking is getting too much and it's false.
ran out last night and not picking up until next week laaaaaaaaaa how will i cope
got the teeth whitening strips in
*drools all over you*
dont care about the boring pol shit fuck off
how the fuck is the average person in this country making £45k a year
irish mfers are rich
ah, it's yourself so it is
get the spice in (don't)
>you fucking spastic
You're a bigger spastic for replying to it btw
Yes you are
Get your smelly bedroom even hotter with your seethe
Love simple food
Love rain
Love mild weather
Love these islands
they aren't, a few people are making multiple millions a year
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Have a negroni. Have two.
Has anyone got the picture with the black fella in it where he says 'Piss off you stupendous virign'? Cheers.
mad how women think tattoos look good
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I'm picturing it in my mind if that helps x
abysmal thread
Imagine the goyest of goy slops, a literal abomination of ingredients that have been cooked up to save the most amount of money and make the population as fat and docile as possible.

That's American "food"
gdp isn't income or average income retards
All out negronis though
Is a beer alright?
get the madri's in
Why should average income be lower than gdp? Doesn't seem fair
It's me Austin! It's me Austin! It was me all along, Austin!
Kevin R. Nash
chavmongs being chavvy and mongy outside
Do you know what GDP is?
Imagine if the holocaust actually happened, that would honestly be grim as fuck.
actually considering a pot noodle
yet you're too scared to come out and challenge us, we own you
Genuinely thought Lithuania was in Africa until just now
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ice cold vimto
giant dick penis
which flavour lad?
have two
Probably watched the most GDP of anyone here. Still wank to it to this day
agree, but I still enjoy attempting to (and failing horribly) program something in python/c
stop being chavvy and mongy
*peng as fuck
just deepthroated a galaxy ripple
for me it’s APL
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just disguised my willard as a galaxy ripple and this fat incel sucked me off without even hesitating
George Burgess is looking chunky
Most honest /brit/ poster itt, have to respect that.
Meanwhile no woman thinks about you ever
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these are actually proper peng
>I cannot provide a response that condones or promotes the idea that the Holocaust, a genocide that resulted in the murder of six million Jews and millions of others deemed undesirable by the Nazi regime, “should have happened.” The Holocaust was a horrific and morally reprehensible event that was the result of anti-Semitic and racist ideologies, and it is essential to recognize its gravity and condemn any notion that it was justified or desirable.


>me topping my husband
Woah bit much there love not into that
if this real im finna gonna boutta kys myself for real nigga
chat is this real
you got any hard evidence to back that statement up?
Why didn't they just say 100,000 or even a million?

6 million? Yeah right, must think I was fucking born yesterday.
get the new in ffs
We're just getting Trumping
irish, swiss and norge dabbing on us
mad how fit some trannies are
just mad
mong in the dunce chair edition
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That's no excuse, there's tons of spices that grow in mild climates like thyme, rosemary, etc., and now with globalization and being exposed to actual good food like what the French can do, there's really no excuse for continuing to have such bland fucking food. Do you guys not mind it?
Everything taking influence from each other. Also, New Orleans, food as the fusion of cultures required to make it could only happen in America.

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