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sailing on the good ship /brit/
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seaside subedish
that ship is swimming
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it was a joke
look up what that tattoo location means
you can't post the bats
ah yes the famous american sense of humour
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Glory to the Soviet Union. Glory to the Workers.
nigga is hot
cant wait till he dies
Fuck off you evil mutant.
know for a fact you're some skinny or fat neek who wears wire-frame glasses
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cam raaaaaaaaand
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barber just fucked my shit up
Roadmen caught a white ting in the street ahaha
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fat pig
anyone wanna see this guy's chinese wife
wonder why black christians always get so obsessed about jesus's skin colour, literally nobody cares what he looked like but them, there may be a few paintings floating around depicting him as a blue-eyed aryan but nobody actually believes he looked like that
Only supple pink pussy for roadmen
is jeremy clarskon's beer any good
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For me it's Chinese Jesus. Chinksus if you will.
of course not
t. never tried it or heard of it
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We need more education to teach white daughters to respect BLACK IMMIGRANTS
fucked it the fat clown
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Heard good things about James May's gear.
Seaside army winning again

/Brit/ is a key outpost of the seaside army and we will defend it with our lives.
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there needs to be a compensation claim for this shit
the damage they can do is insane
Had it last years, and the ciders. Was dece but too IPA-y for me
The entire front line is collapsing. Bad news for NATO. Good news for workers.
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Asian troops commanded by white officers.
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the trumptards are NOT going to like this
Ginger bred men do the willy hop.
i am the very model of a modern major general
JD Vance looks like a fat baby
do cockneys still exist?
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not really, but you have essex boys which carry the spirit on
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Baltics will always side with the West because they fucking hate Russia above all else.
nah this time it was my fault
thought I asked for it a bit too long the time before and then this time its too short
right before a business trip too lol
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ultimately all it boils down to is whether or not you think existence is good or not
Got my first taekwondo grading soon de lads
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fuck off you horrid cunt
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White people = good
Brown and black people = bad
I cannot understand why sacked tranny posts here.
that british feel
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what does /brit/ outsource?
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for attention, which you just gave
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little known fact: British and American soldiers in WW2 didn't shoot at visible targets 80 percent of the time
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me middle right
Little known fact: Bon-bons play on the sunny beach of peppermint bay.
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they could only see canadian troops 20% of the time
Shut the fuck up
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How tall am I
booo dooo booo doo doo doo boo doo yeah
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selling drugs as a teenager was so much fun
gender dysphoria got me on the ropes
should i have another bokkle of cider lads
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this ones for reverend green
for reverend green
for reverend green
for ever in green
for reverend green
for ever in green OOOOOHHH AAAA
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who will sail on the bad ship then?
Got the piss porn on
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>tfw no cute twink Julian to mentor and serve as my personal assistant
Is life even worth living?
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Reckon bed time for me de lads. Toil starts at 15:00 pm tomorrow afternoon so can have a nice long kip.

Inuit gf when?
just a coward me
completely spineless
no backbone at all
probably explains my hatred of jellyfish so much
they remind me of me
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They also have no brain eyes or anus
goof looks like he's wearing eyeliner
got a brain
got eyes
got an anus
got no fortitude
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Honestly mad that Legend of the Galactic Heroes has never got a proper English translation.

Reckon if it does, it should be called "Spiral Labyrinth" or "Sea of Stars".
My mistake, 1 coffin
when did the ironic nonceposting stop being ironic
Is it still worth watching? The boys are cute x
rorkes stay winning
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die neue these any good then?
I want to watch this but it is absurdly long
quite daunting
It follows the novels more closely
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Yes. Kircheis x Reinhard 4eva.
Not that long really, 110 episodes of 25 minutes or so each. Should take about 45 hours.
Proper gay roleplaying hours this.
secret product and a trench.
i'm too hot
(god damn)
Total Sacked Troon Death
just had a sip of my water not even lying
japs love their german shite don't they? german aesthetics, german language, german people, german history
you'd think for inselaffe they'd be a lot more invested in us but no, the axis powers remain culturally tied even 70+ years on
Don't want to be racist anymore, but I don't want to be antiracist either.
might spaff
Just reading up on this crowdstrike global blackout thing.
So basically rajjesh and kumar changed some 0's to some 1's and literally bricked billions of corporate systems

Pajeets doing the needful
Why did they redeem?
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There are about as many Anglophiles are Teutonophiles in Japan. I'm half-English-German and can speak German so I could play both sides when I lived there.
Desperately want to impregnate Kimiko from The Boys
Just wanted to tell m' friends that I'm going to the music studio again.
Drag queens feel the pinch of rising costs

oh shit timmy bros we eatin' good now
18 year old lad whose family i'm staying with just came in my room and asked me about conspiracies and the 1% and all that, basically asking me to redpill him cos he's had some worrying realisation recently
basically just told him it's all way too complicated for me to explain when i'm this tired but that it can get very depressing and not to get too worked up about it all
the fuck am i supposed to say to him lmao
say jews
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Remember watching the entire 95 episodes of three kingdoms (2010)
96 episodes, 50 minutes each
Gelt a bit empty once it ended
it's because i make so many jokes about jews that he knew to ask me
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just send him this
They need a visa where we can just live there but not work and be paid a UBI
I'm going to be honest lads, I hope Ukraine gets crushed and assimilated into Russia and we never have to hear about them again. Stupid made up country with an ugly little dwarf cokehead president.
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>In a thread with Three Kingdoms and LotGH enjoyers
umm hello based department?
I thought they all made their own costumes but according to this it seems you can just spend thousands of pounds to have someone make one for you instead
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got any more images i can save to show him lad
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well rorke?
guess they're kind of like fursuits
not right now
too pissed to find them
was just saying this down the pub
Twelve Kingdoms was good Isekai
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The eternal Rus shall be unified
no worries. i might search through pol archives
Not even joking when I say this lads. I told my mum I'd take some of her clothes to the charity shop for her and I did. However, I've kept some of her clothes and the looser fitting ones fit me. I've never felt a stronger erotic thrill than wearing women's clothes. My dick was like iron. Got butterflies in my chest and stomach and felt light headed.
nigga went from Caterpie to Metapod to Butterfree
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twitter can just take away all a person's followers?
just wait till november
the fix is in
mad that yanks use electronic voting machines
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got my iq test in
it's called X now sweetie
what is 'evidence' in this statement
why did he dismiss the evidence of cigarettes causing cancer?
going to go right ahead and say this, whatever you do, don't have your cock inverted, please
i will live in the pod
i will not eat the bugs
life is a compromise
More like
Cao basee
Russia will buckbreak the west
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fuck you joe biden
Together forever and never to part
Together forever we two
And don't you know I would move heaven and earth
To be together forever with you?
maybe it's not 'evidence' or something. what counts as evidence.
big fan of schizo posting myself too
my solution to the XL Bully problem? Give them to the prison guards.
I'd also give the prisoners domestic rescue animals to look after.
In my opinion we could combine many animal shelters and prisons.
Push your testicles in to the canal from whence they once dropped, then pull your pecker in between your buttocks and tape it. You have now tucked.
genuinely not a bad idea
my solution to the XL Bully problem? confiscate them and release them in leeds
but what of The Yank Question?
it's that time of the night when you bunch of absolute freakozoid mans are on then it seems. absolutely makes me want to box the lot of your eds in sometimes, doosh doosh doosh bosh! I'll do it I swear
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I regularly cross dress, here's my favourite pic x
we must be annexed as the 51st state, simple as
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if you could learn a trade, what would you pick?
hands like a fucking bricklayer
phwoar big knobule on your left
Jew catcher
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I'm trying but it was a pretty grim day
I'm doing okay for the year but it's till depressing
Chimney sweeping
become plod so I could arrest you
literally exactly like the tranny in silence of the lambs
poo catcher
Blair's legacy
fucking hell
how much is your portfolio
Most lads here would bum and split his batty.
just got back from the gfs
we watched withnail and I and drank wine
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is brit going to be a millionaire?
goodbye horses
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what haha x
I do work a manual job, I'm not trans so I'm not bothered about my hands
would love to see your big knobule ;)
rude lol
hmmmm, all the /brit/ boys taking turns on my bum yes please xx
Pheasant plucker
no, im going to be billionaire
are you a multi-millionaire?
around $500k
Any of you man go uni? Drop out. Now.
When you have a million you'll realise its not worth a lot as it used to I'd aim higher 10 mil by 50 at least
went to uni and now im a welder aha
no but im rich presenting
Went to university. Now I am the university. That's real hustler shit.
what's this
chut chut watto
went to uni, wfh, and make low six figures
if you are bored ,can you help me film and a produce an oscar bait period drama? not sure about the topic. maybe george floyd?
Major Depressive Disorder

A. Five (or more) of the following symptoms have been present during the same 2-
week period and represent a change from previous functioning; at least one of
the symptoms is either (1) depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure.
1. Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated by either
subjective report (e.g., feels sad, empty, hopeless) or observation made by
others (e.g., appears tearful).
2. Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of
the day, nearly every day
3. Significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain, or decrease or increase in appetite
nearly every day.
4. Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day.
5. Psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly every day (observable by others,
not merely subjective feelings of restlessness or being slowed down).
6. Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day.
7. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt (which may be
delusional) nearly every day (not merely self-reproach or guilt about being
8. Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day
(either by subjective account or as observed by others).
9. Recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recurrent suicidal ideation
without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing
B. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social,
occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
C. The episode is not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance or
another medical condition.
D. At least one major depressive episode is not better explained by schizoaffective
disorder and is not superimposed on schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder,
delusional disorder, or other specified and unspecified schizophrenia spectrum
and other psychotic disorders.
E. There has never been a manic episode or a hypomanic episode.
Are you the Birmingham bottom?
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not reading any of that
Got about £100 in savings
I'm 33
it's friday night and we are on 4channel
chebbing fucking nora!
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we are the lucky ones


i just got back from the gfs so im happy
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prefer not to say...
Can be cured by a night with her desu
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I promise you, that slag would not help in any way
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no wife
no kids
no friends
living NEET lifestyle but with high paying job

I could survive on $20k a year
love anime slags with big cocks
time for rum
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you need to grow your hair out a bit more it looks too small for your head
coming up
aye but little ones
think women are falling out of the tallpill
show me the physical cause of depression in the brain
women just want men who are taller than them, that's literally it
anything else is just nonsense social media shite
I've been growing it since January (it was really short).
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catyank is going to get it
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show me evidence of your sex life
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spaino wanking to this imager
thyroids not producing enough hormones?
beginning to understand what the Upanishads were on about
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Take me back to 1993
they're alright i suppose
image of seasidemark holding up his shitty boxers has been burned into my brian
its the slight smirk that does it
why the fuck did you remind me lad ffs
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The sweltering summer of 2024
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>burned into my brian
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followed through de lads
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The british rendition of Perseus
loving this weather
no idea how anyone can hate it
winter is by far the shittest period of every year and summer is the best
don't feel well
It's nig weather. Too fucking hot.
ah yes
room temperature beer
I enjoy every season
i'd also ditch the lipstick or get a different shade
contemplating a wank
she looks like she exclusively has sex with white men
The heady summer of 2009 as it were.

bit mad that a mare can orgasm on human willy
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Whats wrong with this fella?
any recs on lipstick?
>not having a mini fridge next to your computer to store your drinks
povvo problems
mental how tim is forgotten now
rorke tossing and turning in his bed, cursing the jet stream and the exotic peoples associated with it
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hmmmm, tights

MJ really was something else
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>retardation nearly every day
Yeah bro my retardation comes and goes like the wind lel
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something lighter and less harsh like pic rel, possibly glossy
Bedrooms smells of farts, sweat, and sperm
Another night posting on the 'chon while all the normies are out shagging
Love it when you can see butthole creases peeking out from a womans underwear.
casual sex is a myth
dunno what the king is dreaming right now. he could be dreaming of Canada
mental how michael jackson was an obvious peadophile and everyone has basically forgotten
For you maybe lol
so funny
what proof do you have besides the parents who coerced their kid to make up stories
got warlock powers myself, can tell when my friends are dreaming about me or when i have appeared in their dreams
will consider it, thanks xx
nah its exagerrated a lot
what's that black and white anime about a femcel
Saturn looking GOURGEOUS and very visible in the southeastern sky tonight

get up and give it a gaze if you'd be so kind chaps
it's up there all alone so has no partners to get confused with
yeah lad, he liked to invite boys to his mansion and sleep in bed with them purely innocently
have a word with yourself mate

don't tell me you're one of those /pol/ freaks who thinks he was against DA JOOOZ because of that one lyrics
yes, i felt that, good job you lunatics
rorke in 30 years
For you yeah
19 my arse
Any pics? x
Imagine that the idea of just having sex with a woman and never seeing her again is like, mythical to you. Lol. Lmao actually
komi can't communicate?
man shut yo gotdamn muthafuggin incel ass up nigga
Casual sex is for people with no soul
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- Taken with my iphoen
done that freak
i've done it
wasn't for me
if that's what you're into, best of luck
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Zoomers are sexless freaks
bit of blowjob fun is alright but penetration should be saved for the special person in your life
there's a girl with a scar on her face, it used to get posted on 4chan a lot
Favourite wrestling finisher lads?
chainsaw man?
have accidentally casually sexed my way into too many terrible relationships aha not for me anymore I reckon lads
chainsaw lad, british translation
im just a man who hasn't seen the evidence. could you help me out with that?
Chainsaw mandem
I'm a gay incel who has never had sex because I keep imagining how much it would disappoint my Dad.
I want to be a bottom btw
no they were in school clothes (not in a nonce way)

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